w. . J.. ' Pooular Faith Concents iiejeciea by By LOUIS CASSKLS United Press International What is faith? Virtually every Christian writer since the time of St. Paul has of- fcred a definition. Despite the multiplicity of words already said on the sub ject, it is a notable event when Dr. Karl Barth undertakes to spell out the meaning of faith. Barth's stature among modern theologians has been likened to that of "a giant among pygmies.' Many regard him as one of the greatest Christian thinkers ot all time. In his latest book, "Evangeli cal Theology: An introduction" (Holt, Hinehart & Winston, $4), Barth devotes a whole chapter to faith. First, lie rejects as false or in- adequate a number of concepts of faith which are widespread to day, even among theologians. Faith, Not Doctrine Faith, he says, is not merely a matter of giving "assent to cer tain propositions and doctrines" which one has encountered sec ond hand" in the Bible or in the teachings of the church. ' Such a "blind" acceptance of external authority is a "house of cards in which no one would be well advised to take occupancy." The first strong wind of doubt or adversity may blow it down. Nor is faith a wishful opinion, or "hypothesis" which man for mulates when he arrives at "the boundary of what he considers to be certain human knowledge." If faith were no more than a bravencw every morning.' Klamath Falls Girl Leaves For Assignment With Brethren Volunteer Service Program A new challenge and adventure awaits Jeanettc Riffey, 18, who left Jan. 2 to join the Brethren Volunteer Service program. She will be assigned to a social or welfare project in the United! States alter completing two months of training at New Wind sor, Md., and serve for one year as a volunteer worker. The final decision concerning Jeanette's assignment will be made near the middle, of the training period on the basis of1 project needs and openings, her qualifications and training, and lwr project preferences. Interest ed only in Ihc opportunity to serve, society, Jcanette slated, "Wherev er they decide to place me will be all right. I have no preference as to work or locality. The Brethren Volunteer Serv ice began in June, 1IM8, when the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference authorized a "broad plan of volunteer service" for Brethren youth. The purpose of Ihc program, as outlined by the Breth ren Service Commission, is to "serve human need physical, economic, educational, emotional and spiritual: and to serve I he cause of peace by giving young people a unique opportunity to grow together in the philosophy and the skills of peacemaking " The areas of service are nu merous and varied. Jranotlc may woik nun migrant (aim camps to set up nurseries, clinics, and worship programs; in a citv slum area In aid in recreational pro grams and community develop ment: in a church as a secretary and leader in recreation and wor ship: in a home for I lie aged or a children's home; in a home missions church in an isolated area: or she might help process material aid lor disaster areas of the world. If she had applied for at least a 24-monlh iM-riod of serv ice, Jcanette would have had the opiwtunity In receive an assign nicnt outside the continental Unit orl States, perhaps working with rciugce relief, village improve ment, or a work ramp. BVS pioj rets now span live continents more than a dozen countries, and a third of the slates in the U S Although Jcanette now plans In serve lor only a year, she will be able to extend her service should she decide In remain in the program for a longer time. According to Jcanolte. volun teer are required to be at least IR years old and in good mrnla! i M)i:n OBSERVATION WEST LOS ANGELES H IM' Mrs. Helen Schwarl;., mother ol actor Tony Curtis, was in Neverl)1 Hills Doctor Hospital today (or. rest and medical observation. Mrs. Schwarlz was exiei(cd In remain m the hospital lor scleral davs. First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch ot The Mothtr Churh. The CimI Church ot Chrul, Scientist in Boston, Mots. 10th ond Waihmgron Sorvicts: Sunday Srvict 1 1 00 .m. Sundov School 1 1 00 m m. Wtdnesdoy Eveninf Testtmonr Mettinq 8 00 O Clock Lcison-Scrmon Subject, January 6 "GOD" Golden Tit: Rvtlotien 21:3. Behold. tKt toktmotlt l Cod il with mm, ttd lit "ill dwfll with Ih.m. ond thf .holl b hil pcoplo, nd Qd himtott iholl bt with them, nd bo thtir God. NurMty totilitle. voiloblo dunnj churrh lorvlccl ineoiopn human leap into the unknown, It would be "scarcely worth men tioning." Finally, faith is not just -a "mood or attitude" which helps men to cope courageously with the vicissitudes of life. This sub jective view of faith as an end in itself, Barth notes, is one of the most popular heresies of mod ern Protestantism. Rook Describes Faith Having cleared away the un derbrush, Barth proceeds to Rive his own view of faith. And it is not so much a definition as a dc scriplion. Faith is a relationship between man and God which rests upon and is validated by first-hand ex perience. It occurs when man finds himself confronted by God, not as a proposition hut as a re ality. Man responds by "allirm ing, trusting and obeying" ihc reality which has laid hold upon him. "No one can take such action by his own power," says Barth "A man can only do this when he is overcome by God's word and its spirit of power." And yet, the act of faith is a! ways "genuinely and freely man's own." Man is sought be fore he seeks; the initiative is al ways with God. But the "event" of faith docs not take place until man responds wilh affirmation, trust and obedience. The response is not made once and for all. Faith is "a history, and physical health. The majori ty oi ine volunteers in MVS arc members of the Church of the Brethren, she added, but the pro gram welcomes persons of other religious and denominational af filiations. A ma graduate of Klamath Un ion High School, Jcanette has been working as church secretary and helping Rev. Carl Simmons wilh various church activities at the. local Church of the Brethren. 4273 Bristol Avenue. She said lit work heliicd her prepare lor her volunteer service and conlirmed her decision to enter HVS whif wailing for her application to he accepted. When she arrives in Maryland lor her training course, she will spend about five hours each d, in research, study, and discussion in such fields as Bible and basic- beliefs; children, youth and club work; uncial problems; pari- TRAVEL PREPARATIONS Packing a suitcase tails which confronted Jeanotte Riffev as she Volunteer bervice proqram. be assiqned to a one. year The daughter ot Mr. and fism; tTitfls and rvctT.it ion, nntl mtonulliu n rol.it inns. AlItT her pinjocl asMnnmrnl h;is !uvn m,nlo. shr will spoml the rcnrunini, wtoks of tumult; cnneentratiiiL; on ;nliuil work c peiiemr, with riiiplwivis pUuod on I he Mituul;ir kills ;md knowl lolj:o sv ill ihmm! Wtvk riuls "ill rirvotrd to (icput.K ion I rips to thuiilns, whuh will pivo Iht an npportumty to ttt w coninn;niciition ability m Ihc lu'ld slit1 has bcoti stutlymii. held hips i rt'i cation, mwi rot l llir sin- c Paul's Episcopal Observes Twelfth Day Of Christmas The traditional Epiphany serv ice, which falls on the Twelfth Day of Christmas, will be ob served Sunday at 1 p m. in St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Recog nized on the official Episcopal Church calendar, the "Feast of Lights" has been celebrated at St. Paul's for more than 20 years. The Epiphany is a festival of the Catholic, Anglican, and East ern churches held on Jan. 6 to Church Groups Set Conference ALTURAS Saturday evening. Jan. 12, is the date set for the annual meeting of the Modoc Lar ger Parish. Piececded by a pot- luck dinner, the meeting will be held in the parish hall of the New Federated Church in Alturas. Featured speaker for the eve ning will he Dr. Shirley Greene of St. Louis. Mo. Dr. Greene is Ihc United Church expert on rural life. His stop-over in Alturas will coincide with a tour he has made over the past month to churches throughout the western states. Coordinating the plans for the meeting are Hev. Lloyd Bailey of Cedarvillc and Rev. Carl Olson of Alturas. Election of officers for the 183 year will be held at the conclusion of the meeting. The Modoc Larger Parish is made up of Federated Church groups from Likely, Alturas, Fort Bidwcll, Cedarville, and Eagle- ville. cessful completion of tile course. she will be off for her assign ment. leanclle said she will receive room, board, laundry lacihties, ollicial travel, medical expenses, and a small monthly cash allow ance, but her housing will depend on the area and work to which she is assigned. If she enters a job wilh a Brethren church, she will probably live with members of the congregation. If her work is concerned with a hospital or communitv center. UVS will find her a suitable place to live locat ed near her work. Jcanette will receive a cash al lowance of $10 per month (or her lirst year of service, and this will he increased to $15 if she stavs for I second year. However, she will have to pay all personal costs such as clothing and transporta tion not directly connected with her job. She will not be permit- wflt only proparea After completinq a traininq period in Maryland, she wilt work project somewhere in the United States, Jeanette is Mrs. Ivan Riffey, 5244 Bristol A led In hie i tar on Ihe piojecl. unless there is n netM (or one. and she will not receive a .ua lion dunnc her year of service. but Jeanette doesn't real to mind tttosr resti ictions. JtMtietle ftvls Hie rpenemr she will 5.1m from HVS will be imalnablo. as lew promams can oiler souths the opportunity to make a significant contribution to sot lety while helpinn them to clar ity their thinking rec.irdmi; a vo cational choice REVIVAL CONTINUES ON THRU NEXT WEEK With Evangelist Fuchsia Parish Nightly Except Monday & Saturday 7:00 PM ASSEMBLY OF GOD 8th & Oak Postor, Lloyd Foiner commemorate the manifestations of Jesus Christ as the son of God. These disclosure!-' were made to the Magi at Bethlehem; at Christ's baptism by John in the Jordan River, when the voice from heaven proclaimed, "Thou art my beloved son in whom I am well pleased"; and at the marriage feast at Cana in Galilee, where Christ wrought his first miracle. One of the oldest ceremonies in the Christian Church, the ob servance of Epiphany can be traced to an earlier period the Eastern church than in the Western. In the Greek church, it was observed as eariy as the 2nd century, but the event commemo. rated by the Greeks was not the visit of the Magi to Nazareth, but the manifestation of Jesus at the Jordan as the Messiah. The earliest records of the 2nd century show that even at that time, there was considerable spec ulalion as to the origin of Epi phany, but evidence seems to in dicate it was the survival of earl ier customs and ceremonies re lating to the birth of Christ. The festival does not appear to have been observed in the Latin church until the 4th century. In England, the popular name for the festival is "Twelfth Day," meaning the twelfth day from SKATING SLATED An all church skating party, sponsored by. the First Christian Church, will be held from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Skaleland on Satur day, Jan. 5. All members are in vited to attend and bring their friends. Upon terminating their service, volunteers are expected to attend an end-of-service conference. This gives the volunteers a chance to evaluate their service experiences. md also redirects them in con structive channels, beyond their term of service, to their home communities, home churches, for further education, (or further church service, and to help them select avenues of employment in keeping with their ideals. In a sense, BVS might be recog nized as the forerunner to the Peace Corps because of the na ture of the projects it oilers and (he way it is set up. According to information released by the Church of the Brethren General Offices, directors of the Breth ren Volunteer Service prngram were consulted extensively by gov ernment officials at the time ofi the establishment of the Peace Corps. one of the last minute d to lertve tor the Brethren Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite Ward and Sons 92 H.o Ph. TU 2-4404 :C Wr N ffffl, ,T Another EXCLUSIVE! K333I-SS3i A ; J)'J;nVM HIDE-AWAY BEDS with S! J Ij -yl FOAM RUBBER IGECBO iS. - " , 'fjTtftfir These practicol ond comfortable Hide-Awoy Beds which open jjQjj f i . ffm$Si a eosily to moke o luxurious double bed hove FOAM RUBBER Lt"iii. ,frt, mm ,-jr w aw k .i i i t r .b i . jmlj-,. . , , , , u FRIENDLY I HElPFUlNESS IliP only ! pAial S m $o95 Christmas. In other languages It known as "Little Christmas," Three King's Day," and "Day of Kings." Epiphany is celebrated in dif- icreni ways Dy the various church groups which recognize the festival. The simple and beautiful service used at St Paul's was written by Bishop William P. Remington in 11)36, especially for use in the Episco pal churches of eastern Oregon. Now reitrcd and living in South ern California, Bishop Remington states that he had a three-fold purpose in writing the service. These were "To honor our Lord as the Light of the World; to show how that Light came grad ually to men as they were able to receive it; and to impress the missionary character of the church as it seeks to spread the Light, The word "Epiphany" is de rived from the Greek words, "epi" and "phainein," meaning "to show." Rev. Robert L. Greene, St. Paul's rector, explained that the name of the celebration arose from the coming of the wise men to Christ. He added that the three kings symbolize all people not just the Hebrews as they were shown the Saviour of all mankind. The Christmas decorations the church will remain in place for the service, designed to re emphasize the true significance of the season. The prophetic mes sages of the Old Testament and the, fulfillment in Christ's birth as related in the New Testament will be told by Rev. Greene and several parishioners. The lighting of candles is anoth er symbolic aspect of the cere mony. The Old Testament pro phecies speak of the coming of the Messiah as a Light coming to the world. Light is again rep resented by the star which led the Magi from the east to Jerusa lem and at length guided them safely to the place of the Nativi ty at Bethlehem. Following a brief devotional by Rev. Greene, the entire con gregation will participate in the (0i (yuj '0uiide : 12 Parish Women Hold Meeting The Women of St. Paul's Epis copal Parish will hold their an nual meeting on Thursday. Jan. 10. A politick luncheon at 12 noon will proceed the meeting. The nm? tm nilM i lighting service, each lighting a candle to symbolize the act of re ceiving the Light and spreading it to all the world. The recessional will conclude the service in the sanctuary, but members will remain for the cutting of the traditional Epiphany cake in the church social hall. Decorated in red and white. the cake will contain three items, fey 1W 8 - , J J r-a ( A- I " 4 ,Jt 'VI , & , ' f -C2m -J-': , . OrrV'I- 4-'''"- Uv VtJ&t M. ! - I if. itwfcwt,.,- ..nmt.i.wl EPIPHANY CELEBRATION One of the oldest cere monies in the Christian Church, the Epiphany service, will be observed at St. Paul's Episcopal Church at 7 o'clock Sunday evening. The symbolic candlelighting service on the Twelfth Day of Christmas to herald the "Feast of Lights" has been held at the church for more HERALD AND committee chairmen will give their 12 evaluation reports at the business session, so all mem bers are urged to attend. an Epiphany custom originated in England. Hidden in the serv ings will be a ring, symbolizing the binding of the world together in the love of God; a thimble, de noting missionary efforts; and a dime, characterizing the earning and giving of money. This old English custom is car ried a step farther by St. Paul's. Parishioners who find the items ft' NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. GUARANTEED REPAIR SERVICE AT WARDS Hi-ti phono, radio. TV. appllancf . . . a Wards technician It lust a ohone call awayl You'll like the service . . . and the prlcel Call today! MONTGOMERY WARD SERVICE DEPARTMENT TU 4-3111 tin Pint v.-. - :z; m will play a special role In next year's celebration. Last year the ring was drawn by Mrs. Richard Bowers, and by virtue of her good fortune she will provide this year's cake and also, serve as hostess for the Epi phany party. Stephanie Gudcrian, who found the thimble, was supposed to use it to sew some articles which than 20 years. David Vaagen, left, and Mike Faught, right, will light the candles in the sanctuary which tra ditionally remains decorated with Christmas trees and evergreens. The congregation will participate in the cutting of the Epiphany cake following the service. Friday, January 4, 13 WANTED!! Comic nooks nrt Sclrrtre Kirllon Ho nit t Dorothea"! Gift Shnppe nd Hiiok hxrhanic At Nw Location IU Klamath can be used in the church or do nated to missions or charity. She decided to make diapers to be sent to foreign missions. The dime, which turned up In the slice of cake received by Dr. R. W. Bingham, has been put ( to work over the past year to earn more money. He will give a report on how he made it grow for the benefit of mission work. TIT- v"f r Only three of the nearly 3.000 short poems written by Emily Dickinson were published while she lived. The DANMOORE HOTEL 1217 S.W. Morrison St. Portland, Oregon All Transient Gnrsii. AH lhne who rum rrturn. Ratri not too nlft-h, not low. l-'rft Karaite, TV'a and Radio. Reputation for clean line. Children under aeven, no charge.