HKKALI) AND Soil Workshop Signup Dated - . LAKEVIEW Local ranchers are reminded that Jan. 9 is the dale . (or registration (or the Soils and Fertilizer Workshop to he held beginning Thursday, Jan. 17, in Lakeview, and Friday, Jan. 18, in . Silver Lake. The (ive-weck workshop, a two ' and a half hour session each Thursday or Friday, will be a help to local ranchers in understanding soils and calculating fertilizer needs. Registration can be made with steering committee members or " at the County Extension Office in the courthouse. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE - PHONE TU 4-8111 - - I a.m. to 4: p.m. weekday A.m. to noon Saturday Count five words per line. Adt under lines count same at 2 linei. PAGE-ll 3 6 10 1 Lines TimM Times Times Month 2 n so u oo $s oo s 9.oo 3 3 75 5 00 6 50 11.50 4 4 00 6 00 100 14.00 I 4.75 7.00 9.50 16.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. If paid In advance. . Above rates are for consecutive Inser Hons, without change of copy, tor pri- . .vafe Individuals. Advertising must be, clear end understandable to be produc- 'five. Ail words must be ipeiied out. Aufos offered for sale by private Indi viduals cash with copy. DEADLINE 4:M p.m. day before publl- . cation. Noon Saturday tor Sunday end . Monday. CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTIONS On same schedule, except on Monday nexe ere taken 'fir ?:30 a.m. Please reed first Insertion tt your ad. The Herald ! News will give one extra run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, 135 per month with 17 50 discount for payment on or before the 10th. Vi Inch, Sit with tl.50 discount tor payment o. or before the 10th. Based on one copy cl.ange per month. BOX SERVICE-SO cents per ad. PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATCS LEGAL NOTICE NO 7-90 PROBATe NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate . GEORGE W. GROVES. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have. filed my tinai account of the adminis tration of the above an I (tied estate end ' that the Court has appointed January 7), 14 J, at 10 A M. as the time lor hearing oblectinns to such tmal account nd the settlement thereof. Wm. Ganong, Executor Canonq & Ganong Attorneys of Eeculnr t No 161, Dec. 21, 71, Jan 4. tl. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under iqned has been appointed executor of the Estate ol James T. Shore, deceased, by the Circuit Court ol Klamath County. (Worm, and that all persons having claims against said estate are herehy nni'ifd to present jame to said eeulor at the o'tice of the Undersigned at Room 4. Melte Building, Klamath Fails, Ore oon. together with proper voucher, with 'n six months ol Ihe date nt the lirl publication of thii not lie, which is De temper Jlsl, 1967 L L. MYERS Executor ' fTNEHL Met ART N Attorney! for'O' No. 12. Dec. 71, 71. Jan 4. II. NO 61-9 PROBATE NOTICE OF DA 1 OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN TMF CIRCUIT COURT OF TMF STA1E OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter ot the Estate of HARRY J. SULLIVAN. eso known as Jack Sulli van. Deceased Notice is hereby given that Ihe under-' gned The United States National flunk nl Portland (Oregon! hs Med its tmal account of the edmmlstr aiion ol the above entitled estate and that the Court ps Appointed Jnuy 14. 191. t 10 A. M as he lime for, hearing ohirctioni It svt h final account and the settlement thereof The United States National Bank of Portland (Oreuon) Administrator C.anrng Ganong Attorneys for ArjminMrAtnr No. Dec, W. 31. 71. Jan 4 NOTICE O PUfUIC MF A RING NOTICE IS HFRLKV I.IVIN, tt the Common Cnunul of the ( ify of Klamath Fai's, Oregon, propose to annes to iad t'ty, territory rtescnoed as follows; vt uated In Klamath Count. Oregon BiMjinni io at a point Scnith 9 degrees to f t 1M I feet trom the Len'rr ot Src t on J. Tciwnshp South. Ranqe 9 W M , South 9 deg-ees 10 t ast 7S 1 fert to the easterly line ol Wenjlm M-eet tt e-tpnded northerly, therne Sou'" H degrees is- last. o'g sard eten.ieit line Ot VWndUng Street to the northe-ly lne Ol Ihe old Veterans Ailmimstraf'On access road; thwue southerly and west friy along said toad to the easterly line pl Chaining Street. II extended northerly said point being South 7 degrees .s9 t O the point o' heoi""inQ theme North J iegrri S9 y,i to the point O tipQ'nning Ihe Hth day of Jaoira-y 191 at the hvr of ) lp o fioc P v thereof, at a reg-i mar meeting ot sa-d Common Cou'Kil to be hed In th Count it Room o' the City Hall tor tain: City. IS fneO as the time, anrt piece, when registered voter ot !! C ty ot Klamath f ails. Oregon, may at ! pear end be hrard, on said proposal to a to id City territory the bound! ot the above description. Obiec Hons or remonstrant ei tiled. 0 vernal vt 'l be hea'd at that tmse aod considered The Common Council o' d City has e tec ted to dsoere s.lh an ration. mi to de req s'ered vote's of sm 'tr. the D'ooosai to aimen ""d (e" . tfi'y lo said ( it, and m thereof hold . 'ifcr pubm hearing caned for hy th. no tue. said notice having been author ned hy action o( said Common Council Oooe this jut day of Decamp', Wnsie keiii Reiu rter, Klamam Fans. No iaa, Dec. Ji. Ja People Read SPOT ADS you are now, NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that I hr filed my tlnel account es executor of the Eitale of Betty 5. Mitchell, else known es Betty Lou Mitchell, deceased, In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon, for Klamath County, and that the Court has set January 16th, 193, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. as the time for the hearing of objections thereto and settle menl thereof. Dated this Uth day of December, 11 J. C. O'NEILL Executor O'NEILL L MCLAREN Attorneys for executor No. tii, Dec. 14. 21, 71. Jan. 4. EQUITY NO. 41-33 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTV OF KLAMATH SYDNEY HURTGEN, PLAINTIFF, VS. WARREN WESLEY HURTGEN, DE FENDANT. TO: WARREN WESLEY HURTGEN, DE FFNDANT IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You ere hereby required to eDDear and answer the supplemental com plaint on file herein against you In the above-entitled cause within tour 4) weeks from the date of the first puonca tion of summons In the Herald and News. which first publication day Is the 14th day of December, 1967, and It you fail to answer, the plainlilf will apply to the Court for the relief preyed for in her supplemental complaint, namely: 1. That she be a ranted the care, cus lody end control of the minor child. Cam. Hie La Rote Hurtgen, the Issue ol this marrleae. 7. That she be granted, as her sole and separate property, the household furniture, turn shlnas end fixtures pres ertlly located at Wocus Road, Klamath Falls. Klamath County, Oregon. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks In the Herald and News, e newspaper of general circulation published In Klamath county, uregort. pursuant to the order of the Honorable Donald A. W. Piper, Judge or ine atxve entitled Court, dated end entered on the 7th day ot December, 1967. W. R. BRADSHAW ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF, 671 Main Street Klamath Falls. Oregon No. 144, Dec. 14, 31, 7fl, Jan. 4, 1963. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE Is hereby given fhat from end after the 391 h day of January, 1963, June H, DesMazes, Conservator ot the Estate ot Alleen O. Scottl, will, pursuant to order and license ot the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, Counly ol Klamath, duly entered on the 7'i uay ot Decern m 1967, proceed to sell at private sale (c cash or on terms approved by the above entitled Court, end subject to Ihe approval ot said Court, all of the right, title and Interest of Aiteen O. Scottl, ward, In and lo the following described reel properly, to-wit. - Lot E of the tub-di vision of Enterprise Tract No. 74, Klamath County, Oregon Bids for the purchase or sale oropeny may be made to the undersigned at the office of O'Neill i. McLaren, attorneys el law. Room 4, Melhase Building, 375 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dated this 7Bth day of December, 1967. JUNE H. DESMAZES Conservator of the Estate Of Aiicen O. Scottl No. 161 Dec. 71, Jen. 4, 11, II NO. 61-62 NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate of. .. E. NEWCOM, Deceased. I Notice Is hereby given lhat the under signed Administrator of the Estate of E. Newcom. Deceaiea, win, from enn after January 11. 1963, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., at the olflce of J. R. Thomas, Courthouse, Klamath Falls, Oregon, pro ceed lo sell at private sale tor cash the following described real properly ot said Estate, to-wlt: Lot 6, Block 4, First Addition to the! City of Klamath Falls, Klameth Counly, Oregon. Said sale to be made pursuant In Or- rier ol the above-entitled Court dated December 10, 196, Erneil R. Sessom, Administrator r. Thomas Attorney tor Administrator Courthouse Klamath Falls. Ore. No SS0, Dec. 14, 71, 71, Jan. 4. NO. 67-1? PROBATe! NOTICE OF OATE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 5TATE OP OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In Ihe Matter of the Estate nt JOHN CARROLL HART7LER. Deceased Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the adminis tration of the above entitled estate end thai the Court has appointed February It, 196J, at 10 AM. as the time tor heerlng objections to such fine! account and the settlement thereof Anne Hartler, Administratrix Ganong $, Ganong Attorneys tor Administratrix No. tn, Jan. 4, 11, II, 71- NOTICE NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF MFMBERS OF FIRST FEDERAL SAV- NOS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF KLAMAfH FALLS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON NOTICE Is hereby given that the an nual meeting ol the members of First Federal Savlngt and Loan Association ol Klamath Falls will be held at the home nttice ot the association at 540 Main Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon at two o'clock In the alternoon on the 16th day ol January. 19ft for Ihe purpose of electing three director! and lor Ihe trans action ot such business as may prop erly come before Ihe meeting FIRST F f Df- R At SAVING AND IOAN ASSOCIATION OF KLAM ATH FALLS By Van X. Mollisnn Secrelery No. Vi. Jan. 4. II, 196) NOTICE O PUBLIC HFARINC. NOTICfc IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Ihe Common Council ol the City of Klamath f ails. Oregon, at its regular meeting held on the 10th day of December, 19M. adopted a resolution setting Ihe hour ol I . o clock P M. ol the 7th day ol Jan i.ary, 19ft I, and the City Hall ol said City, as the lime and plan tor e public hearing on a proposal lo change the ton ing map ot sa-d ity by transferring thereon trom Residential Zone fit to Residential Zone R S. real property de scribed as follows, towi Lots IS and la of Biock S. Dion Addition to the City Of Mamath Falls, Oregon Interested parlies end the general pub lic are invited to attend said public hearing aJ they will be given an op po' 'unity to he heard on the proposal Done this Jnd day ol January. Ivftj Pose nei'er Recorder, t .ty r-f kiarnath Fa's. Of gon. FUNERAL HOMIS 0 WARD'S Klamath r liner al Home. 9. liMh M.rr' Phone TU J uf !mfeting NOTICES 1 SCOTTISH RlTt FOPKS Mffttnq in thf Lotin of Perlecti'n FnJov tcinuiw 4 ol 8 p m Merrtion GiUf. ec LOST 1 FOUND 3 i 9.n tse please i ait T U reieive rwai GENERAL NOTICES BOYS! scc0E0L EARN Vacation Money by selling the He;ald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dpt., 1301 Esplonad PHONE TU 4 811 1 Friday, January 4, 1M3 GENERAL NOTICES 4 HAVE YOU any of these things TO SELL? They'll bring you EXTRA CASH! fr GUNS & BOATS TENTS & STOVES fr RADIOS PIANOS sir BOOKS sir TOOLS ft SKATES & TRUNKS ft PLANTS sir JEWELRY LIVESTOCK & FISH POLES sir TV SETS BICYCLES Tr CLOTHING Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Call Herald & News WANT ADS TU 4-8 1 1 1 PMfONALS e) KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonvmous. TU 4 J591, TU 4-104. Friendly help anytime BFGINNE US' AL ANON, friendly help lor families of alcoholics, TU 3-5740. 1 U 4-M2. GRAHAM'S licensed home tor the aged, private rooms or ward care, special diet, personal Interest assured, TU 2 Jlt Kl AMATH Alannn for counseling and meetings, TU 4-3591, TU 4-1704 anytime VACANCY for lady or gentleman need ing nursing mnOor convalescent care Mount in view Nursing Home. 5 Perk, nnd. Pre rn it: 11' SERVICES 10 DOLLS repaired, modern and antique Reasonable price. Lorna's Doll Mosoi' tel. TU 4 6997. I4J4 Lakeview TREE lopping, pruning. Insured tre grooming. Laheshore Nursery, TU 4-69V CUSTOM Hl'.vHERtNG your place, rtiiver to processing plan! or leave al your place Al Stoll. TU 6176. Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations tor men, women hildren AH work flu a fa meed Reason Ati prices ene's Men Wear M7 Mam Jess' Tree Service Tree topping, removing any hnd C lean up work, rrr evl'mate TU 44i Onn't Guess i nil Je1 TREE SERVICE Pruning. Iree removal t ullv insue' MAM R S NURbf R Y r So am tu j s Coin Op Laundry Top'Oad Washers Also 70 In. Washer Til SHOPPING CI N1ER Behind U S. Bank DENTAL PLATES Renamed while you wait New Plate Murte F'f-n N Our O'rl P( R50NAL DfcNTUie SL RVICE I03J Mam IU 4 l.'ll Fuller Brush TU 25972 PROVANf l TREE SERVICE I kensed Insured proessp service trees trniei1 or rempr,l PHONf TU 4 MICE, BUGS Tf RMITES Bll I J Bug r ' BUSiNF lowed. C v ad S'a'e i itemed W L ' Bill" Osnorn. the Bug ' I Van T 1 1 HELP WANTEO FEMALE T lVIM f Vaiif'rTlfr v a-r tnnoquin ?8J J.'iV Of IT iCN evunatye arn-os Imsfeiy J S Vii'h Man'A'h r HS I rtarnry Or .tenngi aphy. gene-al o"-e wo Art"1 irnf m st he t" eve-Aije ivpist This S a goort i-'h 'C tr njhl prrsoo Starting wmru'ii'i o apiMy or es Apo'v "s ne'soo to Kiamntfc f at's v 'p e-y 0 a m t 10 JO morn-ng woman )1 to 4 nonsmoker. To do Simple tytring. my home, weekend fve ings .,fxvt fsRV, it hH"S weekly Per- Tinnenl H,id'f nortl gdy o"i'Jees1. Write P O Bo C'ty HCLP WANTCP, MALI U SPLENDID SPARE-TIME OPPORTUNITY at Wholesale Distributor Representative to tervice established dealers, end open new accounts. Excellent Commissions. No cash Investment required. 45 yeai AAA-I Greeting Card Manufacturer. Ap plicant should have about 20 hours per week available. Wife can help. Tele phone and small home storage space required. Car a necessity. Oive tun de tails llrsl letter. Wrile Box 428C, care nt Herald and News, HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published In the Herald A News ere accepted In good faith that the jobs ottered are as stated in the advertising copy- ere not re sponsible lor the integrity oi our adver tiser!, but we make every eflort to dis cover and re eel all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding It to be misleading is asked to report n to the Clas&itied Ad vertising Department of the Herald NBWS. iTUATIONS WANTED IB FAMILY man, 31, wants permanent em ployment on ranch. Clean habits, non- orinker. References) Write Herald end News Box 43QC. LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 133a Carlson Drive, TU 2-M44 IRONING, WASHING Pickup, Deliver. Hand crocheted afghens TU 4-9434. BABY sitting In my home, phone TU 2-0OT. CHILD care, my home, days. Northside, TU 4-5293. OFFICE typing or babysitting In my home. TU 2-5157. ROOMS FOR RENT .21 COMFORTABLE room, bath, close In, pri vate entrance, parking, 126 No. 3rd. LARGE housekeeping room, utilities lurnished, 317 Pine, TU 2-1487. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 2 blocks from Main, JS & up. TU 4-42S9. STEAM heated, quiet, sleeping rooms. 3t0 5o. Sth TU 2-0214. GENTLEMAN, clean room, $20 pei month, 1530 Crescent. MEN, 134 N. 3rd, close In, housekeeping, reasonable, parking, TU 4-9287. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 CLEAN 3 room furnished apt., insulated, oil heat, TU 4-5334. CLEAN three room furnished, with bath and shower. Close In. All utilities lur nished. TU 4-8480. 3 BEDROOM furnished apartments, car port, TU 2-4935 anytime, TU 4-3369 atlei REDECORATED one bedroom and studio apartments. Adults, no pets. $45 end 555. TU 4-7B58 7 to 9 p.m. evenings, Satur day afternoon, ell day Sunday. S15 TO 115 weekly rates, kitchens avail able, Johnny's Motel, 2005 Biehn. NEW furnished apartment, S4I.50. See at 1030 Upham St. ONE bedroom unfurnished duplex, V40- THREE room upstairs apartment, no pets, no children, 9 1 1 Walnut. ONE bedroom lurnished apartment, In eludes TV, 135, call TU 4-7008. 165, LARGE live room newly decorated, clean, well lighted upstairs apt. Electric heat. Living room, kitchen, service room. bath, two bedrooms. Adequate lurnlshinqs including slove, refrigerator, washer. dryer. Two children acceptable. Apply IB04 Lexington Ave. before B p.m. FURNISHED 3 room apartment, $55. One room, 140. All utilities Included, shared balh, adults only. 419 No. 10th. FURNISH E bpartme nt s . 142 Riverside IU 2-436. MODERN 3 rooms and bath, $40 and up, brick court, garages. 221 Spring ONE or 2 bedroom lurnished. Heat, water paid. 825 Grant, TU 2-4719. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new Oil site, furnished, TV available. weekly rales. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9756 CLOSE In duplet, lurnished, one bed' room, laundry, garage, $60, IU 4 36S9. NICE clean lurnished apartment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-496. CASCADE APARTMENT-HOTEL Nicely furnished 3 & 4 room apartments 2M South 11th. CLEAN furnished, close to Main, by week or month. 3J3 So. Ilth. NICELY furnished 1 bedroom apartment, 125 Lincoln. TU 4-5692. STEAM heat, bachelor apt.. 213 Cedar. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modem, furnished. So. Ilth. TU 2-1062. TWO newly derorated apartments. N. lh, couples or bachelors, $40 end $49 50. Gun Store. 7 Rf- DROOM deluxe unfurmshrd apart ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6600. TWO bedroom furnished court, t40. 1235 Adams, TU 4-314, TU 4-9754. ONF bedroom apts , completely or partly furnished, newly redecorated. TU 4-67JI UTILITIES, maid servne. kitchen. den lurnished units, by week. 160s bsplanadc. REX ARMS I OR 1 BtDROOM APART ME NTS. CLOSE IN HEAT. WATER, GAB RACE PAlO 774 BROAO - TU 2 J17 $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT 10 COSTt 1-2 1 Ck drom ants., furnished er unfur nished. Permanent maintenance included Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMFNTS 1427 MASHRuftN WAV TU 47? ',e hours I i m. It I p RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way 0 and Two Bedroom od(. Furnished and Unfurnished $69 50 to $89.50 Po.N, Weekly Motel Rates TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 144 Union 1 Bert'oom imrro'sSM 1 Bro-oom u"'i shed S.-acflut Boor" Tas'e'uiiy Oee'ae4 San to Wail ca'oetmg M,nf.rg includes a'l erv'ce e'teot eieohn eec'"C-v tV e" dele's T tt ' attt HOUSES fOR RENT 26 ONF bedroom, furnished or u'l'u'OishM rr-tirr 4lC7'i HorM f HmSH'tl T be.1'0oni lPAn. m.-trlrrn. as stoe water, aargf oj,d, o. t.ij rtsntlArirt TU 4 W. f T AO ber,y- iu'"'"M rsvth side TU 4,ft8 tif, 4 x arvl weekends : hed'oem h-e. Mi'H. Near shoo- p.-tg ( entr. 1 U 4 .l."ll rrvt tall 1 U 1 .' ONf re'oom 1vm ed flvo'e A i-1 1 "0 rtcN)v S4 TU 4 4.l f uHNIShI p one e.rl-s1rn fvuse '-ir lot on Odoen Si (jr. tr. h,! v.: w.iter a'Hl g'bage p-.1 TU I l4.i ONf bed'm un-Airimhet eietrt r, hiiiKm psr-i e'r,s hii'iom an.1 s'or..;e sivsi e a".ihed to ga-ege. J at ret. ;i.s' c.'pe. U' 4 cvsi a n ' t ? be,i'iN"" ovr n o- t f"P eietf hrt g gf 'i-epiae, Tu .'4." T V O he,)' Xti ur ,s'-M t- a 'er h-vsf T VI Nl AT a., e an .1 p- fi d i r.i-oors ynttirotshfd dl'ple New tr",e rf'r q t 'IV S'i! s AdO'tiO". I T U 3 i ves T U 4-144 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 UNFURNISHED 3 bedroom triples elec trie heat, carport, near Town & Country, SH, 4418 Crosby, TU 4-4266. SMALL unfurnlV3 liouse. Mills Addition, MO. TU -T32). TWO bedroom house, soi,th suburban, 'j acre. TU 4-7116 evenings end weekends ON E bedroom lurnished duplex, water pa to. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. COMFORTABLE two bedroom duple range, refrigerator, draperies, water and garbage. California and Donald, 2-2759. SMALL two bedroom house, automatic gas heat, washer-dryer hookup, garage, SfiU. IU ir-iJW or IU 4-4619. RENT with option to buy, nice four bed' room home, unfurnished, TU 4-t236. TWO bedroom house tor rent, furnished or unfurnished, phone TU 2-1014. FOR rent two bedroom house unfur- nished, phone TU 2-3164 anytime. WARM furnished two bedrooms, fireplace, on rurnace, i u 4-a7. FURNISHED or unfurnished 3 bedroon S?5 month, TU 4-47SO. NICE 2 bedroom unfurnished home, $75. 4545 Shasta Way. Call TU 2-2663. TWO bedroom lurnished house, $65, 5531 South 6th. THREE room furnished duplex, washing facilities. Mills, 2137 Eberlein. TU 2-0362. TWO bedroom furnished house, S70, wa ter, garbageU 2-4646 or TU 4-3678. ATTR (ACT TVE FUR NIShED 1 BED- ROOM HOUSE, J50, TU 4-82S1. THREE bedroom unfurnished home, $40. 4746 Alva. TU 4-3061 eves. ONE bedroom lurnished, 130; two bed' rom unfurnished, 140; near air base. TU 4-491 5. HOT SPRINGS 2 bedroom upstairs, un lurnished duplex, garage. Adults only, S65, TU 4-46S0. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, S65. Children, pels, o.k. References required. TU 2-4590. THREE bedroom home with two bath rooms on Watson St. Unfurnished. SI 34 per month. Call TU 2-290? or TJ 2-2930. NICE two bedroom trailer for rent, TU 3-1350. TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses, south suburban, S65, TU 2-3923. ATTRACTIVE and comfortab'e 1 bed room furnished. 4 blocks north of Main, no hill! S67.50 per month Includes water, TV cable, garbage. Call TU 4-6539 alter era weekends. TU EXCELLENT one bedroom, lurnished, ga rage, fenced yard, $65, TU 4-8052 after inquire 4qss inasta way. ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, lur nished. $65, inquire 111 Pine. ONE bedroom furnished house. Newly decorated. TU 4-3243. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, like new, $85. 1813 Siskiyou, TU 4-7564. UNFURNISHED two bedroom triplex Full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, electric heat, SBO. TU 2-3444, ext. 44. before 5 p.m. TU 4-8267 after 5. AVAILABLE soon in Henley. Unfurnished 7 bedroom plus 'i story, 2 children, iii Reference required. TU 4-6?4. ONE bedroom unfurnished house, $59, 2139 Main. Phone TU 2-2866. TWO bedroom, unfurnished, garage, stor age room, 1747 Hope. Lease option. In quire 4708 Shasta Way. REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 TWO or three bedroom in city undei $17,500. Give details. Box 4I9C, Herald and News. WE are BUYING smail EQUITIES IF you want lo SELL, SEE PAUL McATEE 339 EAST MAIN STREET TU 2-4646 for an APPOINTMENT REAL ESTATE IX CHAN fit .. 3 WILL TRADE NEARIY new 1 hertrnom home on mers Lane. Fireplace, separate dining room, automatic heat, garbage disposal Includes electric range. Garage, with room lor workshop. Owner will consider trade for equity In trailer house. Going tor $13,800 with terms end Immediate possession. LEONARD REALTY 1213 Main TU 4 7521 or TU 4-9005 Joe Perry Audrey Keenns TU 4-5337 TU 4-4?S TU 3-OS77 Joe Leonard "TRADE" end SAVE TAXES For Infofmatton on tax FREE Trades, call PEANE SACHtR Realter Mehr In (mater I T'ede- Ctuft L irenrMM-Ore.. Cel.. Ida.. Wath PIT K't U 4-4'; UAL (STATE fOR SALE 39 TWO-vear-old 1 bedroom home. 1' baths TU 4-58s alter 6 pm NfrAR Peterson School 3 bedroom, elec tric heat, wall to wall carnetinq. ti re place. I aroe fenced backyard, cement rMl'O $16,500 . 464S Bristol Avenue. TU JtJ7 HOT SPRING Fflrmlv tvoe home, hot ter heat, pneed to sell TU 4 985 ONF bedroom prttaiiy furnished, 'ow down pavment. M.Ms Add n, TU 4 4481 TWO bedroom home, oarage. A real buy for" $6 flSO J212 Laurel. MLS Multiple Listing Service DARKLING NtW J heflroom home in the COUOtry on ) nces ol oood SOil MenltV SthOOl P itrrct C arreted tiymq room with i I'culatrng I irepidt e. 1 1 0 It paneled family And dinmg room, large then with hu'il m rngf, oven nd ;hnisshrr, 1' j fifths wth ceramic 1'le d htnlt-m vanity m master hflth Fro mum rjiesel torced air heat wth buned I" targe to car grge Full u( $.HJO0 rnuo IsFDPOOM ( ose n north of Mm it Ooom to s.-S' ii rh.s ereMe"tiy m"itmed o'.-te' nr"e FHA Or &1 le'ms Available Only $,j(i0 F VAIN IOT ,o lh 'O hiock n E Van A 5011 (t. let (or only S4.J50 MirUiPN tor H tK, 1 TiVS hlk on t-argo St. 5?'iiTn it Fiiil pf(1-e $NW. 5Lt5 STAff T Qrrr T U 4 "4? t lyoe A'ilia"-s 1114 14 V- Pu'f J"fs T U 4-W.l Em e GrAe TU J-i.w DURANT Rt ALT Off :Pf V e-h i j o- TU ? .151 ' Neit tA Mo; 3v Pol INfOV'F rCffCTv v 's Add.ton rtu-,-ie n q- to, a' o" f a h d-i'ment has oe hed'oorTi rt-.r-j r.xtm, hi'ien, iivcg 'iwm rin t'( ' v room very good co-NM'ort Pre s "00, ternu Vf fv 'oo'"v o-ie he,i-?c" home Lot un M Oi'-et lo.-at-M fl(Se to cv-w--twn ldel stut-ter n--f Pn(t $ '.if Si.1 dw" $i? pe- rfo,h. Midland Empire P f W TU J J,n, PP.v, ,t 111 4 'NORTH 'CF-'MAI N l'Jf 1 he f.ce"ef f?"'1-- DON SLOAN Xi So Jt ij .tfwj Anytime REAL ESTATI FOR SALE 3, THREE bedroom brlett. 4H5 Onyx, Vi baths, well to well carpet, fireplace, built in oven and range, sprinkler system, 1(9,800. Will eccet 2 or 3 bedroom trailer in Irade. TU 2-5133. J-BEDROOM brick home, lireplace. Wash er, dryer, stove Included. Fenced yard, covered patio. 16'I0J shop. $17.S00. Cell TU 2-0734 alter 5 p.m. V i I C Multiple YALTA GARDENS Lovely three bedroom home, lireplace, hardwood floors, fully Insulated, wall lo wall carpeting, two full balhs plus an attached apartment for the parent who lives in or would make an excellent fam ily room and guest room, Owner trans ferred end must sell. Don't miss Ihis opportunity. INCOME PROPERTY Duplex In Fairview school district. In come $150 per month. Apartment No. I has three bedrooms with large utility Apartment No. 7 Is completely furnished one bedroom, storm windows and doors Completely Insulated. Price, $13,900, terms. Wi ACRES Three bedroom home, fireplace, about 1500 sq. It. Iloor space, separate dining room, uwner transferred, immediate pos session. Fenced and cross-lenced. $12,000, terms, CHEAPIF One bedroom home on 1-3 acre, electric mcoi, vavvu jiicci, t-onncLiea io sewer, new 16 x 30 It. shop, all lor only $3,950 with $500 down. "WILL" CEDARLEAF REALTOR 9? S. eth TU 4-5151 Anytime Peggy Peebler Ross Purkhiser Ken Allison TU l-0??9 TU 2-321? TU 4-4 MLS Multiple Listing Service DRIVE BY 4359 Summers Lane and see this sub urban 2 bedroom bungalow. Wall lo wall carpeting In living room. Combination din ing area, kitchen, washer, dryer, range. Was $13,000. Reduced for quick sale to m.iuu. uwner will consider exchange for larger 3 bedroom home. NORTH SIDE Older, good 2 bedroom home. 12 x I? It living room, dining room, kitchen, utility Nice yard, garden spot. Four extra lots included In price of $6,000. BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No. 7th TU 4-3129 Lucille Anderson TU 2-0519 Ray Worden TU 4-9367 Immediate Possession Drive by 930 Prospect. Suitable for retired person or couple. Con venient to churches and shopping. Jusl decorated, clean end comfort ably lurnished. Living room 1 x 18 ft., kitchen with dining area, one bedroom, bath. Storage in part basement. Gas heater, range and relrigerator. $3,500, easy down payment, 150 per month on con trad, or discount for cash. Make ctfer. Desirable Duplex Nice to live In, with nice Income Irom rented unit. Oversized living rooms with circulating, large bedrooms, baths and halls. Hardwood floors. Garages. Locai ed near East Main and Mills School. $13,900. You may use your moderately priced home as down payment and assume present con tract. Dye Insurance Agency 130 South Sth A. E. Dvf. Realtor, Virqinia Brnwn, SI. TU 4-7S5 or TU 4-4JS7 FOR SALE TO BE MOVED 1 units One 3-bedroom house, 15 3-3-4 room houses. 19 Iwo and four room apartments. Make sealed bids on one or all. Furniture, plumbing and wiring included Lo rted at 2S14 So nth. and I on Weyerhaeuser Road. Inquire Rte. 2, Box 500A TU 2-5423 MLS Multiple Listing Service New Year's Special! New three bedroom Large living room wth rmsed hearth firepiate Beautiful al der wood cabinets In kitchen plus huill in range and oven. Larqe lamily dminq room, well to wall carpeting tMrnugnoui 7 full baths, unacted double garage, cor ner let Pr.ce $14,900 Reasonable Price this t'ee bfdroom home located lr suburo Nice living room with wall tr ea of kitchen Harn wood lioor throughout, electnc heat, batr Aftflcrted grge Pore no in ji j SCO Reinnte or assume present mort gage. May tr Arte on late moor i car. Land Is Monev! nvet 'ortav in v ew lots. 100 7s tin down, $10 a mon'h i miie river ontflge pnee H ;Cit ANDY 5ILANI REALTOR Wle"e Wr"r Ed Mitchell Andy SrUnl TU 7 4 tu ;-i TU 4 MLS Multiple Listing Service BUY NOW!! ,.,.rrT n.icri V ItJ tUII MADUF. 1 ONC SOUTH SUBURBAN VIRTUALLY NFW 3 trf 'Otis tmilv room wth circuia'"io iireriae. 1 ce'ari. Me-i nvni. pun .n rdnqe and oven U'ae b"east har. ' thrd a.xt-e g"qe iT'ce I'd 'J tt vew te n e-rr 'etricteo horn arfu JUST ;2 900. AlTH ONLY 10 per tfnt DO AN QUALITY HOME eafuriog too cloe-'n North ide neohor hood. ii' 4 M-y h'iv to downtown AND LA,i'"c, VAS0N5Y CONM SUC TION, ln'ucie 3 h,rlje bed'xir". sra C tous I'Vi'ig "d d""''g roon- fl.nflf fireplace "i-1" icce'e he'nef -a 1 1 It flen er 3rfl ha-oom w 'h t"e p')ce Peautitui co-"er lot dovfcie o rje GOINC NOW ' S 'V, -H C.I, CR CONVt NT IONAL LOAN T R M S TRAILER WANTED WUL TSAPF EOUITV IS 1 Bf 09OOV MOVE IN MfNLFY PISICT o 1 t'at 'pi hiX'e tfj ir (r- er. p'd fo fo Fun p"ce it -? A. CU!CK ACTION OM LISTINGS'! Chilcote ond SMITH StE v tSSl -RS'CE TOO N 'i y P"c- "U 4 ,1 Tpm 0 .p -i Ti.i J F f fa i o tpi " i U Ml l.t ri Ch -K-if, Ai!Vf 'fPf Cob Ch icp'e- 8.-r REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ..aREAL ESTATE FOR SALE ..30jBEAL ESTATE FOP SAL! BY owner, suburban two bedroom home on lenced lot, has Hie bath, large utility, separate dining room, small workshop, one block to school, la.SOO, 1500 will handle. Will consider trade on car, or pic up, TU 3-471S. 13 ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau tiful building site, Henley School District, 14.500. TU 4-7114. HOT SPRINGS Start the New Year In this charming three bedroom home two baths hardwood lloort - largest wardrobes we've seen - Iron Fireman furence - close to schools and shopping usl like new end only $14,500. Schroeder Realty Co REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4-9354 Anytime TU 2-0168, STROUT REALTY 5429 S. 6th Eves. Bob & Stella Den linger Hank Holman Ph. TU 4!-52l TU 3-5601 TU 2-5048 RANCH SPECIALS Over 00 acres, 280 deeded, 100 irrigated, close In, (54,000, 29 per cent down. 275 acres, 760 Irrigated. Potatoes and grain last year, $70,000, 79 per cent down. Will trade for southern Celilornia or Ari zona business property. MLS Multiple Listing Service IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO STEAL SEE THIS: 3 bedrooms, large living room and dining room with wall lo wall carpeting, eating area In kitchen, separate utility, fruit room, detached garage with concrete floor, over 'a acre ground, south sub urban area. SUGGEST YOUR OWN TERMS ON THISI Price, $9,750. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 306 S. 6th TU 2-2776 Mildred Hall TU 4-8576 Van) VanSickle TU 2-6123 VSIO CARS AND TRUCKS SS ECCLES MOTOR CO. New Year's Stock Reduction SALE! LAST CHANCE TO BUY AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! Every rnr Hrovtirollv reduced. Thes prices good only throughl Saturday, January 5th. '62 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX CPE Radio, heater, Hydramatic,, power steering, power brakes, finned wheels, one local own er. Reduced $400 497 '62 PONTIAC TEMPEST COUPE Radio, heater, automatic transmission, 4 cylinder en gme, real economy here. Re- foV200 s2097 '62 MERCURY MONT. CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN. Radio, hear er, Multi-Drive, power steer mg, power brakes, one Iota owner. Clean os new. Re-. duced $300 $)A07 to only .Ol '60 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-DR STN. WAGON. Radio, heater, Hydramatic, power steering, power brakp, 6-wov power vat. Reduced 0n07 $200 to ontv .... UV 60 CHtV. BEL AIR 4-DR. SDN Radio, heater, automatic tronmtssion, V-8 engine. Re duced $200 $ I TQ7 tn Only I J 60 PLYM. FURY CONV. COUPE Radio, heater, automatic trans mission, power Meenng, pow er brat e. swivel seat1.. Re duced $200 $ CQ7 to onlv I O 5 MERCURY MONT. 4-DOOR SFDAN. Rcdio, heater, auto matic trnnsmr-iicn, power power bra e'- Re duced $ 100 $ TQC tn only ' JO 58 CADILLAC 62' SDN De VILLE. Radio, heater, Hvdro mafic, power fleering, power bra cs, power mdos, pow er seat. A real lu u'y ccr Reduced $200 $ I QQ7 to rnly ' ' ' ' b7 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA SDN Radio, beafrr, Dvnat-ow, pow er seat, powrr b'ji- cs. Al most new white s'dewa'l tires. Reduced $300 $ JQJ to pn'v ill 56 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DR SEDAN. Radio, hea'cr, auto matic tr J " emission, DOwer sfV, power braves A real sl.:k cor. Reduced $ CQ7 $200 to only . . 07 55 PONTIAC STA.RCHIEF HDTP COUPE. Rad.o. K-otrr, Kdra- tor. P educed $200 $ tf Ooly 397 Manv. manv more elder nvxtels, all rechjeed accordingly. Call one cf our Salesmen You'll be GLAD sou d-d' irvk fi.-.-l TU 2 5 9?5 itVe w.-rl .. T-.r 2.359c' p. II Cunmrxjham .... TO 4.7177: Prtf Str,,i, Tl, 2-0491 Oi!rr Tli 2.1403 Bu TN-rwi ... Tt1 4.f6'8 P II Hv, i. ,n .. TL' 4 4551 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 06 S.v Sv TU 4 137 ACRES, lix rnl. Klamath Falls, ml irrigated, free water- large machine and hay ttieds. 116.000 down. Ph. TU i-06 after i. TWO bedroom plus possible 3rd upstairs. lurnished, double lot, 17,000, 2137 Califor nia. TU 2-414 after 5:30. anytime week ends. THREE bedroom home lor sale. No down payment, South suburbs. TU 3041 eves. SUPERB building lot in Hot Spring, area. Call TU 4-8978 evenings, FOUR ipartments, excellent Investment. dost In. TU 2-2531, TU 4-6iU. LOT, Fairhaven School district,- hii lights, water, septic tank. TU 2-4941. THREE bedroom home lor sale. 4103 Sum mers Lane. TU 4-4539. NICE 2 bedroom home, 454S Shasta Way. Call TU 2-2663. CLOSE IN Three bedrooms, family room, two lull baths, newly redecorated Inside and out Single garage and lenced yard Cloe to prk and schools. Only 1450 down plus I closing. PAUL McATEE and ASSOCIATES, REALTORS 339 E. Main TU 2-4646 Sales Staff Eves. Eleanor Mahan TU 2-5255 Evelyn McAtee TU 2-5935 SUBURBAN 2 Bedrooms, gas range and healer. Chick enhouse. Frost-lree cella-. On ' j acre. Irrigation. Nice lawn and shrubs. Price S7.50O. Moderate down payment or will lake pickup as down payment. DELUXE The most spacious 2 bedroom In the sub urbs. 1.2T0 sg. tt. Hardwood floors threuah- out. Built-m range & oven. Birch cabi nets, oil forced air furnace. Utility, Cer amic tile bath. Lot 100 x 120. Velvet lawn. A conservative buy at $15,500. Any type loan available. 20 ACRES Choice Klamath River bottom land. On paved highway. Well and pump house In. Foundation and walls lor 1100 sg. ft. home of block construction. All for Ihe very reasonable price ol $9,000. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 So. St. Phona TU 2-4740 Fred Tucker Lois Macy Iris Madole Homer Stiles Hank Hansen TU 4-974? TU 2-5667 TU 4-5695 TU 4-9904 TU 2-3101 MLS Multiple Listing Service 2 ACRES HENLEY HIGH DISTRICT Large 5 bedroom older type home. Three bedrooms downstairs finished, two up stairs partially finished. Larqe family kitchen and dining room combined. To car garage, acreage fenced. 1,438 ft. hv Ing area for a large family. Owner will carry contract. Alb this lor 16,500. EQUITY For Sale or Trade 52.600 equity In 3-bedroom suburban ranch type home. This place is modern design witn v i bains, circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, single qaraqe. fenced back yard. Located on dead end street, 1 1 mile beyond Town & Country Shop' ping Center. A nice place to live, but owner has been transferred. So-o-o-o-o. il needs a new owner. Assume payment1 1108.9 . . . total price (14,900. What have you to trade? CAL PEYTON KLAVATH TRADERS CLUB 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings. Harold M, Rush TU 2-4173 Al House TU 4-TiM "Pat" Palo" TU 2 08J6 USED CARS AND TRUCKS ... 35 OLD STOCK THESE HAVE BEEN HERE TOO LONG . . . THEY HAVE TO GO! We've cut ptices OPEN TO YOUR MUST BE SOLD 1953 FORD V-8 VnNnn This nrn runs arH. 1954 FORD V-8 Station Waofri Y"u cDore this envwhrp. 1955 DESOTO J 133 4 Dnnr Sedan. A vcy lw pric for this cor. 1959 FORD V-8 - 1 293 Colore 2-t"r h-ard'-p C'y 5-100 own It C -rrpore OVhere! 1959 VOLVO s 753 Station Wc3 B'-y ot $105 O'-d it s a g-H me 1957 PLYMOUTH V-8 s 513 F'U cicc 4 -pC'-r Scdon. This r-i ;-.f gn" Spp it 1952 OLDSMOBILE '88' 5 193 4 Door Sedan. A rral (fwel "f o cc. 1953 OLDSMOBILE '88' s 183 A Vfr SfiCn. A pd SCCrrd CT, rt hd K'tr- 1953 PLYMOUTH 1947 PONTIAC 7-O-ior Sedan. R t"fs 1956 MERCURY 2 Dtvr Srd'3" G'c--: YOU COMPARE TODAY! These Cars Are NOT Junkers. SALESMEN: DICK B. MILLER -CO.- 7th & Klomoth 30 DREAM HOME Exclusive residential district. Best of tnru H ruction. Beautiful view. 3 bedrooms, hardwood Moon, lireplace. birch kilcnen. patio, ceramic til balh. J1S.S00. TU 2-2410. STILWELL & CO. Presents: NEAR CONGER SCHOOL - Roomy 3 bed room home, good fireplace, lots of storage space, shop, big paved patio, good landscaping, douole lot. A tine home for a lamily tor only 110,000. PACIFIC TERRACE - 4 bedrooms, I'l baths, living room with fireplace, din ing room, lull basement, ecellent hot well lor economical heating. Ooub'e garage, ccner view location only t biock to Roosevelt School. Shown anytime. Price S2 1.500. 4,300 FULL PRICE buys this nice 1 bedroom home. Owner will sen on contract with S500 down, STILWELL & CO. Realtors 519 Wain Street TU 4-3134 Alter 5.00 call Ron Van Orman TU 2-3693 Bruce Binhley TU 4-3471 It no answer call TU 7-Q444 TU 4-7006 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please Investigate thoroughly arty Invest ment of moneys in merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore investing your capital, the Heraia and News makes every elfirt to reiecl all fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible for Ihe integrity of the lirms or individuals who place advertising in our publication. Any advertising ot business opportunities ap pearing lo be fraudulent or misleading should be reported to H e C'assilied Ad ver'islng Department of the Herald and News. OPPORTUNITY to do something for yourself is our BUSINESS! VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E Mom TU 4-6812 FINANCIAL LOANS 34 HEDGE YOURSELF aqaintt inflation! Sm about REAL TATE INVESTMENTS anywhere west the Rockies, at DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Club I rl . Iria . Willi. tOJJ Mam St. TU 4-411 NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? If noQQina bills become a nui sance, qet rid nf them! Check our courteous, confidential, cosh loan plon. You'll be glad you did. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER W Finance New & Used Cart Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Yean Motor Investment Co. SH V Mh TU 4-77R3 but even so, WE'RE OFFER! These cars NOW! $ 93 $ 123 f"d uhcr'-! cH it ru- i 1 213 $ 93 3-T,e c. a-vr-r s 343 TU 4.547 TU 4-5002 TU 4.6702 TU 4.434$ Wv-I TU 4.4154 N