PAGE g-B HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falli, Ore. Thunday, January , 1963 WINS TOP AWARD The sweepstakei winner in the 74th annual Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena is the Santa Monica entry, "First Love," pictured above The float is a garden with pink camellias. A small boy and girl representing first sweet hearts are playing in a swing beneath an ornate urn. UPI Telephoto y i . i .1 ;l' ft !, ! v J- - ' A "' rr? ! --' ) 1 ENGLISH DRIVER TRAPPED IN SNOW Apparently proving an old saying that Britiih "bobbies" are the best in the world, two of them struggle in knee-deep snow to free a trapped motorist outside the Foreign Office in London. A bitter eight-day cold wave which has swept England and most of Europe is continuing. It was the worst snow storm in 15 years with gale force winds that piled 15 foot drifts. UPI Telephoto PRICE REDUCTION now at TOWER FURNITURES Dozens of new items added! Prices Slashed Again for JANUARY CLEARANCE i2 2"0NI-Y ONE GROUP END TABLES COFFEE TABLES -flOO M95 ONLY jj tach ONLY ajji Eastern Maple Duo Therm 75,000 BTU CORNER DESK OIL HEATER With Drawer Hcot, 6 Rooms or More Reg. 60.00 O 0ne 0nl' JK AJV Q tZ SAVE Jj savi'95 1-Only Charcoal Satin Black Finish DAVENO & BEDROOM ROCKER SET sleeps 2 (Fh (FhQS ViSStr. AT f O BASIN BRIEFS BONANZA KAM, sritKBKl.K of Mcdford spent the holidays with hi.s daugh ter. Mi's. GeorRe Fernlund, and family nf Upper Langell Valley They were dinner guests at Bo' nan.a Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fernlund JOE O'CONNOR is hnme from an Air Force hase in Washington to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs Tim O'Connor, and family. MR. AND MRS. JACK MKT I.KR of Klairath Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Iester Ieavitt were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gift on Dec. 30 and later they all enjoyed the cantata sung by St. Barnabas Choir. MR. AND MRS. FORKST FRK.TWF.I.I., .lordon Valley; Bur ton Brown. Riddle. Idaho, and daughter Judy nf Caldwell; and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dearborn and Fred were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Barney Brown and sons on Dec. 29. MR. AND MRS. ORV1I.I.K De- VAl'L spent Christmas at Moses Lake with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fitzhugh, and four sons. MRS. RL'RY BROWN is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Herb John son, and family at Burns. MR. AND MRS. M. C. BL'RK entertained dinner guests on Christmas Day. They were Mr. and Mrs. Neal Jones of Dairy. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and sons nf Klamath Falls, Betty Jones of Oakland, and Mrs. Pauline Dew ey, Mrs. nuiiie Burk, and Janice Burk of Bnnana. and Mrs. Keith Turner of Bo nanza. Also dinner guests were Albert and Elden Burgdorf and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Williams, Bo nanza. MR. AND MRS. I.AVO.N MAN SON of Red Bluff spent Christ mas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Acklin. Her grand mother, Mrs. Bertha Vance, vis iting here from Colorado, accom panied them home and will visit her son, Elmer Vance, and fam ily of Gerber and son. Ronald Vance, and family of Corning MRS. CHARLIE GRADF.N and son. Chuck, and granddaughter Linda Coner, all of Glendale. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown for a few davs. Deanna Brown returned to Glendale with them. She is employed in Lo; Angeles. MR. AND MRS. NEAL JONES and Betly spent a few days in Ios Angeles. Betty teaches school at Oakland and will stop off on their way home. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE W'U and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wu are building a duplex on their ranch at Dairy and will live there, BILLY BL'TTS of Roseburg spent the holidays in Dairy with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Butts. They went to Duns- muir for the weekend to visit the Butts' daughter. Mrs. Courtney Gordon, and family and spent Christmas Day in Klamath Falls with another daughter, Mr. Bud Brown, and family. These ore only o few of the 100's of items now priced ot Fantastic January Sale Savings - Hurry! Buy on Easy Terms -No Money Down - OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9:00. WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS MR. AND MRS. BILL BECII IMM.DT spent Christmas Day m Klamalh F'alls with Mr. and Mrs, Merrill Stewart. Mrs. Rcchdoldt recovering from surgery and slill makes daily trips to Klam ath Falls for treatment. MRS. FLORENCE HORN and lack entertained Mr. and Mrs, Harry F'razier and Linda at din ner on Deo. 2!), in honor of Mrs Krazier's birthday. The Fraziers were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gift of Upper Langell Valley on Dec. 2H. C'APT. I.ENORE SPARKS re ecntly married Chief Warrant Of ficer J. W. Roberts at Rasal. Switzerland, on Dec. 18. Both are in the U.S. Armv. and she is a former resident who taught at Ron.'ina schools for several years. BONANZA HOME EXTENSION UNIT will not meet for its regu lar meeting Jan. 8, but will have its regular meeting at the li brary on Jan. IS, to . in a m. Les son will be budget buying. MR. AND MRS. W A It It K N DICK and two sons spent Christ mas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Keysor. and family. The Dicks have moved to West Linn to make their home. Joining the Keysors and Dicks for dinner on Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. (iuy Hitson and daughter. MRS. MILDRED CAMPBELL received word of the marriage of t'amplx'll. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Campbell of Rel moot, to Fred Smith of Bur lingame The young couple will make their home in Belmont where twtt h ale employed, IVanna is alM tile granddaughter of Mrs Nettie Davis. MRS. DON RICE has returned home from visiting her brother, John Thomas, and family of The Dalles. Don went up after her and they visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Rice; and sis ter, Henrietta Rice; brother, John William Rice and family; and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Wakefield all of Portland. MR. AND MRS. ED BIAGGINI JR. and three children of Cavu- cos. Calif , and Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Oberman and two sons of Ios Angeles spent a week in Dairv. They are the owners of Swan Lake Cattle Co. MR. AND MRS. DON RICE and Robert and Mrs. Don Hughes! of Tulelake spent Sunday at Rur ney with their friend. Mrs. Roy T. Premo. .She reports that her 4 - year - old granddaughter, Deb bie Premo. is still at Mercy Hos pital in Sacramento recovering (rom burns she suffered when she fell in boiling water several months ago. MR. AND MRS. BI1.I.V DREW hat! as visitors during the holi days, her parents. Mr. and Mrs Merle Davis Sr. of Crescent City. and their daughter, Mary Iuise Drew, home from school at Sa lem. They were all dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Davis Jr. and family of Klamath Falls on Christmas Dav. LEGAL NOTICE !HtL' wan, "mau u SINGLE women 21 to 43. nonsmaktr. do umplt typing, my noma, wtkend tv- nmgi. bood py, 3-4 hours wMkly. Ptr- Handicapped gladly considered. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the manenl Common Council of the City of Klamath j Write P O. Bo 974. City Fall, Ortoon, at lit reouier mealing I held on the 10th day of December, 1e3, H ELP WANTED MALE HOUSES FOR RENT 26 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . .30 WARM furnished two bedrooms, fireplace, Oil furnace, 175, T(J 4-4287. FURNISHED or unfurnished 3 bedroom, 175 a month, TU 4-4750. nanoled a resolution ttltirta the hour of-. 7 o'clock P M. of the 7lh. day of Jari-j SPLENDID uary, 1963. and the City Hall oi said1 SHKt-iiME City, ei tut time and piece for a public I ukpukiunity hearing on a proposal lo change the ion-1 l ' Wholesale Distributor Representative map of said City by transferring " service estarjusned dealers, and open Nit.t 2 oedroom unturnisnea home, 4545 16 Shssra Way. Call TU 3-1643 thereon from Residential Zone R- Residential Zone R5. real property de scribed as follows, to-wl: Lots 15 and U of Block 5, Dixon Addition to the City Klamath Falls. Oregon. Interested parties and the general pub are invited to attend said public hearing and they wilt be given an op portunity lo be heard on the proposal Dona this ind day of January, 1963. Rosle Keller Recorder, City of K'amath Fails. Oregon. No. 171, Jan. 2, 3, 4. new accounts. Excellent Commissions. cash investment required. 45 year old AAA-1 Greeting Card Manufacturer. Ap plicant should have about 20 hours per week available. Wife can help. Tele phone and small home slorag space required. Car a necessity. Give full de tails first letter. Write Box 428C, care o' Heratd And News TWO bedroom furnished house. South 6m. 15 ACRES, unimproved, paved road. beai liful building site, Henley School District, $4,500. TU 4-7BI4. DREAM HOME Exclusive residential district. Besf of con struction. Beautiful view. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, birch kitchen. patio, ceramic tile bath, it 5.500. TU TWO bedroom furnished house, $70. wj ter, garbage. TU 2-4644 or TU 4-3671. ATTRACT! V T. F U R NIShED i BEE ROOM HOUSE, $50, TU 4-8161. THREE bedroom unfurnished home, 4746 Alva, TU 4-3041 eves. HELP WANTED 17 ONE bedroom furnished, $30; two bed room unfurntshed, $40; near air base. TU 4-4913. NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS AM help wanted ads published in the Herald & News are accepted In good faith that the lobs offered are as stated in the advertising copy. We are not re sponsible for the integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and refect all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a helo wanted ad and finding It to be misleading is asked to report it to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald News. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH the Matter of the Estate of EDITH SPENCER, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I am the duly appointed, qualified and acting Administrator of the estate of EDITH 5fm.CE.i?u 9tlS- pAl.e.trl. SXlEiTUATiONS WANTED notified to present the same, with vouch- attached in the manner provided by law. lo me at the otfice of J. R. Thomas, Klamath County Courthouse, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from December 13, 196, the date of the first publication of this notice. J. R. THOMAS, Administrator of the Estate ol Edith Spencer, Deceased. . Thomas Klamath County Courthouse Klamath Falls, Oregon No. 149, Dec. 13, 30, 27, Jan. 3. I IS CHILD care, my home, 4-4750. anytime, TU HOT SPRINGS 2 furnished duplex, $65, TU 4-4850. bedroom upstairs, un garage. Adults only, TWO bedroom Children, pets, TU 2-4590. unfurnished house, $45. o.k. References required. THREE bedroom home with two bath rooms on Watson St. Unfurnished. $130 per month. Call TU 2-290? or TU 2-2930. NICE' two bedroom trailer for rent, TU 2-1350. MOVING? We will "TRADE" your pronerty any where west of the Rockies! Call DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member Intetnational Traders Cub Licensed -Ore. Cal Ida Wash. Multiple Listing bervice TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses. south suburban, $45, TU 2-3923. ONE LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. I a.m. to 4 p.m.!na IJ7S carison Drive, TU 2-1144 UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, electric heat. Garage on paved alley. Modern throughout. Mills Add'n. $15 mo. TU 4-5541 after 5 or weekends. bedroom furnished duplex, water water paid, tu 4-9307. hot IRONING, WASHING - Pickup, Deliver Hand crocheted afghans TU 4-9434. sitting in my home, phone TU my home, days, Nonhside, FUNERAL HOMES Q OFFICE typing or babysitting home TU 7-5152. WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. Hlnh Street. Phone TU 2-4404 LOST & POUND LOST pair of men's black rim giasses. wewardi iu 4-3307. LOST Dec. 29, wallet containing cash, Identification, Important cards & driver's license. Keep cash. Please return wallet and contents to W. F. Hllyard, Rte. 2, Box 529, Klamath Falls. PfrftftONALS ROOM, board, some nursing care for el derly lady, ph. TU 4-1) 328. BEGINNERS' ALANON, friendly help tor families of alcoholics, TU 2-5740, TU 7129. GRAHAM'S licensed home for the aqed. private rooms or warn care, special diet, personal Interest assured, TU 2-3165. KLAMATH Alanon meetings, TU 4-3591, 'or counseling and TU 4-B704 anytime. VACANCY for lady or gentleman need ing nursing and-or convalescent care. Mountainview Nursing Home, 594 Park, Ashland, Ore. Ph. 412-1316. ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE room, balh, close in, pri vate entrance, parking, 126 No. 3rd. LARGF r.sekeeping room, utili furnished, 317 Pine, TU 2-1487. CLEAN, comfortable from Main, $5 & up. STEAM heated, quiet, sleeping rooms, 310 So. 5th - TU 2-0214. room, $20 per MEN, 134 N. 3rd, c'ose In, housekeeping. reasonapie, parxing, i u a-yib. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 REDECORATED one bedroom and studtol apartments. Adults, no pels. S45 and S55. iu 4-B51 7 to 9 p.m. evenings, Satur day afternoon, all day Sunday. $15 TO $25 weekly rates, kitchens avail able, Johnny's Motel, 2005 Blehn. THREE room furnished apartment. 2041 White NEW furnished apartment, $42. SO. See at 1030 Upham St. ONE bedroom unfurnished per month. Ph. TU 2-4090 KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4 3591, TU 4-B704. Friendly help anytime. THREE room upstairs apartment, no pets, no children, 911 walnut. ATTRACTIVE and comfortable 1 bed room furnished. 4 blocks north of Main. no hill! $47.50 per month Includes water, TV cable, garbage. Call TU 4-6539 after 5 and weekends. unfurnished house. TU NICE 3 bedroom furnished house. $75, TU 2-3852. EXCELLENT one bedroom, furnished, ga rage, fenced yard, $85, TU 4-0052 after 5. Inquire 4055 Shasta Way. ONE bedroom furnished, oil heat, north side, TU 2-4289. EXCEPTIONAL UNFURNISHED one bedroom duplex In Mills, garage, electric heat, aduiis, $65, TU ?-47? ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, nished. $45, Inquire 111 Pine. ONE bedroom furnished house. Newly decorated. TU 4-3243. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex. like new, $85. 1813 Siskiyou, TU 4-7584. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, ga rage, adults, 3011 Boardman. TU 2-0990. UNFURNISHED two bedroom triplex. Full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, electric heat, $60. tu 2-3444, ext. 44, before 5 p.m. TU 4-B267 after 5 AVAILABLE soon In Henley. Unlurnlshed 2 bedroom plus ' slory, 2 Children, $55 Reference required. TU 4794. ONE bedroom unfurnished house, $59, 2139 Main. Phone TU 2-2844. Mil. AM) MILS. JKSSE PRKW had Christmas dinner with their daughter and .son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Angel, and family. Chris Wan s( end of Bonanza was also a dinner guest. SERVICES 10 DOLLS repaired, modem and antique. Reasonable prices. Lorna's Doll Hospi tal, TU 4-499J, 1434 Lakeview. TREE topping. grooming. pruning, insured ONE bedroom furnished apartment, eludes TV, $35, call TU 4-7008. PARK APTS., $30 up, bachelor, natural nor wattr, TU 4-9754, TU 4-JB54. $45, LARGE five room newly decorated. clean, well lighted upstairs apt. Electric heat. Living room, kitchen, service room, bath, two bedrooms. Adequate furnishinqs including stove, refrigerator, washer. Lakeshore Nursery, TU 4-4955. j dryer. Two children acceptable. Apply ibu4 Lexington Ave. oetore t p.m. CUSTOM BUTCHERING your place, dellve' to processing plant or leave at your place. Al Stoll, TU 4-6176. Gino's Tailor Shop T a Uonn(j - alterations for men, won Children. All work guaranteed. Rea able prices. Gene's Mens Wear 537 Main Jess' Tree Service Tree fippinq, removing, any kind 0 clean-up work. Free estimates. TU 4-6418 Don't Guess Call JfM TREE SERVICE Pruninq. tree removal. Fully insurer BAKER S NURFRY Coin Op Laundry Topload Washers Also 30 lb. Washer TIC SHOPPING CENTER Behind U.S. Bank "dentaTplates" Repaired white you wait. New Plates Made From Your OH PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE mi Main TU 4-3784 Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional service T rees tnpoed or removed PHONE TU 4-9688 MICE. BUGS, TERMITES BILL'S BUG "E" BUSINESS Insured. City and Slate Licensed L. "Bill" Osborn, the Bug "E" Man 7-ti'H t'7 So 7'h Sf FURNISHED 3 room apartment, $5S. One room, $40. All utilities included, shared balh, adults only. 419 No. 10th. NICELY furnished bedroom apt. wool rugs, drapes, all utilities paid to certain amount, TU 4-3762. FURNISHED apartments. TU 2-4734. 142 Riverside MODERN 3 rooms and bath, $40 and up. brick court, garages. 221 Spring. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished. TV available. weekly rates. Pencen Motel, TU 2-9254 CLOSE In duple, furnished, one bed room, laundry, garaqe, $60, TU 4-3451. NICE clean furnished apartment, clos in, TU 2-2531, TU 4-4966. CASCADE APARTME NT-HOT FL Nicely furnished 3 & 4 room apartments 230 South llfh. CLEAN furnished, close to Main, week or month. 333 So. Itth. TWO bedroom, unfurnished, garaqe. st aqe room, 1747 Hope. Lease option. quire 4708 Shasta Way. REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 TWO or three bedroom in city under $17,500. Give details. Box 439C, Herald and News. WE are BUYING smail EQUITIES IF you want to SELL, SEE PAUL McATEE 339 EAST MAIN STREET TU 2-4444 for an APPOINTMENT FARM ond RANCH LISTINGS WANTED MLS BUY NOW!! INVEST WISELY IN THIS MARVELOUS SOUTH SUBURBAN VIRTUALLY NEW 3- BEDROOM RANCH HOME. Featured are spacious family room with circulating lireplace, 3 ceramic lilert baths, built-in range and oven, larqe breakfast bar. At tached double garage, choice 110 v 175 ft. view site In select restricted home area. JUST $22,900. WITH ONLY 10 per cent DOWN. i' s' QUALITY HOME featuring top close-in Northside neighbor, hood, ust 4 easy blocks lo downtown, AND LASTING MASONRY CONSTRUC TION. Includes 2 huqe bedrooms, spa clous living and dining room, dinette, fireplace. Full concrete basement has 12 x 18 ft. den or 3rd bedroom with fire place. Beautiful corner lot. . double qa rage. GOING NOW AT S14.TC0; EASY FHA, Gl, OR CONVENTIONAL LOAN TERMS. TRAILER WANTED WILL TRADE EQUITY IN 3 BEDROOM HOME IN HENLEY DISTRICT, on I acre tract, for house trailer or car, paid lor or not, Full price $9,750. QUICK ACTION ON LISTINGS!! Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N. vth St. Phone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Tom Rabbitl Ph. TU 2-MB! Eve. Bill Chrlcole Ph. TU 4-3281 Eves. Chilcote, Associate Broker Boh Chilcote. Broker MLS IF Multiple Listing Service YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO STEAL SEE THIS: 3 bedrooms, large living room anrf dlnina room with wall to wall carpetinq, eating area In kitchen, separate utility, fruit room, detached garaqe with concrete floor, over ' j acre qround, south sub nrhn area Mir.f.FU veil id duim nnv quamira wvtri lor any nie;lfcKM5 ON THISJ Price, $9,7W. (arm or rancn. an . . . BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No. Tth TU WRIGHT REAL ESTATE REAL (STATE (XCHANSE I am o "TRADER" ARE YOU? why sell when you can trarte. Cal DEANE SACHER fFALTOR Member International Traders Club L':ensed - Ore. Cal. Ida. Wash. 10)7 Main St TU 4 41)7 -)H - MEMBFR 2? INTF RNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB S Hth Tl ).?T7H Mildred Hall TU 4-SA (Van) VanSickle TU J-i 23 CLOSE IN REAL FSTATE FOR SALE 30 THREE bedroom unfurnished duplex apartment, water paid, $50, TU 2-0473. NICELY furnished 1 bedroom apartment, B!S Lincoln. TU 4-5492. APARTMENT near Weyerhaeuser fun nished. Utilities, steam heat, $40. 4-8313. STEAM heat, bachelor apt., 213 Cedar. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath s most modem, furnished. 2lfl So. Ilth. TU 2-1047. HUP WANTIO. FEMALE 14 KKV. AM) MKS. Y. (iKNK U and children spent the hol id;ts in with hit sister ivni t;imil His mother and sister from S;inta Cm, tomed them for I'hnstm.Ts They at mi visited Mrs Willis wents in Port to ml. I AIKV Mil. AM) MKS. MRVI Sl; KIMDSON and f.miily of TW htirg sjvnt Chnttni.iK week urirY Mr and Mis Cannon Sent To Tulelake POT IT ION available approximately Jan. IS wi'h Klamath Falls Creamery. Some stenography, general office work. Appli cant nvjsl he above average typist. This is a qoort (Ob for the right person. Starllnq salary cammr nsurate In ability nr e penenre Apply m person to Klamath Palls f rea-nery Off-ce, I JO m. to 10 30 TU 4-3? i4 a m mornings BY owner, suburban two bedroom hnme on fenced lot, has tile bath, larqe utility, separate dining room, small workshop. one block to school, W.W0, $5W will handle. Will consider trade on car, or pickup, TU 2-4715. Three bedrooms, family room, two lull haths, newly redecorated Inside and out. Smqie qaraae and fenced yard Close tn park and schools. Only $450 down plus closing. PAUL McATEE REAL1AP TU 7-Uif, SlM Eleanor Mahn Evelyn MrAtee S'alf Eves. TU TU THREE bedroom brick, 471S Onyx, l'i baths, wall to wall carpet, fireplace, built ijrw.r.c;T?rTS!STILWELL & CO. Presents: in trade. TU 2-Sll) TWO bedroom home, qaraqe. A real buy tor s,v. mi Leurti. 7-BEDROOM brick home, fireplace Wash. er, dryer, stove Included. Fenced yard covered patio. 14'7(V shop. $17,SOO. Call TU 2-0224 after 5 pm. TWO newly decorated apartments, N 9th, couples or bachelors, $40 and $49 50. Gun Store. t BEDROOM duplex unfurnished acar). ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 3-4500.1 lhMt, down. TWO bedroom furnished court, $40, 123S' "gr i Adams. TU 4-3BS4, TU 4 ?S4 13T ACRES, si ml. Klamath Falls. irrigated, free water, large marhlne and TU 3-044r. ONE bedroom apts . comple'ely or partly furnished, newly redecorated. TU 4-4732 COMFORTABLE furnished bachelor apt., close in, utilities paid! 124 N. 3rd. UTILITIES, maid service, kitchen, clean shed units, by week. 1405 Esplanade, Tn.KI.AKK - Chester Cannon, tm mer district forest rancor on the Surprise Valley Distnet with headquarters at Ceiarville, has heon transferred tn Tulelake to re plare Theitdnre Mome. Mr. Moore died seer;il weeks ai;o. Cannon affiliated with the forest service 12 years an Me serve .is chief ranker on the Pouhlehend Oistncl with headquarter at Tule-iake. Virsil Schmoe and! fe ,ls ;in -nmnanied here hv '"". 'Hn, t im im'!iiis wue Minna, ami two ouni; alt were dinner piests of Mr 'mmis, Tim. fixe and Mike, tun Oregonians Prove Cold No Barrier REX ARMS 1 OR BEDROOM APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN HFAT. WATfcP, GARBACF PAID IJ4 BROAD - TU 7 9217 $36 to $58.50 rps.roTABLE I IVING AT LOW COST) l-J-1 bMfroem apt , tureiotd or un'ur nshed. Permanent mamttnaire included Monday threveti Fr.qav SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS IIJ7 WASHBURN WAV TU 4-M77 0'iiee hours I a tv t S p rr. 12th & Main Phone TU 4-8858 : Ipllf B .1 A I j Tm is t3 JUT t'K'eui !.! n r f .114) fyiS fcmtj Mbraf tape tmrnmu uorei Bv I nitrd Wes International ) New Year's I'ay was a day for! Orecofiian to prove their mettle ! A croup went for a 5wm in thel polar hear pool at the Portland Zoo. Swimmers splashed about in the eold Willamette River and a sjioup of water skiers slid over the river's surface in a near-fncid prav. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS one MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way Oh and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished ond Unfurnished $69.50 to $89 50 Paily, Wffkly Moll KatM TU 2-5577 TWO beflroom olu possible 3'd uostaTt. Iitrmshprt, double lot, V.0OO, Olltnr n. TU 1-4144 af!r S 00, anytime week ends. THREE bedroom home lor sale No down payment, South suburbs. TU 4-301 eve SUPERB buildinq lot in Hot Springs area tan 'U 4 8978 twenmqs FOR sale by oner. J bedroom p'ir hoif nar KUHS. 1 .0SO sq tt. firxv space S4.W. down A rjood start- rr home. Immediate ocsesion. Larry RA'ahoo, days TU 4-41?;, tveninqs TU 4 FOUR apartments, excellent Investment, close In, TU 3-231, TU 4-464. LOT, Fairhaven Schnol district, hat lights, water, septic tanic, TU 2-4941. three bedroom hr? tor sa'e 4151 Sum mers Lee. TU 4-4539 ts ACRE ranch fully equipped, ! miis 'rom K lama'h Falls, available immedi afely. TU 4-453. NICE 2 bedroom home, 4S4S Shata Way Call TU ;-2ft63. NEAP CONGER SCHOOL - Pnomy 1 herl rm hnm. good liriic. lot nf stnrap space, shop, b d pavM patm, Qrrvt loc aping, dnubfe lot A (.na hnm tor a family lor fjnly 110,000. PACIFIC T E RP ACE 4 bedrooms, 1' haths. living room with lirpplar, dm. irg room, lull basement, (cellent hot welt tor economical heatinq Drxihla qarage. corner view Incatmn only 1 h"yh tn Ronteueit Scnoi. Shown jl sflp. U.VVt FULL PRICF huvs th 1 hdroom hrrre Dwnrr wM sell on contract w th 1S00 down. STILWELL & CO. Reai't-s V Vam Street TU 4-1114 AMer S rl t-)i Ron Van 0'mr Rrur pmkiey If no answer r" Til M? Til 7 (UU T U h"H SUBURBAN 7 ft, -ronms, rjut ranrj" r-d hea'e' rnot FrrM-fr Ce'la-. 0" 'Option. lawn and shrubs "OO Vrvte-ate rinwn pvmr.i! or 1l tahe Ptud as dwn payment. arre HOT SPRINGS tf th vw Year in n rhrm, 'hree pedroom home - two hJ"M "ardwond floors i-gel wa-dropes we v seen - Iron Fimin tnrrr . r.e : to schools and hoopig - lust nk n land only Jit. W0 I OO I FT US SHOW VOII THIS ASO j OTHER C.Ono HOs-'FS KLAWATH FALLS FINEST! Schroeder Reolfy Co. 1144 U on 1 tirtrOrVS ijo'tm 1 FM'OC" u-'err hed Sraceu) Poo-m Taite'uiiy Oece'e'e1 Wan to wi S'wi( ("Ml etei inwfli aH se-vces raol te ece-e and eect-cv T(i H4 HOUSES FOR RENT OUTSTANDING 1 h.'drOprr, florlei On t vf"f eec tr ,t ! r nr.. reav qa'aor-. fi-epiace. TU 3 mn T AO he.lroom Mr or p-lva'e lot. TU Porthinder nnH a T.t- om.. Vah, youth climboH to lhe top of Ml. Hood Hie " Rear," a sroup oh Mtiltnomah Athletic Huh mem . hers went for the .innual swim in the lv;ir pool. With an ,i;r tempornture of nHMil -iO. and a rivet water tem perature of about Ah. the Salem Aqua Club dived in the Willamette at Kola for an annual fuM day swim of more than two mile The Portland Water Ski Club nmmKi't rrfil'-rirti'4 i '.in c Aet I tin . f C L F AN ane Sea-rvim fL,riC-e K:er Queen in Portland w h , m. o moh ms P'1 pramids, trick and bare font i unurmsmed 2 bear pom t- l ."C he', CATPrt, near T-n r.tiwarn iatri. a 1 oriiarn meci-f s'.'Ai 1 :ea! student a:d Torv Anderon. ! u:" l Taciima. stattrti out the new ra with a thmh on Mt Hood It ua -NE the litth time rajiM ha N'en in'M-n -t'wroiwi tu l he first partv to n.uh the top c 'Cr'abi f tf h- on New N ear I,u 41 vain DELUXE The most spacious ? bf'd'-oom in the snh. Urhs. 1.21(1 SO. ft Harrtwppd floors thrmiOh- nut Ruilt--n ranqe K nen Rirrh cahr. n(s. o,l forred air tiirrre U'-'ity. '"'f tite hth tot iro i?n veivt 'an A (onterv've hiy at fssno Ay type Iran avilt. 20 ACRES NEAR NEW O.T.I. CAMPUS OUTSTANDING 1 ac e ' 1 ped'mvn fce no a rrofT" P i'r're " cnrc-(te ri;--!a.f,-vid me1; g-;e a--r at 0. N:;y i-n-ari ' ho,,te r ra't ray V:v 114 rl T-s NFAT and ('ean J ver ri'd 7 W.H-IVn" u"'u"inl aur(e New s'-ve ma pi-q . ' a-tr ,in A.ifl..t"i. ti tu ; LEONARD REALTY fhfl.e Himtt piVfr hotfrm Unr) n-i rver! highWv. Well anfl pt;mp hyse in P lur-rtat pn and wan or ii"n iq O hprn pi hinrlr tont-ix;ti(-n A't fnr vf-y eo"f'a pnee ol 1.kvi. STILES REALTY MrVfltt IN C BNAT irtN AL T O APE D S (1MB i ll . ert St. rn-n TU 3.44f) r-erl Tl(rker 'U Vr 'J ?.? i' TI i W0 S' til 4.-4 F Al RVfEW-SCHOOir Cfn-t'h' ? Vrtrncm eaiy vk. rt st"ce 'n v'i S' t-reriare -m pure hserfe"f wh ai'r-a fej- rprm. JMV Eatny tino(i, DON SLOAN "AO 1 STROUT MOVFPALF t "j- wfl hfl 1 U t t:K ar-.M 0-3e fcf, "II 2-T:J Ne.t try o Proi-sfn 5fhfw. a buy a' TU 4-sUJI Hft.'wp Ower Mr 1 1 sell nn Gl ' FHA ro'wsai sown by aoCfl'n'me"! t'y . U'M SU"UPlAN j "jv--,', h-s . ce Conce'e wa tt U ni. e,fn d'p-ie 'eO People Read SPOT ADS you art now. fwp hed't 1 -.;; 2 or t REALTY A'F ep ce ga-age. t V'v harwlv , na'n. r 'I fte. e'y o-o pa-u' red trt kes ftr C(iw person M h a hoh AH 4 W 0-n,r M ,-,,, , 1 1 : vti C-r'ty. Can v ' 1 ' M'dland Errp're it Imam