Thur., Jan. 3, 1963 Page 5-B Herald k Newt Klamath Fall Apples Help Pep Up Leftovers Apples make the best low-cal orie snacking. They make a won derful dessert "as is" alter hea vy meals, and are a protective fruit against winter colds and! over-acid body chemistry. Besides what more cheerful end to a long day than biting into an apple as you mull over past events before a crackling fire in the fireplace. Try it some time for "tired nerves." Delicious, both red and golden, Winesaps and Jonathans from Washington state are all in the local markets now. This week comes some ideas for using apples to rescue left overs in the refrigerator from dullness. We pass them on to you. CURRIED APPLE-TURKEY CASSEROLE i cup chopped onion 2 tablespoons butter lor mar garine i 1 cans UO'j-oz.) condensed cream of chicken soup, un diluted j teaspoon curry powder Vi teaspoon ground nutmeg 2 cups cubed cooked turkey or chicken 2 cups cubed, cored, un peeled apples, i cup raisins '.3 cup almonds Saute onion in butter until ten der. Combine all other ingredi rnts and place into two - quart baking dish. Prepare pastry using one cup flour as for one-crust pie or one stick prepared pie crust mix. Roll out as for pie crust to fit baking dish. Place jver turkey mixture sealing edges. ith a fork. Bake in 425 degree jven for 30 minutes. Serves six. APPLE-HAM BAKE 3 large thin slices of boned precooked ham or (leftover slices' 2 apples 1 cup cooked rice 1 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons prepared m u s tard 3 tablespoons brown sus;ar ' teaspoon ground cloves "4 cup hot water 1 tablespoon lemon juice On each ham slice place I liin y sliced, peeled apples. Blend ogcther cooked rice, salt, p r e jared mustard, brown sugar and :lovcs. Spread a third of the mix ure over each slice of ham. Roll jp each ham slice and fasten ith skewers. Place in shallow Daking dish. Pour water and lem- n juice mixture over the ham ;lice and bake in 350 degree oven or 35 lo 40 minutes, until apples ind ham are tender. Basle oc casionally. Serves six. JOLDEN .MANDARIN WALDORF 4 Golden Delicious apples I can i ll-oi. mandarin or anges ' cup mayonnaise '.cup honey ' teaspoon mace Lemon juice to taste '4 cup flaked coconut Wash, core and dice apples into I bowl. Add drained mandarin ranges, marshmallows and coco nut, toss. Blend honey, lemon mice, mace and mayonnaise; fold mto salad mixture. Serves six. Wow! What a Sale We're Havin' This Weekend scf Safeway Cook's Tour NEW YORK aPM - A com poser's name on the menu at Philharmonic Cafe indicates a new dish has been created. Anton Gotsche. Vienna-born manager, explained that Euro. ;van tradition entitles a chef lo name any dish he creates. Gotiche accordingly honors world- famous composers in planning food service for the restaurant in the first building to open at the Lincoln Center for the Perform ing Arts. The music men honored so far are all Europeans, hut the food is primarily American with con tinental touches, sa'd Golsche in an interview. One supper menu included New England lobster new-burg. Gulf shrimp remouladc in a sharp mavonnaise sauce, and sliced hot barbecued beef M-'i.deksohn. in tomato sauce. A salad list included Alaska king crab with avocado. Supreme of chicken Offenbach nn a dinner menu turned out to be breast of rhicken in a white wine sauce Sweetbreads Debussy are in a white wine sauce. Americans' taste (or European favorites prompted the inclusion n( veal parmesan. coq au vin ichicken in wine saucei and fillet nf sole bonne fern me, in mush room and wine sauce. In rrench service, food is brought to the table on a car; and partly prepared in front of Ihe guest, said Uotsche. who wrote a text on table service when he was a student at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration. The other types of service are American and Russian, he added In American service, food i! riished onto plates in the kikhen In Russian service, food i! brought to the dining room on a silver platter and transferred onto a plate before each guest. i i -i hi II Wl I ill I I mmm .... 5 Fig Bars Soda Crackers Fruit (ocklai! Tomalo Soup Canned Milk Tomalo Sauce Popular Penny Savers Busy laltor. Vanilla end Whoar. Mb. pkfl. Ivy Bokor. Juit whltptr crtipar. Town Homo, $ good In Gt)o tint. 303 can Compbtlli. Htarty flavor, end nutritious. 10ft m. Carnation. Doubfo rich milk. Toll cent Town Houio, rich rftflghrful flavor. oi. 2 lb. 3 5 4 10 for fw (of 45c 49c 49c 49c 49c 49c Your Money's Worth More at Safeway LUCERNE PARTY PRIDE ICE CREAM 69c Fcpptrmlnr Candy Choc Manhmallour Chocofoto Morblo Vanilla Banana Nut Butttrflngor Macadam l Neapolitan Buttorbricklo Spvmonl Moplo Nut Buttor Poem Half Got. Quaker Oals Pancake Flour Angel Cake Mix.;, Pinlo Beans Zee Napkins Hot corool. Special 43 oi. trool . . . add raliini. pkg. Kitchen Craft, for 4 -lb. lightoit hot tckot pkg. illibury. "14 15V oi. ogg whites high' pkg. Town HeuM. Wonderful 4-lb. for cold weather. bag 360 papor napkin Family In each package ' Pack Orange Drink Pilled Cherries Vienna Sausage Chili Con Carne i Franco-American or Oropt drink. HoToy't 46 . froth fruit flavor. can Town Houio, fart. No. 303 Beit phi cherry. can libby'i, precoeked. 4 ox. forty treat. can sley'o. fxtra 1 5 'A Spaghetti. Big 37 of. family slio con can Juice Bases Applesauce Cream Corn Canned Peas Potato Flakes fold. Drop.,, Orang., Blind, .1. P'opplfOr'fniit. Highway. Alwiyi naiy N. SOI I. b. Mrv.d. can Oardtntld. Fin. N 303 quality, y.1 Ht.mlcal con Oordmld.. A tnil No. 303 lln. kur- can Orolda. Real maihed 3Vi or. potatoo In. hwrryl pkg. ' I New Potatoes Green Beans Diamond Matches Cleanser Lunch Bags Highway. Pre-cooked No. 300 Wonderful creamed. con Saracon. Flno quality vegetable. No. 303 con Handy pa dr. Keep pkg. plenty on hand, of 30 White Magic, with chlorine bleach. 14 of. the Zoo. You'll need pkg. ptenry for school hinchet at 20 z&MMAi BAG BANANAS 1 Extra Fancy Golden Fruit (tP, Plump, fragrant, hefty" with juice! Fresh in from the groves! GRAPEFRUIT ARIZONA MARSH SEEDLESS USDA Choice ke "Aged" CjJ Clot. Irimmtd of 5V, oil txcit bant, fat and wail '5 T5" Anjou Pears 3-b,49c Potatoes 201b,.59c Prices effective Thursdoy, January 3 through Sunday, January 6 at Safeway in Klamath Falls. We reserve the right to limit. 2 VX ' U'P aii gateway x SV' A V Meats Ar fT'tf-i l-J4tTf . , (j We Give tZ WO 0011 Deliciously tender btfore wtlghing. Pound SIRLOINS Full cut, bone In. U.S.D.A. IL Choice Aged Beef IU mm Bools fill up fait when you save Gold Bond Stamps from Safeway. An EXTRA Bonut. Fillet of Sole Caffi'; Sliced Bologna Sa5KitfB 9" Chipped Beef ' beefs'a ox. pkg. I -lb. pkg. 59c b. 49c 3 1 Chopped Broccoli t 3fW49c Kernel Corn Frozen Peas French Fries Potato Patties B.Uir. 10 ot. pkg. Scotch 10 ot. pig. Bl-air. 9 ot, pkg. Bl-ic 12 ot. pkg. 3for49C 4fW49c 3 for 49c 3for49C Bel-air Spinach fr 3490 4 MRS. WRICHT'S APPLE ROLLS Serve M for braakfatt lurpni.. ;,33c Dinner Rolls a Um. 11 t. J9C Skylark Rolfs mit.ioi. WJC Anef Many Aloro Paltry Trtat OroyimcS Quality Controlled for Freshness and Lean Content! Sour Cream Dressing 1000 Island Dressing Dairy Topping Baked Beans Meatless Spaghetti tZ'Z I ? O r Lucame. Lucern. 8 oi. jar. Lucama. I oi. jar. Luc.rna, rati craam. 7 oi. Lucwni: Haat 'n S.rva. 16 et. Lucerne. ioi.ctn. Extra Large AAEggsdo?.' 49c 49c 49c 39c 39d 39c! 53c