PAGE 2-B HERALD AM) NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. ThursAuT, January 3, 19fi3 Pearadise Salad Platter Ever sn easy and always pleas nss. PM A . w 4. ;. T I f V. r.'0:.)Wa LUNCHEON PLUS Serv. a friendly cup of steaming coffee with this handsome platter salad, plus cheese luncheon rolls and your reputation as a gourmet cook will travel afar. Pearadise Salad is easy to make using canned pears. r 4' s V 7 VTv vi r -'-. -I V, F', .V -Star B a at . ' A ' aV V "PLUM" PRETTY Using up left over ham is no problem when cooks can make as handsome a dish as ham loaf from the bits that accumulate as the ham is served. Trim every bit of meat from abound the bone when ham is boiled or baked to use in these recipes . ; V f a UNIQUE FLAVOR Sour Cream Chive buns are made from another no knd iec!pe that should meet favor with young brides, middle aqed matrons and qrandmothars, thuy are so easy to make. The addition of chives or dill seed will add flavor that will sur. prio the best of cooks. Make Most Of Holiday Ham So handsome is this ham loaf that the guests uill never guess you made it from leftover ham! What lifts it up to real party fare is the tomato sauce combined uith mayonnaise right in the recipe it self for a very unusual blend of flavors. Next time vou have a luncheon and want to serve specially attrac live individual alads, try these Ham W Aspic tarts. I se left over ham for garniish and make the spicy aspic from convenient canned tomato sauce, perfect fla vor contrast for the green pep per and cottage cheese. Add dain ty sandwiches, a dessert, and cof fee for a luncheon guaranteed to delight our Iricnds! JI I.I.IKI) HAM LOAF IH In 10 wrvingst 2 envelopes unflavorrd ge-'a line W cup cold v-ittcr 2 'fl ounce1 cans tomato sauce 2 tablespoons lemon juice ' teaspoon paprika 3 and h cups ground cooked ham 1 cup mayonnaise I green popper, chopped 1 cup minced celery Soften gelatine in waier. Heat tomato sauce to boiling. Tour over gelatine, stirring until dissolved Add lemon juice and paprika. Chill until umMslrncy of unbeaten eg: while. Add ham, and green pepper. Pour into 2 quart loaf pan or mold chill until tirm (arnish with sliced, haid-coikcd cgs and ripe olies. HAM V ASPIC TARTS i Makes A servings 1 paikage tinflavnreri gelatine 1 and 't cups water 1 bouillon cube 2 tablespoons sugar 1 "R-ounret can tomato same 2 tablespoons lemon juice I clove garlic pressed fi baked tart shell. 1 green peppr, sliced in rings 1 cup cottage cheese '2 teaspoon seasoned pepper 'or coarsely ground pep per 4 thick slice boded Iwm. cut m julienne strips Soften gelatine in ' cup water in a Imul Slowly a'd 1 cup boil nig water, bullion rube and su gar; stir until dis-oUed Pour on tomato sauce, add nct four in giedient. and stir well, rhi!! until lliukencd. Sponn aspic into tart s!kI1s and set in the refriger ator until dim At srrving time place a green pepjHY nng on a.pic, Kill ring with seasoned cot tage cheese liarnisb with julienne .strips Senc on a lettuce bed ing a salad treat with Canned Bartlelt Pear Halves in the lead ing role. Couple delectable Canned Pear Halves with crisp apple strips, tangy pineapple spears and avocado wedges. Su gar-frosted grapes and canned sweet Bing cherries round out nur sparkling Pearadise Salad Platter. Zippy sour cream is sprinkled with brown sugar to top one and all. A luncheon or buffet table will be completed in style when refreshing Pearadise Salad Platter is part of the array Adding the final fillip to a gour met's delight are Cheesy Lunch !eon Rolls. Slices of sharp ched dar cheese are inserted between layers of fantan type rolls. As they bake, a luscious cheesy lay er melts into the rolls. Guests will ask for more, so have plenty to pass a second time. Serve a friendly cup of steam ing coffee and your lovely lunch eon created around Pearadise Salad Platter is complete. PEARADISE SALAD PLATTER 1 can II lb., 14 oz.l Barlctt Pear Halves 4 canned pineapple spears 8 apple slices 1 avocado Canned dark sweet cher rics Sugared grapes . 'i pint sour cream 3 tablespoons brown su;,ar Crisp salad greens Drain canned pear halves. Ar range pear halves, pineapple spears, apple slices and avocado wedges in circular pattern on salad greens. Add cherries and frosted grapes for garnish. Short ly before serving, sprinkle sour cream with brown sugar. Serve as dressing for salad. Makes 4 servings. CID7.ESE LUNCHEON ROLLS I'se favorite recipe for lantan rolls or purchase refrigerated butter-flake rolls. Slice sharp checldar cheese into about one inch square pieces. Insert cheese in two or three places in lop ol panned rolls. Bake at 375 degrees for 12-16 minutes. Yeast Buns Delicious With the revival of home bread baking sweeping America, new recipes thai sound like many grandmother used to cherish arc adding interest to the culinary art. Warm breads and rolls, fra grant from the oven add much to anv meal. SOIR CRKAM AND CHIVE BINS (Makrx I dozen) cup sour cream 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons margarine ' cup warm water 1 package or cake yeast, at live dry or compressed 24 cups unsifted flour 1 ecu I1 tablesxxns (hopped chives or fresh dill seeds Mix sour cream, halt and margarine together. Bring' to a boil; cool to lukewarm. Mcas use w,nm water into large warm bowl. Sprinkle or crumble in yeast; stir until dissolved. Stir in sour cream mixture and one cup Hour. Beat until smooth. Add re maining flour, egg, and chives or dill seeds; beat until smooth t"oer; let rise in wami place lice from drft. until doubled in bulk, about .lit minutes Stir down batter. Spoon into greased mutt in cup, filling about half full. Let rise in warm place, free from dratt. until doubled in bulk, about 2'-.T minutes Bake in hot oe 4 decrees F 1 about l.'i-Jo minutes or until done Sene w.itm Try - 4 , ? pi ft E -1 L 4 STAMPH n .- m a r i i mm.'-; v a IBptOAD'SSJ V. ORCsTN 'A JtW JJ 4 TV DINNERS Chef's Frozen 1 l-oi. Size 49 MEAT PIES Chct'i Frozen 8-oz. Size FRENCH FRIES 25c Sno-Peak Frozen 1 'j-lb. Poly Bog 2 ' FLAV-R-PAC rPEAS, CUT CORN, 'MCUT GREEN BEANS, MiPEAS & CARROTS IValb. f Poly Ran? . I wl Gorton's 14-oi. Pkg. Fish Sticks Booth Brsodtd lb. pkg. Shrimp... 59c 99' CRISPI FRUIT P 8plnch $00 ml I1RF.EN 'i LEMONADE GRAPE JUICE ORANGE JUICE M.C.P. 12-ox. Tim FLAV-R-PAC 12-ox. rim PURE SUN Frozen 6-ox. tini g o $jOO for $00 jQc eoch Factors In Food v.. lirpl. of .Agrlajlhirf .linm pirnish Slue unpai rl rrarv 1'RKSII I'KAKS I' losMiisc ami rcmnvn the core Juiev (rosh pears provide an Plflf rmt in a huttrrnl ta-w role, .sprinkle with a nuture ot nnnjnion nni lemon juue B.tke a!nni;uie the liam until rM-wiallv ilelichtful winter eat itn plfHsnre and the delicious fruit i;is boon desiRnated hy the I'mted Males IVpartnienl of Asricultvire s one of the Plentiful Foods for Jiinuaiy. Western consumers are fortunate bei-ause v inter pear production is c or.cenlrated in the three Pacific C'oat states and supplies are es jovially ahundant in this area. Be sure to have plenty of this ahiindanl fruit at home, washed and chilled, ready for appetite satisfaction anytime- Also take ad vantage of the mealtime potential of baked pejira. Heatins fresh prars hinhliijhts their natural mel low. SAeet goodness. Pear Kings era a tasty baked lender, ahout ;n nimutes Minted IVar l'imxite rcfre.-lies mid-mlor menus '1'mt a lemon-orani;e-Mi(;ar syniu preen with food colonns AilH unpaied, quar tered pears and hake ai .v rle grees V. until trmler. atntit W minutes. Kcjnoe pcais. .Vason syrup with a subtle accent of oil of peppermint, 'id Sxin som. over each txirlion of hot pea s. viarniMi with sreen mara schino cherries I . Linn am on 1 A rotary beater often does won dera in removing lumps from a sauce ! I toore flavors f.-.-it. W ? 9 t' t't cp i P s,' I s i 'rr CRESCENT Taste it toasted! Great way to s!a1 the day! The ligM brown bread with natural who!e gra n goednessl fKED BY mm Bakers of HOLSUM Your local bakary 11 jf Cut Corn O Peas & CarrotsS w'j Peas O Leaf Spinach WA ite $11 oo )) T7j FLAV-R-PAC sJpER MARKET pR0ZE; SSES strawberries ml K Pggfj BR0CC0LI SPEARS TTNv .T3r. BRUSSEL SPROUTS iklf ( CAULIFLOWER ...(l, V A SlV YOUR j? QQ j) g XSCIME ' v lf Youre Not Shpping Here n ni You're Spending Too Much! Vjfi'Yi Ii m3 0 VV Reserve The Righr To Limir j Prices lfcctia Through Sunday Nighr While Quontities Losr - Sfort Hours 9:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M.