HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falli, Off. Tiursdav, January 3, 19S3 PACE I-B A Different Blend up from each with vinegar, oil dill. Tabasco and salt. Blend well tpt Combine cooked beans, drained pineapple, pickles, green pepper and celery. Add dressing; mix 8 kfe TV ifft tangy flavor of canned pineapple chunks blends with an exotic array of vegetables and herbs to create this exciting h cup wine vinegar cup salad oil l teaspoon dried dill ' teaspoon Tabasco sauce ' teaspoon garlic salt 1 small green pepper, cut in strips 1 cup thinly sliced celery 1 large tomato, cut in small wedges Cook green beans as package directs just until crisp-tender. Drain and cool. Drain pineapple gently unlil thoroughly combined. Cover and chill several hours Garnish with tomato wedges. Serve cold. Makes about 10 serv ings. new holiday salad. It's a San Francisco original ... as zesty and colorful as the city itself Pineapple Vinaigrette. Nob Hill 1 19-ounce) package frozen Italian green beans 1 (1-pound 4-ouncei can pine apple chunks 1 (12-ounce) jar swee mixed pickles Many good cooks like to use a combination of butter and a bland oil when they orown chicken or meat; the oil helps to slow down the browning of the butter. By RUTH KING and pickles. Combine 1-3 cup syr JpeclaitieS S) lit $w f t J vj J; VERSATILE PINEAPPLE With the holidays ahead there will be lots of entertaining around festive boards and new ideas for the menu are welcome. Here is one salad that may be served with almost any meat course, Pineapple Vinaigrette, Nob Hill. V 'v' - J HIDDEN GOODNESS Flaky pie crust conceals the tender meat and vegetables in this new version of the American stew. Lard, the standby of good cooks, is used for crust. Bonny Beef Braid A Fancy Favorite Beef slew, a favorite winter' meal, is hearty hut fancy in a latticework selling of pie douah made into a Bonny Beef Braid. Serve with a tossed salad, baked squash seasoned with cin namon, blueberry miitdns, fruit compote and coffee. Homcmakers who know that the proof of the pie is in the crust, insist that there is nothing finer than lard for producing extra flaky pastry. When you select the lard with hich shortening power it is our assurance of meil in-the-mouth-tmdcrnes in prize winning pies and fancy meal hraids The results will cue vou personal pride and. give jnur family gastronnmiral deliint. It s odorless and tasteless and serves all your hakinc and frying needs Lard is easily kept on your cup board shel(hecause it stays fresh without refrigeration. The handy markings on the carton do away with messy measuring. Vou sim ply slice off the amount reeded The douch (or the Bonny Bee! Braid is rolled out to a rectancle measunne 20 by 14 inches. To keen the douch of uniform thick ness lift the rolling pin at the edge of the rectancle wncn tne lengthwise sides of the rectangle ar lii into strips and the beef stew spooned down the center, the strips are hmugnl over tne oeei slew in latticework fashion to make a braid Because the beef ttew has been cooked the braid is placed in the oven just to lichllv brown the crust. BONNY BF.FK BRAID Yield: rrvine PASTRY 3 cups sifted four l'i teaspoons salt ' cup lard 4 to 6 table.-poons water FILLING 1 pound beef stew meal, cut into "j-inch curies 2 tablespoons lard 1 teaspoon salt , H teaspoon garlic powder i teaspoon pepper . ' teaspoon paprika 1 hay leaf t cup sliced mushrooms 2 cups water I eupj cubed pfrtalo 1 cup sliced carrots 2 lablespooons flour i cup cold water Melt two tablespoons laid in a skillet Add stew meat and brown well. Blend in sail, garlic pow der, pepper, paprika, hay leaf, mushrooms and water. Cover and immer over low heat about two; iiouis. Stir in potato and carrots and cook until vegetables are len der. Mix together flour and water. Stir into stew and cook for about five minules. Set aside while mak- Hot Cheese Sandwich 2 cups ''a pound' shredded sharp American cheese 1 lablc.-poon butter I egg. beaten i leaspoon salt leaspoon p;ipnka 'i teaspoon prepared m u s-tard 1 teaspion Worcestershire sauce R slices bacon R hamburger buns 2 large lomaiocs Butter Blend cheese with butler, e:; and seasonincs. Cut each sl.co. of bacon in half crosswise and par tially cook. Spread bottom half nfj each bun with butter then cheese mixture. Slice each tomato eight slices and place two slices on each sandwich. Top sandwich w ith bacon and bake, open-face, in moderate oven. 3.V) degrees, alxnit five minutes. Butter and heat top half of bun Remove from oven and place on top of bun on sand' wich. Makes eight sandwiches. ing pastry. To make pastry, sift flour with salt into a bowl. Cut in lard, us ing a pastry blender or fork, until the mixture is the consistency of corn meal and small peas. Sprin-j kle cold water, a little at a time. over different parts of Hour mix-; ture. Toss together lightly with a fork. Place dough on waxed )aper. Knead three times, Press gently with the paper into a ball. Il stand at room temperature for 15 to 20 minutes. I'sing a floured pastry cloth and rolling pin. roll dough into a rectangle about 20 by 14 inches. Place dough on a baking sheet On each side of the rectangle. lengthwise, make four-inch cuts in the dough, about one inch apart. Place beef filling down center of dough on uncut por tion, leaving an inch of dough at each end. Beginning at one end. fold an inch of dough up over Ihe filling. Bring one strip of dough from each side, criss crossing strips in the center. Con tinue crossing douch lattice fash ion. At other end of braid, fold one inch of dough up over fili ng and tuck strips underneath braid. Bake m a hot oven '425 deerecs F. ) about .10 minutes or until crust is brown. Serve hot SARDINE 'V CHOPPED E(.G Generously spread buttered loast (incers with finely chopped hard conked ecc mixed with may onnaise Arrange two whole sar dines dove-tail fashion on each and garnish with small sprig of fresh parsley. INSIST ON GOLD BELL BRAND KLAMATH POTATOES t Your Fortf GKr'l mm 3 B IG REASONS FOR SHOPPING HERE... MELLORINE Holidays have delayed deliveries . . . some items in this ad will not be available until Friday. Prices good through Monday. Log Cabin Syrup start the new year right! Do yourself a favor . . . start shopping here! Friendly, personal serv ice, plenty of free park ing, wide selection of foods, plus the added convenience of a com plete variety store and a post office make Buy Low a real, one stop shopping spot. Come in! 24 ox. Bottle FISHER'S ALL PURPOSE CHEESE 2 Pound Loaf Dundee 46-oz. PINEAPPLE JUICE 249' YAMHILL - No. 2Vi PEARS 2" s49c II GARDEN - WHOLE APRICOTS 3 B9 DUNDEE BIG No. 2Vi Cons Fruit Cocktail .JSFMhci- Er.r.c Grade "AA" Small 32 lt PPEAn -.- dog Peaches J:W & Corn s, 3 49' w18 DUNDEE 9fnr F Star 5&i BIG 18-ot. BOTTLES Jm TOr rar Green Beans 3i49c Catsup 39'f Nkl Bacon a n,JfAf CarrobJls . , r0c SCubeMeaRs Bananas sft8fl7tl----'--o An, kundBeef -Llmmm 3M9c kiwi" irjfiaatoes50i89: aFSlc te ,35 Crapefrua jH9j BLEACH G'49 Assf. Colors Polyethylene JBsfti Km I II II II 11 Kii All-Purpose II fljw q 189 WASTE BASKETS Rc9 88c vo' 49 c IJ3 Ijy P a g L 5) s 11 j Kellogg'. ICCI 8-oi. pkgs. I MISSION'S BEST-BET MACARONI or SPAGHETTI . 4 Pound Package 39' SUNNY JIM - JAM Strawberry BIG 40-ox. Jar Mayonnaise J . 49 DUNDEE FREESTONE MOULIN ROUGE - SEAMLESS NYLONS SHiE,8UALITY ,A A.C. 10, 20, 30, 40 WEIGHT Gal MOTOR OIL r" PRES-0-LOGS 10 &t COM FLAKE Kellogg't 8-oi. pkgs. Reg. 22c