Space Milestones Totaled For 1962 LOS ANGELES (UPI) - The Air Force Space Systems Division noted today it achieved "many significant milestones" during 1962 in launching over 90 per cent the nation's space probes and sat- sllites. The division, commanded Mai. Gen. Benl. Funk, reported that bv workinc with the nation' leading aerospace industries it had made a notable contribution to the t'nited States space program SSD has primary responsibility for the development and launcn ing of space boosters, integrating aulnnH u-ih the Doosiers ON" tmrkintr of oavloads into orbit. It listed the most significant space achievements during 1962 as: Feb. 20: The first American was launched into orbit atop an l; FnrrR Atlas space booster from Cape Canaveral, Fla. The astronaut, Marine u. wji- "" r.lonn. was recovered aner wuu j Ing safely in the Atlantic Ocean In his Mercury capsuie. ik u i ,iA iho earth three times. ' Feb. 27: The Air Force launched Its Discoverer 38 into polar orbit , frnm VandenbcrB A.f.B.. am. The space capsule was caught in ihA airJiv a C130 aircraft on March a after it had passed l.,m tho earth 65 times. This set a new orbit record for a cap EUIC. Aurll 23: The Hanger 4 space craft was sent on a collision course for the moon, impacting on the far side of the lunar body Aril 26. This was the tirst umc 'a U. S. spacecraft had reached ' the moon. :-.n. 24: Astronaut Scott Car- I "penter followed Glenn into orbit in : a repeat performance of the his toric flight, tarpenicrs .' cansule was boosted into orbit by : h Air Force Atlas. The launcn ; three orbits, and recovery were successfully accompii-Mieu. Aug. 15: Under Secretary of the Air Force Dr. Joseph V. Charyk announced the successful Right ol Agena D. The new Agena D is an Air Force program to develop a standard upper stage space ve hicle It can be launched atop an Atlas or Thor standard launch ve hicle. .... . Aug. 26: An Air Force Atlas Aena B launched a Mariner 2 ! i-iu Bv" snacccrait lor r.i. K:lnna Aeronautics and Administration. Mariner 2 successfully passed within 21,01X1 :i f Vsmmi whofC fipCCWl 111- stramcnts radioed hark to earth vital information about the mys terious cloud-covered planet. Oct. 3: Astronaut Walter Schir ra became the third American to go into orbit as he rode his Sigma 7 Mercury space capsule for six orbits around the earth. Launched atop an Air Force Atlas, he was successfully recovered from the Pacific Ocean. Oct. 31: A friendly "Winking Star" satellite called Anna was launched by an Air Force Thor- Abiestar space booster from Capi Canaveral. The Thor-Ablesta placed Aiina into one of the most precise orbits ever attained by a satellite.-The mission of the 335 pound spherical Anna was to pro vide data and measurements on the shape of the earth more ac curalely than ever before. Oct. 31: The Air Force reported it would develop an Atlas stan dardized space launch vehicle SLV3). Development of a stan dard Atlas is in keeping with the current Air Force program to standardize all space launch vc hides. Standardizing of the Atlas will eliminate many production and launching problems resulting in lower long term costs. Nov. 13: "i ho Air Force an nounced it had launched the world's smallest satellite, known as a Tctrahcdral Radiation Satcl lite. The pyramid shaped satellite weighing only 1.5 pounds, was small enough to hold in the hand Us mission to send back data on the 3.700 mile Van Allen radia tion belt. Nov. H: Mariner 2 set a new long distance communication rec ord when useable scientific infor mation was received from the spacecraft at a distance of over 17 million miles. Nov. 29: Ground was officially broken at Edwards A.F.3., Calif., for a new rocket engine test fa cility described by the Air Force, 'the most sophisticated and highly instrumented test facility the world." The facility will include the largest thrust stand for solid motors built to date. Dec. 18: An Ail Force Blue Scout boosted a Navy Transit 5A lellite into oribt from Point Ar- guello, Calif. This was the first time a Transit payload was launched by a Blue Scout. Also In December: A success ful launch of a Thor from Van- donberg A.F.B., marking the 100th launch of a U. S. space vehicle hy the versatile Air Force Thor space booster. In 03 ot the 10O launches. the Thor lirst stage periormed successfully. Foodstuff Answsf to Prtvloua Punt ACROSS 1 Rottt fresh 4 Food Ash 8 Gelitili 12 Exist 13 Flower H Athens 19 Pitch 16 Lslent 18 Prominent 21 Boys nickname HBrn J.I Lomlort 24 "Gloomy dean1 28 Termini 27 Famous "uncle" 30 Gaudier 32 Clouding 34 Urfa 85 Continent 36 Office Strategic Services tab.) 37 Ivan 39 Formerly 40 Pedal extremities 41 Damp . 42 Unclouded "45 Crostpiece 49 Pardon 51 HinelluL) 52 Indigo 53 Gaelic 54 Request 55 Entangles 58 Mounds used by golfers DOWN 1 Abhor 19 Require! 2 Ancient wuntrv 23 ViDer 3 Fie covering 24 Ileum (comb. 4 Tubular 8 Metal 6 Young cat 7 Mariner's direction 8 Dull finish 9 Hodgepodge 10 Meager 11 River valley form) 25 Bows slightly 26 Rub out 27 Good loser 28 European mountains 29 Encounter 31 Compound ethers 33 Drew feathers 38 Raiment 40 Becomes diminished 41 Decreases 42 Stuff 43 Feminine appellation 44 Eject 46 "War of tbs 47 French stream 48 Manufacture 50 Harden 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 I 18 19 110 111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 " 19 -j 20 21 "J22 23 24 125 26 rn 27 128 129 30 31 Tl 32 33 34 ; 35 36 IT; 37 38 Hp""" 40 fj 41 " 42 1 43 144 4546 47 148 49 "5Q ""51" 52 ""53 54 55 56 57 I I I I I I I f I I i PAGE-a tlEIMLD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Wednesday, January !, 1963 Quake Hits Northwest On Monday bUAlTLE i UPI) A minor earthquake shook the Pacific Northwest Monday, rattling win dows from Portland, Ore., to We natchee, but there were no re ports of damage. Residents of the region, mind ful of the quake that did wide spread damage and caused sev eral deaths on April 14. 1049, flooded newspaper, radio and po lice station switchboards, but il.i shake was a mere nudge com pared to that one. Dr. Howard Coombs. University of Washington seismologist, said the temblor registered an intensi ty of 4 on the Mercalli scale of 12. "Minor but moderately strong," he said. Coombs' equipment clocked the temblor at 12:49.46 p.m., with a range from 50 to 60 miles. The seismograph at Mt. St. Michael's at Spokane, registered the quake at 12:50.25 p.m. as "moderately strong." That read ing lasted eight minutes and showed the center 225 to 230 miles distant. forruniuxihj. Qakndah WEDNESDAY WOTM, Chapter 467, 7 p.m .Mooso Night, Moose Home, 1010 Pine. THURSDAY PROSPERITY R E B E K A H LODGE NO. 104, 8 p.m., meeting, tour Han. Y NE-MA TW1RLKRS, 8 p.m. square dance, Y.MCA. Bring sand wiches. ST. MARY'S ALTAR SOCIETY, 1 p.m.. Potluck and meeting, Sacred Heart parish hall. DUPLICATE BRIDGE. Lake- shore Duplicate Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m., city library. FRIDAY LOOM, 7:30 p.m., Mooso Night, Moose Home, 1010 Pine. TIIETA RI10 GIRLS CLUB NO. 8, 7:30 p.m., public installation, I0OF Hall. Y.MCA FAMILY NIGHT, 6:30, potluck, games and recreation, YMCA. Bring table service, bev erage. SATURDAY SHASTA BUILDING COMMIT- ITVK B n m wrA narlu rnm munity Hall, Shasta Way and LOOM AND WOTM, 6:30 p.m., potluck, ham and scalloped pota toes. Moose Home. Card party to follow. RAMBLING SQUARES, 7 to 9 p.m., beginning square dance, 9 p.m., regular dance, Bob's Barn. Bring refreshments. DUPLICATE BRIDGE, Klam ath Bridge Club, 8 p.m., city library. TUESDAY DUPLICATE BRIDGE, L a k e- shore Duplicate Bridge Club, II a.m., city libr?i7 WORTH WAITING FOR NEWARK, England (UPI - A Newark brewery said today that long-time employes are to receive free beer from the brewery can teen every day after they retire. INSIST ON GOLD BELL BRAND KLAMATH POTATOES at Your Favorite Grocer's Medical Plan Set PORTLAND (UPI A new medical-hospital coverage plan for individuals and families was an nounced today by Oregon Physi cians Service-Blue Shield. The announcement said come OPS-Blue Shield subscribers will be transferred automatically to the new plan. Others may apply lor transfer. THE IWITED STATES NATIONAL IAN Of PORTLAND aiamosr Federal Deposit Intvrancs Corporate Research Of Dr. Davis Aids Health Discussion X-Ray Unit developed :ln Oregon v PORTLAND (UPH - Nearly 100 monkeys at Portland Zoo :Jinve been X-rayed with a new machine developed at McMinn- ville. The machine, weighing just 45 pounds, promises to fill new needs in probing space and In combat ting disease. The X-ray unit was developed by Dr. Waller .1. Bykc. president of the Field Emission Corpora tion at McMinnville. Instead ol using elaborate healing equip ment. It produces X-ray electrons by using a new cathode surround vi by an intense electrical field. .It can produce a radiograph far (aster than conventional ma 'chines. : The machine's soeed makes it .valuable in photographing missile parts during testing, nonnrvuic Power Administration foresees use of the portable X-ray unit in in vestigating ground rot in trans mission poles. The Federal Avia tion Agency Is considering the machine for on-the-spot investiga tions of air crashes. The monkey X-rays at Portland Zoo were part of field trials he fare the unit goes on the market In January. The case histories and cxperi mental research of a Klamath "alls naturopathic physician, Dr. denote W. Davis, will help pro vide the scientific framework for significant discussion on hu man health scheduled for deliv ery to hundreds of delegates to the National Health federation this week. Cooperation of Dr. Davis in preparation of the talk was en listed by Dr. John W. Noble, president of both the national and Oregon state associations of natur opathic physicians. Dr. Noble will he a featured speaker at the 1963 onvcnlion of the National Health Federation, scheduled for Jan. 2-5 at Ixmg Beach, Calif. Dr. Noble is slated to address the evening session of the con vention on Jan. 3 with a talk on Iho "Problems of Naluropn thy in Today's Fast . Moving World." He will outline the basic principles of naturopathy and ex plain the rigid six-year educa tional requirements demanded of a naturopathic physician before he is admitted to practice. Other speakers on the four-day convention agenda include Pame la Mason, well-known movie and television personality. Dr. Royal Lee, founder of the Lee Founda tion for Nutritional Research in Milwaukee, Wis., and noted Wash ington attorney, Charles Orlando Pratt, for many years legal ad viser to the federal rood and Drug Administration. The National Health Federation, established as a non-profit cor poration eight years ago to work lor rigid standards of food in spection and strict enforcement nf pure food laws, is recognized as the largest and most influential "grass roots" health organization Ono of every ten autnmohiles in the United States Is in Call ftinna. HIGH PROTEIN LOW CALORIE If holiday feasting caused you to tack on a cute little pound or two (that maybe YOU don't think is so cute) lighten your calorics and heighten your eating enjoyment by serving delicious creamy, country-style Crater Lake cottage cheese ... so FRESH it sparkles. So will you. w c t; s g Save! danicl't Yearly Shoo Sale offers you the best values in Town COMPARE! CV3 i - THE ONLY COTTAGE CHEESE MADE RIGHT HERE IN KLAMATH FALLS AND RUSHED SPARKLING FRESH FROM THE CHEESE ROOM TO YOUR Room Size Rugs and Short Rolls I, tAJM -at.t --!-Jt., Take your choice! Nyon, nylon and wool, 100 wool pile in a rainbow of colors . . . tweeds, scroll, textures! NO MONEY DOWN when y0jbuy your Carpet on Sears Easy Payment Plan. Number Number Size Desscription Regular SALE Save Si" DeKcription Regular SALE Savo 8450 ALL WOOL PILE 94.50 ,40,00 ir50 653 ALL NYLON PILE 190.00 10520 r80 9' x 12' Black-white Tweed W 4D 12' x 15' Oak leaf brown IM 30 8986 ALL WOOL PILE 143.05 7Q00 ios 652 ALL NYLON PILE 152.00 in56 ir44 9' x 11 '8" Aqua tweed color M 12 x 15 Pebble beach beige lU 8020 ALL WOOL PILE 107.10 77?4 OQH "90 501 NYLON 174.90 lj52 38 12' x 136" Beige tweed ' " ,12x166 Beige or brown IfO " 8375 501 NYLON 262.80 OAT CCOO 8020 ALL WOOL PILE 78.35 C773 O102 1 2' x 18' Brown or beige . 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Continuous filament O y- Tweed or Candy Stripe f yd. 5 Colors 501 NYLON PILE Reg. 10 95 Q 66 q. 5 Colors ALL WOOL PILE Reg. 9 95 "766 iq. 12' - 15' width. Hi-low pattern O yd. Wilton carpet yd. 5 Colors ALL NYLON PILE Reg. 7.95 66 $q. 8 Colors ALL WOOL PILE Req 1 6 95 1 f 88 iq. Plush Pile O yd. Carved Wilton j yJ. Bring in your Room Measurements Our qualified talcspcopU will give you expert advice. Shop Sears Today! "Yc$r Scars Has It." Over 200,000 items aoilablo through our cotolog deparmcnt. Lo cated on main floor adjacent to shoe department. DEALER OR YOUR DOOR. n 'm. Shop at Scars and Save JilfWlion (.uarantrfd or Your ."Money Hack Shop 9:30 till S:30 Fridays till 9 133 S. 8th Ph. TU 2-4481 527 Main SEARS