f' A If ! K If,; ' I ill! I ... , . I l$ L. Jl y, ' t NEWLYWEDS FETED Mr. and Mrs. James Carrier,' who were married in Sparks, Nev., were recently hon ored at a reception at the Little Shasta home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Orlo Davis. Photo by Yreka Studio Reception Honors Pair' MONTAGUE - Mr. and Mrs. James Carrier were recently hon ored at a wedding reception held in the home of the bride's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Orlo Davis, in Little Shasta Valley. The bride wore her wedding suit of white wool complemented with royal blue accessories, and r. mum corsage accented in royal blue. The bride's mother received the guests in a brown silk suit ac cented w ith gold tones, which she wore with brown accessories and a white spider chrysanthemum corsage. , Tlic home, designed by the bride and recently remodeled, was dec orated with greens. The mantle was decked with a diversified se lection of evergreens, also drift wood and three white tapers. Osage oranges and pyracantha berries provided the color accents. The dining t.'ible which held the large white cake was backed by f.o whitp wagon wheels, which originally came from the light wagon of the bride's gie;il-gr;ind-fatlier. E.-L. Coonrod Sr.. who pioneered here 'in 1854. Tlie wheels were enhanced with a spray of sword ferns, green and yellow grapes and golden ribbon. The cake decorated with yellow roses and lily of the valley was encircled with green cedar sprays and w hite chrysanthemums. It was flanked with white tapers in sil ver candelabra tied with white lace ribbon and hells. A cousin of the bride. Mrs. Don Coonrod. was in charge of the decorations. Some 200 guests arrived between 2 and 4 p m . and included an aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Al mon Coonrod. San I. ins Ohjspo, a well as many visitors from all over SiskiyAu County. Because of a bad delour in the road, there was a dclav in the delivery of the cake, and guestsj first assembled in the pionecri home of tiie bride's ciandmother.! Mrs. Isaac Davis. B5. It was the date of her (vith wedding anni CVrsary with the la?e Mr. Davis. II was in this home IS years aco Iowa and eastern Kansas have the greatest number of tnmadties, with about 15 per square mile annually according to Encyclo pedia Bntannica. s v-v.. r - FOUR GENERATIONS Slx.wcek-o!d Leann Marie and her sister, Rhonda Kay, 2, in front, represent four generations who celebrated Christmas together. They are dauqhters of Mrs. Richard Siemens of Corval- , who holds her vounqer daughter. Standing are the little girls' great-grandmother, Mrs. George Reed, left, and grandmother, Mrs. Robert McConathy, both of Chiloquin. ' Photo by Ferebee w o M E N S By Helen Bechen A A C T I V I T I E S m J 1 f! ' t I V 7 CUTIE Posing like a pro fessional for her picture is Donna Rae Dawley, six-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dawley, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Phelps, all of Klamath Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dawley, former, ly of Malin, now in Med ford. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Johnson, this city, and Mrs. Laura Herman, Brlce land, Calif. Wednesday, Jauuary 2, 1963 HERALD AND NIWS, KKmitk PtlU.M. PAGE-7 n -r-numiiiKimiir "Tir njii .-. fJ...f h-k i NO FA'-DOWX Baby's high chair won't tip over if you fasten a screen-door hook to the back of the chair and put the screw eye into the woodwork in front of which the chair will stand. CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS Cental Id ate all your monthly pirmrnli tn r to our, totivf nlrttt p mrnl nrh nionlh. lour nr monlblv pmrnt ran umisI h Irs than the tots) of all tlie nll hilla litf each month now. Look at" up In are y y Borrow no. of Bavmtntt Amount y $100.00 12 mo $10.05 tip t nn ia ai frx $500i00 ' 24 mo! "ZZ''. $28.86 34 SUBURBAN FINANCE 380 So. 6th Phon. TU 4-77S9 Town and Country Shopping Cantor 512 Main Free Parking 5th & Klamath FASHION N IN NOW ma i PROGRESS Fantastic Savings on Coats, Suits, Dresses, Sportswear, Children's Wear, Lingerie and Foundations. ft that they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Isaac Davis was born in that home 90 years ago. j following the initial slice of cake cut by the honorees, it was cut and served by Mrs. Irene Willcnbrink. the bride's Godmoth er; Mrs. Ogdcn Walters, and Mrs. Irene Garner. Pouring punch and coffee were Mrs. Larry Walters, Mrs. Henriet ta Tcrwilliger and Mrs. Ernest Williams. Guests were registered by Mrs. John Jackson and Mrs. Steve Cameron. The honorees exchanged nuptial vows in Sparks, Nev., on Nov. 3. with the bride's parents attending them. The bridegroom s parents, j live in Oil City, Pa., and were un able to be present for cither the wedding or the reception. The young iwople are making their home at Ti Bar Station, Somes Bar. The bridegroom is employed as assistant timber manager in the I'konom District. U.S. Forest Service. He is a graduate of Penn sylvania State College. j The bride is tile only daughter of the Davises. a graduate of San Jose Slate College, and until her marriace was employed in the su pervisor's 'ofiicc of the Forest Service in rcka, as purchasing clerk. Lodges Set Installation Joint installation ceremonies ol Henley Bethel 31. International Ordir of Jobs Daughters, and Lost Jdvcr DeMnlays will be held at the Henley High School cafe teria on Jan. 13 at 2 p.m. Carol Zieselmeycr will be In stalled as honored queen of Job's and Kent Gooding will be the new master councilor of Lost Riv er DeMolays. The public is invited tn attend The ceremony will be lollowed by a reception for the new officers. lMiSgt WES j DACRON FILLED (Tl iLZ ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION! Ax RUNNERS INiULAItU zJ.J ARE PRESCRIPTION PRICES j undersuits mA THF 9AMF FVFRYPIAfP wf TERRIFIC mc tytKYrLALt ........ o mtJSr m selection 3 WE SAY THEY ARE NOT! 24-n OO I QUICK DRY,NG! M 45RPMTOPH,T lki - - S 1 1 PA;Y tqc tSdyoAM rubber, JUMBO M JQ Heavy 5'2-oi, A J M L 1 , . ' H V I J CK &1S 24x144 ft'' Fill 2-piece 1 I ) ".SS V 3 ffctt&5&lX SIZE f SUIT 1 U!"!liy il i r ii'-r v-vs Ff i s f n 47c Ary PR CF KI 1 I V cavc nki nnuuv enct A MOST PEOPLE SHOP AROUND FOR THE NUMEROUS ITEMS THEY BUY SO WHY NOT DO THE SAME WHEN YOU NEED PRESCRIPTION DRUGS? WE INVITE YOU TO BRING YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION IN TO US TO SEE HOW YOU SAVE! PLEASE BE ASSURED OF THE FINEST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AVAILABLE. FEDERAL INCOME TAX RECEIPTS AVAILABLE FOR YOU TOO! CONVENIENT PHARMACY HOURS WEEK DAY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS 11 A.M. TO 6 P.M. HERE ARE MORE EVERY DAY DISCOUNT PRICES! V BALDWIN HOTEL 31 Main St. Word, old-tashiontd hospital ity. Lorgc, comfortable lobby. Daily, weekly, monthly ratal. Handy porkino.. 5 i til1 "j i j i w u uu . o. p i.m i.Mn'ii', Now In Progress! Store-Wide CLIAIMCE Dresses Sweaters Skirts -k Lingerie y to OFF m at '. LICTraiyf I j .-'l IMlyKt K i 1.ft9 URIS7AM TARLETS 1.29 BUFFERIN ' 89c BROMO QUININE S59cALKA-SELTZER 1.96 0NE-A-DAY MULTIPLE VITAMINS 1.00 JERGENS LOTION 79c 27c SIMILAC LIQUID 5 for 1.00 (M ZYMADROPS 'A"ITAMIHS 145 , 89c LISTERINEM0UTHWASH 72c lr 0HMSnN's RARY nil 79r 2.43 LA. FORMULA 1J 2.981ERITOL LIQUID 0R TABLETS 2.37 1.88 AULDROX ANTACID TABLETS 99c 1.75 BRECK SHAMPOO U9 69c SKIN BRACER-- 54c 79c I Vskinbmcnr 1.00 SUPER BLUE BLADES fi ?8c GILLETTE FOAMY SHA,E C"M 79c fe 79c BBYLCREEM HA,REZZ"63c A9r TiiflTH PATr brands r. wiv ivviii I tJ Spok BED PILLOWS AT Vi PRICEIKI DESERT FLOWER I CREAM OR ROLL-ON 1 DEODORANT J S SO1 KW W I PAY JTW P,U,T" iff4 l BRECK j HAM POO j T a--, i is N Mi I DOOR BUSTER men All NOW fl 15 THE TIME TO K00 Ft. ROLL Farrodynomlci RECORDING TAPE VI J27 SAVE ON DOWNY SOFT PILLOW. FLUFFY 100 DACRON XING SIZE PILLOWS 32.52 Ant. Flonntl Back Plaitle TABLE CLOTHS 139 one 99 I ftftrl lMr,i a nap nini mta av M aw' , AmiMm W.aaa..ay H NOW QQ A LADIES ond GIRLS u,si.yui 13.21 WELCOME SPIKE RUBBER DOOR MATS pay 87c LESS WHY Hn-JtSfr."" MbuOBSai GIANT '4-lb. BABY RUTH CANDY BARS FOR ALUMINIZED IRONING BOARD COVER AND PAD SET REG. f BRECK Pn SHAMPOO & HAJR SET C3 Q, T TCI1 M0DESS TAMPONS y - fl ' 1 " laintons HEAVY DUTY - ESTATE TOILET SEATS 0 FREE 1.7S "LIPSTACK" Asiortmtnr 1.39 WITH TUSSY Ltpitick BIG 3.14 VAL. ROSS CORDLESS ELECTRIC TOOTH BRUSH PAY 99 LESS U f'" IAA lint IIMl IU UlI Inlliuj iILlU: STEEL P0J1TA-FILES g -VWITH LOCK AND INDEX DIVIDERS ijJ Fancy Boxed SOCIAL NOTES !? 47c u J 77c Id FRENCH TOUCH Hair Sproy MULTI HANGERS Holdi J Po.r of Pti f Shirti SPACE If' SAVfR f I LONG HANDLE CAR WASH BRUSHES Attach! to Host! Z 99c I BAKED ENAMEL FINISH COMPLETE WITH HINGIS 3.95 I ' f VAL. - t ti rss.r . irv I o, c.i.,. j-tl A HUNTER I rl 'yWy::l GIANT SIZE HOLDS OVER 1600 DOCUMENTS UTILITY SIZE FOR 1000 DOCUMENTS 2" pi LOCKING ALL STEEL CHECK FILES With Index Dividers 52 2I 3th end Main nTiaii