BASIN BRIEFS BONANZA BONANZA RESIDENTS keep watch or "Finders Creepers." Coming soon. Mil. AND MRS. ERNEST STRL'NK are in Portland. She is with a (laughter and he is at Vet erans Hospital, Ward 41". Sam Jackson Park Road, Portland. MR. AND MRS. FRED WIL LIAMS have returned to their home in San Francisco after spending Christmas with their son and daughter-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Williams, and family. BONANZA WOMEN'S club will meet Jan. 8 at 2 p.m. The regu lar date falls on New Years Day, so it had to he changed. Florence MeCartie will be in charge of the hobby project. JOHN McFALL. Bonanza pio neer, is receiving medical care at Hillside Hospital. MR. AND MRS. PHIL Ill-NT and family had dinner Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bechdoldt on their way to Med ford to visit relatives. Jenny Hunt ' stayed to visit her grandparents ; for a few days. , RILL LAUDKRBAK and Or ville Schwartz, both of Redding, spent a few days at the Mike Ketcham home. MR. AND MRS. JOHN CHIL DERS and children of Portland visited on Christmas Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil fred Noble. BIRTON BROWN of Riddle, Ida., and his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Fret well, and Stacy of Jordan Valley; daughter, Judy Brown. Caldwell, and his nephew, LeRoy Brown. Jordan Valley, are visiting his mother, Mrs. Ruby Brown, and other relatives. LeRoy will also visit his grandmother. Mis. Car lie Lovelady of Bonanza. F.I.DON SETTLE, who is sta tioned at San Francisco, spent the holiday week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Settle. MR. AND MRS. BOB COLWELL and daughter left Dec. 2fi for Ar kansas to visit another daughter . and family. MR. AND MRS. EI.DEN KENT and family spent Chritmas at Jacksonville with his brother, Nor ris Kent, and family. MR. AND MRS. EARL HIT SON JR. and family of Oakridgc 'pent Christmas wick in Langell Valley with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lilly, and his par ent.-. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ilitson Sr. Mrs. Hitson Sr. relumed to Oakridge with them SHARON AND LINDA NINES nf Red Bluff are spending a week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baker. LANGELL V.M.LE HOME EX TENSION INIT will meet at the home nf Colleen Nichols at 10 am.. Friday, Dec. II. Frances Hall of Klamath Falls will give the second lesson on credit buying. Mrs. Bill Burnett will take care of the small children in her home. MR. AND MRS. L. W. MON ROE have returned tn their home in Cave Junction alter visiting their daughter. Mrs. Hrg Thomas, and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frazier and other friends in Langell Valley and Bonanza. BONANZA RAINBOW GfRI.S made KM fnr their treasury at the roffee hour they cave at the Bonanza Library on Dec. 27. V MR. AND MRS MIKE KIT TRIEM and son. Mike Jr., Mrs. Jovre F'ctt, Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Pinelli and children, and Mrs. Fay Durbin. ull of Klamath Falls. spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burnett and familv. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ketcham joined them in the evening. TIM ROBERTS is spending part ot his Christmas vacation in Klam ath Falls at the Wesley Hankins home, and Darrell Hankins is in Langell Valley at the Howrey Rob erts home. MRS. GRETCHEN SAYLOR of Los Angeles is visiting in Poe Valley at the home ot her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Buck Rodgers, and family. ' FORT KLAMATH MR. AND MRS. W. B. IIES- COCK are enjoying a visit over the holidays from their son. Cpl. Wynn Hescock. and two of his friends, Cpl. Phillip Espilee. New Milford. Conn., and Pfc. Robert Togtman, Chicago, all stationed with the U.S. Marine Corps at Camp Pendleton. Calif. Hescock Sr.. long-time employe at Crater Lake National Park, has been un der a doctor's care for two weeks for a painful back condition and has been unable to wcrk. MR. AND MRS. PADDY KEN- NEALLY and their five daughters spent Christmas with Mrs. Ken- neally's parents and family, the Dan J. O'Keeffes, Tulelake. MR. AND MRS. T II E R O N WINN and two sons. Seattle, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rose. Redding. Calif., were here for Christmas at the home of Mrs. Winn and Mrs. Rose's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall. Home for the holidays is the Ken dalls' son, Dale, a student at Grants Pass High School. MR. AND MRS. RAY V. CHASE made a trip to Ontario. Ore., to spend Christmas with their daughter and family. Bill Martin was ranch caretaker dur ing their absence. MR. AND MRS. FRANCIS D. BROWN are enjoying a holiday vacation trip at San Ysidro. Calif., with their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Danforth. MRS. ELIZABETH I.OOSI.EY was a guest over Christmas in Klamath Falls at the home of, her granddaughter and family, the Howard Hollidays. MR. AND MRS. WALTER BAX TER went south for Christmas. returning Dec. 2S Irom Merced. Calif., after spending the holiday with her mother. MR. AND MRS. DANIEL G. r.ltnM . son Dan Jr.. and daugh ter. Debbie, have returned alter sTicnHinc Christmas with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mor ris, and other relatives, at fa- coma. Wednesday, January !, 1963 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. PAGE-S yyj MAS 23 123.34-54 f74-76- 79-83 f 1AUIUI ( MAY 21 1 8- 9 -13-1 SL 24-570 GEMINI t-yy JUNE 27 50-70-80-901 CANCCI JUNE 23 JULY 23 44-45-47-5 V 63-64-68 LEO AUG 23 f 6-H-19W CO VIIGO AUG 24 ,v StPT. 23 H49-51-53-54 RL '71-72-7: STAR GAZER' By CLAY H POLLAN' Your Daih Activity Guid JK f Accordina to Star. To develop message for Thursday, read words corresponding to numbers Ot your Zodtoc birth sign.- -tiJ 23 Ht OCT. ZJ 3-17-29d bO-33-41 1 't 31 ToLpo 6' LVo'iogs 2 v,xj 3T Cqi C w tn 3 Ordivirv 33 Nv egry ? Ta 4 "jnmftn.nq 3 Legal e4futuri I ViVHlful j obProt't ft .1 New 6 Wjmembef 3f Personality 6ft Pccpl 7 Your 3? sparse. Mescal P B ,;8 f-3 Attainments C CoreM 39 P'ov o9 0f 10 ImpoMOnt 0You'r 70 In I I All 41 Th.ncji 71 Tr 13 Ta.nt 2 T ' 73 On'rd 13 M:wiy A Sov 7.1 Information U Ciwi dt Par 74 Heip lb M.sirAe a5 bunnies 7i Great l6Tt 4o About 76 K 17Hum-drum. AT Own 77 Opportunity ISLe.s. -ATo 7SO !9Work Ak 79Bet 20 No SO Pop P0 Romantic 31 AHoim 51 And PI Ot 2? You b? Thtoogh 83 Bet ?3 PtotPM-onol S3 You ii fi 1 T-t TCou'd 54 Get 84 Bv 25 Doc Dampens $?l(xir 3hYjur Stir RoSpxiti 37 Havf 57 P'o 7 Eerier ?8 Doy 5iLe'' Poitv ?9 LV 59 Wav P bfnmj 30 0"'y Ml tmborfaivno 90 F.eid (V)GooJ AJvcrse t$ )emral 1COWO OCT. 24 NOV 22 V; ?6-3o-3-40nJ tl2-58-81 88VCsJ SAGITTAtlUi NOV 23 DEC 22 2 35-52-610 62 6566 Vi-" CAPitcom OEC 23 JAN. 20 CX' 1-10-21-31 3278-84-891 AQUARIUS JAN 21 1122-27 643-83 87 N nscis WAR 31 v-( 7-12-14-25 169 75-77 'ft" Casf Rehearses Comedy Rehearsals (or "The Man in thcl Dog Suit," a three-act comedy to he presented by the Klamath Civic Theatre the end of January and the first of February, are p r o- pressing well, and the group is happily taking advantage of a brief visit by Margo Lungrecn for same extra coaching. Miss Lungrecn. who organized the original group when she was home recuperating from a seri ous illness during the summer of 1 !M" 1 , is a professional actress in Mpw York with many television and stage credits. The play will be presented in the Pine Grove Room of the Wil- lard Hotel Jan. 24, 25. 26, 31 and Feb. 1 and 2, with the profits from the performance Jan. 31 to be donated the Hospital Fund. Due to the illness of a cast member, the group is looking for replacement for the part of Anthony Roberti, the cousin from Omaha. Anvone who would like tn read for the part is urged to call Nancy Hagerman at TU 2-5207, or come to rehearsals Tuesdnv. Wednesday, and Thursday eve ning at 8 p.m. in the Klamath Auditorium dining room. Party Stymied By Hotel Fire CONWAY. Ark. lUPH A four story hotel, the largest in this central Arkansas town of 15.000, caught (ire Monday night as rev elers prepared to welcome the new year and burned down be fore firemen could put it out. Conway police said there were no casualties and no one was re jwitcd missing. The fire destroyed the 55-room Baxcr Hotel, a brick structure in the downtown busi ness district Police said the lire started on the fourth floor while a New Year's Eve party was in progress in the first-floor ballroom. Survey Draws Composite School Board Member Kncounlcr a local school board member in Oregon and lie is like ly to be a 43-vear-old man. mar ried and with children in the pub lic schools, the possessor of some college education, holding a pro fesvional or managerial job. ac li'.e in other community organi zations, a Protestant and a He-publican. These ore among the findings nf a survey reported in the Me mber Bulletin of the Oregon School Study Council, published by the School of Education at the University of Oregon. The study, conducted among 2:t school districts in Washington, Multnomah. Uine. and Marion counties, was made by Dr. Sid ney Vi.,Iiodt. who received his Ph d. at the university in iwo and is nmv a member of the fac ulty at an Jose Stale College. Despite the general picture which emerged irom the study, school board members are more complex in their values and be liefs than has been assumed by some writers in the field." ac cording to Dr. Tiedt, and the members must "be considered as individuals rather than stereo types if one is to gain under- landing of this group." which is one of the most important and influential factors in public edu The study revealed that school hoard members' educational val ues and beliefs cannot he safely predicted from a study of their political beliefs. Members were evenly distribut ed on the traditional, enlighten ment, and censure scales de signed to reveal educational val ues and attitudes toward public schools. On the other hand, 'the tests on general and political values showed that the majority ranked high on the authoritarian, moral ity, and conservative scales, and low on the conlemptuousncss scale. The indication is, according to Dr. Ticdt, that educational values are not as deep-seated as gen eral values and "might, therefore. be more easily modified to keep abreast of modern trends." School board members are not Annual Public Guinea Fowl DINNER MASONIC HALL MAUN SAT., JAN. 12th 6 P.M. till 8 P.M. MILLER'S SHOE SALON'S SEMI ANNUAL SHOE SALE representative of the general pop ulation, the study showed, in that lliey tend to he members of a higher socio-economic group with higher incomes, higher educa lional levels, and positions which carry more prestige. "School board members view the purpove and main function of the school with a broad interpre tation," Dr. Ticdt wrote. Among the school goals most favored by the members were providing a broad education, preparing for adult life, and teaching the three Rs. Flats-Walking Heels -Illusion Heels -Hi Heels VALUES TO 19.99 Oregon Poster Boy Aids Drive PItlNEVILLE 'UPH Donj Vnilerson. March of Dimes poster; boy a quarter of a century ago. left here Monday tor uiiumnus. Ohio, to help kick off the March of Dimes campaign. ! nHersnn was five years old when he was selected poster boy , in the I!W muscular dystrophy drive. The pojtcr showed him dur ing his recovery from infantile paralysis. Anderson currently works in a nnt.ito warehouse handling 100-! pound sacks of potatoes. EMERGENCIES and ESTIMATES BUD KENNEY Plumbing & Heating 11.1 Mlh TU 4..s;X ntllmf I b tA JT T E 1 neeas for the (7 716W arrival fit Mud - W( Givi Z-W Oftn Stompt Exclusively For Children 88 88 ONI GHOUf DISCONTINUtD ITYLIS - a - LADIES' SLIPPERS na- jOAll 111 M.I.. In Pari, life i Kl.rii ' '3 'ifl itf "tMiaar-I"tj3lp fi m m Milirtaii ii) nn-n lii liuniiri'mfcl iftk'irti-liiH -tin-f- ' -iir J j 1 iflp vasgagggy P. M'W'Ar Slim Weor - Second Floor ' I K '-: ' I' vorire lilmwcar by WorneriH! The Worncr EJ mm ; Warner's MffllSeLycra Just once a yeor, tave up to 25 on your fa vorite lilmwcar by Worner'ia! The Worncr girdlci you've wanted all year round in cluding the famous Lycra Little Godiva R now sale-priced for this once-a-year event! Hurry in while we hove all sizes! Famous naked controllers, the Little Godiva family in uncovered Lycra that gives real slimming power. I i; I;.':'? !.'- it! '' .' :i;l-.'' 9 'tr .' rt Girdle 577: Reg. S7.95 NOW only Pontie 578: Reg. $8.95 NOW only ... Long-leg pontie 579, Reg. )10.95 $ Q " NOW only O 'Nvlon-lvC'O Sponflr.) $5" $6" 512 Main . Fret Customer Parking 5th & Klamath Miller's Greatest Fashion Sale! f&d' ittfy All winter coats sensationally priced. Save as J U.I., Values to 39.95 Wh '4 m (i ; I V Values to 49.95 Values to 65.00 Values to 69.95 SPECIAL GROUP Fur Trimmed Coats ot Greatly Reduced Prices 7 $9 Party dresses, every-day dresses, dressy dres ses . . . They are all included. Save up ONE-HALF and MORE! Values to 12.98... Now Values to 15.98... Now Yaluesto19.95...Now$fl Values to 22.95... Nowl 3 Yaluesto25.95...Now$5 Values to 32.95... Now$J SUITS xk to V2 OFF NECKLACES $29 n en 1 flr il T meg. w ano w now Matching Earrings, Reg. 2.00 . . . 1.00 Famous High Lustra Duchess Pearls Combined with Sparkling Borcolis Crystal Beads. 2-3-4 Strand. piiiri 512 Main Fre Customer Parking 5th & Klamath immt ,i.;ww.iil.