HMnestiay, January 2, 1963 PAGE 3 HERALD AM) NEWS. Klamath Tall. Or. Jim Bond Visit Slated For Mills Auditorium Nationally known outdoorsmun Jim Bond will visit Mills Audi torium Jan. 7 and t. "with throe ef his latest outstanding wildlife films. Bond will be screening the color productions "The Mountain Lion." "Alaska's Fabulous Rain bows" and "Wild Wild Wines." Tickets are available at the 5CS? $ rat , 3 V P Firt-t National Bank, the U.S. Na tional Bank, at the Gun Store or from any Jaycce member, How. ai d Axtell, of the sponsoring Jay cees, announced. Included in the, outdoor shots arc close up pictures of huge Ko diak bears, large bull moose and tigers and leopards. Bond hiked some 300 mountain miles for 90 days to get these action pictures. He worked with two men who cap tured mountain lions alive, "and some of the fights you II see are just unbelievable. Bond said. With the fishing season not far away, there probably will be a lot of interest in Bond's films on some of the world's finest rainbow trout fishing, the Jaycees said. . , - TJ. H- if JIM BOND Deadline Set On Tax Filing A. G. Erickson. district direc tor of the Internal Revenue Serv ice for Oregon, announced today that the period for filing 1962 federal income tax returns will extend from Jan. 2 to April 15, inclusive, in oder to provide ade quate information to taxpayers during this period, the Klamath Falls office will be open from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 2, and each Monday from Jan. 7 to April 15, inclusive. It is located in Room 203 of the Post Office building. Congressional Critics Denounce Congo Action WASHINGTON (UP1 - Con gressional critics of United Na tions policy in the Congo have stepped up their fire at U.N. mili tary action against secessionist Katanga Province. In separate statements Monday Sens. Thomas J. Dodd, D-Conn., and Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz. de nounced the U.N. action to force Katanga into the central Congo government. Dodd called the drive by U.N. military forces through Katanga "a flagrant, inhuman act of ag- "Don't make a sound or you'll start an avalanche! Snow Misses Fort Area FORT KLAMATH-For the first time in many years. Fort Klam ath and the Wood River Valley had a "green" Christmas instead of the usual white mantle of snow blanketing the hundreds of acres of fenced range lands and the town itself. The highlight of Christmas week was the annual Christmas pro gram and tree, held Thursday evening, Dec. 20. in the Fort Klamath Community Methodist Church. Mrs. Frank Strahan and Mrs. Hollis Kizer, iocal elemen tary school teachers, presented their pupils in a delightful pro gram. Two plays were given, the first portraying the Nativity and the second a skit, with Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus (acted by Jerry Latzy and Donna Jenkins) and many toyland characters in their various costumes and parts. Rounding out the program were selections by the children's choir, and a special number, a piano solo by Chiloquin student Mary Brattain. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Brattain. Climaxing the evening, Santa Claus arrived with his sack of goodies and distributed bags of candy, fruit and nuts to those present. Junk Used For Model REDLA.NDS, Calif. (UPD- An impressive scale model, fashioned from "junk" material, of the largest diameter solid fuel rocket motor yet test-fired in the United States drew praise today from Lockheed Propulsion Co. officials. Lockheed technician OrviUe Dart, 45, built the tiny version of a three-segment 120-inch ap plied research solid fuel rocket motor that was fired by Lockheed at its nearby Potrero test facility last spring. Dart used such materials as cof fee cans, the top of an Aerosol spray can. a dime store funnel and assorted bits and pieces to build the 18-inch model. "I did it just to see if it could be done." explained Dart. Lockheed officials said they found the model most useful for demonstrations to potential cus tomers and the military. gression and an unspeakable tragedy." Goldwatcr labeled it "an unjust war." , The senatorial opposition came as the State Department reaf-J firmed its support of U.N. Sec retary General Thant's policy in the Congo. The department endorsed Thant's demand that Katangesc President Moise Tshombe nego tiate integration into the Congo within two weeks or face "other measures." State Department spokesman Lincoln While said the United States was stepping up three types of aid to U.N. forces in the Congo. They are transport equip ment, the U.S. logistical airlift, and food to relieve a shortage which appears to be in the mak ing. Both Dodd and Goldwatcr have supported Tshombe's efforts to maintain Katanga Province as a separate state and have criticized U.S. support of the U.N. policy of unification. Goldvvater condemned U.S. sup port of "the arrogant aggression of the United Nations in Katan ga." He said bitterness generat ed by the action "against the only full-fledged pro-Western leader in the Congo (Tshombe) will last for a long time and make effective unification of the area a total impossibility." NOW OPEN! Shirley's Coinomatic Laundromat' Hilyard It Altamont Dr. In am hulldlnr wllb VANITY FAIR V t "''k'V 1 Vf il Vl ' ' , , r. -. x: . - X A - i M " - f ' 1" ;,.,-! iffiritMwTiifTT'-" ' ' " Here's what Mrs. Robert L. Wobbe of Medford says about electric living... "Living's happier for the whole family because we use electricity in so many ways" "Our county home economics extension group makes a study of the most effective ways to use electricity in everyday living. We've learned dozens of ways to save time and effort in our homes. For example, by putting automatic appli ances to work, I can do six household jobs at one time! And the hours I save give me more time to spend with my family and in outside activities. I'd say there is no bigger help nor better value for today's homemaker than electric service." Thousands of other Pacific Power & Light cus tomers, like Mrs. Wobbe and her family, live bet ter because they make generous and effective use of modern electric service. How about you are you making full use of Reddy Kilowatt's helpful service? In the typical U. S. home Reddy works 332 hours pef month. In the average Pacific Powertsnd horn Reddy works 732 hours per month. In Mrs. Wobbe's home Reddy works 1507 hours per month! r,!!awwcM',',' -il507 KWHjy .., i ilUflMBTlsiiifcb' ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Here's how electricity helps Mrs. Wobbe and her family: Rang M Water heater fvf Refrigerator ff Refrigerator-freezer Electric Heat Si Freezer Sf Dryer M Washer ffi Dishwasher ff Television 2 J Radios 3 Ironer tv Phonograph fi Knife Sharpener f Power Tools 2 ftf Floor Polisher h Lighting ( Electric Clocks 3 Electric Blankets 3 Mixer r Exhaust Fan rf Coffee Maker J Toaster f Watfle Iron V Ventilating Fans-2 , Fire Alarm System J, Irrigation Pump Barbecue Starter wf Bottle Warmer Vaporizer , Shaver h Corn Popper J Door Chimes Mf Stereo J Rotisserie J Heir Clippers fvf Irons 2 fyf Can Opener y Vacuum Cleaner s Sewing Machine Patio Lighting M Fry Pans 2 How many of these appliances work for you in your home? Pacific Power & Light Company You Live Better . . . Electrically! CARLSON'S JANUARY KROEHLER SOFA & CHAIR Excellent brown Nylon friexe fabric, foam zippcred cushions. 5 year $ guarantee. Reg. $259.95 CLEARANCE PRICE SOFA & CHAIR by LYNCH Brown Nylon frieze fabric, foam rubber seat cush ions, molded foam back. 5 year $ construction guarantee. Reg. $299 CLEARANCE PRICE MONTE'S EXTRA LENGTH SOFA A masterpiece in beauty and comfort. Reversible foam rubber scat cushions, all foam rubber back & arms. 8-way hand tied base. This is one of our best sofas. Reg. $399.00. 1 SAVE $140.00 CLEARANCE PRICE MONTE'S QUILTED SOFA Extra length. Reversible foam rubber seat cush ions, quilted both sides. All foam rubber back, all foam rubber arms. Outside arms & back are quilt ed. 8 way hand tied base. $ Reg. $399.00. SAVE $110.00. CLEARANCE PRICE KROEHLER SOFA Beige Nylon Matclasse fabric. Full coil base springs, reversible foam seat cushions, tufted back style. This sofa is complete with $ skirt. Reg. $249.00. SAVF $')0.00 CLEARANCE PRICE Early American Sofa by Deluxe This sofa is extra length. 1001 Nylon tweed fab ric. Foam rubber scat cushions, full coil base springs. Maple wood trim on arms & ears. Cox pleated flounce. 5 yeor construction $ guarantee. Reg. $349.00. SAVE $105.00. CLEARANCE PRICE EXTRA LENGTH SOFA Beautiful brown fabric. All foam rubber cushions. Hardwood construction. $ Reg. $299.00. SAVE $120.00. CLEARANCE PRICE RIVIERA SOFA SLEEPER Early American style. Gold & Brown tweed fabric. All hardwood, double doweled and glued frame. All steel bed unit. Touch of the Hand "Rivicra motic" Tilt-And-Swecp-Back. Concealed cushion compartment, complete guarantee of quality and workmanship. 220 coil innerspring $ mattress. Reg. $236.00. SAVE $50.00. CLEARANCE PRICE RIVIERA SOFA SLEEPER Turquoise Nylon frieze fabric with tame features as above set. Reg. $239.00. $ SAVE $50.00, CLEARANCE PRICE EASTERN MADE BEDROOM SET Choice of Walnut or Buckskin finishes. Lifetime plastic tops. All dustproof, dove-tail construction. Plate glass mirror that tilts. Double dressor, Mirror and Panel bed. $ Reg. $159.00, CLEARANCE PRICE Matching Chest "c'LVL. $4500 Johnson Carper Bedroom Group This set has all the finest features to be found. Solid Oak construction, large framed plate glass mirror, dove tail construction, fully dust proof. This set must be sold as a group, includes large 9 drawer triple dresser with mirror, large chest. Bookcase bed with footboard rails. $ Reg. $269.85, SAVE $70.85. CLEARANCE PRICE Reversible 199 ar sear tun- 229 259 arc ijuiir- 279 rurreo dock 159 k earii vox 244 cr cuintunse 179 186 Hfepf UBWI 109 199 5 LARGE FLUTED-BACK CHAIR Brown Nylon frieze fabric. Mahogany wood trim. 1 only. $ Reg. $119.00. SAVE $40.00. CLEARANCE PRICE DANISH MODERN ARM CHAIRS Vinellc upholstered in Beige or Turquoise. Walnut finish, Reg. $44.00, SAVE $15.00. CLEARANCE PRICE SWIVEL CHAIRS BY BERKLINE Print fabric in beige or gold. Gathered flounce. Reg. $44.00, SAVE $20.00. CLEARANCE PRICE 79 $29 $24 119 DELUXE 5TRATOLOUNGER Brown Vinyl & Tan Nylon Upholstery. Loose f iam cushions. Rcq. $169.00, SAVE $50.00. CLEARANCE PRICE VTFP END TABLES & COCKTAIL TABLES Walnut or Mahoaanv. Marlite plastic surfaces ea. STEP TABLE WITH DRAWER & COCKTAIL TABLE $ fQ Walnut finish with Formica tops ... ea. I STEP TABLE & COCKTAIL TABLES $ If 95 Wnlnnf fim'ch with bro trim - . . CO. I" $295 I 95 Rt9. 37.50 Cfeoronc Prict Table Lamps lame Lamp cite Table Lamps Pole Lamps toronct Prict Re9. $19.95 Clcaronc Price $2750 22 j Pole Lamps $3295 Many Othtr Lamps (Uductd During Cltaranct Salt. Pillows n..$2" $10" Clearance Price .. 9" I Pillows Rtt. S3 5 Now 1" FINE FURNITURE 2405 South 6th TU 4-4510 r