Jacoby On Bridge PACE U HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Wednesday, January 2, ltM 9th & Pine O STORE HOURS 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Daily Phone TU 4-3188 MA MAMCV nniAIM nM rDCnlT AT AADnC. IIICT CAV tTUADAC ITIU NORTH S A AS VAQ978 AST A65 WEST (D) EAST AKQIOJfl 7 V 8 5 S K94 J10S3 J64 KQ10C73 BOTJTH A J852 VKJ1042 Q63 2 North and South vulnerable Wert North East Smith 1 Double Pass 4 Pass 4 Pass 6 V fan Pass Pass Opening lead A S tbuy first Sloverside Pwevgvt$ Snow fire or ST-!7 eafl Wcarc3s'L-?rade-lEi price get Tough Bid Done Well By OSWALD JACOBY Written tor Newspaper Enterprise Assn. One test of a good player is his ability to make the best of a bad contract. West's two spade opening was one of those weak two bids that are popular in expert circles. This time it gave North and South a bidding problem. Left to them selves they would have slopped at a comfortable four hearts. The impetus of the weak two bid got them to the five level. South won the opening spade lead and took slock. He had a spade loser and two possible diamond losers. Of course, if East held the king of diamond; there would only be one diamond lost, but South saw how to make the hand even if West held that king. He cashed dummy's ace of clubs and ruffed a ciub. He entered dummy with a trump, then ruffed the last club. Another trump lean to dummy pulled the opponents' last trump. Now he led a spade from dum my and put in the eight spot. West won with the nine and found himself end-played. A spade lead would set up South s jack for a discard of a diamond from dummy. A club lead, if he had one, would al low a niff and discard. West led a diamond. South allowed this to run around to his queen and chalked up his dangerous contract. Q The blddinf hai been: But ' South West North 1 J 4 Fa 3 4ft Pax 3 4 Paa 4 Pass T You, South, hold: aAKJ7 S 4AB 41 Qtt What do you do? A Pass. You hsra loM year partner that jroa hava a very sood hand and be has bid only three apades. Treat his Judfmentt TODAY'S QUESTION Instead of bidding two spndrs, your partner bids two clubs. What do you do? Answer Tomorrow Paper Notes Anniversary CORVAIX1S fUPIt - The Cor. vallis (ia7plle-Times Saturday be came the third Oregon newspaper lo reach the century mark and published a special section to note its inoth birthday. Oregon newspapers older than the Gazette-Times are the Ore- Ionian in Portland and the Statesman in Salem. Oilier pa pers were started earlier than 18K2, but no others have survied The Corvallis Gaiclte is the el der brother of the papers winch have been combined since won. It was founded in December IM exact dnte unknown. The Times was established in laflfl. The Iho papers were combined In mid-IDO!) a lew weeks after the weekly Gazette slarted publishing as a daily. At that lime the Times was a .vemi-wecklv. Tl" social section published Saturday included a history of I lie p.iper, a full page covering high lights of the news from its 100 year career, an intensive cover- ape of the present day paper, its place in the community and its linpcs for the future. Singer Plans To Wed Model HOLLYWOOD ilTD - Singer I'rankie Avalon. 22. has an nounced plans to many model Kay Dirhel. a former Miss Hhinc gold contestant, in June. Avalon, currently appearing al the Sands Hotel in s Vegas. Nov., said Monday he and his 2t-year-old bride-to-be became en gaged Sunday night at a parly attended by his parents. Dick and Mary Avallone of Philadelphia. People Read SPOT ADS you art aow. i - tire as i TPnror? nMnnw 3 ) 1 BATTERY I U U uiL5 vid UvJ Lb II I s tv.. " :: tr "" fer-"- rt v'M h:' S V k. 1 - l ' '"'' C , t. Ag.ia.1 rood aoiord, for M-. 'fTj' l Jgf ,f gS.I A X X V . -N x x. V : - -Jr H fp.(if.d Hm.. Adiiii.tnii p,o. fjf '(nw" ft-iyA I I Va.---.: SZH " I 1 rrvee NMOUN Ki.&.a'iJ NYLON ST-107 27-month nationwide 4-square guarantee Built fo outperform new-car tires 4-full pliei of tough, blowout resistant Nylon cord POWER GRIP NYLON 27 month nationwide 4-square guarantee Extra-deep, self-cleaning tread gives you "Sure-Go" even in hub-cap-deep snow 7 deeper tread with 3300 traction edges 2 outside rows of individual blocks with gives you the road-gripping action you need strong, sawtooth buttresses add stability Dollar-for-dollar the best lire in its dais Rides quietly with no whine or growl Buy first tuh-lpe Btatk GET Buy first tuhoIrM Black- QJ wall at Wardt no-tradc-in 5EC.OND ws" VVarda no-txad-ui CFCOMO D,lc' Tine n"' T,. 0WY 6.00-13 20.73 $j 4-40-U J0.7I $3 3 3.7S f 8.70-U 1.73' t' - 3S.73 7' 7.10-15 83.43- 1- lllSt a7.73 I 7.60-13 37.43' 5' 8.50.14 ," 00-13 f 30.75 I 1' I :4' Plm cri tax on 2 tirti. Ho trody-in ngarftd. Fln f.i.oo for whUmmll LAI LJ OUARANTfl AOAINiT DECTS-Hlt lacifiMt1 within 90 doyi. IIMt-aogoinitfoilwr, pto r01 en monthi wd. inMirMi, i tun-anv L rntnt batd en pttc before V trad hn rttvmvd. NATION-WIDI ovorontte kontwid nt ntl Wmd 4trvi hSsfifih'- --iiB .tzm t 33 3 10.lt ft, 33 6) "3 JLiZ ir ..3-?. . 7?' ; (tAlf FOR .YOUR BATTERY RIVERSIDE 42 MONTH SUPER POWER Greatest capacity of arry Riverside battery. Big enough to give you trie extra start power you need in cold weather . . , and to handle the electrical load of all your car's power extras. Costs just pennies per month! INSTALLED FREE! '2 -'4 TRADE IN FOR YOUR BATTERY 24-MO. RIVERSIDE ECONOMY Guaranteed factory-fresh! Exclusive HPower-Gard" protects gainst tovlty charging, extends service life. 30-MO. RIVERSIDE STANDARD For heavier electrical demands; more reserve starting power, too. 36-MO. RIVERSIDE H tUTY For modern cars with bigger e)ec trical capacities, power accessories. GUARANTEE tarvica owontaa fo ta - i fta. aroro'ad On a I 4. Adivftmand be.ad ea S' k-oil.in arSaa fatvr-ad j 33 1 3S I i 3a I MeaV IW UnaVHMtJ Car Uadal MaMk "t-54' Mt ten .....1 fl,mo.-H. :a-33 l 5J-J 10 1. 1 II IMT-D,. l-33r ! ..... ' Do.,. 1H1IOJ) WW i- )33 ..... II , 1A aa Merely II IO II Me-e V$J tiara go AH prkt 4t tr(t- fe-pet. Oti f,S. 11 II II II 1 IM' Pe(M 1 S4hi ioTu 30 I 36 WaM'Maa. 10H 1011 1J 1111 (6I 13 II II II l l II II t J lilt 11 II t ! Store Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Daily Phone TU 4-3188 9th & Pine St. aa,