PAGE-M HERALD AND Records Fall In In Annual Rose J'ASADENA. Calif. UPI Tlx result was all that mattered to day to the shcllshocked Southjrn California football team, and rec ords that spiraled in the Rose Bowl darkness didn't diminish the sour after-taste of defeat for Wis- consin. are just kids, after all they're just 19 and 20 year olds," a team representative said of the Radf;ers following their epic 42-37 loss in Tuesday's classic. The Badgers despite their tre mendous fourth criod splurge after trailing 42-14 were "very sorry to have lost," said quarter back flon VanDerkelen. "They won the first half, and we won the second," said Wiscon sin rnarh Milt Bruhn, carefully restrained despite some sharp critirism of officiating, "But they won the hall game, loo." Bruhn added. Coach John McKay, whose Tro jans appeared almost as glum as if they had lost the game as they DON'T MISS ir. . . ' . ih ' ' . VTA ' :f YOU SEE A MOUTH FULL OF BIG SHARP TEETH when you trv to tie up a huge mountain lion ALIVE. Scene from JIM BOND'S UNFOR GETABLE FILM. "THE MOUNTAIN LION." -v '. '., ' -I'S FAMOUS JIM BOND with 10 and 12 oound rain bows thai provide thrills aplenfv in ''ALASKA'S FABULOUS RAINBOWS." AND BEARS, BEARS, BEARS . . . THERE'S A BIG OLD THREATENING THOUSAND POUND ALASKA BROWN BEAR AT ALMOST EVERY REND OF THF RIVER. You carry a liqht fishinrj rod AND A BIG RIFLE . . . 1 il.'Ki )i FIVE SHOTS AND FIVE BIG MALLARDS . . .In JIM BOND'S monumental production, "WILD WINGS," you'll witnen lomi fut. fait action and iupertcolor photoqraphv. THE KLAMATH FALLS JAYCtlS SAY, "Wl ARt SILL ING TICKtTS ALL OVIR THl COUNTY. Wl IXPECT PACKIO HOUSIS BOTH NIGHTS. Wl URGE YOU TO GIT YOUR TICKtTS NOW AND TO COM! ON MON DAY NIGHT IF POSSIBLE BE SURE YOU COME EARLY AND MIT, FRIENDLY JIM BOND." A WILDLIFE SPECTACULAR IT'S ALL NEW AND IT'S TERRIFIC tvllLLS SCHOOL AUD. MONDAY, TUESDAY ONLY DOORS OPEN AT 7:00; SHOW AT 8:00 ADULTS $1.25; CHILDREN 75c Ta Included Tickets on Sola ot U.S. Nofonol Bonk, 8th and Moin; First National Bank, 6th and Main; and , The Gun Store Tickets also ot the door Sponsored by Klamath Foils Jayccci B Sure Yn.1 Lve Eo'lv NEV,., Klamath Fall, Orr. walked to the dressing room, said the victory showed his team was still the nation's best and Wiscon sin was So. 2. McKay left no doubt he regard ed Wisconsin as the best team Southern California faced this year. "Washington didn't get T7 points on us, and nobody else did either until today." The Trojans who warmed up physically and emotionally after realizing they did indeed win the football came despite the Wis consin drive were hard pressed for tackles. Co-captain Marv Ma rinovich was ejected in the first half. Gary Kirner was handi capped by a .severe hand injury and Mike Gale was lost earlier because of a prc-Mose Bowl neck in iurv. To McKay, the biggest factor in the game and one that al most caused the Trojan machine to run down completely was the four touchdown bulge built by the start of the fourth period, to THE BIG FIGHT T WednFMlny, January 2, 1963 Masses Bowl Till Bruhn. the turning point came in the second period, when he felt the officiating was most open to question. Bruhn strode across the field at the half to question officials on a quick whistle and on a Wiscon sin touchdown pass called back because of a penalty. The offi cials ruled quarterback Bill Nel-j sen retained possession when thrown for a loss, and Nelson sub sequently threw a 45-yard pass to Willie Brown to set up a touch down. Bowl Results By L'nltcd Press International Orange Bowl At Miami, Kla. Alabama 17 Oklahoma 0 Cotton Bowl At Dallas, Tex. Louisiana State 1.1 Texas 0 Sugar Bowl At New Orleans, La. Mississippi 17 Arkansas 13 IVtse Bowl At Pasadena, Calif. Southern Cal 42 Wisconsin 37 NO Kenmore Deluxe Style Fan-Forced Heaters Scors low price Auto. Thermostat Con heat several smoll rooms, a cohm or oven a smoll hone in milder weather 2 heat levels, 3000 it 4000 wafts Full heat flow in lust 2 seconds Costs only otvut '6c per hour to operate Shop at Scars and Save lali-f art ion (iiiarantrril or Your loncv Hark Green Bay Sets Up Fund For Lombardi NKW VOfiK tUPIi-The Green Bay Packers have set up a $250, 000 trust fund lor coach Vince Lombardi to keep him from ac cepting an attractive offer from the Los Angeles Rams, Joe Wil liams, sports editor of the Scripps Howard newspapers, reported to day. "The Rams dad offered to as sume his contract, which still has three years to go, and, addition ally, to cut him in for 10 per cent of the club ownership," Williams wrote in hi column. "By way of further entice ment," Williams said, "Ram rep rcscntatives had introduced him lo the fiscal magic of the capital gains gimmick: at the end of five years he could seil his 10 per cent and pick up a bundle. Williams reported that the Rams made the offer to Lombar di shortly before Lombardi guid ed the Packers to their 16-7 vic tory over the New York Giants in the National football League championship game here last Sunday. Lombardi admitted giving the Rams' proposition deep consider ation, Williams said. "It was a proposition ! had to consider, Williams quolcd Lom bardi as saying. "I owed it to my family. These people (Green Bay) pay me good money, but there isn't much left after taxes. Now! Enjoy A Full Flow of Heat In Just Two Seconds Thermostat Control Maintains Desired Temperature 1650-Watt Fan-Forced Radiant ECeimirooire PS '1 J W ' mm: at. MONEY DOWN on anything you buy on Credit at 5495 Scars I have a wife, son, and daughter. I am obligated to their future se curity." Williams further reported that "the Rams' offer was only one of several he 'Lombardi I has re ceived in recent months. It hap pened to be the best, and the capital gains gimmick was mighty attractive." As a result of the offer, Lom bardi met with directors of the Green Bay club before the game against. the Giants. "Out of the meeting came this arrangement a quarter-million dollar trust fund which matures in 10 years," Williams reported "This was in no sense a show down or ultimatum," Williams quoted Lombardi. "These people are my friends. They understand my situation. I'll never forget their consideration." Williams said the fact that 'Lombardi forced the meeting was indicative of unrest." DRAW RECORD ENTRIES NEW YORK (UPI) - Five of the nine United States Golf Asso ciation championships in 1962 at tracted record entries and the to tal of 9,788 for the nine repre sented an increase of approxi mately 3 Vt per cent over the 1961 record, according to an announce - ment by the USGA. New Kenmore 1650-Watt Fan-iForced Heater law price Full-width element plus socoal booster for maximum deep hcot p",efration Reaches f jll-heat t'ow in onlv 2 seconds' Internal sole ly switch shuts of t heater it cooentallv erturncd. SEARS LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice it hereby oiven that in under tinned has bun appointed n Executor ol m Estett of FREDERICK A. RU-Pi-if. also known at FRED A. RUECK and FREO RUECK, deceased, by Order of the Circuit Court of the County ot Ktemeth, and all personi having claims. against Mid enai are required to pre sent the tame to the Executor, duly veri fied and with the proper vouchers at tached, at the office of his attrvney, L. ORTH SISEMORE, 731 Main Street, Kfam alh Falls, Oregon, within six months) from the date of first publication of this notice FREDERIC L. RUECK Executor No. UO, Dec. IV, 34, Jan. 2, f, 162. NO. 62-164 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY in the Matter of the Estate HERBERT E. HAUGER, Who was also known as H. E. HAUGER, Deceased: Notice i hereoy given that I have been appointed Executor of the Estate of Herbert E. Hauger, who was also known as H. E. Hauger, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are reouired to presenr mem io me, wim proper vouchers, at ihe office of Ga nong ft Ganong, First Federal Building, Klamath i-aus, uregon, wunin six momns from December 26, 1962, which Is the date of first publication of this notice. Wm. Ganong, Executor Gfirtong & Ganorvg Attorneys for Executor NO. 867, Dec. 26, Jan. 2, 9, 16, 1963. NHL GAME ON TV BROOKLYN, N.Y. (UPD-The National Hockey League game between the New York Rangers and Montreal Canadiens sched uled for the Montreal Forum Jan. 5 will be televised "live" on the Schaefer Circle of Sports WPIX- TV program. BOWLING TOURNEY SET KANSAS CITY. Mo. (UPI- The 22nd renewal of the Bowling Proprietors Association of Ameri ca's All-Star tournament has been set for Jan. 16-26 at the Missouri Municipal Auditorium in Kansas Cily. I oeot ers e t 3 Days Only NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan Use as a supplemental heating unit in hard-to-heat rooms Laboratory-tested . . . carries 1 year replacement guarantee Lightweight (weighs 15 lbs.), plugs into any standard outlet ,( While they last ot the omazing price of $23.50. t Booster element sends full penetrating heat .1 across f'oor in just 2 seconds. Thermostat con- 4 trol turns heater on and off automatically, i maintains desired room temperature. Safety J tip-over switch turns hecter off if overturned. Heats in 2 Sec. Kenmore 'Quick Radiant Heaters 99 Instonr Heat Element Tin-plated Reflector "lEy SARS itc-s ovailobie through our Cafoicc; Safes Drporfmenf. Located f rf Hoor odiacent to the sHof deporfment 1J3 So. 8th TU 2-4481 Shop 9:30 5-30 Fridcyt Til 9 PM LEGAL NOTICE Equity No. 63-2M SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH WILLIAM E. CUNNINGHAM and MIL DRED D. CUNNINGHAM, his Wife, and A. R. CAMPBELL and tVA BELLE CAMPBELL. Ms wife. Plaintiffs, vs. ANNA P. JENSEN, CHRIST L. CARL- SEN, FANNY SHIELDS, KAROLINE COOK, MARTHA M. KNUDSEN, HIL DUR THOMSEN and MARY RUNG- BERG, and all persons claiming by. through or under them. Defendants. TO: ANNA P. JENSEN, CHRIST L. CARLSEN, FANNY tHIELDS, KARO LINE COOK, MAjRTHA M. KNUDSEN, HILDUR THOMSEN and MARY RUND- BERG, and all persons claiming by, through or under them. Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You, and each of you, are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit within four (4) weeks from the date of first publication of this summons, said date being the 19th day of December, 1962, and then and there set forth the nature of your Interest, and the Interest of each of you. In and to that certain real properly tituated In Klamath (.ouniy, Oregon, and described as: Lots 3, 4, 5 and the SE vNW SW ViNE 4, W VjSE'.i of Section , T. 39$.. R. 10 E WM., and Lot 4, Section 31, T. 31 S-, R. 10 E.W.M.; or In default thereof the Plaintiffs will apply to the Court for a decree removing as a cloud on Plaintiffs' title to said real properly that certain mortgage made, ex ecuted and delivered to p. c. carlson the 26th day of April, 1945, and recorded on said date in Volume 91 Mortoaoe Rec ords of Klamath County, Oregon, at Page and declaring the Plaintiffs to be owners In fee simple ot said real property iree ang ciear or ciaim of the Defendants or any of them. This summons Is served upon you pur suant to an Order of the above entitled Court dated the 10th day of Daceiner, 1962, directing the same be published once a week for tour (4) successive weeks In the Herald and News, a daily newspaper printed and oubllshed in Klamath County, Oregon, and requiring you, ana eacn gi vou, io aDDear on or be fore four (4) weeks from the date of nrsr publication. L. Orfh Slsemore Atlorney for Plaintiff 731 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oreaon No. 863 Dec. 19, 26, Jan. 2, 9. Sears HAS IT." Ove 200 000 I LEGAL NOTICE MnrirP op PiiBLir HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Common Council of the City ot Kiamatn Fails, Oregon, at Its regular meeting. held on the 10th day of December, 1967. adopted a resolution setting the hour of 7:30 o'clock, P.M. of the 7th. day of Jen-1 uary, 1963, and the City Hall of said City, as the time and place tor public hearing on a proposal to change the ion Inej mao of laid City by transferring thereon from Residential Zone R- to. Residential Zone R-i, real property de scribed as follows, to-wit: Lots 13 and 161 of Block 5, Dixon Addition to the City of Klamath Fads, Oregon. Interested parties and the general pub lic are invited to attend said public hearing and they will be given an op portunity to be heard on the proposal. Done this 2nd day of January, 1963. Rosle Keller Recorder, City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. No. 171, Jan. 2. 3, 4. No. 31297 SUMMONS (General) SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF MERCED JOE AQUINO, Plaintiff vs. JANE JACKSON AQUINO, Defendant. , THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALI FORNIA, To the above named Defendant: You are hereby directed to eppea and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff filed In the above en- tilled court in the above entitled action brought against you in said court, within ten days after the service on you ot this summons, it served within the above named, county, or within THIRTY days if served elsewhere. You are hereby notified that unless you so appear and answer, said plaintiff will take Judgment for any money or damages demanded In the complaint as1 arising upon contract, or will apply to the court for any other relief demanded fn the complaint. Dated, October 19, 1962. E. T. JOHNSON, Clerk By CHARLES E. ROSARIO Deputy Clerk No. 140, Dec. 12, 19. 26. Jan. 2. EQUITY NO. 67-m SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. CITY OF CHILOOUIN, OREGON, A MU NICIPAL CORPORATION, PLAINTIFF VS. JAMES L, CHIPMAN AND CLAR ICE CHIPMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE; LORENA ARTHUR JACKSON WRIGHT, ALSO KNOWN AS, LORENA HILL AND LORENA E. HILL; CARL DAWSON AND CHRISTINE DAWSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE; CALVIN BARNEY AND WINO NA BARNEY, HUSBAND AND W I F E ; ROSE MARIE LANG, ALSO KNOWN AS, ROSE MARIE JACKSON, ROSE MARIE HILL, ROSE MARIE HERRERA, ROSE MARIE LONG, MARIE LANG HERRE RA, ROSE MARIE MOORE AND ROSE MARIE LAON; LEO HERRERA; LEO FRANK; C. R. SCHIFFBAUER AND ETHEL SCHIFFBAUER, HUSBAND AND WIFE; HUGH COWEN; EDNA COWEN, ALSO KNOWN AS EDNA COWEN STAN TON: HUGH WALLACE COWEN; BANK OF CALIFORNIA IN TRUST FOR HUGH WALLACE COWEN; C. C. HEO- RICK; LEONARD D. JONES, DOING BUSINESS AS BASIN CREDIT SERV ICE; M. A, CARTER, DOING BUSINESS AS, CARTERS COLLECTION AGENCY; ATLEE CARMICHAEL AND LYMAN SLACK, A COPARTNERSHIP, DOING BUSINESS AS CARMICHAEL MOTORS; TOGETHER WITH THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND-OR SUCCESSORS OF EACH i OF SAID DEFENDANTS. tF ANY OF. SAID DEFENDANTS ARE DECEASED; ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PAR TIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN OR IN TEREST IN OR TO THE REAL PROP ERTY, OR ANY PART OR PARCEL THEREOF, DESCRIBED IN THE COM PLAINT HEREIN; DEFENDANTS. TO: CALVIN BARNEY, WINONA BAR NEY, LEO HERRERA, LEO FRANK, C. R. SCHIFFBAUER, ETHEL SCHIFF BAUER. HUGH COWEN, HUGH WAL LACE COWEN, EONA COWEN ALSO KNOWN AS EDNA COWEN ST ANTON, AMD r C. HFDRirK. of THF DF - PENDANTS, THE DEFENDANTSuwi-uk i ftOLL room, pain, c?ose in. pr STYLED, "UNKNOWN HEIRS OR SUC CESSORS IN INTEREST OF EACH OP SAID DEFENDANTS IF ANY OF SAID DEFENDANTS ARE DECEASED." AND DEFENDANTS STYLED AS. "nil OTH ER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE. ES TATE. LIEN OR INTEREST IN OR TO THE REAL PROPERTY, OR ANY PART OR PARCEL THEREOF- DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN FILED; OF DEFENDANTS AND TO EACH OF YOU. ! IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON; yog, and each end every one' 0( you, are hereby lummoned to puer and Answer the Complaint lik-d atjamst vou in the above entitled suit, on or be-1 tore the 17th. day of January, 1963, and sei torrn me nature ot nis, or ner, or us claim, riant, title or Interesf in the prem- lies described In plaintiff's complaint, which are located In Klamath County, Oregon, in the City of Chiloquin and described as follows, to-wit - Lot t. Block J, Snuth Chiloquin Addi tion. Lot 7, Block 3. South Chiioau'n Addition, Lot 7, Block 6, South Chiiogum Addition; Lot 15. Slock I, South Chilo- ONE or 2 bedroom furnished Heal. Qum Addition,- Lot 16, Block I. Southfwater paid. I2S Grant, TU 2-4719. c';" ";!;"!' ft; f 5! ';!c6sracrToirs) Chiloquin Addition; and, East Chiloquin t CLOSE In duple, furnished, one bed Unplatted; beginmnq at a point 16 feet j room, laundry, garage, $60, TU 4-3659. Southeast and parallel 'o Schonchin Street Twbbed7MmpVtly 7u7nished apt. Near from Southeast corner of Lot 3, Block 7,Srl0 cener $JJT Ju Ng m OriQinat Town of Chiloquin; thence ; - . . . . Southwesterly parallel to Third Avr , ao-NICE ctean furnished apartmenl, close tt , Ihence Sou'heasterty parallel to Schon-1 i"- TU 2-2S3I. TU 4-6964. Street HO ft ; thence no'theasterry 110 teet; to point of bea And vou will please take notice at if you tail to appear and answer ptamt.ff't Complaint, or oierwpse plead withm he said time, the piamtitf, tor want thereof, will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief demanded in Its Complaint filed in this suit, as follows: That it be de creed and adiudord that defendants and each of them have no estate, claim or interest in or to sad premises; that be declared the sole owner of all said real property; and that defendants, and eac h of thm be forever en tomed from asserting any cla m whatever to said real property, or ay part thereof. adverse to that of plaintiff.- and for such other and further relief as to the Court may teem tust and equitable. This Summons Is Published and served upon you pursuant to an order of the shove entitle Court made o The I'th ' of Decemher, 1962: the first publtca- tion hereof being on December 19, I0?, I and the last day of pubiicafion being on the I6tn, day of January, 1963. and Janu-I ary 17, 196?. is trie last day fined by the1 . Court for the defendants herein or efheri 8LDROOV dupiei unfurn shed aoa't. ine'eo' to appear her em or answer P'1' lmmefjite occupancy TU 2-6SOO., Comoiamf TVodrooTrTfTniChed court. 140, ijij Done th, 19th. flv Of December, 196I Arjsms. Tu 4-3154, Tu 4-9754 Henry Perhmi Attorney fnr Piant'ff. ;FOuR room act, furnished. Hot and Arldres 731 Mam St, , "'d 'tr, washing faciiites. Adults, K'amath Pain, Oregcm. Iu 4-S4-B. no tST, uec. 19, Jan, 3, FUNERAL HOMES rt WARD S Klama'f LOST 1 POUND a IOST pan en t black r m g'as!ies Rewa'd1 Tu 4 330J LOST Dec 2 wi let cc.U n.on ntilica''n. Important ca'ds & fl'i ense Keep cash pieae rptyrr, v d centpnts to W F Hilya-d, R' m Mamath Fan t'et j LOST red Cesncmk -"die. v cm.- a'd he'ween h 5ha.ia Way PERSONALS r.'NNES AL SON. tr enj:y --a 'i of a'ccfji c tu J i'4P. EXCELLENT caf two eeMy i- ,t m private home, ifit Crest OR A MAM 5 licenced hofot''t gfd' private rooms or warn cae. srec a a et, personal SitrMt assu-ed TU I-J'sj k L A V A T M Alann for C(Vi-selin n( mee'irtfls. TU 4-3591. TU 4 -S7U a-vt m VACANCY tor etty v oe-tiemS rej '"9 no'sfa e-aor ccvaesce-i ,,(",", Nuri -0 fome. J9i P-. Asia-d, O't P 4t;-' sir vices ,0 5 T vOOFL 'Nf. a-wi rec -j. a'1 i rfasonaNe. re'f-eices ty 2-'M T 1 ( 'CPOmq. p-v".-nrj iiio-ei 1 Lsie-'-e-e Su'se-v. ry t Z 9 T. o-X( or tev f yovr e ct Ai Sf t ;t it Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring. alterations for men, worn cnnoren. ah wotk gueremeea. Reason able prices Gene's Mens Wear 537 Main Jess' Tree Service Tree topping, removing, any king" of clean-up work. Free estimates. TU 4-6418 Don't Guess Call Jesst Coin Op Laundry Topload Washers Also 20 lb- Washers TIC SHOPPING CENTER Behind U.S. P'ntt DENTAL PLATES Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3214 Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional service. Trees topped PHONE MICE, BUGS, TERMITES BILL'S BUG "E" BUSINESS Insured, City and State Licensed W. L. "Bill" Osborn, the Bug "E" Man TU 2-3458 312 So. 7th ST. HELP WANTED. FEMALE 14 SINGLE woman 21 to 45, nonsmoker. To do simple typing, my home, weekend eve nlngs. Good pay, 3-e hours weekly. Per manent. Handicapped gladly considered. Write P.O. Bo 974, City. POSITION available approximately Jan. IS with Klamath Falls Creamery. Some stenography, general office work. Appli cant must be above average typist. This is a good ob for the right person. Starting salary commensurate to ability or ex perience. Apply In person to Klamath Falls Creamery Office, 0:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. mornings. HELP WANTED. MALE 16 BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contoct Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4 81 11 HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published In the Herald & News' are accepted In good faith that the abs offered are as stated in the advertising copy. We are not re sponsible for the Integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and reject all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering s help wanted d and finding It to be misleading ts asked to report It to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald aV Ntws. iiTUATIONS WANTED II CHILD care, 4-47S0. home, anytime, TU LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. 8 a.m. io 6 p.m. 1328 Carlson Drive, TU 2-1144 IRONING, WASHING - Pickup, Deliver. Hand crochetfd algMn TU i-9ji4. , ROOMS fOR RFNT 22 ! Z vale entrance, parking, 126 No. 3rd LARGE housekeeping, room. utilities furnished, 317 Pine, TU 2-1487. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. J blocks from Main, S5 fl. Up. TU 4-4259. STEAM heated, quiet, sleepinq rooms, t 310 So. 5th TU 2-0214. GENTLEMAN, clean month, IS30 Crescent. room, 120 per A EN, 134 N. 3rd, close in, housekeepin reaspnblf . forking. TU i-'Kff. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 ' FURNISHED 3 room apartment, $SS One room, 140. All utilities Included. iffrf I bath, adults only. 419 No. Wh. NICELY furnished bedroom act. wool rugs, drapes, all utilities paid Io certain amount, TU 4-3763. FURNISHED apartments. fU 2 4 , 34. ivertide. MODERN 3 rooms and bath, 140 and up, brick court, qarages. 221 Spring 4 584. CASCADE APA RT V E NT-HOT F L Nicely furnished 3 & 4 room apartments 230 South llth. CLEAN furnished, close te Main, by week or month. 333 So. Mth, park apts., $10 up, BachVforwialuat hotwaltr, TU 4-97S4, TU 4-3854. THREE bedroom unfurnished duple apartment, water paid, JSC. TU 2-0473 N'CELY furnished J bedroom apartment, BiS Lincoln. TU 4 5692. APARTMENT near STEAV heat, bachfior apt,, 213 Cedar. EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Kiama'h s mrwt modern, fjrmshed. 2'9 - u 2-1D62. tad nmi. nr ..i.-,t, u 'ot.' ,r,i.. nr h.rh-i,. ,n ...'u, store ' COVFCR1 ABLE furi.shed bachelor apt , close In, ut'iit-es padl 126 N. 3rd. ' UTILITIES, ma.d, kitchen, r'-an 'urn rs yn.ti, oy wee 1605 Esplanade, tu 4 n:-i REX ARMS 1 C9 3 PEDROOM APARTMENTS. CLOSE N HCAT, WATER. GARBAGE PAID 21 BROAD - TU 2 9317 i,ycls ' $36 to $58.50 COVrORTARLE LIVING AT LOW COST! itri'"'"3 b'.'droom pt furnished or unfyr s In,lr't4. Permanent mi nttit(t included. Vonday thraygn Ffflay ! SHASTA VIEW v' A PAR T VENTS Tu'''7 SS!JN WAY TU -71 I C" ce riCKfM a m. to 5 p m RICKFALLS APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shosta Way ond Two Bedroom cp'i. Fu 'ised ond Unlurnhed 569 50 to $39 50 Cti'v, Wi-eklv itl Rotci TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST JMi U" on 0 B v Tas'ev Dce''e4 ; to Wan Ca-oe' Sw --n j Pt - iK'pt nM '-v tres e.-eei o-pn t4 e er" v ra ty M'a