Santa Monica's Entry Wins Honors In Parade PASADENA, Calif. (UPH The City of Santa Monica with a float depicting in blossomed beauty the wonderful moment of childhood, the "First Love," was named sweepstakes winner for the most beautiful entry in the 74th Annual Tournament of Roses. The grand prize went to the Florists Telegraph Delivery Asso ciation for its graceful float that included more than 10,000 orchids in an entry titled "A Moment of Happiness. Santa Monica's entry was i beautiful gardon with pink camel lias and carnation petals. A small boy and girl, representing first sweethearts, sit in a swing be neath a flowered urn. The grand prize winner was one of the largest single displays of orchids in the history of the pageant. Over 25,000 rose blooms! add to the display that carries the message of happiness when one receives flowers. Announcement of the winners was made as the majestic floats began their course down Colorado: Boulevard before a million and a half spectators. The mercury climbed toward the 70-degrec mark after a dawn reading of 45 The crowds had gathered during me nigra in a carnival spirit with the mild weather presenting : a contrast to millions of television viewers watching the pageant in the chilly East and Midwest, The prize for the float most fit- tingly presenting the theme of the parade. Memorable Moments went to American Legion Post 707. It was an imaginative entry dram atizing the trail-blazing over the Atlantic Ocean in 1927 of Charles A. Lindbergh with a llowered rep lica of the Lone Eagle's plane. "Spirit of St. Louis. Union Oil Co. took the Presi dent's prize for its float emphasiz ing "Birth of a Rose," a huge multipetaled. animated rose com ing into full bloom. The impressive entry of Southi Gate, Calif., titled "Graduation, took the Queen's trophy. Three! young ladies in traditional cap and gown stood beneath arches ol white chrysanthemums to receive their diplomas in a setting of roses. The award for the most beau U fill entry outside the territorial United States went to Mexico for "Vacation in the Sun." The float presented an elegant stylizing of a sun, whose rays of colored flow ers shine down upon the colorful land south of the border. A flower of Mexican origin, the poinsettia, was used to provide contrast. St. Louis, Mo., won the national trophy for the most beautiful en try outside California but in the United Stales. It recreated the old-time circus street parade with a flowered "Barnum Day" with flowered Clydesdale horse. A sec ond segment was an authentic floral replica of a Victorian-era popcorn and peanut machine San Diego, for best characteri zation of the romance of Califnr PAGE-10 Wednesday, January J, 1963 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. THE WELL CHILD Household Remedy Stops Nosebleed By W. G. BRAN'DSTADT, M.D, Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn, A sudden nosebleed in a child may be a very frightening thing both to the child and lo the mother. This is especially true when there is no apparent cause such as a blow on the nose or head, Nosebleeds are rarely seen in the newborn, but in children of school age they may be very common. Sometimes it is "trig gered by the child's becoming overly excited or by maintaining a position for a few minutes with his head lower than the rest of his body Nosebleeds are more common in the winter when there are more colds and infected sinuses and when the warm dry indoor ir may cause too much dryness of the nasal mucous mem branes. Often a child's efforts, either by picking or blowing the nose, may start the bleeding. Girls approaching puberty may have nasal bleeding instead of a normal menstrual period. This is known as vicarious menstruation. The usual household remedies such as applying an icebag or cold clothes to the back of the neck, are often all that is needed. The child should sit up with his head tilted slightly forward nia, won the Governor's Trophy. I that the blood w ill not run down NOW! Trade 'n' Save at your Buick dealer's mm CELEBRATING BUICR'S SMASHING SUCCESS. YOUR CAR IS WORTH MORE NOW IN TRADE THAN IT EVER WILL BE AGAIN. DON! DELAY! BE MONEY AHEAD! TRADE NOW! Think Twice You're probably paijincf the price of a Le Sabre bf Buickwlu not own one? (fct 7 out ol 10 full si Mrs snlfj -including th "low price names"'-are in th LSbre pnet range or above ) Model shown below, $2Sh9 tiM 1 ejiyii 4ia ioi r f !i,v. IMS,-!. 4 h : I m I .11, I Savings iffill Be Fun Improved carburetion for better gas mile age in '63 S 15' wheels stretch tire life Finned aluminum front brakes-linings last longest Buick's quality engineer ing cuts upkeep costs s Long life alumi nized muffler. ma TilrWi auu iip hie values luiunoui interiors 307 decorator trims, dur able vinyl or fbrc lutluuve Advanced ThruM enRinnnB Arrow straight IrachinR Wildcat 401 V 9 Action StURir-e, fuftxne Drive' SubMniAl BuKkrtde f ronlnd rear lloor "mountain" gont. Buick resale value flying high Ewmplfl: a 10 LeSabr 4 door hardtop retains an average ot $.8more ot itonfiial cost torUy tnan did a comparable 9b model sold in I960, Today's quality Buick it av new longer! Urn tptji OmH. )H0, j , LflSabn S BUICK his throat, and should breathe through his mouth. A handkerchief or facial tissue should be held gently in front of his nose. If the bleeding cannot be checked in 15 or 20 minutes you should call your doctor. If nose bleeds recur 'at frequent inter vals, a thorough examination should be made to determine the cause. One; the bleeding has stopped it is important that the child not blow his nose or try to dislodge the clot for about eight hours. In washing his face care must .be used not to press any part of the nose. Several hours before removing the clot it is well to place oily nose drops in the nose. In any subsequent attempt to re move the clot the utmost gentle ness is required. Nosebleeds are rarely serious but it is only natural that every one concerned will have some an xious moments until they are un der control. Q Cdifld nasal drops given lo an infant cause trouble if in haled into the windpipe or lungs? I have been told it could bring on pneumonia. A When giving nose drops to anyone and especially to a child it is good practice to have the recipient lie on his back across the bed with his head extending over the side, hanging downward. Then if the drops are not irritat ing and are introduced gently not more than two drops in each nostril of an infant there should not be any gagging, coughing, or choking. In that way the danger of getting the drops in the lungs is minimized. If a little of the medicine gets into the windpipe only, no harm will be done, and after a few minutes the natural flow of mu cous from the windpipe lo the throat will remove the foreign matter. If the drops act into the lungs. the question whether they will cause pneumonia depends on how much infectious matter from the nose and throat they carry with them. The drops themselves would nut he likely to cause pneu monia but they would almost sure ly carry some germs with them. What kind of germs and how many is the important point. ML SHP ' 3800 s sjh 'Penguin Dies PORTLAND (L'Pli - Another Adelie penguin died at the Port land Zoo Tuesday. The death re- ducrd (he zoo's penguin population to 22 Emperors and 10 Adclies, Zoo veterinarian Dr, Matthew Ma berry said. Zoo Director Jack Marks flew 48 penguins from the Antarctic Dec. 1. 3 life Certified Watchmaker BOB SAYS: We've moved our entire stock of our downtown location and slashed the prices to the bone. Look at the savings during this big January . . . INVENTORY CLEARANCE SAVE ON: Sunbeam Appliances Men's Vatches Ladies' Watches Stone Rings Wall Clocks Going At Cost 40 Off 40 Off 30 Off 30 Off Costume Jewelry 50 to 70. Off Agate Jewelry At Cost Fashion Jewelry 50 Off t WE TIME THE AIR FORCE HOUSE OF SHOES JANUARY Mm k? STEPS l-group walking and mid-heels, Reg. 14.95 and 15.95 7.88 1 Group Parigi FLATS Reg. 7.95 3 R9. to 11.95 FLATS Torreador Golo Mr. Gus 4 1 Group Hi ond Mid Heel PUMPS Reg. to 11.95 House Slippers Hand Bags Men's Shoes Men's Shoes 1 Group to 4.50 1 Group Pedwin and Briarcliff 1 i 99 NOW I plus ONLY 1 tax 7 8 f and Boy's f C Shoes to 9.95 White Buck Saddles 2 SHOP TILL 9 1 Group-Pedwin's SAVE FOR THE FAMILY Extra values in Double Check used cars, too! See your authorized quality Buick Dealer todayl STARTS TODAY OUR BIG JANUARY SALE! LOOK AT THESE EXAMPLES: ,. ... Tl SUITS Regular to $55 00 all wool Curlee flannel and dacron blend suits. Included is a large group of young men's traditional ivy cut suits! '29 f 1 V""1 SUITS Regular $55 00 to $75 00 Curlee suits in hard finished worsteds, docron and woH blends in our very latest mrdcls ond colors now ... 39 to $64 SUITS Our very finest $85 00 to $125 00 Hart Schaffner & Marx suits Choose from a com plete stock of the most wonted business end dressv styles $69 to s99 Rcmembtr, oil price! in our big lull-page ad in yeiterday't paper good ot Drewt Town ond Coun try Store during thii tolt. Shop right now. W open till 9 P.M. ! li ONCE-A-YEAR SALE Became Helen Rubinstein believes Uitn Feminine is her greatest cosmetic achievement-she mikes this ipeciU offer. Your fits! jar will convince you thai can look younger in 30 da$ or money back I Ute Ultra Feminine every night regularly! Large Sic tO-Dly Supply Rig. 6.00 NOW ONLY 3.75 SAVE 2.:5 (SieS13.J0 en a year'i supply). and for younger looking hand, save on Young Touch' Hand Lotion wilh eMrosent...2.75 Value Hon Only 1.50 McKesson 2 For 1 SALE Vitamin C (abscorbic acid) Helps Build Cold Resistance 100 mgs 2 bottles of 100 1.29 250 mgs 2 bottles of 100 2.49 500 mgs 2 bottles cf 50 2.49 Helena Rubinstein's ff YOUNG TOUCH If With Estrogenic Hormones to 1 111 Make Your Hondi Look Younger t R9- 4 nn p,us Jr e 2.75 J)U tax Revlon's 'MOON DROPS' FREE Moisturiiing Cleanser with your purchase of Moisturizing Bolm. A moisturizing beauty treatment for every complexion. 00 plus A regular $4. SO value ... rax Color Dividend SSSk f COTY ft Matching If Lipstick & Nail Polish ft New go-together pure 1 1 1 bright colors I Bors 11 50 Vk 2 00 I Jf alut Desert Flower DEODORANT Reg. 1.00 Size ROLL.OM .BO OR CREAM plus tax Open 36S doys a year ... 366 on leap ytors. Open 9 till 10 ... 9 to 9 on Sundays & Holidoys OruS On Dur Af All Timet Current K,. talttmn mo, h,, .S,, j ,h. Suburban Cnif tide, el Hie rtriptren ttjntef 99 88 88 88 88