Tuesday, January 1, 1963 PACE 9 Bowl Games Highlight Opening Of Mew Year "- IIERALD AMI NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. ft n, - i i r i 1 V. 44 ISA i X t uv. ; Li J. V IS FOR VICTORY These University of Arkansas cheerleaders seem confident of .the outcome of the Sugar Bowl game today in New Orleans. The University of Ar kansas met the University of Mississippi in the Sugar Bowl game. The cheerleaders are unidentified. UP Telephoto incinnati Increases By FRED DOWN ' l i'I Sports Writer College football rings in the new year for some 330.000 on-the-sccne fans and a blcary-cved TV audi ence of approximately 40-million armchair quarterbacks today with four big bowl games involving the eight top-ranked teams in the country. Wisconsin. Louisiana State. Ala bama and Mississippi are the fa vorites in the Rose. Cotton, Or ange and Sugar bowls, respective ly, but none is better than a six- point pick and the experts agree that any of the four games can go cither way without it being labelled a real upset. There'll be a full eight hoiirs of TV entertainment with the first two games scheduled to be gin at 2 p.m., EST, and the Hationa Cage NEW YORK (UPIi - Cincin nati, which scored an easy vic tory in its only game during a light Christmas week schedule, was a unanimous choice Tuesday for the second straight week by the United Press International Board of Coaches as the nation's No. 1 college basketball team. The unbeaten Bearcats, who have won nine games this season and 27 in a row over two sca- sons, 'have led the UPI ratings for all five weeks. Ohio Univer sity was Cincinnati's latest victim by a 73-43 score Saturday night. The numerous holiday tourna ments had a large bearing rn the lop 10 this w eek as Loyola of Chi cago, winner of the All-College Tourney, solidified its position in the runnerup spot. Illinois' victory in the Holiday Festival tourney boosted the II- lim two notches to the No. ranking. Arizona State, the Queen City winner, also advanced two places into fourth place. UCLA showed (lie biggest improvement by jumping from 11th to fifth place by virtue of its triumph in the Los Angeles Classic. HONOLULU 1 UPIi - Thirty-six Hula Bowl participants, plus coaches Rip Engle of Penn State and Bill Barnes of UCLA, ar rived in Hawaii Sunday night to begin preparations for the lWh annual football classic scheduled for .Ian. 6 at Honolulu Stadium. Engle will coach the North All Stars and Barnes, along with his UCLA assistant Johnny Johnston, will mastermind the South. Two Bruin linemen. Andy Von Sonn and Tony Florentino, arrived from Los Angeles with their coaches Arriving from San Francisco on a second flight were Larry Fer guson and Earl McQuiston, both of Inwa: George Reed. Washing ton State: Dave Bohrman, Michi gan State; Steve Barnett. Mickey Ording and Ron Snidow, all of Oregon; Dave Robinson and Rog er Kochman. both of Pcnn State; Bill Murkowski and Bob Vogel. Ohio State; John Mackey, Syra cuse: Bill Munsey. John Camp hell and Bobby Bell, all of Min nesota: George Gnoss. Oregon Slate; Ray Mansfield, Washing-t.-n; George Saimes, Michigan Bowl Players For Game t A. State: Paul Flatlcy. Northwest ern: Don Brumm. Purdue. Other arrivals included Eldon Forte, Brigham Young; Bill Tur ner and Larry Ballictt. Califor nia; Conrad Hitchler and Tom Hertz, Missouri: Tom Hutchinson, Kentucky; Ed Cummings, Stan ford: Dave Costa and Marv Flem-1 ing, Utah: Ray Schoenke. South cm Methodist: Sonny Gihhs, Tex-j as Christian; Ron Goodwin. Bay lor: Lionel Aldridgc. Utah State; and Kermit Alexander, UCLA. Dave Watson of Georgia Tech was scheduled to arrive from San Francisco, hut missed connec lions and is now due in later this week. Hugh Campbell of Washington State, who was voted the out standing lineman of Saturday's East - West Shrine game in San Francisco, arrived late Sunday night from Seattle with his new-bride. New Year's Day bowl partici pants will arrive Wednesday. Tliev include Pat Richter and Ron Vanderkiecn of Wisconsin. Lead Ohio State, Kentucky, Wichita. Duke and Oregon State completed the select group. Missing from the top 10 tins week were Stan- ford. Bowling Green and Missis sippi State all suffering losses in tourney action. Wichita vaulted from 16th to eighth by handing Ohio State its first loss Saturday night. The Buckeyes thus dropped from third to sixth. Kentucky, which has won four straight, moved up one notch to seventh; Duke advanced one place to ninth while Oregon State, which drew only two points last week, returned to the elite group by winning the Far West Classic. NEW YORK (UPII - The United Press International ma jor college basketball ratings with first-place votes and won lost records in parenthesesi: Team Point; 1. Cincinnati 35l (S0 350 2. Loyola (III.) (10-0) 24 3. Illinois (-01 2H1 4. Arizona State (9-1) 154 5. UCLA (10-21 130 6. Ohio State (7-1) 117 7. Kentucky (7-2 115 8. Wichita (9-21 105 9. Duke (8-21 8fi 10. Oregon State 16-31 44 Second 10 teams 11. Mississip pi State. 36; '12, Auburn, 33: 13, Georgia Tech, 23; 14, North Car olina, 20; 15, Miami Fla.), 19; 16, Colorado State U., 18; 17 Hie), Stanford and St. Joseph's 'Pa. I, 14: Kansas, 12; 20, West Virginia. 11. Others Wisconsin. 9; DePaul. California, Seattle and Bowling Green, 7; each; Pittsburgh and Texas Western, 5 each: Utah State. Niagara. Princeton and Duquesne. 4 each: Southern Call fornia. Southern Methodist. Van dcrhilt and Oklahoma State. 2 each: Houston. New York U. Bradley, Notre Dame and Temple 1 each. For Nation's Sports fourth likely to end about 8 p.m EST. Some 100,000 fans, the biggest crowd of the day. are anticipated at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena Calif., to see Southern California place its perfect record and na tional championship on the line against strong, dedicated Wiscon sin. The Badgers, who had an 8-1 season record in the tough Big Ten and midwestern competition. have been installed two-point fa vorites over the West Coast squad. Southern Cal, which completed its first perfect season since 1932. will bank mainly on the passing of Pete Beathard and Bill Nelson while Wisconsin's attack is spark ed by passer Ron VanderKelen. The game will be televised by NBC beginning at 5 p.m., EST. President Kennedy will he in West Texas State Grabs Sun Bowl EL PASO. Tex. (UPU Hoot Gibson, a scrawny second team quarterback, completed a 32-yard scoring pass to halfback Jerry Richardson to give the West Tex as State Buffaloes a comeback 15-14 victory Monday over the Ohio University Bobcats in the. 28th annual Sun Bowl. West Texas coach Joe Kernel called the play "the turning point of the game." "He (Gibsoni eluded so many players that I didn't know if he would ever get free." Kerbel said. Gibson reversed his field twice looking for a receiver. He found Richardson behind the line of scrimmage and the fleet halfback zipped down the sidelines for 32 yards and the touchdown. Regular quarterback Jim Dawson passed to end Jim Ostrandcr. for the game-winning two extra points. Kerbel said When (Doni Hool ver caught that fumble in the air and ran it back for their touch down. I was just about as low as I could get. Hoolver, who was voted the game's outstanding lineman grabbed Dawson's fumble on the nine and lumbered 91 yards for a touchdown that put Ohio ahead. 11-7, in the third period. Specialist Jim McKee booted two field goals for the Bobcats. A 52-vardcr in the second period put Ohio on front, 3 0, and set a new Sun Bowl record. He added a 24-yard field goal in the second quarter after Ohio marched to Uie West Texas four-yard line and then stalled. West Texas marched 92 yards for the game winning touchdown with 10 minutes left in the last quarter. Dawson passed 13 yards to halfback Jerry Logan, the na tional scoring champion, for West Texas' first touchdown in the second period. Logan was voted the game's outstanding player. Gibson kicked the extra point. the crowd of 74.000 at the Orange Bowl in Maimi, Fla., where Ala- bama is a three-point choice over Oklahoma. The outlook is for rugged, hard-nosed defensive bat tle with Alabama carrying a 9-1 record and Oklahoma an 8-2 mark into the game. This one will be televised by ABC beginning at 2 p.m. EST. A full house of 75.504 is as sured at the Cotton Rowl in Dal las, Tex., wilh Louisiana State a three-point choice over Texas. An other tight defensive battle is in prospect when the game begins at 3 p.m., EST. with CBS carrying the action on television. Toxas enters the game with a 9-0-1 mark compared with Louisiana State's 8-1-1 slate. Mississippi is a six-point favor ite over Arkansas in the Sugar Bowl with the action slated to he televised by NBC at 2 p.m., EST. Mississippi, winch had a 9-0 sea son record for its first perfect season in history, was ranked third nationally. It will be making its 10th post-season bowl appear ance in 16 years under coach John Vaught. Arkansas, 9-1, will rely heavily on the running and passing of Billv Moore. it. mi -, 4 ,t: V' 11 - - JT - 1; ... - . SKI TIME The new Gold Coast chairlift in the upper Squaw Valley sk! terrain was the favored meeting place over the past week. The lack of snow on the lower levels brought the masses to the newly, opened upper trails. This Is one of the few ski areas open to the public over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Linos form to board the now lift to got in some skiing this upper elevation. UPI Telephoto Oregon State Regains Ranks NEW YORK (UPU Oregon State, which dropped virtually out of sight last week, bounced back into the top ten this week in Unit ed Press International basketball ratings. The rebound came after the Beavers won their seventh straight Far West Classic title this weekend at Portland, Oregon. The Beavers received 44 points in the coaches poll to take the number ten spot in the top ten. A week ago, the Beavers were lower than the top 20. Cincinnati was first with 350 points, followed by Loyola of Illi nois, Illinois, Arizona State and UCLA. Ohio State was sixth, Ken. tucky was seventh, Wichita was eighth, and Duke was ninth. Guaranteed the Fintit Strvict KLAMATH Radiator Works 1901 So. 6th TU 4-6942 Lots on Sprague River $10 Dn. $10 Per Mo. CALL TU 2-4664 er Write: 314 So. 7th Sun Devils Shade Pesky Denver Pioneers, 79-72 - f 7 ( - 4- (I Ihi i i ill nh Villi,' I mitumJ JL U tmnimJ i A HAWAIIAN WELCOME Ron Snidow, Steve Barnett and Mickey Ording (left to right ) of Oregon are welcomed to Honolulu by State Greater Winnie Hewett. They are among 48 senior candidates who will participate in the 1 7th annual Hula Bowl football game at Honolulu Stadium Jan. 6. UPI Telephoto JOIN FAST SQUAD BOSTON U PI i Offensive lac Vie Charlie Long and defensive hack Fred Rruncy of I he Boston Patriots have been added to the Fast squad which meets the West Januarr 1.1 in the All Slar came V4: i Coait-to-Gxui NEWSPAPERS SELL THE MOST!! trues ea By United Press International Joe Caldwell led his sixth-ranked Arizona State Sun Devils to s tournament crown last weekend, picking up the most valuable player award, and Monday night he showed he was more valuable than ever. The 6-foot-5 junior hotshot score 11 points in overtime as the Sun Devils shaded tlx? University of Denver. 711-72. at Tcmpc. Ariz Caldwell, who led his males to the Queen City Invitational title at Buffalo Saturday night, sank four field goals and three free throws in Monday night's extra period. The game went into over time when the undeidog Pioneers hit eight straight points in the final three minutes of regulation play to tie it at 67-67. Caldwell finished the evening with 25 points, with Art Becker and Gary Senitza contributing 17 apiece. Game high man was Den nis Hodge of Denver with 27. The Arizona State-Denver tussle was the only major game on the New Year's Eve schedule, and to night's card is equally slim Montana State is at Seattle and that's it. This weekend the chase for the conference championships gets go ing with a couple of weekend clashes in the Big Six and three games Saturday night in the West Coast Athletic Conference. The wide-open Big Six opens Friday night when the twice-beaten Trojans of Southern California visit Berkeley to take on the sur prising Bears, who have also lost only two. The two teams meel again Saturday. UCLA, which ranks at the con ference favorite following its vic tory in the Los Angeles tourna ment during the holiday season. lournevs to Washington loi weekend pair with the Huskies. In the WCAC, another league where the best is hard to find. .Sdiuiudy a Kdiiii:: iinu oau u.u- - Stale, winner of the holiday tour-if nament in San Francisco, visiting University of Pacific, while Santa Clara tackles Pcpperdine at Los Angeles and USF is at Loyola College Scores College Basketball Results By United Press International EAST Pittsburgh 71 Princeton 62 SOITIIKAST Furman 62 Air Force 5.1 MIDWEST St. Louis U. 87 Kentucky 6.1 Minnesota 87 Houston 68 Ohio St. 97 Brigham Young 91 Notre Dame 90 Illinois 88 Loyola 111. 74 Dayton 69 WEST Arizona St. 79 Denver 72 BALDWIN HOTEL 31 Main St. Ward, old-fashioned hoipitol ity. Large, comfortable lobby. Daily, woekly, monthly rates. Handy parking. OVER 15,000 BIG PRIZES ENTER OUR BIG 5 SWEEPSTAKES lilt! 0. a- Hi 1434 Main St. - Klamath Foils Ph. 4-SluJ The place to go for RADIATOR SERVICE e Cleaning Repairing Re-Coring Poiscnger Cart - Trucks - Induttrial Engines SPECIALIZED SERYICE CO. J nm La S GRAND PRIZE WINNERS You can win a two-week vacation for two in London, Pari, Rome plus a new car on your return or any one of mora than 15,000 other valuable prizes. All you have to do is visit my showroom and ak about our unique exclusive "5 or 60" war ranty and the "5 or 50" sweepstakes. Cone in for your entry blank. Come today! Swtepstaka dose Februo) ISlti JIM OLSON MOTORS Chrysler . Plymouth, Votiont, GMC Truck 522 So. 6th ' Ph 4-5126 9th & Pine Phone TU 4-3188 1 TITX fgf 1 k T'A annual suit saie nA 2-PILV wn li A ? h I '''' ,1 ' h - 3 DAYS ONLY !..' Jr ''i I ' fat i ; i - 1 ''' I -7V SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or your money backl REG. 49.95 GOLDEN BRENT SUITS OF IMPORTED WORSTEDS Fabrics woven with built-in stamina Solids, muted strip and plaid patterns Up-to-the-minute medium dark colors All with PERMANENT CREASE TROUSERS For a combination of good looks and tailoring comfort, nothing beat a Golden Brent suit. In this group of im ported wool worsteds, there's a color and pattern for every taste. And, re member, during this 3-day sale, you save over 20. Sizes 36 to 46. NO MONEY DOWN when you buy en credit at Wards