DREWS H JANUARY C k-Vf'V I iJ.: -- , S ,Jfc ' i ,r..T- ... .777 It's our biggest sale of the year the sale where you buy our best mer- 1 chandise at January Clearance prices. Everything is from our regular stock. Come in and take home savings in men's wear, western wear for all the family and boy's wear. SUITS 1 j !, f.- I f "' M ' Regular to $55.00 all wool Curlee flannel ana da- ' fe I j? I v JKiA J cron blend suits- Included is a large group of l Afp, ijfi. , I ' V , 'j young men's traditionaMvy cut suits! y r' I' 1 1 Mil III! iiiwuj niijjii,im in.inuil.ii iuj 1 mi 11 mil 11 ii m JxvV$: L !!:'' topcoats ' v-t. ' 1 ''"I I" ' 0ur regular $42.50 to $69.95 Curlee top coats $ " f - . i ' i now at this low price. (Also HS & M topcoats on i 'vi'f x ' ' ' 4 V if" ? t1 sale at $64.00 to $89.00.) ; I IWW:;;!... 1 1 ;vr VV'f'.T ' - ; boy's Kv'y; 'I :r;v.'t3; SPORT COATS I ; .i'f'., . 4. -j Reg. 12.95 to 19.95 V ' , ' ,Ut BOY'S l ::$r::V':'-::A DRESS SUITS 1 T- ' - V ' I Reg. 24.95 to 34.95 iv: v -.v; 1600 2300 i'-' j : I ' ' BOY'S t ; Winter jackets r-.V- ' ; , i Regulor 10.98 to 16.98 : 7" 11" J, ' - ' rT '"- 'v"--.l:"r . - boy's i ' ?n shoes if: : " One large group ' J ttajyffiffi ' .1 R3lorly to 10.95 yp'-; j s ! Mohrl'isl'al'glt J gi Shop both stores. All prices in this ad are in effect at both our 733 Main St. location and Drews Manstore in the Town and Country Shopping Center. See all the values listed in this ad plus all the others that space does not permit us to list. ip iliu ww iimw j i9V " Regular $55.00 to $79.50 Curlee suits in hard finished worsteds, dacron and wool blends in our very latest models and colors. Now ... to $ u. Hi ni mi ,mm .. .-,... ri Mini nmi in il Our very finest $85.00 to $125.00 Hart Schaffner & Marx suits. Choose from a complete stock of the most wanted business and dressy styles. pi, una pa BWfiimimHPipmw1Srs iWTnli,jMr till iiiilM lir niriilMtiian to $ COATS and JACKETS TOP COATS, JACKETS, SPORT COATS all included in this one big group of odds and ends. Buy them during this sale at HALF PRIC 0YS and WESTER! WEAR SECTION Check this big department for savings for every member of the family. Savings in boy's wear, men's " n Inline' ...aav rA kftrttp nimninna UMU IUUIC3 nC3ICIII WCU1 . . . Ul IU LAIUI3 IwM CTtlJWlH.. Located downstairs at 733 Main and main floor at Drews Town and Country store. Here are just a few of the savings being offered. BOYS' and WESTERN WEAR HALF PRICE GROUP Something from every section of our big boys' and western wear department included in this group. Boy's cotton tapers, shirts, sweat shirts and even sport coats. Men's western jockcts and shirts. Look this section over carefully and SAVE HALF! BOYS" STRETCH SOX ond fancy cotton sox, reg. 55c to 65c Buy 'em for 39c each or 3, 1 " BOYS' SWEATERS All regulor 4.98 to 12.98 cardigans ai slipovers reduced to BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS 399 O 99 and O In knits and washable cottons. Short, M 99 99 ond long sleeve styles, reg. 2.98 to 5.98 .... I to f ACME COWBOY BOOTS g 99 ACME COWBOY BOOTS Sizes for men and women now on sole for Sizes for boys ond girls reduced to MEN'S HYER BOOTS Some of these boots were originally priced to 40.00 16" 3",. 5" 27" MEN'S WORK BOOTS A wide assortment of Chippewa, Otto White, 1299 Thorogood ond Wolverine boots in most all sizes. Reg. 17.95 to 35.50 .... to 26 You don't need a dime to take advantage of these tremendous values. Just say "chorge it." Pay in 30 days or use our REVOLVING CHARGE PLAN where you take up to 6 months to pay. Look at the chart at left. See which credit limit and monthly payment suits your needs. MEN'S 6" SHOES for work or dress by Dr. Scholl, Weyen- berg and Thorogood. Formerly 12.95 to 27.95 7" t. 19 99 99 il V I. wi in mi wiiii .mi. iiriwrimfWHii n n .iu m tun i toMi-ri SPORT COATS SLACKS Our better Curlees. Reg. $35 to All wool and wool dacron blends. $45. New softer dark tones. RPn,,nr $9 9"5 tn $25 (Also on sale - HS & M coats at Re9ular 9'95 t0 $44.) $26$3$ 7"1899 JACKETS YOOL SHIRTS Washable poplins with orlon pile By Came and Lake In washable ,. . . ionc wool and Lanerossi.- Regularly linings. Regular $19.95. $14 95 14.99 9.99 Sport Shirts SPORT SHIRTS a d n' Sweater Shirts Sweater Shirts Our better woshables by Arrow, Long sleeved cottons in regular Lanier, Campus, etc. Values and ivy styles. Regularly to $5. from $5.00 to $8.95. 2.99 399& 5" SOX I SHOES Buy wool blends ot 3 pair for Buy discontinued Nunn - Bush $2.97. Buy our regular $1.00 styles from $14.99. Our regular cotton argyles at . . . $12.95 brand of school shoes 6pr-3.99 1 U.99 DRESS SHIRTS hats . , You will recognize the famous Whites ond colors in famous brand os soon os you see them name brands. Regularly priced Regularly to $15.95. at $5.00. a ' 3.49 7"9" '- - - - TIES PANTS BARGAIN TABLE If y0U didn't 9t .nough Conti'n,n,0 ,oper, ond ?'lu?i (or Chrlstmm, buy reg- grj weaf b o trmendou wvlogv u,or $1.90 o.d $2.50 A-1. R.9ul0,ly $4.95. t 99c 3A9 OFF f Established 1918 ri O IS' 733 Main and Town & Country