Tueday, January 1, 11 PAOE-.1 Among Ihe cadets (rom St. John's Military School who spent the holidays at home is Randy Balsigcr. son of Mrs. Blanche 3al Kiger. He is a sophomore. ;Neal Halousek of Malin. fresh man liber arts major at Pacific University, has heen pledged to Phi Beta Tau fraternity. 1 ;Dorothy Lewis is among Chico State College students who are majoring in social welfare who O M E N S c T I V I T I Or By Helen Bschen E S row have the advantage of getting ' practical, on the job training dur ing their junior and senior years. These students receive training under supervision in the Welfare Department and carry a c t i v e case loads. .iMKirwj'i: HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. iw )taywi"iiiijw nimmjsum mmimmr'Ajmm ,i vwgipZMjm f rxr .V j't1 :r: 5 : f - v ""!'"f, , . f " . . m I t J H''J 7 V - r k fr tsi I If 1 , Ytei Save! Janiel's Vi Yearly Shoe Sale offers you the best values in Town COMPARE! OFFICER SLATE At the Christmas party Dee. 12, officers were installed for So journers. Left to right are Mrs. Doug Napier, who played Santa Claus for the party will serve as treasurer; Mrs. Bob Kyle, secretary; Mrs. Otto Biber, president, and Mrs. Paul Meier, vice president. Photo by Ketler 527 Main Simulated fur will be popular in men's casual hcadwear this season. One of the best liked styles: The trooper cap, in bogus Persian lamb, with turned up cuff at front and back, and convertible carlaps. Also in similar cloth headwear. Your usable discords will hlp us to help othtrs. Don't throw 'em away. CALL: The SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORE Ith & Klim.lh TU 4-9l Pari4 Fetes Bride-Elect r''"'W greet "Z Xf you with wishes w p. many and most &5f sincere, for your jKif happiness L A. I in the New Year. IJ)j """"ST IP jj DRIVE IN CLEANERS 2041 Radcliffe Behind Regal Station IJWRTiniWii MALIN' Suzane Kujac was honored Wednesday afternoon. Dec. 5, with a kitchen shower at the home of Mrs. Loval Loveness with Mrs. Joe Micka assisting. Twenty fivi guests were present for the soc al afternoon. Mrs. Jim Bunnell presented sev eral organ selections during the afternoon and games were played with prizes won by Mrs. Dale Holl, Mrs. Edwin Stastny, Mrs. Louis Lyon and Mrs. Lewis Kandra. The honor guest was assisted by her mother. Mrs. Karl Ku jac, w ith opening her gilts, which were placed on a table decorated w ith white and centerpiece of pink rosebuds in a crystal bowl. The voung honorce was also, leted Dec. 6 at a personal show er given at the home of Mrs. Hal- bert Wilson. Other hostesses with Mrs. Wilson were Mrs. Jack Free man, Mrs. L. L. Cunningham, Mrs. Lou Diager. Mrs. Harold O'Riley and Mrs. Dick Deny. Suzane Kujac became the bride of Sfve Evans on Saturday eve ning. Dec. 8. at the Malin Pies bylerian Church. 5 r ,.t WW" ' . .. . RECEIVES GIFTS Suzane Kujac, left, who became the bride of Steve Evans on Dec. 8, was honored at a show er given by Mrs. Loyal Loveness and Mrs. Joe Micka. Helping her with the gifts is her mother, Mrs. Karl Kujac. y tt, i V 4 ' ' ' I aiTLJ M'4. MOST BEAUTIFULLY COIFFUREO WOMEN For the sixth consecutive year, the nation's professional hair dressers have voted on the 10 women they consider to be the most beautifully colffured on Ihe basis of the ap propriateness to their personalities, appearance and careers. Pictured above, the internationally famous award winners are, from top to bottom, in the first row, Mrs. John F. Kennedy and Olivia de Havilland, actress, writer. In the second row, Doris Day, film star, come dienne; Polly Bergon, entertainer; Princess Lee Radziwill, London socialite. In the third row, Arlene Dahl, screen and stage star, journalist; Shirley Booth, actress, TV comedienne; Mltzi Gaynor, dancer, actress, comedienne. In the fourth row, Princess Grace of Monaco; Arlene Francis, actress, TV personality. !S POLLY'S POINTERS Fasten On This Idea To Balk Stocking Runs POLLY CRAMER t Newsrjoper Enterprise Assn. DEAR POLLY My pet discov-lthen fill the pan with water and cry is more personal than a house hold hint, but certainly makes nylon stockings last longer. Runs come fewer and further between when front supporters arc fastened while sitting down and the back ones while standing up. ELSIE Elsie's suggestion certainly makes sense as most of my run start in the front, probably be cause there was no extra play in the hose when 1 sat down. POLLY DEAR POLLY-When cutting a stick of butter into squares for the table, put a piece of waxed paper under the knife as you cut. .una. o. DEAR POLLY I always make my own big block of ice to use in the punch bowl. I have a deep baking pan that will fit in the bowl. I fill this pan one-third full of water and put in the freez er. When it is frozen, I lay a hunch of gras in the center, (Do QJjou J6wu? freeze again. If the punch is to be a clear one, 1 tint the water pale green with a few drops of vegetable coloring before freez ing. PARTY GIVER DEAR POLLY Did you know that pinning or basting a 2-inch strip of tissue paper along the seams of anything you are mak ing out of soft silk or nylon will keep the material from stretch ing as you ease it through the machine? The tissue is easily pulled away from the stitching SEAMSTRESS Girls as you stitch, be sure In have the tissue at the bottom and (he (.ilk on top. TOLLY What's New I'nitrd Press IntcrnatVmal Newest thing in sewing ma chines: Push-button controls. The housewife merely decides what design she wants to sew. She pushes a button and the machine is set to sew automatically the pattern she desires. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ' ON ANY ITEM IN THE STORE Phone Ut Your Neadi Deliveries Each Day at 11:00-2:00-4:00 IN THE VILLAu. uun th t Main to i-3471 1 A garden of low-growing plants or hedges planted in a formal, intricate design, is called A "knot garden." We Con Provide Car Insurance At Reduced Rates For Safe Driven See friendly I 9th t Main to I-347S 1 l V'r' fifSfM "lHslM'"4j. J I 1 Bill McKibbin Midland Empire INSURANCE AGENCY 1006 Main St. Phone TU 4-6417 Bill McKibbin ond Clem Letutur 512 Main Free Parking 5th & Klamath FASHION CLEARANCE NOW IN PROGRESS Fantastic Savings on Coats, Suits, Dresses, Sportswear, Children's Wear, Lingerie and Foundations. o o o o 1 55CHINESE THEY'RE PI M J Liza U - UNDER New Management BRING THE FAMILY!! BRING YOUR FRIENDS!! ENJOY THE EXCELLENT CUISINE OF OLD CHINA, OR FINE AMERICAN DISHES. OR DERS TO GO, TOO, JUST CALL TU 4-6578. CAFE If Family Finances Have You Over A Barrel You'll Find Real Budget Help In the Low, Low Prices Advertised Daily In The teiie ArJvtrti'iinj Medium f tli Kltmath litis o O 421 Main TU 4-6578