Science Fails To Agree On Noon's Composition STANFORD, Calif. (UPU-Sci. agree that the surface of the moon is not made of green cheese but that's about all they do agree on. Volcanic origin, said Jack Green. Downey, Calif., geologist. Dust, said Donald E. Gault of Ames Research Center, Motfctt Kield. Calif. Highly porous and cemented to gether, said Konrad J. K. Buett ner of the University of Washing ton. All three opinions were present ed Saturday at a panel session on the final day of a three-day joint meeting o! the American Physical Society and the American Geo physical Union at Stanford Uni-, versity. Green, who admitted proponents of the volcanic theory were in al minority, said that impact from meteors and other outside objects undoubtedly created some of the1 features that have been observed on the moon But most of the moon's surface, he said, was created by volcanic action. Green, from North American Aviation, presented a list of 311 observed features of the moon's surface, such as size of craters, the gentle slopes of crater flanks, craters within craters and a huge pit atop the satellite's central mountain range. Fourteen of these 39 features could be explained by either vol canic action or by ' the impact theory. But, he said, for the other 25 features the volcanic theory was the 'most plausible. Gault, speaking for himself and colleagues Eugene M. Shoemaker and Henry J. Moore, said th; most of the lunar surlace consists of rocks ejected by impact. "There is a great amount of debris thrown from the craters on impact." Gault said. "The moon is a source of interplanetary dust." Gault said that a man standing LEGAL NOTICE NOTICn Gr vu SALE. Sen led propoiali will b recti ved bv th Common Council of tn City of Klam ath Falls. Oregon, lor th purchase or ewtr improvement bonds, Series No. i?7, aqqreaflting. Forty-two thousand five hundred thirty-sevn and 3S-I0O dollars (W2 537.3S) duly authorised by ordinaries of tht said City of Klamath Falls, for the construction and laying ot sewer lines In Sewer Unil No. 30, ol said City serv ing, ihe north west portion of Buena Vis ta Addition, Buena Vista first Addition and a part of 5hipDingfon Addition, ex tending back from the shore lint of Up rer Klamath Lake toward Klamath l?aka Artdition, all In said City. Proposals to purchase said bonds will be received by the undersigned up to and including the 7th day of January, 1963. at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.V of said day and opened at a regular meeting ot Ihe Common Council Immediately thert .'ter; said bonds shall ba dattd Feb. 1. 1961, and shall be in amounts ot S5W00 each, ecepl bond No. I. of said series, which shall be for the fractional rait ot s&d sum. and all shaH be due ten years after the date of issue, pay ment of the- entire bonds oet'Onal with aid City at any coupon paying date on and after one year from the date thereol Said bonds will bear Interest al Ihe rate ot net to tced six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on February 1st and Auiiist 1st of each year, principal and Inlt-est payable at the office of the Treasurer of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied by a'certilied check tor five per cent of the proposal The Com. man Council reserves the right to rt)tcl anv and alt bids. Tht successful bidder for said bond will be furnished with an opinion as to the legality thereof by the law firm ot, ' Shuler. Sayre, Winlree fc Rankin. Port land Trust Building, Portland 4, Oregon This notice is authorized by ordinance ef the Common Council ol the City 0' Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated November 36. 196?. Posie Keller Recorder, City o' Klamath Falls. Oregon. No 173. Nov. 31. 2. 30. Dec. I. 1. 4. 5. t 7, 10. 11, 13. 13, II. 1. 1'. U, If. 30, 21, 73. 7. as, I, 17. II. 5C. 31, I!, Jan. 1, 1V3. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHON TU 4-81 1 1 i a m. tn 4 Jfl p m wdavs ft am to noc Sahjrdtv ffti'flt wo'rts par line Aflj Uff ' ines count tame as 2 Mei. 3 6 10 1 S nfi 00 7 00 I TO Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT rr advertisement, If p'd In advance AWivt ra'ei ire for consecutive lnir I n n, w thout change of copy, tcr i" va'e individuals. Advertising must be i itAT ad understandable to t orodut tiv All wnrfls must b oned Out Ajtos e'te-ed tnr ie by p;iatt '"di v-duais cash with copy. Deadline i y 0 m. duv b'ore eon" Noon Saturday for Sunday end to .-iaay. CANCELLATIONS K COPECT ION va'-e scdu" eceot o. Motwav e-e B't tafcen t.l 30 a m I fAp fai fi' me' o" o vour ai T Neia A News will g vt a- fU$ ru! fpr typogaoh'cai er'or. "Business Builder" WANT ADS 1 column ich. t3S P moth 12 fl LOunf fO' pavme' O" a he'ore i Inch. I' w'th I'.SC diVClunt tor rment on or be'n't " mth. Baefl on art copy change pr month. iOX SlVlCE-0 cent) per ad. OBD O' TmaskS. tnd IN VEVORIAM FHONE TU 4-8111 F0H COVV.ESC'AL RATtS on the moon auuld be hit bv fragment thrown up by an impact on tlie opposite side of the moon As a result of the millions of impacts through the millions of years, he said, "the moon's sur face must have a layer of dust on it." Buettrier said the crust of the moon was made up of highly por ous fragments that were cement ed together and might break off when a space traveler stepped on them. FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. Miph Street. Phone TU 2-440i LOST A FOUND LOST pair of men's black rim glasses. Reward! TU 4-3JW. LOST BLUE-POINT Siamese cat, temaie. Reward! 1972 Earle, TU J-638?. LOST Dec. 29. wallet containing cash, Identification, Important cards & driver's license. Keep cash. Please return wallet and contents to W. F. Hllyard, Rle. 7, Box 529, Klamath Falls. LOST red Chesapeake male, vicinity Wi ard between 6th and Shasta way. sn ard tor return 4f16 CI'max. T U 4i?96 GENERAL NOTICES .... .... 4 From oil of us ... to all of you Our Most Sincere SEASON'S GREETINGS VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E. Main TU 4-6812 HAVE YOU any of these e things TO SELL? They'll bring you EXTRA CASH! & GUNS & BOATS & TENTS )'? STOVES fr' RADIOS V PIANOS BOOKS TOOLS SKATES --.TRUNKS PLANTS JEWELRY vr LIVESTOCK v FISH POLES TV SETS BICYCLES & CLOTHING Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Coll Herald & News WANT ADS TU 4-8 1 1 1 BFG"JNES' ALAS--;N. 'iT'iiti of aiccnoics, 4-71J EXCELLENT csrt 'O' tfl eide-iy .n pr-va'e ho.e. '''4 Crest Opaav S wrensed Mi 'or the a-ie-l. pr-vate 'ocn?i O' ca-e. spec'' d et perioral tnterei' eisu-ed, tu 2-3lfci KLAVATH Atr.oi tO' COWsellng and met'ings. TU 4-351, TU 4 1704 aiyline. VACANCV'W tMv or gff'e-man ned ''est' si"7 noma, SH Pa'k, Pn K L A V AT M A'CCNV'CI Anonymous. TU stRvicij SCRVICtS Hj CUSTOM BUTCHERING your Oftlvr to procsiifns punt or ledve l your plce. Al Stoll. 1 u Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations far men, women, children. All .work guaranteed. Reason aolt prices. Gene's Metis Wear 537 Main Jess' Tree Service Tret topping, removing, any kind Of clean-up work. Free estimates. TU Dcn't Guess Celt Jesst Coin Op Loundry Top load Washers Also 20 ib. Washers TIC SHOPPING CENTER Behind U.S. Bank dentaTJ'plates- Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3214 Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed insured professional service T rees tonoed or removed. MICE, BUGS: TERMITES mi t c nur. "P" niiciKirc L. ' bill" Osborn, the Bug E van TU ?-3. t1 Kn Th HELP WANTSO. FEMALE 14 WANTED: Lady bookkeeper for public accounting office, full or part-time. vise age ana experience. rin box 426C, Herald and News. SINGLE woman 31 to 45, nansmoker. To do simple typing, ny home, weekend eve- nlnqs. Good oav, 3-4 hours weekly. Per. menent. Handicapped gladly considered. write P.O. Box ?74, city. POSITION available approximately Jan 15 with Klamath Falls Creamery, soma stenography, general office work. Appli cant must be above average typist. This Is a good lob lor the right person, Starting salary commensurate to ability or ex perience Apply in person to Klamath Palls Creamery Office, 8; JO a.m. to 10:301 a.m. mornings. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY GOOD WAGES AddIv to Mr. Ramsev, Mfjr,, 1-5 p.m. SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main TU 2-."513 HELP WANTED. MALE 16 BOYS SCHOOL 'AGE EARN e Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald $ News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4 8111 HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published In tha Herald & News are accepted in oood faith that the jobs offered are as stated ihe advertising copy, we are not re sponsible for the integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and reject all misleading ad vert Is- ng. Anyone answering a help wanted flo ana itnaing n to re misleading s asked io r-port if to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald News. .iTUATIONS WANTED IS CHILD care, my home, anytime, TU 4-450. BABY sitting in my home, days, phone TU 7-1817. LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday throuoh Friday. 8 a.m. to p.m. 1328 Carlson DrLe, TU 2-1844 ROOMS FOR RENT ...22 COMFORTABLE room. bath, close in. pri vate entrance, parking, 126 No. 3rd. LARGE housekeeping room, utilities furnishod, 317 Pm-, TU 2-1487. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 3 blocks from Main, $5 a. up. TU 4-425. GENTLEMAN, clean lonth, 1530 Crescent. MEN, 134 N. 3rd. close in, housekeeping, rraAt-'C. fMrHnq, TU 4-?87. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2A FURNISHED 3 room apartment. S55. One room. 10 All utilities included, shared umn, adults only. 419 No. 10fh. NICELY furnished bedroom aot. wool rugs, drapes, ail utilities paid to certain amount, TU 4-3762. 142 Riverside VODERN 3 rooms and bvh. 140 and up. br ck court, giraics 221 Spring. ONE or 2 hedroom furnished Heat, water paid. 125 Grant, TU 2-4719. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Volel, TU 2-9256. FURNISHED apartment. Nice and clean. Inquire 1S44 Etna CLOSE In duplex, furnished, on bed room, laundry, garage, $60, TU 4-3619 TWO bedroom partly furnished aot. Near Shopping center. 5S. 754 NO 10th. NICE dean tun in, TU 2-2531, 1 I'hed apartment, clou 1-6966. i BEDROOM unfurnished apartment, 150 TU 4-56H6 ASCAOE APART ME NT-NOT EL Nicely furnished 1 8. 4 room apartments ni bourn THREE room furnished apartment. 7061 Vvnite. C L E a f I turnished, close to Main, by wrek or month. JJJ So. ilth. park APTS, 130 up, RtcheiQr, natural hot water, 7J 4-9754, TU 4-3IS4 CLEAN 1 bedroom furnied aot. Close to hQh school. Suitable for 1 or 2 e o cved acuits. $'"5 mc'udcs utilities. TU THREaE bedroom uniurrnied duple apartment, water paid, 150. TU 2-C4J3. NICELY turnkhed 2 bedroom apartment, KS Lincoln, TU 4-5692. STEw heat, backer eat , 2'3 Cedar $36 ro$58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COSTI 1-1-1 b-yd'oom apt., furnitntd or unfyr n ied. Perrnanen memterxe Include!. M.ndey f"-ou8h Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS I4J7 WASHBURN WAT TU 4-tJTT C"ice fowl 8 m to S p m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS MOTEL 2660 Shosto Way One end Two Btdroom cp'. Fumi,hd and Unfurnished 169.50 to $89.50 Do ly, Wrekly Moll Rotel TU 2 5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 1U U" o 1 a'oom iyr.ur'i-1 BM'oom u'irishad Sftacoji oens Tas'g"f Dero'e1 V!i to W'i Ca-o'tinej !w!"r"e Pool li-'ti 'ctwaes an servcei ecoi eoNxi4i and eeirihr Dt-rtea TU )-7M APARTMENTS FOR PENT 34 EAAUNA - DOyVNTOrN Klamath's most modti. furmshtd. 2)9 So. llth. TU i-IM2. TWO newly decorated apartments. N. 9th, couplet or bachelors, 140 and $49.50. Gun I BEDROOM duplex unfurnished apirt men!. Immediate ycupancy. TO 2-6500. TWO bedroom furnished court, 140, 1233 Adams, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. FOUR room apt , furnished. Hot and cold water, washing facilities. Adults, IU 4-1418. ONE bedroom apts.. completely or partly lished, newly redecorated, TU 4-673? COMFORTABLE furnished bachelor apt., close in. utilities paidl 176 n. 3rd. UTILITIES, maid service, kitchen, clean n lined units, by wejek. 1605 Esplanade. TU 4-3?36 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 FURNISHED or unfurnished 3 abed room, $75 a month, TU 4-4750. NICE 2 bedroom home. 4543 Shasta Way. Call tu 2-2663. TWO bedroom furnished house, $65, 5531 South 6lh. NICE four bedroom home. phone TU 4-8226. THREE room modern duplex, facilities. Mills, 2137 Eberlein. TWO bedroom furnished house, 170. wi ter, garbage. TU 2-4646 or TU 4-3678. NICE furnished 2 bedroom, large yard, utility porch, storage shed, near Tower Theater, $55, TU 4-7206. ATTRACTIVE. FURNISHED 1 BED ROOM HOUSE. $50. TU 4-8261. THREE bedroom unfurnished home, 14C. 4746 Alva. TU 4-3061 eves. oVe bedroom furnished, $30; two bed- oom unfurnished, $40; near air base. TU 4-4915. HOT SPRINGS 2 bedroom upstairs, un furnished duplex, garage. Adults only, $65, TU 4-4850. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, $65. Children, pets. o k. References required. U 2-6590. NICE, roomy duplex. Close In, furnished 1721 Wall St. TU 4-44(6. THREE bedroom home with two bath' rooms on Watson St. Unfurrttshed. $130 per month. Call TU 2-2902 or TU 2-2930. NICE two bedroom trailer tor rent, TU 2-1350. TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses, south suburban, $65, TU 2-3923. THREE bedroom unfurnished duolex. nat ural hot water neat, TU 2-su. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex. electric heat. Garage on paved alley. Modern throughout. Mills Add'n. 185 mo. ru 4-5561 after 5 or weekends. ONE bedroom turnished dtfple. water and hot water paid, TU -i3Q7. ATTRACTIVE and comfortable 1 bed- oom furnished. 4 blocks north of Mam. no hill! $67. 50 per month includes water. V cable, garbage. Call TU 4-6339 after S and weekends. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. TU 4-6023. NICE 1 bedroom furnished house. 175. TU 2-3853. NICE 3 room home. Stove and refrigera tor. ISO, TU 2-3852. DANDY 1 bedroom cabin. Gas heal, gas hot water, gas cooking, Nicely furnished. Nice and Clean. 2 Block trom Mam near 5th. $25. Inquire Mrs. Adams, 514 High. EXCELLENT one bedroom, furnished, ga rage, fenced yard, S85. T.U 4-8052 after inquire 4UM snasia way. ONE bedroom turnished, oil heat, north side, TU 2-42p. CLEAN 1 bedroom duplex, furnished, nice neighborhood, TU 2-1456. EXCEPTIONAL UNFURNISHED one bedroom duplex In Milt?: garage, electric neat, aouns, iu, TU 2-4752. ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, fur- nished. $65, Inquire HI Pine. FURNISHED.) bedroom, all electric, ga rage,. South Suburbs, adults, Jojb ONE bedroom furnished house. Newly decorated. TU 4-3243. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, like new, $85. 1813 Siskiyou, TU 4-SB4 UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, ga. rage, adults, 3011 Boardman. TU ?-0990 NICE 2 bedroom unfurnished house. Ii quire 2232 Union. UNFURNISHED two bedroom triple: Full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, electric heat, $80. tu 2-3444, ext 44, before 5 p.m. TU 4-8267 tfler 5. NirF newlv painted Unfurnished bedroom duplex. Only 3 years old, well insulated Range and refrigerator. $85 par monlh. TU 2-4664, eves, tu 4-5544. AVAILABLE soon In Hentcy. Unfurnished 2 bedroom plus 'i story, 2 children, $55 Reference required, t u 4-v: ONE bedroom unfurnished house, $59. 2139 Mam. Phone iu wbm. i Aor.c tuun rvrtrnnm home. Stove, refng ! FURNISHED two bedroom house, yard in lown, u, t u d-iOT. TWO bedroom, unfurnished, garage, stor aoa room, 1747 Hone. Lease option. In nuire 4?rs Siesta Way REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 WE are BUYING iml EQUITIES IF yOU want 0 JCLL, irr. PAUL McATEE 33t EAST MAIN STREET , TU 2-4646 for an APPOINTMENT I NEED LISTINGS SALES HAVE BEEN GOOD and I'm sr0" of properly 0 sen. ti "wkj Little houses. New houses. Old houses In town. In the suburbs A"vwfer In the county I'll be glad to come oul and see what we can oo no com No ooiigalion. -Just give me call DON SLOAN Realtor 74 ?n Tlh V T(t I " Any HAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 2t I om o "TRADER" ARE YOU? whv tell when vou can traie. Cal DEANE SACHER RFALTO Member International Traders Cufc Licensed Ore. Cal. Ida. Was IP)? Man V ,T H6AL tSTATI FOR A U 75 ACRE ranch fully eguloped, 5 miles from Klamath Fans, vaiiaoia immeu' attly. TU 4-453t. HAPPY NEW YEAR BRUCE OWENS REALTOR & STAFF HOT SPRINGS SUrf fhe New Year In this charm"-n ih'te bdroom home two bams redwood floor laroet wardroftej we've seen - iron Pieman furante Cos to schools and shopping ut like new ed Only 114.SOO. I ET US SHOW VOU THIS AND OTHER GOOD HOVfcS Schroeder Realty Co. PEALTOBS 414 VAIS TU 4 754 Anvt-m tu i-oiei Te e-re sta" o tfce vind Emprra Oeaity ara insurance w sh to eiM tn.r tns a-d apcec-a'o" 'o " you wftnder'ul eeone ot tr.s V-diar.d Lmpi- have male it pcssr,ie tor iHJ to be siCh a successful year APPY NE EAB TO ALL Midland Empire REALTY 1W4 Ve.n Jim O Donehu TU J 34H Eves. TU 4-HtJ E4L tSTATg FOR SAU 30' TWO bedroom home. Qarage. A real buy; ror se.vso. mi tv EDROOM brick home, fireplace. Waih-THREE bedroom home lor sale. 4103 5unv drver, stove included. Fenced yerd.imers Ldne. TU 4-45J9. covered patio. l4'20' shop. $l,500. Call TU 2-0224 after S p in. Ul!J . 137 ACRES, six mi. Klamalh Falls, rigarea. iree Wditer, lar((e machine and $16,000 down. Ph. TU 2-0446 TWO bedroom plus possible 3rd upstairs, I turnisnea. double lot, $7,000, 2237 Ceiitor- iu 2-4146 after 5. JO. anvhme week ends. land WANTED. Cutover or Inexpensi y S'Ze or location in Oregon Mut have access or obtainable access. Will also purchase land with creeks, rivers or lake frontage Will pay cash or terms to own- Send full details including. price to k. m. Leiand, P.O. Box 8Coi. Spo kane, Wash. FOUR apartments, excellent Investment. ClOSein,TU 2-2S31, TU 4-4966. LOT, lights. Falrhaven School district; has wafer, septic tank, TU 2-4948. DREAM HOME Exclusive residential district. Best of con struction. Boautilul view. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, birch kitchen, pal to, ceramic tile balh. $15,500. TU 2-2410.- MOVING? We will "TRADE" your property any where west ot the Rockies) Call DFANE SACHER REALTOR Member fnternalFbnal Traders Club Lkansed-Ore. Cel. Ida. Wasn. MLS Multiple Listing Service 2 ACRES HENLEY HIGH DISTRICT Large 5 bedroom elder type home. Three bedrooms downstairs finished two up stairs oaniallv mushed, Large tarr.-'y kitchen and dining room combined. Two car garage, acreage fenced, 1.438 ft. liv ing area tor a large tamiiy. owner win carry contract. All Ihis tor $6,500. EQUITY For Sale or Trade $2,600 enuify in 3-bedroom suhurbin ranch type home. This place is modern deign with Vi baths, circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, single garage, lenced back 'yard. Located on dead end street, mile beyond Town 8 country pop ping Center. A nice place to live, but owner has been transferred. So-o-o-0-0. II needs a new owner. Assume payments $108.98 . . . toial price $14,900. What have you 1o trade? CAL PEYTON KLAMATH TRADERS CLUB 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173' Al House TU 4-70SB Pal" Palone iu z-uej6j BRAND NEW SPLIT LEVEL Bedrooms, all hardwood floors, 3 tire- places, 2 baths, complete built-in kitch en mat truly a dream. Full daylight base ment with family room, separate laun dry room, double garage, covered patio. There's even a sun deck. Terrific value for only $19,700. Good Terms. LEONARD REALTY I Main TU 4-7521 or TU 4-9005 Joe Perry Audrey Keerins Joe Leonard TU 4-S332 TU 4-4JBS TU 2-Oi2 STILWELL & CO. REALTORS WISHES YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR JIM STILWELL JUNE JONES HARRY VAN BRUCE BINKLEY RON VAN ORMAN STROUT REALTY 5429 So. 6th For excellent opportunities tn HOMES, FARMS, BUSINESSES CATTLE RANCHES Phone nr See Bob and Stella Dchlmger, Rep. TU 4-528I; Eves TU 2-5601 Hank Holman, Slsmn. TU 2-5048 HOT SPRINGS Mart the Nfw Veer firjht with !M io ctou 2 bedroom moterfl home witn i'a bedroom or recreation room in full concrete Miement J firenlacei, ful'v ir julaled 'th eiuminum t'orm inde.i Go-na lor nl t'4.M tolnl prtcf. LC'.-- dan payment, pm or ui ierm. 7 ACRES irrxjatefl nd In oermartent pture. Nely remodfiel 3 bedroom home, I ' l bathv You won't Imd a better value. Only 9 miles irom town on the Keno mgnway Full price 114,750. STILES REALTY MtVBFO INTERNATIONAL TRAOfcR' CLUB 133 So h Hank Hansen Phoif TU 2-47I0 TU 23'fjl TU J.SfeAj , Maty Fred Tucker Ifls Wadf'e TU TU IM'l MLS Multiple Listing Service CHOICE RANCHETTE ; , ACf-S IN DESIRABLE HAOF " DISTHK i. wim maanincent J rwu room ranch home, 2 tu'i haths, ahund ani custom bult-nt, 2 fireplace toual 1 convenient lo Medley School and flown, tnwn Klamath Falls, t-PlfD Rlf-HT A T -it.Vfj. WILL ALSO TRADE DOWN FOR OUALItY HOME, Cil Or suburbs . ' HAPD TO FIND VOU'VE B E. F. ft ASKIN(. t-OR A SOLID, OLDER J StOWV 4 BEDROOM MOV I. f T Mis, Mere you can t .' up town" iut i level blot to fvnn si aod flo-.e to Afademy a' O kUHS Has 1 s J car flara'ie. fOlNO NUiV HJ" JUST lis 000 4W DOrVN FHA ft NO DOWN Gl , nominal tioir a cos's. DON'T BE CRA-VPED oaciOu 2 (yWoom home w tysA ered irrigate-! i a'.-e m Sou" Swb'J'Ol Almosl t '.SD so It O' O'-od living fir 'e resr,-r,re o'-'e o W; HQ DO AN PA WENT G' ft j DOWN FHA, plus ttosm? COstl. 1 1 iy a rriAi.i CN LISTINGS'! Chilcote ond SMITH OEALTORS S'NCE ' tE IJS POP INSURANCE, TOO HI N fth SV Ph.e TU 4rm S'e P'r,-,iei a i C-'"),e Ph 7iJ 4-iJli Tvet Tfts Oaroft P-. T i) .m7 t -d C-'i'eo'e, Aocaa roer (Bob Ci'c&e, Broer RFAL ESTATE FOR SALE . ..30 NICE 2 beoroom home, 4645 Shd'a Vay Call TU 2 '.t.,., J : r ,D '"'"' unimproved, paveo rna. ovav It ful h.nlrimn it. Hnlfl Irhnni nittnrt. all(l4,S00, TU 4-B14. THREE bedroom home f cr sale No down payment. South simurbs. TU 4-Kil eves. SUPERB bulldins lot i area Call TU 4 0976 evtm i Hot Springs lgs. FOR sale by owner, 3 bedroom o'der home near KUHS 1.050 sq. . floor .space. 14.500. l6;0 don A good start- ! er home, hnmedtaie possession. Larry Ba'aboo, days 1U 4 4127i evenings TU BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please Investigate thoroughly any Invest ment of moneys In merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be' tore Investing your capital. he heraio and News makes every effort to reiect all fraudulent or misleading advertising. however, we are not responsible for the Inteontv ot fhe firms or individuals wno place advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should be reported to the Class'litid Ad vertising Department of the Herald and News. IMANCIAL LOANS 34 NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? If naoai'iQ billi become r ni jrtcc, Oct rid of them! Cherk our Courteous, confidential,, cch loan plan. You'll be glad you did. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Boiley THE LOAN .ARRANGER We Finance New & IKed Cars ' Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay 9 Private Auto Sales Finonccd Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 V 6th TU 4.77R3 HOUS'HOLD GOODS 37 ,0 INCH Electric Tappfln new, 1250. TU 2-6297. CHROME topped O'Keole S. Merrilt qa Mnae with middle anil, excellent condi lion, S1S0, TU 2-0J83. GUARANTEED USED S REFRIGERATORS WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEATEJJS Cascade Home Furn. 412 Main TU 4-B.leS WISHING YOU A HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR MERCHANDISE MART IM So. 6th TU 4-6t WESTINGHOUSE Clothes $ $65 DRYER GUARANTEED KIRKPATRICK'S EAST SIDE APPLIANCES , 132 So. 7th TU 4-888A NEW! NEW! " NEW! HIDE-A-BEDS $134.95 The RESALE HOUSE . antiques . . . rtrnn in and our new deoarr ment, antique giais. china, furniture. The RESALE HOUSE FUEL - HEATING . 38 CALL CLIFF YADEN For Prfslo Lons fc Heatinq Oils Metered Propane Sales S ft H Green Slampi Opf-n 24 hour 7540 South SUIh TU 4 J6BI and TU 2 92A0 FUEL Oil, Furnares, Healrn Western 0l & Burner, TU 4 3873 3RY lodoepole pme and pine bod' wood any lengths, TU 2-3705. T RF PARE FOR WIN TER STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NFFDS" Frankford Fuel Co. GOOD THINGS TO CAT 39 FOR sale" Red-spuds.-! uTjm or TU 4.8445 HOLIDAY HONEY, local, comb Strained, TU 4-8716. 1 70 Wiard. BEEF, PORK, wholesale, custom butch' erlng, cutting, curlnfj. Shamrock Meats 'tin-ta Way, Tit ??', T I J 7 fl' ?8 Bott . Pti . 5 oorts Hobbies 40 GOOD 2 year old Sorlnqer Spaniel to' alc Trained for pheasant hunting, $21 TU ? SK. 4-747'BI ACK blood Imej. tlO "A"MOME AWAY FRO' HOVE" . . . for votir pets. Dog ft cat boardmq, hett p'Cfesnonal cart. Healed sanitary "jneH wlh outMde runs, 24 hr. service, p c" up ft delivery. Sretiel rate lor 'ea rtv or monlhiy boarder . Special at'en to females in reason. Visitors wel come Shasta Cascade Kennel, lust past ArerrillLat'eview Junction, otf HiQhwA on Booth Road. Rtf. S04E, TU 4-;8. ICE SKATES NfcW AND USFD Trade In you' skatM JOE'S SPORTING GOOD -It: RADIO - TV - MUSIC 41 Wt pay ca'.h 'or u-pd pianoi Derby' MuVC TU 4-M2I "USED ORGAN toaoeins Hl DWIN - THO'MS LQrtPI V HAVV(,NO ESY TtKWS SAVE UP TO $450 BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Mem TU 2-4S83 "APRIL IN PARIS" r YOUR rillGER TIPS WMh A LOWREY ORGAN 4595 $3295 (Ai Aa.ertlwd tn I'le) KLAVATH MUSIC CtNTtR SIS E. Wm TU 4-130 Television Service No only "' 3 USED TV SjTJ From 139 50 up. All orronted. DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Yeon on 7t'i St." 124 No. 7ih TU 4-5121 HERALD AND NKWS. Klamath LIVESTOCK ft POULTRY JERSEY milk cow, lust Ond calf. Merrill 798 5266. fash ifh sec-, BABY calves lor sale, 1HJ Gary, phone I U 708t)V. BABY calves lor sale or trade. TU 4-3607, 2312 Autumn. KLAVATH - PROVED SIRE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-H J, TU 4-4554, TU 2-6107 MIDWAY AUCTION YARD Medford, Ore. FRIDAY SALE JANUARY 4 SO Hereford Cows with Calves 35 Here(0'd Snnnrjer Cows 20 Hetetord Springer He'ters ?5 Big Annus Springer Covs 27 Reo'slurcd Angus Cows IS Angus Cives ( 600 lbs.) 40 Hereford Feeder Sleers ' 5 Registered Polled Hereford .Cows Vc expuct a heavy run ol ill clfliits it stock tor this saI . . , "We Hope You'll Come!'' W. J. "Bill" Brav, Auctioneer Phone 664-2213 or 446-3874 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Co., Inc. Midland Road Because the holidays fall on Tuesday mere win he NO SALE New Year's Day, Jon. I NEXT SALE - JAN. 8 Thanks to all who hiwt made tha nsst salrts so successful. Wore people consid" 0 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S, proving this s the producers' market. Merry Christmas & Happy New Yea' Vern Bob John Olflct TU 4-9667 Homa TU Happiness & Prosperity is the New Year wish to you from KLAMATH ' Cattle Sales, Inc. May 1963 bring yoi every thing you've ever wonted! "Woody" Gueck Owner-Manager I5C. FOR SALE .... 51 !00 TON Ut and 2nd culling hsy. Lerella 762-4190, or tea Dick Smith, Lngell Val- pfiR uia women's 'ikates. tilt 7, men's figure skfltes. i V alio largt dog house, new. TU 4-58U. POP SALE 19S7 Cushman Enole motor scooter In good shnpe. S12S. TU 4-8ft5B. TOHSOtL, concrete aggregate driveway mflfcnal, drain rock. J. M. Barnes, 4-769. W A SON nd, till dirt. sfl'nV til!. Cln-! flerj. Pelican Sand. TU 4-4387. ' DRAIN rock, grevel, and roadwav rna terial, TU 4-3568 GEO. R. STACY CO. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS Gofer's Exchange UNREDEEMED LOAN PLEDGES GuilarvRadiOi-Tooli-Can-eravShaver Sewinq Machines-Watches OUT OF PAWN Diamond Rino-Weodlni Sett ALL NEW MOUNTINGS 1,001' Bargain ,mall..h'ort l erm-Pawnbroker Loans 625 Klom. TU 4-7160 AQUALON flSOCYANATE) Sun Proof - wralher Proof -For. all Wood Surlecei Such v m Fpivn Vdirta Fterlor Door V FRANK'S -ir r F '.-AIM T U 7 47M TRAILERS 51 I960 PARAMOUNT 10 x iS It. trailer. heoroom, oam. rrom rml...,., Colonial style with awning ana wasner. ;046'i Wiard, TU 4-lilJ FOR sal m Great Lakis Trailer, 45x1 Excellent conamon. iu -jjp. TRAILER space, TU 24014. cAnnov irlnrl Coleman ft Internal I mobile lurnace service, parts, TU 4-Ml HOUSE trailer repair, Erv Carr, 4I3 Winter- Ave TU 7 'lei AUTO MISCtLlANIOUS S3 Cecil Cox Go.-age Wotor Overhaul or Vfllvt Grind Tune up II specin'iy ISSt Allmonl f All TU 4-Wl "OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE" BATTERIES CAR TRUCK BATTFRY JUMPER CABLES STARTING FLUID IC'i OFF REASONABLY PRICED AT PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4621 So 6th TU 2-4555 COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE CLEANING -v FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE USED CARS AND TRUCKS TaVe ner rnymc'i'l on "54 Ctievi r.hOM TU -M tVvc n;.r nAvrnrnli tflrl CorvAir, SIC'I blra. TU !m Have a Very HAPPY NEW YEAR! Dale ond "Shine" DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 So. Ath St. tun JISi 61 trt IUrK.hff'0 Pickup. R & 1 Pr-mc yrchtel J Dr. fcdn. M Butt.' 1 "hf ? Dr Hrt'D- . Chevrolet Brl Atf 4 Dr. Vlrt. . S?" . s?cs . SIJ HFAL RITE MOTORS . HAPPY NEW YEAR! TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES 7th ond Plum Falls, Ore. TufhtldV, 42IUSED CARS AND TRUCKS 53 FOR siie 1935 Ford coupe. Olds. TU 2-4717. engine. mo STUDE BAKE R 4-dr, excellent tires, turn signals, radio, healer, good pa in l, 1150, TU 2-4587. NINE passenger country sedan, 1956 Ford. I ownn , mechanically sound. 16J5. TU 4-9JU evenings. tCCLES MOTOR CO. Buy NOW at ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES! Prices good through Saturday, January 5lh. 62 Pont. Grand Pri, 3497, Coupe 62 Pontiac Tempest Coupe 62 Merc. Monterey Cust. 4-Dr. 5dn. ... 60 Pont. Catalina 4-Dr, Stn. Wagon 2097 $2097 I597 SI597 '60 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Dr. Sedan 60 Plymouth Fury Convertible Coupe '58 CodiHoc 62' Sedan S (jy-j DeV.lle .,. '57 Buick Super Rivtero S 797 Sedan '57 Ford '6' Ranch $ 497 Wogon 56 Chrysler Windsor 4-Dr. Sridon 55 Pontiac Starchief $ Hardtop Coupe 597 397 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th TU 4-8 f 24 Top Value .PICKUP SPECIAL '61 CHEVROLET Long Wheelbase 34-TON PICKUP 4-spced transmission. Excellent condition. $1995 JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial TU 2-5646 LOOK! Joe Fisher Has NEARLY 20 FINE '54 to '58 MODEL CARS Left in Stock! Mr. Ramp Says: "These cars simply must be moved before the end of the yea r, regardless of price!" ALL CUUIJ TRANSPORTATION PRICED FROM $67 ,0$797 See Them Today! SALESMEN Dole Scchnst TU 2-5720 Roy Rincharl TU 4-9541 Joe Padgett TU 2-06371 tim Ehreth TU 2 0149 IMorlin Arnold TU 4-571 1 Elnothon Dovis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 Sr 7th TU 4-8104 START ' the NEW YEAR RIGHT in a good O.K. GUARANTEFD Compact Economy Car From the CHEVY CENTER 62 Corvair Momn hater 60 Corvoir 4-Dr. .5diO, heater. 4.,$ need . s2298 700 Setie ' Power-Glid '60 Corvair 4-Dr. 700 tcnes 3-spced, radio, M398 heater .. 59 Volkiwogen Panel Delivery 4-spced, heater , 998 i098 '58 Volkjwasen 2-Dr. Heater, 4-speed 56 Volkswagen 2-Dr, heater, 4-speed Co. Radio, $ 898 DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 January 1, PAGE U USED CARS AND TRUCKS ... SS DRIVE MORE WOTORS Will pjy caili lor tU 4-3579. WANTED . WE NEED USED CARS 1957 MODELS AND OLDER GET OUR BID LAST Central Auto Sales BdtwAtn s. 6m & s. 7m on ffll'ow TU 2-1 130 or TU CADILLACS SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! '61 Cadillac '60' Special Fleetwood. Was $4743. Now 4473 Sold new ond serviced by us. (Fleetwood is the deluxe In Cadil 2697jlac Cosl over'J7000 new- '59 Cadilloc '62' 4-Dr. f $2693 Now Only .... One owner, sold new and serviced by. us. Exceptionally dean. SALESMEN: Stve Walker TU 4-6702 Ron Bryan TU 4-5467 Max Schreiber TU 4-5002 Ed Ward TU 4-4348 DICK B. MILLER co. Home of the FINEST Used Can in Town 7th & Klamath TU 4-4154 It's . Clean-up Time JUCKS on PICKUPS! '61 Int'l. Scout 4-Wheel Drive. Full canopy 2099 '60 Int'l. 'j Ton Pcko. $ 1495 4 -speed, v-8 '60 Int'l. V Ton Pckp. $I595 4-speed, new tires 61 Int'l. 'i Ton LWB 4-speed, V-8 Pckp. i u ;j $I295 $II95 995. 58 Chevrolet Pickup 4-speed 58 Int'l. Vi Ton . Pickup. 4-spced 57 Ford Pickup 4-speed 57 Dodge V-8 Vi Ton $ Pickup. 3-spd. trans. 57 Dodo Panel 795 3-speed with overdrive '56 Dodgo Y2 Ton Pickup. 4-speed .. '5'5 Int'l Vi Ton Pickup. 3-speed. Special "as-is" ... 53 Ford Pickup 51 Int'l. LWB Pickup 4-speed '48 Chcv. Pickup 4-speed SALESMEN !Bud Falrclo, Molln 723-2354 llm Knolei TU 2-3209 Bob Tordltt TU 4-5598 JUCKELAND' MOTORS, INC. Infernoilonal Fruehauf Cummini 1 Ifh to 12 on Klamath TU 2-2581 NO DOWN! : Low Mo. Payment 56 Plymouth 25 $33 per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. ' per mo. Stn. Wagorr jo Mercury Dr. Hdtp. 55 Buick Super $OQ -Dr. hdtp. . 7 55 Buick Spec. 529 $29 $29 $1-7 dr. Hdtp. 55 Buick Cent. Dr. Hdtp. 55 Dodge -Dr. Hdtp. 84 Buick Spec. -Dr. Hdtp. I 53 Buick Spec. -Dr. Hdtp. Stick L 53 Buick Super $ 13 -Dr. Sedan 53 Cadillac $28 $I7 Dr. Sedan '53 Chev. B.A. 4-Dr. Sedan '52 Mercury 4-Dr. Overdrive '52 Chev. 2-Dr. Stick. 10 10 12 13 35 '51 Pontiac 2-Dr. Hdtp. '53 Pontiac 2-Dr. Hdtp. '55 Chcv. Vi Ton Pckp. '52 Int'l. '2Ton Pckp. '51 Jeep, Stn. Wqn. '47 Int'l. Flat- '17 $2I $ 29 24 UU!l J - o A I J7UiDca. t a " speeu '42 Jeep 4x4 Metal cab S per mo. Winch NO CASH NECESSARY! (on approved credit) Wilson WILEY BUICK 1330 Moln TU 4-3141 429 So. 7th TU 4-9201 825 795 395 395 395 395