BOWLING to- iPORTSMAN LEAGUE W Dorrlt Lumber Co. Drive More Motori Local Loan Victor Business Macfi. Fashion Cleanert Mobil OH Co. Lucas Furniture Ed Wharton Signal Service State Police Jordan Shell Pelican Mobil Service Fuller Paint Co. 40 34 37 27 36 38 35 2 35 3? ' 33 31 30') 33' I 30 34 29 35 77 37 34'j 3fl't J. w. Kerns J. C. Renit pr 0 J, jrn I vr , . J . r 40 Club part. jp"Y" I 1. . itrnmii - - Vrf mt THE SPIRIT of that great sportsman, Sir Thomas Llpton. hovered oVer the waters off Newport, R.I., as Weatherly, the U. S. yacht, fought off the challenge of Grctel, the Australian challenger, for the Americas cup. The Weatherly clinched the four-of scven scries in the fifth round but was pressed all the way. ft- 0 THE NEW YORK YANKEES won their 20th world championship from the come- A SUPEKB ATHLETE, matchless form and a more supple pole of synthetic from-bchind ban Francisco Giants in a lacklustre World Series made even more material combined to shatter a long-standing pole vault record. Tha so by weather postponements. One of the scries' most brilliant plays was the , , Marine Corps' John Uclses, inset, became the first man in history to clear diving catch of Yankee Tom Tresh's pop fly by Giant right fielder Felipe Alou. 16 feet and then did it consistently in both indoor and outdoor meets. Frcsley Predicts Big Sports Year By OSCAH Flt.M.KY t I'l Smrl Writer MIAMI lUf'li lf a brand npw year lodny and, herewith Fearless Kraley's prediclionn fur the sports in it's 2 tn 1 some uy uillt more brass th.'in brains will lose fi wrestling match trying to miisrlei Ihrouch Si-cret Service men tn shake hands with President Ken nedy at the Orange Howl football jame. Charles iSonnyl Liston will start a "hum of the mnnlh" club if they can find 12 guys dumb enough to crawl through the ropes with him. Kvery lime old Fearless Roes fishing, alMiut all he'll catch is a cold. Twenty major league managers will report tn spring training thoroughly convinced they can NCAA Waits Acceptance NEW YOHK a IM -Tho NC.W tday awjitrd word (iom Presi iont KciiihmIv whciliiT tin ii;t lional Am;ili'iir Athletic 1'nnin .V Mill nt'cppt iif n. Douglas M.vArtliur's itrhitifllion in the dis pute bet wren t ho count i y's t w o leading nm.ilrur spt't bodies. Kveoutivc director i'iA, Pon.ik! Hull of the AU wmil tlie Picm dent nt Vnm Beach, Ma., Mon day of his ordainalum's amuer. but i of used to divulge the con tents of the telegram The President's brother. Ally (ion. Hohort Kenned) , had intei ceded in the snualible in nttd November and l was thought an acceptable agreement had tx-rn ieaclied. Friction erupted acain in IV Irmt when the AM' eomplainetl the National Colletiale Athletic Association leileiatinns had re lued to accept the coalition plan vhith offered a vote and voice in track and field. Riegel Leading LA Open Field t.OS ANCKLKS U PI 1 -Hnlvit (Skee Niece!, former l1. S. ania tour champion. nd yotnif ania- teur Leo Uavis Mondav led 40 ((iialifiers for the :i7ti) annual U l-os Angeles 0ton (ioll lout iiament. The tourney .starts Friday at the It a mho municipal course. Riccel and lais shot fiTs to lead H10 pollers who plavod oer nx different course for the 4u berths. F.vrmpt for the four-day. j T3-ho!c tournament were ilfl play.' tts. ; 1 : -A ," ' fcrflfnawiliMiiWftftl mi riiin win the pennant, a feeling which will nersist unli oncnmL! dav Crewman, one of the favnriios will win the Kentucky Derby while I II have as souvenirs my tickets on some 40 to I shot. 1 PJck.i Palmer Arnold Palmer will win the .Masters and put everybody into n tizzy over bis possibilities for ii grand slam of golf. Kvery lime I play coif I'll fin ish so disgusted I'll want to take a month's vacation and then Rive it up permanent ly. Dick Tijicr will win undisputed possession of the world middle weight title. Casey Stenurl will take about! two months of the season with those doormat Mots and then call it a career. Palmer will win the I' S. Open and the fairway fanatics will do n double Hi, over his urand slam possibilities. The New York Yankees will io- lium to ji not her American l-oaeuc pennant, There will be no olluial world's professional wrestling champion rocoejued in moie I Iun three htatc.s. PnH(er For Flag The Anuoles Iwlors will cop the National l-o.imio II. m h eiht pantos and then Ix-at the Yankees in a six-tame series. Palmer will win the Hntish Open and, with the P(. eommt; up, the s(onsot s will happily vole hun the man of the ear. I'll still U' keeping several fam ilies in groceries In-canse I can't bowl my weight. 'I he AM' and V'W "ill liavc anotlier fiuht aUmt wIhi is to con No the walkers in the I'M iim pie (lames. t'a.siu ('lav won't leach elocu tion at the t imcrsity of Mivms- bippi. Ihe will lx' nietsiiv of Oklahoma the mwhical national hol- ball champinn Palmer will play in the Pli in search of the tinal lc of Ins ejand slam but I won't poil it all by (ollini; ou how he ll make nit Strrlrr Acinsl Piuki'rs The flreen Ha Packets .mtl PrlMuiuh will wind up m the NFI. pla(l. and it ou think the Steelet can win it. oue i;ot a bet. Haokethall plaxeis will stilt run hack and forth on their hoi set k treadmill and Ret very little oi my business tmiess 1 h.ive insom nia The raccttaiks will have an other banner oar but nolvxiy c! will be able to explain win tts let a I to hot on one side of a feme and rot on the other side when' the states cnuM Like uer tin IxMikies otit. And I'll tie ou an o.K! )ou want that I h'je ou thcl best new xear of them !l. I 4 ii ninnnrii rtil mM ri ifclntrrf Shoofers Will Begin January 6 Members of- the Klamath (iun ;luD and guests will start prar- luc 8""g sunaay. Jan. , a 10 n m. Anyone interested It limiting is invited to use facili ties of the club. Several of the local club mem bers are quite active in tourna ment idiools of the Pacific Inler- national Trapshooting Asso-ialion Dr. John Merrvman held the hifth average on Ifi-yard tarficts wilh an average of !I7 2 Kr cent on 630 targets, while John IJch- tenstern turned bi the high aver age of fll.3 per cent on 950 handi cap targets for the year on the local club grounds. Both shooters were closely pushed by E. H. Ca nnon who turned in an average of !.". 13 per cent on Itvvard tar gets and 91 er cent oil 950 han dicap targets. The club will bold its annual meeting for the election of direc tors and plans for shoots this year at the ollices of the Ralsiger Mo tor Company Tuesday. Jan. R 7:.1ft p.m. Members are urged to attend. Sncll Defeats Oregon Runners WUMWK. NVw Zealand ll PI" Now Zfaland star Pelor Sncll nil loose unh a fini-hinc kick Ttti'Mlay lo (li-fcal UnlM-rsily of Orcunn runners Hyrol Rurleson and Archie San Komani Jr. in a lull mile mn in l:4fl 8. Him 'even lini.shed econd and llnrd. In oilier race oiccnn s Keiili Foreman was sec oml in a onemile run and Vic Uife s:ih in a Ihreemile run Siicil. world reivrd holder lor Iviih die mile and half-mile, set llie at the stall San Homani Mien whip(n-l jt on the hack lrctih ol Ihe Inst lap. Snell let h nil pass. When Hurleson nioed up. Ihe three runners came, around the final N'm) virtually pven. Thai . vi lien llie hij;. hurly Snell turned mi his oer and giadually drew aay (torn tiie hloml Burleson as Kotiuni dropiMxl Kick to thud MAKK A I I.Ksr TKAM NKW NoliK M IMi R.irrv Kiamer n( Wl'. Marly Canavan o! S.rna. Sandy Williams of SI. I'liincis. S!ee t'ourtin of St. Jo 'ph's aitil tlcne IVnahaa of I.a. I.ictte wcie named today to Ihe iitskiy ma ior cliche All-Kast h.iNkcthall team oi the Kastern Co 'ci;e Alliictic t'onlcrcnce. lii mustt a! composiiions. A movenicnt entitled s.ficr.'o is one that is humiu-ous a:nl (apruiiMis in charade! ,t f - ' ihiiiiit-i(in':' ii.',' tywiwwl U.S. OPEN was only major one which got away for Arnold Pal mer, master golfer. Trees and Jack Nicklaus were some hazards. 1 1 IIIMtAI.I) AM) Mini Upset But Loyola Ky t'nlted Press International If you think you've got a hang over, consider how the Illinois bas ketball team feels on this New Vear's Dav. The Illini weren't too highly regarded when they started the 12 college court season. But they reeled off eight straight vic tories and climaxed the string by winning the Holiday Festival tour nament in New York. As a result. they were rated among the top five teams in the country. Rut that was last year. Today. 191.1. they're just another team that was clipped bv an underdog The Fighting Irish of Notre Dame were the New Year's Kve -,4 i i ' (; V A N. K - : . W 1 i W Y ' P., C ? - - A . ?: J ' i . . j. . : . T ..-,;(. i . . I " . .. . , 1 t - J C1- . i BIG FISHERMAN Fifteen. yr-old Jimmy frreeo, ,on of Kinjiley Field director of personnel Mj. Ihonat J. Green, proudly dupUvi his prije Ciifch. It tool Jimmy pproimcttely 3S minutes 'o land hit 3 2 -inc S I'eeihead, wtiqhinq 12 pound). The fish cnuqht in f-e Smith River near Crescent City, Cdlif. IK. . , 1 if. tifnnT ii n-fln. ii A rT,K.ali)Aartf',Jc AUTOMATIC PIN knocker downer is Don Carter, who won a fifth world title. His high: 1005 series in Masters'. V. XRWS. Klamath Kails, Ore. iy Hotre Dame Keeps Winning celebrants who whipped the Illini by a 90-BH score at Chicago. Ixiyola of Chicago, the nation's second-ranked team, almost ran into some more of the same in Ihe second half of the double- header before beating Davton, 4-69. Come From Behind Capt. John Andreoli hit on nine of 10 shots from the field in the second half to help Notre Dame overcome a nine-point deficit and pring the night's big upset. The had led. 3.V22. at halftime but Illinois came steadily back to go in trout. Hill RurwelI.-6-8 cen ter, led Illinois with 28 points. linvola was held to its lowest SHORTEST GO-AROUND in recent boxing history saw Floyd Patterson lose his heavyweight crown to Sonny Liston in a first-round knockout in their Chicago bout. Liston used his pile-driving fists with devastating fury to blitz Patterson in two minutes. Next for LisUm: Brash Cassius Clay? . Jill "NOT A CHANCE," said the experts, but Decidedly had more decided notions and easily won the Kentucky Derby. Tuesday, January 1, 19f3 1 score of the season hut stretched its winning streak to 11 names with the aid of 25 points by Jerry Harkness. llarkncss scored IB of his points in the second half with teammate Vic Rouse adding 15. The Ramblers had averaged 111 points per game in 10 pre vious victories. Cnl Bradds scored an Ohio Slate home arena record of 45 points lo lead Ihe Buckeyes to a !I7-!)1 triumph over Brigham Young. Bradds' total also was the highest ever scored by a Buckeye player in a non-conference game. Jerry Dahlman scored 25 points for Brigham Young. Present for Coach St. Ixiuis' University gave coach Benington a happy birthday and a Happy .New Year's present with an ltT-ti.1 win over Kentucky at St. 1-ouis The Rillikens led. 4'i 29, at halftime. Dave Harris had 22 points for the winners and Cotton Nash had 16 for Kentucky Brian Generalovich's 2H points led Pittsburgh to a 71-62 triumph over Princeton and Kric Macdan? tallied 28 as Minnesota downed Houston. 87-Sft. in other games Pittsburgh raised its record to 7-2 for the season while Minnesota snapped a six-game losing streak. Bruce Kidd Snaps Mark NKW ORLEANS ITI' -Bruce Kidd. American three-mile record holder, shat tcred a 2 1-year-old mark Mondav and was named the outstanding performer in the Su gar Bowl track and fio.d meet. Kidd. of the I'mverity of Tor onto, broeed to a n.3, .9 clock mg in his speciality, the three- mile, lo break a record which bad twd since l'.Ml when (ireg Rice of Notre Dame ran the distance 14 no Hie hard-stridiiu Kidd. who set the American three-mile standard the past year, was pressed for the first si laps by Houston's (iooff Waiker and Southwestern I-ouii- ana's Malcolm Robinson, but be turned on the steam and wvn po tnc away finishing 4.i yards in front of Walker. Kohtnon fadid and wound up a distant tlrrd. One other record wa brohcn level's one-mue teiay team win- nine m ,i to oreak me mark f .1 16 1 set by Rice m ISM 'second p! ace f m i sher lu i s ia na State also w a umier the old standard, but trailed all the ay Ocean water contain b the reatf.t proportion of fhes. both in number of uprvte and individual. wmmmiat 9 tMfw-jj,--: Jitfi'-!Nw-) Hi? m r i I' t - . - Tulelake Junior Bowlers Put Four In Area Leads TULELAKE (Special t-The Tu lelake Junior Bowlers' results, which came lo the Herald and News too late for the Sunday edi tion, proved to have four better scores than previous scores from Lucky Lanes and Holiday Bowl for the 16th annual Christmas Jun ior American Bowling Congress Tournament. The first change is in the sen ior girls singles where Tule's Karen Smith rolled a high series of 515. She replaced Judy Neath- ammer s 493. Liz Oehlcnch rolled a 544 in the junior girls singles to replace Sharon Singleton's 526. Miss Smith and Linda Girtman teamed to roll the best senior girls doubles with a fine 1021. They replaced Keda and Cheryl lack who had a 978. The final change came in the Bantam boys doubles where Lon Kongslie and Bob Woodman rolled a 670 to replace Gene Cyrus-Wayne Begg duo who had a 647. i SENIOR BOYS OIVION Slnqlti Don Oborrn 544, Kurt Thomm S17, Clint Smon 53? JUNIOR BOYS DIVISION StnfllM Bob Van Binkirk 4(0, Chrii Cmw fnrd j76, Br 1 S lei Ik Ji. Pchdrj Hftnty 41, BoO Peterson 459, fiick Rmnbarrjer at. jftcMe Siezftk 441. Dvd Kr-io tit. G'0 Cuimnn 417. RiCwtJ Kruo 421 SENIOR CtRLl DIVISION &)(iglei Karen Smith US, L.r.d Gimdr Ml JUNIOR GIRLS OIVISION Single Iff Oehlerlch Si4. Julieann Oilwn 5M. Kulhy DuohtobJugri 4lS. Shirley Alcorn. 461. BANTAM OIVISION BOYS Singlet Jim Anderson 3Ji, VrV Johmon 333, Kevin Oumn 31. Rob Porter field 31 1, Mar Sleiatt 301. Will Bmey 791. Lirry Hnlousek 211, Bruce Vic lor m 277, Steve flu ley 275, Ron Greenbank 275, Brian Be ley 2M. Lon Konglte Jft. Tony GiecomeMI J4. Patterson Will Receive Money NEW YORK (ITU - The fed eral fovcrnment confirmed today lhat its $2 million lax crackdown on receipts of the September Son ny Liston-Kknd Patterson hcavy eii;ht litle ficht has resulted in an agreement amonp all parties- concerned that: -Patterson will receive- his $:i97H0 purse in payments al ready made in 1W2 and to he made in 19tvi. instead of beinc pread over 17 years, an extend ed maneuver that micht have saved him about fifl per cent in ,ics. Championship Sorts. Inc . promoters of the September fiiht. will act opt the tax responsibility on an " nionevs from te!e:sion. radio, movies, etc . re ceived by (Iraff. Reiner and Smith Knierprws. which the govern ment claimed actuallv was a t'SI 01 puratien The government is SJ07.- poo ot champion Liston s purse un til it determines the amount of h.s taxes mm mmm 1 " rH v 3 y y A FOURTH-ROUND knockout wrote finish to Archie Moore s 220-Dout career. Victor Cassius Clay's quip: "Ain't I beautiful?" Bib Todd J4I, Bob Woodman !4T. Wonty jonnson 333. Paul Giacomelli 337, Ted Rupert 731, Johnny Baley 324, Steve Todd J12, 5've Ptumenthal 317 BANTAM GIRLS DIVISION Singlet Janice Helney 308, Terry Ott ?7S. Mar ilyn Briliey 373, Sally Oiborne 263, Sandra Long 7(3, 5uan Hrirdman 261, Linda Ru pert 24, Dorrli Ott 2J3, Karlene Ed- wardl 212. Karen Long 777. BOYS SENIOR DIVISION Doublet Clint Simpson-Bob Peterion lOBO, Kurt Thomei - Greg Cuthman 1063, Don Ot- OOrne - David W2. BOYS JUNIOR DIVISION Doublet Rich Rlnabarger-Richard Heiney Charlie Crawtord-Jackie Sleiak (I., Rich- rd Krlrn - Bob Van Bukirk H71. GIRLS SENIOR OIVISION Doublet Karen Smith Linda Girtman 1021 Girlt Junior Divition Doublet Shirley Alcorn Li Ofhlerlch W6. Kathy UAugner hunn . Jul i pa fin oborn 957. BANTAM BOYS DIVISION Doublet Lon Konojlle - Bob Woodman 670, Bri an Ba!ey - Steve Baley SH, Larry H. louiefc - Bruce Victonn si, Tony G' comelll Kevin Oumn 573. MarH John ion . Bob Porterfield 544, Jim Anderson Will Baley S3. Mark $ie;ak - Paul Gia comelli JM, Johnny Baley Steve Blu menthal 45. S'eve Todd - Bob Todd 411, Ron Greenbank Monte Johnton 494. BANTAM GIRLS OIVISION DOUBLES Sally Osborne - Sandra Long 13, L'nda tuoerf . Terry ott 54, Janice Hpmey Derm Ott 5. Marityn Bailey - Karen Long 47, Kerlene Edwerdt - Susan Hard man 4I. P1963I New Yeor with greetings ond best wishes for our many friends. Our thanks to you for your patronage, and may the months ahead bring you a great deol of happiness. CHILOQUIN YARD Jim Rodgers, Mickey Berkley, Timker Hil! KLAMATH FALLS YARD Lou & Audrey Kellison & Bert Shcphard i. 43 Results: Pelican MObn service i, Jor dan Shell 2; Dorrlt Lumber 4, Drive More Motort 0; Victors 3, Mobil Oil Co. 1; Local Lean 3, Fashion Cleanert i; huner Paint 3, J. C. Renie 1; Lucas Furniture 7, Ed Wharton Signal 2; State Police , w. Kerns o. Hioh team aame. Victors Butlness Ma chines 1040; high team teries. State Po nce 79 Jt; high Ind. game, ttui cnrisnan son 335; high Ind. teries, Wet McKaig 610. BASIN BOWLERS LEAGUE W L B'S 8. O'S 421 I'1 1 Grease Monkeys '0 20 Lees 76 34 73 Lower Lakers 37 21 Alley Sliders 31" a 31' i Grandma'l & Pa'! 27 3' Team No. 7 76 34 Bowl Weevils 24 36 Ooen Frames 30 0 K-G's 19 41 Results: Alley Sliders 2, K-G's 2; B't & Q't 0, Lower Lakert 4; Grease Mon keys 4, Team No, 7 0; Open Frames 1, Bowl Weevils 3. High team game. Bawl Weevils 747; high team series, Grease Monkeys 303; high Ind. game. Bill Gasser 313, Leone Quads 180; high Ind. teries. Bill Gasser 555, Leona Quails 454. CAL-ORE LEAGUE Greenwood Masonry Stevens Lobben Masonry Klamath Gas Co. 4Vi 26' i iVt 26' i 37' i 30' i 37' 7 30' 7 37'i 30' I 36 37 31 37 28'j 39' i Simolot DeVoe Webb Insurance Adair Furniture Bob & Pollys Kerters Auto Reoair Cath & Save Oil Jones Auto Repair Sixth Street Steel 45 Results: Stevens 3, Kellers Auto Re pair l; Webb Insurance 4, Jones Auto Repair 0; Sixth Street Steel 3, Ada Irs Furniture 1; Klamath Gas Co. 3. Bob & Pollys 1, Lobben Masonry 3, Cash ft. Save Oil 1; Simp lot DeVoe 3, Greenwood Masonry 1. High team game, Stevens 830; high team series, Wehb Insurance 2315; high game (men). Lei Gardner 337; high ind. teries (men), Ed Mitchell 548; high Ind. game (women), Rea Stevens 710; high ind. teries (women) Nancy Yen- cy 519. LEFTOVERS LEAGUE W L Tulelake Variety Twm Girls Grocery Unique Market Cinderella Studios 34 33 34 77 37 34 30 76 38"i 37' 77' i 71' i Medo-Bel Chilcote , Smith Little Market Echo Hornet 7 30 Hanneys Service 24 33 Glass Ml. Block 17 39 Dec. 37 results- Twin Girlt Groc. 4. Hanneys Service 0; Tulelake Variety 3, Medo-Bel t; Unique Market 3, Cinderella Studio 1; Little Market 3. Echo Homes I; Chilcote fl Smith 2. Glast Mt. Block 2. High team game. Unique Market 715; hiqh team teries, Lithe Market 2039i high Ind. game, Kathy Paup 183; high teries, Katny Paup BEETLEBOMB LEAGUE Mouldinqcraft Inc. Oregon Food Store Eagles Aux. Richfield Joe Fisher 3A 71 33'j 3V Acme Concrete 36 38 40 Club 76 38 Bill's Auto Towing 3J"i 40' i Results: Richfield 3. Bills 1; 40 Club 3. Eaqles 1; Acme 3. Ore. Food 1; Mou'd- ingcraft 3, Joe Fisher I Results: Richfield 3. Bills 1; 40 Club 3. Eagles I; Acme 3. Ore. Food 1; Mould- Inge raft 3, Joe Fisher l. High team game, Bill'! Auto Towing 874; high team series, Richfield 3509: high ind. game, Ellen Fuller 185; high ind. teries, Elaine Grey 513. HOLIDAY BOWLERETTES LEAGUE W Crescent Sea Foods 48 16 Klamath Dairy Association 43 ?i F-lectrolux 35' t 31') Klamath Hardwoods 38' ? 35' Conner's Service 77' i 3' Shell OH 37' i 36' i Drumstick 76 38 CWA 72 47 Dec. 31 resulti: Klamath Dairy Assocl t'on 3, Klamath Hardwoods I; CWA 0, Conner't Service 4; Drumstick Shuttle board 4. Shell Oil 0, Crescent See Foods 4, Electrolux 0 High team game, Klamath Hardwoods 906; high team series. Klamath Dairy A- socienon 254; nign tna. game, pariene Perry 305; high Ind. teries, Darlene Perry 533. . , Lonai chevron e ce'brate the arrival of o W. Copeland LUMBER YARDS t