To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays I am. to noon Saturday Count five woros per line. Ads under 3 lines tame as 2 lines. 10 Lines Times K SO 3.35 400 4.75 Timw J4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 Times Month S5.00 t 9.C3 6 50 11.50 I 00 14.00 9. SO U.JO Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. If paid In advance, Above rates are tor consecutive inser tions, without change of copy, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must be Liaar and understandable to be produc tive. All words must be spelled out. A'jtos offered for sale by private indi viduals cash with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and Mjnday. CANCELLATIONS 8, CORRECTIONS-, On same schedule, except on Monday i iese are taken 'in f:w a.m. Please read first Insertion of your ad. The Herald News will give one extra run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I co'umn Inch, S35 per month with S3 50 Miscount for payment on or before the loth. Vj Inch, $19 with 11.50 discount for payment on or before the 10th. Based on one copy change par month. BOX SERVICE 50 centi per ad. CARD OF THANKS. and IN MEMORIAM 12 PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES F UN ERAL HOMES 0 WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home.. 5 High Street. Phone TU 2-4404. LOST 1 POUND Ta LOST pair of men's black rim glasses. R a ward! TU 4-3302. LOST BLUE-POINT Siamese cat, female. Reward! 197? Earle. TU 4-6387. GENERAL NOTICES 4 HAVE YOU any of these things TO SELL? They'll bring you EXTRA CASH! -fr GUNS BOATS TENTS fr STOVES RADIOS PIANOS BOOKS jV TOOLS & SKATES TRUNKS ft PLANTS fr JEWELRY Vr LIVESTOCK FISH POLES TV SETS jV BICYCLES & CLOTHING Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Call Herald & News WANT ADS TU 4-81 1 1 GENERAL NOTICES 41 From oM of us ... to all of you Our Most Sincere SEASON'S GREETINGS VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E. Moin TU 4-6312 PERSONALS EXCELLENT care for to elderly ladles in private home, 1914 Crest. BEGINNERS' ALANON, friendly help for families of alcoholics, TU 2-5740, TU 4-7129. GRAHAM'S licensed home for the aged, private rooms or warn care, special diet, personal interest assured, TU 2-3)45. KLAMATH Alanon for counseling and meetings, iu 4-jAtM, tu 4-004 anytime. VACANCY for lady or gentleman need ing nu'lng and -or convalescent care Mountainview Nursing Home, 596 Park, Asniand, ore. pn. 4iz-ui6. KLAMATH Alcshollcs Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-S704. Friendly help anytime. SERVICES 10 CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave at your place. Al S'oll, TU 4-6126. PAINTING. Interior or exterior. Low witt ier rates. TU 2-0524. REMODELING end repairs, alt kinds, reasonable, references, TU 3-5381. TREE lopping, pruning, insured tree grooming. Lakeshore Nursery. TU 4-6955. Jess' Tree Service Tree topping, removing, any kind of ctean-vp work. Free estimates. TU 4-6418 Don't GuessCall Jess! Coin Op Laundry Topload Washers Also 30 lb, Washers T4.C SHOPPING CENTER Behind U.S. Bank Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations tor men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason aba prices. Gene's Mens Wear 537 Main DENTAL PLATES Repaired while you wait. New Plates Wade From Vour 014 PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3284 Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional servke. i rees tonceo or removed. PHONE TU 4-9688 MICE, BUGS, TERMITES BILL'S BUG "E" BUSINESS Insured, City and State Licensed W. L. "Bill" Osborn, the Buo "E" Man TU 2-3458 312 50 7th St. HELP WANTBO, PIMALE 14 WANTED: Lady bookkeeper for public accounting office, full or part-lime. Ad age ana experience, write box 426C, Herald and News. SINGLE woman 21 to 45, nonsmoker. To do simple typing, my home, weekend eve nings, oood pay, 3-6 hours weeKiy. per manent. Handicapped gladly considered. Write P.O. Box 974, City. POSITION available approximately Jan, (Vi th Klamath Falls Creamery, some stenography, general office worn. Appli cant must be above average typist. This s a good lob for the right person. Starling salary commensurate lo ability or ex perience. Apply in person to Kiamatn Falls Creamery Office, 1:30 a.m. 10 I0:ju , mornings. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY GOOD WAGES Apply to Mr. Ramsey. Mgr., 1-5 p.m. SINGER SEWING CENTr.R 633 Moin TU 2-?5l3 HELP WANTED. MALE ..16 rARRlEP men. neat aprteerlno. to pick uo orders and deliver. S10O per week, plus expenses. It you qualify. Write Box 42JC, care of Herald News. "boysPa!1 EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS ATI help wanted ads published Mera-rl & News are accepted in good faith that the lobs offered are as stated in the advertising cooy We are not re sponsible tor the integrity of our adver tisers, but we mae every effort to dis cover and refect ail misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a he'p wanted ad and finding It to be misleading n eiked to report it to the Ciastif'td Ad vertising Department f the Herald NiTlMTIONS WANTtP II BABY vttlna In my home, days, phone TU 3-'8t7. BY sittina. my home, anytime, phone TU 3-1778. UCENSEO CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday, lam to 4 p.m. 1378 Carlson Drive. TU 2-1844 IRONING. WASHING Pickup. Deliver. 1 rrrrr"fT --jnn-i in i ROOMS FOR RENT LAPG'i tnusekeeoino room, utilities furn-sr-ed. 317 Pint. TU 2-U87. CLEAN. com'Q'table rooms. 2 blocks from Main. S5 . Up. TU -35. STAMheated.' ouiet, sleeping rooms. 310 SO. 5th TU 2 0214. CFNTLEVAN. clean moith. 15,",0 Cedent. room, 130 per MEN, '34 N. 3rd. close in. housekeeping, APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 FURNISHED 3 room aoerlment, JS One ronm, 140 All utilities Included, shared bath, adults Only. 419 No. 10th. EWUNAbdWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. IU So, Hth. TU 3-1042, NICELYfurrtlshtd bedroom aof, wool rugs, drapes, ail ufiHtiat paid ,B certain amount, TU 4-36?. RNTsMEoaDartments u; Riverside ru 3-47J4. VODERN i rooms erd ba'h, WO and UB. brie court, garages 371 spring. beo'oom furnished Heat, til G'e"t. TU 3-4719. CONSTRUCTION wtwfreM welcome! NfS' rfw OTl Site, 'u' nished, TV avaiiah'e. weeny ra'es te'cen Vo'ei. Tu 3 9ii6 PUBMSf-D a-ia-tment, N.ce and dean Inquire 15W Etna, CLOSE io dupiei. fu'"'shed. oe beo 'oom. leund'r, garage, U0. TU a-34St Tvo bedroom oafiy 'vped apt. Near sfcoppco, t5S 754 No. 1Cn NiCE cieR tu".ird aoertmen'. -n. TU 3-J531, TU J BEDOCOV un'uTfVtftj aca'tment. ISO. TU 4-WH4 C5COE APAPT-VENT.WOTffi. N'Ce'v fwnisrd 1 I a rtxv-r, ipertmenti JjO South tith T"EEroons ir1ed acartmont. 3041 bv CLios'SMrrj eri,e- for re', lejn- flry tC'itt T l I-4CJJ bet e'e. TJ TU -JI4. 4.PARTMINTS FOR RfNT FOUR room apt., furnished. Hot and cold water, washing facilities. Adults, ru 4 S I ONE Bedroom apis., completely or partly furnished, newly redecorated, TU 4-4732 STEAM-heat," b7chelor "aot.7"213Ced"a7. UTILITIES, " maid service, kitchen"' clean furnished units, by wee. 1605 Esplanade, TU 4-3. CLEAN 1 bedroom fu'ninhed apt. Close1 to high school. Suitable tor 1 or 3 em ployed adults. S75 includes utilities. TU 3-1866. THREE bedroom un'urnishtd duplex apartment, water paid, 150. TU 3-0473. FURNISHED 3 room. Clean and warm. 145. Inquire 1624 Division. FOUR room apartment, alt utilities fur nished, TU 4-0460, TU 4 5823. NICELY furnished 2 bedroom apartment, B35 Lincoln. TU 4-56V2. A PAR TM E NT n7a"rWeyerhaeuse7 fur nished. Utilities, steam heat, 140. 4-1313 COMFORTABLE furnished bachelor apL, close in, utilities paldl 126 N. 3rd. FURNISHED 1 bedroom apartment, ga rage, i u 4-X.HS. $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COST) 1-3-3 bwroom apt., furnished or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance Included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1637 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-M7? Office hours 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rotel TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 3544 Union 1 Bedroom unfurnished 3 Bedroom unfurnished Soacious Roams Testetully Decorated Well to Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental includes all services except t elf-phone and electricity Dorothy Nplan TU J-0TM HOUSES FOR RENT 26 ONE bedroom furnished. S30; two bed room unfurnished, 140; near air base. TU 4-4915. HOT SPRINGS 7 bedroom upstairs, un- iished duplex, garege. Adults only, TU 4-4850. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, 165 Children, pets, o.k. References required. TU 2-6590. NICE, roomy duplex. Close In, furnished 1711 Wall St. TU 4-4486. THREE bedroom home with two bath rooms on Watson St. Unfurnished. SIM per month. Call TU 2-3W? or TU J-JMO.i FURNISHED or unfurnished, 3' i bedroom, north side, TU 4-4368 after 4:30. NICE two bedroom trailer for rent. TU 3-1350. TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses, south suburban, 165, TU 2-3933. NEWLY remodeled two bedroom house, adults, 5003 Altamont Dr. S60. THREE bedroom unfurnished duplex, nat ural hot water heat, TU 7-514. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex. electric heat. Garage on paved alley. Modern throughout. Mills Add'n. SI5 rro. TU 4-5561 after 5 or weekends.1 ONE bedroom furnished duplex, water hot water paid, TU 4-9307. TWO bedroom partly furnished, 3437 Wantland. ONE bedroom furnished or unfurnished, Newly decorated. Close in, TU 4-66 ?2. NEW two bedroom duple, paved street, carport and utility, S70 per mo.. 5610 Del aware. TU 3-4732. EX-HUNTERS find buyers fast tor guns with Want Ads. Can tu 4-iui to sei district, clean, full of builflns. Phone TU ATTRACTIVE and comfortable I bed room furnished. 4 blocks north of Main. TV caMe, garbage. Call TU 4-6539 after 3 and weCKenns. TWO bedroom 4-6033. nfurnished house. TU NICE 3 bedroom furnished house. S75 TU 3 3853 NICE 3 room home. Stove and refrigera tor. JJU, I U i'J931. DANDY 1 bedroom cabin. Gas heat, gas hot water, gas cooking. Niceiy Tumiineo. Nice and clean, a mocni rom ivin nr 5th. S25. Inquire Mrs. Adams, 514 High EXCELLENT one bedroom, furnished. o- rag?, fenced yard. sbs. iu a-ewi ewer nquire 4U53 snane way. ONE bedroom furnished, oil heat, north- side. TU 3-4389. CLEAN l bedroom duple, furnished. nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. P KTF PT ION AL UNFURNISHED one bedroom duplex In s. oarage, e'ectnc neat, aouirs, . TU 3-4753. ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4 J 79. REMODELED 3 bedroom duplex, fur mshed. S65. Inqulrt 111 Pint. attractive 1 bedroom furnished. ISO, Mills, TU 4-6319. F U R N l SHE O 1 bedroom, all electric, ga rage. South Suburbs, adults, TU 4-S938. ONE bedroom furnished houst. Newly decorated. TU 4-3743. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished dude, like -;. MS. TH3 SUflyou, TU 4-7584. UFURn7$hFd two bedroom duple, ga rage, adults. Mil Boardmart. TU 2-09W. NICE 3 bedroom unfurnished house. In- ouire 71J2 union. unfurnished two bedroom triplex Full basement, fireplace, hardwood firw. ictric heat. 880. TU 3-3444, 44, be'ort 5 pm. TU 4-8267 after 3. j NICE newly painted - unfurnished J bedroom duplex. Only 3 years old. well insulated. Range and refrigerator. 185 ptr month. TU 2-4664, tvti. TU 4-5544. AVAILABLE soon in Henley. Unfurnished 2 bedroom plus ' story, 2 children, 155 Reference required. TU 4-6794 ONE bedroom unfurnished house. ISt, 2139 Mam, Phone TU 2-3866 LARGE two bedroom home, stove, refrig erator, 550, TU 4-4753. FURNISHED two bed'oom house, yard, m town, 540. TU 2-4JB9. TWO bedroom, unfurnished, garage, slor. not room, 1 747 Hone. Lease option. In- REAL tSTATl WANTED . 21 WE are BUYING sma l EQUITIES IF you want to SELL, SEE PAUL McATEE 33 EAST MAIN STREET TU 1-4646 for en APPOINTMENT FARM ond RANCH LISTINGS WANTED Heve dualities buvtri for any sue farm or renc Call . . . BRUCE OWENS Roeitar m no r ru a-rw RIAL KtATf IXCMANC . 3t "TRADE" and SAVE TAXES Fix Information on tow FREE Tradtt, coH DEANE SACHER ftee"e M " to'ernat anal f'eee'i Cv s IAuaxaW ru Ilia WSltft V Me TU Two rwi'v" Kome. Qsragt. A real buy 3-BEOcbv b''C Me fieca'.e wasn, dryer, 'Ove i-x-udrt Fences ya'fl rove'ed pat'O u'njtr ihop. i?.$o0 Can TU 3-c?ia a"e' S pti Si r K'ar-ei Fa'is. r'rgjtirl. tr e ,e'. le-je ed riMO 5n Ph. TU two wov" o!us co 'e uc'a ' .u'ni.o, b e tM. J7ntx. ni' Cei-'n--- tu -4 as a'te 1 JO. nrtifrt we e-ti- 4RIAL KTATI FOR SAlt 75 ACRE ranch fully efluloped. 5 miles from Klamatrt Fails, available Immecji ateiy. TU 4-4i:f. WANTEO. Cutover or Inexpensive land any slit or location in Oregon. Must have access or obtainable access. Will also ourchase land with creeks, rivers or lake frontage Will pay cash or terms to own ers liking. Send full details including price to R. M. L eland, P.O. Box 8065. Spo kane, Wash. FOUR apartments, excellent investment Close In, TU. 2-2531, TU 4-6966. LT7Fairhaven"sthooldistrict; h lights, water, septic tank, TU 2-4941. DREAM HOME Exclusive residential district. Best of con struction. Beeutitul view. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, birch kitchen, patio, ceramic file bath, 8)5.500. TU 2-2410. MLS Multiple Listing Service 2 ACRES HENLEY HIGH DISTRICT Large 5 bedroom older type home. Three bedrooms downstairs finished, two stairs partially finished. Large lamily kitchen and dining room combined. Two car garage, acreage fenced. i.4ji it. liv ing arte for a large family. Owner will carry contract. Ail This tor s,iuu. EQUITY For Sale or Trade S2.600 equity in 3-bedroom suburban ranch type home. This place Is modern design with Vi balhs, circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, single garage, fenced back yard. Located on dead end street, i mile beyond Town & country shop ping Center. A nice place to live, bul owner has been transferred. So-o-o-o-o, il needs a new owner. Assume payments SI 08.98 , . . total price 114,900. What have vou to tracer CAL PEYTON KLAMATH TRADERS CLUB 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173 Al House TU 4-7088, "Pat" Palone TU 2-0836 BRAND NEW SPLIT LEVEL 3 Bedrooms, all hardwood floors, 2 fire places. 2 baths, complete built-in kitch en that truly a dream. Full daylight base ment witrt family room, separeie laun dry room, double garage, covered patio There's even a sun deck. Terrific value tor only 819,700. Good Terms. LEONARD REALTY ! Moin TU 4-7111 or TU 4I005 Joe Perry Audrey Keenns Joe Leonard TU 4-5332 TU 4 4285 TU 2 05271 STILWELL & CO. Presents: ENJOY LIVING In this spacious 3 bed room 4 year old home. Large, land scaped, level lot. Fireplace, living room, dining room - immaculate1 throughout. LOW PRICED at S16.950 due to owner's transtei WEYERHAEUSER EMPLOYE SPECIAL - modest but good 2 bedroom home close to plant. Buy on contract, 8750 down, ISO per month at 4 per cent. NICEST SUBURBAN STREET and one of the nicest 2 bedroom homes. Dining room, lovely kitchen with dinette. bath, utility and living room with fireplace, 814.200. STILWELL & CO. Realtors 519 Main Street After 5:00 call Bruce Blnkley TU 4-3136 TU 4-3478 TU 2-3697 Ron Van Orman If no answer call TU 3-0444 TU 4-7006 930 Prospect Just decorated. Clean furnished ready foi living. Living room, kitchen with dining nook, bedroom and bath. 83,500, $500 down on easy contract. H'Mside District Neat, t, fortable two bedroom furnis' ju noma near HIHslde Hos pital. OversUed oarage, extra shop building 85,950. Owner will sell on contract. K. U. District Three bedrooms, living room 1375 family room, separe'e utility wired for dryer. OversirM garage. 87,500, 8500 down, 875 per month. Dye Insurance Agency 130 South 5th A. C. Dve, Realtor, Virginia Brown, Sis. TU 4-7755 Or TU 4-4JSC Lot 47. Skyline Vit f Skyline s best stmng for I 850. STUKEL MT. 150 acres bordered by Lost River. This ranch is a cattle set-up with a aatfurt and hay balance tor year round operation. All pasture and hay produc tion under Irrlpetion. One 3 bedroom anch house, large bunk house and spa cious metal machine Shed. Also a potato cellar. This ranch selling for only SW,W, 29 ptr cent down balanca easy ttrmt. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker Jim O Donahue Cves TU 4-99 MLS Multipl Listing Servico IMpw Year's Sneriol' New three bedroom. Large living room wnn raisea nnn nrvpittiv. oui"m eider wood cabinets In kitchen plus built- in range ano oven. i.rg nmny tf-.-i 2 full baths, attached double garage, corner lot. Pric 814,900. Reasonable Price tor this three bedroom home lotafe In suburbs. Nict living room with well to wall carpet, dining area otl kitchen. Hardwood floors throughput, e'ectric heet. bath with shower, attached garage. Pr.ce only $13,500 Refinance or assume present mortgage. May trade on late model car. Land Is Money! Invest today In view lot 100 345 H HO gown. HO a month 'i mile river front- agt. Full price 11,200. ANDY SILANI REALTOR vi i. Jm tu )uu ta lumen w i lane Welch TU J-4IV TU J-tIJ TU 4-1144 Ed Mitchell Andy SHenl WILLI ADDITION. Attractive 3 bedrrw. home, m eoce'ieni locenon. uvb'. sited doubli Qereoe. Easily financed. It.2. THBF E IEDROOWI In Willi. Near tttMi pieyjrouno Fcepiace tar peting. Cornel te ly ramryteid. L0l of room, siorage space f,w. DON SLOAN in? TU W1 Aiyttme WANT ADS Mlin Bulintil! TU 4-IUI REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THREE bedroom home for talt mers Lent. TU 4-43?. ?J Su' 5 ACRES, unimproved, paved 'oad, beau tiful building site, Henley School D'smct, 84,500. TU 4 7814. What could be nicer than ih.s practically new home. Coiy and warm wtth hard ood floors, big stone v. VI fireplace, built i kitchen, attached ga-aQe Larvi&caned. on pavement. Only iti.kd take toy loan, i CALL US FOR RENTALS, TOO. Schroeder Realtv Co. REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 3-0168 STROUT REALTY Bob Stella Dehlingcr Hank Holman TU 2-5601 TU 2-5048 l acre, nice 45 ft. trailer home, eau'pped Good garage. 84500, 5500 down. i acre, suburban area, 2 bedroom home 87500. 8500 down, and will consider lease option. city lots, good location. Total price, S7800. HOT SPRINGS Start the New Year right with this spa cious 2 bedroom modem home with 3rd Bedroom or recreation room In full concrete basement. 2 fireplaces, fully In sulated with aluminum storm windows. Going for only 114.500 total price. Low oown payment, i-ma or i terms. 7 ACRES 'riaafed and In permanent pasture. Newly e mode led 3 bearocm home. 1' i baths. You won't find a better value. Only miles from town on the Reno Highway. Full price $14,750. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 So th Phone TU 2 74n Hank Hansen Lois Macy Fred Tucker TU 2-3101 TU 2-S64? TU 4-9743 Madoie TU 4-5695 Multiple Listing Service MLS . CHOICE RANCHETTE 2' i ACRES IN DESIRABLE HAGER DISTRICT, with magnificent J pea- room ranch home, 2 fu'l baths, abund ant custom built-lns. 3 fireplaces. Equal ly convenient to Henley School and down town Klamath Falls. PRICED RIGHT AT $,39,500; WILL ALSO TRADE DOWN FOR QUALITY HOME, City or suburbs. HARD TO FIND YOU'VE BEEN ASKING FOR A SOLID. OLDER 2 STORY 4 BEDROOM HOME LIKE THIS. Here you can be "right up town" lust 2 level blocks to Main Si and close to Academy and KUHS. Has 2 baths, 3-car garage. GOING NOW FOR JUST 815,000 $450 DOWN FHA . NO DOWN Gl) nominal closing costs. , DONT BE CRAMPED Set this spacious 2 bedroom home with good fenced irrigated 'i acre in South Suburbs. Almost 1.050 so,, ft. of good country living for the reasonable price ol only $9,500. NO DOWN PAYMENT Gl & 8300 DOWN FHAj plus closing costs. QUICK ACTION ON LISTINGS!! Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N. fill SI. Phone TU 4-mi s.lei Personnel: B.ll Chilcote Ph. TJ 4-3JI1 Eei. Tom Ph. TU !M2 Evei Ed Chilcote, Asieclele Broker Djo Chilcote. Broker Multiple Listing iervice MLS Family Life will he enloved In this spacious, deUme three bedroom home. Plus excellent I p"d- room apartment, two run Dni, itr place, hardwood floors. Roman brick and rnntlmrtlnn On Choice 15 X 7M lot. Dog Kennei. renceu yam. todayl Any type loan. 2 Acres Three bedroom home wtth Over 300 to. ft. of floor soace in nemey mgn untnL. Separate dining room also barn for your horses. $13,500. Reasonably down pay ment. South Suburban Two bedr??m home with separate om- no room. Storm windows, iooi inea an dog kennel. Large lot In steams cnooi D.strlct. 111,750. Veteran s bpeciol Three bedroom home with over t.too so ft tioor space. Sewer hooked up o'u etra building lot. A real buy at HO 000 terms. HAPPY NEW YEAR 'WILL" CEDARLEAF REALTOR tu asist Anvtinw'UVISTOCK t POULTRY m; I. tn Sales: P.90V Peehler Ross Pur.hiser TU 7-053 TU 11717 iUSINISS OPPORTUNITIES 1J NOTICE TO PUBLIC Invetlloate thoroughly any Invest- menl ol moneys In merchandise, varlotil nlemrlses or business opportunities be- tore Investing your capnai. ini ne,.ia and News makes every effort to ratect ail fraudulent or misleading edvertising, however, we are not responsible for the Integrity of the firms or individuals who piece advertising In our publication. Any artwertisino of business opportunities ap pearing to be freudulent or misleedmg ShOUlO be r.prjrieo ,0 me in..,,,ru ' ver-islng Department of th Herald and FINANCIAL - LOANS 34 HEDGE YOURSELF aoamtt tnfiatin Sat abowi HEAL TATE INVEIT MENTi anywhere waat the Hock tee. at- DEANE SACHEK EALTOR Member international Traders Club i riMi44ri.. Lai.. Ida.. Wash mi -Vam St TU WW WIND UP 1962 .. . ond START OUT 1963 .. . with o budget thot point to o bright fu ture! Coll u toon for quick courteous, confidential cosh loon service. You'll eniov the hohdoyil much more it you do! FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finonct Ntw & Used Can Furniture Note Automobile Converunt Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Poy Pnynte Auto Sole F-nonced Locoily Owned for 33 Yea'i Motor Investment Co 513 So. 6th . 30,HOUSEHOLO GOODS .4 INCH Electric Teppen range, iw. 8:50. TU 2-6297. . like CHROME topped O'Keele & verrilt gei renge wih m.aaie grill, excellent cond- 'so. ru l-oits. WASHER - DRYER Repairs guaranteed. BendU, Easy, Frlg- idaire. G t , Kenmore. Maytag, Norge. Pnilco, Westingnouse, Whirlpool. Uhiig s tucinc. 16 Mam, TU 4-5517. GUARANTEED USED RANGES - RCFWk.l-RATORS - WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. 12 Main TU 4-8365 LOW! LOW LOW! PRICES Quality Used Home Furnishings The RESALE HOUSE Terms! Trades! Free Delivery! USED DESKS METAL OR WOOC File Cabinets Low, Low Prices The RESALE HOUSE WESTINGHOUSE Clothes Si r DRYER 03 GUARANTEED KIRKPATRICK'S EAST SIDE APPLIANCES 132 So 7th TU -88R6 FUEL - HEATING FUEL Oil, Western Oil Furnecei, s. Burner, Heateri TU ill') ' lodgepole pine and pine body wood any lengini, tu PREPARE FOR WINTER STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" Frankford Fuel Co. December Special! STOVES STOVE PARTS ALL TYPES MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So. 6th TU 4-6660 CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs & Heating Oils Metered Propane Sales S 8. H Green Stamps Open 34 hours ?560 South Sixth TU 4-366T and TU 7-9760 GOOD THINGS TO EAT 39 FOR tale Red ipudi. TU lent or TU .-BUS. HOLIDAY HONEY, local, comb strained, TU 4-87 1 e, 1750 Wiard. BEEF, PORK, wholesale, custom butch' erlng, culling, curing. Shamrock Meats. 5ns?a way. iu 7-ib, iu z-t'arn Boati - Pert - S porta Hobbtea 40 NEW KITTY? Bonnie Puppy rood BLACK mln. poodle puppies, excellent blood lines. Sioo-sm. Terms. TU 7-A052 AKC miniature poodle puppy, terms, TU 4-4446, 1107 Carlson Drive. 'A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" . for vour oeU. Doo & cat boarding! bast professional care. Heated sanitary kennels w,tn outside runs, 24 nr. service, oickuo delivery. Special rates tor stea dy or monthly boarders. Special atten tion to f females in season, visitors wei come. Shasta Cascade Kennels, Just past Merrill-Lakeview Junction, oil Merrill Highway on Booth Road. Rta. 1, Box 504E, TU 4-5078. ICE SKATES NEW AND USED Trede In vour ihales JOE'S SPORTINO GOODS ,.,n TU ,1871 RADIO - TV . MUSIC 41 WE pny cah for used planol. Derov'l Music. TU 4-51JI USED ORGAN TRADE-INS BALDWIN THOMAS LOWREY - HAMMOND - EASY TERMS SAVE UP TO $450 BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Moin TU 2-4883 "APRIL IN PARIS" AT YOUR FINGER TIPS With A LOWREY ORGAN $595 $3295 A Advertised In Lite) KLAMATH MUSIC CENTER SIS E. Mam TU i lM) Used Hommond CHORD tnr ORGAN i 73 New Hommond "Extrovolct" AQC Orgon 073 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. '71 Veari en 7tn If 27 HEAD Holstein steers. Frank Brown, Bonanza S4S J1I1. fop SALE voung whitefece cows, 4-79AI. BABY calves for sale. t45 Gary, phone TU 7-SIIV. KLAtVATM PPOVED SIRE SEPVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-1115, TU 4-4 i SI, TU 3-4103 BONANZA Arfiiiclal inseminaiion S lee (4(-3JJl or TU 2 0741, KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Co., Inc. Midland Road . use the ho'tdeys tail on Tuesday there will be NO SALE Ufw Year's Day, Jan. I NEXT SALE - JAN. 8 Thanhs to all who have made the past tales so sutrefttfut. Wore people eons' in to KLAWATH STOCKVEN'i, proving this n the producers' market Verry Chrislmai 1 Happy Near Year Vern Bob John Oftke Tu a-f7 Home TU 4-4l4 Happiness & Prosperity is the New Year wish to you from KLAMATH Cattle Soles, Inc. May 1963 bring you every thing you've ever wonted' "Woody" Gueck Owner-Manager MISC FOR SALC ... 11 :nf) TON 1st evl 2-4 tut rg ha. Lcei'e ?4J .a i0, or see Dtctt Imtth, ta-oeil val 1(J 47783iens ftou'e ska'es. we ft ia rvowse. ne. TU mil, HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath vISC. FOR SALE FOR SALE 1 "57 Cushman Fagle motor scooter in good Shape. IW5. TU 4-P6S8. DRAIN rock, gravel, anj roadway me tenet. TU 4-J58 GEO. R. STACY CO. DOLL CLOTHES for Christmas, any size, reasonable prices. TU 4-8931. TOPSOIL, concrete aggregate driveway material, drain rock. J. M. Barnes. IU 4-7ei9. ders. Pelican Send, i u 4-4387. nccn ri nTUiwr." NEW METHOD CLEANERS Gofer's Exchange UNREDEEMED LOAN PLEDGES Cuitars-Radios-Tools-Can-eras-Shavers Sewing Machines-Watches OUT OF PAWN Diamond Rlngs-Weodinf Sets ALL NFW MOUNTINGS '1,001' Bargains (mall-Short Term-Pawnbroker Loans 625 Klom. TU 4-7)60 AQUALON f ISOCYANATEI Sun Proof Weather Proof For all Wood Surfaces Such as: f Fences Siding Exterior Doors & FRANK'S TACKLE & GRINDING SERVILE (S?0 E. MAIN TU 7-47B8 TRAILERS .52 FOR sale 1957 Great Latws Trailer. 45 x I; Excellent condition. TU 4-jb. TRAILER house for rent, also trailer space, TU 2-6034. FACTORY trained Coleman & Internat'l mobile furnace service, parts, TU 4-8436. HOUSE trailer repair, Erv Carr, 4423 Winter Ave. TU 7-1163 AUTO MISCELLANEOUS 53 Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul or Valve Grind Tune Up Is a Specialty 2851 Altamont Call TU 4-9023 OVER 20 YEAR5 tAPtKltNLt Lee's Automotive Service Engine Tune-up & Overhauling Automatic Trans. Service LEROY HOOVER 2747 Blsbee TU 7-O340 BATTERIES CAR TRUCK BATTERY JUMPER CABLES STARTING FLUID ICE OFF REASONABLY PRICED AT PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 SEAT COVERS! AUTO UPHOLSTERY Custom and ready maoa seat covers. Headliners Door Panels Floor Mats Auto carpets ALL WORK GUARANTEED Auto Beauty Center 621 Willow TU 2-1130 COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE SEAT COVERS Reg. $23.95 $1 1.88 Best Woven Plastics 10 Sets Fit 53-'60 BUJCK 2-Dr. & Clb, Cpe 57-'60 CHEV. 2-Dr. & Clb. Cpe. '55-'56 DODGE 2-Dr. & Clb. Cr.the year, regardless of '53-'60 OLDS 2-Dr. & Clb. Cpe.'price!" 55-'60 PONTIAC Coupe 2-Dr. & Club 8 Sets Fit Chrysler - Dodge - DeSoto '50 -'54 2-Dr. & Club Coupe 50-'54 FORD 2-Dr. n Club Cpe 52-'54 MERCURY 2-Dr. & Club Coupe A REAL BARGAIN IF YOU HAVE ABOVE TYPE CAR. OTHER SIZES ALSO ON SALE!! Montgomery Ward 9th & Pine Phone 4-3188 UStO CARS AND TRUCKS TAKE over payments 160 Corwair, balance. TU J-415, isO'eeP-Stafioti Waoan, 33,000 his of etras. Ti 1 312 35 December Cleoronce 41 Corvair Vonia. 9) I H, S4. IlltJ el Falcon Rancnero Pichuo. RAH 3-speed 41 Pontiac Slarchief 4 Dr. . llSelj Idn. RIH 'An Buick la 5abre 1 Or. Hits, J! Cnevrolef Bel Air 4 Or. Sdn I35 DEAL RITE MOTORS lilt IH TU - try DowtJ TU 4-f7J0' HAPPY NEW YEAR! (We'll be Closed Monday) Dale's Used Cor Lot 333 So. 6th sr SPECIALS '53 Int'l ',4 Ton Pickup .... $550 '49 Willys Jeep Pickup .... $450 7'j KW. Portable Generator $450 J. C. Equipment Co, So. th & Hilyord TU 4-9230 TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your cor or equity for cosh Come In Todoy' Ah & Plum TU 2-4784 Monday, SltUSED CARS AND TRUCKS 53 FOR sale If 15 Ford coupe. Olds, engine TU 1-4717. 1950 STUDE BAKER 4-dr. excellent tires, turn signals, radio, heater, good paint, SIJ0, TU 2-4587. NINE passenger country sedan, 19S6 Ford, I owner, mechanically sound, 8425. TU 4-9J1S evenings. e ECCLES MOTOR CO. e Buy NOW at ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES! Prices good through Saturday, January 5th. 62 Ponl. Grand Prix S497 62 Pontiac Tempest 2097 '62 Merc. Monterey $0 Q-7, Cust. 4-Dr. Sdn W Falls. Oregon 60 Pont. Catolino 4-Dr. $OA07r50 Cadillac '62' 4-Dr. $' Stn. Woaon iJl I 60 Chevrolet Bel Air $ I rfli 1597 4-Dr. Sedan '60 Plymouth Fury $ 597 Convertible Coupe .. . '58 Codilloc '62' Sedan $ DeVille 57 Buick Super Riviera $ Sedan 57 Ford '6' Ranch $ Wnqort 79 497 '56 Chrysler Windsor $ 597 )r-t JV 4-Dr. Sedan 55 Pontiac Slarchief $ Hardtop Coupe ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 Sc. 6th TU 4-8124 Top Value PICKUP SPECIAL '61 CHEVROLET Long Wheelbase V4-TOH PICKUP speed tiansmission. Excellent condition. $1995 JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th & Commerclol TU 2-5646 LOOK! Joe Fisher Has NEARLY 20 FINE '54 to '58 MODEL CARS Left in Stock.' Mr. Ramp Soys: These cars simply must be moved before the end of I RANbrUK I A I IUN PRICED FROM -67 to$797 See Them Today! SALESMEN Dole Sechrlit TU 2-5720 Roy Rinehort TU 4-9541 Joe Padgett TU 2-0637! iJim Ehreth TU 2 0149 Mortin Arnold TU 4-571 I Elnothan Dovii TU 2-3957, JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 477 So 7th TU 4-9104 START the NEW YEAR RIGHT in a good O.K. GUARANTEED Compact Economy Car From the CHEVY CENTER '62 Corvair Monxo radio. 4-Soeed $2298 heater '60 Corvoir 4-Dr, Rorfio, heater, Power-Glide ... '60 Corvair 4-Dr. 3-speed, radio. 70ft i.,i.. 700 $ Series 398 heater .... '59 Volkswagen Panel 4 -speed, heater '58 Volkswagen 2-Dr. Heater, 4-ipeed .... Delivery $ 998 $I098 '56 Volkswogen 2-Dr. Co Rod'o, heater, 4 oe;d $ 898 DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 Drrrmbrr 31, 1961 PAGE-I JSED CARS AND TRUCKS I96i GMC, 6, ton plctup with camper, 1 318 Carlson Drive. DRIVE MOPE" MOTORS Will pay cash for can. TU 4-35T. CADILLACS SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! '61 Cadillac '60' Special Fleetwood. , Was $4743. AA17 Now nJ Sold new ond serviced by us. Fleetwood is the 'deluxe' In Cadil- ac. Cost over $7,000 new. '58 Cadillac '62' 4-Door Was $2183 $ I ;!993 Now 'One owner, sold new and serviced by us. The "extended deck" mod el. Clean as new ond fully equipped with all Cadillac extras. $2693 Now Only One owner, sold new and serviced by us. Exceptionally clean. SALESMEN: t.v. WnlL.. Til . z-rno YVRon Bryan TU 4-5467 Ma ichretber TU 4-5002 Ed Ward TU 4-4348 UILA d. MILLtK Home of the FINEST Used Cart In Town 7th & Klamath TU 4-4154 It's Clean-up Time JUCKS on PICKUPS! '61 Int'l. Scout 4-Wheel Driv. Full canopy 2099 ,'o0 Int'l. Vi Ton Pcko. $ ;I495 4-sped, V-8 '60 Int'l. M Ton Pcko. 595 1895 1295 1195 995 795 4-speed, new tires '61 Int'l. Vi Ton LWB 4-speed, V-8 Pckp. '58 Chevrolet Pickup 4-speed '58 Int'l. Vi Ton Pickup. 4-speed '57 Ford Pickup $ 4-speed '57 Dodge V-8 V2 Ton Pickup. 3-spd. trons. '57 Dodge Panel 3-speed with overdrive $ s 56 Dodge Vi Ton Pickup. 4-speed .. 55 Int'l Vi Ton Pickup. 3-speed. Special "os-is" ... 53 Ford Pickup 51 Int'l. LWB Pickup 4-speed , i " i '48 Chc-v. Pickup 4-speed , SALESMEN Bud Folrclo, Mafln 723-2354 llm Knolei TU 2-3209 Bob Tordiff TU 4-5598 JUCKELAND; MOTORS, INC. s International it Fruehouf Cummins 1 1 th to 1 2 on Klamath TU 2-2581 NO DOWN! Low Mo. Payment 56 Plymouth $25 $33 Stn. Wagon 56 Mercury 2-Dr. Hdtp. 55 Buick Super $0O 2-Dr. Hdtp. Z 7 '55 Buick Spec. 2-dr. Hdtp. 29 $29 $29 55 Buick Cent. 2-Dr. Hdtp. 55 Dodge 2-Dr. Hdtp. '54 Buick Spec. 7 2-Dr. Hdtp. 53 Buick Spec. So I 2-Dr. Hdtp. Stick I 53 Buick Super $ 13 4-Dr. Sedan 53 Cadillac $28 4-Dr. Sedan 53 Chev. B.A. $ I 7 per I mo. 4-Dr. Sedan '52 Mercury 4-Dr. Overdrive '52 Chev. 2-Dr, Stick. 10 10 12 '51 Pontiac 2-Dr. Hdtp. '53 Pontiac 2-Dr. Hdtp. '55 Chev. $I3 $35 $I7 Vi Ton Pckp. '52 Int'l. ViTon Pckp. 51 Jeep c- A- L I .""' CI.. I398,bed. 2 & 4 soe'ed 2.1 .1 l 42 Jeep 4x4 Metal cob $o a ptf Winch tmo. NO CASH NECESSARY (on approved crtdit) Wilson WILEY PUCK t 55 825: 795: 395 395 395 395 per : mo. per . -mo. per . mo. per : mo. ; per ' mo. . per mo. per mo. per . mo. per ; mo. . per :" mo. - per : mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo.' per mo. per mo. j