HSRJ.U AND State Crop Production Shows Gain FORTLAN'D (UPII Oregon produced crops worth $253 million in 1962, eight per cent above last year, the Oregon Crop and Live stock Service said Saturday. In its annual summary, the agency said the increase was due to higher per acre yields and slightly stronger prices. The value of field crops, seeds and berries showed gains, the agency said, while tree fruits, nuts and vegetable crops declined. Oregon's leading ten crops for 1902, accounting for 73 per cent of the value of Oregon s 1!H2 pro duction, were wheat, hay, barley, potatoes, snap beans, pears. strawberries, ryegrass seeds cherries and oats. The report said vegetable pro duction was up seven per cent this year, but its cash value was down a fraction. Vegetable pro duction was estimated at 575,200 tons. Berry production, of 1.12 million pounds was up 1H per cent from l'Jfil. It included a record 22.8 million pound blackberry crop. Production of Oregon's 14 ma jor grass and legume seed crops is estimated at 249 million pounds worth nearly $23 million this year, compared to 197 million pounds and $18.5 million in Mil. ECONO-CLEAN DRY CLEANING PROFESSIONALLY cleaned and spotted 4-1 10 l2 LBS. If you bring In and pickup. Pickup and Dtlivtry Sarvfct 50c par ordar axrra. QUICK SERVICE! Any Garment beautifully finished out of the above service at regilar charge. CASCADE Laundry & Cleaneri Opp Post. Offic ?h. 4-5111 or 2-253 1 BROADWAY CLEANERS 4611 So. olh Ph. 4-440 NEW METHOD CLEANERS MS Eiplenede Ph. 4-4471 CONSOLIDATE I ontnlldiU aur mnp tin are PAGE j III ps vkamnlr: R y (innnA tinn nn IJUU.VV 380 So. 6th Town and Country Hlft.v llWT.Il.WAt aUHl" " .... Automatic Remarkable 'AW' IjT I 1 FLOOR MODELS AND DEMONSTRATORS $30V50 l .1 a 633 Main NEWS, KUunath Falls. Oregon greetings! ACROSS 1,4.9 Tonight it 12 Simian 13 Follow ifter 14 Drone bee 15 Yufioslav cit7 16 Animal 17 Yale njoy happiness in the coming year 47 Anger 48 "For auld tang R2 Girl'i name 53 Iron 55 Eternity 56 Legal point 18 Deed 20 hnoortant metal 57 Herb li cmcteu oo type m doii 22 Noblewoman 25 Book of ma pi 28 City in the NetherUnda 29 Taxi 32 Characteristic 33 Play 35 Feminine appellation 30 High borne 37 Pronoun 38 Scottish cap 41 Small candle 42 Narrated 59 Scrap BOTheowi CI Southern general DOWN 1 Nurse 2 Heroic 3 Direction 4 Still & Growing oat t Desire earnest); 7 HAmnii.nrn 8 Indian weight 44 Your newspaper 9 Paradise 1 l 3 I U 15 16 17 8 19 110 111 12 13 H 15 16 n Ta i7 H20 H 2T 1 W 23 2 I 25 1 26 127 "I 28 "1 29 130 131 55 luSSlJsU 33- 34 35 3S 37 "138 39 40t 41 44 145 146 P"j 47 48" 49 150 151 rVj "" 53 54 55 56 57 58 55 60 61 I I I I 31 Oregon Parks Host 11 Million In '62 S.M.EM ilIPP Orcfion state narks hosted an estimated 11.5 million visitors during l!n;2, the OrcRon State Highway Depart' ment s-iri Saturday. It was a record number nf visi tors in spile of a cool spring that held early season park use to un usually low levels, the department said. Use of overnight camp signs in state parks increased 18 per cent over I'Jtil. The commission adopted reenm mendations on the park and rccre ation study and approved (he largest Ixidgrt in history for the parks and recreation division. For llie 1.1-W hiennium, the division has been allotted $4 5 million to develop and operate the slate parks system a $1.4 million in crease over the 1!(B1M biennium. More than 4.000 acres were ac quired during I!W2 as additions to existing parks or as entirely new areas. One of these areas uas I he William M. Tugman site on Eel Unke south ol Rralspnrt. This Mil) - acre tract was acquired through (he cooperation nl t h c YOUR DEBTS ill monlhlr pitmrnU In Bitmrnl rath menlh mo i Itili pmrnrnl ran ha the filial f all lhi mall hill' nattnt each manlh fits. I, oak al of paymtntt 12 mo . 19 mo. .. ., 24 mo. Amount S10.0S . $21.81 $28 86 SUBURBAN FINANCE Phone TU 4-775 Shopping Center "I wsrlm t,n,sl ,,- n'rhn,MgPve yfu, un I. "R" . 1'trh vr., 117. 1" ' oothpsf lf,f.t. M'lrhinc too. OIHtl. SINCfR- mortfl, ,i,0 t g'eat reduction,. values... EASY TERMS 00 TU 2-2513 Monday, December 31,. 1862 Answer to Previous Punie fores unit 1 1 Discord goddess 34 Peruses 19 Europoso nation 30 Foreigners 21 While 40 Bird 23 Landed property 24 Dispassionate 25 Gudmn's husband 42 Musical note 4.1 Harass 44 Demigod 45 Above 4fl Time gone by 49 Shoul M Proboscis M Graded (her.) MM us West M Masculine nickname 2 Horse's gait 27 Gibbons im r an 30 French girt inena 31 Pugilist. Mat State Game Commission and is already under development as a picnicking, swimming, and boat ing area. Further north along the coast. between Florence and Yachats, lies the Carl G. Washburne Me morial Park site. This land was willed In the slate for park pur jioses by Washburne's widow. De velopments for the future will be planned around Ihe 2 1-2 miles ol ocean beach. Three other areas along 1 h e oast were added to the park: system: The Nestucca Sand Spit in Tillamook County. R u 1 1 a r d s Meach in Coos County, and the Pistol Kiver site in Curry County In the Columbia Gorge, a atrial but scciiically important area wa donated to Ihe slate by the Port land Women's Forum. The Chan ticleer Point site contains only .1.7, acres, but gives a sweeping view of the Gorge. Oregon's first stale monument. the hollow, circular fort rock for mation in south central Oregon. was acquired early in 12. The1 l(Kt acres of this unique area were lonaled bv the l-ake County Court and hv a Fort Rock rancher. In addition to these, more than K.'iO acres were added to existing slate parks, the department said. Figures released in a national report showed Oregon was sixlh in the nation in total park at tendance, and was a leader in economy nf park operation. Ore mn spent ,m average of nine cents per park visitor for operation of iLs wrk system, compared to the national average of 22 cents, the department advised. IN SATISFACTORY CONDITION .SI'KINCKIICl.l). Ill 'TIM' -.lolin I. Ix-wis. 2. foimcr prcsi ilonl of Ihe I nilcd Mine Workers, uas ivKirlil in "valisfiirtory" lomlil'on IihUiv ill a hn.-pilal hrro ttluw hi' iindoionl siirccry lor ,1 poplir ulcer. lis uas heir with lo biolh rrs anil a msict f " r tin I'lirlnins holidays. People Reci SPOT ADS you are now. I I IJf JUJJglS LUSLEJAfflEJ OVER 15,000 BIG PRIZES ENTER OUR BIG 5 50 SWEEPSTAKES 5 ti...av.ir.5i';:.; 4tf Come in lor your entry blank. Come today! SwffpstiVss else frtuwi ISlh JIM OLSON MOTORS CHryilcr - PNouth, Valiant, CWC Ttucki 522 So 6tK Ph 4-51 26 Jacoby On Bridge NORTH 11 A AKQJ83 VJ64 84 73 WEST EAST AIRS A962 K10 VQ974 J32 Q1078 AQJ94 103 SOl'TH (D) , A 74 V A32 AK95 K662 Both vulnerable South West North East 1 4 Pass 1 A Pasrf 1N.T. Pass 3N.T. Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Q Correct Bid Seldom Bid lly OSWALD JACOBY Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn. North put down the dummy and remarked, "I have a New Year's resolution to let my partners play more hands and I'm putting it into effect one day early." South positively beamed as he replied. "A wonderful resolution. All bridge players should adopt it." Then South gathered in the trick with the king of clubs and proceeded to make four no-trump to chalk up game and rubber. The hand and the conversation are recorded because North's raise to three no trump was the only correct rebid at his disposal. II is my opinion, however, that not one bridge player in a nun dred expert, fair player, av erage player, or dub would have made it. Some would jump right to four pades, whereupon any normal defense would set the contract. Others would bid three spades and then, if their partners bid three no-trump, would still go on to four spades. A few would bid three spades and pass to three no-trump. Yet, any time you have 6-3-2-2 distribution you should always consider letting your partner play no - trump. When he bids no-trump he is indicating stop pcrs of some sort in the other suits. Q The bidding has been: East South West Is'ortt ! ? You, South, hold: 4.AKJ78 V2 A542 Q81 What do you do? A Bit. one spade. You have enouirh hljth card atrrnsth for a double, but your hand i prinusr lly a apade hand. A Jump over call with a five-card auit Is fen eraJIy bad. TODAYS QUESTION" Your partner raises to two spadeo, What do you do? Answer Tomorrow Davis, Moore Win Tourney Klhel Davis and La Vrcla Moore were the north-soulh sec- inn winners in a duplicate hridce tournament held Thursday at the nkeshore Bridge Club. The win ners compiled a lw.8 )er cenl score, finishinp ahead of 2, Chris- ine (iohle-Leona HohertMm and! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tarr. Kast-west section winners were! John Iike and Dick BricRs, fol- owtxi by 2. Mr. and Mrs. Boh lotshall and .1. Mr. and Mrs. Boh, Chilcolc. 1 Tlie early bird tournament, usu ally held t! am. Tuesdays, has been cancelled next week since New Year s Day falls on Tues day this year. The tournament will return to its regular sched ule Jan. R (iKT K.Mtl.V START En INC.. Prance IT1' - Ah normally hih winds priday moininc set Ihe Milage church bells rininc at 2 a m. instead of at 6 a in. and local farmers woke up. fed Iheir livestock and beiian the days' clu'ies helore discover ing the mistake GRAND PRIZEWINNERS You on win a two-woo k vacation for two in txtntton. Pnris, Horn plus a. now car on your rot urn or any on of more than 15,000 othor valuable prize. All you hnve to do is visit my nhowroom antl ask bo tit our unique oxiliwivo "5 or SO" war ranty and tha "ft or M)" nwoopstakoa. . - The Court Records -.1 KLAMATH COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Ellen L. Blwtr, following too dOM. 17.50 lint. inei R. DeLemater, disobeyed slop ligi 17. SO flnt. Jackie G. Lyon, disobeyed ltop sign, 17 SO lint. Laura a. Kerr, violated basic ruit, S10 Tint. Donald E. Hughes, evtrwldfh, SIS fine Richard K. Dehllnger, dlioMyed ilop ian, tt.yo tine. Glenn T. Down, reck let 1 driving. HS0 fine. Fred D. A bell, no vehicle license, $10 fine. William F. Martin, Inadequate brakes. tlO fine. Glenn T. Down, driving urvder Influence of Intoxicating liquor, dismissed motion of district attorney. Pleaded guilty to reck' less driving. Frank R. Stewart, failed to provide sup port ior minor children, continued March 19 upon stipulation of state end aetenosnt. Edward McCulfouah, false application for angling license, dismissed by motion 01 aisinci attorney, Julian AAaxen (whose true name ( Jul ian William Mixon), larceny, insufficient evidence to bind defendant over to Grand Jury. Knowlton Merritt, intoxicated In a i vale place, arraigned. Entered plea guilty. $100 fine. $75 suspended. juanna l. Lee, no head Hants, $5 tine Harry E. Goeller. fmorooer change of lanes, j tine. Donald O. Weaver, violated basic rule. ho tine. Danny C. Barrett, disobeved stoo lian, $7.50 tine. Richard B. Freeze, no vehicle license, $5 line. William H. Keffer. riant turn without signalling, s.MJ tine. Robin G. Eudally. disobeyed slop sion, $7.50 tine. Gilbert Nleto, violated basic rule, its tine. Johnny F, O'Netl. no vehicle license, ito tMii forfeited, Brian T. Bernard, failed to vfeld riant oi way, rearing neio. hound not guilty. jonn h. Knoaes, can r. Charles and Gerald E. Benson, assault and battery by means of force likely to produce great bodily Injury, all three defendants had preliminary hearing. State dismissed charge as stated In complaint, released State Asked To Overhaul Family Work PORTLAND (UPH - The Ore gon Council on Crime and Delin quency called on the legislature .Saturday to lake steps to overhaul Orcson's court services that relate to children and families. The recommendation was con tained m a report issued by the council. The court said cases involving families are now dispersed "among five separate and inde pendent courts on a hodge-podge and overlapping basis." Cases in volving children and parents may go to municipal, justice, county, district or circuit courts. The report said a related prob lem is the lack of ikilled staff workers, psvehiatric help, and others qualified to deal with and treat family problems. i'he council said the first step toward an overhaul of Oregon's court services to families should lie a study "by an objective, tech nically qualitted organization, pref erably from outside the state. The report said the study should he made for Ihe legislature, and Mould include an outline of feasible court structure that would p.ovidc a unified approach to lamily matters. The council said Ihe study also should include rec- nmmcndalions for the "diagnostic and treatment tools" that courts hnuld be able to call on in deal ing with families. Grange Holds Pinochle Party NEW PINK CREEK Tlie monthly pinochle parly sponsored liy talsi(!e Or.ince ua held Sat urday evening. Dec. 22, at Ihe (irance Hall. I'lnyem seated at 11 tallies enjoyed six (able changes ol plav. Mrs. Elsie ('undid uon Inch for Ihe women, with the consolation prize qoing to Mis. llannum Ron tin. Tony Still took the men's high, and Don Paris received the men low. The traveling prize rested with Garland Cundiff. who (unshed at table one Orbit Rumored For Sky Spy NKW YORK ITI' - A secret American saiollito. o scnMlivo it can tap Russian telephone mes sages nn pinpoint missile launch sites by their radio guidance .sig nals, now t?t orbiting the earth. Newsweek magazine reported on edne-ilay. The robot inspector, called tlte "Kcnel." contains electronic and electromagnetic MtiMrs to pick up dear, coded or scrambled tian missions and relay them to I'nit oil Slates listening posts, the mag azine said. It was t'eveloped by Lockheed Aircraft and Hadio Corp. of America 'IUW. accord ing to Newsweek Deputy Warden Leaves Prison S LKM 'MM 1 - IVmitv War den I.. R. Raines has resigned his iMMiion at (lej-in State Prison Warden C T. (n.id.Vn announcetl tisla . Rarnes. m w,i- m charge of im1l idliah'rd l!r.ilni,-nt henl en the puson sirt:f to eais Warden ion fa llie pM 1 I RjrneSits left TmrMiay t.-r Tennessee where he plans to rit hi mother Who U , 1 .. 1 is i rHH.ii:.'c.l (J I a rl A n mkI H.irnrs ma Like a tnh with the! fnW.(l t-iircm 0! PriMMiK Chrlt L. AndtriOn, tMinfl Into kited vrw puOllc higriw( ISO ball forftlttd and ISO cash paid. Dan O. Glann, llltgal pMsetilon of gamt blrdi, arraignad. Entered plea of guilty, S25 tine. Roy a I jone. assault wun a dangerous weapon, requested preliminary hearing set 'or i:w pm., Dec. 29. Ban continued at 13.000. Committed. Alvfn L. Moore, being Intoxicated upon a public highway, arraigned. Entered plea ol auilty, ISO fine. Committed. Lee Roy Hart, being Intoxicated upon public highway, arraigned. Entered plea of guilty, noo line ant; tive days. Com mltted. Arnold D. Harper, disobeyed stop sign. i.w tine. Alfredo M. Rodrigues, violated bask rule, $10 line. Margie F. Browning, disobeyed stop sign, s so tine. Kenneth E. Williams, no vehicle cense, tS fine. John C. Nilsen, violated basic rule, $35 tine. Arthur J. Burman, disobeyed Hop sign, SIS fine. Birt E. Robey, truck speeding, $10 fine Derral O. Cagle, violated basic rule. sio tine. William J. Oerragh, no operator's II' cense, $10 fine. Terry N. Tate, hunting prohibited hours, nne. Richard James Stemler, being Intoxicat ed upon public highway, arraigned. En tered plea of guilty, $50 fine. Marie E. Berkley, being Intoxicated upon public highway, arraigned. Entered plea of guilty. $50 fine or 10 days in county air in lieu of fine, George E. Harper, disobeyed traffic signal, $7.50 tine. Charles Curtis Barney, disobeyed slop sign, $7.50 tine. Paul Hilton, no operator's license, IS fine. Johnle W. Holloway, Improper head lights, 13 fine. Mefecio A. Rodrigues, no clearance lights, $5 fine. Kenneth E. Rolter, no headlights, $5 fine. Billy Joe Owens, no lights. $7.50 fine. Leone M. Duncan, failed to dim head' lights, $7.50 tine. Klye Wesley Manklns, disobeyed traf fic signal, $7.50 fine. Joseph M. Vieira, disobeyed stop sign, $7.50 fine, William B. Hunt, disobeyed stop sign, j.so tine. Robert A. Eiquist, truck speeding, $10 tine. Robert C. Messner, no operator's cense, $5 tine. James E. Gilbert, truck speeding. fine suspended. Homer H. Daniel, failed to yield right oi way, sis tine. Robert L. Pryor, no signal device, $5 tine. Gregory E. McKelvey, violated basic1 rule. $25 fine. James E. Miller, no PUC permit, S2i fine, Ray Gregory, assault and battery, er raigned. Entry of plea set for Jan. 7. Pilar Lorelto, intoxicated upon a pub' lie highway, arraigned. Entered plea guilty. $75 line. Robert L. Ellis, disobeyed traffic sig nal, $7.50 fine. Evelyn Bercoviti. disobeyed stop sign. $7.50 tine. Virginia E. Seed, concealed license, $5 fine. Virgil C. Green, Improper light or nc signal, $5 fine. Raymond F. AAulkey, following too close ly. $7.50 lint. Richard J. Hanson, disobeyed stop sign, $10 fine. Janes R. Orr, violation basic rule, $10 fine. Weston H. Engte, overheight. $'5 fine. Thomas L. Teulch, violation basic rule. $10 fine. Mary J. Christensen, violation basic rule, $15 fine. Douglas C. Milter, no rear view mirror. $5 fine. Wendling J. Kessler, violation basic rule. $15 fine. Charles R. Eggieston, violation basic rule- $0 tine. Alfred J. Gfluthter, failed to dim head lights, warrant Issued for failure to p pMf. Arraigned, entered plea of guilty: $10 line or two days in county ail in lieu of fine; committed. ill Johnson, robbery by force and vi olence (not being armed wth a dan- jerous weapon). Informant failed to ao DMr at preliminary hearing. Case dis missed. KLAMATH FALLS MUNICIPAL COURT RFftMy John, drunk, SIS or tivt or 10 davs Cfforon Lv Bull, drunk. SIS or Hvt or 10 dflvi- Mxina Hoovtr. drunk, SIS or five oi 10 dAyi. SwAtiy Stiohart Bros, drunk, SIS torfelt Irwin Welitr Jr.. drunk, SIS or flv or tO dflvi Leon Cult Pur ton, drunk, SIS or five or 10 days. Theodor Mundtr, drunk driving, 3300 And JO days. Larry A. Brltton, drunk, SIS or tivt d 10 davi. Aaron J. Bunch, drunk, SIS or tivt or 10 days. Rtlic M. Wnl, drunk, SIS Or f'v day. Simeon Riddle, drunk, SIS or five or TO days. Hnry F, Davi, drunk, S25 tonnf. Marine Nelion, drunk, SIS forfeit Everett E. Turnage, drunk, SIS forfeit Thelma J. Peters, carrying concealed weapon. $35 or live or 10 dayj. Harold L. Davit, drunk, ?S or five or i days Ivan Dale Joe, disorderly conduct. SIS forleit. Raymond Jackson, disorderly conduct, SIS forfeit. Steve L. Owens, drunk, SIS forfeit, lien A David, drunk, SIS forfeit Lindtev Pompey, drunk, SIS or five or 10 days Raymond Jackson. drunk, S7S five or 10 davs Eugene A. Jones, drunk, IIS or five or 10 davs. Clyde Taoln, drunk. SIS or five nr 10 days; disorderly conduct, SIS or five or 10 days. Allen G. Ev"l. drunk, SIS or five Or 10 days Norman H. M. drunk. IS forfeit Joseph R Shock, drunk. SIS forfea MM Anolsnd, drunk. SIS forfeit Randolph Tupoer. drunk, SIS forfeit Joe R Beaver, drunk. SIS fo'feit David C. Dewev. drunk. SIS forfeit. On The Record BIRTHS BOVS WETZ Born to Mr and M' Ffed Ve! in Mamam VaUev Hotoiel Dec I a hoy weighing, t lts MORRISON Born to Mr and Mrs Donald Morrison In Kiamam VaUev Mnj 0tal Dec, 71 a boy weighing 1 lbs N' i ots CORTEZ Born to Mr and Mrs Pedro1 Cnrtei in Klama'h VaUev Momx'aI Dec 7 a bev weighing . r j o, MADSON Born to Mr. and Mrs TMfly R Vadson tn Ktamtfi vaney Mosctai Dec ?6 a bov weighing 1 Ids. ' i ots PHAQRA Born to Mr and Vrs Thomas F O Harra In Klamain Valley Mrnpital Dec. 17 a boy wetg'ng I th! , S'l ois. GIRLS KNAPP Bern to Mr and M'S Ger aid C knapo m Klamath Vaiiev Hcpiiei Dec 76 a gfl we-ghing 1 to . 1S' ers OWFNS Born to Mr. and Mrs Jackn f, Owens m Klamath VaHey Hoso-tal Dec 7' a g-'l weighing S tbs . 13' i on CUIVFR-Bom to Mr. and W$ Gor don C Cf'ver in k,iamah VaUev MoP'- al Dec I' a gi't weighing lbs , I j NORMAS-Born i L. Njimnn t tal Dec. ' a r Mr and Mrs Jer Kiamath valley Mos. I if I weighmg I Itts , I'i ois I HI BovS S"4 MARR1AGI nctNses a-d jr-ine vA'St. m-1 we.te io both K'amath Faiii Rohert Vuoel Tui k'. Crval Jean Pave. 1 James A Rya 70 art va-v C (it en- il. hoh Man Rferf Witkespn. 70. and i Waiden, 1, both Mmah OIVORCI MILL LOu SASCHI Z Ai. LOT C Ht S I il ACTIONS FlLtD Me vs He-nirj i LAWSUITS PIUO Dotigias O - 'eig vs. S1 Mu. tr.ai Accrtent Comi tfir fl. (.ability remit -ng Ifpm indus'' Ma-ga-et J Nr f P 5uv ui ge-al ad spet t oamages 't- from avitpmc f t Kte"t Martin vs Wev'haer Cf . ' general anfl spec ai damages re liii'mq rrpm kiwi wide wxa ro ' t LEGAL NOTICE KOTtCf? CP awr.u SALE. Sealed proposals will bo rrceivtd by the Common Council of the City of Klam ath Fails, Oregon, for the purchase of sewer improvement bonds. Series No. )27, aggregating, Forty-two thousand fi hundred thirtv-iavM and 35-100 dollars (142,437 duly authorised by ordinance of the said City of Klamath Falls, for the construction and laymg of sewer lines in sewer unit No. 30, of said Lily serv ing, the north-west portion of Buena Vis ta Addition, Buena Vista first Addition, und a part of Shippington Addition, ex-i lending beck from the shore line of Up per Klamath Lake toward Kiamath Lake Addition, all in ii-'d City. Proposals to purchase saM bonds will be received by the undersigned up to and including the 7th day ot January, 1943, at Ihe hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said vtf and opened at a regular meeting of the Common Council Immediately there- Tier; said bonds shall be dated Feb. 1, 1963, and shall be In amounts of $500.00 each, except bond No. I. of said series, which zf.i'A be for the fractional part of said sum, and all shall be due ten years after the date of Issue; pay ment of the entire bonds optional witn said City at any coupon paying date on and alter one year from Ihe date thereof. Said bonds will bear interest at the rate ot not to exceed six oer cent per annum, payable semi-annually on February isl and August 1st of each year, principal and Interest payable at the office of the: ireasurer ot tna city Of Klamath Falls. uregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied bv a cert I Med check for five per cent ol the proposal. The Com mon Council reserves the right to reject any end all bids. The successful bidder for said bonds will be furnished with an opinion as to t?e legality thereof by the law firm of, Shuler, Sayre, Winfree & Rankin, Port land Trust Building, Portland A. Oreoon. This notice Is auhoriied by ordinance ot ine common council of the City ol Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated November! 26, 162. Rosle Keller Recorder, City of Klamath Falls, Oreqon, No. 3, Nov. 21. 29, 30, Dec. 2, X . 5. 6. 1, 9, 10, 11, 13, 13, 14, 14, 17, 18, 19, 70, 21, 23, 34, iS. 2A. 37. 31, 30, 31, 1962, Jan. 1, 1943. PUBLIC NOTICE i the matter of a zoning pattern tor a ponton or Ma ma in lountv. Notice is hereby given that at the houi of 7:30 P.M. on the 23rd day of January, 1963, in the Public Meeting Room ot the Kismain t.ounty court House m Klam ath Falls, Oregon, Ihe Planning Commis sion of satd County will hold a public nearing on me adoption ot a zoning oat- tern, as provided In ORS HS.104, lor the area within Klamath County, Oregon, designated and described as follows: Beginning at the section corner com mon to sections 15, H, 21, and 77. T. 29 S., R. 8 E , W.M., thence easterly along the northerly section line of sec tions 22, 23, and 74, J. 29 S., R. 1 W.M., and sections 19, ?0, 21, 12, 33, and H, T. 39 S-. R. 9 E., W.M., and sections IV and 10, T. 39 S-, R. 10 E., W M. to the section corner common to sections la, 17, 20, and 21, T . 39 $.. R. 10 t., w w., tnenca southerly along easterly section line ot said section 30 io tne intersection ot said section line and the thread of Lost River, thence in a southwesterly direction along the thread of said stream 1o the Intersection o' said thread with the northerly section line of section 7. T. 40 S., R. 10 E., W.M, thence southerly, parallel to the westerly secnon line of said section to the Inter section with the east-west center V sec tion line of section 7, T. 40 S., R. 10 E., W.M., thence westerly on the center ' section line of section 7, T. 40 $., R. E., W.M., and sections II, 11, 10, I, and 7, T. 40 S., R. 9 E W.M., and sections 12. II. and 10, T. 40 5 . I E., W.M... to the ' section corner common to sections 10 and 9, T. 40 S., I E., W.M., thence northerly along the westerly section line of sections 10 and 3. t. 40 5., R. I E w M and sections 34, 17, and- 12, T. 39 S , R. 8 t., W M . to the point of beginning. All persons desiring lo be heard In regard to the adoption of said zoning pattern are invited to attend said hear ing. Done at the direction of the Klamath County Planning Commission; dated this 25th day of December, 1961. Robert Norrls. Chairman, Klam ath County Planning Commission Jim Kerns, Jr., Vice-Chairman Murdo Morrison, Member Roy Gooding, Member Robert H. Beach. Member W. B. Bingham, Wmhr Clyde Williams, Member No. 153. Dec. 11, Jan. 7, 14, II. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administratrix of the Estate of Wallace Beat, deceased. by the Circuit Court of Klamath County Oregon, and that atl persons having mi against said estate art hereby lied to present the same to said ad ministratrix at the office of the under signed, Room 4, 315 Main Street, Klam ath Falls, Oregon, toqetner with proper vouchers, within six months ot the date the first publication of this notice. which ii December 24, 1967 VERA L. CHASE Admihisfratrii O'NEILL 8. MCLAREN Attorneys tor administratrlv 864 Dec. 74, 31, Jan. 7, 14. NO. -61-167 PRORATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY the Matter of the Estate of ROSA HOEFLER, Deceased Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed Executor of the Estate Rosa Hoefler, deceased. All persons are required to present thm to me, with proper vouchers, at the ol'ice of Ganong 8 Genong, First Federal Bui'd- Kiamath Fails. Oregon, wthm si months t'om December 31, 197. which the date of first publication ot this notice Richard Hoet'er, E ecutor ong K Ganong Attorneys for Executor 1 Legal No IW9, Dec. Jt. Jan. 7. 14. U PROBATE NO 67-1,' NOTICE TO ""'TORS IN THE CIRCUIT COo. OF THE STATE OR OREl 'N FOR THE COUNTY OF KL A ATM N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP HARLAN WESLEY BOSTWICK, De ceasd Notice t herfbv given that the under-1 tgned has been acooir-fd executoi the estate of Harlan Wesley Bostwlck, deceased, by Ihe Circuit Court ol Klam- County, Oregon, and that alt per sons having c'aims agamst said estate hereby noM.ed to p. esent the same 0 said executor at the ottice of Vanden berg nd Coe. Su'te 101 Underwood Build- Kiamatn Fails. Oregon, togfther w th prooer vouchers, within six months sf the date ot the lust publication of this no- ice. which is the l?th day of December, 962. O IC PUCKETT. Administrator VANDENBCRG ANO COE Attprneys at Law Suite K2 Underwood Bulidi ,'h Falls. Oregon '8 Dec 17 J4 3' Thornton Rules On School Plan SALEM 't ri'-A M-hoo board 1$ not required to furnish plan and specification to prospective bidders. Atty. Gen. Kt)ert Y. Thornton said in an opinion U- dav, . Tlie ditnd attorney of Clai-ka- ma$ County had asked if it was the duty o( school hoards to fur nish blueprints and other para phernalia at public evpensr. Thor n t on sa id the st a t v. t e re quires plans or pecificat:ons to be included in the notice of bid- dins, or to refer interested per sons to the public office where'aeKr ihe pevifH'ation mav be pevted IOFKKR IMOl K DK.KKNSF 1 ' Mu.i.xit 1 1 1 . rnciami 'in Ke;th Ingham. 2S. and .lames Stoskdale. 2fi, inittted Friday strai.nc aNmt Moon uorth of In their dfiene. hneer. they claimed thev onlv stn'.e from peo-! p.e ctnered bv inMiram p LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE In the matter ot a roning pattern tor a portion nf Klamath County. Notice Is hereby given that at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 2nd day ot January, 1963, ir the Public Meeting Room of the Klamath County Court House In Klamath Falls, Oregon, the Planning Commission ot said County will hold a public hearing on lh adoption of a zoning pattern, as provided In ORS 215.104, for the area within Klamath County, Ortgon, designated and described as follows: Beginning at the section ;orn;r com mon to sections 15. H, II. and 22, T. 39 S , R. 8 E-. Willamette Meridian, thence northerly along the westerly section line of sections is, 10. ano j. 1. jv S E W.M., and sections W, 27. 22, and 15, T. 38 S R. a E., W.M , to theiine nour or tu .w t-ai proteta 10 sectinn corner common to sections 15, sell the following described real property 16, 9, and 10, T. 38 $., R. 8 E., W.M., I of said estale, al private sale, lor cash thence. In T. J8 S., R. 8 E., W M easter-jor part cash and part crwit, as may to ly along the section line common to sec- the guardian seem advisable, sublect to tlons is. 10. n. and 14 to the '4 sec-'the confirmation of the above entitled tion corner common to sections 11 andlCourt, said real property being situated 38 S., R. 8 E , W.M., thence north- erly along tha center section line lo the '4 section corner common to sec tion 2, T. 38 S-, R 8 E., W M and sec tion 35, T. 37 5., R. 8 E., W.M., thence easterly along said township line to the section corner common to sections 5 and , T. 38 R. 9 E , W.M., and sec tions 31 and 32. T. 37 S-, R. 9 E., W.M., thenct, In T. 38 S.. R. 9 E W.M., south- erly along tha section line to Ihe sec tion corner common to sections 5 and 6, thence easterly on the center '4 sec tion line fo the U section corner com mon to sections 4 and S. thence south erly on the section iine to tha "4 section corner common to sections 8 and 9, thence easterly on the center u section line to the Vi corner common tc sec tions 9 and 10, thence southerly along the section line to Ihe section corner com mon lo sections 9, 10, 15, and 16, T. 38 S., R. 9 E., W.M., thence continuing southerly along the easterly section line 3l sections 16, 17, and 18. T. 39 S., R. 9 E W.M., and sections 4, 9, and 16, T. 39 S., R. 9 E., W.M., to the section cor ner common lo sections 15, 16, 21, and 22, T. 39 S R. 9 E., W.M., thence westerly along the southerly section ot sections 16, 17, and 18, T. 39 S Ine! and sections 13, 14, and T. 39 S., R. 8 E., W.M., to the point of beginning, except that portion of the above'zoning pattern, as provided in ORS 215.104, which lies within the corporate limits ot ine i,uy or iviamam raits, uregon. more particularly described in Ordinance 5095, and that portion ol Klamath Coun ty previously zoned as "Pelican Clly Zon ing Area" by Court Order, November, 23, 1960, more particularly described In the! county commissioner 1 Journal JO, page AM persons desiring to be heard In regard to the adoption of said zoning pattern are Invited to attend said hearing. Done at the direction ot tne Kiamatn County Planning Commission; dated this 4tn day 01 December, mi. Robert Norris, Chairman, Klam ath County Planning Commission, Jim Kerns, Jr., Vice-Chairman Murdo Morrison, Member Roy Gooding, Member Robert H. Beach Member W. B. Bingham, Member Clyde Williams. Member No. 136, Dec. 10. 17, 24, 31. 1967. PUBLIC NOTICE tn tha matter ol a zoning pattern for a portion Of Klamath County. Notice s hereby g ven that at the hour , , J ,.. .1 1 7:30 o'clock P.M. on ihe 16th day of'32' J". 38 ,s ' 10 ,' W;M-' .,hen" January, 1963, In the Public M e t I n 0 Room of the Klamath County Court Housa in Klamath Falls, Oregon, the Planning Commission ol said County will hold public hearing on the adoption of a zon ing pattern, as provided In ORS 115.104, for the area within Klamath County, Ore gon, designated and described as follows: Beginning at the point ol intersection of tha westerly section lin- ol section 3, 39 S , R. 9 E., Willamette Meridian, and the centerline ol State Highway, Ore gon 66 (South Sixth Street), thence fol lowing the centerline of Oregon 66 in a southeasterly direction to the intersec tion of said centerline and the north- south center '4 section line of section 16, W M., thence south erly along the center ' section line of said section lo the '4 section corner com mon to sections 16 and II, T. 39 S., R. 10 W.M., thence westerly along the south erly section iine ol sections 16, 17, and 18, T. 39 5 . R. 10 E., W.M , and sections and IS. T. 39 S., R 9 E , W.M.. to the section corner common to sections 15, 16. 11, and 22. T. 39 S. R. 9 E , W M , thence, in T 39 S . R 9 E . W M.. northerly along the westerly sec tion line ol sections IS, 10, and 3 to Ihe point of beginning. A,, persons desiring to be heard In egard to the adoption of said zoning pat ern are Invited to attend said hearing Dona at the direction of the Klamath County Planning Commission; dated this llth day ot December, 1962. Robert Norris. Chairman, Klam ath County Planning Commission Jim Kerns, Jr., Vice-Chairman Murdo Morrison, Member Roy Gooding, Member Robert H. Beach, Member W B Bingham, Member Clyde Williams, Member No. 852, Dec. 24, 31. Jan 7. 14. PROBATE NO. 61-66 G NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN ANO FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP ANtf ESTATE OF NICHOLAS MORALE. A Minor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pur- uant to and by virtue of an Order mane and entered in the above entitled Court and cause on the 7th day of December, 1961. s-gned bv the Honorable DAVID R VANDENBERG. ludge ol said Court, the ndersioned, as guardian ot the estate rf he above named minor, will, on and alter Ihe 0th day ol January, 1963. at lh hour of 10 A M , PST, proceed fo sell the following described ral property of estate, at private sale, lo' cash or part cah and part credit, as mny to fh guardian seem advisable, subiect to the confirmation of the above entitled Court, said rMi property being situated in Klam ath County. State 0' Oregon, and more particularly descr.td as follows: An unrtividM one-tilth interest in and to the following described real property, to Block 8 and 9, McLoughln HiqhU, ac cording to the official piat thereof on tile in the records of Klamath County. Oregon Sublect to reservations restric tions. eaments and rights ot way of record and those aooarent on the land B'ds wH be received bv the under- gnrd guardian at the law o'f.ces 0 P Puctt i Federal Loan Bidg , K'amth Pans. Oregon VERA M RUTOUIST, Gua'd' P K PUCKETT Attorney tor Guardian F irit Federal Sa vmos & Loan B'dg Klamath Fails. Oregon No. 843. Dec. 10. 17, 74. 31. 196. NOTICE TO CREDITOR. Notice is hereby given that tr-e under signed has been aoDomted as Administra trix ol the Estate of EDWARD PAP. PENFUS, deceased, by Order of the Or- cu't Coort ot th County ot Klamath, and persons having c'aims agamst said etate are requ"ed to present the sar to L ORTH SISEMORE, AMornev tor Eecuor, duly verltied and w.th. proper' vouchers attached, at 731 Mam Street, j Kiamath Falls Oregon, within six mon'fs' from th date of ti't pub'katton of this nctict LUOLE PAPPENFUS. Admin. st'afri" NO 147. Dec 10. 17, 14, 31. lfJ PROBATE NO fl-6 ft NOT'CE OF SALF OP REAL PROPERTY IN 'HE ORCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH IV THE V ATT f p OF THE GUARDIANSHIP AND ESTATE OF RICHARD V VURRAV, a Mmr NOTICE IS ME R B GIVFN that pur sua"t to and rjv virtue of an O-dei maoe a"d ete-ed in the above entitled CPu't and rue on th 7th oav o Oe-! t 'ono-ar-ie JuOqe Of la d, unwr,l " gvfl-u'nn o' 1 the estate of t arove nameo minor. ' w.11, cn ana a"r tne pin aav 0i jau - ry. ai tht hour of '0 a v , PST,;,. h-H.r f. i(i A v . pst . proceed t9 proceed to sen the fpiinw.ng oycr.hd sett i finw.-a a-r:hrt ri real p-noerly 0 sa d esta' sae. for ch er oa-t cash arj p-i cred-t. as may to ie oua'rji sr" advisable, supect to th tn'irmaf'on oi the above en. tied Cou't said 'eal prno e'ty being situated m k amath rnyniy. State of O'egcn and nve part.c-jiariy 'itsea reji. B otx I a"d WL -ah' c;o-d'tg to -"'oa. r He 3-1 .i9 in te reto-d ft , -ah Cd."ty. OreOO" Sublet t resevti(in. tftnc. t'Ons eaem-n anfl r q-i o wy of rts nrrj d fhe ara.ft rv ,ani B fJ ii be rrffwM hv the t,-de 3"fd 0"'fl an a' -e (f m k Pixtett f mi (e,-f sav.-iQs 1 Loan BuU K lame' O-eor1" VERA V RUG,!SV -d.a-P K PuClETT '(""fv "r tiiip-dan 4, " Fea'i Svi A Loan B rtg 1 'a is- 0'vi U. Dt. 15. -7 ;i r LEGAL NOTICE PROBATE NO. 41-81 NCT!F OF SALt , OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP , THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP ANO ESTATE OP KARLA K. HUNT, A Minor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai pur suant to and by virtue of an Order madt and entered n the above entitled Court and cause on the 7th day of December, 1961, signed by the Honorable David R. Vandenberg. Judge of said Court, the undersigned, as guardian of the estate ot the above named minor, will, on and ; alter tha 8ih day of January, 1963, at In Klamath County, Stats ol Oregon, and more particularly described as loiiows: An undivided one-iifth Interest In and to tha following described real property, to-wlt: Block 8 and 9, McLoughlln Heights, ac cording to the olticial plat thereof on file in the records ot Klamath County, Oregon. Subject to reservations, re strictions, easements and rights of way of record and those apparent on tha land. Bids will be received by the under signed guardian at the law offices of P. K. Pucketl, First Federal Savings & Loan Bidg., Klamath Falls. Oregon. VERA M. RUTOUIST, Guardian P. K. PUCKETT Attorney lor Guardian First Federal Savings & Loan Bidg. Klamath Falls, Oregon No. 840, Dec. 10, 17, 24 31, 1962. PUBLIC NOTICE In the matter ol a loning pattern for a portion ol Klamath County. Notice is hereby given that at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 9th day of January, 1963, In the Public Meeting Room ol the Klamath County Court House In Klamath Falls, Oregon, the Planning Commission of said County will hold la public hearing on the adoption for the area within Klamath Countv, Oregon, designated and described as fol lows: Beginning al the section corner common to sections 9, 10, 15, and 16, T. 38 5., R. 9 E., Willamette Meridian, thence south- erly along the west section lina ol sec- tlons 15, 22, 27, and 34, T. 38 S., 9 E W.M., and section 3, T. 39 S., R. 9 E., W.M., to the Intersection ol said section line and the centerline of State Highway, Oregon 66 (South Sixth Street), thence following the centerline of Oregon 66 in a southeasterly direction to tha intersection ol said centerline and the north-south center ' section line of sec tion 16. T. 39 S.. R. 10 E., W.M., thence northerly along the center ' section line ot sections 16, 9, and 4, T. 39 S., R 10 E., W.M., to the V4 section corner common to section 33, T. 38 S, R. 10 E., W.M, and section 4, T. 39 $.. R. 10 E., W M., thence westerly along the township line to the section corner com mon to sections 31 and 32. T. 38 S . I R. 10 E.. W.M., and sections S and 6- T: 39 s. ' E ',w hnc "?rtherlv nong ine secnon una o ine wnon cor- : v M ' sec,io "rnr common to sectlo ! ano.. 3,'T- ' R;. 10 E e and ections 25 and 3a, T. 38 S.. R. 9 E , W.M . thence northerly along the range line to the section corner common to sections 19 and 30, T. 36 S., R. 10 E W.M , and sections 24 and 25. T. 38 S R. 9 E., W M-, thence westerly, in T. 38 S . R. 9 E.. W.M, along the sectinn line to the section corner common lo sections 13, 14, 25, and 76, thence northerly along the section line to the section corner com. mon to sections 13, U, 13, and 14, thence westerly along the section line to lha section corner common to sections -14, 15. 72, and 13, thence northerly along the section line to the section comer com- t mon to sections 10. 11, 14, and 15, thence westerly along Ihe section line to the point of beginning, except that portion of the above within the corporate limits ol the City ol Klamath Falls, more particu larly described in Ordinance No. 5095. persons desiring lo be heard In reqard to the adoption of said zoning pattern are Invited to attend said hearing. Done at the direction ol the Klamath Countv Planning Commission; dated this l!th day of December, 1967. Robert Norris, Chairman, Ktem aih County Planning Commission Jim Kerns, Jr., Vice-Chairman Murdo Morrison, Member Roy Gooding, Member Robert H. Beach. Memher W. B. Bmgham, Member Clyde Williams, Member No. 151. Dec. 17, 14, 31, Jan. 7. NO 62-168 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of STAN LEY O. MITCHELL. Oeceased. Notice Is hereby given that I hava been appointed administrator ol fhe Es tate ol Stanley O. Mitchell. Deceased All persons having claims against said er'ate are required to present them tr me, with prooer vouchers, at the nfic ol Ganong & Ganonrj, First Federal Buildmg. Klamath Falls. Oregon, with.n six months from December 31. 1967, which is Ihe date ot firsl publication ol this notice. Wm Ganong, Administrator Ganong ft. Ganong Attorneys for Administrator Legal No. 8W. Dec. 31. Jan 14. 21. PROBATE NO. 61-64 ft NOTICE OP SALF OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OB THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OP KLAfATH IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP AND ESTATE OF JACK H HUNT, A Minor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai pur suant to and hy virtue ol an Order made and entered in the above entity Court and cause on the 7th day of De cember, 1961, S'Onpd hy the Honorable DAVID R VANDENBERG, Judge or said Court, the under!. qned, as guardian ol the estate of the ahnve named minor, wilt, on and a'ter the fh day 0' January, 1963, at the hour of 10AM, PST, tro ceed to sell the lo'iowV described real prooe'ty of said estate, at private sa'e. tor cash or oart ca-h and oart CM'', as may to the guardian eem advisable, suhiect tn fhe confirmation ot the arnve entitled Court, said real property being situated in Klamath County, State of Ore- loon, and mo't particularly described as follows An undivided one fifth interest in anl to the 'oiiowmg described real prooe' ty. fO-Wlt Biock I and a, Mclnughlm Heiahts, ac f orrjing to the olfical pi at thereof on file In the records of Klamath County Oreoon Suhlect tn reservations, restric tions easements and rights 0' way nf recrvd ard to aroa'ent on the land Bds will he received hv in undar- signed guardian at tne law office of P K Puckett. Fir-t Ferteral Savings 4 Loan B'do . Klamath Fans. Oregon VERA M. RUTQUIST. Guart'4n P K PUCKETT Attorney lor Guardian First Federal Savina 1 Loan Kiamath Falls. O'egnn Bug. No, 141, Dec. 10. 17. 14, 31, U7 PROBATE NO. '-61 G NOTICE OF SALE OF R F A l PROPE try IN THE CIRCUIT COURT r"ip THE STATE OF OREGON I H AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH IN THE V ATT F R OF THE GUARDIANSHIP AND ESTATE OT WILLIAM GEORGE MURRAY, A Minpjr. NOTICE 'S HEREBY GIVEN tht p,,-. suant to and hy virtue nt an O'der mire nrt entered oe entitled Coi"t dav 0 OecemW. ard cue On the .q-ed hv tN Hiwn-ah ni vanOeTtwn i.Ktn r. . u"oer,.jr.e'r a guard' 0t ! Btx,ve named m r th estate e-1 f'er the th h.w m i.-,,u io.i e'ty of sa-d 1 1 cash or part cavh ang part ''t. may to the gi.a-d.ai seem advfc'. SdmpcI to te tfnntrn'.o of e arv ien,rtied Court. real proorty hemj ! s-Mated m Kiamatn County. State h j Oregon, and more oa'tiCu'a'lv describes 1 as 'O 'O-' 1 h- .teret tn e iec-ben -ea. p'oc'tr. tO-!l B Of I H Vi-LCtOhUn M.ht. acco'r? -g (i -he r" c ' e st he'o nn 'l m ! rerj-i K:mah Co-.:n,. Oregon. Suhiect to reservat-ons, rtr,c t cri. tnrrnril and r 3h( ef mltlt nt ' '1 a fh,-e appa-e-t on t-e iM n i :e v tk H-ner. p c -,ii, c,ft, te-le-i ia.--3s K ;"' eis 0-e-i Vf-' v Ru'gjis. Gja-i an ' 'or C-. "!-tVte-al $a g Fa.;s. O'egr-n A Lsan ft 9 9 t