26 NICE, rocmy tfuplex. Clojl In, turnished. K W)ll SI. TU 4-444. THREE btdroom homt with two bath room) mi Wttion St. Unfurniifttd. 1130 per month. Call TU 2-2W or TU !-J30. FURNISHED or ynfufnlshed, I'.j bad room, Wirt side, TU 4-4266 after 4:30. NICE two bedroom trailer tor rent, 3-1350. TWO unturnlihad two bedroom houses outh suburban, US. TU 3-3923. NEWLY remodeled two bedroom house, adults, 5002 Altamortt Dr. 10. THREE bedroom unfurnished duplex ural hot water heat, TU 2-5149. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, eiectrtc heat. Garage on paved alley. Mcdern throughout. Mills Add'n. SIS mo. TU 4-iiftl after 5 or weekends. ONE and bedroom furnished duplex, wafer Hot water paid, TU 4-9307. TWO bedroom partly furnished, 2427 Wantland. ONE bedroom furnished or unfurnished. Newly decorated. Close In, TU 4-M92. (JC'.V two bedroom duplex, paved street, carport and utility, S70 per mo., 510 Del aware, TU 2-4732. I'i BEDROOM house. Shjsla 1 Henley district, clean, full of bulitins. Phone TU 4-9974. ATTRACTIVE and comfortable 1 bed room furnished. 4 blocks north of Main, no hllll $67.50 per month includes water, TV cable, garbage. Call TU 4-53t after 5 and weekends. TWO todroom 4-6023. unfurnished house. TU NICE I bedroom furnished house. TU 2-3852. NICE 3 room home. Stove and refrigera lor. $50, TU 2-3852. DANDY 1 bedroom cabin. Gas heat, gas hot water, gas cooking. Nicely turnisned. Nice and clean. 2 blocks from Main near 5th. S25. Inquire Mrs. Adams, 514 High EXCELLENT one bedroom, furnished, ga rage, fenced yard, S85, TU 4-6052 alter 9. Inqu're 4055 Shasta Way. ONE bedroom furnished, oil heat, north side, TU 2-4289. CLEAN 1 bedroom duplex, furnished, nice neighborhood, TU 2-145. EXCEPTIONAL UNFURNISHED one bedroom duplex In Mills, garage, electr': heat, adults, 165, TU 2-4752. ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, n l shed. $65, inquire HI Pine. ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom furnished, $50, Mills, TU 4-4319. FURNISHED t bedroom, all electric, ga rage, South Suburbs, adults, TU 4-5938. ONE bedroom furnished decorated. TU 4-3243. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, like new, $85. 1813 Siskiyou, TU 4-7584. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, ga rage, adults, 3011 Boardman. TU 2-0990. NICE 2 bedroom unfurnished house, quire 2232 Union. UNFURNISHED two bedroom triplex. Full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, electric heat, $80. TU 2-3444, ext, 44, before 5 p.m. TU 4-8267 after 3, NICE - newly painted unfurnished 2 bedroom duplex. Only 3 years old, well Insulated. Range and refrigerator. $B5 per month. TU 2-4664, eves. TU 4-5544. SMALL furnished house. 3-1470. Close In, TU AVAILABLE soon In Henley. Unfurnished 2 bedroom plus i story, 2 cniiaren, ws. Reference required. TU 4-6794, ONE bedroom unfurnished home, Si Roosevelt School, TU 2-0542 evenings. ONE bedroom unfurnished house, 159, 2139 Main. Phone TU 2-2866. LARGE two bedroom home, stove, refrig eralor, $50, TU 4-4753. FURNISHED two bedroom house. In town, $40, TU 2-4389. TWO bedroom, unfurnished, garage, stor. age room, 1747 Hope. Lease option. In nijire 4TP8 Shasta Way. REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 WE are BUYING smi.t EQUITIES IF you want to SELL, SEE PAUL McATEE 33" EAST MAIN STREET TU J-4644 lor an APPOINTMENT FARM RANCH LISTINGS WANTED Have qualifier buyers for any site farm or ranch. Call . . . BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No. 7th 4-JI29 I NEED LISTINGS SALES HAVE BEEN GOOD and I'm snort of property to sell. Big houses. Little houses. New houses. Old houses. in town. In the suburb Anywhere in the county. I'll be gind to come out and see what we can oo. no cosv No obligation. Just give me a call. DON SLOAN W Sr, Tlh SI TU Anv"m. REAL ISTATI IXCHAN6E .. 29 I am a "TRADER" ARE YOU? why sell when you can trade. Cai DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member international Trader! Club Licersed - Ore. '.a I. Ida. wash. tftJT Maiw St, TU 4 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALl 30 TWO bedroom home, garage. A real buy lor $4,950. 2212 Laurel. 5. bedroom brick home, fireplace Wash- er, dryer, stove included. Fenced yard. covered patio. H'?0' shoo. $17,500. cai TU 2-0224 after 5 p.m. MILLS Addition near park, si room. home and one bedroom rental cof lqe. completely furnished, nice lot, HO. $00, terms. Ph. TU 2-2738, 4 to I tvts Or before 10 mornings 137 ACRES, si mi. Klamath Falls, ail irrigated, tree water, large machine end tuy sheds, $16,000 down. Ph. TU 2-0446 after 5. TWO bedroom plus poMin'e 3rd upstairs, furnished, double lot, $7,000, 2737 Califor nia TU 2-i4 after 5:30. anytime week ndi. NO DOWN PAYMENT I w'H sell my $' 000 HQUi'V In my 3 bedroom home with 'i acre at "39 F'etoe St. for $400 Witt g.vt uo to 5 years to pay me off. Assume my con tract lor $.5?7 04 pavabie $0 per mo. Vove in for NO DOWN PAYMENT, NO CLOSING CHARGES Musi have Qood cedH. Cfltl TU 2-4U3 BRAND NEW SPLIT LEVEL 3 ftedrooms. H hardwood floors, J tire places. 2 oaths, complete butt-ln Ititch. en thai truly a dream Full daylight base ment wth family room, separate laun-n-y room, double garaae, covered palfo There's even a sun deck Terrific value lor only $!9,!fj0. Good 'arms. LEONARD REALTY 2iJ Ma-n TU or TU Jf Perv Aud'ev teertni Je Lerxia-a TU -W TU 4-S TU 2-042 r STILWELL & CO. Presents:! ENJOV LIVING m tt spec bd reom 1 year otrj home La'ge, land scaoed. vei lot Ftreo'ace, iMg room. girting i(vs . tmmecui' tnrpyghout. LOW PRICED el 14.950 d.-e t over's t'an'r WEvEHEUSER EMPLOYE SPECIAL . modest but good 2 bed'oom he c'et to c'ani. Buy on contract. I'Vl Ofwn, 1 pr mo"th ' Cent NICEST SUBURBAN STREET and one 0 tise nicest 3 bedroom hemes. D'f"0 room, lovely k.tchen with dW nflt. utit'ty r,d nv.ng room with lirep'ace. S'.4.?00 STILWELL & CO. Vt Vain Street U -VH HOUSES FOR RENT "er I 00 can B'ute tin ley Bri ve 0mn M f answer cell TU 1444 REAL ESTATE FOR SAL! 3 75 ACRE ranch fully Muipped, 5 mUw rrgm m amain r-aiis, avaiiapit immcdi altly. TU 4-433. WANTED Cutover or Inexpensive land any sue or location In Oregon. Musi have access or Obtainable access. Will also purcnese land with creeks, rivers or lake irontage. Will pay caih or terms to own ers iimng. send lull details tncludi price to R. M. Leland. P.O. Box 1065, So nant, wasn. 1629 DAYTON ST. Five room cabin on 00x140 tt. lot. This pnee needs a handy man. Priced very reasonably at S2.750 STEWART - LENOX ADDITION. Three bedroom house on 100 120 tt. lot. Newly painted and decorated inside. Large roomy living room. Very comfortable home in good repair. Priced to Sell at 17.000. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main TU 2-3471 Jim O'Oonahut Evs. TU ,-9493 MLSs Multiple sting rvice 2 ACRES HENLEY HIGH DISTRICT Large 5 bedroom oloer type home. Three bedrooms downstairs finished, two up stairs partially linished. Large family kitchen and dining room combined. Two car garage, acreage fenced. 1.43s tt. ing area for a large family. Owner carry contract. All this for $6,500. EQUITY For Sale or Trade $2,600 equity in 3-bedroom suburban ranch type home. This place Is modern design baths, circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, single garage, fenced back yard. Located on dead end street, mile beyond Town B country shop ping Center. A nice place to live, but owner has been transferred. So-o-o-o-o, needs a new owner. Assume payments $108.98 . . . total price $14,900. What have you to trade? CAL PEYTON KLAMATH TRADERS CLUB 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173 Al House TU 4-7C88 "Par Palone TU 2-0836 WANT TO BE ABOVE the JONESES? Here Is your chance! Three bedrooms, fireplace, electric heat, situated on ONE ACRE In HENLEY DISTRICT. A really grand view of the whole Basin! $18,750. 17 ACRES . . . on the Merrill Highway. Irrigated, pasture, alfalfa. Two bedroom house. $16,800. WANTED Several Interested perlies to buy and split up this level, Irrigated, close-in 23 ACRES. This ecreaqe Is priced RIGHT, either lor Investment purposes, or for building sites. CALL TODAY lor FUR THER DETAILS. ORVILLE REICHENBERG REALTOR Buy a home First Willard Hotel TU 2-4641 Anytime TU J-0IH6 TU 2-18B5 TU 4-8364 John Hess Jeanne Walker Mrs. Harry Ectt Orvflle Reichenberg TU 4-3841 INCOME PROPERTY Close To Town Apartment house with 3 apartments, show. ing good return, easy terms. Only $1,000 down and $50 per month, Total price vew. Beautiful Acreage In Henley High One acre of fertile soil and a beautiful 3 bedroom home wilh 1.400 iq. It. e graceful living. Large living room, beaut fu fireplace, huge bathroom. Any type financing. Total price $33500. Overlooking Lake Three bedroom, neat as a pin. no beiiei buy possible, only $1,000 $250 down plus closing and l '4 per rnorvn. rnA terms. PAUL McATEE nd ASSOCIATES, 339 E. Main SOn Suit E. Eleanor Marian Evelyn McAlee HOT SPRINGS Star! the New Year rloht with Ihl sp. cious 3 bedroom modern home with 3rd bedroom or recreation room in full concrete basement. 1 fireplaces, fully m ulted with aluminum storm windows Going for only $14,500 total price. Low down payment, fha er 01 Terms. 7 ACRES irrigated and In permanent pasture. Newly remodeled 3 bedroom home, 1 1 1 Dms You won't Hnd a better value. Only 1 miles from town on the Keno Highway. Full price $14.50. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 So. h Hank Hansen Phon TU J-4740 TU 2-3'0 Lois Macy Fred Tucker TU 3-5M7 TU 4-9741 Madoie TU 4-M95 MLS Multiplt Listing Service nrrrM. 1 A I I T I I rtKjUINALI I T TMtS ARTISTIC HOT SPRINGS BED ROOM ENGLISH STYLE HOME will please the mot discrlmneting tanviv, Tastefully anpomted fhruoul, luxuriously carpeted wtti matching or aperies, full basement with huge recreation room. ?' ba'M. iectuded. n.gh-fencea rear yr'd area. 3-cer garage GOING FOR $25,500; 10 per cent down rnvnt'onei loan or conve'ient FHA Gl loan terms. A-l INCOME 1 PROPERTY WILL BE YOURS W'th this solidly built 3-pi, In best rental location I block from Mills School. PROVEN REN TAL HISTORY lust $13,500, with top loan available. MOVE TODAY DRIVE BY . . . 22J5 WHITE AVE. Mere s 1.000 0 B termO'taBie living "-1 j room home at ut $7,750; $400 DOWN ON EASY CONTRACT. S457 INDEPENDENCE VB ONLY $t.7SO. with revnme connect rerm Sfltid J hedroom home, nea Ferguton School Ovfjue gar.oe workshoe. A'SO FHA Or Gl terms. 1401 DfcYTON $T C'ese-in subu'han 6- ca'-on wi'h aoovY a Btu'w i STORY HOVE Going soon at only U.OOC ; Convenient contrect terms. Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 190V SE.E US 0R INSURANCE, TOO 11 H fh 5' PNSOt TU 4-7771 T-.m . Ph TU ?43 Pv U 4-3471,811 C icnNj TU tu MtE4 Cn-ico'e, Atwiete B'0er TU 4-7004BofJ ChiKOtt, e0er .30 THREE bedroom heme tor sale. 4103 Sum' mers Lent. TU 4-453?. IS ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau tiful building site, Henley Schoel Ols'ricf, ,3W, TU WU4. FOUR apartments, excellent Investment. close in, TU 2-2531, TU 4-4964. DREAM HOME Exclusive residential district. Best of con struction. Beautiful view. 1 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, birch kitcnen, patio, ceramic tile bath. $15,500. TU What- could be nicer than this practically new home. Coiy and warm with hard wood floors, big stone wail fireplace, built in kitchen, attached garage. Landscaped, on pavemem. only 114,500, take any loan, 1 (.ALL U5 F-UR RENTALS, TOO. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4 54 Anytime TU 2-0161 STROUT REALTY Ph. TU 4-S28I Bob K Stella Dehtlnger Hank Holman TU 1-5601 TU 2-i04 1 acre, nice 45 ft. trailer home, eoulpoed. Good garage. $4500, 1500 down. 1 acre, suburban area, 2 bedroom home, $7500. $500 down, and will consider lease option. FINANCIAL - LOANS 34 WIND UP 1962 ... and START OUT 1963 . . . with a budget that points to a bright fu turs! Call us soon for quick, courteous, confidential cash loon service. You'll enjoy the holidays much more it you do! FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 HAVE YOU any of these things TO SELL? They'll bring you extra cash! tV guns -fr BOATS & tents it stoves ft RADIOS ir PIANOS it BOOKS it TOOLS it SKATES TRUNKS i? PLANTS it JEWELRY LIVESTOCK FISH POLES TV SETS BICYCLES CLOTHING it vt Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Coll Herald & News WANT ADS TU 4-8 1 1 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI 3d LOT, Fair ha ven School districts has ngnti, water, septic ten, iu i04i. MOVING? We will TRADE" your property in where well ol the Rock lee I Call DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Club Licensed-Ore Cai Ida Wash. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Pleese Investigate thoroughly any Invest ment of mortAys In merchandise, various eniarprises c ousiness opporTunnitt tore investing your capital. The Hart id and News make every effort to reiect ail fraudulent or misleading advertising, howvver, we are not responsible tor the integrity of the firms or individuals who place advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading snouio oe reporiea ro ine uassmea ao- ver'litng Department of the Herald end ntwt. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 40 INCH Electric Tappen range. new, $250. TU 2-4297. KENMORE electric range, excellent con. ditlon, TU 4-35?l. CHROME topped O'Keefe Merrill gas range with middle grill excellent cundi Hon, $150, TU 2-0733. FILL thai i rig Want WASHER - DRYER Repelre guaranteed. Bendlx. Er.sy, Frig. Idelre. G.E.. Kenmore. wavteg. Norge. Phllco. Westlnghouse, Whirlpool. Unliga Eleclrlc. 1026 Main. TU 4-M12. GUARANTEED USEO RANGES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. ill Main TU i-MU Excellent Value! Family Size S3 Guoronteid KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-888 antiques . . . drop in and see our new aepari- menf, antique glass, china, furniture. The RESALE HOUSE NEW! NEW! NEW! HIDE-A-BEDS $134.95 The RESALE HOUSE FUEL HEATING FUEL on. Western Oil Furnaces. Healers & Burner, TU i-3673 DRY lodgepole pine and pine body wood any lengtns, I u 2.JU3. PREPARE FOR WINTER STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAI. Finest Oil & Wood Stoves "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" Frankford Fuel Co. December Special! STOVES STOVE PARTS ALL TYPES MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So 6th TU 4.6660 LIVESTOCK i KLAMATH Cattle Sales, Inc. Wishes to Thank All CONSIGNERS 0nd BUYERS ' for Making 1962 OUR MOST SUCCESSFUL YEAR and for making Klamath Cattle Sales, Inc. the LARGEST LIVESTOCK AUCTION YARD in the entire Southern Oregon area . . . and want you to know At the present time we are rated near the top of the list as b e i n g one of the largest Livestock Auction Yards in the state of Oregon. (Data furnished by the Stock Brand Inspection Department of the Oregon State Department of Agriculture.) NOTICE! The following Livestock is now consigned for our FINAL SALE of 1962 Monday, Dec. 31 1 ;00 p.m. Otrfi STOCK COWS (All One Brand) 250 CALVES 100 YEARLINGS To Consign Your Cattle Coll "Woody" G-ieck, Owner-Monoger TU 4-4103 KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. Rte. 3, Eox 44 .38 CALL CUIFP YAD6N For Presto Logs A Healing O'ls Metered Propane Sales S & H Green Stamps Open 74 hours 3540 South Sixth TU 4-3M1 end TU 2-?60 GOOD THINGS TO EAT 39! FOR lAim Btti iniiiit Til i.AIH nr TU 4-0445 BEEF, PORK, wholesale, custom butch. g, cutting, curing, shamrock Meats 4314 Shasta Way, TU 1-4211, TU 1-04 JfJ Boots - Pen) . Sports . Hobbies 40 NEW PUPPY? Bonnie Puppy Food TO giv away German shepherd doc, good watch dog. TU M53. AKC miniature poodle puppy, terms, TU 4-M46, 1107 Carlton Drive. FOR sale Winchester 23 automatic; WANTED two 670 x 15 tires. TU i-SJfte. "A HOME AWAY F R OM HOM E " . . . for your pets. Dog & cat boarding,1 best professional car. Heated sanitary kennels with outside runs, 14 nr. service, pickup & delivery. Special rates for stea dy or monthly boarders. Special atten tion to females In season. Visitors wel come. Shasta Cascade Kennels, lust past Merrlll-Lekevtew Junction, off Merrill Highway on Booth Road. Rle. 3. Box 504 E, TU 4-5076. ICE SKATES NEW AND USEO JitF' SPORTING GOODS ! ill Vain TU 4-8878 RADIO - TV - MUSIC 41 WE pay cash for used pianos, Derby's Music. TU 4-5121 USED ORGAN TRADE-INS BALDWIN THOMAS LCWREY HAMMOND EASY TERMS SAVE UP TO $450 ROWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Main TU 2-4883 "APRIL IN PARIS" AT YOUR FINGER TIPS With A LOWREY ORGAN $595 $3295 (As Advertised In Lite) KLAMATH MUSIC CENTER SIS E. Main TU e-UUl Television Service House colls A -jr Now onlv '' O USEO TV SETS From $39.50 up. All warranted. DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Years on 7th St." 126 No. 7th TU 4-5121 LIVESTOCK 1 POULTRY 42 HEAD Holileln steers. Brown, Bonania 545-2181. LAMATH PROVED SIRE SERVICE TU i-iiOO, TU 2-llflS. TU i-iSSS, TU 2-41W KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Co., Inc. Midland Road Because the holidays fall on Tuesday there will be NO SALE New Year's Day, Jon. 1 NEXT SALE - JAN. 8 Thanks to all who have made the past sales so successful. Wore people conson to KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S, proving this is me producers- marital. Merry Christmas l Happy New Yeei vern bod John Ofllce TU i-OMT Home TU i-9i3A POULTRY 42 FUEL HEATING LIVESTOCK I POULTRY BONANZA Artificial Insemination Sorvl tee. SiWJSI or TU 2-07,1. FOR SALE vouna whilefico cows. imi. BABY calves for sale. tliS Gary, phone I U l-IM,. MISC. FOR SALE SI i-ok SaLC Cuihman Eagle scooter. SUi. Prn- TU M5l. OIAMOMO artgagament. wedding ring enstm&ie, DW, Box ;c. Herald and News. FOR sa'e women's hockey skatei. tire 7 men's figure skates, lUe f; also large dog nou&e, new. iu 4-SIM. 200 TON tit and ?nd cutting hay. Lore I la 762-4190, or set Dtck Smith, Langell Val ley. DRAIN rock, gravel, end roadway ma terial. TU 41-3568 GEO. R. STACY CO. DOLL CLOTHES tor Christmas, any ilie. reasonable prices. TU 4-1931. fOPSOtu. concrete aggregate driveway material, drain rock. J, M. Barnes, TU 4-76S9. MASON sand, till dirt, sandy till. Cln ders. Pelican Sand, tu 4-4387. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS Gofer's Exchange UNREDEEMED LOAN PLEDGES Guitars-Radios-Tooli-Cameras-Shavers Sewing Machines-Watches OUT OF PAWN Diamond Rlngs-Weodinq Sets ALL NEW MOUNTINGS '1,001' Bargains Small-Short Term-Pawnbroker Loans 625 Klom. TU 4-7160 TRAILERS 51 FOR sale 1957 Great Lakts Trailer, 45 X ft. Excellent condition. TU -3b7. 30 FT. VAGABOND tralle' with JO It, aluminum awning in excellent condition 1 1 .300. TU 4-9657 evei. TU 2-0445 dayi . TRAILER house for rent, also trailer space, TU 2-6034. FOR sale equity 50 x 10 New Moon, 242i Summers Lane, ip. 17. FACTORY trained Coleman & Internat'l mobile furnace service, perls, TU 4-843. HOUSE trailer repair. Erv Carr. 44231 Winter Ave. TU 2-1163. AUTO MISCELLANEOUS S3 Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul or Valve Grind Tune Up Is Specialty 2151 Altamont Call TU 4-9023 "OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Let's Automotive) Sorvic Engine Tune-up & Overhauling Automatic Trent. Service LEROY HOOVER 1747 Ellbaa TU 14141 BATTERIES CAR TRUCK BATTERY JUMPER CABLES STARTING FLUID ICE OFF REASONABLY PRICED AT PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE r CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE SEAT COVERS Reg. $23.95 $1 1.88 Best Woven Plostics 10 Sets Fit 53-'60 BUICK 2-Or. & Clb. Cpt 57.'60 CHEV. 2-Dr. & Clb. Cpi. '55-'56 DODGE 2-Dr. & Clb. Cp. '53-'60 OLDS 2-Dr. & Clb. Cp 55-'60 PONTIAC 2-Dr. & Club Coup 8 Sets Fit Chrysler - Dodge DcSolo '50 -'54 2-Dr. & Club Coupe '50-'S4 FORD 2-Dr. & Club Cpa 52-'54 MERCURY 2-Dr. & Club Coup A REAL BARGAIN IF YOU HAVE ABOVE TYPE CAR. OTHER SIZES ALSO ON SALE!! Montgomery Ward 9th & Pine Phone 4-3188 USID CARS AND TRUCKS SS WANT 0d Cart for imk call TU 4-1)17. HAPPY NEW YEAR! (We'll b Cbiud Mondoy) Dale's Used Car Lot 333 So. 6th '60 FALCON RANCHERO vinyl Inftrler, firm Itfcf mm, N A D A. r-'Kt l'.441. Our pm only 1,4J. DIAL RITE MOTORS 2387 So 6th TU 4-9445 SPECIALS '53 Im'l Vt Ton Ptckup .... S550 '49 Willyt Jmp Pickup .... S450 7Va KW. Portoblo Gnrator S450 J. C. Equipment Co. So. th & HMyord TU 4-9230 TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your cor or equity for cash Come In Today! th & Plum TU 2-4714, 4IIH,ftALD AXD NEWS. Klamnlh USED CARS AND TRUCKS 5S "50 STUDEBAKER 4-dr, excellent tirei, turn signals, radio, heater, good paint, I5U. IU 2-4541 r-, TAKE over payments JW Corvair, $1098 balance. TU 2-4 J 1 5. FOR sale 91S Ford COUDe. TU 2-4717. WANTED WE NEED USED CARS 1957 MODELS AND OLDER GET OUR BID LAST Central Auto Sales Between S. ath 1 S. 7tn on Wino TU M1M or TU 7-3304 '61 FORD FALCON 2-Door Sedan. Heater, standard transmit' sion, deluxe trim, 12,000 miles. An excel lent buy at only II, 49 J. DEAL RITE MOTORS 238 So. 6th TU 4-9445 SPECIAL 1961 CADILLAC Fleetwood '60' Special A one-owner cor. We sold it new 'and hove serviced it since. In ex-j ccptionolly fine condition. "Fleet wood" is the luxury car in the Cadillac line. $4473 Dick B Miller Co. 7th & Klamoth TU 4-4154 '60 VALIANT 4-Door Sedan. Htalar. ilandard trans' Itllon. In vary good condition through out. N A D . Drlce Ui0. Our price only DEAL KITE MOTORS 2387 So. 6th TU 4-9445 Good Used TRUCKS PICKUPS VANS Vi Tons if Va Tons Dual Axles The best buys today are found at JUCK'S! JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. I Ith & Klomoth TU 2-2581 V2 PRICE WHILE THEY LAST! HURRY TO THE CHEVY CENTER! Only a few left! Stock No. 2332B 1955 PONTIAC 4 -Door Sedon woi . . . S498 ino Vi Prir ncia ' ' Stock No. 23220 1955 FORD 4-Door Sfcdan Woj . . . S498 iOAO i Price Special ' Stock No 2307C 1954 CHEVROLET 2-Door Sedan Wos . . . S298 ilAO 'J Price Speciol 1 ' Stock No 2362F 1953 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan Was . . . SI98 $ 99 'A Price Special Stock No. 3059B 1952 BUICK 4-Door Sedan Vos . . . SI48 $ 74 Vj Price Special Stock No 24 78A 1953 GMC Vi Ton Pickup Wos . . . $498 JOin Price bDecial T7 Stock No. 241 IC 1952 GMC Vi Ton Pickup Wa . . . S598 Soon Vl Price Soerial - ' ' Stock No. 3039A 1950 FORD Vi Ton Pickup Woi. . . . J398 S 199 Price Special Stock No. 24SA 1935 FORD 1 Vj Ion Truck Was... $198 $ 99 V4 Price Speciol Stock No 3IMSC 1940 CHEVROLET Vl Ton Panel Wa . . . $198 $ 99 Vj Price Special Stock No 31 10B 1952 CHEVROLET fi Ton Ponel Wo . . . $398 $I99 Vi Price Special DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 Falls. Ore. Sunday, USED CARS AND TRUCKS . !! JtEP Station Wagjn, J3.000 milai, lots of OKtrai, TU 3-3682. it! GMC, a, Vi ton pickup with campar. uja carison uriva. MUST jell py Jan. I. ) black Fori convarnoi. nx aquiry, iu 2-4230. '60 FORD FALCON Two-Door Sedan. Haalar, standard trarn- miislon. In axcallant condition and priced 10 tell at only ll.OTS. DEAL RITE MOTORS 2387 So. 6th TU 4-9445 NO DOWN! Low Mo. Payment '56 Plymouth Stn. Wagon '56 Mercury 2-Dr. Hdtp. 'Of- per i- sj mo. per mo. '55 Buick Super $ 29 per 2-Dr. Huip. mo. '55 Buick Spec. $29 $29 $29 $ i -i per 2-dr. Hdtp. mo. 55 Buick Cent. per 2-Dr. Hdtp. '55 Docige 2-Dr. Hdtp. mo per mo. per, mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. per mo. 54 Buick Spec. 2-Dr. Hdtp. i 53 Buick Spec 2-Dr. Hdtp. Stick L 53 Buick Super $ 3 Dr. Sedan 53 Cadillac $28 $I7 Dr. Sedan 53 Chev. B.A. Dr. Sedan 52 Mercury $ $ $ $ Dr. Overdrive J mo. 52 Chev. 2-Dr. 0 2 per mo. per mo. per mo. Stick. 51 Pontiac 2-Dr. Hdtp. 53 Pontiac -Dr. Hdtp. 3 55 Chev. per J J mo. $ I 7 per I mo. $9 I per Z I mo. $0 0 Per Vi Ton PckD. 52 Int'l. '2Ton Pckp. 51 Jeep Stn. Wqn. 47 Int'l. Flat- bed. 2 & 4 speed . 7 mo. 42 Jeep 4x4 Metal cab $o A per Winch mo. NO CASH NECESSARY! (on approved credit) Wilson WILEY BUICK 1330 Main -429 So. 7th - TU 4-3141 TU 4-9203 ECCLES FINAL Every car drastically YEAR-END CLEARANCE Hurry! Buy Now at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! good only through Saturday, January 5th. 1962 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX COUPE Radio, heater, Hydrcmatic, brakes, tinned wheels, one local owner. Reduced $400 to only 1962 PONTIAC TEMPEST COUPE Radio, heoter, outomatic transmission, 4 cylinder engine, real economy here. Reduced $200 to onlv 1962 MERCURY MONTEREY CUSTOM 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Multi-Drive, power steering, power brakes, one locol owner. Clean 0AQ7 os nsw. Reduced $300 lo only iSXl I 1960 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-DR. STN. WAGON Radio, heater, Hydromotlc, brakes, 6-way power seat. Reduced $200 to only I960 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heater, automatic transmission, V-8 engine. Reduced $200 to only I960 PLYMOUTH FURY CONVERTIBLE COUPE Rodio, heater, automatic transmission, power steer Ing, power brakes, swivel seats. Reduced $200 to only 1958 CADILLAC '62' SEDAN DeVILLE Radio, heater, Hydramotic, brakes, power windows, power seat. A real luxury car. Reduced $200 to only 1957 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA SEDAN Radio, heater, Dynaflow, power seat, power brakes. Almost new white sidewall t.rci Reduced $300 to only 1957 FORD '6' RANCH WAGON Radio, heater, standard transmission with overdrive. Reduced $300 to only 1956 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, outomatic transmission, power seat, power brakes. A real slick ! car. Reduced $200 to only 1955 PONTIAC STAOGUfF HARDTOP COUPE Radio, hearer, Hydramatic, genuine leather i interior. Re Arid $200 to only Many, many more older models, all reduced accordingly Call one of our SALESMEN You'll be GLAD you did! Dick Floyd TU 2-5859 Deon Howell TU 2-3596 Bill Cunninghom TU 4-7177 Bill Hotchkin ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th St. December 30, 1962 PACE J B 5J USED CARS AND TRUCKS -35 o'rivb more motors Will nay csih tor carl. TU 4-JJ7t.' ' NINE passanger country sadan, 195a Ford I owner, mechanically aound, 1623. TU 4-9315 evening!.. Top Value CADILLAQ Special! '58 CADILLAC 4-DR. Just like new in every way. Luxurious interior is abso lutely spotless. Not a scratch on exterior finish in popular beige. White sidewall tires are excellent. E-Z Eye glass. Has all Cad illac luxury accessories in cluding fuil power and air conditioning. Now priced at just . . . $2195 JIM OLSOH MOTORS Used Car Lot-: 7th & Commercial TU 2-5644 LOOK! Joe Fisher :; Has NEARLY 2(f FINE '54 to '58 MODEL CARS Left in Stock! Mr. Ramp Savs: "These cars simply must be moved before the end of the yea r, regardless of price! ALL CjUUD TRANSPORTATION PRICED FROM $67 to $ 797 See Them Today! SALESMEN Dole Sechrlit TU 2-5720 Roy Rinehort TU 4.9541 Joe Padgett TU 2-063T Jim Ehreth TU 2-01 4? Martin Arnold TU 4-571 1 Elnathan Dovl. TU 2-3957. JOE FISHER; LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-3104 MOTOR CO. reduced. These prices power iteering, power $3497 power steering, power ,$2097 $ 1 597 '1597 power steering, power I997 $ 797 497 597 397 Pete Stride TU 2-0491 Russ Co'ler TU 2-1403 Bus Thompson .... TU 4 6618 TU 4-4551 TU 4-8124