Mmmim Lea w West Ion Aetna ,25 College Scores ty UnffM Prtu lterrtionil iikett(l Rttulf Michigan 13 ! 71 Norfolk Naval, Nortel, Va. Atlantic Cnrist'an W. Mry' 69 Big tight, Kansas City Nebraska 93 Oklahoma fi& MHnoii Tech 35 W. Va. Tech 3? RochMttr, Rochester. M Y. Rochester Tech Pratt 3? Colorado 74 Missouri SI Springfield, Springfield, Mais. Amercan inter. 63 Amherst 41 Cuff Soufn, Shreveporfr La. W. Tex. S. IS N'wesf'n 77 Louisiana Tech $3 So. Miss. 77 All Coll., Oklahoma City Toledo 70 Baylor 59 Pembroke St. 110 Rich Prof. In. 60 Arkansas 73 Cretghlon U. 41 NBA San Francisco 114 New York 109 Far west, Portland, Ore. Idaho U Washinqton St. 63 Seattle IS Arizona $9 (Consolation) Holiday, New York Perm. 71 Boslon Coil. 69 New York u. St. Bona venture It (Con solation) Celiese Football Florida ,7 Penn St 7 Blue-Gray MoMsemery, Ala. Blue 10 Grey 6 Shrine Game, San Francisco East J5 West 19 Tournaments Polnstttia, Greenville, S.C. Clemson 72 Army 49 Consolation) Motor City, Detroit Western Michigan 15 Georgetown 71 (Con sola t ion t Downeaif Classic, Mango, Ma. Maine 7S Colby 66 (Consolidated) Quaker City. Philadelphia LaSaiie 74 Bowling Green 67 (OT) (Conso- lanoni Providence 78 ViManova 59 Consolation) capital City, Albany, N.Y. St. Lawrence 73 Rensselear t2 (Consols- - tieni Chlco Invitational, Chko, Calif. Western Wash. 45 Willamette 62 (Conso- lahon) Pepperdine Rips Loyola, 92-57 SAN FRANCISCO lUPD-The Pepperdine Waves, with six men hitting in double figures, shot a remarkable 62.7 per cent from the floor Saturday to completely over power Loyola 92-57 and take fifth place in the West Coast Athletic Conference Basketball Tourna ment. In an earlier game, Portland University defeated a cold Uni versity of Pacific team SO-42 in a battle for seventh place. Pepperdine led from the outset and at one time held a 30-7 mar-, gin before Loyola could get go ing. Reserve forward Ted Bridges led the Waves with 19 points, in cluding eight for eight .from the floor. Pepperdine's Bob Warlick. although playing less than half the game, scored II points, grabbed 13 rebounds and set up numerous baskets with sharp play-making. Forward Dick Schiendler led the losers with 17 points. DALLAS I UPI Terry Baker of Oreon State, Pat Rirhler of Wis consin and Johnny Treadwell of Texas, who made the United Press International 1962 All American football team, also made the All-America academic team picked by the college sports information directors. The team, made up of players with a grade average of "B" or better in the classroom, also in cluded Oregon tackle Steve Bar- nett and Missouri guard Tom Hertz, who made the I'PI's second All-America team. HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Sunday. December 30, 1Z PACE 1-8 eawrs Mip PORTLAND il'PI" Oregon The Beavers took over late in me iirsi nan ana nera a comion sble lead through most of the second half. Iowa missed its first 13 field goal attempts after being down 39-35 at halftime and the Hawkeyes were behind 47-37 by the time Mike Denoma hit on a jump shot with 14 minutes to play. Thcv battled back to a one-point deficit at 52-51 with just under eight minutes left but two field goals by Counts and one by Steve Pauly pulled the Beavers in front at 58-53. Counts, who was voted the tour nament's most valuable plaver teamed with Terry Baker and Frank Peters to score Oregon State's first 33 points in the con test. Joe Reddington led Iowa with 15 points. Smooth - working California rolled over Oregon 78-46 to cap- State captured its seventh eonsecu live Far West Classic basketball title with a 64-57 victory over Iowa Saturday night Big Mel Counts, the Beavers' 7 foot center, scored 35 points, one short of the tournament record. in leading the Beavers to their victory. Smooth-working California rolled over Oregon 78-46 to capture hird place, Seattle coupled its patented fast break with some potent rebounding to deieat Ari zona 75-59 for fourth place and Rich Porter hit a jump shot with eight seconds remaining tn give Idaho a 64-63 victory over Wash ington State for seventh spot in the four-day eight-team tourncv. Oregon State hasn't lost in Uie 8 games it has played since the tournament began in 1956 but the underdog Hawkeyes provided a few close moments. - If' - ' sir. i i ' . ' ; ' ' A i . it . i i - t.-, 'zZ'" - is -- CORNERED California's Chris Carpenter 1451 look for someone to pass to as he is Trapped under Oreqon Slate's basket. Behind him ii Mel Counts, Oregon St&fe center. Other j are Camden Wall (44) of California and Steve Pauly 1311 of OSU. Oregon State won, 58-50, to gain the Far West Classic finals Saturday night against Iowa. UPI Telephoto. Iowa, rown lure third place in consolatiun play in the Far West basketball classic Saturday night. Seattle coupled its pa'ented fast break with some potent rebound ing to defeat Arizona 75-59 for fourth place and Rich Porter hit a jump shot with eight seconds remaining to give Idaho a 64-63 victory over Washington State fori seventh spot. In the California victory, Dan Wolthers and Bob Wueste each scored 12 points and Jim Smith. Don Lauer and Dick Smith col lected 10 apiece for the winners. The Golden Bears connected on 3! of 60 field goal attempts for a .517 average while the Dueksj made only 18 of 61 jshots from the field for a .295 average The Californians held a 48-36 edge in rebounding. California went ahead to stay in the game at 23-21 with 5:4 lo play in the first half on a hook shot by Jim Smith. Jim Johnson paced the losers with 14 points. Oregon State (64) Pauly Baker Counts Peters Jarvis Rossi Kraus Campbell Harter Totals Iowa JS7I Roach Rodgers Messick Reddington Hankins Lyon Denoma Skea Riddle Mchlhaus Faes Totals Halftime 35. Attendance G F P T 3 1-2 1 7 3 2-5 2 8 12 11-12 4 35 5 0-1 3 in 3 2 0 0 4 2 2 0 1 0 1 0-1 0 0-0 1 0-0 0 0-1 0 0-0 SS 14-22 2 64 G F P T I 0-2 22 2- 3 3- S 2- 3 0-0 3- fi 0 0-0 1 1-1 0 22 2 2 2 20 17-26 M $7 Oregon State 39 Iowa II, Wt. 0 2 S 6 S 6 S 15 0 6 0 2 2 fl! 1 0 1 3 1 2 1 fi Th Hot- Moort Jonci WACtC Cooler G lea ion Lay Henton TuHIt Calilwit 711 Cfpenttf wall Ratlmer D. Smslh Wuetfe Smtffc tulfc.n Bvcfcaf Holt Total 31 till Calife.l la O'taoft 25. ft vv' ,K r. jc ' r'-j J J - : s if i t.W I taaTlaaaa aWr-l t jSMdlttUfc.. IW'Sui , MmmttJfabA , ti I' EAST GAINS THREE East back Jerry Jones 133 of Mimtetota qa& for thre. yard qain in the first qyarfer of the East-West game in San Francisco Saturday, H was taclcleo1 by West' Jim Maples Uft-S4l of Baylor, Throwing block, at right, it Jim Sobbitt 1 79 of Michigan State, East won the gmef UPI Telephoto Packers Favored To Keep FL Title Against Giants NEW YORK UPl-Tlie under-i dog New York Giants set out tn erase one whole year of rankling recollection Sunday by beating the powerful Green Bay Packers in the National Football League's; second million dollar champion ship game. The methodical ground-hugging Packers were S'-s-point favorites to defeat the gambling sir-mind ed Giants before a sellout crowd of S4.0TO at Yankee Stadium. It will he televised nationally with a 7S-mile New York area blacked out. A record gross income f $1,- 2415,096 will assure each member of tiie winning team an all-time high share of approximately $f 0fl. The losers shares will Ashland Beats Fortuna, 54-39 By failed f'res fnlcrnssinnal Jesuit and Tigard suffered set backs to reduce the list at Ore gon's undctealed Class A-) high school bai-kctbsll teams to 1.1 Fri day night. McMmnville edged .louil s-64 a s 0 0 1 fl SO 0 fi e i I Mi o f p 1 1 and undefeated Sandy became the a 2-t t is first school ts wis seven games Notre Dame Star, Gibbs, Brilliant chance that the footing at Y'ankee Stadium woyla be irregular. immediately after both learns worked out Saturday, the field wgs covered by a tarpaulin to1 protect it against rain which began to fall Saturday morning. The portion of the field exposed ts the sun should provide a solid amount to slightly less than $4.onojsurjaf f- , jcats. barrisE an un- per man, also a record. lexpected drastic drop in ieropera- cold, dry day with tempera-1 turcs right around the (reeling point was forecast for the title, game, yet there wn a good 6-9 M S M 5 M J a 6 16 1 1! 8 10 a i t 3 l; l il ) J J t4 0 a by topping Tigard 54-51. Four other teams remained un beaten Molalla walloped West Linn 54 - 32, Corvallu defeated MarshficW 51 - 42, Ashland won ovt-r Fortuna of California 54-39 and La Gfande beat Vale 49-M Yanl (ees Upset Rebels In Blue -Grey Tilt, 10-6 By United Press International MONTGOMERY. Ala. -The in vading Yankees, paced by Michi gan Slate tackle Jim Kanicki, upset the favored Rebels 10-6 Sat urday in the silver anniversary of the Blue-Gray football game here. I Kanicki. heaviest ma on the slippery field at 25, recovered two fumbles, pounced on a block ed punt, and kicked a 40-yard field goal and an extra point. ! His steady line backing bottled up the Southern offense which i was hurt by a muddy field fol lowing an all night rain. ! The Blues scored their only touchdown late in the second pe riod alter Georgia Tech fullback Mike McNames was hit hard at the line of scrimmage and Kanicki speared the loose ball at midfield. Nine plays later Ohio Slate fullback Bob Butts crunch ed over from the one. Kanicki's kick was good. The big play in the march was a twisting 19 yard run through a nest of Rebel defenders by quar terback Pete Smith of Michigan Stale. The brilliant dodging gave the invaders a first down on the Gray 15. The South scored near the end of the third quarter, marchins 4T yards in 11 plays after tackle Fred Moore of Memphis Stale in tercepted a pass by 'Smith. Two rushes failed to gain but on third down Virginia quarterback Gary Cuomo hit Duke end Peie Widen er over center for 2 yards and a first down on the Blue 20. South Carolina's Billy GambreH best breakaway runner in the Atlantic Coast Conference, bulled his way to the five-yard line and then Cunzzo bulleted one into his arms in the end zone. Gambrli's lass for two points failed. Kanicki's field goal early in the first period followed an intercep tion by linebacker Paul Benson of Minnesota who leaped high in the air to grab a wild throw by Cuozzo on the Blues 4fi. Iowa State quarterback Dave Hopnmann. named most valuable player of the came, squirmed 20i yards for a lirsl down on the Gray 25. The Southerners stiflened be hind linebackers -ferry Hopkins of Texas AIM and Bobby Cald well of Georgia Tech and South Carolina tackle Jim Moss. Ka nicki's kick split the uprights from downwind from a sharp lefl angle. The North missed a great scor ing opportunity midway in the second quarter ht;i Jack John son. 245 pound Indiana tackle, bowled over three defenders to smother Gambrell's punt deep in Rebel territory. Kanicki recover ed on the Gray five. But four cracks at the gritty! Cuozzo (pass failed' Rebel line by Hoppmann andl Attendance !8,B(il Butts failed to push the ball across. The North ha.. now won lit of the classics while (he South hold: 14 victories. Blue 3 ? 0-lfl Gray o n 6 o s Blue FG Kanicki 40 Blue Butts t run 'Kanicki kirki Gray Gambreil S p a s fc from Honkers Rip Payette Bucs PAYETTE, Idaho (.Special I The Iikeview Honkers, after suf fering their first kiss of the season Friday night to Kuna. Idaho, re gained their winning ways hercj Saturday night by whipping the Pavctte. Idaho, Pirates 4940. The Honkers now own a 5-t record preparatory to the opening of the Rogue league action nest week. The Ijikeview lads were led by Fred Williams with 14 points and larrv Sample w"th 10 marker Hie Pirates were paced hf Larry Wheat with tt and Dave Sellers and Jay Green with nine e3ch. The Honker had a 9 8 lead at the end of the first period and a 20-17 intermission tiiargm. They pulled ahead in the third by out scoring the Bucs 14-9. They got 15 points in the fourth to 14 lot Payette. Score by quarters: - i-akeview t II 14 15 4 Payette 9 j !4o lure. However, that end oi the field near one goal line which is constantly shaded by the high triple-decked stands likely will be frozen hard and slippery. "We'll win," predicted fullback Jim Taylor, who led the N.F.L. in rushing and has carried the Packers' big offensive load since Clamor-boy Paul Harming was knocked mil of action by a knee; injury in mid-October, "1 think it will be a tough, low scoring game, Taylor continues following Green flay' SS-mimrtc; morning workout at Ibe stadium The Giants are a 'money club. They're tough in big games The Giants looked like anything hut that in last season's 3?- shellackinc at the hands of the Packers in the title game at (Jreen Bay. And the wounded pride of the Giants "old pros" ohwously was a psychological stimuli for this game. During their two wecKs oj training for lb championship same, the Giants studiously re frained from any talk ffl retribu tion. Hut those tftotifiJMs were there iust the same. J Sherman of the Giants, voted S.F.I-. roacli-of-the-year, reiter ated after the Giants Saturday afternoon workout that his leam was in excellent shape and "we'll have no excuses if we don t win SN FRWCISCO (UPIt-Dan- dy Daryle tanwnica, te pride oil Notre Dame, unleashed three long! touchdown bombs Saturday and uie East whipped the West, 25-19, with a last minute scare to the! greatest aerial battle In Shrine! lootbal! history. With the score tied 19-19 and! a little more lhan txco minutes; to go. Lamonica completed six; tvnsecutive passes en a 90-yartj inarch that paid off when Larry Ferguson of Iowa powered ovw! from the two with the tie-break ing counter. It was a fitting climax to a: owat display by Lammica, noted: mostly as a signal caller at Notrei Dame but a passing genius Sat-; urday. During the wild first half lie completed 11 out of 13 passes for; 227 yards arid the three aerial touchdowns. For his efforts hei w as chosen the outstanding back; of the game and won the William! M Cotiman award. Here's what Lamonira did dur-l iog the first half: Tossed a 4!-yard storing pass to end John Mackey of ijjTacuse,; Threw a pass "M-yards to Mackey again, with Mackey go- the rest of the way on a -; vara play tor a touchdown. Heaved a 19-yard pass to Paul Klatley for another score. L&monita, who has been signed lo piay with Ibe Bufteis Bills of the American Football League.! needed to be as brilliant bs he; was, because Sonny Cihbs, the lowering Texas from TCU. also' put on a stimulating show with; three touchdown passes of his! own. With less than three minutes to; go and the West trailing 11-19 Gibbs took his boys on a 63-yard touchdown march that paid oM when fkmm passed il yards into the end zone to end Hugh Camp-i bell of Washincton State, who as; voted the outstanding lineman ol the game. But when Ray Mansfield oi Washington attempted the con version that wouir have pot the; West ahead, the bali never aot more than five feet oil the ground and was blocked by the East line. This was one game that came! out as advertised. Both coaches' predicted that il xvould be an aerial battle and tt was. Si not of seven lourhdow-ns were sewed through the air. And for most ot the game. Lamonira had the edge. And then the scoring flood gates broke wide open. There; were 25 points coiiected in the; seven minutes during the second quarter, with each side scoring; to touchdowns. After the West scored, Iirwn- iea connected on the Mactay; play; then Gibbs came hack wi:n a 2- yard scoring aerial to Camp bell. But Lamonica eual to liar occasion again as he took tba Kas! 71 yards in five playi to score on his toss to Hatley just before the half awl make tb intermission score 19-13. The line play was bruising all the way through. Tackle Uoh Vngrl of Ohio Stale and tackle Lionet Aldridge of Utah Slate ap peared to he in ws nearly every defensive play. The West gained only 45 yanta wi the ground and (he East tj, Gibbs completed a out of If passes for 171 yards a Shrine garoe record for cooifletions. lamonk-a connected on 20 em of 28 for 3i9 yards, a game rec ord for yardage. st 1,1 0 S-M East ? a a 6 S r i v rMAt-ta-Coajts NEWSPAPERS SEUTKEMQSTff FOR LEASE New modern office ipoce suitable for physicians or dentists. Alt utilities furnished, Wifh plenty of free park ing. Will Icose for 5 or 10 yeor of 22e per square foot. For further in formation coll Gino Cornini TU 4-9445 or TU 2-4093 38 Liquidation SALE Sforts Today, Sun., Dec. 30th - G. C. MOTLEY, Inc. 812 Klamath Ave. PLUMBING & HEATING Best known National Brands of Dishwashers, Sinks, Bathtubs, Showers, Kitchen Cobinets, Garbage Disposcls, Hot Water Tonks, Oil Fur naces, Faucets, Pipe and Fittings. ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES I SUPPLIES MUST BE SOLD! SAVE 30 to 50 Grigg and Williams ho been ordered tn tjalr dote This Entire Stock. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. tvety day including Sun fay and New Years Day. Badgers Picked In Bowl By I'Bifrd Press IstersstkHial -National champion Soathern California pits its perfect record and title s the line against Wis consin in the Rose Bow! game iiiesday as six other coilegijte powers meet in the annua! He Year's Day football classics. : The usual croud of will (ill the stadium at Pasadena, Calif., fx the clash between "Southern California, the pride ef the Best, and tttscMKin, the Big Ten champion and pride of the Miawesl. The Earns will be (de vised nationally beginning at 3 p,m. EST by the Nai iansl Broad casting Company. Before the "big me" even jets under way, the outcome sill be known ia the Orange Bowl - at Miami, Pla., and Urn SnRar Bowl at New Orleans, ta those two classics, fifth - ranked Alabama takes on seventh - ranked Okla- home to the Orange Bowl and third-ranked Mississippi tangles with sixth-ranked Arkansas in Ita Sugar Bowl, The American Broadcasting Company will te tevise the Grans ' classic and SBC ie Sagar, bets . beginning at J p.m. EST. A crowd iot 72.BB8 is anticipated for the Miami game and Sugar Bowt ot- (icials expect 7S.IDV The Colton Bowl game aft Dal las, Texas, starts an hour later via the Columbia Broadcasting System end pits fourth-ranked Texas against e(h ranked Lou isiana Sate, Southern California, despite winning W straijj games no- out defeat and the national nl legate title, is s fenr-point aader- idog ts Wisconsin, which lost eaJ? one sf nine games, and finished second to Southern California is the race for the national title. The wldsmakers list Alabama i-! a three-point favorite Wf Oklahoma IM1, Hississippi.ti beaten ta nine games, six points over Arkansas 9-I and Lwnsi- ana State (d-I-K three polota ovtt Traas iS-O-li, Loft an SpragtM River SIODn. SIOPcrMo. CAU TU J-44M Of Wrill: 3J4 Se. ?A INVENTORY CLEARANCE til SHOTSHEUS AT WHOUSUli AND MLOW 12 or 20 goug 39.00 eos 12 gouge Syper-X ., 49.00 cos 28 gauge 44.00 case Jstllttoai GOOSE DECOYS 14.88 12 BOOTS 8.95 59 Ii Styrafow GOOSE DECOYS 29.88 )4.f M' f WMIM'l ICE SKATES 9 eg aii " .00 in Del Winter Drivers! DONT BE CAUGHT WITH A MAD iATTSRYI Look at this Special! sun-powm AUTOMOBILE BATTERIES siHii m roti am it V01T SIZES it m? tuts mm mmm mwn -HflBr mtstvsn 1 7k t tr it 9. t9tm t f tm.itm2 X GUARANTEE X WINCHiSTER Model 12, 12-90, pump ..., BROWNING 12-gs. oufomotic that fun NEW MODEL 9i S4VA6E 243 Cel. .. 49.00 69,00 77,00 f f'lt witamut wttin SO lt it tJS MlKJrrt ? tut tt Ml tM cs ft. tttt, tMtwy tt Im smM h tmt wjHf prise I rttt m mmtot tt ms tvlrioin. 9 ALL NEW GUNS PRICED AT WHOLESALE TO CLEAR Otitic (UatwtwM Ok CampltH 5l6( 4 lti Sun JOE'S Sporting Goods 418 Main Iterate an&Seto;