7AMai 4 k NM 4 41 r Its time for p3 mffiX anrA 2SS And I'll be neater. Ill hang upS AUJs LOJIJU Wi Usolutions, CloyiaJ Sure Is. coffiilte ornfair to W clothes not leave.thinos J f Colly, Pop, fVes, Father F He'll remind usY And a iNA SS alSi ound or track in any mud J tomorrows! Time enters Ij I that old l is J brand, new Ivf yrm--- wsrMnSK BcJkT ' js. The,LeA ,ot i-1 tink H 'our pluHonsare?5l Kit covers up ourAnd makesl hlld. ihlMHTrttofliifif f Yes, but my radio, says Si we both could make a. S SSthafeStt old faults that we things white In ?hil uS? fS? warm tomorrow. This is aonna &ii?,i2! sl&5Saf2 JjanttoJT turn into a lot of slusf pp;: sdj I i -t,? an gF'' ""PUM f-nv k - i tr - -oiril yyi., Wzzz 1 p - lit- . - - - . ' ' ' it-la i COME ,4.OiN3 , DEAe ycuc FrHbP- c DOGSMT WISH TO EXCKANSC rH , -i3VfcJ ' I yiOO AT IT A5 A 5TATU5 UBOL, THEy I 1 CUT CXfiANgg5 ND gEFUNPS ADJUSTMENTS U-n ONLY PELT CICH PETOPLC' 1 1 " HALF .r p-' 1 . , .. , .JJ I 1 ' l ' I