Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 30, 1962, Page 3, Image 3

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    First Phase
Of Pakistan
Talks Ends
RAWALFi.NDI. Pakistan UPI'
India and Pakistan Saturday
concluded the first phase of their
talks on the 15-year-old dispute
over the rule of Kashmir on their
northern borders.
There was no word on the out
come of the session pending
issuance of a final communique,
but both delegations were cau
tiously optimistic following Fri
day's talks.
The talks, the firsl attempt in
several years to solve the dispute,
began Thursday and will resume
Jan. 16 or 17 in New Delhi. Satur
day's informal session lasted
about two hours.
Pakistan long has sought a
plebiscite to determine Kashmir's
future. India has refused. Moslem
Pakistan believes the 77 per cent
Moslem population of the state
would choose Pakistani rule.
The dispute arose 'during the
partitioning of the Indian subcon
tinent after British colonial rule
ended in 1947. Kashmir's Hindu
Maharajah sought to make the
state part of India. Opposing Mos
lem leaders resisted and civil war
Since 1949, when the United Na
tions brought about a truce, Paki
stan has occupied about one-third
of the 82,000 square mile state
and India the rest.
2 Men Held
In Killings
arrested at a hotel here Friday!
night, were charged today with
two of five gunshot siayings they
are believed to have committed
in the past week.
Henry P. Dusablon, 20, Boston,
and Emanuel Sampicri, 30, New-
York, were charged with homicide
in connection with the "execution"
siayings of two New York liquor
store owners. The men, both ex-
convicts, were seized by police
without a struggle in their rooms
in the Belvedere Hotel m mid
town Manhattan.
They were held without bail.
Three of their alleged victims!
were store owners who were shot
once in the head in hold ups here.
The fourth victim was Henry
Jasscm, the owner of a Manhat
tan ncelty store, who was shot
in the head and killed Wednesday
Detective George Barrett said
Sampicri and Dusablon also killed
a man identified as Thomas Ross
in Woburn, Mass., last Saturday
Barrett said he and Detectives
Joseph Garahan and James Lo-
curto broke the case Friday after
noon when they found a diamond
ring which had been taken off Jas-
sem's left little finger in a pawn
"The motive in all the killings
:was robbery," Barrett said. "The
two are just mad-dog killer;
They were just executions."
Barrett said when the two were
arrested they were expecting baby
sitters. Sampicri is married and
Dusablon has a common law wile
he said.
The two women also were
picked up at the hotel for questioning.
HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore.
Sunday, December 30, 1962
rS-fhfi nil r mill' nHfrmmk,, 'iM
the re-
CUBAN BATTLE FLAG Af Orange Bowl ceremonies Saturday honoring
turned invasion prisoners, President Kennedy is presented with the battle flag of the
2506 Assault Brigade. 40,000 emotion-choked Cubans heard the President's talk
followed by a speech in Spanish by Mrs. Kennedy. UPI Telephoto
Psychiatrist Theorizes Mitchell
Acted As Robot In Theatre Slaying
State Offices
Open On Monday
SALEM iL'PH Ml state of
fices here will be open Monday
but state government operation
will be running at a slow pare.
The final day of 12 will be
similar i the day before Christ
mas. Half of the stale's employes
will have the day off.
Gov. Mark Hatfield late in No
vember directed department
heads to grant employes either
Dec. 24 or Dec. 31 otf. so long
as enough workers remained on
hand to provide service to the
Activities arc expected to re
turn to a ncrmal pace Wednesday,
and start steadily increasing in
tempo until the legislature begins
the 1!W session on Jan 14
The man who slew Dan Ycrko-
vich in the balcony of the crowd-
cd Esquire theatre last Sept. 28
was reacting as a human "au
tomaton," a robot devoid of emo
tion or reason, Dr. Gerhard Hau-j
gen, Portland psychiatrist, told a1
jury in the circuit court of Judge
David ft. Vandenbcrg, Friday at-j
The robot was in the form of
Herbert Floyd Mitchell, on trial
for first degree murder, who
fired four bullets into the body of
Yerkovich as the victim was
watching a motion picture with
the defendant's cx-wife and
Dr. Haugen. who examined
Mitchell following the shooting,
testified that the defendant is a;
victim of brain atrophy which
developed from encephalitis
which he incurred four years ago.
Atrophy is a wasting or wither
ing of the body or its parts, in
this case the brain.
The psychiatrist explained that
stress placed upon a person n
condition similar to Mitchell's!
could result in that "individual's
experiencing a mental blackout,"
although he could appear normal
in every other way.
Such was the mental state of
Mitchell, depressed because the
wife and children he loved had
left him, as he placed a gun to
the head of Yerkovich and dis
charged it. the doctor theorized.
The defense attorney for Mitch
ell is seeking lo prove that the
defendant is not responsible for
the slaving by reason of insanity
During the period that Mitchell
left the line in front ol the the
aire box office and went to his
car and the time of the shooting
the defendant was in a state of
"fluctuating consciousness and
unconsciousness," Dr. Haugen
He testified further that sub.t
duent examinations of Mitchell
indicated that the accused "did
not know the consequences of his
act i slaying Yerkovich.''
Cross - examination of the psy
chiatrist by deputy district at
torney Sam McKeen revealed that
the interpretation of the exami
nations was theoretical and that
Mitchell may have been ully
aware of his actions.
McKeen pointed out certain in
cidents that occurred before and
after the shooting which indicated
Mitchell may have been con
scious of his deeds.
He cited three examples and1
asked the witness if those cases!
showed Mitchell had responded
with judgment and in a conscious
McKeen pointed out that Mitch
ell had used judgment in waiting;
for his daughter to go to the
lobby before he shot Yerkovich
Secondly, he suggested that the
defendant displayed alertness to
have singled out his victim in a
darkened theatre, and also to
have asked an usherette to call
tiie police immediately following
the shooting. McKeen argued that
if Mitchell had been in ..n un
conscious state he would not
have realized that lie committed
a criminal act and would not have
requested that the police be sum
Dr. Haugen replied that the
theory advanced by McKeen was
possible but not probable accord
ing to his examinations of Mitchell.
That point in the testimony re
sulted in a heated exchange be
tween McKeen and the defense
attorney, who objected repeatedly
to leading questions asked of the
witness by the deputy.
After one such question, Dr.
Haugen replied before the de
fense attorney could object. The
latter threw up his hands in
Public Support For Hospital Amazes Palmer
A state official whose job of
planning and arranging for the
construction of non-profit hospi
tals is "old hat," has expressed
his amazement at the progress
and public support behind the
establishment of a new 141-bcd
hospital in Klamath Falls.
The praise was imparted hv
Harry E. Palmer, director of
Hospital Phnning and Construc
tion of the Oregon State Board o!
Health, at a press conference in
the Wincma Motor Hotel, Friday
afternoon, a short time before the
official entrained for his office in
Palmer, energetic and articu
late, arrived in Klamath Falls
Thursday to conduct a two-day
luur ui uie piupuscu uospiuil sue
and to meet with members of
t h e Intercommunity Hospital
Board to discuss how it mav
apply for matching funds from
the Public Works Administration
or the Hill Burton program.
"The enthusiasm the public has
demonstrated for the project as
well as the initiative of the hospi
tal board has amazed me," Palm
er told representatives of the lo
cal press, radio and television.
Present at the conference were
members of the hospital board,
including Rev. Robert Groves,
Phil Parsons and Ross Ragland,
and Clifford F. Schwarbcrg Jr.,
administrator of the Presbyterian
Intercommunity Hospital in Whit
tier, Calif., and consultant to the
As an example of the initiative
of the board. Palmer stated, "One
Friday afternoon I received a
call from Washington telling me
that funds were available for the
construction of hospitals through
the Public Works Administration.
I then called the hospital board
in Klamath Falls and asked the
members if they could accelerate
their hospital construction pro
gram in order to qualify for re
ceiving funds under the PWA
program. They called an emer
gency meeting, met with the
architects, and the following Mon
day advised me they were ready
to go," Palmer said.
In praising the public support
of the program, Palmer imparted
information he received from
Rev. Groves that the hospital
board had already received 155,
Olio in donations although the
drive to obtain funds from the
public would not commence
until spring.
Palmer stated that the hospital
board would first attempt to qual
ify for funds from the Public
Works Administration, since that
program would finance 50 per
cent of construction of the $2.6
million, 141 - bed hospital. The
Hill-Burton program would pro
vide one-third of those expenses,
and would be applied for by the
board if the hospital does not
qualify under the other program!
The director said the hospital
would Include a 10-bed psychi
atric ward and would be one of
the few hospitals in the state to
be so equipped.
Applications for the medical
staff are being received and will
continue to be accepted until fur
ther notice. In addition to the
doctors, more than 200 other peo
ple will be employed at the hos
No other mammal in the world
has a larger harem than the fur
seal, who averages 40 to 60 mates.
Your Favoritt Grocer's
'You can cut in anytime," Mc
Keen snapped.
"It's going to be necessary, I
see. the attorney retorted.
Cross - examination of another
witness. Dr. James C. Luce, a
Medford neurologist, also cen
tered upon whether Mitchell was
capable of exercising good judg
McKeen asked: "How did
Mitchell appear at the time you
examined him? Did he appear
lo be intelligent?"
Dr. Luce,-who examined Mitch
ell sometime after the shooting,
replied, "Yes, he did."
"How was his judgment?"
"It appeared to be all right,"
the doctor responded.
In earlier testimony, the doctor
stated that tests proved minor
"changes" had occurred in vari
ous muscles throughout Mitchell's
body. To questioning from Mc
Keen, the doctor answered that
those changes may have resulted
from the stress that the accused
has been placed under since the
Mitchell was later summoned lo
the witness stand and denied re
membering any of the events
which occurred before and soon
after the shooting. The defend
ant staled that he purchased Hie
pistol for rabbit hunting while
employed at Macdoel.
BONN (UPI i West German
Foreign Minister Gerhard
Schroedcr will go to England next
month to discuss Britain's pro
posed entry into the European
Common Market with British
Prime Minister Harold Mac-mil-l
an. il was announced here.
The announcement said
Schroedcr will meet the prime
minister Jan. 7 at Macmillan's
country estate. Chequers.
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