salt, and lemon juice; stir until sugar is com pletely dissolved. 3. Chill until mixture is slightly thicker than con sistency of thick, unbeaten egg white. If chilled over ice and water, stir frequently; if chilled in refrigerator, stir occasionally. 4. Lightly oil a lVi-qt. fancy mold with salad or cooking oil (not olive oil). Set aside to drain. 5. When gelatin is of desired consistency, beat the egg whites until stiff (but not dry) peaks are formed. 6. Beat gelatin mixture until frothy. Gently but thoroughly fold gelatin into the beaten egg whites. Turn into the mold. Chill until firm, about 3 hrs. 7. Unmold onto a chilled serving plate and serve with lingonberries or Raspberry Sauce. About 6 servings Raspberry Sauce TO PREPARE AND COOK : ABOUT 10 MIN. 1 10-or. pkg. frozen raspberries, thawed and drained (reserve sirup) Vt cup sugar 2 teaspoons -cornstarch 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1. Thoroughly mix the sugar and cornstarch to gether in a saucepan. Add enough water to the reserved raspberry sirup to make 1 cup liquid. Add to the sugar mixture, stirring constantly. 2. Bring to boiling and cook about 3 min., stir ring constantly. Cool. Stir in the lemon juice and raspberries. lVs cups sauce Mocha Brownies OO M fill' IMO TO PREPARE; 25 MIN. TO BAKE: 40 MIN. 3 sq. (3 ox.) unsweetened chocolate, melted 2 tablespoons instant coffee 1 Vi cups rifted cake flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups sugar 4 eggs, well beaten l'j cups walnuts, chopped 1. Grease a 13x9Vx2-in. baking pan. Set aside. 2. Blend melted chocolate and instant coffee to gether; set aside to cool. ' 3. Blend the next three ingredients together and set aside. 4. Cream butter with vanilla extract until butter is softened. Add ugar gradually, creaming until fluffy af ter each addition. 5. Add eggs in thirds, beating well after each ad dition. Blend in the cooled chocolate. 6. Mixing only until smooth after each addition, add dry ingredients in thirds. Stir in the nuts. Turn batter into pan and spread evenly. 7. Bake at 350F 40 min. Cool in pan and cut into squares. About 3 dot. brownies House Call My doctor's young and up-to-tate; He doesn't make me sit and wait: First he pinpoints my neurosis With a brilliant diagnosis, Then solves the problem just like that In only 60 minutes flat And does it all without a fee Mortnyight Quips and Quotes A little boy came home from school every afternoon complaining that the kids in the neighborhood were picking on him. Disgusted, his father took the lad aside and showed him some boxing tricks. "Next time somebody picks on you," the father concluded, "you let him. have it." The next day, Jimmy raced home, his eyes ablaze with triumph and a wide smile on his face. "Dad, Dad!" he shouted, "I did it! I hit her!" Herm Albright A young lady walked into the doc tor's office and listed her complaints. She finished with : "Doctor, my nerves are so bad I can't smtll a thing." "Hhmmmm, must be olfactory nerves," the doctor murmured. "Oh, it can't be that," the girl re plied. "I work in an office." Wilfred E. Beaver What people miss most when they move to the suburbs is the train. Anna Herbert "I can't get through his defense." For weeks the prospective paratroopers had been train ing for their first jump. "You line up close together," the sergeant repeated again and again, "then you clip the chute hook to the wire above your right shoulder, jump out, yell 'Geronimo,' and hold tight as the para chute opens." The big day came, and one by one the young men jumped without a mishap. Satisfied with his training prowess, the sergeant closed the plane's exit door and sat down to enjoy a cigarette. Then he heard a thumping at the door. When he opened it, he found one recruit hanging by one hand to a latch. "Say," the recruit shouted over the roar, "what was the name of hat Indian again?" Edward C. O'Connor V family Weekly. December 30. 1K2