f AGK -D HERALD AND NEWS, Klamalh Falls. Ore. (Sunday, December M, 1962 Employes Have Party Employes of Miller's and Town Shop and their wives and hus bands gathered Saturday night, Dec. 15 for a Christmas party at the Willard Hotel. Marian Cronin served as mis tress of ceremonies and intro duced guests and new employes of the past year. During dinner, guesis were en tertained with piano selections by Sandra Ruconich. As additional entertainment there were selections by the Melody Mothers. Couple Note Anniversary Mrs. Doris M. Smilh was host ess at a dinner on Dec. 10 hon oring her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl K. Fogle of this city, who were observing their 34th wed ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Fogle were mar ried in Rockford, III., and came to Klamath Falls in 1948. He is associated with the KID. Guests included the couple's seven children, their wives and husbands and 22 grandchildren, Also present were Norman Smith and Dennis Hastings, both of this city. The Fogle children include Mrs Larry (Rosettal Nelson, Richard Fogle, Darwin Fogle, Leatha Fo- i Now In Progress! Store-Wide CLEARANCE Dresses Sweaters Skirts Lingerie to Vi OFF Charge Now! Pay in Feb! Tht book! ar cloud ... all chargi purchotti mad batanca of thii month will net ba duo until Feb ruory 10th! 'I 5th and Main uurt illHifcuVll gle, and Mrs. Doris Smith, all of Klamath Falls, and Kenneth Fo gle of Alturas. Church Rites Unite Couple MOUNT SHASTA A double ring ceremony at 10 a.m. on Dec. 1 in St. Anthony's Church united in marriage Rosine Bottega of Mount Shasta and Frank Mazzei of Weed The Rev. Father Dermody offici ated. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bottega, was given in marriage by her father. She is a graduate of Mount Shasta schools and attended College of the Sis kiyous. Her gown was of white lace fashioned with long sleeves, fitted bodice with sweetheart neckline and full skirt of tiered lace. crown of pearls held the net veil and she carried a bouquet of stcphanotis with ribbon streamers Maid of honor was the bride groom's sister, Jeanette Mazzei of Weed. She wore a red frock wilh fur trim and red hat and carried white chrysanthemums with red streamers. Bridesmaids were the bride's cousins, Felice Moore of Los An geles, Sharon Skinner of Oakland and Pamela Moore of Mount Shas ta. Flower girl was Kelly Roberts of Redding and Bobbie Aicllo of San Lcandro was ring bearer. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Mazzei of Weed. He chose for his best man Robert Paolinelti of McCloud. Ush ers were Richard Colombcro of Mount Shasta and Patrick Lobis and Robert Pastega, both of Weed Approximately 150 guests gath- ercd in the parish hall after the ceremony where a banquet was served. The new Mrs. Mazzei wore a black ensemble for the wedding trip to the Bay Area. The couple will make their home in Weed If water is beginning to soak through cork coasters, coat I he bottom with colorless nail polish. f A -V. h , "-" r, , ' , , I BRIDE-TO-BE The engagement of their daughter, Yvonne Bailie, to Richard Reiling is announced by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bailie of this city. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Railing of Henley District. The young people have chosen June 22 as the date for their wed ding. Both are presently attending Southern Oregon College as junior students. The future bride, a KUHS graduate, is registered in business education. Her fiance was graduated from H e n I ey High School ind is studying secondary education with a sci ence major. He is a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon fra ternity. Photo by Mollenkopf 1 A Nr.' -f J Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Smith of Midland and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jackson of Silver Lake were hosts for a party Dec. 16 arranged as a surprise for their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith at then- home in Merrill. The affair was in ob servance ot tne smitns silver wedding anniversary. The table was covered with a pink and lace cloth and held a white wedding cake iced with pink decor. Gold holders held tall light ed pink tapers. Present for the party were the couple's three other children, Ken Russell and Elaine Smith, and two grandchildren, Damn Smith and Rhonda Jackson. TO WED Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Sanders of Klamath Falls announce the engagement of their daughter, Cheryl Lee, to Donald K. Crabtree, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Crabtree, also of this city. Both young people attended Judson Baptist College in Portland last year. The future bride is presently employed in Klamath Falls. Her fiance attends Southern Oregon College in Ashland. A June wedding is planned. Reno Rites Unite Couple Rolene Duty SUMMER LAKE and Don Penington were married at Twin Falls, Idaho, Nov. 30, and are presently residing at Sylmar. Calif. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. James Gei king of Paisley. and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Penington of Summer Lake. The young couple attended Pais ley High School and were gradual ed with the class of 1961. r FACE '63 WITH NEW CONFIDENCE Join the owners of Savings Security You cart face the future with a smile Uica you have savings growing here accumulating for fun, security, progress. Meanwhile you can meet the present confidently, fully assured of a ready source of cash in the event of emergency. We help you build savings security more rapidly by giving your funds a big profit boost twice yearly. Right now our savers are getting set for biggcr-than-evcr earnings, when dividends aie distributed December 31st. Join the confident folks who are building savings security rapidly . . . safely . . . surely. Open your account today. 1 NUPTIAL PAIR Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mazzei are pic tured after their Dee. I marriage in St. Anthony's Church in Mount Shasta. Mrs. Mazzei is the former Rosine Bot-q- Phofo by McKinney For Your WASHING & DRYING Convenience and Pleasure Merit's Has 3 Coin-O-Matics L There's one near you: 1 4801 So. 6th 2 - 333 E. Main 3 Ore. & Biehn Dry Cleaning at t Main I Oregon Ave. Little or no pruning needed ... Dry to dry in 30 minutes 10 lbs. For Just $2.00 Learn the thrittinesi and convenience of Coin-O-Matic com plete cleaning facilities. You'll find all the coveniencei at Merit's ... and remember, only Merit's il COIN-O-MATIC. tiiE Alimony is whot a womon charges for name dropping. au Current Rale Per Annum OH. W FIRST FEDERAL SflUIIIDS and Loan Association 540 MAIN STREET SINGER SALE OF TRADE-IN MACHINES Including Idte models r cived during our Holiday selling season! SINGER machine and other brands. ..portable and cabinet style Ail in excellent operating condition PORTABLES .from 9.95 CONSOLES . 19.95 ZIGZAG MACHINES ..from 49.50 90-DAY MONEY-BACK ; GUARANTEE WITH LL TRD ins You mutt bt t1ift r.r rtlurn yftiir mehnt to ttit hop h.r pur. cJl( -tbin 90 ctv rMI wt wilt rtHmtt tlt tutl purc prtct ! ACT NOW! Quantities areltmited-many one of a hmd. 3. BE THE PROUD OWNER OF SAVINGS SECURITY - arid (l.t..1 in pJio txw uniwr smnin siwinr machinl co ) 633 Main St. (T Ph- TU 2-2S13 4 ?(( HEW S ALL PRICES FROM THURSDAY'S AD GOOD THRU MONDAY RIGHT RESERVED TO LIMIT Town and Country Shopping Center 3800 So. 6th Party Fetes Merrill Pair Guesis included Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kissell and Paul and Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kerekes. Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Case, Theresa, Jerry and Carla, John Chapburn, Bev Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Coker, Ellen and Ben, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hauck and David, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slaughter and Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coker and Mr. and Mrs. George Flowers. BABY SHOWER FORT ROCK Mrs. Richard Morehouse and Mrs. Ralph Mc Allister were hostesses for a baby shower Dec. 15 honoring Mrs. Charles Tompkins. Mrs. Law rence Rice assisted with games. The party was held in her school classroom. Winners in the com petition were Mrs. Mabel More house, Mrs. Robert Judd and Mrs. Bud Parks. Eleven ladies were present for the event. DEAN DEWITT ANNOUNCEMENT DEAN DEWITT Is Now Associated with the JERRY THOMAS Insurance Agency 304 So. 7th Ph. TU 2-5555 9th & Pine Phone TU 4-3188 V ) i imported and domestic wool and cot ton knits; rayon and jerseys. Were 6.98 Now 5.00 Were . 8.98 Now 6.00 Were 10.98 Now 7.00 Were 12.98 Now 9.00 Bulky Knit Sweatees Were 5.98 Were 7.98 & 8.98 Wera 10.98 Dressy Sweaters Blouses, Were 2.98 f, 3.98 Wool Pants, were 7.98 Matchmates, Were 8 98 .. Were 6.98 Now 4.00 Now 6.00 Now 7.00 Now 5.00 Now Now Now Now 2.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 KNIT & WOOL SUITS Were 30.00 Were 25 00 Were 15.00 Now 16.00 Now 15.00 New 10.00 LADIES' RAINCOATS Were 10.98 Were 12 98 Were 16.98 Now 7.00 Now 9.00 Now 11.00 terrific reductions! WARDS JANUARY FASHION CLEARANCE BIG SAVINGS ON MISSES AND JUNIOR DRESSES COATS AND SPORTSWEAR Don't delay hurry in. Now is the time to save on this season's favorite styles at phenomenal reductions. You'll find misses, juniors and half sizes, but not every size and color in every style. Fur trim and untrimmed coats, including women's half sizes. Were 24.98 Now 18.00 Were 29.98 Now 20.00 Was 75.00 (1 only) Now 50.00 Was 65.00 (1 only) Now 40.00 Fur Trims, (2 only) Were 35.00 Now 25.00 1 size 18, was 18.00'.... Now 12.00 Small sizes, were 10.98 Now 7.00 w li.oo y