rT . , Couple Note Special Date Approximately 45 friends and relatives planned a surprise par ty on Nov. 30 for Mr. or.d Mrs. F. L. Webb on the occasion of their 2oth wedding anniversary. The surprise evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ewing, 4210 Highland Way, opened with the honored couple being greet ed at the door of the Ewing home by their son, Don, whom they sup posed to be in Portland attending Judson Baptist College. Hostesses (or the affair were Mrs. Ewing and Mrs. Don Chase, mother of Mrs. Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Smith of this city, who were wedding at tendants for the Webbs, were spe cial guests. The refreshment table was pret tily decorated with a pink cen terpiece and candles in silver holders.. A three tiered cake, iced in pink and white, was made and decorated by Mrs. Lyle Cook. Punch, coffee a.id cake were served by Mrs. Chase, M r s. Charles Webb and Carol Webb. Florence Smith and Mrs. J. D. O'Neal gave readings appropri ate to the occasion and the Rev. Freeman Schmitt also spoke to the couple. Mrs. Clifford Sanders made the presentation of a money tree and other guts. Frank Lester Webb and Edith Marguerite Chase were married in Klamath Falls on Nov. 24, 1937, by the Rev. Theodore Smith of the First Presbyterian Church and have lived in this city con tinuously since 194. They have four children. Don, a freshman at college: Carol, sophomore at KUHS; Billy in the eighth grade at Altai lont, and Jeanette in the fifth grade at Ferguson School. Plan Now to Attend! New Year's Eve PARTY Starts Early Monday Evening! Favors Entertainment Noise-Makers Round Table Dining Room Open til! . . . ? WINEMA MOTOR HOTEL 1111 Main vtiuuutisum A n r k Uk . ft III if I ,V i i , m . . k . is a v.-rs VREKA A Christmas uartv and potluck dinner highlighted the court. ro. 100. Order of the Am-; aranth. The dinner preceded the Business session, alter which thr Christmas entertainment was pre sented. PI II r 1 n a Ilia lllicinncf enr.inn conducted by Royal Matron Ethci uavin, pians lor uuure meetings were made. Mrs. Gavin was as- ft. V v Webb, right, celebrated their 25th ANNIVERSARY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. F. wedding anniversary on Nov. 30. They are pictured with Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Smith, left, who were attendants at the Webb wedding. Reception Honors Pair DUNSML'IR Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thorcson Jr. were enter tained at a wedding reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hollinshcad of Dunsmuir fol lowing their recent nuptials in Reno. The bride was Icrmcrly Linda Lee Rue. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rue and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thoreson, all of Dunsmuir. The Reno wedding was attend ed by the parents of the bride and bridegroom and members of their immediate families. CARPET COMFORT If you are faced with the choice of refinishing or replacing worn, uneven floors in your home, con sider putting down new carpeting instead. New, durable, decorative carpels are available today that cost less than a new floor, and they're easier to keep looking like new than hard -floors. 1 t if jL V if , f , I HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Fa!!j, Ore. Sunday, Dcrrmhrr 30. 1962 Lodge Has Yule Party sistcd by past royal patron, Charles Orr. who presided in the absence of the royal patron, Floyd Madding. Obligation night will be held dur ing the Jan. 11 meeting, and on Jan. 23. a (tin session v ill follow the stated meeting. Asso ciate Matron Lavcrna Hopkins an nounced that advance night (or lWU officers will be held on Feb. 8, with initiation of candi dates. Approximately 50 persons at-i tended the poi'. ick dinner, which included members, their families and friends. For the dinner a Yule decor was featured by decorating chairman, Mrs. Helen Shelley. A large Christmas tree was trimmed by Mrs. Emma Ahlgren and Jim Dow. The Christmas program con sisted of several Christmas poems and readings and games PAGE 3-D, In lieu of a Christmas gift ex change, money was donated whjoh. will be sent to the Amaranth" girls iiome in Santa Monica. Mrs.' Ahlgren had created a liny house with old Christmas cards, which served as the "bank." fK S o Bl Claude Rodger's (itchen Center Major Line Kitchen Cabinets Country Kitchen, Modern & Provincial Designs Installations 7 Kelvinator Appliances it Custom Designing SEE OUR DISPLAY AT CALHOUN'S FLOOR COVERING 357 East Main TU 2-4229 Dim LOW in calories. HIGH in vitamins. HIGH in Proteins. LIGHT in body. VISIT HERE Recent visitors at the home of Mrs, S. R. Sexton, left, were her brother, Fred Gerdes of St. Paul, Minn., whom she had not seen for nearly 20 years, and her sister, Mrs. L. E. McCubbin of Waterloo, low, at right. Several informal affairs were held in honor of the visitors. To clean a bottle that has had sour milk in it, add baking soda and hot water. Shake vigorously and rinse with cold water. Don't use scouring powder or steel wool on your best china. It will scratch the colors or the soft glaze. MOST WANTED STYLES! FAVORITE FABRICS, COLORS! GREATEST SAVINGS! lis TO 50 o o o o o COATS SUITS DRESSES SWEATERS BLOUSES SPORTS WEAR LINGERIE ETC. Low, Low Prices Plus "S&H" Green Sfamps BUY ON REVOLVING CHARGE mm 4480 South 6th Next to Oregon Food BUY NOW AND SAVE! Ladies' & Children's Wear 0 OFF! TO LOOK at this VALUE! LADIES' Beautifully Sty Jed. Many With Fur Trims Values to $79.00 NOW 1 A OFF! EXTRA SAVINGS with 'S&H" Green Stamps m In The Town & Country Shopping Center II CHOCOLATE TTffTfWl vacuum A HsTbag -i?u I mPWMK MONEY W V.nnswp 1 5 AQcmmSm SAVERS B fan ' 7 days k mm spIy JAMlil P f I PORTA-FiLES f 1.69 dristan tablets 1.37 B PMHT BlUftiM 1 799 1 89TBROMO-QU1NINE 72c H 1 I D'Yidcf' L ONE-A-DAY VITAMINS T.49H nETA. J SIB " A K i 40 DIICCCDIU TilDICTC O0 Id M 9t V' I r rai .L1 PUIIUnill I HULL I J M g B iH,Mmmmt I r..n, ..n.nr, 74.13 CENTURY - 3 HEAT . If K rJ off- JULflnn LIWUIU uiu ELECTRIC I'vV;'" 1 52c DENALAN g'JS 39c E HEAT PADS L btljl 1 1.00 SUPER BLUE BLADES 79c 3 Mr.vi mm I' fi--- 2i fr REMOVABLE WASHABLI ; 79c LECTRIC SHAVE 63c E corTg. j07 SAVE ON ; 98c BAN DEODORANT 79c 3 3-99 FAMOUS 89c TOOTHBRUSHES 69c H p W SKIN CARE ggjJlMjm flNO tppnnnrTQ 3.50 metamucil 2.67(3 PRODUCE i27cSIM,LACL,QUID 5n.ooit()nl 1 98c Johnson's BABY OIL 79c MM In the 8 4.34 ZYMADROPS v',t'm,n, 3.45 H IXHl bareaIn! 1.88 AULDROX TABS 99c Slfeiilllil pSlSra,MM jlScROLAIDSr , 2125c H J now ,,y ifo H 83c TUMS 100 TABS 66c W AlJ N K J IE '"n N 89c VICKS VAPO-RUB 72c p skin Mi 1 98c GILLEHE FOAMY ?M 79c Jl I F r,Z"oa pjV2 GALLON ..poo 1.49 1 Ojf ff now...i.ioII H 69c MENNEM SKIN BRACER 54c H IJUSSV ! 71? BL H 79c BRYLCREAM 63c ) m 8KVZSa H 69c MAVIS TALCUM 54c " JA V'y li 59c HAIR CURLERS AU SIZ" 47c hi 10. TDCCT TOOTH PAJTI ri. I W M Q7L vnLJi JUW LOTION W r-H10Q ''"""" "Qdokant ?9c r now....2.oo U W 1.5Q ENDEN SHAMPOO 1,19 1 H Mr IjFFP HFAT RIIR 7?. E I . ... l "T.l " 1 1 I CTT MRRANCE Pj II 1 pnta plut IrTi PRICIS PIUJ TAX WHERE APPLICABLE ... , .... -rr ... l -p 1 VVinlerlime, Summertime, Vacalionlimt... anytime. Wind nd Weather Cream or Lotion il your best buy. Especially now when it's at hall price. lotion in 12Ounca unbreak able plaitia bottle. Regularly $2.00. NOW $1.09 Alio: Lotion in 6-ounce glas battle. Regularly $1 00. NOW 50 Hand Cieam In 3-vunce jar. Regularly $2.00. NOW $1.09 'i tv el NI ttlH'tX Tut. li: 1