HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Sunday, December 30, 1963 Saddle Club Observes Yule PAGE I-D "A 1; rt 1? :i s f II '' "4 M( ": - ' ,5 : Lv ' ' , , ,w ','',1 '1 ' i, ' ' I y ' i .kjiuiuiiiuiriiMY HEADS COMMITTEE Mrs. Del Summers, shown with her husband, was in charge of preparations for the Klam ath Saddle Club Christmas party. Her co-chairman wai Lorraine Emerick. 1 for the new arrival Exclusively For Children 619 Main - We Give H-W Grain Stamps i a. II I I t IF"! K. irN 5 A vjy If o0 I H lit ri 1 t : i rLjyi I ATTEND PARTY This group is pictured at Reames Country Club on Dee. 16 when the Klamath Saddle Club staged their annual Christmas party. Left to right ara Mrs. Bob Colwell, Mrs. Dale Mattoon, Mrs. Cecil Matt, Mrs. Roy Ruga, Del Summers and Ray Ruge. . liip CLUB OFFICERS Meetings of the Klamath Saddle Club are conducted by this offi cer slate. Left to right are Mrs. Dorothy Harrington, treasurer; Mrs. Lorraine Emerick, secretary: Mrs. Ernie Read, vice president, and Mrs. Bertha Colwell, president. FURS BLEND SOMETIMES It's lure that it's the fashion o mix furs this year. But be sure that the furs you mix get along both in color and texture. Other wise, the effect is bizarre. Elks To Greet The New Year Members of the Klanath Kails Elks Lodge will usher the Old Year out and welcome the New Year at a gala ball planned for the lodge hall Monday evening, Dec. 31. The cocktail hour Is set for 9 to 10 p.m., followed by dancing to Baldy's Band from 10 til 2. Noise makers and balloons will help mark the arrival of the New Year after which a ham and egg breakfast will be served. Making arrangements for the party are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peyton, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Old ham, Mr. and Mrs. Vein Moore, Mr. and -Mrs. Ernest Mullis, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Evans, Mr. and Mrs. James Money. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whitman and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lemire. First Lady To Be Hostess Mrs. Mark Hatfield will again this year entertain the women of Oregon, those living in Salem as well as visitors, at informal gath erings In her home each week dur ing the legislative session. Wives of legislators will preside at the tea table at Mrs. Hatfield's "at homes" each Tuesday from 2 until 4 o'clock. Oregon's charming First Lady will greet her first guests on Tucs. day. Jan. 15. LUCAS FURNITURE brings you wool broadlooms with the cobbled random look of American hand-crafts Dtnitlr wavan loop pilt "HsbblthiH" . . . euMtendint huy at only $12 95 q- y(. (!) IobMeiiill by famous nlhm6('atl) TfcESHEST, NEWEST LOOK IN CARPET... 29 UNIQUE MULTI-TONE COMBINATIONS! In the Kora-loc weare that outperforms oil others! Exciting new Karoston broadlooms that revive the hand crofted look priied in contemporary American traditional settings. All wool loop pile, densely woven! Fothion new with multi-color interest. Wall-to-wall or at rugs. Us your credit , , . tok months to pay! LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main " COMMITTEE Plans for the pre-holiday Christmas dance given by members of Beta Phi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi were in charge of this committee. Left to right are Holly O'Neale, Mildred Lewis, Lettie Hicks, Joanne Gestvang and Wanda Pon trelli. Photo by Guderian - L mil imhhii iw-inrtirtMMiiMnrinif, al Jr ViaiA atw V A v"V'- SORORITY PLEDGES At the Christmas dance new pledges to Beta Phi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi are pictured, left to right, Mildred Lewis, Louise Oden, Flora Osa and Wanda Pontrelli. With them are Chris Pontrelli at right, and Glenn Lewis in front. Photo by Guderian Mama nit a OES Meets The pre-holiday m e e t i n s of Manzanita Chapter 172, OES have been as colorful as the festive Christmas spirit that inspired them. Worthy Matron Verda Scribner and Worthy Patron Andy Ander son presented each of their of ficers with unusual pins of their offices at the Dec. 12 meeting. The lodge was also honored by a visit of Georgianna .lark, grand rep resentative of Alberta, Canada, in Oregon. There was a Christmas party after the meeting in the dining room. Secret pals exchanged gifts and at each place was a comic gut. The Sweet Adelines provid ed the entertainment. More than 200 attended the an nual Christmas party given by Crater Lake Lodge 211 of which Clarence Humble is worshipful master. Santa Claus arrived in time to distribute gifts to the children and partake of the potluck supper Bob Embree was in charge of party arrangements. KINDERGARTEN 3849 Summers Lane STATE APPROVED Course of Study Specializing in PHONETIC TRAINING Mrs, Merle Jackson Phont TU 4-9942 FURRY ON TOP Try just one fur hat this winter. It need not be expensive. In fact, those shaggy fur hats are enor mously flattering and they clost little. The Klamath Saddle Club's an nual Christmas was held this year at Reames Country Club on Dec. 16. Maxine Summers was chair man, assisted by Lorraine Em rick, co-chairman. A ceiling - high beautifully dec orated tree predominated the dec orations, which were appropriately in the holiday motif. A bulfet dinner was followed by dancing to the music of The Oregon Rangers. Members and their husbands who attended included Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Summers, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus McMahon, Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Poole, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Read. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ruge, Dr. and Mrs. John Negreski, Mr. ai.d Mrs. Lyle Fow ler, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Colwell, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Matt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Lilly and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mattoon. YOU NAME IT Now you can have a handmade Italian sweater trimmed either with monkey fur or ostrich fea thers! What's next? Pre-lnventory CLEARANCE NOW IN PROGRESS Fantastic Savings on Coats, Suits, Dresses, Sportswear, Children's Wear, Lingerie and Foundations. The Books Are Closed! Charge Now - Pay in Feb. All Charge Purchases .Made Balance of this year will not be billed until Jan. 25 Dance Given By Sorority Members and guests of Beta Phi Chapter ol Beta Sigma Phi sorority enjoyed a pre . holiday Christmas dance at the Yacht Club Saturday, Pec. 8. with danc ing music played by Pete Colley and his band. Decorations of blue and silver lent a festive air to the dance hall and fueats entered the ball room thrjiigh a large evergreen archway accented with blue lights. A t a.m. buffet supper was held at the close o( the dancing. Committee members responsi ble for the occasion were Holly O'Neale. Mildred Lewis, Lettie Hicks. Joanne Gestvang. Wanda Pontrelli, Natalie Suanson and June Roadv. Did your child receive a Blue Slip? Wat ysurt en of (ht youngtttri who it yii showed ntd for htlp in tht rcnt school examination!? NOW . . . Is the ideal time to hove your child's eyes examined. Dr. Neles Optometrists have served the families ef the Northwest for over $7 years. No appointment necessary. 1 f,7:"i .Zi oor" C9 Convenient Credit Wo give Greee Stamp owt 57 tA yftt COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. 730 Main TU 4-7121 "Dr O-nor J. NVil end Robert Pflcrl 95 At J. W. KERNS1 N0RGE LAUNDRY & CLEANING VILLAGE 10 New Norge Top-Loading Washers wi,h 5 fum R,n,e ccie 4 New Norge 50-lb. Dryers With Variable Heats. Fast! Fast! Fost! Fast! 1 Gigantic New Norge Family Washer Hd 2s'"" fr ro1 Ecnmy 8 Norge Dry-Cleaning Machines With Extra Gallons of Fluid (or Cleaner Clothes Always an Attendant " ight or Day! Finishing Service For Shirts And Other Laundry Leave Them With Attendant! OPEN 8:00 to 10.00 Weekdays 9:00 to 5:00 Sot. & Sun. Pleasant Waiting Rooms Free Hair Dryer corns in with your curlers on. Free TV . and magaiines Coff jt, coke, candy, cigarettes available Leisurely shopping in Kerns' many departments J. W. Kerns Norge Laundry & Cleaning Village 734 So. 6th Ph. TU 4-4197