Poetry Iterate au&Sfta Sun., Dee. SO, 1J Page 4-C They'll Do It Every Time I OWNED AN INN In the town of Bethlehem I can see it yet; I owned a rooming house But I wish I could (orget. A gentle knock upon my door. Now if I had only have known; : May time erase from Memory ; This little inn I owned. Nay Nay I'm sorry sir, ; There is not a single bed Good night sir good night That was what I said. But he didn't turn away, ; And in a voice so mild: Please-oh. please sir, for My wife may have her child. My heart it ached for tHt poor man But 1 didn't hear Him say There is no more room I'm sorry But yet he didn t turn away. By Jimmy Hatlo U.oiS J SfK?KS-l I A COPY OP HAMLET, A STOOW T"" LLT- . TeBa7L: I 1 FIGURED THIS WTMK TuE EGGPLANTS ARE L-aiiS. i I and tme uosraphvof AVW 7nT V VEEl5y CT VERY SAPETV CONSCIOUS-f I --Vlli; Mil.! 0e3Amim fpankliN.' CaSdvot ' il 'vV'TNZ-' FT ucAr ccat ocitc eweu fiJKsrri Reading these on tW V SuL-IS.I c: , f j U J l ,..., ' I ONfcK 1H6 DNfcOU lOC ' V ...7 T V-i.lti nl . ...... .. . p-.-,t- ,t- H TUT, ' .. C!0 1 VSAR'SEVE.tLL ENTER lt(,3i !S'."-',C I' t MM'jfi V bOIWkKbD WITH beincf WiK '1 . II MXl i ,v. ; i,,:7'S- ' .;' M K 'fiT "fAP "MJfliwSi STRAPPED INHE CUTS to-WMMbtfSL -dU.4LM J , T -3.- ;i WiLgSSffiW' . U JALOPY YET ( ie?gSferteSiHPtH rSm WAAcmP ".iilliJiilllllllH"' ( VES. DEAP.I fl HATE TO INTERRUPT VOL) M 2 I 'lliiii'f THAT'S VJHAT i IT'S SO SVJEET THE Vw'AY BT AS SVIBaITV L- --v5S3ifci, ViU' IUBE j KeM'RESOBUSY r-' ' WIVES ARE 1 SHE'LL DROP WHATEVER ELSE) i 3 t)i. imII mkik om 7 . i sfnm nv. v. . . . , w i i . .. . i i --T YJh, V I1 fe,J Kl I IN fM6 WOHI.P PAMILV, VA8BU Tl SAU4L0T KftPf I 0OC.1Q& 0U4IH&6S AM' V CSCiMP fB V AUN0. y Ca- ! 2 , k,.- fc,,,, , i CM- I I. COUtB ANV809V M0K( W W06P ( 'SMINUN fHjll6'fH 7$AVg '6M A 0UCW CS TWO I Kii? fISH -v r :-: :, i t i I a . i v rSTCftss. l i i a yr. ' ' MAM !-----; T-.i-- CSH ' ,.MA (fl & 1 Jki taS I 1 . 'll ,i r- RV, , 1 ' Z-- I CONTACT WITH OOP ) rfWMow f?', H NO.. I WANT WD TO BE GETTINa 1 1 TIU. THEN I MtAM Y HOPB WC0M8 HE'S GOT TO! I'M P6TKMJHE0 'JW'TBBSr . "Fr-3 Pi itrAC MM)EC0i5T KL , .1 TV- WCr AMP P14UK6 READY FOR TO RSIAXJW SB ) CAN GET HIM TO LAMP THATOUTIET N NDIA WELL, TC I9T0PANP ?. fr' ifeWc f ABIQHtVwT --OV. I . vol) SURSVCON'fWMCE WITH THE MAHARAJAH, . AT My PEAK WHEN GIVE YOU A FEW I UST GET STARTED. tWOMS WILL JfKKUP WAf. S3 P?1 P . K SOMEWHEKE "HjW t J- t . : 3 p ' p gg lr( l OT TV-' JiBmWi hi W au 1 u" 1 1 : 1 ' LiJr-JSB. H I tiwimrt inini.ilil WVi' VT--'-' '' '"; ' ' .Iki.''.-..1J COACHIE! ) FINALLY 60MNA USE I HURT HIS I OUT TO THE PLAVERS-) . . yjgyX VSv"-T sW.E H TH' SAME? ANKLE..J 5") -vOUICK iVX rfcuAnuHDFCTfa "e.,j!p.1 wuhec V r, '.'MV J smo' was. mammv "-she I I:-, v.. ....... i ! KMift : I 1 KSSi J fcLLJ PLEASURE HASIN YO'ALL RUN S-V WHW LOVS V I OH,SOJ-A RUN OFF WIFOUT FlXIN'KAAM . 7 . : Fn' DIMMER -BUT- J OFF TO J I 1 Ufa An(n R VARN'T SUPPERIf BUT, AH J ujv rvTUfV Htuk AAlPono lATUPCF53nn 1 Wt BEcViV5e M3U sy. TTassKv .nsjzr w.-a rx 7j iyi'-- --i 1 v j frs-A . ci?a . . C7mJk 1 7 c i C- -ct, I h -4- idl" . 1 t Y Ch'scjY 1 tr.t a.im,t- llu.. ,,7 I-q t 1 , C-.i3.e' 9. tuaa'?' at a-f --J si H - ' . 1 f wsVl head pou a soot 1 If 1 want to pick uo sone'y If wowb you like to view 1 1 - NEAR KEALAKEKUA 5AY. FlUST-HWO INFO OM A I V A TjESSSN UO EEt i " CJ'SiEU IN HIS EYES VOOSs t to ev ff ) IN EY5 YOU S HuWA90UTp -I , , ' V FRIEND C WINS. J S. i2jS? Jir W-Y CC6S ( lOOi.ZBS, A &SEAT LEAOcR... I s.. A SlOSSW, V.'"!' J ' IrZfs A f JtWV ew-iK' fascinates ' os'ry- "SS , P jV1: ' ' 'ki4 VfStST: ' Wi V STAasd (vjq cO military I ' -1 ,.o ' 1 Ri-SuS-iW ,. K . , , rsM V ...... V -tiU: " y t 1 I vjur k.ivJtr t Lit 1 . a M v th'isi. i,:ivh IXJWN tr r s Til Then I thought of my little barn, Down and across tne way; I thpn showed them the manner That was now filled with hay. Soon the shepherds knocked Asking the shortest way where a king was bemg born In a manger on some hay. A bright star was overhead. Bright lights were everywhere; The song peace be on earth Then I wished that I was dead. We then hurried to the barn, Lo and my soul it froze. For lying in the manger there A Babe in swadling clothes. A happy smile on her face Starlight on her hair; The little babe's Mother So meek so bright so fair. Unhappy me but he didn't say For if I had only known: I would not have turned away Our Savior, who was born.. C.J.H. COAL MINE EXPI-OSION 62 KILLED 37 MINERS The agonizing days were over. Their loved ones wailing they feel; I A stark and grizzly drama Oh Was so very real. The waiting arms of their loved ones, Alas Fell empty apart; Their hopes long they had cher ished Fell upon their broken hearts. Long they had awaited a mes sage. And watched Hie long, long night through; Hope it seemed to desert them As stark facts upon them grew. Cold cold was the last kiss. They would cherish through the years; Lnd the grieving and the agony 'And the coffin bathed in tears. Death it is ever near us, it .Lingers in the petal of every flower; ,To the Heavens they had ascend ed Wrought by His Eternal Power. Prayers and sorrows will be an swered. When comes that final day; They will stand before the Master Their tears will be washed away. C.J.H. THE EARTH How beautiful is the earth! Dancing on her tip toes, Spinning around the sun. Never leaving her course, Always keeping time to The music from the twinkling stars. How beautiful is the earth! Ali dressed in blue and green, And white snow cap Covered with a coat of air, And clouds sewn in for a Soft thin lining. How beautiful Is the erlh! Whose figure is complete. She dips, swerves with many curves. Never making one mistake.. Her smooth surface becomes rouch. All together to make perfect. H.iw beautiful is the earth! Who holds us all. Oh God. I pray, Do not let anyone destroy Or ruin her figure. And never let her die or fall. By Vicky Walters. 11. . Dauphtrr of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walters. Walla Walla. Wash. VtMl WHO DOPSMT KNOW I ooi'Tf mt ihinw ex.,ui r FIXING CARS Y I 1 V If I r v in TtAuwELL,! got rr ALL PACK TOGETHER. AND ONLY HAD ONE- IV. rj vi r w J j . I ONLY CNt I PART LECf UU-HUM 1 iVLir-m fiwm fit rv5KN THE" IS TH' HOCIfNDA,ftS''CWACVrv;N-! FUOM U "Ere, IT ALL LOOK'S 60 (i'ViOi AN PEACEFUL, LIKE A TOY TCN ! 1 GJF.esTM'CLOKi? Ycrr 10 AY Pt.4CS HFPE PE-O" UVF Tf MO!?? ppilFVS VCJN INTO I r i TDCvJBLETSaiBi.E.TI?0U"4(.El' !'"f ' RFALLV. I S1)Sf . T"C g 70U ES f urvl tmo6 dive rowj im "SUOCVTTOIVN'' SUPVEVOPS' ME13l.lf N ' AN' DP'VIN ' STAK E I WMffr THAT MEANS . V-5.L, 6ANCY. SE OS S"COTN' Tms COC'LD BE OA 'Sattey ".f A NOTE OF THANKS , Right here and now, I'll thank those of you, my friends . . . Some of whom I know, and soma I i! not, Vor wonderful cards and lellfrs on my contribution of poetry Let me know they are read, and not forgot. And to you. the Heiald and Nes What would I hae ever dene without you? Two years now, jou've printed my poetry . . . My heart and thanks fo out to you. too. It's a great inspiraiion to keep on wntinj It's foiks like you that make my thought-, worthwhile, too. For then I know I m not a "hope'.rss case" And there's other fe'.U that think and feel just like t do. Mrs. Ru.'seTl t. Jones.