Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 30, 1962, Page 13, Image 13

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    HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Sunday, December 30, 1962
TV Schedules For The Week
English Jazz Clarinetist Arrives
At Top Of Heap By Cider Vat Route
NEW YORK (NEA) - lliere
are many ways to measure sue
cess, but to Acker Bilk there is
only one. He knew he had arrived
when he had a cyder vat named
after him. Today the Acker Bilk
No. 1 contains 60,000 gallons of the
choicest Somerset cyder in that
western England city, where cyder
is The Drink. (And where they
spell it with a "v.")
Bilk is a Somerset boy, from
the village of Pensford. Today
he's known throughout England
as a jazz clarinetist and through
out the rest of the world as a
sweet clarinetist whose bit; reo
ord. "Stranger on the Shore.'
made him one of the biggest
sclluig instrumentalists on the rec
ord scene.
"Acker" is Bilk's nickname.
His real name is Bernard but.
throughout Somerset. Acker and
' Ack are common nicknames. Bilk
says that Ack is roughly equiva
lent to "pal" and that Acker is
more like "buddy." He w js Acker
as a boy and Acker he has re
mained, except for his wartime
service in Egypt.
"In Egyptian," Bilk says, "the
word 'acker' means money. So
I reverted to Bernard for the
H was in Egypt that he de
cided on music as his life's work.
He had been a jazz bug as a kid.
listening to what few Benny Good
man records reached Pensford
and teaching himself to play the
clarinet. He and some buddies
or ackers formed a b a n d in
Egypt and played for service af
fairs. "But when I went back home."
he says. "I had to make a liv
production of Bernard Shaw's
"Pygmalion" which "The Hall
mark Hall of Fame" will air on
NBC Feb. 6 with Julie Harris
starring as the Cockney flower
girl, is going to have a gilt-edge
cast. Gladys Cooper will play the
mother of Prof. Henry Higgins.
John Williams is cast as Higgins'
colleague. Colonel Pickering and
George Rose will be the father of
Eliza. The Higgins role goes to
James Donald.
When "An Evening with Carol
Burnett is telecast by CBS Feb
24 as the first of three one-hour
specials for the popular comedi
enne. Robert Preston will be the
only guest star. The actor is at
the peak of his extensive career
having followed his stage triumph
in "The Music Man" with
(he film version of same and cur
rcntly starring in "All the Way
Home, a film being made here.
Plenty of television golf for
the new year. "All Star Golf" re
turns to NBC Jan. 5 for a 13-
week series of Saturday shows
from 5 to 6 p.m. Top pros in
medal plays. ABC will introduce
"Challenge Golf." 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Saturdays, on Jan. 12. Arnold
Palmer and Gary Player will be
regulars who are challenged by
other stars in match play. Each
"Challenge Golf" match will be
re run the follow ing day Sun
days in the l-to-2 slot, beginning
Jan. 13.
Top Pianist
Shows Error
In Rendition
Graffman, a phenom among the
younger pianists, is to be con
gratulated for proving Modestc
Moussorgsky right and Maurice
Ravel wrong. Moussorgsky, you
will remember, was the twisted
Russian genius who composed
"Pictures at an Exhibition" for
the piano. Ravel arranged this
music for orchestra and by this
arrangement it is largely known
In recording it in its original
score Graffman disproves the old
libel that it is not pianistic and
too "big" (or the one instrument.
As he plays it with technical mas
tery and a musical imagination,
it becomes a distillation of piano
qualities, as evocative because o(
its textures as because of its dy
namics. In contrast, the Ravel
orchestral arrangement sounds
like an exercise in inflation iCo-
lumhia-6391 '.
With characteritic exuberance
Van Cliburn (lung himself into
recording Rachmaninoff's 2nd pi
ano concerto, with t h e Chicago
Symphony. Fritz Reiner conduct-
ins. Ti.i is not to suggest it is
in anv ivav an undisciplined per
formance. Quite the contrary. But
Cliburn has exacting ideas of
what is the Romantic style and
one can only say they are. in
deed, romantic. But it compli
ments the music 'RCA Victor
.Ml '.
An electrical winnE system is
no better than its poorest part
ing. So I worked for my uncle
lor live years he was a black
smith. And I'd play at night
after I soaked my hands in water
for an hour so they'd be flexible
enough to play after a whole day
of holding a hammer.
i-ater ne worked in a quarry
and a sawmill, but still played
nights. Finally, he got together a
group and invaded London. The
rest of the group was quickly dis
couraged, but Bilk stayed there
I starved for six months" until:
he got together another band and
got a booking in Dusseldorf, Ger
"We stayed two months in Dus-I
seldorf," he says. "And we blew
enough to shake down into a
band. When we got back to Eng
land, we were all right."
Today, Acker Bilk and His Paia
mount Jazz Band a seven-man
group is famous in England.
I hey play what is known as
trad" music, which stands for
traditional jazz. The cx-black-
smith now has a lovely country
home about 15 miles north of
He was known only for jazz
until a record executive suggest
cd he play sweet with a string
background. Bilk said hed try
it, and "Stranger on the Shore'
was the result.
The tone of my clarinet sur
prises many people." he says.
"It's the only tone I know how
to produce my normal tone. I
can't play any other way. I really
don t play the instrument correct
ly. A music teacher would have a
(it if he saw me."
Dick's picks: Eydie Gorme has
nice one on Columbia called
Brahms Disk
you ve heard a recording of
Brahms' "A German Requiem"
conducted by Otto Klemperer you
may well have the feeling you've
reiUy heard this muchly per
formed work for the first time,
and it will surprise you that also
current is a recording of Klemp
crer conducting Kurt Weill and
the waltz king, Johann Strauss,
But almut the Brahms: Klemp
erer's effort was not to make it
sound as impressive as possible,
as many conductors do, but to
make it as effective as he could.
This involved maintaining the
very long Brahmsian sentences
by being discreet with their punc
tuation. lou realize Brahms was
awed by death but after due mu
sical deliberations lound it pos
sible to view it with some opti
The work becomes one of ten
dcrly soulful beauties rather than
one of heavy Germanic sorrow,
Klemperer was helped a great
deal by having singers of the
quality of Elisabeth Schwarzkopf
and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau as
his soloists. The orchestra was the
Philharmonia (Angcl-3624.
The other record is a curious
one in that it has an orchestral
suite taken from Weill's "The
Three Penny Opera" plus a sat
irical waltz composed by Klemp
erer himself on one side, and Jo
hann Strauss on the other.
Klemperer had nothing individu
ally distinctive to contribute to
cither; he would never have
made his reputation with this
music (Angel-359271.
But Fritz Reiner might well
have made his with Johann
Strauss. He has a recording of
tour Strauss waltzes and one
polka made w ith his Chicago Sym
phony which is the very model of
what the Viennese waltz can be
made into when played with end
less but very slight temperings
with tempo and subtle shiftins of
dynamics (RCA Victor-USC 2500)
' f : '
MWH iiIHIIi I lilt WlililiB, , - - - " J
NEW ADDITION Actor Jeffrey Hunter and hit wife,
Joan, show off a new addition t the family at their
Santa Monica home just before Christmas. Little Scott
Hamilton Hunter, who weighed i" f' peurdt, !5
ounces, was born on Dec. 9. This it the third son of tSe
Hunten. UPI Telephoto
"Me and My Shadow" i Frank
Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr.,
Reprise'; "Wishing It Was You'
i Anita Bryant. Columbia I; "I've
Got My Pride" Uack Jones,
Kappi; "Don't Ask Me to Be
Friends" (Everly Brothers WB);
"I've Got Your Number" Tom
my Leonetti, RCA; "Little Boy
Sad (Paul Petersen, Colpixi
"Here Comes the Pain" lAdam
Wade, Epici; "Stop" (Clyde Mc-
Phatter, Mercury).
Broadway s musical crop is
slim this year, but here are
some good Broadway - flavored
albums: London has the original
cast of the hit "Stop the World
I Want to Get Off"; Columbia has
the cast album of "Mr. Presi
i .-"A I Js -
t yfT. V fNr-'
TV WEDDING Rick Nelson, 22, Idol of millions of
teen-agers, and Kristin Harmon, 18, daughter of Sports
caster Tom Harmon and Actress Elyse Knox, will ba mar
ried sometime this spring. Rick, son of TV's Ozzie and
Harriet Nelson, and Kris became engaged over tha
Christmas holidays. UPI Telephoto
Life On Vestern Ranch
'Twixt Films
Brian Keith has traded Holly
wood's glamor, fancy cars and
parlies for a herd of cattle and
Keith has been around Holly
wood 10 years making a living
as a talented actor but ties al
ways hoped for the time he could
find some place away from the
movie and television business.
People go to premieres to be
seen and get their picture taken.
he said. "Not many of my Inends
are in wis Dusiness. vtnen you
work in a factory do you go there
on your day off?'
Savage Sam
Keith, co-starring in the movie
Savage Sam." recently leased
200 acres of ranch land 50 miles
from Hollywood. He intends to
raise cattle and horses. Between
pictures and television shows, Bri
an plans to spend time there with
his wife and two children.
The blond unassuming actor, a
World War II Marine dive bomb
er dinner, starred in "The West
erner" a television scries which
was axed by NBC more than a
year ago after 13 weeks on thel
The show was a rough and
tumble affair that offended some
dent." with a disappointing score,
and RCA has Perry Como &
Co. doing the tunes from the
show; Cole Porter's music
is played by Carmen Dragon
and the Hollywood Bowl Pops Or
chestra on Capitol and by Harry
Arnold and His Orchestra on
Riverside album designed for
dancing; Command has a beauti
ful new version of "Carousel."
with Alfred Drake and Roberta
Decca has a fine new scries,
"The Chronicles of Music," on
the classical side. This divides mil
sical history into eight eras, from
the Middle Ages to the 20th cen
tury, with a group of releases
illustrating the music of each era
Actor Plans
- Naturally
viewers who expressed Uieir hor
ror in letters to NBC's. affiliated
Keith, no man to let his opinions
go unnoticed, was fuiious with the
network's decision.
In the ensuing months, Keith's
anger against television s mast
cr planners hasn't abated.
TV Getting Belter
What do you want me to do,
say I love it?" he asked. "I fig
ured what the heck is the sense
of doing anything good on tele
vision. I still feel that way. But
f a show like 'The Defenders' can!
he on then there's hope for tele
vision. It s getting belter.
Keith says he's been offered
regular roles in new television
scries but so far he hasn't taken
les Poupeesl
Billed High
NEW YORK (UPI) - One of
the brightest entertainments in
town is "Les Poupees de Paris"
in the off-Broadway Krofft Thea
ter. This is a one-hour puppet show
of such saucy notions that it
is billed as "for adults only."
The puppets are about three
feet high and the show is a
French type of musical revue.
The emphasis is on "girls," and
hese puppets for the most pait
wear practically notning anoc
the waist and little below.
Among the principal puppets
are replicas of such entertainment
greats as Mae West. Jackie Glea-
son, Maurice Chevalier and Lib-1
crace, and the voices of several
other prominent actors are heard
in dialogue or sor.g on the sound
track that accompanies tf.e an
tics of the woodenheads.
The scenes include an extrava
gant French revue. Ice skating
a horror scene complete with mad
scientist, hats and skeletons; a
Juggler, Glcasnn and a line of!
chorus girls, birds, a swimming
pool and an amorous pair ol
South Sea swimmers, waterfalls.
fountains, an exciting twist and
Place Pigalle night club scene,
fireworks and a grand finale in
volving Miss West and Chevalier
The show Is the creation of
brothers Sid and Marty Kroflt.
who cotne from a lonj Vne of
C.-crk pupptims and Lad their
show on the West Coast and at
the Seattle Fair last summer.
Llttlnit ntlna' hirtln art tabllshaal
a avfelic arvka fcy tha Marat an4
Ntw. This ntwtMptr Ml niHu
sikla far trrart in timta r4jrni
tan rant aa taririshaa' by tha ataMan.
Praararn listing. btct it ahanaa
lthaat natica. Par ailiMl lalar
mafia call Iht Italian.
Channel s
Pacific standard Tim
Dtcambcr 30 Januaiy S
7:00 Mattnw
3:30 Concerning Your Health
4:00 Oral Robarti
4:30 Championshio Bowling
5:30 G.E. College Bowl
6:00 70th Century
S: 30 Password
7:00 Tha Jetsons
7:30 Dennis The Menace
1:00 Ed Sullivan
:00 Real McCoys
:30 G.E. True Theater
10:00 Candid Camera
10:30 Whal's My Line
11:00 Newj
11:15 Sign Off
1:00 Captain Kangaroo
9:00 Calendar
:30 I Love Lucy
10:00 McCoys
10:30 Pete and Gladys
11:00 Leva of Lift)
11:34 CBS News
11:30 Search for Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
13:00 College of tha Air
13:30 As the World Turns
1:00 Password
1:30 House Party
3:00 Jena Wyman Presents
1:30 To Tell tha Truth
3:54 CBS News
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 Johnnie Linn Show
4:30 Discovery '62
5:00 Alvin
5:30 Rirt Tin Tin
:00 TV Weatherman
a: 05 Channel 5 Report
e:15 CBS News
6:30 Hillbillies
7:00 My Three Sons
7:30 Cheyenne
8:30 Lucille Ball Show
9:00 Danny Thomas
9:30 Andy Griffith
10:00 77 Sunset Strip
11:00 ABC News Final
11:15 Sign Off
00 Captain Kangaroo
8:45 Tournament ol Roses
9:30 Orange Bowt
11:30 Cotton Bowl
3:30 I Love Lucy
3:00 The McCoys
3:30 Password
4:00 Matinee
5:30 Quick Draw McGraw
:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Channel 5 Report
4:15 Walter Cronklle News
4:30 Tha Deputy
7:00 Country Show
7:30 Marshal Dillon
8:30 Red Skelton
9:30 Jack Benny
10:00 Garry Moore
coo abc News Final
11:15 Sign OH
00 Captain Kangaroo
9:00 Calendar
9:30 I Lova LUCV
10:00 McCoys
10:30 Pete and Giadyi
11:00 Love of Lifo
11:34 CBS News
11:30 Search tor Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
12:00 College ot the Air
17:30 As tha World Turns
1:00 Password
1:30 House Party
3:00 Jane Wyman
2:30 To Tall tha Truth
2:54 CBS News
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 Johnnie Linn Show
4:30 Discovery '63
5:00 Uncle Bill's Adventure, Timt
S. Yogi Bear
6:00 TV Wealhtrmen
4:05 News
6:15 CBS News
4:30 Story Ot
7:00 Oizit & Harriet
7:30 W9n Train
1:30 Going My Way
9:30 Dick Van Dyke
:0:O0 Naked City
11:00 ABC News Final
11:15 Sign Off
8:00 Captain Kangaroo
9:00 Calendar
I 9:30 I Love Lucy
10:00 McCoys
10:30 Pete and Gladys
11:00 Love of Lift
11:74 CBS News
11:30 sarrt) for Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
12:00 College of the Air
17:30 As the World Turns
1:00 Password
1:10 House Party
7:00 Jane Wyman
2:30 Tc Tell the Truth
3 54 CBS News
3.00 Secret Storm
3:30 fedgo of Night
4:00 Johnnie Linn Show
4 30 Discovery '63
5:00 M.ghty Mouse
5:30 Roy Rogers
6:00 Your TV Weatherman
6:03 Channel 5 Report
6:15 Walter Cronklte
6:30 Sports Roundup
7:00 Rifleman
7:30 Mr. ba
8 00 Ptrry Ma son
9 00 Twilight Zone
10.00 McHale's Navy
10:30 M Squad
11:00 ABC News Final
11:15 Too Star Bowlirg
12:15 sign on
8 00 Captain Kangaroo
9 00 Calendar
9 30 I Love Lucy
10 00 McCoys
p Pete and oiadyt
I'M Lovt of Life
1I:J4 CBS News
10:30 Search lor Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
i2:(j college oi in Air
12 30 As the World Turns
1 00 Password
1:30 House Party
2:00 Jane Wymen Presents
7 30 To Tell the Truth
2:54 CBS News
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4 00 Johnny Linn Show
4 JO Discovery 'AJ
5 00 Magtc Land
5 30 Mvckieberry Hound
6 00 Your 17 Weatherman
4 05 Channel 5 RDort
4:15 Welter Cronklte
4 30 I'm Dickens He i Fenster
7:00 Leave It to Beaver
7 30 Young People's Concert
8 30 Route 44
9 30 Loretta Young
10:00 Alfred Hitchcock
11:00 ABC Ns f nel
11:10 Local Newt Fel
11:15 Viae 5
,7 45 Sign Off
1 50 Vellnee
3 00 Higher Education and You
3 30 C-ty Police
3 45 Social Security
4 00 Matinee
4 00 Oan Smoot Report
4 15 Channel 5 Report
4 30 FHntstones
7 00 I'v Gol A Secret
7 30 New York philharmonic
8 10 The Defenders
9:30 Have Gun Will Travel
10:00 Guntmoke
11:00 Newt Final
11: 15 Stage 5
13 45 Vgn Off
Lltflftfe ffeotelfto) hortl are vtlfthe
e a' terviee ty ma HaraM a0
Newt. Tfcie Mvtaaeor ta rotaon
ftifrie far ecrert to tlmea or rfren
content at femttfwd ky te !'.
Pregram HttiRfe ittel to chenge
wifhevt Mtiae. For e4rthMl tafar
mat ati t alette.
Channel 1
Pacific fttaae'a.'d Time
December sf January $
if 45 worw Chamoionship) pr Football
3 00 Directlot '43
3 30 fdltor'l Choice
3 X lm and Answers
3 30 Dan Smoot Rporf
1.45 t-ooiball Highlights
4 00 Oral Roberit
4:30 TBA
5:30 G.E. College Bowl
6:00 30th Century
6:30 Trails West
7:00 Ensign O'Toola
7:30 Jetsons
8 00 Sunday Night Movie
10:00 Candid Camera
10:30 Howard K. Smith
11:00 Sunday News Special
10:00 College of tha Air
10:30 Queen For A Day
11 : 00 Jane Wyman
11:30 Yours ior a Song
12:00 Ernie Ford
12:30 As the World Turns
1:00 Father Knows Best
1:30 Houseparty
1:00 Day in Court
2:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge ol Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery '62
4:54 American Nr.'. sit and
5:00 Chaplain's Corner
5:05 town & Country Workshop
5:30 Dennis The Menace
6:00 Your TV Weatherman
6:05 Farm Market Report
6:10 Stock Market Report
6:15 ABC News
6:30 Local News
6:45 scotties Barks 'n' Biles (Sports)
7:00 Mr. Ed
7:30 Cheyenne
8:30 Rlflemar.
9:00 Orange Bowl Parade
10:00 Ben Casey
11:00 ABC Final Report
8:30 Tournament of Roses Parade (NAC)
10:45 Orange Bowl Football (in Progress)
:o KoseDowi t-ooiDaii uamt
4:30 Discovery '43
4:54 American Newsstand
5:00 Chaplain's Corner
5:05 TBA
5:30 Quick Draw McGraw
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Farm Market Report
6:10 Stock Market Report
4:15 ABC News
4:30 Local News
6:45 Organ Music Show
7:00 David Brinkley's Journal
7:30 Combat
8:30 Hawaiian Eyo
9:30 Untouchables
10:30 The New Year & The Nation
11:00 ABC Final Report
18 00 College of the Air
10:30 Queen For A Day
11:00 Jane Wyman
11:90 Yours For a song
17:00 Ernie Ford
13:30 As The World Turns
1:00 Father Knows Best
1:30 Houseparty
2:00 Day In Court
7:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery '63
4:54 American Newsstand
5:00 Chaplain's Corner
5:05 Fund-tRama
5:30 Yogi Bear
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Farm Market Report
6:10 Stock Market Report
4:15 ABC News
4:30 Local Newt
4:45 Sportsman
7:00 Hatel
7:30 Wagon Train
8:30 Going My Way
9:30 Our Man Higgins
10.00 Naked City
'.1:00 ABC Final Report
10:00 College of the Air
io:30 Queen For A Day
i:uo jane wyman
11:30 Yours for Song
17:00 Ernie Ford
12:30 At The World Turns
1:00 Father Knows Best
1:30 Houseparty
2:00 Day In Court
2:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery '63
4:54 American Newsstand
5 00 Uncle Bill
5:30 Bull winkle
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Farm Market Report
6:10 Stock Market Report
6:30 Local Nfi'nS
4:45 Scotty's Barks 'n' Biles
7:00 Deputy
7:30 Oiife and Harriet
8:00 Story Of
8:30 Ltavt It TO Beaver
9:00 My Three Sons
9:30 Mc Ha la's Navy
10:00 Premiere
11:00 ABC Final Report
11:15 Top Star Bowling
10:00 College of the Air
10:30 Queen For A Day
11:00 Jane Wyman Presents
11:30 Yours tor a Song
17:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford
12:30 As The World Turns
1:00 Father Knows Best
1:30 Houseparty
2:00 Day In Court
3:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Secret Storm
3:30 Edge of Night
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery '63
4:54 American Newsstand
5:00 Ore. Cal. Panorama
5:30 Huckleberry Hound
4:00 Your TV Weatherman
4:05 Farm Market Report
4:10 Stock Market Report
4:15 ABC News
4:30 Local News
6:S Scotty's Barks 'n' Bites
7:00 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
7 30 Valiant Years
8 00 Father Knows Best
8: JO Flintstones
9:00 I'm Oickens-He's Fenster
9:30 77 Sunset Strip
10:30 Lloyd Bridges
11:00 ABC Final Report
11:15 Showtime on Two
9:00 Captain Kangaroo
10 00 The Alvin Show
10 30 Mighty Mouse Playhouse
11:00 Ton Cat
11:30 Beany a. Cecil
l:w Bugs Bunrty
:30 Magic Land of A'tkeiam
i:ro My Friend Htcke
1:30 Sky King
7.00 Davey 8. Goliath
2:15 Social Security
3:30 Roller Derby
3 30 PBA Bowling
3:00 Wide World of Sports
4 30 Country Show
7:00 Fight of tha Week
7:50 Make that Spar
8 00 Gallant Men
9.00 Lawrence Walk
10:00 Gunsmokt
ii:00 News Sports
1:15 Showtime on Two
Lrattftft eefrtalnW ttarehi art Mtrlthed
at a aefttie aervtee by he HaraM and
Newt. Take newtaaper ka t roto
title far errors 4a timea ar program
content ae famished by IM station.
Pregrem tltttage atf ta enenae
wither aettce. Par atttaaal later
atetiea oeH tka alette.
December Jt-iary S
10 IS World Champinmhip Pro Football
130 Meet tr-e Protestor
7 W Direction '63
7:39 Editors Choice
3 00 Issues and Answers
3 30 Film Fare
4 30 Dan Smoot
4 S Medical Panel Discussion
5 00 Valiant Years
3 Bullwinkle
4 00 Mark Rogers' Reports
4 30 McKeever and tha Colonel
7 04 Fnig O'Toola
7'ttDiney's Wonderful World af Color
8 30 Car 54 Where Are You
9 04 Bonenre
10 00 Voice of Flret'one
18 30 Howard K Srr.th
11 08 David Brlnktey
ii:)8 This it tha Way, Religious
13 08 Lata Newt
9:38 educational
It 90 Price Is Right
0:3fi Concentration
11:80 Iff Wyman
'1:38 Yours Far a Song
1 00 Tenneitce trnle FO'd
17 M Father Knowt Best
1 98 Le-el'e mt-j
I H TV Bl-o
J Day In Court
7 74 Midday Report
I 10 f Kays
3 oo Oueen Par A Dey
3 30 Who Oa You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4 D'KOvery '43
4 55 Bands tend News
5:00 Brave stallion
5:30 Mickey Mouse Club
4 00 Newsbeat gtJorth State
4:15 Huntiey-Brrfikley
4:38 Geitant Men
7:30 Cheyenne
6:30 Rifleman
9:00 Orange Bowl Pared
10:00 Ben Casey
11:00 ABC News Final
11:10 Sportscast
11:15 Tonight
12:25 Lata News
8:30 Tournament of Roses Parade
10:45 Sugar Bowl Gam
1:45 Rose Bowl Game
5:00 Cartoon Time
5:30 Mickey Mouse Club
4:00 Newsbeat Northstete
6:15 Film Fare
4:30 Laramie
7:30 Combat
8:30 Hawaiian Eva
9:30 Untouchables
10:30 Doti t Call Me Charli
11:00 ABC News Final
11:10 Sportscast
11:15 Tonight
12:35 Late News
9:30 Educational
10:80 Price Is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Jane Wyman
11:30 Yours For A Song
17:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford
17:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 Loretta Young
1:10 TV Bingo
2:00 Dav In Court
2:74 Midday Report
2:30 7 Keys
3:00 Queen For A Dav
i:M Who Do You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery 42
4:55 Bandstand News
5:00 Broken Arrow
5:30 Mickey Mouse Club
6:00 Newsbeat Northslafo
6:15 Huntley-Brlnkley
6:30 International Showtime
7:30 Wagon Train
8:30 Going My Way
9:30 Our Man Higgins
10:00 Naked City
ii:w AHt News Final
11:10 Sportscast
11:15 Tonight Show
13:25 Lata News
9:30 Educational
10:00 Price is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Jane Wvman
11:30 Yours For a Song
12:00 Ernie Ford Show
17:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 Loretta Young
1:30 TV Bingo
3:00 Day In Court
2:24 Midday Report
2:30 Seven Keys
3:00 Quen For A Day
3:30 Who Do You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery 42
4:55 Bandstand News
5:00 Super Car
5:30 Mickey Mouse Club
6:00 Newsbeat Northslato
6:15 Huntley-Brlnkley
4:30 Father Knows Bast
7:00 Guestward Ho
7:30 Adventures of Orila and Harriet
8:00 The Donna Reed Show
8:30 Leave It To Beaver
9:00 My Three Sons
9:30 McHale's Navy
10:00 Fred Astair Pramlara
11:00 ABC News Final
11:10 Sportscast
ll:l5 Tonight Show
12:35 Lata News
9:30 Educational
10:00 Price Is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Jan Wyman Shew
11:30 Yours For A Song
12:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford'
12:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 Loretta Young
l : 30 IV Bingo
2:00 Day In Court
2:74 Midday Report
2:30 7 Keys
3.00 Queen For A bay
3:30 Who Do You Trust
4:00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery 43
4:55 Bandstand News
5: CO Jill's Party Time
5:30 Mlckay Mouse Club
4:00 Newsbeat Northstete
6:15 Huntley Brinkley
4:30 Films of tha Fities
8:30 Flintstones
9:00 I'm Dickent He's Fenster
9:30 77 Sunset Strip
10:30 Rebel
11:00 ABC News Final
11:10 Sports Cast
11:15 Tonight Show
12:25 Lata News
9 00 Sharl Lewis
9:30 Kina Leonardo
10:00 Fury
10 30 Magic Midway
11:00 TBA
11:30 Top Cat
12:00 Bugs Bunny
17:30 Atekaiam
1:00 My Friend Flicka
1:30 Tha Northerner
2:00 Why Teacher
3:30 Death Valley Days
3.00 Dtsc Date
4:00 Dan Smoot
4:15 Film Fare
5:00 Wide World Of Sports
6:30 Jetsons
7:00 ECAC Basketball Tournament
7:45 Make That Spare
8 00 Hatel
8:30 Joey Bishop
9:00 Lawrence Wflk
10:00 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
10 30 Sunday Night MOvi
2:30 Let News
Listing centalned herein ara prttlthed
at a public tcrvU by tha Hereto and
Newt. This newspaper It aot rota
sibl far errer in times ar area ram
t anient a tarnlsheel by tha stall.
Pro ram listings tablact to ehange
wifheet netice. Fer atttMttaal lofer
ma tit eali tha ttatlaa.
Chen rut It
Pacific Standard Time
December JO January I
1:00 Sign On
1:00 Th Sacred Heart
1:15 Th Christophers
1:30 Breakthrough
7 00 f BA
J 45 TBA
3. 00 Breath Free
3:30Amahl . Th Nit Visitors
4:30 1 BA
3:30 Bullwlnkl
6.00 Meet th Pratt
6:30 McKeover and tha Colonel
t oo Ensign O'Toola
7:30 Disney World t Color
IX) Car 54, Where Ara YOU?
9 00 Bonanza
10 00 THtMhona Hour
1:00 News
11:05 Sign Off
9:75 Sign On Morning Visit
9:30 Contlnenlel Classroom
10:00 Tha Price Is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Your First Impression
11:30 Truth or Consequences
1155 NBC Newt
17 00 Mery Griffin Show
17:5) NBC Newt
1:00 Loretta Young
1:30 Young Dr. Melon
2 00 Make Room for Daddy
3:30 Here't Hollywood
7:55 NBC News Afternoon Report
3 00 Mien for a Day
3 JO Who Do Yau Trust
4 00 Focal Point
4:30 Poty Theater
100 King Leone roe
5 30 Our Gang
5 SI Weathar Window
6:00 New reel 10
6:15 Huntley Brmfcley Report
4 30 TBA
7:00 Our Man Hlggint
7 JO .i t A Mt.vt World
8 30 Saintt and linnet t
9 30 The PrK Is Right
10 no tna
11:00 Newt Tan Night Report
11:15 Tonight Show
1:00 Nws, weather, sign Off
9 71 Sign On Morning Visit
3 30 Continental Classroom
10 00 TBA
1100 Your First Improttian
11:30 Truth or Cortteqvonc
11:55 NC Newt
1?:00 Mtrv Griln Show
13 55 NBC News
1.00 LorM Young
1:30 Young Dr. MtfOTIt
7 00 Eploring
1:55 NIC Newt Afternoon Rep art
2:00 Quean tor a Day
3:30 Who Do Vou Trust?
4:00 Movie: Littlest Rebel
5:30 Laurel and Hardy
5:55 Weather Window
6:00 News reel Ten
4:10 Sports Highlights
6:15 Huntley Brinkley Report
6:30 Combat
7 30 TBA
630 Empire
9:30 Dick Powell Show
10:30 Chet Huntley Rerrtlng
11:00 Nawsreel Ten Night Report
11:15 Tonight Show
1:00 News, Weather, Sign Oil
9:75 Sign On Morning Visit
:J0 Continental Classroom
10:00 Ihe Price It Right
!i:jy loncenirauon
11:00 Your First Impression
11:30 Truth or Consequences
11:'5 NBC News
13:00 Merv Griffin Show
13:55 NBC News
1:00 Loretta Young
1:30 Young Dr. Ma Ion
3:00 Make Room Far Daddy
2:30 Herr t Hollywood
2:55 NBC News Afternoon Report
3:00 Quwn For a Day
3: JO Who Do You Trust?
4:00 Focal Point
4:30 Popeye Theater
5:00 Rutf and Reddy
5:30 Our Gang
3:55 The Weather Window
4:00 Newsreel 10
4:15 Huntley Brinkley Report
4:30 Sam Benedict
7:30 The Virginian
9:00 Perry Como
10:00 The 11th Hour
11:00 News Ten Night Report
lonigm 5 now
i:oo News, Wee i her and Sign Oft
9; IS Sign On - Morning Visit
9:30 Continental Classroom
10:00 The Price Is Riant
10:33 Concentration
11:00 Your First Impression
11:30 Truth or Consequences
ir: nbi news
17:00 Merv Griffin Show
2:55 NBC News
1 :00 Loretta Young
1:30 Young Dr. Malona
2:00 Make Room For Daddy
2:30 Here's Hollywood
2:55 NBC Newt
3:00 Queen For A Day
3:30 Who Do You Trust
4:00 Friendship Circle
4:30 Popeya Theater
5:00 Fury
5:30 Laurel and Hardy
5:55 Weather Window
6:55 Rennar's Weather Window
6:00 Newsreel Ten
6:10 Sports Highlights
6:15 Huntley Brinkley
6:30 Feature Profile
6:35 Sports Special
7:00 Touchdown '62
7:30 Wide Country
8:30 Dr. Klldara
9:30 Haiel
10:00 Andy Williams
11:00 News Ten Nlaht Report
11:15 Tonight Show
i:oo News, weaiher and Sfgn Off
9:75 Sign On Morning Visit
9:30 Continental Classroom
10:00 Tha Price Is Right
10:30 Concentration
11:00 Your First Impression
11:30 Truth or Consequences
11:55 NBC News
12:00 Merv Grllfln Show
12:55 NBC News
1:00 Loretta Young
1:30 Young Dr. Malona
7:00 Make Room For DaddV
2:30 Hera's Hollywood
7:55 NBC News Afternoon Report
3:00 Queen For A Day
3:30 Who Do You Trutl?
4:00 Focal Point
4:30 Popey Theater
4:55 Internationa, Showtime
5:55 Tha Weather Window
TV and RADIO Ssrvlc
Packard-Ball t SyWania Salat
Wf Croon Stompt
! Oroion Avo.
PH. TU 4
radio i tuaac
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TV Service
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Service up to 8 pm daily
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Klomarh Be tin. Phona TU
4-5121 ar 4-7241.
tiwb$ Music
Mi No. 7th
ZENITH Stict Scnr.
Home Service Calls
1140 Rivonlda Drlva
Opan 9 to 6
Mon. thru Sat.
5:50 Waathtr JPKlal
4:00 Newirl 10
:)5 Huntlay Srlnklay Report
6:45 'i BA
7:00 TBA
: Sing Along With Milch
:10 Don't Call Mo Charllt
10:00 Alcoa Pramlara
11:00 Nwj Tan Night Report
i i.ii I might snow
10: 4s Sign On
10:45 TiSA
1:30 TBA
1:45 TBA
4:45 TBA
5:00 wide World of Sports
6:30 Wyatt Earp
7:00 ECAC Basketball Tournay
8:00 David Brinkley's Journal
8:30 Joey Bishop
9:00 Saturday Night At Tha
11:00 Intermission News
11:05 Seven Arts Playhouse
i;w ign un, news, wtarner
Dead Right
(L'PI) The Ozaukee County His
torical Society documented that
an Irishman is practical and can
use his wit to gain a point
The society produced a record
of a town meeting in the bygone
Irish settlement of St. Finbars in
eastern Wisconsin at which a fence
was proposed for the community
cemetery. One Irishman was
dead set against a fence and
made his point this way:
"Who's trying to get in the
cemetery?" he asked.
"No one," the others admitted.
"Anyone trying to get out?".
"Why do we need a fence?"
the Irishman concluded. !
The fence wasn't built, the so
ciety records showed.
Malayan aborigines move their
settlements continuously because
of mystic dread of spirits'and disease.
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