B J'SatWiM KLAMATH KAIJ.S, OKKOOV, SUNDAY, DECKMKKR 30. 1962 If tt& lu aw Jt eto" ihmot mi iwrj a 1 CHERRY PICKER rs LAUNCH PAD WITH ERECTOR jw-VV H I -rim . . ..up i i a. .1' LAUNCH PAD WITH ERECTOR j j missile'ready buildings 3 .J . -al oxidizer vehicles I - " AV;y 't,ii S-H lr.,..;,,,Bi.m,i1uLki n-".f4; r , 1 w ...... S.'w P U; -f-v- U.S. BREAKTHROUGH In space trawl came with the successful, safe, triple-orbit of. the earth by astronaut John H. Glenn Jr. a proud catch-up-with-the-Russians achieve ment. The space pace stepped tip with two other orbital flights in quick succession. Here Glenn gives President Kennedy details of bow the Mercury capsule behaved. t t f". . . v a . . ......... "f". U.S. DISCOVERY of "offensive missile sites" in Cuba, top photo, prompted President Kennedy to issue a clear peace or war choice to Russia, supplier c arms to her puppet. A michty armada of U.S. naval vessels, lower photo, girded the island, blockading shipment of all military equipment to Cuba. The crisis cased when Premier Khrushchev, adopting th role of "peacemaker," slouphed off Castro's protestations and screed to dismantle and remove the missiles and Soviet jet bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons. -MM v 1 M'nf" . . - 1 i 1 W m. 1 ft t V 1 K I sister. Princess Lee Radziwill, exuded good will on an India Pakistan tour, in route, Airs. Kennedy and her companion were received in audience by Pope John in the Vatican. . in i 1 r i lip-: ' VfUi Tintiiiiit1iiffifini: IB 4, JH , 7 1- V THE "BRAKES" FAILED on Lieut. Cmdr. M. Scott Carpenter's three-orbit flight and His Mercury capsule overshot tie designated landing area oy zdo miles, ine nation was on tenterhooks until he was fished out of the Atlantic Here, Carpenter bobs in the water aboard life raft with one of the parachutists dropped to aid him. . -;; .v, , ? ; ,1 EVEN TIIE ELEPHANTS disported as the First Lady and her 1, 1 . L:i J - 4 it f; aa'i " J - l- .. . 'f.'-y r. POPE JOHN XXIII opened an Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church's bishops in Rome, the first since 1869. Council tasks: How to help achieve world peace and improve relations with other churches, particularly the 140 million "separated brethren" of the Eastern Orthodox" Church. THE WALL, symbol of East-West stalemate over Berlin and Germany, is a year-old failure in intimidation. Despite Scvict threats, the West stands firm and West Berlin gleams brighter than ever as a free enterprise showcase deep in Red territory. s c x n yil'f &' '- t XfcJm ASTRONAUT WALLY SCHIRRA boosted U.S. pride and prestige with a lx-orbit flight the most perfect yet in Project Mercury. Schina landed his craft exactly oa target in the Pacific, almost in the wake of the recovery craft, the carrier Kearsarge. , Next: Project Gemini: Two man capsules capable of maneuvering in space. I x ' i4? Aijr - . x sl,' A isrXr -Xjr-x. 3 ; , IT '.X:v 311 it;-: - t7,- - -'-x oi5iij jooa 1. -1 --w we - iliaf .,iwK4 WORST SINGLE-PLANE DISASTER in U. S. commercial aviation his tory came at New York's ldlewild Airport when an American Air lines Boeing 707. New York to Los Angeles, crashed and exploded in Jamaica Bay. Dead totaled 95, including many prominent persons. PENT-IT TENSIONS over the ill-defined 2,500-mile Himalaya border' ' broke out into war as Red Chinese hordes invaded neutralist India. Disillusioned Premier Nehru, richt, prepared his nation for a lnng war, fixed Defense Minister V. K. Krishna Wcr.on, Ic.'t, as a (tarter. tvTFr.BATinv CLASH nvr the enrollment of Neero James H. Meredith at Mississippi U. pitted the federal government against the state. Rioting flared across the Oxford campus; two were killed before federal marshals and troops restored order. Gov. Rom Barnett, defy ing court actions, unsuccessfully led the movement to bar Meredith from the university.