HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Friday. Derrntlirr 2ft. 196! PAGE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE I LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICc Or hOiiu SALE. i f. H. Heilbronnee Sealed proposals will be rceivd by'j. e Abbott, iry. Court Re the C"-mmon Council of the City of Klanvi porter ttt Fills. Oregon, tor the purchase of yy M Cole sewer improvement bon.it. Series No. Betty ' Matthews. Salary. Slenog 137, aggregating. Forty-two thousand five rapher Circuit Judg . hundred thirty-seven and 35-100 dollar! g A Walker. Salary, Justice of ,,' JJ' uu,r umornea uv orainamvi Peace of the said City ol Klamath Falls, the construction and lymg of seer lines In Sewer Unit No. 30. of said Ci!y serv ing, the north-west portion ot Buena Vis ta Addition, Buena vista first Addition and a part at Shlpplngton Addition, ex tending back from the shore line of Up per Klamath Lake toward Klamath Lake Addition, all In said City. Proposals to purchase said bonds will be received by the undersigned up to and including the 7th day ot January, 1963, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. or said day and opened at a regular meeting of; the Common Council Immediately there after; said bonds shall be dated Feb. 1 1, 1943, and shall be In amounts ofl 5500 00 each, except bond No. 1, of said series, which shall be tor the fractional part of said sum. end all shall be due ten years after the date ol issue; pay ment ot the entire bonds optional with said City at any coupon paying date on and after one year from the date thereof. Said bond1: will bear Interest af the rate of not to exceed six per cant per annum, payable semi-annually on February 1st and August 1st of each year, principal and Interest payable at the office of the Treasurer of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified check for five per cent of the proposal. The Com mon Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder for said bonds will be furnished with an opinion as to the legality thereof by the law firm of. Shuler, Sayre, Winfrec 8. Rankin, Port land Trust Building, Portland 4, Oregon. This notice is authorized by ordinance o' the Common Council of the City ol Klamath Falls, Oregon, dated November 26. 1963. Rosie Keller Recorder, City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. No. 833, Nov. 21. 2. 30, Dec. 2. 3, 7, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, U, 16. Walter Zimmerman H. J. Davidson. Salary, Constable. A. O. Youngplood W. R. Fen ton, Salary. Janitor ... Cam Ftnlon Irma Arnold W. P. Aiha W. M. Brillon II- 1. 20, ?t. 23, 30, 31, 1963, Jan. I, 1963. 25. 36, 37, 30. NO 63-90 PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Malter of the Estate ol GEORGE W. GROVES. Deceased. Notice is hereby given thai I have filed my final account of the adminis tration of the above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed January 71. 1963. at 10 A M. as the time for hearing objections to such final account and the settien-.ent thereof. Wm. Ganong, Executor Ganonq ft Ganong Attorneys for Executor No. S61, Dec 31, 28. Jan 4. 11. Coleman Louise Groseclose Gretta Loqan W. L. Losin Christino Savio Doreen Taylor Ellen Upp- Salary, Receptionist Madelyn Brown, Salary, Nursing Home Dorothy Rogers (.10 vis Bowman A!ph J. Brown tna Brown Everty Chrowl . . Svdney Clauson Ema Cooper ... Marjorle Coppmger Maude Doty Carol Earp ... Edna Edmunson E. J. Elsenbeisi Ann Frei C. E. Gerig Edna Gregory Ftankie Gregory Myrtle Hescock Artie Hobbs Zella Hodges Jennie Hunt Sula King Vivian Landls Raymond Mclntyre Naomi Mitchell Nora Page Colleen Patton Lee Pool Clara Rinwaler Carolyn Ropp Viola Ropp Dorothy Rutledge ,'Evaline Stevenson Hatlie Tucker Nannie Williams Janice Arnold J. B. Camobell Ruby Campbell E. E Blanchard. Salary, Surplus Foods Welfare Warner Carr, Salary, Weed Con- Irol Marie Johnston H. 8. Schietersieln F. H McCornack, Salary, rire Warden L. L. Schooler, Salary, Fire Dept. A C. Hart A. J. Loom is L. D. Matthews Odell NOTICE TC CREOtTORS Notice is hereby giten that the under signed has been appointed executor of the Estate of James T. Shore, deceased, .by the Circuit Court of Kiemath County. Oregon, and that alT persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same to said executor at the office of fht Undersigned at Room 4. Melhase Building, Klamalh Falls, Ore gon, together with proper vouchers, with in six months of the date of the first publication ol this notice, which is De cember jiji, 196? L. L. MYERS Executor O'NEILL & MCLAREN Al'orneys tor executor No. 867. Dec. 31, 38. Jan. 4, 11. NO. 62-9 PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF I FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY in the Matter of the Estate of HARRY J SULLIVAN, also known as Jack Sulli van. Deceased ; Notice is hereby given that the under-1 tignpd Th united States National Bank l Portland (Oregon) has tiled its final arcounl 0' the administration of the above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed January 14. 1063. at 10 A M as the lime tor hearing objections to such (mat account and the settlement thereof. The United Slates National Bank of Portland (Oregon) Administrator Ganong ft Ganong t At'orneyi for Administrator No. USA Dec. 14, 21, 21. Jan. 4 B. E. Winkley M. G. Gorden F . L Mathews, Salary, Juvenile OHicer Rosemary Lusk F E. Olp Nona Cleek. Salary, Juvenile Dept. Evadna Paxlon Georqia Johnson A. G. Logan Sylvia Logan Thomas A. Gross. Salary, Experi mental Area J. C. Koehn V C, Koehn G H. Maxwell Jr Jerry Maxwell Jimmie Maxwell j. Maxwell Dorsell A. Maxwell Ellen Maxwell E. M. Searles. Salary. Civil De tense Director C. W Rutledge. Salary, Garbage disposal sight maintenance S M. Kerron. Salary, Health Of ficer Marian Ackerman, Salary, Health Dept. E Hen Breitenstein ..... . . Myrtle Caldwell Marorie Comer ... Dorothy Fridley Naomi MHIer ... W. K Ostlund E Mae Soei Man Skir Gladys Samples N S Squires Mildred Lowden Agnes Rusth A. B. Comer R. C. Fisher ROAD DEPARTMENT Earl Alston, Salary Baiiey Jr. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that I have filed my f mr account as e-ecutor ot tne Estate n( Betty S v.itchen. al-o known as Belty Lou Mitchell, deceased. n the Circuit Court of the State of O'e orw. (or Klamath County, and that the (Ou't has set January 18th. 1961. at tr-e tiour of IC 00 a m. as the ttme tor the hear ng of nh. tions thereto and settie- mfH thereof Dated ths W'h dr i J C O'NEILL E xecutor O'NEILL Ik MCLAREN Attorneys for eecutor No. I4. Dec. 14. II. 21. Biackmer I. Boomer ' Borton k Braman ,. BramhaH I Bryson :. Burney Cnon Co- Qetemh H Creed, ameer Dalton. Salary. County En Claims allowed by the County and Warrants issued on the various of the County during the month i vemoer, t.,7 CURRFNT EXPENSF E. E Biancnaro, Salary, Purchas ing Agent Mary Lou Lindsay, Salary, Tax Clerk "ton! Maoallanes E'len Berm. Salary, Deputy Sher iff L L aogat D E Summers Kahien Vauahn Esther Newe'i. Salary t. Counter Ruth 6'ShOD Betty C'anfc Ne'ite Knjrp LuC'iie Neisfln Mae Phillips Jean Witt Marian Nnnmn, E Tax CoMectO' Gertrude Paddock N. R. Mitchell. Saian Per. W M. D Torqerson "t Vaagen J Conroy. Si O Yourob:end M J Davdson. Sai'v. Cnahie Dorothy Rooers. Salary, Deouty Covv C'e'k .'"i Bahcork f.iacvs DeLao Betty Hiii a me L ivi" v.iO'rt Vaguire Nn-ma R chanson C'0lvn Senecal Pijth Walls J art Wever Fmily Yuen Evelyn B ehn. Extra Help. Coun ty C'e-k Eveivn B'fhr E-tr Help. E'eC- irtf Of'H Ida B'amwe" W rU-'ft' P'B'Ser n B-a-t-na' W Vee.er A Neen ftr"-)i 'rhe' O-s 0'ie- S A G H Davit j "Si ' J B Oenn.s E P Evans , 0 W. Game j F A Gardner i 0 E G'bney 'p R Hale E. S Hawkins Cr,irt D E Heath Fu-.ds R B Hix Of No- W T Hood H T. Keiiison E H Kent E E Kessler 167 S3 Manbel K'dwell J A. Kimbrough HP 7S OMve Kinmark i 10 W W Kurth Amedeo Lasaana 10T 44 George Lasagna 318 ?8 W O L-av't 11 4S . Marilyn Lerov 9? 4J D G. Lewis 3I 7t G. O Lewis Jr. 3"J Jt E J. Lmviile ?J 9J G. G Lous'Onont jM M McClav 3?4 IS . Eiua McDonald 7' 3 16 I M. C Martin 17J 75 1 J A Mather 17 '0 J F Mat'os meej.w, H Meihase inj 04 j J R Merrill 97 71 J. W M.'ls j I B Maoris HI ll'f R MverS 1 73 75 i Jack Mynatt 306 16 I C M Nelon 'SJftj Wm. O Nelson ?3 (Willard Nob'e J65 14' A C Oberg 189 00 1 T J Owens D W Palmer JJ4 fi7 E W Pa-fchurst M H. L Patton 1S 38 E A Pefern 3J4 22 D A P.nne- 6 JO J W P'chr G L Pongon 16' 11 F C Pusser Jr. n? 4S D E Reeder '3S 40 O D Reeae' 241 09 F W Reynold 1 1 1 m ' H L Richardson 7C5 45 i W F Robmson 7507jG D SV 138 33 L L Sca'h'Outh X'5 6' 1.. L Shei'ey 743 71 , C M Shlrfk tl r;j m L $tar ! o Ci S'enbf rg 14,3 20 D A S'evenson I w H Sf 'es 74 8 O F Sukraw ;D 4 0 W Sweet ii :9 C. D Teeters if 2 " C Thomson 10C 36 J- f To'eil , P C Tr.fl!d If i y J E Watson ;47 X J F irVvbrar,t it - C K went ju 17 H E W Hh'e 713 yi G J WiU-am 172 '"5 p D Wnoht Au'ey voug J E Tof'i 7 7 751 COUNTY I00.0C S4.17 14. OB 351.66 397.89 207.24 305 94 337 89 153 69 152.73 297.40 185.38 507.83 233.85 353.17 lJ.26 111.75 173.70 13S 39 109 79 7.31 70.78 96.84 318 60 45.33 41 OS 179.85 116.17 138.90 338.44 48 24 764 73 200 66 280 83 295 48 383 20 390 85 185 78 375 86 303 55 267.39 49 49 171 71 468 04 169 52 75 31 485 83 313 09 ?rto 63 787 77 700 62 746 37 239 66 771 16 191 32 1P5 9 7M 99 298 7J 192 43 231 V4 George T. Ammon Harvey H Bowman 378.05 Roger C. Bover 447.13 Ltttv L. Hicks Wayne N. Horton 347.70 Betty 6 Ketsdever Burdettt J. Knowles 168.61 Robert W. Malcomb 217.87 Mery E. Minch . 23 76 Jean P. Pense 20.00 Dor ma Jean Peters 140.84 Orvai E. Rose 113.35 Bridget Barry 144 56 Homer Delamater 105 04 Emely Orr, Witnesses, Circuit 110.38 Court 1158 James Orr 105 76 Ann Standrldge 144 57 Mark Sullivan 18.83 wm. S. Miller, Juror, Circuit 162.18 Court 116.09 Steven Pressler, Grand Jury Wit- 153.37 nets Fees Elvln Blanconl ... 329,79 Larry Hollenbeak 50.00 odell Olson 46.29 Dal Reed 178.32 Mrs. Roberts U4 47 Oot-Qc Chin 48 11 Vivian LeFever 1MI 32 Rodrick Smith 165 34 Dennis Grover 129.97 Herbert Hill 148 56 Lyle Devid Jones 139 07 Earl E. Jones 93.00 Josenh W. Hunter 93 00 Francis Walls 8). 77 rr. Martin Adams 75 23 Donnle Kowallls 126.23 Louise Bianton 162.17 R0se Marie Jones 141.51 Nevel John 178.43 William Barr 129.38 Kenneth Wilson 168.77 Elaln Jones 194.85 Greqory Jones 106.50 Nancy Jones 22.35 Mary McKim 151-18 Howard Axtetl 332.96 James Ward 183 81 Russell Obremskl 232.96 Emilv Orr, Grand Jury Witness 170.30 pees 47" Dennis Lilly 186.33 k. F. Vetkos 186.37 B0b g. Thompson 107.67 Charles Memmingway 152.77 Mr. Mallory 127 91 victor Sanchei 1W"'tLeoma Sanchei 167.26 urniri I 41uraefin 177.77 jim raslv 165.27 Pflu) filler Pete Gale- Eleanor McNoise Ronald T, DeLude - Fred Marquerdt Eddie WMcher Lindsay D. Biss Daniel G. Robertson Lloyd A. Llzotte . Alfred C. Ouellatle Billle B. Miller Charles Jackson A.I C. Ciemiak . A 2.C. Robert H. Trumpower ... Vernon Jones Sgl. Olson . Al Bianconl Steve Pressler Larry Hollenbeak .. Oiaf Johnson Dallas Merchant Robert Gion Kathleen Scarbrouqh Phyllis Abbey, Jurors. Circuit Court ... ... Blanche Balslger Louise Biehn .... Cora Cody . Mary F Gale Leota Goehrinq Matthew Christian Norma B Hansen Wm. A Hall Eiiiabeth Henel .... Patricia Haielwood Mary C. Juckeland Earl Mack Kenneth H Nash M. Ethel Nichot . Mary J Oldham Harry M Parks Janet I. Ring George H Rooers . A. J. Stembock 11a M. Tilton Wm. G. Wunder Edith A. Williams Bessie Y. Cornett Olaveen B Nelson Lois L. Mest Wm E. Ward Lloyd V. Wilson Wm. F Hoeglend Anna Rumer . ... Bert L. Denham Lorraine Bonotto Patricia J. Mueller Marc G. Dunn , Robert Sloan . Henrietta Stuart Irvln L. Whilt Jesse Anael flen L Angus Herbert R Barrett Rei Frlrfct 719 64 ict ie B 0'4)jman "1 iterlmo R. Glassburn Ruth G Black Ronald M. Hawkins . Cornelius L. Janssen Wayne Keenev Beulah KniQhten Fen loo R Mahrt . Wax Mitchell John O'Neill Wlnr F fVNeill I Fdith Palmerton '"" jack D. Pearson 773 84 I Cm, l peMy 713 .44 1 p,cnra p Pierce "1 John F Rowbottom 'f S6 Chas L Sandusky 331 57 Merit E. Smith K1 ,J . Donna E. Stern 10 50 8 10 8 50 Viola Kiefer . . Mildred C. Emerson Frieda K. Hugglnt .. Rose Ongman Darlen Brown .... Patricia McManus Phulli. 1 n.,. MS Theima H. Morris 7.70 8.10 8 10: 7.93 8.10 15.50 10.50 10.40 10.40 10.40 9 00 15.00 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.20 a 60 5 20 5 ?0 5.30 Nancy Yancv Norma Richardson Fannie May Thompson . . . Opal Waresback Vanessa Butt Iff ... Dorothy Hill Pauline Kaup Ruth Treitcse . Alice T. Abbott iris B. Georgeson Florence Young Adah Patlerso-i Marlorie Vannlce Hulda Gillette Jennie Vernon . . , Leona M. Condrey Mary Elizabeth Cammock Lelah M. Evans . . Dorothy Tealer . . Reta Smith Nora Atchinson Dacie Hoover Josephine Cheney Ruth Prcotor SMElta Garrett Mary Martin Fannie Gervais . . Edith M. Mitchell . . Mae A. Depuv Mary M. Uerllngs . . Myrtle E. Brown . . Zella Blankenshlp ... Pauline Kane Mary Fowles . Claribel Packer Vera L. Murdock -V.argaret P. Barnes . V. Juanlta Mosby . . . Olive V. Burke Marian Zohn M. P. Lavenlk Daisy L. Ziegler . . ; " Jeenette Stewart ... Cora L. Cody Vale Stavr S'olAbbie Landrle ; "Libble Meroney 5 20 S.20 5 70' 5 20 5.20 5.30 10.80 5.70 S.20 5.30 5.20 5.3? 5.30 5.30 5,30 5.30 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 570 7 00 5.30 520 5 70 5 10 5.70 5.30 5.30 10.40 11.00 520 6.40 i.40 6.40 6 40 6.40 640 6 40 6.40 5 10 5 70 520 5 30 5 70 5.30 5 30 5 30 5 20 17 oo' Margaret Phillips Helen H. Schaetfer ... Maude Holmes . Beatrix Mead Nellie T. Murphy . . . Betty L. Bruner Pearl Gisvold Madelon Hensley . . Emily Yuen Emma K. Wltth Anna M. Rurner . . . Nellie Stone Alma Strld . . William J. Grove Anile Boyd Jean Klelly Lael L- Van Ooren ... Alpha L. Phelps Eva T. Alley Belle Ross Bernlce Vimfr Louise M. Guise .. . Ida G. Grimes Minnie G. Larson Blanche Gowen Bettie L. Bail . . Carmel C. Re'fette Mildred P. Merrill Eleanor Souders Ellzat-eth Pelfrsfeiner Helen Blenas ... Clella E. Mac Dona Id . Freda Jackson .. I Ida Moretz ' ?JJ;Mary G. Holland 61 60 84 70 77.00 30 80 38 50 43 50 61.60 . 206.00 61 60 36 00 85. CO 93 50 84.70 68 00 77 00 3 50 68 00 Marie K. Hamaker 359 50 387 99 739 81 381 13 727 49 338 54 750 53 113 45 735 33 '89 70 777 06 Ted E Suitei Alvin R. Unger James H Wallinder . Luia G. Weits Orlande M. Wolf Vincent A Navin C. L LengOet, Postmaster, Post age. Meter Machine ELECTION BOARD WORKE Ethel M Goetter 707 ta Ethet M Warner lt 75 G'ady O Passo't jliThe'ma A Gwyn 745 59 t)'Othy Srhrotder Thelma Colvln Blanche M. Casey Harriette M." Esles Lena Ferebee John A. Raftefto Olinda F. Goddard ... Betty HIII Elizabeth Bousquet Martha M. Veatch .... Emogene Jones Frances Wesllund . Gladys Bennett Mavis Wesllund .. . Erma Miller Elaine S. Durbin Anna 9. Cochran 2N.; Hayes ... 1 Barbara R. Young . Ruth A. Palmer Leah Glubrecht Mildred Novotny Ivis P. Buckingham . . 1 Gloria M. Canlon . . Borghild Solle Lou'ie Vaughn , Florence G Robatcek Greta M. Brewbaker . Anna W. SoMe Emalee J. Bunch Eleanor Amhers Thompson Ann Federhart Flva Harris Katherine Hansen Florence Nelson Ruth A Lawrence ; Gertrude Ludwiq Gtadys E. Smith Mabel M. Sfem-er Sheai er Hannah Nichols Emma Davis rente Johr-lOn Frances M Olson Kathryn Am berg Lena Remmiiler Dorns J. Dougherty Myrfie L Harris Bernadetfe A Mafhis Delia R Hennlnger Sadie B. Fraley ibery 9.501 7 70, 7 TO j- 7J iw 195 IB 317 55 715 74 3T3 78 308 A3 35 185 95 35 64 3M Helen Mever Coral E . Dolan Eva M. H.cfcs . . Pauline C. E'liott Bessie Oickinson Ruth G BISCk Clair Af'ce Epperson S3 90 . 1 s 40 : ; 15 40, . 15 40 15 40 15 40 , 15.40 15.40 , 53.90 17 00 83.40 ' 38.50 ' 33.10 34 50 75 50 8 501' 73101 33 10 8 SO I 34 00 37 00 11 M 1 87 50 23 10 8 SO 7.n " wi, 73 to r so!, 7 70 I 31 SO 7 70 IS 41)1 a w Argil M. Bertha B. Kenney jOpal Mikesell Margaret m. Casey Marilyn Cheynt u, veima Mitchell Ruth Sept 000 no Mildred Lrr)ck 'Jacqueline T Lake iHazeile R.tehie Sybil G. Shaw in Dorothy Buchanan 70 w' L.lhe M. Lew.s ?C SO ij.iH., ' Oonna J B'own 1S00 15 00 10 00 1000 10 00 Dixon 715 15 417 76 707 45 3S3 60 331 45 '43 03 333 33 86 717 86 757 17 r 51 3?0 17 76C 73 301 J6 3r.9 0 706 77 194 33 33' 35 325 J2 755 71 308 '6 77 67 3' 5 67 3' 3 03 30C ! 7i.l 37 175 38 63 31 17 65 785 " 537 Barnstable Hunt Mabel Waehter Geraidme Ows'ey May E Phirtney Naomi F Allen Ruth L Heidrlth Ma'v E. Leonard Mldred Hilton W.liiam T Withrow Beu'ah O'Neal Katharine Brower Ben M Mose H R Brgwer verda E Meye's Fay Durbin Marguerite S'owev Le-ia J. McMes'ert Mauoe Wnght Adelaide Walker Ruth Barnwell C E Merr.M Mend A Mnsiey Naomi Feeback Anna M. Keuev Dolores McAndrewS , Leia L. Ayr Gunvor Matson tfltrt Powell Raona So1 if Kathenne M Keeo Van E De'i V'o a h ogt"s Ka'he'ne A H'vnr Merge N-cndernus Runv M Wemoe'O Awd'y Sechnst Lf'a Parsons Carolyn R Huft Ann M. Arkermen Leila M Baker ViOlfl Mesner Paul.nt V Christen Thelma MrFnerney Dorothea Bright Leon GUI Ruth L Wishard Rose Miller Frances Wendell Alice G. MrOonairl J! Esther Roberts Esther Dauiton Betty J. Allen E'va G Anderson CMoris Mever Rhae D Walker 10 00 15 no .15 00 IS 00 uoo 4 50 9 50 14 SOI " L Oe'-a Vtf.'t'h Onal Bennett. Saiery ;T7 Beuiah Camphn jan r.y Svh'ie Camooeii 1 K Betty CCe ?U Si iflyS CO1 5al'v. stevo 71J 26 Betty rmr1 274 i irma Vn"iwl B H Mat'hews 94 77 1 M inv'h ; F'het Zeve'y 'it TT C arme'le Hr'n 1 Ji 1 1 Cvr"h,a R ier IV, 7 rUbHr W1ratr 7'S 00 710 7 737 4' 58 04 3i8 75 2G7 II 7C7 II 338 81 73 751 384 45 . 757 43' 746 74 377 48 317 77 K'c kee" S v 14 ?i C-a"CiS Co'1" M ld'el B nnfi, C-t f C'". Fri e"'d COr.s'hlf r.e'yn DatrrMM -igrafhe- 0 LVf 0Lp. Sa e'i tii' r- M'v DfLtO Stlary. Cvs'aft1 Siay. e' nf-a 5 e JO 24 V 'dred k. i Dorothy Me-man j(t n: DOG FUND ;D E L'MJV. Sa'4-y M mi MuSEUV UNO 'j 41 1 'fn Selv. Salary Donaide Devrye JfilSS1 LA L'BRARY iL8d Deiao Sia'y j'to CJ'RENT FVPEN5F J5I) J. D O Nee'. 'Niih. District I Court J8 4 Victor Muf30C $eti it 7- p 11,0 9:ncha'd frn'ge W 0"i tj Jon O Adms. Jur, 0''t iy j Crt 4 73 199 73 o,. Ch'y De'a E S'.roder ' Ahce Mrshhegr W 8 OeWitt I Be'h Cha'e ! Vey Sibe'1 IE" D'Ckmon iLutiie E Houser Ene Swfv . . Anna t Bean Charlotte F M'iy Esther F'lanason Eia Canton Kat D Peyton Varha Gi'c'"t v" Burnett Matti J Co'iint ji.ne wel'work Bertha Ted Mi 'fed Dre"e- Sai Vav Wanere 9 so . 15 00 ' 15 00 IS 00 15 00' iorfl!hv, Kir 1C Veda Dton ,f ji Jean M. Berry 14 50 L'" i ui, ,n OtKhain .Sally J Damon 1 Sophie M. Long 4 volv",",' C J"1" 4 50; Joeohine E Geibra'th f w' E'nel Z'mmerman 4 50 I Peri Adamo 1 5 AO Dorothy Herron 15 00 1 Cori' rClreher IS 00 I DM"1t'thr 1, y I n Wampier 10iWear Pohil . .. tOOrji Bertha V Johnson lfl 00 I Darlen wol" 10 00 ' Virginia Clnak IS 00 1 wry V((.jnQb'nod 15 ryj i Elizabeth Z'ir 15pfl Eve'yn Smutf iyj Emm R Thompson IS y) 1 Nedean Reed (C to Joan C Lynes jf y) WiHiam N Drt 10 50 Luc ne v-era 15 0fi Lows Mort-w ,5 fyj Evelyn WoM 15 ryy Eu(a P'(Qh 15 00 Alice Orw jo 1 Meien Schremer .,3 L'ra Urparh e pfathryn Hage f jr, Ctrece L Lester yj (r) 1 D cksy Freeman IT 50 Myni lrn Bucfcl jj yj Deoi L Wryn 17 cora vanrsor'- 15 0C is ro 15 fW IS no 4 SO W' 3fJ 43 Jao'jei If 5? fM 105 74 r,.,f Sv"nn Cofo Dey Ca-vw Wirt Carxiv 43 L'h A'o'r;rt"bCts !L5'i Mye'S M-1'M Binney 5 Tfi tore- E fcchmin 5 71 ; vefs Wnnr 6 30 1 Hin E Tw 3 70 Ad Ba'teen 8 00 Berta Decker . Mi'd') L. Cno I 10. En-m V Bfliv 1 arbar Lynch vaughr. G Grams Ffd Cornatt Marilyn Depuy Owen Wol'rijm 4 sn Ve'm Swrl i0 Robrt Hilt 4 so Giadrs Warren 15 no EU'e Ang.ng 15 rr A ieene Smai'wnod 15 -v) W lrd Lamb 1 on Ed.th w.a-d so ; vry Ei'en Gaslr 4 y' ; Lenor Wrr so Ri-'h Eme'son 4 W E'ht Be"t r 00 Marge! Wiljr r TO ' LyfJ Snvfer X, 00 De'P'" BergioM 3 '-3 E's. Warrn 17 SOi Vrgi(ritt B Tuener 17 V); M Emf Nirh8t 17 5ri ' nn f S'eers 17 VI cenrgi L Ge'hartft USr)Amiy F' 1 SO! Jut' t '-in 1 W Be'ty Jghnsnn UK, Frances havr 15 00 is 00 15 00 15 00 10 50 10 .50 1050 Janice D. Fosbury 1 Vioiel G. Kenyon ' Gourlcy I Leda Gourity Elsie Hartley Louise O'Brien I Edna Dakin 10 501 Be'h Griggs 15 00 I Evelvn Roemhlldt 15 0C Phyllis Rutledge 15 00 Helen Virren IS 00 Haiti Martisak 11.00 I Pr.scilla Faasl II -00 1 wand Smith .. . '1 001 Susan E Williams " 0Mavme Wampier Gladys I Runnels -50 1 Ruth Nelson ! Erm L wcVay 1 0 I Dons Johnson Dolores Reeves Alysse Biwen Cordelia Leavltl Sylvia E. Roberts Bessie Campbell L.vmen C. Fitrhugh Charlotte Fltihunh Mildred Campbell Caroivn Dearborn I Margaret E Burnett Joanna Givan Flcence Hen Jean McFall mfred Burk Lillian B. BerhdOldt SchmH M Helen E Horsley Velda Halev ! Martha Brothanek Anna Ptrask Agnes Schreiner I P mm a Morelock j Hrit 11 Looslev I Mildred Harmon Vinlette Kvm . . Hulda Smith Emma Wilson Lyrta Klrkoatrick Leah Street Elva Smallev I Gertrude Johnson I Anna Lahoda Frances A. Kallna ' Gladys Halousek 11.50 11.50 11. JO 11.50 15.00 1500 15 00 1500 12.50 13.50 17.50 13.50 15.75 1500 15 00 15 00 17 00 13 00 12.00 13.00 1500 15.00 15.00 1.V0O 10.50 10.50 10. SO 10.50 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 4 50 50 JO Hybv O'Nell 4.50 1S.C0 15.00 100 15. X) 9.50 50 4 50 9.50 15 00 15 00 15 00 15.00 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 15.00 15.00 15.00, 15.C0! 14.00 14 00 14.00' 14.00, 13. 0C 13. 0C 1300 13 oc 13.00 13.00 Edna A. Herrlck Beth Johnson Mary W. Of'ield Bridget Barry Leona Kusler Viasta Petrick Robert J, Petrick Tian 17.00 13.00 12.001 12.00 15.00 15 00 15 00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 1500 14.50 14 50 13 50 17 50 13 50 13.50 14 50 14.50 1000 10 00 10 0O 15 00 IS 00 1500 15 00 11 00 1 14 rx 14 00 15 00 Stevens-Neii Law Publishing Co.. 15 00 Supplies, County Clerk .. 14 00 Guide Printing Co.. Supplies. Oil 13 00 IrlCt Courl 13 00 Adding Machine & Typewriter sec 21.75 4.56 1300 1500 15.00 1500 15 CO 1 15 00' 15 00' 15.40; isooj 23 80 1 17 00 17 00 17 00 1 30 30 1 19 S0 19 50! 19.50 14.50 14 50 14 SO 14 50 16 00 9 00 9.00 on 15.00 15 on 15 00 15 Oh 15 0 111 50 10 50 '0 50 14 50 14 50 14 50 14.51 15 50 Klamath Printing Co. Supplies. County Clerk 8. Election . 344 BS Cordelia Leav il, Services. Election 10. 00 Elva Anderson 8.00 Leach Service Co 271.67 Rum G. Bieck, services. Official Count Election .. 30.00 Cynthia Campbell . . 30.00 Swan Lske Moulding Co.. Supplies. Election 5 37 Bells' Hardware 1.50 Guide Printing Co 411.90 George Williams. Services. Election 600 Th Big Y Market. Supplies. As sessor 18 12 Klamalh Motors . 1.67660 American Bar Assoc. Profession) dues, District Att y , 70.00, National Foremen's Institute, Sup plies. District Attorney 16.08 Leo s Camera Shop, Services. Dis trict Attorney ... 18.00 J. R. Thomas, Deputy Dill. Att y., Travel 21.90. J. Merlin Adams, M.O.. Add'l Cor oner's expenses ... 50.00 Douglas Co. Park Dept.. Supplies, Park Commission . 231.00 Guide Printing Inc., Supplies, Vet erans Service Office 1.35 Ernest F. Gordon, Services, District Court .... 25.00 Marian Baldwin, Witness tecs. Jus tice 01 in Peace Meliia Hall Isabel! C. Lemler Audrey Lewis Kathryn Meriiees Leona Beasly Madge Ahern Roy Beasly Vivian Cunningham Fannie Horsley Aileen Angus Mildred Largent Alice Hoovpr B. Violet Rush Pauline Rtsiev Minnie Andrieu Kathryn fmilh Mildred Helm G. A Fried Ann She'de . . Clementine Rnss Ethelria M Crott Dorothy O Jack son Beulah Holmes C. enrnia Del ao . 17 00, Laurn s. Taylor 13.00 Myrtle Fleming 15 00 I Florence DeLap 'SO0 Ralph A. Hill 1S0 I Kathryn O"borrow 13 wj Dorothy Bowman H. Louise Pinnjy Lela Mae Kersten Mamie Hutchlns Myrtle McGhehey Rachel Cam pig ha Frieda Frel Josephine B. Young Kathryn Billings Esther Simmers Laura N. Burton Veta Purvln , . Eleanor Rotrock Ora BitbcocV . . Helen Crabtre ...... Minnie I. stolpe Eslella A. Lunde Margaret Loomis Barbara R Olson Louise F. Borton Arjnes E Matthews Mnretle E. South ... Fvflvn R Natal U SO Mabel E Ward l 501 Louise Grose lose 00 Goldie McClurg 00 Mildred Zg1r !a R. Campbell 0 1 Roy LaPralrie 15.001 Mae LaPralrie 15.00 Coie E. Brown 1 5.00 ( Grace L. Slrk 15 00! Dorothea B. Roenlck noo Gail Lyon Frances Campell Grace M. Ramsey Florence H Harkens Alice Burkhart . .. Viola Miller Lorraine Anderson June iandnsky Leona B Pucett Berth M Moor Charlene Reillng . . Lucia Webber 15 00 ?iia Hmh 15 00 obv Kester IS K; Clara M. Weaver 15 in i Violet A. Purdin K"0 Gertrude Anderson 4 14 00 Eleanor Larson 14 00 , Nrrm Uerlmgs 14 00 Helen C.resdei ISM Heima I. Hunter 15 00 varcelia Johnson IS 00 vary C Hall 15 00 Fannie R Chapman 13 00 Dorothy Ftatkus 13.00, Dorothy Memtt 13 00 Marqarff Kirkpalrlck 13 001 Jenme Bitrk 15.001 Dorothy Elliott 15 00 Margaret Petermn 15 00 Joyce Provanch 15 00 1 Ann K. Silva 10 SO I Mary Lou Baiiev 10 so; Rum o. Chitwood 10 SO Gladys Shelton . . 1150 Florence E. Masters 17 SO; Linda A Compto 17 SO j Helen Burton 18 70 iwa C. Biork'und '7 50 Gladys M DeLao 15 00 Mary B Devig 15 00 ' Lucy Robustlll 'S "0 Ruby Neison 'S 00 Lean F reii 13 80! Oo"s M Smith li"0 warda June Harvey 13 00 Ai.ce E Verdul 13 00 Frt.m TrUlov IS W Charles R. Ehn IS 00 1 Virginia Lee Ernst .... 15 OC MatrlC-C A. Morgan 15 00 1 Brulah E Smith lfl 50 Anita Oodson 10 SO Eiiiabeth Pittenger 10 Wi (vay C Clerk . . . !" S0j joe Lahoda 7' SO j Kathryn Newlnh 11 SO' Vincent Bodner 13 50. Frances Mi Her 13 !9 wintc J. Kennedy "H M Eflith G. Hanka r 00, vera L Jackson 70 'C-tram Kerns 70C tar t Hastings 3t 00 pnsr'lla Yadon e 00 Margaret Moi'-day '6WlLyd Mustead H 'A, Josephin Harris .. . . 14 10, Barbara Holhday . 14 00 : va'garet Brandon U 00 fteh Marti '4 no ;ean Rice 16 SO: Opal A McKinney 10 SO 1 Bertha Alter 10 SO Guss A. Page ID 50' Patricia m. Hescock . 73 00 i Georgia J Page 1 7 00 1 Betty VanWormer 1700 CURRENT EXPENSE je -0 Public Employes Retirement, Sn Hjgl fal Security Rv Acct.. Con- 15 wi tr.bution for Oct 1 is so' Cascade Bm mest Systems, Sutv 14 SO1 pltes. County Court . . 14 50 'flowers by Bill 8 Rita l S0: Hera'd S, News. Legal Publication. 11 SO i Cairns 'or Sept 11 r) Herald ft News. B'd notice. Ju 11 Oni veml ft Bnad Deo 11 on Herald ft Newi, Publication of ISr-oj Bfllnt general Election ft Al 14 50 1 ssmrt u y,1 James c FeHows. E'penses. We ll 50 1 te'master t4W Snaw Stationery Co, Sutp'lei, 1C 50 : Cmmty 0xet IC SO Boy Ruge Jewe'ry Repair, Reoe'r 10 50' ft repia'ing Srieriffs flanges . 10 SO: Shaw Stationery Co., Supplies. 19 1SI Sheriff 19 00 jhaw Stationery Co 9 50 e 50 1500 15 00 1500 15.00 16 00 10 00 10.00 10 00 1500 15.00 15.00 15.00 11.00 11.00 11 on 11.00 15 00 t5.ro is 00 1500 9 50 50 17.50 9.50 15.00 15.00 1500 15.00 11 90 10 50 10 50 10 SO 1600 16 00 19 60 16 00 1500 15 00 15 00 15 00 1? 50 IP 0-1 1 10 00 1 10 00; 34 00 lfl 00 lit PO 1800 14.50 14 0 14.50 14.50 11 0O 11.00 11.00 II 00 15 00 15 00 15.00 15 00 9 9 50 9 50 9 50 15 00 IS 00 Bureau 0' Land Management, To replace warrant No. 57 800.00 COUNTY LIBRARY Public Employees Retirement So cial Security Rev. Accl.. Con tribution 211,62 DOG FUND Public Employees Retirement So cial Security Rev. Accl.. Con- 1 tributions 23 44 Pacific Supply Cooperative, Sup ones an 00 Thrifty Wholesale 3831 ROAD DEPARTMENT rinting Inc., Dog licenses 108 50, Earl Alston, Salary draw power and kigm, Graft Logan 50 00 L. L. Sc holler, Salary draw, Fir Dept. 125.00 Rosemary Lusk, $lry draw. Ju venile Officer . . 100.00 None Cieek, salary draw. Juve nile Dept 75 00 Evadna Paifon 40 00 E. M. Searles, Salary drw. Civil Defense Director 100.00 W. L Sour land. Salary draw. Health Dept 75 00 Serv- Paol ices 1376 Pacific Northwest Bell -.. I'll Oreoon Water Corp 7 51 Klamath Disposal, Inc 10.00 Jesse Drew, Livestock killed by 1 dogs 74 00 Gabriel Bros 45.00 Tom O'Keelfe 11.00 Raymond Batly 31.00 I Jim Chipman . R. L. Mathis Margarlte Barnes Wesley Isrigg . Robert Piy John Unlvt Mri Smith Robert B. Kerr, Dlst. Court Judge, Travel 1 Martin's Flag Co., Supplies, Dis trict & Circuit Courts United States Port Otllce, Post age. Circuit Court No. 1 R. Wayne Stevens, Supplies. Cir cuit Court No. 2 Thritly Wholesale, Supplies, Clr cuit Court No. I ft Juvenile Dept Flora Elaine Smith, Witnesses. Circuit Court NO. I Robert Ray Duane Paratoo ... Anita Taylor Jack N. Martin, M O.. Testimony. Circuit Court .... Pet Gale, Witnesses, Circuit Court Michele Hasklns Eleanor McNoise Haines McNolsa Fred Floelke Leo O. Bremskl Roderick Smith Pally Gruell . . . . Prasanna K. Pall, M.D.. Services, Circuit Court The Broiler, Meals, Jury Josenh W. Haqler ft Robert O. PuckeX Services, Circuit Court William P. Hrandsness Richard C. Beesley Freeman C. Murray Richmond A. Walker, Rent ft Phone, Justice ol Peace People's Warehouse, Services. Ju' venite Home Consumers Heating Co., Services, Court House Oregon Water Corp., Services, county Buildings Klamath Disposal, Inc., Services. Court House Pacific Power ft Light Co., Serv ices, County Buildings Western Union Telegraph Co.. Services, Juvenile Dept. Pacific Northwest Bell, Services, County OHices 1,540.07 Western Union Telegraph Co., Services, Civil Defense Listers Gun ft Key Service, Serv ices ft Supplies, Court Hous K. C Painl ft Floor Covering, Repairs. Court House Barco Supply Co.. Supplies. Court House Mt. Hood Soap Co., Supplies. County Jail Asko Supply, Supplies, Court House . . Blue Seal Dust Mod Service . . I Shaw Stationery Co. 15 nfli Tillman ft Booth Inc ii no' Amidon's Business Machines, 13O0 Services, Sheriff ft District 13 00', Cow 15 OO! 15 no1 15 00 15 00 13 SO 11.50 I. W. L. G. Frank J. G. Jr. Baiiev Beaid Blacltmer Boomer . Borton Braman Bremhall 100 00 75 00 11500 175 00 150.W 140.00 135. 10 175.00 175 00 15 (W! 11 SO1 70 SO 16 SO 1 16 50, 16 SO j is no is fvj 1 is on SuDDlies. Nursing Horn Valley Pump ft Equipment Co .. Jones' Office Supply Co Crown Wholesale Co. Pioneer Tobacco Co. Boyd's Coffffe Fernandez Poultry Farm Fluhrer's Holsum Bakery Pacific Fruil ft Produce Co. ., Klamath Falls Creamery , . Big "Y" Market Rnberfs Hardware 13 90 1 Kiamain Disposal, int., jirvnn. 1 1 Mil Nursing Home 11 m 1 Paramount Pest Control Service Western Oil ft Burner Co., Sup plies. Nursing Home Pat if ic Northwest Bell, Services. ing Home Frankford Fuel Co.. Supptlai. mg Home Pecfic Power ft Light Co., Serv ices, Nursing Home 15 00T",fO Supplies, Nursing in 10 Home 10 00 Oregon Water Corp 1(i no South Suburban Santtery District. 1000 Services, Nursing Horn is 00' Surgical Sale- inc., Supplies, IS 001 Nursing Home HOolCurrln'i Drugs 15 00 Tillman ft Booth, Inc 1.1 30 1 South Suburban Sanitary Dlst, 17 SOI Sewer Assessment. Indigent is 50 ' Widow Veteran 13 SO' Western OH ft Burntr Co . Sup er an First Federal Savings ft Loan Assn., Payment on Mortgage tor Indigent Veleran't Widow William G Hoiford. Jr. MD, tes. Prisoner Stale Deoi. of Finance ft Adrrv, lino buppnes. wnn'i is 00 Walker Bros.. Supplies. ISOot Control 15 00 ' Peti'it Power ft Light CO in or '" County Agent 10 00 Wmer c D. E. LltJby, Mllaag for MUSEUM FUND Public Employees Retirement So cial Security Rev. Accl., Con tributions 29 64 LAW LIBRARY Public Employees Retirement So cial Security Rev. Acct., Con tributions ... 3 83 West Publishing Co.. Supplies ... 194.00! CURRENT EXPENSE Smith B.stes Printing Co., Ballots tor Election 473.91 Jones' Oft ice Supply, Supplies, District Court Judge . ... 77.60 Shaffer Electric Town and Coun try, Supplies, Court House 11.23 J. W. Kerns Co., Repairs, Experi mental Area 19.05 Leo's Camera Shop, Supplies, Ex perimental Area 23.18 Swan Lake Moulding Co 5 52 Brauner Supply Co 4.46 Scientific Supplies Co 27.30 Pacific Motor Trucking Co., Freight. Experimenial Area 6.72 J. M. Bhtlon, Sherilf ft Tax Collector. 1963-63 Taxes, Ex perimental Area 6J3.93 Packer-Scott, Supplies, Experl- mtntl Area 2.43 Heaton Steel ft Supply Inc 3.16 27.66 Lee Holliday ... 64.88 1 Kiamam iron vvorK) buU 5implot Soilbuiiders 9.25; RENT ELECTION NOV. 6, 1961 I COUNTY PRECIr-CTS John Taylor, Algom. Rt. 3 Box 1707 ... 15.00 1 50 00, Assembly God Church, Beatty, I Beatly, Ore. 15 00 Sally J. Damon, Chemull, Che- mult, Ore 15.00 City Library Chiloquin, E. Chllo- quin, Chiloquin, Ure o.uu Ji. Northup, W. Chiloquin, Chil oquin, Ore. 15.00 Acufl Store, Crescent Lake, Cres cent Lake, Ore is. John Urback, Dairy, Dairy. Ore. 15.00 1st Church of God, N. Enterprise, Aitamont Or 15.00 Clarence Cornett, $. Enterprise, 3942 LVern 15.00 Recreation Hall, Gllchr'st, G i I- cnrisl. Ore 15.00 Klamalh Lake Granqe, Klamath Lake. Harrlman star Rt. . 15.00 Kit Johnson. Lakeshor. 1341 Lakeshore D'. . . 15.00 Suburban Fire Dept., N. Home dale. Gettle ft Crosby 15 00 Langelt Valley Granqe, Lengell Valley. Bonania Rl. . 1500 Lost River Library, Lost River, Bonanza. Ore. . 15 00 Broadway Hall, E. Malln. Malln. Or 1500 Community Hall, W. Matin, Ma- fin, Oie. . 15 00 Moose Hall, E. Merrill, Merrill, Ore. Delmer Hasklns, Secy, (OOF HaM, W. Merrill, Merrill, Ore. Midland Grange Hall, Midland, Midland, Ore. Mrs Wm. Helm, Modoc, Modoc Point, Ore Mt. Lakl Grange Hall, Mt. Lakl, 9833 Spring Lake Road Esther Guddal, Odell, Crescent, Ore. ...... DeLuxe Motel, Orlndale, 2933 Riv erside Olene Grange, Pine Grove. Olene, Ore. Cere Merlon Barnes Po Vallev Grange. Poe Vellev. 7 Box 741 care Hex ttign Bible Baptist Chursb, Shasta, 7344 Wiard Shasta View Community Hall, N. Shasta, 1443 Wiard cor Gladys Shelton Pc Memorial Church, S. Shas ta, 44JI So. 6th Arthur Rurnetl, W. Shasta, 4243 Shaft Way C. I. Clubluuse. Wood River, Ft Kiamatt, Ore. care Gus Page RENT ELECTION NOV. 6, IP62 UTY PRECINCTS Klamifh Ga- Co., One, 175 So. Riverside Hotel Baldwin, Three. 31 Main St. Mitchell Lehmenn, Four, 4th Pin Mitchell Lehmann. Five, 4th Pin Presbyterian Church, Six, 6lh H. Bryson C. Burney 150.00 S. Coon 140.00 L Cox ... 175.00 C. Cox 175 00 R. Dalton 20A'V) H. Davis 160 00 B. Dennis 10.00 P. Evans 75.00 W. Gaines 100 00 A. Gardner 175 00 E. Gibney 140.00 R. Hale 100 00 S. Hawkins 75 00 E. Heath 75 00 135 00 91.00 105.13 20.00 10.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 J.60 16.00 16.60 16.60 16.60 520 6.00 570 6.00 144 78 23.90 34151 35 00 225.00 235 00 33 81 154 69 442 52 37.91 17.50 593 75 3.71 3.69 17.50 333.15 19.95 36 00 158 30 30 30 43 69 36- 3J 122 25 34 83 5 56 1.35 19.66 1833 103.45 W. T. Hood . ... H. T. Ke ill son E. H. Kent J, A. Kimbrough W. W. Kurth Amedeo Lasagne Georg Lasagn W. D. Leavltl Marilyn Leroy D. G. Lewis G, O. Lewis Jr. . E. J. Linville .. G. G. Louslgnont . M. M. McClay ... M. C. Martin .. J. W. Mather Matlos R. Merrill W. Mills Morr C. R. Mverj Jack Mvnatt C. M. Nelson ... W. O. Nelson ... Wlllard Noble A. C. Oberg ... T. J. Owens . . . D. W. Palmer ., Parkhurst Peterson 175.00 Pinner 150.00 44 48 375 96 137.60 4 46 IB 85 304.00, 37 50 294 00 169 05 jno 05 37.10 54 75 161 11 29 67 1500 IS 00 1500 IS M 14 00 Weed Serv- Miieage. Weed Con trol 10 00 i Atvln Georg Logan, Mileage, w 001 Juvenile Deot (Mlfn-'il L Mathews UonjRufcy Ellis, Dues, Juvenile Coun- n so Oregon Water Corp , Services, 10 ' Juvenile Dept. ! so Brostrrhnus Construction Co. 10 50 Assigned to US- Na- 37 V)l , ,'0"t ,B",nh . . " . 17 SO! I,rn"'n v 7 'v.i Uyi Supplies, Juvemie Dept. 15MTn Lenflry CO IS 001 suranc Premium On n- 1 Deot of Finance and Adm . SuD- 1500I Clv" D'" 10 50 1 Underworks Camera Shop 11 ( Ormath County Road Dept., Sup- if, y ones, neann uepi 11 100 16 37 3 OS 55 00 188 10 I SO 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 1500 15.00' 1500 15.00 15.00 100 00 100 00 160.00 160.00 150 00 125.00 140.00 175 00 75 00 150. 011 150.00 I .'5.00 140.00 75 00 150 00 75 00 75.00 173.00 175.00 150.00 135 00 150.00! 75.00 lOOOO! . 120.00 7S.00 100 00 100 00 75.00 W. Pitcher L. Pongon C. Pusser Jr. ,. E. Reeder D. Reeder W. Reynolds L. Richardson F. Robinson . Say H. Shuck L. Stair Stenherg Stevenson Sines .. Sukraw Sweet . . . Teeters .. Thomas Town send Watson Waybrant Williams Wright .. Aubrey Young L. L. Scarbrough 150.00 100.00 165.00 100.00 75.00 140.00 140.00 170.00 100 00 140.00 75.00 140 00 170.00 Christine Gay Olion 43.04 - Pacific Power ft Light Co., Serv ices, Hmker Mountain Radio System 13.41 Biaver state Telephone, Services, Deputy Sheriff Youngbiood ... 7.00 Shaffer Electric Co., Services, County Olficet 101 31 Calhoun's Floor Covering, Services, Crurl House J7.85 Homt Lumber ft Supply Co. . .. 28.17 The Glass House, Labor ft Sup plies, County Jail J6.15 Browns Plumbing ft Heating inc. services ft Supplies, court House 155 84 Lovinger Co.. Supplies. Court House 620.35 Clean Linen ft Uniform Service, Services, Court House 7.98 International Business Machines ., 70.00 Frlden Agency, Supplies, Assessor . 156.00 Paramount Pest Control Service, Services, Court House 25.00 Roy Ruge Jewelry Repairs, Snavar repairs, Nursing Home 12 95 J. C. Penney Co., Supplies, Nurs ii,u Mom ?,15 Sheil Oil Co 117.05 Dept. of Finance ft Adm 52.50 Market Bask), Supplies. Indigent veteran ?.S The Salvation Army, Emergency relief for Transients 132 00 Bend-Portland Truck Service. Freight, Surplus Foods Welfare 163.95 Klamalh County Road Dept., Sup plies, County Extension Agent . 4.M Paclllc Supply Coop. 21.00 Klamath Co. Road Dept., Repairs, Juvenll Dept. 33,00 U.S. Government Printing Office. Supplies, Juvenile Dept 1,15 Barco Supply Co. 16.25 Fluhrer's Holsum Bakery, Supplies Juvenile Home 19.07 The Big "Y" Merket 231.52 Russell Glass Co - 8 55 J, C. Penney Co 6.00 Fernandez Poultry Farm 22.20 Merit Service Supply, Repairs, Ju venll Home H.90 Klamath Falls Creamery, Sup plies, Juvenll Home .. 38.99 Shonrto's, Meals, Juvenll Home . 11.20 California-Pacillc Utilities Co., Sup plies, Juvenile Home .265.51 S. R. Crawley, Services. Juvenll Home 5.00 Cl-rlstit School. Care for Klmth County Children 5.00 Children's Farm Home 45 32 Children's Farm Home 45 00 Boys ft Girls Aid Stciely 5.00 Villa St. Rose 58 33 Catholic Services for Children ... 10.00 State industrial Accident Comm., Annual Fee 7.50 Klamath Co. Road Dept.. Supplies ft Labor, Civil Oelens ... 8.80 Sixth Street Oxygen Sales, Inc. De murrage Charge, Civil Defense 3.68 Leo's Camera Shop. Supplies, Civil Delense 8.25 Conner's Service Co. . . . 61.46 Coll Coolldge, Library Consultant, ' j Cost of Library System Study 496.89 Shall Oil Co., Supplies, Health Dept 415 Klamalh Co. Road Dept., Repairs Supplies, Health Dept. .. 32.84 170 00 Orgon Water Corp., Services. R. D. 75.00 140 00 125 00 75.00 150 00 150 00 125.00' 125 00 140 00 175.00 75.00 L. E. Shelley 140.00! 15.00 15.00 15.00 15 00 15 00 Pine Episcopal Church. Seven, 8th ft Jefferson CHy Librat, Nine, 5th ft Klem. 33.41 15.00 15.00 15.00 13.00 7.30 13.00 15.001 Ten, 9th 25 80 7 76 Nth rst Christian Church, ft Pine Moose Lodge, Eleven. 1010 Pne Gospel Mission. Twelve, 873 Wal nut . Bulrk Garage, Thirteen, 1330 Main Jim Olson Motors, t-ouneen, yii &n am Adair's Furniture. Fifteen, 2700 So. 6th Sewing Machine Center, Sixteen, 1414 E. Main Church of Christ Collage, Seven teen, Wenlland ft Martin Jennie Vernon, Eighteen, 2126 Oar- row Calhoun floor Covering, Twenty, e . Mam Municipal Swimming Pool Twenty. One, IMS t . Ma.n . Batsiger Motors, Twenty Two. Espienaoe Paul Robertson, Twenty-Four, 601 Alameda ry Larson, Twenty-Five, 1933 Melrose Klamalh Lu!hren Church. Tweo- Scvon, 1175 Crescent MethodKt Church, Thirty, 1911 Oregon Ave. Mry Soto. Thlrty-One, 1739 Ore gon Ave H Harris, Thirty-Two, t3S Front Shasta View Apts. Office, Thirty- three, 1677 Wethhum way , ROAD DEPARTMENT J. M Creed, County Engineer, Meals Tillman Booth, Inc., Supplies Union OH Co Loggers ft Contractors Mchlnry CO. Barco Supply Co John Stirling, Replrt Soer (allied . 2.04.', 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 10 fl 11 SO 10 SO in SO 37 50 19 50 19.50 19 50' 70 Ot 9 13 236 02 W Enen Breiiensiem. T revel, Health Dept Kay Fridiey Myrtle CUdwell Naomi Miller E. Maa Sr-ie't Marion Skinner ... Willard Ostlund Mildred Lowdon Jones' O'lic Supply, Supplies, Health Dept Currm's For Drugs Cutler Laboratories I Surgical Seles, inc ' Kevson ft Rohbms Postmaster, Postage, Health Dept Paeif-c Power ft Light Co., Serv ks. Health Depl U Henns, services. Health Dept. . Superior Troy Laundry Kiamatn Dispose!, Inc Amidon's Busmess Machines. Sup plies, Health Dept. lfl U Dixon D'rkel ft Dion, Psych- I trc Services, Perk Corn- Deputy Klamalh Lumber ft no to. . Amidon'l Business Marh nes CURRENT BXPENSE , .Ju O Kullivan. Salary, Deputy " Sher'tt ri4 73 Barn tt, Services. Election 171 11 DeLap J Frank Thompson . w Dal Matinon HI. 58 j. Smith, services. mission Erresto Goniole, Salary, Constable j Barnett, Salary, Jinltor C. . DLP Mary Lou Lindsay, Salary drew, T Clerk Tool Mgl1ns Dee Arm Coy, Slry dr , Dep uty Sheriff Summer Netue Knupo. ie'a'V draw. Dep uty Ta collector 450 001. 2. , 1J 9 ""'" too 45 94 C 31 21 19 48 1 19 74 49 46 TO 64 15 50, 6 16 13 091 13 80 1 13 00 199 92 I 70.00 6 Mi 3 33 Health Dept. . 140 00 Jean Witt Mr-an Nnnmn, 300 100 85 67 77 50 23 50 T! 00 IW.OOj 75 fir) 1 100.00 ion no 75 00 7S V) 75 00 I POAD DEPARTMENT Jl' W! PufciK Employes Retirement, Sn- I c'ai Security Rev. Acti , ion- Irmutions f.Oller tor N. . MilCh';, r H A. PerU it fitr Help. Salary drew, JeM- ; Bart !j 4 7 70 91 Cescede industrial Supply, 14 00 19 00 en 00 7C on of) Paint ft Floor Covering, Supplies, County J)l Bell's Hr4t' John M Owens, Services ft SuO- D'es. She'iH pnos , 'A h Stewart "WirVotoe Machine Service J Maury's Foreign Cars 7 j Klamath Radietoe Works 1141 Novak Parts Suoo'y rater Lk Mchinry JJ'ischu'79 T.re Ser Co- 10 80 'ice 2; 00 1 wa'ies Cte. Meets for County P'H'jne'S The '"! Beauty Center. Services, J.ritt Couy of Orng fa'" , Serving Taw Warfrt. S'erlff Banger Mcor Co, Reoert. SM'- 15 00 IS 15 'fl 1J W 11 y) 1C iH v Wl Jin- O'son MC'O'S fK : je Hu'on. Deputy ier.M Meals IS 10 A B Cotlar, S'SkiyOU C;, 15 rt Serv.ces. S'if 15 00 S'anda'd Oil C. Of C''f V- 17 V) I ( i, SMrifl 11 jo'iher it t O'f ce, jetfe'son Co. W'v U v5 'tes, Sn ill Ta.nrs try vnh'M, Sheriff 15 T) Sof,aii(d Service CO . P6lr 67 10 33 47 93 a c M0y n Van Dyke, Inc. Jay Haw Petroleum Dugan-Mest Chevrolet C. CHrfar Motor sales r.o Herald and News. Pubiirefiont Peugh Welding and Machine. Sup plies sth itraef 00n tales .. . Norris Paiet ft Varntsh O . t Ba'sige- Mote' Co. s A'my Vap Service . 3JrO-c K wens, Expensat )TCjrimh Gat Co, Servleei Home Lumber ft Supply, Supplies Vaegei Huntot. Seliry draw, Dep t Sherl't 2.142. 78 Jo Babrock. Seiery drew. Deputy $uo- County Clerk 16 41!Mi.iin Llnvlll - 47 13!Croiyn Senrl 11 59 Ada Barleen, Sliry drjw, Oepu- jt 50 ly Assessor . . . 164 6j! Darlene Curlmen 79 Mi Brf Decker 1,1 j 44 D. J. Grey G Grimes, aeiary grew. Ap praiser W Barrett O. Brcfcmn A Neiten . B Nenon A Pnteet Arte" Bormn. l'v drew, Stenographer O 'st rid Atl y . Sue Dii 7.106 rt 1 J. 3.447 4 9,117 841 J Ji 45 R ti i R. 1 94 N. 15 00 7 50 15 00 7.50 10.00 15.60, 130 75 00 275 00 0 00 CURRENT EXPENSE New York Life insurance Co., Cov erage lor Ocl 1,741.45 Public Employees Retirement, Contributions 156.50 Elva G. Anderson, Services, Elec tion Board 3.00 Chloris Mever 3 00 Rhae D. Walker 3.00' Olwin Kirk 3 00 Ida G. Grimes 2 00 Minnie G. Larson 2 00 Blanch Gowen 2.00 IS 00 Bettie L. Ball 2 001 Gledyt Shellon 2.00 1 5 00 F 10' enc E . Masters 1 .00 ' Llnd A. Compton 1.00 Helm Buslon 1.001 Deoia L. Wryn Josephine B. Young Vests Purvln Leah For reil . . . Pecker-Scott t , Supplies Pacific Power ft Light Co., Serv ices, BaT lav Springs . . John D. Adams, Jurors, District trlcl Court George T. Ammon Harvey H. Bowmen Lefty L. Hicks Wayn N. Horton Betty B. Ketsdever Burdetle J. Knowles Mary E. Mlnch P. Peni Dorm Jean Pettrt Orval E. Rose Bridget Berry Wayne Stevens, Supplies, Clr 15 00 1 cu't Courl trances u Connor, wuneis, tir- 15.001 cul' Court No 7 . . janei King, wnrigt. jury uuiy 15 00 William P. Brandsoess, Services. LirCUII LOUr? 15 00 1 Lloyd A. Dom hofsky ...... 13.00 J w- R- Bradshaw faci'ic Nonnwest oeii, services. 15 00 Civil Defense 12.00 lino Warren Part, Labor ft Supplies. LOUr I HOUn , . . ... IJ7.J4 IS 00 Hahn Electric Co., Services, court House . .. ez.w 15.00 Oortls Plumbmq ft Heating Co., services, weitare umce , 11, n 15 00 Klamalh County Road Dept . La bor ft Supplies. Fir warden 4n 15 00 Western Fire Equipment Co. .150.21 Signal Oil CO., Supplies, Fir 15 00 Warden It 71 United Fund, contribution 13 on 15.00 Slate Industrial Accident Comm. 504.04 F rank F. Ganong. County Com- 15 00 mlsslonr. Travel . 120.M. E K. Allison. County Commls- 1J 00 1 sioner . 104 50 oeibert summers, Deputy snentr u is 13.00 Le Saunders. Deputy Sheriff 31.80 Chas F . DLp. county tier. 15 00 1 Evpenses, Co. Clerk s C 0 n- vrntion 30 15.00 I v I C Clark. Services, Election 7000 Hartlerod 15 00 1500 C R Caldwell, Assessor, Travel 39. 7i Jim Grimes, Trvl, Appraiser fi 15.00 F. R Bramwell 7.25 Tompkins, House rental. 15 00 Appansers 40.00 Dale T. Crabtree, nisi. ,ttt'y. 15 00 Mileage 442 Ev M. Cook. Expenses to TrtS- urer convention , 18.00 6 TO H'od B. Schiefersfem, Travel 3 '8 expense, Weed Control 1J.40 9 06 Ervin M. Scarlet, Travel, Civil De fense 3 60 217 40 Cascade Business Systems, Sup- 9 151 phes. County Court , iheritr NDI 8 00! Public Employees Retirement, $0- SuPPliet 704 34 cial Security Rev. Acct, Ad ministrative cost ending iept. 30. 1967 . 115 50 National Csh Reglsler, Suppltet, Tax Collector 4 52 Smith Bates printing Co. ...153.J5. Jones' Office Supplies. Supplies. ! County Offices . 2,638 81 Jones' Office Supplies. Supplies, District Court . 77.80, Shaw Stationery Co.. Supplies. 1 Sheriff .. 22 50 William Lawrence. Repairs, Bly Jed 21.21 Superior Troy laundry, Services. County Jail 76 27 Don Kenyoti 72,10 Smith Auto Supply, Supplies, Coun ty Jail IO LMer s Gim ft Key Service 2.50 Oft Elevator Co.. Services, Coun ty Jail I-"" 51 Paiui't Mrst, Supplies, County Jail 109 45 Jey's Grocery sarvlc 11100 Jurgensen't Mrkt . 530.65 Baisiger Motor Co . Repairs, Sher- Health Dept 1514 - Russell Glass Co 3.85 Dictaphone Corp., Supplies, Health uept. ROAD DEPARTMENT New York Lil Int. Cc, Covrg for Ocl 1,296.88 Slete Industrial Accident Comm. Contributions 1,131 93 United Fund 8 20 Jay Hawk petroleum, Supvlis . . 785.24 Herald and News, Steam cleaner bids Packer-Scott, Supplies Buck Davidson Sales 4 Service .. Bill's Saw Shop Richfield Oil Coro Ben Klelsmelat 19.00 Balier Machinery Co 234.82 Minnesota Mining ft Manufactur ing S0 1V6.TO J. C. Pennay Co. . . 6? .24 Cramer't Communications 31 .43 I. B. Morris. Trailer Rental . ... 31.50 Chemult Hotel ft Mot:, Room rent 15.00 Shell OH Co., Supplies 25 44 Kimball Glass Co 18.60 Shell Oil Co 4,928.14 . 345.00 ' 14.31 6.30 3.00 4.75 310.12 Premier Fastener Co. Jack's Upholstery, Services 100Lemble nd Mole tor. Accounting 1 on . ... , m Tldwetr Oil Co., Supplies Cliff McGlnly Byron Johnson Th Pennioll Co Klamath Equipment Rentals Co. .. Sundown Tent ft Awning Co. .. Swan Lake Moulding Co. ........ Howard Cooper Corp. Jiirkelnnd Motors, Inc Clyde Equipment Co Schetky Equipment Corp Sixth street Steel Co.. 12 76 12.00 37 00 16 50 60 80 17.76 .94 16 08 54.00 69.50 21.89 91 97 198 79 28.00 70.41 86.68 90.79 41.69 300.79 23.90 15 00 1 J frn 0'on Motors Jones' Office Supoiv. Supplies.... C. I. Wens. Expenses Congress Hotel, Expenses, Coun ty Engineer 77.30 J. H Creed, Co. Engineer . 14.00 Heetop steel ft Supply Co.. Sup plies X037.S3 DOG FUND State Industrial Accident Comm. Contributions 3.92 New York Life Insurance Co., Coverage for Oct. 1.17 LAW LIBRARY Stele industrial Accident Comm., Contributions .02 Bancroft . Whitney Co.. Supplies PO.oo Smith-Bates Printing CO. Sent Clara Lawyer 14 95 2.50 m 37 nt 12 row 00 11 431 B Wis, Rental Ire" vet ft Cushion jnoo, Supplies ""Rogers Suoer Treed Tire Co. 3flr), JUVINILt MOVe 1 rj Ken Hartley. Services, Juvenile. Hum .... 420 50 64 71 GRAZING FUND 54 M Rb Humnet Uty D i1 -Ct Attorney J. P Thon-Bt T. C Cte, Sa'ery draw, veteran tervce 0cer Loyd DeLep. Salary draw. Bailiff Clrcv'l Court Mry DeLap . J. E Abbott, Slry draw, Court reporter W. ft Fentgn, telery drew, Janitor 7 so 13 3! 74 18 14 61 39 on 75 00 2,470 58 75M, irjri nr) too 00 100 00 100 hh 75 00 100 00 100 00 100 i)0 100 00 100 00 ISO no mm 100 00 moral inn at, 10000 17! IV) I 2M0O 100 00 100 00 100 00 10000 iff 7.24 Harrv H Marlowes. Shentf, Ln County, Services. Sheriff 5 00 Klamath Countv Road Dept. Re pairs. Sheriff .. 19C20 Deot of Motor vehicles, Teletype Services. Sherilf 34 00 Cramer's Communication!, Serv ices, Sheriff . 157.1J Ottnon Title Co.. Supplies, Atet- snr 480 Eugene Dletrgen Co 24 70 texaco, Inc. 89f Juckeiend Motors Kiemath Co. Road Dept., Leber ft Supplies, Attestor J3S C5 01 Co, Supplies. Attestor 73 89 Standard OH Co. of Calif 1)37 Bg "V" Mrhet 230 35 Southern Oregon Avltton, Inc.. Travel, Attestor .300 Gull OH Co.. Supplier Attettor . 4 10 Cmvet A Cushion Shoo 350 Lyle C Smith. Co. Surveyor, E pen set to Atsocistton Conven tion ... .... 4423 D'ttriCt Attorney, SupP'le tfOITt lot Annies Co. Certt 1)0 Klmafh Moving ft Jtorag, Srv ices, Distncf Attorney . . 4 3D Bussman's Seed Vc: ft Nursejry. Supplies for M age is 1 m Perk 5413 Lloyd A Domaschoftky, Services. District Court 25 00 Joseph w. Hagier 5f 00 Betn Anderton J7 30 Klmah Co. Road Dept., Supplies, District Court 89 Or. i. H, Noel, Services, Circuit Court . 73 00 MUSEUM FUND State industrial Accident Comm.. Contributions 1.02 New York Lite Insurance Co., Coverage fo' Oct 1.17 Cash Fund Museum, Supplies. Cash Fund 10.74 Klamath County School District. Supplies 20 00 Washing ton-Oregon School Supply 44 35 is Office Supply u COUNTY LIBRARY New York Life Insurer Co.. Coverage lor Oct 18 53 United Fund. Contributions .. . 4 00 State Induttrlel Acc-dent C"m. 8 64 The H. w. Wilson Co., Supplies .. 50 00 Henry Z Walck. Inc. . 323.04 The University of Wisconsin Press 1109 Twayn Publishers, Inc 84.38 Pore 8. Sepsis, Inc 43.74 Rutgers University Press 40.es Rollon House, Inc 17JI Pennsylvania Slate Univer sity Prest 4.27 Northwestern University Pratt 17 1 McGraw-Hill Book Co 10.84 Indian University Press 27-96 Howell Book House, Inc 55.1 S Hart Publishing CO 12.19 Harper ft Bros 8.74 Charles M Gardner Co 171.70 Gal Research Co 22. 50 Doubiedey ft Co 203. V4 Crown Publishers, Inc. .. 4.11 Cotiier-MecMHien Library Dlv. . 2.37 College ft University Press Serv ices . 77 Th Cfede! Prss 14.1t The Caaton Printers. Ltd 7.04 Cambridge University Press 97.23 George 8riHlr, Inc 49. Anoel Island Publications, Inc. . 17 41 Bmtords ft Mori. Publishers 4.4? Baker ft Tytor Co HIM Th Book Find Club, Inc 3 34 New York Tim 26.50 rJook-of-the-Month Club 5 34 Th Municipal Year Book 10 00 The Christian fcience Monitor ... ti 00 Delkote, Inc . 12 Cascade Laundry 100 ti. R, Bowker Co 12 00 Jones OlflC Supply 27 85 Geylord Bros. 50 34 Beth Anderson's Office Service . . 5.00 Amidon's Business Machines. Serv- ices 30 30 Hehn Electric Co 36 W Johnson Service Co. 42 30 Consumers' Heatu Co. 120 65 Pacific Northwest Bell 78 40 Pacific Power ft Light Co. 2:7.91 Stenderd Oil Co. ot Cent., Supplies 3.97 SpeciairdJ Service Co., Services 484 Klamath County Roed Dept., Sup plies ft Labor 37.51 C. L. LT4jslt, Postmaster, Post age 23 00 McNaughlon Libraries, I.tc.. Sup plies ... 1 75.00 ROAD OIPARTMFNT R. J. Smith, Seiery ' 7.51 CURRENT EXPENSE West Coast Airlines, Services, Ju venile Oept .. 1143 6. E. Biencnerd, Mileage, Pur chlng Agent t.W Walter Zimmerman, Postage, Jus tice of Peace l-0 Roper and Roper, services. Trees urer's office 4M.0O Gertrud Thornhlll, Grand Jury feet & mileage 122.40 STATE OR OHEGON ss. COUNTY OF KLAMATH I. Chat. F. DeLap. County Clef In and for the above named County nd State, hereby certify that th foregoing is tru nd correct statement of Cle'ms al lowed by the County Court tf Kiemath County, Oregon, end 'HtrranH Issued by me in payment of same during th montn ot November, 1942. 'This f.ubltctlon pur suant to Oregon Lew." Witness my hand nr) the seal of tej'd County this 4m dey of December, Ifel. Chs P. DeLap. County Tier, Klm County, Oregon. NO. 131, Dec. 78, 1163. IS 00 Sheriff