WOW! COINWORD no w NOW IN PROGRESS - OUR BIG JANUARY SHOE SALE! Ef TREMENDOUS $ HI and MID HEELS LADIES DRESS $H VALUES 4 17. 18. 19 Everyone Can Play Try Your Skill Right Now! PRIZE GOES UP $25. WEEKLY Pius Your Chance To WIN UP TO $50 BONUS Check The Ads A Right, See How You Can Win Up to $50.00 Extra In This Big Contest! WINWORD CONTEST RULES crw3?sD PRIZE $ 1925 'CfblNl I E I Alt-) ifcl 3 T "f T tlTlf s T A R eh: g:i T'l lofEjIS ' N G -r r" 7. fr- " K. i O G frl ImIcIhI Mil 1 IT NAME - - ADDRISS - CITY - STATI C ) Hart rhe HinU ft News lnmMlr! Cr-alel. h. W.i . JHOI WAMHOUJl OK WAH-ONIR BRU CO. . . . ' M p. ,n4 m H Her.H e.e Ntw,, P.O. Ml. CLUES ACROSS E.wdmons to e Arctic find that conditio"! there tend t0 (Conceal, Congeal) A punishing would' not neceuonly cou a martyr to suffer. iFast, Flit) Old wooden fighting ships tued hcokj to the enemy. Attach, Attack) A movie photographer has to dcperd on his iLcjs, Lens) A counselor ho could not a.ode o boy scout's would be inefficient. (Tent, Test) Rome is still famous for seven (Arcs, Arts) Looking up from 0 river, cne might see 0 of lumber. Cier, Tier) Newsooper editors find thot certain nes fcreoks demand special (Coptions, Coutions) An actress in a p'ov could resent on tnwlmg (Ogle. Ogre) A little could upset someone at o picnic. (Pinch, Punch) A sick man would fmd it difficult to keep the fact from his (K'd, Kin) 16 An eld . .. 'Neck, Nick) might be difficult to shave. 1 U And A f HAPPY NEW I VEAR 2200 Pair Come In And Count 'Em! GROUP 1 O Naturalizers Smarfaire Life Stride O Red Cross ENTIRE STOCK FLATS 25 OFF Group 2 Rarnanelli Johannsen Plus Others Pair Values to 18.95 ,vSAArVVVrNrVltrVVVSAAAAtVVS' 1. Salve COINWORD veaUJ av Mker er.M were1 aussle. 2. Aayeae It eligible H earer rite eearast exeea eleyes et the Herald t4 Newi ul their feMllies, mi eleyes ef She Werehease ene1 Wagfener Drag C. aaa1 Iheie families. 3. A centastanr may submit at many entries as ha withes, usinf tha entry blank printed in tkis paper, ar evact sisad, hand'drawn facsimiles at tha pussle made withaut use ef carban paper ar ether duplicating means. 4. Ta submit an entry a eeareetear may depetit bie cemaletea puasla aleia vritk kis name and address ia the COINWORD contest bo at Waggoner Drug Co., 839 Main St., ar She Wereheuse, 2J4 Main St., ar strath tka sam alated passie alang witk kie name and address an a 2c past, card and mail it la tka COINWORD Iditer. Herald and News, P.O. (a Ml. Mail entries must ka peetmerked net later tkan S:30 p.m. Tuesday, and entries must be depeiifed tka COINWORD earnest bases by 12:00 naan Wednesday. Daylight Saving Time 5. Tbe Herald and Newt wiH award a prise af S 100.0 ta tka winner ef eaek .week's COINWORD caatast. If mere thaa ana winning answer Is received, the prise will be di vided equally ameag the winners. If na cerrect salatia Je received, tka amount of tka weekly prise will be increased $25.00 aack weak the pussle net salved. 4. Tksra is anly ana cerreet seletie) ta aeck COIN WORD pussle and anly that cerreet entwer can win. Deci. sien ef the judges is final and all cantestants agree ta abide ky Ike efficial aaiwar supplied by the COINWORD aditar. All entries beceme tke preperty af the paper. Only ana prise will be awarded ta a family unit. 7. entries matt be meiled ar delivered by kend kefere tlttlne deedlinei. Ne carries saa be returned. Tha answer will ta published in tke Hereld and News. CLUES DOWN 2. A new store often offer borgomi ot it (Outlet, Outset) 3 A successful oenatiit cchjM not afford to during on oudition. (Fail, Foil) 4. Small on the toble would probably onnoy o waitress. (Tops, Tips) 6 A choir organ might be next to the (Altar, Altoil 8. The economic status of o woman can usually h H termmed by her (Eornings, Earrings) 1 1. Seeirg o familior shoppers might decide there wos o sale. (Serge, Surge) 12. Cigarette manufacturer attempt to the best tobacco. 'Pack, Pick) 15 A city child might develop on Ot summer comp. (Inch, Itch) Deposit Your Entries At Either COINWORD Sponsors Shoe Warehouse --or Waggoner Drug Co. 234 Moin St. -39 Msin St. Or Mail to: Coinwerd Editor P.O. lex 941 Extra Coinword Papers Available At Waggoner Drug and The Herald and News! 1 Group Children's DRESS SHOES Po'"" 1 Group Children's SHOES 0ur Discount Price 5 99 1 Group Children's SHOES 0ur Discount Prico 4 " Little Boys' Black OXFORDS Di""",p,i" 3 " COINWORD K- 25 BONUS ... if you correctly work tho COINWORD puxxlo and have a cash register receipt ef one dollar or more from the Shoe Ware house dated within 7 dayt prior to the win ning announcement. Bonus split in cote of ties! i 90 2 3 2 2 Pair 90 Pair 90 Pair 90 Pair . Group 3 j! Many Brand Names !' Value tn 2A OC ' 90 I .1 SSfSf II Pair I 390 I I Pair I 5 4 Pair 1 33 1 Em Pair I Spec. Values to 9.95 Little Boys' Brown SCUFF OXFORD Men's Dress OXFORDS Men's and Boys' TEMkllC CUACC High or Low Top, ILIimj JlfULJBIac Men's 8" Crepe Sole WORK BOOT ck or White Wedge Solo HOE WAREH0U 234 Main St., Across From Willard Hotel intra Values Plus S&H Green Stamps 1 v v.- " 'J V' !M Mi Responses from 5, 157 Users K of Helena Rubinstein's Ultra Feminine .Hie face cream thai starts you ... ... looking younger today I Overwhelming endorsement given by 91 of these users of Ultra Feminine, the only cream that works wi'bin the skin to replenish loss of vital estrogen and progesterone, natural youth suhslanresl "This cream definitely made my skin look younger and more alive"... "I noticed considerably fewer lines and wrinkles due to dryness"... "I like this cream better than any cream I've ever used I" Wrinkles due to dryness can be reduced. Younger skin tone can be restored by the action of estrogen and progesterone I ! I ONCE-A-YEAR SALE Becsine Helens Rubinstein believes t'llri Feminine is her iresletl emmetic achievement-the makes this specisl offer. Your first ir w.ll convince you ihst can look younger ill 30 days or money bsckl Use tllri Keminine every night regularly! mm I 1 xrjf Sie (IDs; Supply Reg. 6.00 NOW ONLY 3.75 SAVE :.25 (Ssve 513.50 on yur'i supply). end for younger looking hinds, save on Young Touch Hsnd Lotion wuh estrogens... 2.75 Value Now Only 1.5 Vmttti tlmt trntf trie flmt . -f KEEP ACTIVE with ELASTIC SUPPORTS Tired muiclei. ricoe cioi, ttraini nd ipriini can up four enefftr nd ruin Tour health. Often one of our elastic supports can relieve these conditions. WOMEN; Now yov tarn nUv Boim 4 Block NYLON ELASTIC STOCKINGS lwws-Msleflrt) MVtOM Mr;: ousNYLONcV tllltK MOCK in givecorrect support. Two-way itirteh, opfn toe comfon. Fashionfd. f NeurrsJ w shade. TENS OB :j Esscr controlled sup- porc on sny pert oe 1 i with uvi ue- I THItAOS. l tmm CLASTIC ANKLETS ft KNEECAPS Designed for firm, free movement sup port. Kneecap or anklet in cotton I New my- tONanltler l" Mini a roumif nn ooo etAM - -- Supports betlt suetoint. f V1 ,1 siomsch. Kit sum -sppesrsnce. 4' Comfortable. art SUSPENSORIES retched tendons T.i th "vital lone can cause fatigue uet new pep a suspensorf, nth 85c t. 2 ATHIETSC SUffOSfl'S Actm raen wear a correct supporter for every sport t.u mide by 1 s.'"V ? DUCK. Sylvan id FLASH BULBS Press 25 Reg. $1.80 Ctn. I Press 25B Keg. $2.16 Ctn. I M2 Reg. $1.56 On. I M2B Reg. $1.80 On. I AG1 Reg. $1.32 On. I AG1-B Reg. $1.56 Ctn. I Revlon 'Moon Drops' FREE! 4 oi. 'Moon Drops' Moisturiiing O'oonor with purchase ef 2 ox. 'Moon Drops' Moisture Balm. $4.50 Value ior Pi ta plus X Vi Price Special FRIESOSHIP GARDIN Hand & Body Lotion Special Regular $2.00 Value NOW $1 plus tax 1 Limited time only for a limited time only 2 PRICE SPECIAL DESERT FLOWER Cream Roll-on Deodorant Deodorant all day deodorant and anti-perspirant protection each Regut: $1.00 NOW QC P,u $25 COINWORD BONUS if you correctly work the coinword puixle and have a cash receipt of org dollar or more within 7 days prior to tha winning announce ment. Bonus split in case of ties! DIME ,.,r JIIU ii.iiiMi.iiy riiini icgfif rccn Stamps