0 6-iS-iM 'gpTAR GAZERS 0 AIIES mak r. i, APR. 2 APR 21 I W MAY 21 7.19-30-4)1 51-62-72 GEMINI 5869 CANCER U 3-18-29.d f61-71.79-8d 1FA ff? JULY 2 B-17 M V1SGO AUG 2 StPT. Q 12-23-3-46 r-57-68-8! -Br CLAY R. POLLAN- Yovr Daily Artivity Guid According to Ihf Stars. To develop messoge for Sa(urda; read wotch corresponds tu rjmbecs of your Zodtoc birth sign. DMA .ipt 2i rfr OCT 23 4,w 4-22 33-44 T b4-65-80-83 Vt 1 Allow 2 Uct.lent 3Com 4 Vth, 5 The A CWt 7 Important 1.) Time i 4 Orer 15 f eft lo Hn 17 Can IS Your 19 Contacts ?0 tvemng 28 Profit ?9 Bread 30 Art 3 1 Couid 32 Things 36 To 37 Depressed 38 In 39 A 41 W jrm 42 Turn 43 Make 44 There' 4?j Throogn 46 People 4 7 Propose. 49 Mind :i0 Greot 51 Mok.ng 52 Ljov I3 Changes 54 F.re Forget 50 Personal 57 Need b Aer -end b9 Keep 60 Deal ($5 Good (Adverse 61 The cu' Acid 64 Go ttiy Better 67 C on tocri 63 Vouf r9 Act.wtiet 70 So 7 1 Woter-, 72 Pursuing 73 Repay 7 S Place 7ft Or 77 Vit 78 Write 79 Result 80 Inest.qole I Through H PaiDly 83 Situations 84 Romonlic P 5 Come P(i Teamwork R7 To 8fl Atietion 89 Yqu-H 90 Now if A i2n JNcutril iCORPK OCT 24 CKl, NOV. 22 5-20-31 -42; L52-6382 84Vi'J SAGlTTARIUi . , DEC 22 fj 9-16-27 3f U9-70-78 CAPRICORN DEC 23 jf JAN' 20 2-13-2-3504 U5-56-63 VS;! ACRJ tRIUS AN 2( 10-21-32-43:1 153-64-75 Vi; PISCES MAR 21 fr- 11-15-26 37fl"H 48 59-87 893 J Oregon Dairymen Plan Studied Presentation SALEM UPIi The Oregon Dairy Industry 1ODI1 committee will not rush to the legislature during the early days of the 1963 session it will wait until it has a well worked out program, if any. the Slate Department of Ag riculture predicted today. The department issued a review of tlie plight of the Oregon dairy industry, and pointed to the lack of agreement among dairymen as to what type of stabilisation pro gram was needed. In the final weeks of the 1U61 Legislature, a drastic price break in the Portland fluid milk market sent the dairy industry into a tailspin. On the appeal of producers and processors, the legislature enact ed a state stabilization law on a temporary basis. It was a ' breather" to give the industry time lo point its own way to future stability. The temporary law will expire on Dec. 31. n SQUARE DANCE SATURDAY NITES Fun Level BOB'S BARN Hope A I'rlriU After the stabilization law was enacted, Agriculture Director J. V Short appointed Kenneth Sawyer administrator. After a series ot public hearings, the department established grade A fluid milk prices to producers in 10 market areas, effective June 16, ltWil. Subsequent hearings 27 in all have been held under the pro grambrought some changes. Since July of this year, most of the milk movement in the state has been under one market at a S3. 86 price. The stabilization price applies only to that part of grade A milk sold in bottle and can trade. The oversupply of grade A goes into manufactured products and brings less than the stabilization price. Looking ahead io the termina tion of the temporary act, the Oregon Dairymen's Association (ODAi in September, 1961, called a meeting of representatives of 90 per cent of the fluid rr ilk produc-j tiou of the stale. ' Kissing Games Not Best Sport For Young XSHERBiTtf Save Now! During Bogatay's Half-Yearly Shoe Sale EaturaSizen; New Fall & Winter Dress Shoes 15.99 y NOW Save on Shoes for Men, Women, Children SHOES 617 Main I Mrn't Dm ROBLEE Value, to 2J. 95 1(p"1790 ,i.,i.'imAiiatMiWii'. By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: My son is S years old and he has been go ing to boy-girl parties since he was 12. I was shocked to see your advice to the Canadian mother. You said a boy 14 was Un young for kissing games and that she should keep him at home. Just because the boy won a prize for kissing a girl for 15 minutes is no reason to be hard on him. Teen-agers today want to be part of the gang. It's very hard to be the only one in the group who can't do something, or go someplace. The teen-ager who is made to feel "different" develops inferiority complex, and he comes to hate his parents be cause their restrictions made him i outcast. 1 see nothing wrong with a lit tle experimentation at an early age. I agree that passionate kiss ing for a 14-year-oid would not he good, hut these kids are only playing at being grown-ups. Why spoil their fun? UNDERSTAND ING MOTHER Dear Mother: My desk Is stacked high with letters from teen-agers who are in deep trou ble as a result of "experiment ing" and "playing at being gipwn up." It's interesting that you endorse kissing games for 14-year-old boys but not passionate kissing. Do vou honestly believe you can tell kids how to kiss once thev have started? Well, I can tell ynu lady, they aren't going to ask. At 14 hoys should be expending their energies in snouting, sgiorts and school activities. The kiss ing can come a few years later without damage to their person alities, social status or love for their parents. Dear Ann Landers: I know you aren't running a bureau for missing persons, but 1 want my wife back. e ve been married six years and I was the world's biggest heel. I used to stay out till all hours, five nights a week, always with some phony excuse. When I think of the time and money I siwnt on a bunch of bums I realize what a tool I was. We have two kids, the babv is only 4 months old. Last night we really had a row. I came home with lipstick on my shirt She told mt I could lake my choice cither stay home and act like a husband and father or she was leaving. I told her I'd slay home when Ihe baby got older, but the crying got on my nerves. Tonight when I rolled in lalxxit A toif ... or a timepiece . . . Crater Lake Nearly Balmy The weather is "pleasantly cool," nearly balmy at Crater Lake. Skies are bright and blue, there was a slight breeze at U.S. Ranger headquarters Thursday morning. Maximum temperatures lor the 24 hours previous to S! a.m. Thursday was 45. minimum 22. Precipitation for the 24-hour pe riod was nil. Snow depth contin ues at 24 inches w ith 127 accumu lative in comparison to 200 inch es in lHfil and 152 in ltuw. Roads to the rim ot the lake are bare with a few icy spots. Skiing conditions are slightly im proved but snow is crusly and icy. 1:30 a.m.), I found a note. My wife has gone back to her folks and she took the kids with her. I'd give anything if she'd come home. I'd even walk the floor with the baby till he's 9 years old. Please print this letter. I know she II see it because she never misses your column. ON MY KNEES Dear Knees: Here's your let ter and I'm not giving any clues as to the origin. There are doz ens of sorry husbands around who could have written it. Let's hope this helps all of them. Dear Ann Landers: It is appar ent that the secretary who signed hersell Seattle has never worked in a small organization I have been a secretary for 25 years. I also make a fine salary and am considered top caliber. We have janitorial services for general cleaning but they are not on call at all hours of the dav. What would this "top caliber" secretary do if she spilled cof fee on the floor, or on her desk? Would she let it stand until the janitors arrived? Many a time I have opened win dows to air out a stuffy office. emptied ash trays, watered plants. rearranged furniture, cleaned and dusted, washed cof fee cups and percolators. Such laslcs are not demeaning. They are tnc small chores that a con scientious secretary performs be cause she takes pride in her work NOT TOO PROUD Dear Not Proud: Cheers. Girl. I'm with you. , To learn the booby-traps of teen age drinking, write for Ann Lan ders' booklet. "Teen-aae Drink ing." enclosing with vour re quest 20 cents in coin and a long. self-addressed, stamped envelope. Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Legion Post Plans Party American legion Post No. S will entertain at the post's annual Tom and Jerry party at the I-ccion Hall on Norm Eighth, Sunday, Dec TO. Hours will be 2 'o 5 p m. All legionnaires, the Auxiliary and guests are invited. The New Year's Eve party, a buffet stiPDer and dance is 'planned for the evening of Dec. hi Party favors and music will Ihe furnished. Cash Given In Baby Suit NEW YORK (UPIi-The Ameri can Home Products Corporation reached a $125,000 out-of-court settlement today with a Brooklyn couple who charged a baby form ula manufactured bv the com pany resulted in convulsions that caused mental retardation of their daughter. Slate Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Rrenner approved the settlement terminating a $.'0.0(X) damage suit brought bv Frank and Mildred Cervo. parents of Jo-Ann Cervo, 10. A Brooklyn Supreme Court jury was delibe rating the case when the plaintiffs iccepled the corporation's settle ment offer. The suit charged that Jo-Ann suffered (wo convulsions followed by brain damage and menial re tardation as the result of feeding solely on "liquid S-M-A formula" Irom shortly aftc her birth in 1952 until May 5. 195?. The prose- culior presented expert witnesses who testified that Jo-Ann was a normal baby until she had her first convulsion. The Cervo's attorney. Irwin L i 1 1 m a n. introduced evidence showing that Wyeth Laboratories, a subsidiary of American Home Products, called back the product in September. 1MJ. and warned physicians that some infants on Ihe formula had suffered convul sive seizures. Littman estimated thai approximately 1.200 infants throughout the country who were fed on S-M-A suffered convulsions between 1950 and 1951 when the product was being marketed. Litlman credited Dr. O L. Kline of Ihe Federal Food and Drug Administration for discovering that .S-M-A was deficient in vita min B6, the lack of which could cause convulsions in infants. Jacoby On Bridge NORTH it A 10 7 5 4 V K97S 8 K1042 WEST EAST A A 2 AJ963 VQJS 2 AQ98 4 3 K1075 J7 Q965 SOUTH (D) AKQ8 A 1086 4 J2 A83 North and South vulnerable South West North East t V 2 2 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Friday, December 28, 19(12 PAGC-S Here ond There Answer to Previous ruxzl II3MIYI High Cards Make Points By OSWALD JACOBY Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn. The ostrich buries his head in the sand and believes that his enemies can't see him. Some bridge players bid that same way and are about as unsuccess ful as the bird. East had n good raise for his partner's overcall, but chose to withhold it on the theory that if he bid his opponents would get to game and if he kept stil they would settle for a part score. It never occurs to the os trich East that if the opponents have a game they will bid it anyhow. Wcsl was sailing blind in a fog. but managed to find the ace of diamonds lead against the spade contract. This lead held South to eight tricks, but that was his contract. Now let us see w hat would have happened if East had taken his head out of the sand and bid three diamonds: West might have been allowed lo play that contract and would have made it easily. Or North and South might have continued and gone down at cituer three or four spades. In any case East and West would win points in stead of losing them. zs ACROSS 2 lAtin American country 5 Verda Islands 6 Kuropean mountain 12"AuldSod lSHenus of birds 14 French month 15 State of being tilled with sediment 17 Container 18 Purposive 19 Male deer 21 Open spouts 23 Nothing 24 Tahitian god 27 Retinue 29 Hindu garment 32 Infirm 34 Oily ketones 36 Cubic meters 37 Writing lool 38 Italian citv .19 Observes 41 Manner's direction 42 Structural units 44 Fruit drinks 46 More distant 49 Rent 53 Poem 6 Historians 56 ThroiiKh 6? Falsehoods 58 Tldv 59 Bitter vetch 60 Icelandic saga 61 Comfort DOWN 1 Nuisance 2 tlreat I.ake 3 Streamlet 4 Coniunrticn f. Is able 6 Reluctant 7 Mexican coin R German city 9 Hospital vehicle 10 Secular I IciKio tl n A L U nrs t-) Yl H1AIM a S'A IMSIV A a;m ulf Eoif Aivje si Glri ao rmaw i itt: a MteflT AnHpnly E'S 1 1 Color 16 Pendent mass of ice 20 Buffalo 22 Fourth estate 24 Larissan mountain 2.1 aoass fla 26 Non-repeaters X'i Vend anew 40 Merited 4:1 Vapid 45 Net 46 Stout cord 47 German river 46 Citv In Oklahoma 50 Bewildered !B Dried, as dishes 51 Depots iab.) 30 Check 52 Royal Italian 31 Small island family name 33 Iris icomb. 55 King of Judah forml (Bibl Q The bidding has been: Fast South West North 3 t You, South, hold: i AKJ1 KQ9I Klt What do vou do? A Double. This H s tekeoat doable, but if your partner cleoto to paurs yon narve defense. TODAY'S QUESTION Your partner bids tour clubs. What do you do? Answer Tomorrow Skate Rink Opening Set The Moore Park skating rink will not lie open for al least 10 days, the city Parks and Rec reation Department announced Thursday. Employes will begin flooding the! rink Thursday night, hut at least !0 layers of ice are needed before the rink an be used. One laver can be ap,iin d every evening for the next 10 d ys. Each layer must be completely frozen .jefore the subsequent layer is applied If the cold weather doesn't hold it may be longer than 10 days before the rink can be used. I 12 13 4 I a 6 7 8 I 9 110 111 , - 15 i?" 17 II "Til 20 ' ' iaj ?T iZ PT1 23 1 Ejj 2 25 26 27 p8 29 30 31 32 33 IT; 34 35 36 i! "37 " 38 r"l394a f""4i 42 44 45 ii Uad , 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 . rtaii 53 54 55 56 57 ""'58 59 60 61 I I I I I I I I I I I I ?n GOP Asks Explanation Of Factor Gift, Pardon WASHINGTON IUPH - House records showed today that John Jake the Barber i Factor, and his wife gave $22,000 in recent Demo cratic campaigns. Republican Na lional Chairman William E. Mil ler demanded assurances from President Kennedy that this had no bearing on his Christmas par don of Factor. Kennedy's pardon of Factor. who served time for a 1943 mail fraud conviction, quashed a threat ened deportation of the one-time Chicago resident who now lives n California. Miller said: "I think it is in cumbent on the administration to assure the American people in no uncertain terms that the presiden tial pardon granted John Factor is in no way connected with the act that he and his wife were substantial contributors to the ause of the Democratic parly." "The fads which have come to light are highly disquieting." the GOP chairman said. "Our system of justice will be in great jeop ardy if the day comes when per sons of wealth can obtain leniency in any such manner. I sincerely hope that the suspicions which come to mind in this case have no foundation." Factor contributed $10,000 lo two Democratic campaign groups in 19K0 and $2,000 to the national committee last year, according to reports filed with the House '.of Representatives. His wife, Rella, contributed $10,000 to the two campaign groups in 19fi0. tin Palm Beach. Fla., where Kennedy is on holiday. Press Secretary Pierre Salinger said of the Factor campaign contribution: "I don't know anything about it.") BALDWIN HOTEL 31 Mam Si Ward, old-fashioned hospital ity. Large, comfortable lobby. Doily, weekly, monthly rates. Handy parking. Henley High Notes By MARTHA RAGLANI) Last minule Christmas shop pers crowded the department stores in the skit portion of the program put on by the Henley senior class on Friday, Dec. 21. The program, an annual affair at the school, also featured pan tomimes by Bill Dixon. Mike Beymer, (Sam Cox and Earl All britton and Christmas numbers ung by the Henley chorus. "The difference between the right job and the almost-right job is as great as the difference be- ween lightning and the lightning bug,' stated Anthony Giuntoni representative from the Oregon Emplnymcnt Service, in his talk with the senior American prob lems classes. The seniors, who are studying occupations, heard from Mr Giuntoni the job-finding problems that they can expect after gran nation and Ihe ways in which Ihe Emplovment Service can help them solve these prohlems Ask about daily "Business Card" SPOT ADS TU 4-8111 LEAVE YOUR CLOTHES WHILE YOU SHOP Fast, Efficient Service THE LAUNDERETTE Owens at 6th Ph. TU 4-6373 KINDERGARTEN 3849 Summers Lane STATE APPROVED Course of Study . Specializing in PHONETIC TRAINING Mr. Merle Jackson Phone TU 4-9942 coeds nil previous records. The high salesmen were Dave 'airclo with $108 and Lyle! Bergstrom with $125. Dave Fair-1 lo was also the captain of Ihe winning magazine sale "team,"! hich was treated to free ham burgers and milkshakes. Honor Society President l.co Huff appointed Janet Lynn, Ann Breilhaupl. K a I h y DeGrando. Mania Hohert. Fayc Toombs and Ray Black to a committee to make arrangements for sponsor ing an Honor Society assembly n February. A possible program for Ihe assembly will be a college howl type thing with the Honor Soci ety seniors against the Honor So ciety Juniors." revealed Lea Huff, INSIST ON GOLD BELL BRAHD KLAMATH POTATOES ot Your Favorite Grocer's The DANMOORE HOTEL 1217 S.W. Morrison St. Portland, Oregon All Tranalrnt nurstti. AH thnM Mhn font return. Ratra not la hlRlt, nnl low. t-'rrr ric. TV nd Radian. Reputation tor clean llnrtia. t'hllriren under teven. nt t-harie. Monthly ralea available Inr hnrl tr Indefinite. alay, IHft.lM a ii 4 up. I'rlvala bain. felr BRING mm THE FAMILY B roasted Chicken Spaghetti Pizza Pie Try Our New French Fried Ravioli Eat 'Em Here or Orders To Go. LUCCA CAFE Ph. TU 4-3276 23S4 S. 6th u hich onr ... is the "nosV ...? Tlipre's jure way to knnw . . . just . . . talk inth vnir jnrrlrr ... ! fvprything that shou . . . ran lnrk tlif same Oven the price lag) ... the dtflrrrnce is rntirjr.. . and u hat difference hrjfire ou hu v any natch . . . at anv pner . . . o'r.. (i here . . . ce our jru rlrr ... it's f lip smihlr thine to (In ... t tint OiJlUTT . . . !0 "01 If tllllir,l7 . . . n0 JUItlTT . . . USUIUT JS . , ' J. C RENIE, JEWELER 3 State Licensed WotCiimakers 1021 Moin TU 4-4606 January Sale Prices on Quality Furniture NOW! Hurry! Save! Get S&H Green Stamps, Too Oon Fndsr Till 9:00 tmOTHF.Itl.V I.OVF. COSTLY LOS ANGELES (liPh - Broth erly love cost Jerry L, Tones $1(10 Thursday. Tones was fined when the judge learned he was falsely represent ing an attorney to defend his brother, Robert L. Tones, 32, on burglary charge. The annual sophomore magaine sale this year reached lis goal of $2,500 and exceeded it by $fi.1fi. Of the total $-1,1311, Ihe sophomores received $1,087 profit. This ex- Claussen Named To CD Office SALEM UTH - Jerry Claus sen, who will resign Dec. .11 ai executive secretary of the Oregon Republican Party, has l)een hired as information officer for S t a t e Civil Defence, it was learned to day. Slate CD Director Arthur M. Sheets confirmed Claussen will take over Ihe civil defense po sition on Jan. 2 "We did not plan to make any announcement until Jan. 2, Sheets said. "In fact, we have already told Claussen his first job will Iw to produce a press release announc ing his appointment. "We wanted to delay the an nouncement so there would he no confusion between this job and the one he is resigning," Sheets said. Jobless Pay Under 1961 SALEM U!PD -Unemploy ment insurance claims and insured unemployment for Ihe week end ing Dec. 20 remained under Ihe comparable week in IIWI. I Oregon Department of L'nem-I ploymcnl Commissioner Davidl Cameron said today a rate of 5.1 i and 20,274 weeks were claimed ! For the same Hull week, a rale I of 6 7 and 2(5,801 weeks were claimed. Initial claims increased 15.1 per cent during the week, indicating substantial seasonal unemploy ment has begun, he said. In only two local office areas. Astoria and Tillamook, were Ihe insured unemployment rates high er this December than last, he said. Highest rale of Insured unem ployment last week was in Grants Pass with 13.1. The lowest was in Portland with .1.5. Other rales in the larger areas compared to last year: Corvalhs at 3.9. down 0.7; Eugene at 4 8. down 1.8; Klamath Falls at 5.2.1 down 3.7; Medford at 7.1. re l mained the same; Pendleton and 'vlilton-Freewater at 7.1, down 2 4; Portland at 3.5. down 0.9, and Salem at 5.1, down 2.3. CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS "naslldate all your monthly payment In - in one, ranrrnirni payment earn mantn. Vour one monlhly payment ran uaualy he tar lei than the total mt all Ihe .mall bill u are paying each month now. Look al . Slhea exampUa: Areata' mm. mi n wen Kelt a Amount S $ro 0 2 m. $300.00 18 mo $21.81 $500.00 24 mm. $28. 86 380 So. oth SUBURBAN FINANCE Town m4 Country Shopping Center Phono TU 4-7759 -3U SKIERS Coming or Going Don't Pass By THE ODESSA STOP IN FOR . . . BREAKFASTS - LUNCHES - DINNERS Delicious Fried Chicken, Sizzling Steaks, Ham 'n Eggs as you like 'em! HOME MADE PIE ODESSA COFFEE SHOP Rocky Point Road Closed Monders Ph. EL 6-2250 Rockr Point Opn 6 to 9 P.M. tor Rc-torvsrioni JANUARY SALE f COMING BIGGEST YOU'VE EVER SEEN A i Watch For If DREWS iV.anstore 733 Main ond Town & Country ti Plan Now to Attend! New Year's Eve PARTY Starts Early Monday Evening! Favors Entertainment Noise-Makers Round Table Dining Room Open till...? , WIHEMA MOTOR HOTEL 1111 Main 17 n f "7 Now In Progress! Store-Wide CLEARANCE JmTl Dresses Sweaters Skirts Lingerie Vz to Vi OFF Charge Now! Pay in Feb! Th books or cloud . oil chorgo purchoMt morfo bolorKt of rhii month will not bo duo until Ftb ruary 10th! 1 5th ond Main ' J afcaZaOaZiHSaoZlouw 12th & Main HsSMiS.sk Ml m 'fM