PAGE-10 IIKHALI) AND SEWS, Klamath Falli. Ore. Friday, December 2S, 1: BASIN BRIEFS NEW PINE CHEEK MR. AND MItS. DOUG GAR DINER moved into the Jack Mof fitt home last Wednesday. They are from Canby, and he is a timber taller working for the Law son Logging Company. MR. AND MRS. JAMES SMALL, formerly of the Trinity River area, have moved here Small is a faller for Lawson Loggins. and he and his family are living in what was originally Children Die On Mountain OGDEN. Utah (UPI) - Three children plunged 500 feet to their death Wednesday night when they slipped on icy rocks while trying to climb down off a mountain near their homes. The boy and the two girls fell down a sheer cliff in the Waterfall Canyon area about two miles from the base of the mountains cast of here. Sheriff's office identified them as Mark Way, 9. son of Dr. and Mrs. Grant Way; Shauna South- wick, 9. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Southwick. and Bonnie Ross, R, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Hoss. Teams from the county Jeep posse and mountain rescue squad found them at the base of the cliff. Deputy Sheriff James Evans said the children may have been holding hands while walking over the slippery spots as they all fell at the same spot. the home of Mr. gene Lawson. and Mrs. Eu- MR. AND MRS. DONALD COX and family of White Bird, Idaho, arrived Dee. IB to spend t h e Christmas vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ayoutt. Cox was called back to work in the woods, and they left Dec. 20. DR. AND MRS. ROBERT L. FARIS and son, Jclf, of Mountain Home Air Base spent a day with his parents and other members of the Karis family. They left Dee. 22 for Forest Grove to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lewis, and other relatives. MICKEY McCLAIN look over the management of Cooper's Mo bile Service Station last Friday when it was released by the former operator, Dibble Rray. MR. AND MItS. DEAN MOR RISON of Detroit, Mich., are the new owners of the late Mary Miller's property and plan to move here sometime in May when their retirement becomes effective from Wyncdot Chemical Co. They both have worked many years for the company, accord ing to Floyd Clark, who has known Morrison since boyhood. MR. AND MRS. JUNIOR COOP. Communitij (cilendd LEGAL NOTICE MATRONS NOTICE OP 5 A LP OP REAL PROPERTY NOTICE fi hereby oivtn that from and after Iht ?Wh day of Jnury, lf, June w. uesiwazes, conservator of the Eitete of Alleen O. Scott I, will, pursuant to order and license of the Circuit Court of the State Oregon, County of Klamath, duly entered on the 3th day of December, l67. proceed to sell at private sale for cash or on lerms approved by the above entitled Court, and subject to the approval of said Court, all of the right, title and interest of Alleen O. Scottl, ward. In and to the following described real property, to wit: Lot E of the sub-division of Enterprise Tract No. 74, Klamath County, Oregon SSftVKIS Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 FRIDAY ALOHA PAST CXIH, 12 noon, no host luncheon iL'0' 1 g'SZtSlTFSl MolatOreS. BrinG Gifts for Mason-)0"'" of O'Ntlll & McLaren, attorneys at Streel. Klamath Falls, Oregon, Dated this 10th day of December JUNE H. DESMAZES Conservator of the Estate of Aileen O. Scott i No. 141 Dec. 21, Jan. 4. II, II ic Eastern Star Home. ROTARY CLUB, 8 p m nual dance for college students. Winema Hotel. SATURDAY RAINBOW GIRLS ASSEMBLY p.m. to )2 midnight, formal dance, KUHS cafeteria. MIDLAND IIOMK EC GRANGE 8 p.m., card party. Grange Hall SUNDAY AMERICAN LEGION, 2 to 5 p.m., Tom and Jerry party, Le gion Hall. MONDAY LOOM. 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.. dance, Moose Lodge. Breakfast follows. Tickets sold by members. , 1941 NOTICE TO CREDITOR5 Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed Administrator with the will annexed o' the Estate of DORA ETHEL KOTTHOFF, Deceased, by order of the Circuit Court of the County of Klamath. State of Oregon, and all persons having claim against said estate are required to present the same to the Administrator with the will annexed at 114 Williams Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, duly verified as required by law, within six months from the date of lirst publication of (nls notice which data it December , 1962. J. Anthony Ciacomlnl Adminlstalor c.t.a. of the Estate of DORA ETHEL KOTT HOFF, Deceased. No. 135, Dec. 7, M, 31, 31, 1962. PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed insured professional service. MICE, BUGS. TERMITES BILL'S BUG "E" BUSINESS Insured. City end stete Licensed N. L. "BUI" Osborn, the Bug "E" Men 'u 3ii so. ;in si ft CARBIDE SAWS TOOLS LOCAL SHARPENING By FACTORY TRAINED PERSONNEL i FRANK'S ft GRINDING SERVICE WANTIP, FtMAl.t W SINGLE woman 31 to 49. nonsmoker. To do llmple typing, my homo, weekend eve. rtfngj. Good pay, 3-a houn weekly. Per- manenl. Handicapped gladly considered. Write P.O. Bo , City. MKKKY MIXERS S Q U A R K DAVf'K. ft n m Wnu Vnar'e (.'..n 1 add puny, i-eiicnn uny Hall. H line cnip dip, relishes, etc AMKItlCAN LEGION, New Only 2 More Days! LUCAS DECEMBER STOREWIDE SALE Ends Monday! Final Reductions -SHOP! SAVE!! LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main Vpitf'e Via noitu I ait'mn Mill .... ....... ""- rovors, hullct, music. nome nere irom uniioqum wnere they had lived for several months Robert Garms helped Cooper move the mobile home. It will be parked here for the winter, until construction and lodging work resumes. MItS, U. T. VINCENT returned Saturday from Lake Tahoe where she spent three weeks visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Lorraine Webber. Mil. AND MItS. JACK MOK FITT left Saturday to spend Christmas visiting with their son, Sonny Moftitt, and family at Pas. to, Wash. MItS. MYRA UOHNETT drove to Alturas last weekend to join her granddaughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dean .Joplin, who were to spend Christmas with his family in the Hay Area. WEDNESDAY MARINE CORPS LEAGUE, H p.m.. meeting. VFW Hall. All for mcr Marines invited. CITY BKIKFS Loo NORMA Mc-NLTT, who is em ployed with the Department of Mate Tarks and Recreation in Sa lem, spent the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McNutl. (iail AtcNutt, KUHS junior, left Dec. 21 to visit with her aunt in San Diego for two weeks. People Read SPOT ADS you art row. Help Send the Boss to PARIS! Grand Prize of a Dodge New Car Contest is a Trip to Paris. SO - Now Until The First Of The Year Any Reasonable Offer on a New Dodge will be Accepted! We have a complete stock of new 1963 Dodges, ranging from $2300 to $4300, ready to go. Here's an example: Burglary Part Of Initiation PORTLAND (UP!) - A 15-ycar- old caught burglarizing a Krai Meyer store here early today told police the burglary was part of an initiation into a club. Pol'ce said (lie youth surren dcreil when they entered the stoic ,10 investigate a report of a bur glar alarm. Police said the buy told them the club has as members some boys at Lincoln High School. LEGAL NOTICE FULL SIZE DODGE '330' 4-D00R SEDAN Hat manual transmission, electric wipers, hooter and defroster, super-foam scats, anti-frccie, sclt adjusting brakes, 32,000 mile lubrication, 4,000 mile oil chonge, 3 year wax job, turn signals. It's white with turquoise interior. And remember, 5 ycar50,000 mile factory C I AT warranty. In stock, ! V ready to go Jet? 47 V New Home of THE DEPENDABLES Thomas Sales 8 Service FACTORY DIRECT DODGE DEALER 424 So. 6th TU 4-7616 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOFICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falli, Oregon, propoiej to annex lo said City, territory rte.crlbfd a follow,: Sit uated In Klamath County, Oregon nnomnlng at a point South 19 degrees Iff feat 386 1 (eel from the Center ol Sec lion 31, Township J South. Ranqe 9 E W.W.; thence South 89 decree 10' Edit ?4S 1 feet to lh easterly tine of Wenrjllmi Street If extended northerly; thence South 15 degree. IS' Eal. along tald ettended lint of Wendllng street lo Iht northerly lin Of the old Veteran. Admi nitration arcen road; thente southerly and wet- ' along ad road to the easterly Hne of Channlng Street, II entended northerly. I pomi being South r Degrees S9 t o' the pomt ot tvolnning. thence North 7 degrees 59' West to the point Ot tqtnnmo The utrt day nt January, 1963, at the hour of T 30 o'clock P M thereot. at a reg ular meeting ol said Common Council lo Iw held In the Council Room ol the CHy Mull tor said Cily. is lued as the time and place, when registered voters ol the C tty of Klamath Falls. Oregon, may an pear and be heard, said proposal to nn- ne to said City, territory within the hounds of the ahove description. Obec- imns or remonstrant es filed, or verbal, will be heard at that lime and considered The Common Council ot sad City has nriirn to Dispense witn an election, sub mitting to Ihe registered voters of said " it, the propnsal lo annen .ai, tern lory fo said C'ty. and in lieu thereof hold Ihe public hearing called for by this twe. said notice having been author i nd nv action of said Common (nunc, I Done this Jlth day ol December, 1961 Rosie Keller City Recorder, uamain Fails. Oreoon, EDUilV NO 13rU SUVVON? IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF IHf STATE O OR F CON FOR THf COUNT V OF ULAVATH SVOnfy HURTCFN. PI A I N T I F , V WARRFN WLSLEV HURTGEN, DE F NPAN1 HI WARRf.N WESltr HURTGEN, OE f I NOANt U THE NAMF OF THF STATE Of ORH.ON. Vou are hereby renutred lo appear a"d ansirver the supplemental con it on he-e'n aumst yoc m tr at"?ve enticed i ai -e within lour (i K tram the rtn'e of tte tifsl pnhl.c, of summons ,n the Herald ad New ih usl puh,ica,'i-is day is the ii Of December. and if you a msmei. the platn'itl .n acdv 'o thr I for Ihe relief r-misl tor in elemental cwtspiainl na:iely that she aanlrt1 le carf. i i contfol o' the mmor child. ( I. a Rex t Hurtgen, the Issue 0' That sr-e be canted, as her NO. 61-62 NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF K LAM ATM In ihe Matter of tht Estate C. E. NEWCOM, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed Administrator of the Estate of C. E. Newcom, Deceased, will, from and January 11, 1963, at 10:00 o'clock at the of lice of J. R. Thomas. Courthouse, Klonialri Falls, Oregon, pro ceed to sell at private sale lor cash the following describ-id real property ol laid Estate, to-wlt: Lot 4, Block 34, First Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, urecjon. Said sate fo he made pursuant to Or der of the above-entitled Court dated December 10, 196?. Ernest R. Sessom, Administrator J. R. Thomas Attorney for Administrator Courthouse Klamath Falls, Ore. No. H50, Dec. 14, 21, ?, Jan. 4. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I A.m. tn 4:30 p.m. weekdays a.m. fo noon Saturday Count five words per line. Ads under : lines count same as 7 lines. 3 6 10 1 Jnes Times Times Times Month t S3 50 $4 00 $S0O 19 00 1 3.21 5.00 a 50 1M0 I 4O0 6 00 IO0 U00 5 4.75 7.00 9.50 Jo.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. If paid In advance Above rates are for consecutive Inser tions, without change of copy, for pri vate) Individuals. Advertising must be ciear and understandable to be produc live. All words must be spelled out. Autos olfered tor sale by private Incll- viouais casn witn copy. DEADLINF 4:X p.m. day before ouhll. cailon. Noon Saturday tor Sunday and ryi jnaay. CANCELLATIONS A CORRECTIONS- On same schedule, except on Monday iese are ranen -in jo a m. Please read first Insertion o( vmir ad The Herald 1 Newt will give one titra run for typographical error. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY GOOD WAGES AddIv tn Mr. Ramsey. Mgr., 1-5 p.m. SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main TU 2-?5)3 APARTMENTS fOK KENT ... 34'HAl I5TATI fOtt All S. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . 30GOOO THINGS TO EAT 39 ONE and two bedroom apts.. furnished WANTED. Cutover or inexpensive iand or unfurnished. Children welcome. TU any sue or location in Oregon. Must have 2-1356 or sue at 177 Fargo, (access or obtainable access. Will also purchase land with creeks, rivers or lake frontage. Will pay cash or Ktrms to own ers liking. Send full details including price to R. M. Leland. P.O. Bu M65, Spo- EWAUNA DOWNTOWN I kane. Wash. FURNISHED 3 room apartment, 155. One room, tuo. All utilities Included, shared bath, adults only. 4l No. 10th. 2t ; NICELY furnished bedroom apt, rugs, drapes, all utilities paid to ctrtein amount, TU 4-3762. 15 ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau- Itlful building site, Henley School District, WOOl W.WU, IU 4-B14. MLS FURNISHED apartments, TU 2-4736. 14 Riverside, MODERN 3 rooms and bath, 140 and up. brick Court, 221 Spring. FOUR apartments, excellent Investment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-6966. LOT, Fairhaven School district; hit iigr.ri, water, septic fame, ij 2-4941. STEWART LENOX ADDITION. Room 2 bedroom furnished. Heat.l'nree oeoroom nome on 100 x IK tt. lot. pflld. 5 Grjnl, TU 2-471. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished. TV available weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-925. FURNISHED aoartmenl. Nice and clean. inqijlre 1544 Etna. CLOSE In duplex, furnished, one bed room, laundry, garage, 560, TU '365. FOUR room apt., furnished. Hot and ccld water, washing facilities. Adults, ru 4-84ia. TWO bedroom partly furnished apt. Near shopping center. $55. 754 No. 10th. NICE clean furnished apartment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-4964. Dtuble garage, str: age space, fenced yed. ideal location for Weyerhaeuser em r'.oye. priced very reasonable at 16,000. MILLS ADDITION. Very neat two bed room nome. Attached garage. Fenced back yard, barbecue pit. Gas heat, wall to wall carpel. Very large lot. Call tor appointment. Priced rignt at 111,500. Mi J I t t ici.and empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1004 Main TU 2-3471 Jim O'Donahue Eves. TU 4-9493 7 BEDROOM unfurntsheo apartment, $50. TU 4-56B6. CASCADE APARTMENT-HOTEL Nicely furnished 3 & 4 room apartments' 230 south nth. THREE room furnished apartment. 2041 White. HELP WANTED. MALE .16, AUDITORS Four Immediate vacancies offering a ca reer in fiscal auditing. Locate In Salem witn considerable statewide travel. Si ary range- I4S0-5600 plus liberal fringe Denems. Keguiremems; Degree in ac counting and one year of auditing expe rience. Professional accounting or audit ing experience may be substituted for the college reoulrement. Apply: Oreoon Civil Service Commission, Public Serv ice Building, Salem. WANTED Man and wife lo work poultry farm, some experience preferred. No small children. TU 4-8939; Rte. BOX fJ2fl. MARRIED rpjr1, neat appearing, to pick up orders and deliver. slOO per week, plus expenses, If you qualify, Write Box 423C, care of Herald News. v t t SCHOOL AGE "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, M5 per month wllh M discount for payment on or before the lOlh. ' Inch, lit with 11.50 discount for payment on or before fbe 10th. Based on one copy change per month. 1 hux 5ERVICE-M) cents oer ad Mr I D WAUi-rn CARD Or THANKS, end . . . .. IN MEMORIAM SJ ja,' NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS BOYS! EARN Vacation Money by seHina the He: aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4 8111 CLEAN furnished, close to Main, week or month. 333 So. Ilth. FURN7fHEDapartrnent for rent. dry facilities. TU 2-6034. PARK APTS., 130 up. Bachelor, natural hot water, TU 4-9754, TU 4-3814. HOUSES FOR RENT 26 FURNISHED or unfurnished, 2" 1 bedroom, north side, TU 4-4268 alter 4:30. TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses, sou in suouroan, s, iu 2-jV2J, NEWLY remodeled two bedroom houst adults, 5002 Altamont Dr. S60. THREE bedroom unfurnished duplex, nat ural hot water heal, TU 2-5149. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, eiectric neai. oarage on paved alley. Modern throughout. Mills Add'n. 585 mo. TU 4-5541 alter 5 or weekends. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, water ana nor water paia, I u 4-9307. TWO bedroom partly furnished, Inoulre mi wantiana. ONE bedroom furnished or unfurnished. Newly decorated, Close In, TU 4-4492. NEW two bedroom duplex, paved street. carport and utility, J0 per mo., 5410 Del aware, TU 2-4732. BEDROOM house, Shasta & Henley district, clean, full ol bulltins. Phone TU 4-W4. ATTRACTIVE and comfortable 1 bed room furnished. 4 blocks north of Main, hill) $47.50 per month Includes water. TV cable, garbage. Call TU 4-6539 alter weeKenas. TWO 4-6023. bedroom unfurnished bouse. T U STROUT REALTY Ph. TU 4-5281 TU 2-5401 TU 2-5048 Bob ft Stella Debtinger Hank Holmsn 1 acre, nice 45 ft. trailer home, equipped. Good garage. S4500, S500 down. HOLIDAY HONEY, local, comb Of strained, TU 4-8714. 17S0 Wiard. BEEF, PORK, wholesale, custom butch ering, cutting, curing. Shamrock Meats. 4339 Shasta Way, TU 2-4?)fl, TU 2-078 Boots Pett - Sports Hobbies 40 BONNIE PUPPY FOOD Beef - CNcken - Liver Kidney Al AM Stores BLACK miniature poodle puppies, excel lent blood lines. 1100-1)25. Terms. 7U MALE sable collie pups S50 each, regis- Multiple Listing Service EQUITY For Sale or Trade S2.400 equity in 3-bed room suburban ranch type home. This place Is modern de sign with 1'j balhs, circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, single oaraae, fenced back yard Located on dead end street, , 2-4052 1 nine oeyona Town 8 Country Shopping a new owner. Assume payments HM 98 . . . total price 514,900. What have you lo trade? Mill? Addition Three bed room 2 bath nome. The recently painted rooms create dreamy atmosphere inrougnout. ueep cupboards and many closets delight any homemaker. Compact kitchen and utility porch save many steps. Corner lot with fenced yard and sprinkler system enhances privacy. Has been appraised al $15,500, owner will sell tor 114,500. Takes any type financing. CAL PEYTON KLAMATH TRADERS CLUB 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings "Pat" Palone TU 2-08341 Harold M. Hush TU 2-4173 Al House TU 4-7088 REGISTERED miniature male Dach shund, 2' 2 months old, 120. TU 2-511' TO give away German shepherd Cog, good watch dog, TU 4-4539. AKC miniature poodle puppy, terms, TU 4-4446. 1107 Carlson Drive. MLS Multiple Listing Service HOT SPRINGS With HOT WATER HEAT Spacious two bedroom home with full basement on quiet street. Excellent view. hi:l no hills to climb. Extra building site tin targe 101. run price, SIB.UW. SUBURBAN. Large neat home with built in range and Oven, colored bath fixtures. Over 1050 square feet ot living area for ''1 acre, suburban area. 2 bedroom home. swq. J500 down, and will consider lease 434 NOSLER ST. Sturdy masonry one P,'on- bedroom home on corner lot. Just cvm- . , , J pletely redecorated. Equipped with gas ctty lots, good location. Total price, I range and beating stove. Full price 3fl0- JJ4250. Excellent terms. DREAM HOME sales staff Exclusive residential district. Best of con struction. Beautiful view. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, birch kitchen, patio, ceramic tile balh. $15,500. TU 2-2410. What could be nicer than this practically new borne. Cozy and warm with hard wood floors, big stone wall fireplace, built In kitchen, attached garage. Landscaped,! on pavement. Only $14,500. take any loan. CALL U5 rOR RENTALS, TOO. Schroeder Realty Co REALTORS - 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0148 Mrs. Ruff Jones Tina Reeder Clyde Wiliams Ernie Graves TU 4-9843 TU 4-7 it7 TU 4-F734 TU 2-1396 DURANT "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" . . . tor your pels. Dog & cat boarding, best professional care. Heated sanitary kennels with outside runs. 24 hr. service, pickup & delivery. Special rates for stea dy or monthly boarders. Special atten tion to females in season. Visitors wel come. Shastis Cascade Kennels, lust past Merrill-Lakevlew Junction, off Merrill Highway on Booth Road. Rte. 2, Box 504E, TU 4-5078. TCE SKATES NEW AND USED Trade Irt your shares JOE'S SPORTING GOODS 1B Main TU 4-8571 RADIO - TV - MUSIC 41 WE pay cash for used pianos. Derby's Music. TU 4-5121 Used Hammond CHORD iAQC ORGAN New Hammond "Extravoice" AO Organ 070 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. '31 Years on 7th SI.' No. 7th tu 4-SUI USED" organ ' TRADE-INS BALDWIN THOMAS LOWREY - ESTEY - EASY TERMS SAVE UP TO $450 BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Mom TU 2-4883 NICE 2 bedroom furnished house. TU 2-3852. ONE bedroom furnished, $, 2 bedroom furnished or unfurnished, S65. Children and pets O.K.! Inquire 4107' Homedale MONTGOMERY WARD Has Opening For Department MANAGER $8,000-$9,000 PER YEAR EXCELLENT BENEFITS ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Only Those With Ability end Experience to Fully Manege Furniture Department Need Apply , . . SEND RESUME OR APPLY IN PERSON TO KENNETH MOORE MONTGOMERY WARD 9th and Pine DANDY ) bedroom cabin. Gas heat, gas hot water, gas cooking. Nicely furnished Nice and Clean. 2 blocks from Main near 5th. $25. Inquire Mrs. Adams, 514 High EXCELLENT one bedroom, furnished, qa rage, fenced yard, J85, TU 4-8052 after lnqulre4055 Shasta Way. ONE bedroom furnished. side, TU 2-4289. CLEAN bedroom duplex, furnished, nice neighborhood, TU 2-1456. ol! heat, north- EXCEPTIONAL UNFURNISHED one bedroom duolex In Mills, gnrafie, electric beat, adults, U5. U 2-4752. ONE bedroom furnished house, mil TU 4-4JV. REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, fur nished. US, Inquire 111 Pine. ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom furnished. Mills, TU 4-e3. FURNISHED 1 bedroom, all electric, ga rage. South Suburbs, adults, TU 4-593B. ONE bedroom furnished house. Newly decorated. TU 4-320. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, like new, 595. 1813 Siskiyou, TU 4-7581. TWO bedroom houses unturnlshed$5' Children, pets ok. Reference re quired. TU 2-4590. 17 PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES t A 'I, IU'. turn 1 lxV1 at Aixin humeri County. Ofqon 'VH1 V(i hi CHihnt A'-on P'orfot Nur i '-re tor fov it- (Ci( ut'v ,. m thr Me' a trt Nrw. a if uirt-r P ome'l crcu'ativt rfhnrr.1 in KiamAf ( oun'v O'fqon Pl".unf to lh O'J' Ot the HViV AM (-.- id A A P.ner. Ji'dqe of the arof rot. t Jed (iMul rtatd futfrpd O" the ffh flay ft fttftnwr. 19; W R HRAPSMAW OSt V t Ui PLAiNT I' f .! V". i MTt FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Ktamath Fungal"" I tome." Minrt St'fet phone TU 2 iirii LOST BLUE -POINT Siamese cat, temalV All help wanted ads published In Herald & News are accept! In oood faith that the obs offered art as stated in me advertising copy. We are not re sponsible tor the Integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and relect all mlsleadlno advertls- mg. Anyone answering a help wanted aa ana unoing it to be mutendlng is asked to report It fo the Classified Ad vertising Department of tht Hfcld Situations wanted BABY titling, my home, TU 2-171. anytime, phone GENERAL NOTICES From oil o( ia . . . to aM of you Our Mint Sincere SEASON'S GREETINGS VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E. Mom TU 4 f LICENSED CHILD CARE 4' by hour. day. week Monday through Friday. a m to p n tj; Carlson Drive, TU 2-llH UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, oa rage, adults, 3011 Boardman. TU 2-0990. NICE 2 bedroom unfurnished house. In quire 2232 Union. UNFURNISHED two bedroom triplex. Full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, electric heat, S80. TU 2-3444, ext. 44, before 5 p.m. TU 4 1267 after 5. NICE - newly painted - ut.'urnlshed 2 bedroom duplex. Only 3 years old. well Insulated. Ranqe and refriqerator. IBS per month. TU 2-464, eves. TU 4-5544. STILWELL & CO. REALTORS WISHES YOU A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON JIM STILWELL ' JUNE JONES HARRY VAN BRUCE BINKLEY RON VAN ORMAN REALTOR TU 4-9832 or TU 2-358 i Holiday Bowl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 NOTICE TO PUB'.IC Please Investigate thorouahlv any Invest ment of moneys in merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore investing your capital. The Herald and News makes every effort to reject all fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible for the integrity ot the firms or individuals who place "dvertising In our publication. Any advertising of business opportunilies ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should be reported lo the Classified Ad ver'iilng Department of the Herald and News. FINANCIAL LOANS 34 MILLS ADDITION. Large 3 bedroom home. Fireplace. Carpeting. Big kitch en. Lot of storage. Attractive cornpr lot near the school, playqround. S8.950. Easily financed. Will take a trailer if It's paid for. FIVE BEOROOMS in a large family home on un acre in vnaiana. Heniey school district. 515,000. Will trade for smaller nome, DON SLOAN HEDGE YOURSELF egeinit inlleliun! See ebout REAL I:1 l E INVESTMENTS enywliere welt . tne Rockiei, et- DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member international Traders Ctub Licensed-Ore., Cel.. Ida., Wash 1037 Mam SI. TU 4-41' 107 S. 7th St. Real Estate TU 4-5458 Anytime Close In, TU AVAILABLE soon in Henley. Unfurnished l bedroom plus ' story, 2 rruldren, 5S. required. TU 4-679.1. TWO bedroom partly furnished. Shasta Way, TU 4-i269, TU 4-6020. ONE bedroom unfurnished home, Roospypit School. TU 2-0562 evenln REAL ISTATE WANTED 28 IRONING, WASHING - Pickup, Deliver. Hand crocheted afghans TU 4-9434. IRONING, eperlenced. pickupT deliver, f'f ifr-virp. ph(" Tl 4 if ROOMS FOR RENT .22 PIRSONALi EXCELLENT rve lor to elderly ldei in private home. Crest. R THINNERS' ALANO nTI "r I e n hTh ot or famines of alcoholics, TU 2-5740. TU 4 7129 (.RAHAM S llcertred tomt tor the oed, private rooms or vvvn ia-t. special diet, persona, interrtt assured. Hi 2-3145 Kl AVATH Alanon for c Pi".f I inq a-yl meetings, TU 4 3591. 1U t $X anytime. VACANCY for lady or gentleman rteed- l-q muMng and (onviecfit rf Mountain view Nursing Home. 5H Park, AtMand, 0'9 Ph. 41)131 j M A WAT H Alcoholic Anonvmw.s. TU' t T 1 1 4 " r. p-.riiy hr p ,nttlmf CLE AN. comfortable from Main, IS 1 up STEAM heated. 310 So Sth - C E N T L F MA iSi' n month, 1510 frescent room, t?0 per 3'd. close In, housekeeping. APARTMENTS FOR RINT hed 24 THRCF bed'oom apartment, water FURNISH Td" 37 14$ tnqut-e 1 624 TU 2-d473 'ran and warm WE are BUYING smul EQUITIES IF you want to SELL. SEE PAUL McATEE 339 EAST MAIN STREET TU 2-4644 for an APPOINTMENT fmTJranch LISTINGS WANTED Have Qualifier1 (invert for any ana farm or ranch Call . . BRUCE OWENS Rea"or til No 7f TU a-ytf INCOME PROPERTY Close To Town Apartment house with 3 apartments, show ing good return, easy tens. Only 11,000 aown ana sxi per month. Total pnet 1B750. Beautiful Acreage In Henlev Hiah One acre of fertile soil and a beautiful bedroom home with t.600 so., ft, of graceful living. Large living room, beauti ful rireoiace, hune bathroom. Anv fvoe financing. Total price $23,500. Overlookinq Lake Three bedroom, neat as a Din, no better buy possible, only 18,000. 1250 down plus closing and 174 per month. FHA terms PAUL McATEE and ASSOCIATES, REALTORS 339 E Main TU 2-4eJ6 Sales Staff Eves. ive.yn McAfee TU 2 -5935 EH01D G00DS WIND UP 1962 . . . ond START OUT 1963 . . . with a budget that points to a bright fu ture! Call us soon for quick courteous, confident tol cosh loon service. You'll enjoy the holidays much more if you do! FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New 5, Used Can Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 So. oth TU 4-7783 "APRIL IN PARIS" AT YOUR FII.GER TIPS With A LOWREY ORGAN $595 $3295 (As Advertised In Life) KLAMATH MUSIC CENTER 515 E. Main TU 4-33M LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Co., Inc. Midland Road Because the holidays fall on Tuesday there witl be NO SALE New Year's Day, Jon. J NEXT SALE - JAN. 8 ThanKs to all who have made the past sales so successful. More people consign to KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S, proving (his is the producers' market. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Vem Boi John Qtt'ce TU t n67 Home TU 4 Win USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 HOT SPRINGS Start the New Year riQht with this spa cious ? bedroom modern home with 3rd bedroom or recreation room tn full conceit basement. J fireplaces, fully In sulated with aluminum storm windows Going for only $14,00 total price. LOW down payment. FHA or Gl terms. 37 IKENMOPE electric range, ecellent con dition, TU 4-3591 . 7 ACRES irrigated and in permanent pasture Nwly remodeled 3 bedroom home, 1'j baths You won't find A better value Only STILES REALTY VEVRFP INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 131 SO 'h Hanfc Hansen Lois Macv Fred Tucker Iri-t Mattel Phone TU 7-iWt- TU 13101 TU TU .t-fl7J2! TU 4-S CHROME tooD-d O'Kffte JL Mfrritt Qa, range with middle grill, excellent condi tion. It SO. TU J-07B3 ""washer "dryer"" Repairs guaranteed Bendin. Easy, Frig, idaire. G t . Kenmore. Maytaq, Nn'ge Philco. Wsitmqhouse. Whirlpool. Uhhp, i Electric. 10?6 Mam, TU J-SSI2. GUARANTEE DUSE D RANGES Rff RIGERATORS -- WASHFPS DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. '? Mam TU 4 1, IF WE MADE OUR PRICES LOWER, BUYING WOULD BE LIKE STEALING AT LARKSVILLE! We Invite You to Check ond Compare 62 Siud? V-8 2-Dr. Sedan 8.000 miles Nrw cor quor ontee. Overdrive, Twin Troc- t.on $?f)Qi; reor end -J 7 -J 61 Stude. V-8 2-Dr. $tn. w5n. Automatic trans,, radio, heel er, (win Traction, new car guarantee, low $ i QfT miles, other ' O VD '61 Ford Falcon Stn. Wogon Radio, heater. $ i JQr standard Uanv ' r"VD '60 Studc V 8 4-Dr Sedan Automohe fran , $ OQf" one owner ' ' J '59 Stude 'A' 4-Dr. Sedan Overdrive, 5 Excellent Value! j Foi Ret rigrro'or one onor 58 Stude 6' 4-Dr. Sdn. Overdre 58 Rambler 2-Dr. Sedan Standard trans 56 Plvmouth V-8 4-Dr. O erdnvr AL t5TATt tXCHANCI 2 "TRADE" ond SAVE TAXES For (nformotton on to FREE Trod, coll DEANE SACHER Renter Memtw Trdem Chib L'ceneMOt., Cel., toe , Wash Mi ru ei't V k I Multiply MLS . T PERSONALITY NICELY urnnhed I hrdrovn apartment, i:s Lincoln. TU 4 e3. APARTMENT n.hrd utihtiei SERVICES Or futfior r e O'roi-n nb mi rrt 14 ;i ;i MOnrLlNd a-d rer.r, an h 'eawarue. re'ereine. TU 1-ViM ''F F fOtvna. pruning. Iniured O'Oomlrtg Ljmeshore Nursery, TU .V CUSTOM BlITCHFRINC, At vovr piait. dehver to D'cxewio tit r leave at yowr piaie. Ai soil. tu ': LORNA $" DOLL HOSPITAL H La(eview TU ASM tot fr m egtupmenf ymt nnail t n come fi ,fen ru ise lew tev (tt f ai tu Aim Jess' Tree Service i0 iy k.nd P l COMFORTABLE furmtned bachelor pt., . Close in, utilities oaidl U N ittt Low ''"Li,.,,,.,.,. , ri,"r".'"i ' ' wo'wni epanmen. ge rage. TU VU " $36 to $58.50 COMFORT ARLf LIVING AT IOW COST! I I J fc-drpom pt , furn.ttwd r unfur nnhed. Pe""anent menie)ce incivfted MAdev threuflh Fndey SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS UJT A A JH BuR N WAV TU OHCf I im, t pm F t es'in'a'es I Coc4t-to-Gxut. Coin Op Laundry 'OC'oan vntn Alio rc m mh' T fc t SMOrPINC c r NTER ftehind U S Rr Gina's Tailor Shop ! 'A"nq . f,ltarat.(n tftr mr,, MKmei J 'iJ'en aii wrofh tviarnr.teM Rasrr prirr. t Men Wear 1 M!t DENTAL PLATES j Repaired w"e vi Nr V.- -( (.r p: t R0N4L PtNTuRB SERVICE I RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Wav On ond Two Bedroom cott. Furnnhtud end Unturnnhed $69 50 to $S9 50 Toilv. Weekly Mofl Ratfl TU 2-S.S77 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 1 tM-CfA t.ft.fe!, J P u"'i' red Pf Oll Tei'e'vi'v Oetre'( Ve't e Will (i'iit -(' Hi,ei H 'VM 4eti e4 im 4-r v J5 tSTATt f0 SAL TWO bflronrn home. Q'0 A tor M.Vi. Leurei TS ACRE raixh n.Hy eouored, from R i math tl, available etelv. TU 44M THIS ARTISTIC HOT SPRINCS 4 BE O ROOM ENGLISH STYLE HOME w-H, eae the mot dcrim-natinq faniiv t T attultv apoo'ited thruout. kmunoui'V " carpe'ed with matching draoene. u I I 38 temet w th huae revreaon r o 0 m I ' i bathn. Secluded, high-fenced r e a I yard flff 7 tar g' o GOlNCt OO I - IC per cent acvn conventional j 5 rftlei loan or convenent FHA or Gl loan Immed'-. termi , THREE heercw. hon-e for taie i03 Sum- A-l INCOMF m.linJU.4S3,: . IPROPERTY WILL PE YOUPS w.h J BEDROOM fc'lck home, fireplace Wash-I ei'div ov 3-oe. m tet rentat location er. drver, 'ove included Eenced yard, i l piock fr0m Mill. School PROVEN RFN- fiiti rnurr1 nat.n 11. in ikM IIIUM r.11 I T LllltABu. miw ........ . ' Guaranteed KIRKPATRICK'S Eosf Side Appliances 132 So Ah LOW! LOW! LOW! PRICES Quality U-cd Hm( Furnishings The RESALE HOUSE Tfrmt' Trader! F-re Delivery' " USED DESKS VtTAL OR WOOD File Cabinets Low, Low Prices The RESALE HOUSE 55 Sty-it? V-8 Sedon Overdrive 54 TcSoto Sedn S F-ir't VVrtrinn TU 4-8986 .M Noih .6. Srdan 52 Chcv 4-Dr. Sfdon 53 Chfv Stn Wogon 53 Chrv, Ifr Srdan 54 Chcv 6' BA 4-Dr 52 Buick Scdcn 895 s595 s545 s395 s345 $155 . $275 $'25 . 95 $145 . S 5 . $!95 $ 0 COMMERCIALS 62 Fnrd V-8 PlCkuD tu 7-cn: i ft" v after i b r available VOUf drfm home vour I an or rue Cho'ce fti avaiaN, in. own pavment. Thr.ffy Builderi. TU s.'. TU J-C 3t 11. to I eve LLS Addition home anj e t como'f'eir tOO. tfrm Pn ' he'ore BFAUTlfUL ne 4 OiMroom ; i, laroe (tot'r'e oarace to n new d''"tt. Lawn in. livooa Tu 4 M44 1 U J C4J4 i MOVE TODAY DRIVE BY . . . IF YOU WANT THE FINEST t Ken tee f"' oeau'ifvi J Woe Ranr ' at W Paeron wa fo wa'i ta oeMo ( '''er1!. a d'eam k.(en, iti B'l Mi'l!-mi ) &. vr nytce Heat piped o a'l room ts.,, pa-t pify now, l9 0' oa--aoe fce 'ent v C ?' n (c 'ite lU''rting to pr ltn,n"eveM creage fo' part payment i;j 'to Term LEONARD OOm'IISS WHITE AVE - Mere t ono o ft f COt-j COrn'or'aple area A nt J pl t ' A. -1 room npre At tin I' JftOO DOWN CN EASY CONTRACT t INDpFNPENCe7 AVE - ONLY ' 'Ml, tfh reanonaoia co'raf femt Solid J fMroctm tsn-ne, nfl' 3L'on School Ov' i re o)'Qe wprhtrios A:0 f MA Or Gl fermi REALTY TU -Mt a HC7 TAVTON ST -C'ne-'n Uirn-an (. ca'ion ROOM 4 BEDROOM S'PRV Mpvf OO."0 oen at on! W XC. COnve"'fnl Cfnt'act 'frm Chilcote ; and SMITH ( RULTOSS SINCE I W I tt US Ci INSLKANCE TOO i "1 N e S,e r.i.... HIATING Pur. TU PRy lodoewie en ert pine wxvj r-T lenfltni. Tu I Ki CALL CL' V.CEn"" For P'f.'o Lna ft M,v,a I ve-erert p-f.p,ne Svei S ft H Green Open ?-C Sn."- S tu t nj :u : .eo 38; .1! .'3 fc 0 d v! spcrd F-rd V-8 Vlup Rodi, hearer, J r.verdrivr . 61 D:1g. 6' P.cup S I 3-!p-cd 61 Chcv ' 7 T Pckp I 4-inc.-d tO Ford ' i Ton Pckp $ E-ellcn! I 57 W,Mk FC ! 50 Jeep Ptckup 995 695 395 595 295 48 51 rarPARE fc? wintlp STANDARJ HEATiS'G O'LS WOOD COAL Fme-.l O'l . VVtxid Steven "CC ALL VOU FUEL NF f DS" Frankford Fuel Co. ...n, . -- 'uiiii. nrrr in r w y t- aw from huht 53 Su.-f? V 6 P-c C-rirronc)tr f i r? rj-,vp n.-d-f Prck m 4-r.-c.' n od t f rr F'Otroc s695 M45 5I95 SI95 O'VE GOLD P.ND STOVES ,.n-t! STOVE PARTS all Tvrrc, MERCHANDISE MART -54 c- T' I 4 sO ices Tjj 4.853 KLAMATH MOTORS -;it Va n Ai-d-ev .toe Leone'S GOOD THIN6S TO lT c " R a Rd TU : ' ".coe 14 Attnr'f B-!e- -?e tu; tVtee he-M TU M't Jot Pe-'V tu 4 j.u; C"i("t. E v.: - TU 2 5544