ixperts Dizzied By Upsets in Christmas Holiday Tournament 09 3 r.v FRED DOWN' I PI Spent Writer Co!:e baskeibj!!' ar.r.ua! mer-r.-;o-r.n,nd c: Chr.stmai lourna rrerUs r.; or.A be2i.n bu: ;t al ready r..is .ras eperti diuy The oper.ir.2 rounds of bo:n the I-rs Ar.jo.es Classic and the Q-.,kcr (.':: Tournament produced .vo',ai-.i;ar upsets and piay in three etr.er tournaments surest eri that trie upse: h:htr.:nj has os'v b;un to strike The mcs: Surprising -esul'.s on Wednesday night ere Northwest era 'i K-l iasl-sasp triumph mer fourth-ranked1 Stanford rd St Joseph of Philadelphia i 5S-57 last second victory over ses'enth ranked Bowing Green. Both los ers started the tournaments un beaten and with destcr.s on dis placing Cincinnati as tne nation's No 1 team. Fittn-ranked lLnou made I with four sccon.-U lf't to give Northwestern us u::.-.ry" at Los Angeles. Stanford. .hich started M-N. a'M I'CLV. down.Nl 1't.ih State. SS-Tf.. in other tiist-round games of the L. A (.".asMC Bowling dreen led St Joseph's by a pent with lour secoix-.s left and also had possession of the ball out of bounds But a wild pa.-s gase St Joseph s the ball nd qu,ck timeout sot up a shot by Jimmy Bov'.e that went through the cords a t!ve fi nal huier sounded It was the tSth time tlie lead, chatiged hands in the thriller at Philadelphia Bruce Burton s 54 points led Bngham Young to an MT3 win over faiored LaSallc. Providence brat Delaware. TV-5.;. with the help of 30 points by Kay Flvnn. and Sally Jones' 18 points paced Villanova to TiM victoiy oser Manhattan m the Quaker City I other first-round action Center Bill Burwell connect ed on 10 of 1.1 field goal tries as last breA'.ng Illinois blitied Penn sylvania Illinois led by as much as ii points in scoring Its sixth straight victory. Mike Wolt tied the score for West Virginia with five, sec onds le:t m regulation time and scored tne inmn basket with 13 seconds leit .in the overtime lr lod ai New York St. Ronavenlur walloped Holy Cross. U. and New York I'niveisity beat Du qursne. 71-66, in other first-round games. Miwv Straw scoresl 27 points as Iowa State whipped Nebraska, 82 M, and George I'nse'd tallied 24 points as Kansas defeated Color ado. 70-M. in first-round games of the Big Eight Tournament it Kan sas Cuy, Mo Kansas Stan plays open-round games. Iowa rallied after Coach Sharm Scheurerrr.an was ejected to top Arizona. 57-56. and Oregon clob bered Washington State. 67 57, tn the Far West Classic at Poitl.ind, Ore., while San Jose Mate upsft defending champion Popperdino. 65-M. and Santa Clara downed I'nurrsity of Pacific, SO-M. in the impressive debut v ith a 98- rout of Pennsylvania in the Holiday FestivaJ Tournament in New York, meanwhile, but 12th-rar.ked We-l Virginia statcered to a 65 i4 decision over Boston College in a game that nearly produced the biggest upset of a.i Ken Lsi'.jenV a substitute who didn't see any action in the first half, tipped m a desperation shot the game with a seven-game win ning streak, haa gone ahead. M t. with 13 stvor.ds re main in,: The victory scut Northwestern into tonight's second round against Coloiado State, which topped pieviously unbeaten South ern California. TJ-M St Louis deleated Washington Missouri and Oklahoma Slate IWCAC tournament at San Fran- faces Oklahoma in tonight's other is CO Junior Bowling Tourney Begins Today In Area T':;r area portion of tlw 16th am,.;.! Oristmas American Jun ior Bo a l;n Cor.prts World Tour nament a t underway tori ay on Ihrco a:oa lane with over 300 k:ri cxted to pai ticipate. The three bowline a!$ hems- inc t he tournament a:e Tittle Selected 'Player' Bv NORMAN Mil I.KR I PI SporU Writer K 1 ( )RK 1 I P! -V T-.tlei of the NfA York Giani. only toj edr ao on the irap heap o'l pro font hall, toddy was v tMj I nilnH Prvc Jntait-nat Kin at P'a-.1 cr-of-the-Year for the Na - t.nn;,! Frxithall Leazue .eafn The Gurus tn a man acree that t'irv ro:;!ri not have won th Fat.l'uni;' fn Hum- n I t! in th Wt. Ihi r.iso ere ,t not for their hald 'hc ' '!lat Jun'or :. vcar,.ld quarterback 'e 15 b:"or ' ,h' "' lh" T,tt sot a !ea;,.e record hv!,dr ,han "nd '" t''To'Air,j .".1 toucWown ra-:, in ' nddii nn tn providinj the hra:ny p'.ty-ca" and inspired leader ship req;;:- te of a championship q iai tci has k farrle Ball n! de-p.te his adva.ned a;;e. p rktvl hi, hmbs by rarrymc the hall 17 time, averajins 6 4 acds pc r ,.h and .rnrinr n.url i of imp-rl.mt touendons Tt. .- ,n tne h.orby a cW - of t;ie 'i:r'n B.ty Packers TittV rrr pd n votes and Talor 17 in a p"'.! of 42 writers w yo rov- f.d iain:;a.:n I'efrr 5e trt. V'e RiifcCr Rrown of the In I.i'T attracted t o .risers had fre o'r i T' 'or w ,1! be on op cs in re Nr'L t harn i.in-.e next S .n-tav tor yen r a -vw lavior -he lie' -.cr it .n !a-t ii . ri H..v ro .t a a 'a. k 'i.s-rr tarre . ks f ir.l Title .1- n r.ei nnav ;t r r-frf-r.l t- o' n : r --ot "l rtn Kr r .i lie WHAT'S TMl SCOIII IU0? ir'oo i c -g -e 0f ' "K Mi j ie. Sa U,ne?. Hoiiriay Boul and Tule- lake's lanes The boulters will bowl at their home lanes m the three day Umniamonl. Score trgm the tournament will he sent in to nahonal headquar ters to be compared with other Lucky! for honors. There are several oth er countries competing this year I There wii! be lour divisions bat in biiwler may enter only three of these They are mixed dHjb!es. double, scratch stncles and handi cap singles. A bowler may enter oniy one of the two singles events Tliere are also three cla.ve,s. ;!ie bantams, the juniors and sen 1 :oi The tournament bocan today a Lucky Lanes with the mixed I doubles Martins at 9 a m with the bantams and to be followed by the j 'un.or and seniors. The bantams are fro n S-12. the juniors from 13-1S ard the j-emo: from 16-18 The doubles u :1I be rolled oft Friday and the smgles Saturday Holiday Houl will have mixed dou- Ifc' Kncay and doubles ar.d s;n Saturdav fob Tesch. preidont of the city and Lrrv -ione .in employe and coordinator of This area had one person to pla-e last year in the national event She was Chen.! Brown who h'iied to 5Sih pot in the nation in the hantam group. She was 11 years old She had pames of 121. 120 ami m Tliere were 20Sij en trie in 1 1 v t Vuirnniw jut itar ni 1 - itrunv mnr a -e at w. , i thit cs a . ' VMvr nn rnlrv , rhf ,,..... M.ores nmM.T.A w.ih ot!iers around the world and ixiut;tul trophies will be award ed b tVe JB( in everv division 'About yto trophies will be award led thvotifc'nut the tournament The A.!B iva no award trtphie to ! Ka! t"i;:ianiert ... Roseburg Upsets Cavemen Quint Br I nilrd Press InUrnatlonal IVcrfl rz st.i'e 'iiai.'s Fas was a m p i o n ked hy if .r.,iri . in.. r. :-. t'.e or. irt Ml t ie s'a'e , '. ba-seiha.; ss neefj'e T-e ( a-. fivr-, lost : 4'i to Rose-1 s-.r; wr.,i hrt! r t won a tame f .. sea.-r. Pa,;! B-others s. o:ed 2: ;..-.:s i tie R-.-.-i.r; . no d.-er. icd ;rant Pass to 1; nts Pa-s to l; s-io's tf-m tne r a.s :: : r A .7. !'f rrt a K'e..' ; 7 -.ft ft e.e'a 'e-f' n-r..-A ("f ' rr. v i.r.e .rv; i 'f.trr. mv" T.t I'i r An t.iTi" if: 3Tie !. -it- t'j'e tun.,;1: . tti .V. ,c. ur. V.itrr , .-eon. fVniS'iF - ' 1:6 a"o-, 'o-, e N'sJ i I 9 -a e3a-s asd tb cad ws s "i C9.t, , t"CC SyU s- ?! -66. JV tmfW Vf ; .Sri -I ' .e"t MOORE GRABS REBOUND Washington Stat. i Tad Warntf 1 4 I -C 1 qnmacai at Oregon ctntar Glann Moort loots for sornaona fo pats to altar out-rebounding Warn. r. Moore scored eight points as the Ducks won their opening game in the Far West Classic, 67-57. UPI Tel. photo Westminster Stays Top Ranked Quint NFW YORK '1 PI' - Intieaten Vestm!Mter 'Pa . tlie defending national champion, today wai named the No. 1 small college bay.keih.jll team for the fourth straight week by the I'nited Pres International Board of Coaches The Titans, who have won nil m of thoir same this season r n ... IOIirminR 2iv2 recoi d a year ago. were named the nation's top team this week by 21 of the .IS roaches who compri-t the L'PI rating board That represented a slight decline in popularity fmm week ato when Westminster was p'ekr-d o I hy 2-i coacnes.1.!. (. ramming but nevertheless, the Titans held a firm cn i on the lop s-t With tvm-s corniHited on a itia - .it of i(v;-i-4-i-2-l for" s f'.'a ,,-. imm Ir.i ifcmuuh inhilOMt St Vary I 1' 11 places, tie Titans had a total of j 3ns. mre than runiiemp u'hern Ii:in-';s, the lop chcice , five coat he s P-a.ne Virw .4M '..nVa'rn in -even c.ime. ,witc-.-d pa'.s,1,, i7 !, f - l 'i n .th Tennessee .State ! :n this mn '-:- v mu r-!.ii t-.. t: ov er tne.fa.n. Hi;, r,i th.rd spot, whi'e (imrW' r.g Irerr.a .-.ed f.fh W.ttr-.borc he.H or tnjaie ar.-l ! -t.er I e. h Y:. :, s.vth. Kvansi!.e 4-1' tema.nediA V and Va ta-aiso 7 ea h sexer.th aid Hofstra '7 2' held! Xrka'.-a- lie. j-a Pa -e -tri S-xifea-t n ahorra '12 Ihtaie ar.d O-o Wes'.eyar e, h saai-pod c.a- es vs.th VI St saa(-pod p.a- es vs.th VI St Va-v s Md 11 lor the r.irth ,- to so'irxl f.t tfie top rc-sn'i y.A't iA,r hej'i ir r. wA 10 r : :'n rar e rvwr.i .; xrr, '- ir 2" " to .'.!". .. irrr Tiei tn d ''v! -jar.e 'f r. tr;im tn: n Northf-n V fhi.o M Pa X .'v. -i 1 ,.' 1 ..' a-s , 1,1 .i -' 1 s .,3 -' , , ; a ft - f- ir ""' siii taW J vf' ,v.. f.J 1 MllWllHWR -. lute' d WD bv I 'PO't d vt () i a Sab fi;a eaneq Mil day laite'na 1 fas' s-al UPlTpe Si 2N i cific Lutheran tied for I ' Sac ramento State l.vh Terh tfith. ("lupman. CianrMi ainl Kentm kv Wes!en tied tor ITili and Souihet Mioiri wt Joih NKW YOI'.K I PI' - Tlve i I nurd Press Internationa! ma'.l college baskothall ratines 'with firsl-p'ace voNa and won lost rec vfl-ds in (MrentJM-M-.s Team 1. Westminster ' Pa 2 Southern III ' V Poinls 6-0 . rii 114 I'M i:i in1 'II' if I 70 3 Prairie Vie '21 i Tenn State 'I' 6 Wittenborc 'P 'n j? Kvanvi! I 4 i Hofstra r72 l9 i Secnd m-il f'ret-.o stale 37, ll. niarre 'aie n tie, Northern M.ihian bi'Jie:an 21 e.i'r. "'""1 !-" ;'' d Taritir 1-rtir.ir 7e, h. a- : . (.an W n r . an 17 v ---1..II n ! j O-l'frs 5 or mote f.-s. iOud S'a'e I, A wmti Ra.l ai'"i arwl Wes-ern I.;,noi 5 Wna'n-i ari Wrs-em h Trojans Drill ' For Wisconsin lN w.i:: r. i' a so1- I Ji !- k - ' -r - ,r - li-M- - - ' hi.. Si' W 1! :i- ' i A . ,Tr joe. ie-K.1) a ;-e...-a -! tr.rcs 'o -p"-e Ve- rar i ,,r 1 ' r'"1 lH ': ' r '' ' " '-e-s .e j3ru '" " "r ''.- Badgers Work On Timing Edge 14. A.T, i i I rt :r M. ' 1 0 j "-rf'r'"r''"' ' ' " f '.::::-.:.::.', f ;'''.''.' r ' ,S j .... ., . - Oregon rVKTLWn I'lM - iVtendm,; t'luimpion Oregon S'.ate tart U quest for a evetith consecutive Far et Clas.Mc baWetbail title tonight and once apam arch rixal Orv'n is bfddinc to moot the HMers in the finals. Oregon detcated W'jshitKton State 67-57 and Iowa e.ipod Ari zona in opening pames Wed neday nii;ht. Oreson Stale lakes on unbeaten Baker Wins Warner Title PALO ALTO. Calif -V P! ' -Terry Baker of Oregon State Wed nesdav vas named winner of the Uth annual (llenn S. 'Pop' Warn er auanf lor the senior foothall putser on too I a citic Coat ' Baker, shix-n hy vote of more than 4in) ijiort writeri, hroad caaters and eoache. will receis'e lila trophy Jan 12 from the Palo SporU t'lub Tlie seis.iule quaitoibdik. ho ru!iei aivf passed for : 276 )ard and lhre II tmirhdoun pase. alio won the llenman and Ma wri! trophies as tne nation s t p i-ollcciate plaver He was the first vsrstciner to u-ceive all three awards Previous winners of the Warner award starting iu 11M'. weie Kddie lharon. t'oliokie of the Pacitic. Huss Pnmeioy. Stanford, (ilhe M.it.-on. I'SKi Jim Sears. ISC, Boh Ci.itrett. Stanford, tlc-rir Siiaw. Oregon. Bob laven.vrt lt l.. Jon Ainctl. I St.': Joe Kr.incis. On-wn Stale. Joe Kapp. ljniarl'anisinua. Chris Burloid. Stan ford: HII Kilmer, I 'I'M. and t hon ;a',lei!". San .h'-e Stale BOWLING MINO CLAtHC LIAOUI ot a-vi -e wtr s"r vaice classic itsGut ip i - - V...-.V ' I . C I- " tsvn :v:..v-.. . r: I .. . I ' , ' - ' ""..iTr I'''' .'." ! , - ' ":'s-1 '..'-';.'. ".tr-' . ' '" - s . i.s Aim Li4ut Tcm cV jfcrru BATTER Drops Cougars; Beavers Favored Id.iho toniglit m the last opening ivund contest at 9 3i p m , PST. alter Seattle and Caiifornia meet the opener at 7 .to Oregon Siate has neer kt a (inmo in this tournament and the Beaer are anvnti the favorites again Washington State gae Oivgon a care nv nimpmc oil to an lead m tin- tut eon and n hall niuuito.s, hut On-con hit 15 ivmi: lit a ro later in the flint half and took a .16 '."J load oil t he court at halftime Aner that the Dutki timply maintainoif their mai jin Junior fomaiif Steve ,lune vol lei'ted 33 xnnts and reserve cen ter Jim Johnson noied 17 lor Orrfon l7l Aiviei son F P T :2 j : ft (t 2 22 2.1 I K II 1 1 00 J 2 on o 2 0 0 1 11 M 1 17 11 0 S on t n m I n ftfl 0 (I tones ilcaon Mack Vatrs Tultle JohriMin Coolry I.oy llaivin oler Toiali 17 11-11 II II iw,i,intln Male U7 Foid Tliomiwin W or nr r Walton Vadsel Cai ivn Hammer Post l-nici y Knostman Ihihl 4 1-1 J .1 IS 4 9 5 13 I 11 I 2 4 0 a a 2 1 2 12 II 2 4 (1 i II P0 3 0 n a a (i a n on 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 4404 0 0-0 0 0 20 17 2 17 - (iifgon V Monlitomerv Totals ll.illi.me S.oie Washmaton Male Atlcndance 4 77- Aruona (tali Mams Johnson Clausen llusland 'lvnn lire. 1 IjVoy liilals loss a 1971 M.inkins I S)-n-ma Mrssu k KPT 2 1 4 10 8 II 4 ID 11 2 3 IV 2 .1 4 12 3 I 'i 00 A 2 nn I l i ll 17 2S 2 1 3 12 12 .1 .1 12 111 10 I nn 1 i I I 1 A 00 0 3 n.ilitei. Itedil nit ..n Itoa.h Lvon It,t.! Skra Tnlals n oo I 0 I 00 O 2 22 11-11 II 31 llalf'im foore Arnofia a n 32 Scores College Rs I nlled Piest lalernallonal Ouaker ( lis Tmirnamenl Al rhhail'lptila I'i '1st K"vnili ,' : ,,-fi.t "2 1.w1"r 4 ! s 'a J H'i- .i.w tn n V " . ,r A4 js4.;, 7i I': a :-. e 7i lie .riaie .1,7 llnlidav (eslitat Imjrnamenl M Sew Tork I ISl ft'HIIMll a ' ', (Vis I 01 ' w .e s or k 1 7i r.i'i .e sne wi l,..f.,i s m Per.n (s r.avc-i, ,ie rt2 M , t l,v ' Mlnied Itca H"lt(1av I rstival At New 3i,rk 1 1st Hound i '.; y Maiy M I a.r I). i k K S)A'.. J i', in;- ' I V- Hi l.iicht Tournamiat Al Kansas ( lis. Ma. ilsl Bound t,S':sn 70 ' oiac.o c4 ! We.t -... Mhlecie alerea. M Imi ItMHWt ailf. Il Hotind, h-, d r M - , ( m l I f I'a- M lrs alrs 4 lassie I M 1st nfrles ! I'I KouiKti ' o . ,j ,,,-.-.ern a. M No-'-.e-' -'n J S'ar.IorO s, sj . I M sa-r :r ;'on i ! r I a'i s,'a'e 7'i '.uUrnast (fHifrrrnte Tovraameat M II !' Trias Is4 H'isiixI, r.er M I ai ' ml s ( lassie M PiMlUasI Ore .- I. ir.i , ; Hie. .-i- Mcr .7 Loti on Sprogu River SIODn. S10 Per Mo. Call TU 1-4444 at Wrrte 114 U 7tk Orcfu.i. iitiard Bun Yddel had 12 a id comer Tti Werner II for Was Hilton State Km a. arousal when coach Sharm Senear r man was ejected Um ttw Riinw alter collecting his seivnd uvlmical foul ot the nifihl, came from nine points behind to IU ItAl.1) AND XFWS, KUiimlh Mon'i and Lodiei SWEATERS R9 d A 11 14.95 Rg. 16.95 Reg. 29.9J II" 12 77 2377 Whiter 8. V Rec Reg. 29.95 Down Filled 23.77 Reg. 14.95 Reg. 11.95 Rg. 21.95 SHOE ROLLER SKATES U77 Docron Arctic INSULATED Underwear Mini Reg 1295 Q77 Ladies' Reg 1495 1277 R0NS0N LIGHTERS Clou Out 99 Choict 'Tsi Ptxki - Hunting Knives Rods Reels, Reduced laoenpli: Mitchell ,,300M With 2 Spooli 16 Sleeping Bags On Sale l lompU: 5 lb. Cillacleud Nil Stit Pur Modal 1 95 ef(;f An:ona Relerev Bill Fouts gae Scheu-1 eiman the heae ho with 8 10 to! play and his team trailing 50-43. Arizona corei aam moments later, but the Hawkeves ret'lcd off nine vmu of their own for a tie at W all Falls, Ore. ThurMlay. December Tl, Wi W GUN STORE'S Ski Jackets Jackets 11,77 Jackets 9.77 ig Group 30WLING I SHOES ;-ras 1 Vt Price BOWLING BALL BAGS Reg. 6.95 477 577 Rig 7.95 95 714 Mai Reg. y 10.95 As- 25 0ff i Rig. 2 25 Rig 2 95 R, J 95 pa n After aivther tie. forward Pave Roach hit a basket to put lowj in front to stav, 56 ;t. with 31 seconds to play. Jimmy Rodger let 1ow.i with W ixnnls, but scoring honors wero taken by Albert Johnson of Ari zona with 18. PACK -A MEN'S HUNTING COATS Reg. 14.95 1 1 Rig. 9.95 rACCC O' LORD BUXTON BILLFOLDS 25 OFF TYS! 14.95 7 1 5 5S,14"J! v I S SWEATSHIRTS Htoy Wtighf ond Foncy 1.77 2.17 2.77 I