Jacob On Bridge 'DENNIS THE MENACE" NOTH tt A J94 IT AK 6 5 3 1 10 WIST EAST ACJ A 10 5 JH IH AA9I9 AKQJtJ SOCTH (D) A AK Til A K 1 1 QT 7 J Both vulnerable tooth Wnl Sftrth ttit 1 Piss 1 Piu 4 Pisa 9 Past t A F fan Fi Openinc le.d A North Bid Traps South Bv OSWALD JXOBY Written (or Newspaper Lnlernrise An. VI t:app?r don t operate in tiie forests Some may he iound in bridge came c -rr- (rancor latch opponents and are admirable partner (Hu e's un? Iheir pdrtwrs and Khuld be shunned as the pUcue Souih's lump to four spades wa- i J j Wm I ; V I S3 lommunitu r L enaar HFMi n AND NTWS. Klamath Fall. Or. ThurKlay, Deeemher V, Pope Urges Prayer For Solid Peace I Rimv A L 0 H A TA!T V MICAS' CITY 'IT!1 - r,v in; ' by uirm'ri Sowed Hut on ll'e air " .'ohn X.SIII praised God loriay tor P"' appeal at the time e-t In .in address to diplomat the is- (,r,i rhr.umn in niinv tn Cu!4n :'5 IK,t "ali lo'.loam; day. he again teterred 9th & without im or threat?, of war CLl'R. 12 doob. n host luncheon Molatorfj Pnnf e.Jt (or Mav ic Eastern Star Home. ROTARY CM R. S p m . an nual rljncf lor college student--. Winexa Hotel. SVTl Rl)Y RALSROW GIRLS ASSEMBLY t p m to 1! mirlmsht. forma! dance. Kl US raieteria siovnw LOOM. p m to 3 am. Haive. Mooe Lodjf Breakfast follows Tickets sold v membets Incendiary Fire Probed ' 0U KW DAT US; IS T-S 0-mE? ROOM 9U SAO U KES GOSSA SET Kit? Of WAWNA ?.... Henley High Notes By M RTHA RAG1.ANH h'ulu Henley seniors will par ticipate in the annual K!k$ panel? it overbid but he was will- m be held in the. next few uerks. ms tn take a change in order lOjOut of these student. ne will win ine fame and .ubfvr Kur-;)v( rhrts.n hv I1P ..lltv tn w a lrndid.-tte for a M.inlarmp I award ar j J Janet Lnn and ;ourneH to Bonanza Pen Stvh-!er jjsSiaiiaoal a on Hcc JO fj in t,,f Hen'ey- j .n Khm?hihev iMt Henley to pre-rnt ': af fn mative side of the quest ton. ' . should the Government He Al to Outlaw a Sti ike Wha n Cripple: the aliorwtl Krunomv'"" Mike fleymer will model ale fnr the panel ' Should Mercv Kiilm;s He Ter- t'UTmnrp. lie wmiid have attained his admrabip obie tie if it had not ben for his partner. N.irth looked over his carr'nDv and decided that he had a vfrV' omn: srade raise a,Yl ' tn represent Henley it.- 'm.-Mi urii h a .im m TuWake deiiatc. "Can :;Ht So North who had alreadyj'" m 1 wri limited His hand with a two soadei J-n '.0. Klamath Lnin bid suddenly railed ' !ie dia monds." Snilh wanted no part of a sUm and merely returned to five spade The trap would not have worked had West nof been on 'tis tev but West decided to nitn his ate of clubs and see vhar the Hummv looked like Not i m'ssihle will be Ine fi'iestmn nl riid h.' look at the riumm.Miinn: the Hen'f -Merrill debate It vj he y bis partner dmp the'sue Williams and Martha Rae kin; n! ib. n t"e a.e Wet led; a -r.ond cluh Two cluh tnckv pQjr Assigned Pius O'e tr.imp tink weie rnnuzlit J tn h'M tie hand Und will repiernl Henley dunns litis panel at ChilixiJin on .lan 31 .lo Ann Iniffy and Lyle Hub bard will debate on the final que Hon. ' Are Coveriiment Conlrnl. Necessary in a Ik-m.icratir Ms lem ot l;ornnlen!'',' on .Ian il at Tnlelnke I i'oi;n.An ari' - 'irt m- !oti;ators today were probms a ..i-e in which a quantity of fuel I ml was toed on the exterior of I the home of lehovah Cherry ami ;;nited I The blare was d;coeri about idmjhl by a ne'ehtxir Parnate as elimated at aKiut SW MTROSS'and askoi Caliiolics to piay for an ecr moie solid peace. The iwuai. II. in lush spirus despite stomach trouble believed tn he a hlrcding ulcer, aildies-f an oerr.cw crowd of Ko mans and pil;nm m a weekly L-eneral audience in t.he Vatican s Clementine Hal! ' Tuesday was tle first Chi mas in many years pcihapa 30 vn which then were mi m or imminent dancers of war am where m the world." he said in his impromptu speech "TV;! is a great grace of God esecially consnlering tint only two nKtnlhs aco there was a most crave danger, which was 1isellcd also throuf'n the f.ir sichtcdncss oi statesmen " The Piue' words weie lus thud public tr'bute in five davs to I'reMdent kennoly and Soviet Premier Nikita khiushchcv for thou restraint in handlinc the Cuban crisis, althouch he never mentioned them by nnie In his Christmas broadcast to the world Saturday, the Pope said clear sisns of deep iindn stand to "!jdom and prudence ' which lielped overvonx U danger ol PAGE '-A Ctpltta STEAM CLEAN MOTORS . . . $5.00 Sparkle Car Wash 403 S lh Ph. TU 4-1I4J Pin Phono TU 4-3188 Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 Daily I'Sj 3 a IP -H Y r r BALDWIN HOTEL 31 Main St. Ward, old-.oih.ontd ho,p-fl-rv- lart, comfortable lobby. Daily, veckly, monthly rotti Ha.-.dy oafk.rij. EMERGENCIES and ESTIMATES BUD KENNEY Plumbinf A Hfattnf lit lllh Ml an ItNW RIVERSIDE PROVEN QUALITY... WARDS FAMOUS LOW PRICES! AIR CUSHION Q The birtdinf his ben: Ht toulh Weat 'Hh 1 A ri 4 4 4 N T. Pa ss 6 J Pass 6 Fs ? YfMi. Pou'h. htM: Ail VAII5 4K. AQS:S4 W"hat do ynu do A Bid tlx hfirta. Tonr port lier obnoatiT it atenwinv a, ttronc lo-aiUd hand. Hit afford aoit nat b hearta. TODAY 'iirSTIOS Frt opena lha biddir.a; with three spades. What do you, iV"t'.h. A, hcndinc' 2 VAK J74 4KQII AKit Amrr Tomwrrw Nigerian Posts rOHTL Np I PI -Two nuns Oregon women were scheduled tn leave lor Peace ("orp a.vsipn meiH in Nicena. Rarbai a A. Baer . 3.1. Portland. ;ind (.raie A Hamilton. Ashland, wi!! he amnn; a proup of volun teei s who arc to depart Jan. 3 to vi oik a school leadieis Pioneer Oregon Attorney Dies '..rarr v'erai Pn-: r. e.: Sndav lie v a fa low! a - tre ;-anct-n C a: h o rvt (,ro I n e'-;". H r-t-iet aj V.V: : , no e - r ; ! : ' p r o rr. t. . . r . ' y daniel's Vi Ytorly Shoe Sale offers you the best values in Town COMPARE! : darai&rs srtnl:thrr -am . 'un'i of Pf;n 527 Mom Hi if j 1 Now In Progress! Store-Wide CLEARANCE Dresses Skirts Sweaters Lingerie Vz to Vi OFF Charge Now! Pay in Feb! Tfc bokt to cootd . . bo O oK cba'Oa bo oo ,.H not bo 4w 'r- fi At J. V. KERNS' N0RGE LAUNDRY & CLEAMIMG VILLAGE 10 New Norge Top-Loading Washers w,,h 5 fum RinM cyciM 4 New Norge 50-lb. Dryers With Vonoblt Heotf. Fast! Fait! Foil! Fast! 1 Gigantic New Norge Family Washer Holdi 2 S-lbt. for Reol Economy 8 Norge Dry-Cleaning Machines With Eitro Gollor.i of Fluid tor Cleontr Clot Always an Attendant Finishing Service For Shirts And Othtr Laundry LfOe Them With Attendant Night or Day! iTsthe Cleanest, Brightest, 1 1 Fastest Place I J in Town to Do My I Laundry" 1 OPEN 1:00 to 10 00 Wttkdoyl 9 00 to 5 00 Sot. t Sun Plenty of FREE Parking on pond lot, right in Iront of Villogt cntroncf V r4 flooiont Woitmj Rooml Fro Hoir Orytr om in with your curlcri on. Frt TV . ond mojonntt Coffet. coki, condy, ciforttrti ailablo Ltiiurtly ihoopinf in Kami' mony depoetmtnti J. W. Kerns Norge Laundry 8 Cleaning Village 111 Riverside M J VI I PI Jf; II 4-SQUAtl OUAIANTII fS I J Jp i If, A -'I t4 l'4i tt fcJf jf J F L laat''- "a- Aarwt-iat ao- J wm 1 J A ro'aa" a wt. J L m m J J. 1 " . Aa"i it'txh "' "mm &- J m t I ujriK' -W faa o faa 4 al wk-T ll m" aV . rv'""ot' O'Ora'ttl on ta y aflF jU. J 3 Nri'd f-a o' oi o'OM(ifli W VJ m m M M T dtwt U f.WWim f Ml GUARANTEED flfnW .70- tubo typ blmkwall GUARANTEED 18 MONTHS Enjoy the, extra blowout protection of a Nylon tirsl Col the Rivertide Air Cushion 4 f ill pilot of Nylon cordi 7-rew iWid-reiittont Ireod for surer slop, starts. No money downl Fast, free mountingl iu tao tbit -o-ij ie.li U!J' 7 a-? 15 is . m yapTii if . i WMhtoelii eWv II ektwa a" !- 04 r 0 27 MONTHS NATION WIDI 4.70-tJ tuko lype kloikwell Built to outperform new.or tireil 4 full pliet of DuPont Nylon cord; deeper tieod. Over 3300 "Swirl-SIpe" tread edgni for surer troct on. r r-rrr. . ' ...... --. I,. I-- if 't 1 tin1 1 irir'i tir 'J'.!," M!H ' "1 f ( Mil I ..' II M' check Wards lovi prices on I 1 Vj4-mnth LJ .olt with trade 24-MONTH ECONOMY RIVERSiSI Eacluiive ' Power-Gord" protects bottery ogoimt over ond under chorgingi prolongs torvce lif. 12-volt with trade low ot 12.95. 30-MONTH STANDARD RIVIRSIOI Devigned for con wih heavier electricol do rror.dt contort etra-rere I'oiting power. 6-volt 12 95, 12 volt low ot 15 95 with trode. 36-MO. HEAVY DUTY RIVERSIDE fade e-.peciolly for today's cor with fhir irv ceased electrical copoct.os ond power acces sories. 12 volt with trode low ot 17.95 CUAKANTtE Full tervice guorenttt for the ipec .f td t'. preretod en the monthi uttd. Adilmonts botod en price bofero trodt-in rtn returned. FREE CATTERY INSTALLATION m cms, ws&i mmssiw) m&fiS Jtk ni Mam 734 So. th fh. TU 4-4W