Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 27, 1962, Page 6, Image 6

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HERALD AST) SIMS. klamalh Fills, Or.
Ihuraday, Dwmbfr 27, 1K3
Congress Must Act To
But One Swallow Doesn't Make a Spring
J Keep U.S. Operating
The President Face To Face
Aftermath reaction to President Kon
r."dy's special one-hour television interview
with reporters from the three major net
works seems to he that he has found a new
method of bringing the problems, aims and
workings of the presidency home to the Ameri
can p'-oplc in a way never before ossible. It
is a method likely to be used more and more
in the future.
Not since Franklin Roosevelt gave his
first "fireside chat" over radio has an Ameri
can president spoken so directly and intimate
ly to his fellow citizens.
The President is tremendously aware of
the impact and immediacy his personality has
made through modern electronic means of
communication, beginnii'g with his campaign
debates with Richard Nixon In lOfiO and car
rying through with televi.sed press confer
ences. The latter, however, have sometimes of
fered more spectacle than information to the
viewing public with some 300 reporters vy
ing for attention, m rambling madly to get
out of the room at the end and the President
himself not always at bis grammatical best.
There was, anil Is, in such confeiences,
the possibility of embarrassing questions and
hasty answers which cannot be recalled or
"edited" out of the program
Tho leient Interview was entirely dif
ferent. Although the reporters' questions were
not submitted or cleared beforehand Presi
dent Kennedy's responses were extemporan
eous in that respect tho tape was edited at
leisure and the program was generally tight
ened up.
Here was the President of the I'uited
States sitting In a room of his official home
1 i'l lik tn tJifc thu or
rt unity to mke a trw rmik
fl mv own, in anawre in Uilre
foh!ifc)tri in (b pr )! werk
in repard In the dmi! inj
I I-Hb take a W4 T
lionw ate ot Orr(n I tWa
and raed In Vut ! and hav
lnt tf f! S3 tear of my in
rre With tiM rrvthn of thr
ear in lft northern par t, H
ha txvn all aprnl in Klamath
and laak rountm. II hi t trn
wi man year aco. thet were
j'Vnly of deer in lhi country
Aa a stl, I ran well remember
tne nil)'.) Nint.nt aeawmt, that it
a rM unfomnvin I. a pari
huntrra to f out and the drt
to dai of the o ha a
to eht itki bm k a)l te
C,t!!r thi and taed' hann,;
vn lh b;d lie twh.nd our houte.
Ye'Y aedom an oi them una. I
er Vn a thre pn.nl and fiwl of
t'isMii ninnies cloe to aM over
i dvd Vw it la a i at
uriMNi tA - nv. tfutn c
hwtiuE.nii tint ami Ur lim Jul
I w.-ut ha hai'.-enrd to a'l
t: t-sr dorr' Njrie at t. ibex
kvt a'l Sfffl fci.ird elf and rvt
I n ir'" iiU c :er WVn I
a i", I (i.. a
r otl ,nt-y mv lihr,
!- th t nlrr a"d -irt l!iet
rf drvr a'rt-M t. -Iirff hj d
)-k. Uk t'H- -flif ru t1
and otic lr ttf k) Ia n.lf
..;ri dfvr. al l.n.a
I'n-f r r htindtrtt
5 I' t f T nr. t ktafviaV rv
t'c ai dm m t! ti(n
S. "t a' a av1 h-
nv t of il hs turn
t rf- mt:;, in ... tnu i t jt.t
W , ' IV ';it t it i
rv j. n r,(iif to r ra ofr ht
:t arid k .1 I Km ad ra;Vr
r.-n ta tVta and f'k
I i k.:p a'lrr l - k p f i I
v. t in arvrwi t lii rt1 in
, m ,', h an rmMrrn t.
"d Vwi-.Mi. r.aMvj,
,,Nif otr rt.- a: y t
t? or-e n .'! H. tr.ar
p'-o-e t.VKiar j t'v-r ait thai
?w;!i.rji a'M(
4 !r C !a r.w aM raiv V
ah.rt rtfr n tV pa-n
m miid fun Ji
and (s ' "'t' NtJf '
t'ft if w e i
(ou v V b iin rv
aftnl po if
Kf ! k ... la-Vr t'w-n M rav
Ihm d.'a::Tar m tV N f t
iftrf (sir Ua, nv tt
Oa, HfMTf dtfii;
In nr Urnwf
rr ts ;rtiaJ -ix w t
TTifl, U Mil r 1B r'r
f f Ida nd kt tvm.
w.n(( ih ivtaxtrd tn Cam
t nt Uifv don and S
my t;v liad ki.i Oam
Commtfunfi thru tufpoied t
ithe same room, incidentally, whore Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko assured
him that Russia would certainly never send
missiles to Cubai, relaxed, frank, self-assured
and fluent, speaking face to face with un
counted millions of the American people in
their own homes
Here was given the President's summa
tion of his first two years in office, his per
sonal feelings about holding the most im
portant job in the world, the workings of the
executive branch of the government, the
chances for his legislative program in the new
Congress, his estimates anil predictions on a
number of world problems.
The President displayed extreme confi
dence in himself and in the nation, and the
viewer could not help but come away from
the program with some of the same confi
dence, and with the feeling that he had really
.spoken to the President as a man and as a fel
low Anu-i it an
It was inevitable that the Republicans
should demand equal time of their own, if only
to show that while John K. Kennedy wears a
laurel wreath, he is but mortal. They should
of course, lie allowed equal time
Rut how they can match the glamour
and force of an interview from the White
House, or which nf their outstanding men thev
will use they might interview more than
one. such as Rockefeller, (loldwater and Ki
senhower -is a problem that is one of the
greatest disadvantages for the party nut of
Whatever may be the partisan aspects
of the President's appearance, however, thev
do not begin to take away from the fact that
it was an important perhaps even a land
mark ev.i'.t in American history.
To The Editor
f.irk thtm tip. Hit ry aMom
err d.d Maki mm h mora aen
than Irttmjl thn aullrr, Am t ou
I A-a t dm twin t tdu
t tr!. yim trt llwy art' Tint
Mntjldnl h i.vt lr left in (hi
iwinli v (Fiat li t arr. if lh-y
a : nl A (or tlw ntcill'd n.'
en la;n'v. tlirrt ait (f
led to fi.kaiixar What (tw Ihcit
art an ittl rnmt.h rover a ')
tin i
A IVitHiniriii to hf ao-valled
"whinem " 1 mv "v.hirwn. niy
IcM" l'p at (:nal!y wakinj
no nd hatf de nf-1 ' do aomr
thn( lo ae cut r.rcr (topuia
Itn ShiimU ik tltf wh.nir I
toiiixt front tf tirer ude of
Vw nwinfain. tr.aaM aonit
p't van I tfi; lwiA kJ'.i:;s I ';
I 'oi vrr It eertrw hal
U-'iie aiound kii'.m orr a iShi
kaiut rtref tn tl pt TO yran.
vt-m dn t hat any h-tt an t qn.!?
figure out hxiw a prrvn tvuld H
a4 th ki!-:h l-'a' niai d-rr
(n mi Ow.M i tmr !h i t f i
l.tiM t.'r oi ticr -rata and
)! r. h wm Ihrif jltrr
(hank -''l.'' we dmi t
tl Ji.) r ! if tint li'tii in
o.ir ata't i'l tMcwi
J i .t!, ,(...
I rd t'e !ct'n on i.mn
M Mi tt Mn Nan Wt!i 1
' dun t h ante ln lr not
111 l,M n.ttiw 'iMi t isHi ti; a
maul" I'e-v 'v 'it In t
ifMi(-ji'i 'ea V ts atiM- ' -
a t r. i if ?M a lle .
a e tn .-w-x nc
II nk.t v ta i i1 m ' . -f
or f.J i.:lt-t .Um.1 i k t to i "
e iuf a la (Mi r-'tunf i.t- -
wi-d wi hv t'ie and M"i
i; t up .sr a "le hat it w m
Irn t l lv' , ti'i
a t y r vt. nt:adi!i; .
rue el t ixmi ae lOa f
L n t 4 to ( "fsl
t'es' Ni .d -v tv ''
V" tt "M M t'Mt .tt TVf
a 'iik ii a i-nc
vi it A'M-i'.rf f; td r at ce' n'
lf iv:,!i i-i p'..iry j t !
rr ivl(n h lit . y a wit.
a!.-o:t ot "ix-v in rf
lit 'san a: va tl n a, i r 1
o.i (Mia jv.s a o a'vi .i
e- ii y IV k S to k'v tt
are a1 t i safe f,; t '
'K.f ftMrJaiNee wco 1 tjtn orr
n t';r ir'- i? t'ltv oiid
e l?e v y pove !'W l
lis- ira i .tfl ! j e a v-w
l h 'o nu k sv
1". a tvt ! rr avl I
m v Mt vse l! !: 1 .n-
I'-e :.t: "-a-1 ti
! avtrs'.i ,
wd thfT I .n .
wr shifts t a
V. V
ad a
o me-!
1ae a k.
A! V
teller t t jsa;
I e I i
he and t e m
a; N
hw'kji Itf a.t !-aU")J pc .tv j t t
a-1 net!l 1 etanaarn i
J f-i a batt.t I ut a. h-t
e alx(ild te helping Ihem fi'.t
instead of )tit rmtiamins abHil
tin, inning toe
Siurly lltrie at few red
l(odid Artier tr ana left in KUm
aih Kalli v ho will ht: th'tn
lht It a ronoliltilurfial riht.
t t tind up lr whrfl one fee'm
riiit It a huh tmie f do I in
tend In fi In t rx ir mret.n ih1
d.i what I tan I wonder Mr K-fi
trr r..niv t'tln'M havt the cult
Mr B J Siiiie.
2H Sv .NiIh M
Poor Time
I Hih to t.i(e ftt( t! al 1
I e m the aurmrUin are and !
n im ht i-nit ttv inti it;; I am
a 'me hat ami. at the jc
v ai e t'.inUtandiit kan;l
in in: is a pnhi,iin (hit
Ik p in prove Le a,iH'jrat)v ainl
'ue niot pmivily m t! e
twf-aih.tn ira l.c ive p--o
'V w ! ae vot T'-nn
.ivam al"W'l " ''i '('' tmnt!i
lirtuxial and Unv idroio'e hit!
ik'ii t n to i. t tl. it ttmnlei .
ntfiv at w.(fH.i rvhr't of
1- vptm nt"fM-v ait oiuntofi
pj-e in tlua omntiv
n r e ct'i'i w .ittil h.' rr-
wet" p I tt tit iB'rTKl i
t ,'titr m tive In he'; tKi imnnifl'-
f'en triie p' ao'dei
s'. .t he uite pi .Rid of tri-m-w't.
H'.:''! iwt win t'e c ivt
h I-' t'i ,(,:iw , at'd n:( :t
f-i-v-i-., f-. i-.H,.. h.tx .(,, a
;r w.;:d fr 1 .d- i'
I'a.i' N-rT i.
tt fc i s-r ui v mjK
' a-, .'ti :e rr'l
t f t .( f . sr rr t'.al ' t.o' d
i l :-ne '.;t tfie !v lur.iM Vie
f v a a - ! hw oir r.v :
' M ,1 Iv : ,t W f,f
' f l Nfr--t in. t'u.tiri
. w t' l to 4 U rivtv.. .
ic A N-.nt f a:T
t ' w; r i tn (v i
II . . '.e tN. ,( t.'-e
v r v.. wit., n a nv A .w
-'.,' t ji-v ort W a-iV.f n
.i V t (' a-d
ri w,.' -n l y
w:"; i I f lv t k"i :
, t t v.1 a -e
und c aa ",s:.n ita inyr
We V.eie ' a
! ylf t f it
t-4.; re
t e t
'..r a ' t1-.: '
. nf , -i ,r k A w
(XiS H. f a f O't
: ' a;M f'e v?' (,v
, , S w fts' 'e-e a h.
v i -.. r- i e
i" . e Lr .a J:y l
!.-...1 f-eiVll
V', a vi V , he-.
:I--,-.- .(i.f ,), . ..i- !t'-e;' - 'Vi 1 - -
Hv KAI.I'H de TtU.t. lNO
Kor Mrne years, the MMietul
exiatentialil nd a hkira lor
Htt a (-Ihmus lutvc hrld a h.'t
amUtned r.o'r on the virlm oi
Soirt rdncalton Commumoni,
they y. luv nH'nrd up higher
edw rftion to all on the Immi of
merit A a reMilt. the Sivu t
t.yittem ha profiled hy turning
out more nd hrltrr Mientisl On
t lie other lurid, limy ald. Ameri
can oulh ii deprived of a higher
edu( alion hy eur cras profit s
tf m
1 tut Vie ha now been en
i oir4ed ly the Kmy eloped la
BnUnniia'a Vtilliam lien ton. (tint
b.'ick tiom a guided tour of Kuv
hi VttY J !IRR1S
1 wa ta k.iu a'.t fi'e hi
n.t of at.tiin)tvt r ;rui an e to
a tnend ot mine dvn .. ,r . n n . .
ho happt'ftt to le an uiMirart. e
'Its. a vi. a-! r e ' he . i
' rd rf'S'-h t- v k:ov Si,
tn ' , ;t I' mtitu a if a ni
r e 'v,; i . w Itil an
v.t e t; r :
' V ' tt .' hi tvcAT tt-.a'"
i a-..-!
' Wei! " hr r; ;4.jed ' I h
(v1 ! h;? a tar ' .''
ve.f TV tl.i'v . p . c
to t'!1! . b.,1 t.V i-'i . j:".
r e e1 'er .: evo'.
S4 'v a-id mm'.ti a"d
.-r1 ne ! ' a o'l'.'.V'!'" .rr
Mr cvw h 4s hf.. v
I v ,' ; .uv. ! f 'n '
w r, ii er e to-- a . .tr'
He a o ke tr-.it - :
e a: ;e aar-! ! . , e
a v n .--.' . i- . "
sr. i p-a ."i. Mr . '
1 (.'i.. i i '.-.'-
c e a o; m.
e-( " a-,-.
H m t-. d I .
1 ,vMJ rtV
V ,t, V ; ! !' t-'
. ' . -I h i '.. - ' f ' :
, o:ii ! ' i. " e ..'.'
TV 'r 1 t u! n. e M
... vTWii' e f e e
fc a r i r . '
. M-x. a k t . r-e t .:tv .i-
t; i na .! it c . ".e a n
. e a V -eei l.-e a
t ai ati 'V "-.; a vc
re h . i r- .
1Wfiit Vakr MaMia la
Soviet Education
Nothing could he furtlirr from
t.ie t.uih.
Since r.'.'f. the number, of youiil
( cuple ermil!ed in continue their
almlics beond secondary wtiool
wa di ati. M'.y curtailed in the
Siwt I'mon. In li. only T.5iw
student ot a hih school grjdua
t:ii; c!a- of one million, or 6 7
per cent, wnc adrntllcfj inlo So
viet umverMtit'v This year, the
ventae of students m umerM
t;e and ailvanced U'c:uueal
m Iwyils had dropped to le than
fi per cent of the .notI pAi dila
tion In 0-e Inited Stalei. 04 per
rent of all atudents entered col
ics and 14 per tent eomp'eted
i k (or at lf.i"t one deem
i e but the rr !nnr;
of coui.-e. p.i the p:e
in t:'.e cni he. .iu.e au .r.--.:r.ir:.e
ia:r a:e pretty muoh Kiei1 on
h" a niiu h the companies hae
'ut tn la;m eaih ye.ir
( an Y'Mh rc be dime arn'U
1 w.i'.:fd t- k-v
He .-.-I I t kn-
v .c T ie motor i'a 1 e a;o it l: e
.e- t:, ti:teri. tr-,r ArA.
i .rv.e w.th tiwm .n tsati.l.rs re
I r hi!!, and eerNtv et in
r.o ed in a S.ritK- con;-
t cell a. id t'ie n-ur a'H-e com
t ,.,-H'n Me t.Koi v f ''a:
ou a-k f-f a t-cnvd "
.( .. oi in : i;et a'"'tn:"-
ilon t
Take an
' nt a n'."r ot a
. d. ' It a matter of p;' c
tv lnrtiti.e hseeda mo'e
. .. a,si rf'txnf a:'
i ,i it ?i a ii ia
i - ,,.e' k-t lat ard t"e p
. I V p. re'
'l -v i h ' ' lrt T- P e
- a a r t.T-c i'--.' f ,-e
:'v Tc''afl can
v . ,l.i. a .i . me c '
c A t -e v "-r i.t . .
tt renia that iNe UHthie itK
tKi aIwH mtik ptram n
' t4 aw Wtt
f J-m S. -, ..r.:z ;--a a
a :r-ca-4-M N'
!v e rixe vr r-M w : " U'-.n
t 1 ! r ft l-11 V' "V
' a a n -:.eer; li tivf
c .v i. r' ti ker
- ,.
Ni tKal Vtfcfaf tj trnl
k a 'tavmai f av iha
an-inai ta aether raa put
irwwr arm mi Wf kelre Ra;
' Nf i.vt e.-a.,T ,. kf
ai ."v.ve-.i e r
' 'M :., J i .vr 'r .
v w .- a-v. (. -v
1 v f ; f w . .! i v
Sample arithmetic shous th.it five
times a? many American ouni
eople ueie iven tneir chance at
a ioiiee ciiucation More th.m
tune a many a in the Soviet
I'mon completed this work. In
tfie L' S S It . what's more, an en
gineering or medical decree fre
quently puts one in the category
of skilled mechanic or male nure.
The todt that tte Soviet t'nin
is turnip out more scientt than
the Ln..ed States and that 'hee
scienter are onciHiraiied ao
dien't lear cic-e scrutiny Il" t
ake my word lor this, but listen
to w hat Russian have to say
about Vm ir ov n jytem
Nohel Prizewinner I Tamm
conuJain-d bitterly thai he Iwd
' nwc tfwm cru-e erkXHinlered ail
naniier nf obstacle" ptit in the
w.,y of "accemnfi firt-cla can
didates for p-t:i-adiate aludv "
.! hy the ue of "blat" Knc'i.1'!
tr.in!dtKn nci!!1 were talented
student and ' mu. h needed " men
fnmtted to advaiKe academical
ly member i' tie Soviet cade
rr.y of Science pointd out that tn
examination for schools of huh
er learnir.e family cornecti.ns
counted more tr:an caiemie ahi'
itv. and that fun schoiat o
a hteverner.t mtiiMine athletic
prowesa .is mrf .mwrtart than
l". e lle n;.d:!e of tV !a-t
decade, the number ol tSo com-:.e'.:-v
t.'.c.r ad-.jj'e work
:.a sa.cn stcan., Acord:rs li
ct::'k kadem.i Na;.k. 'he n .m
ter in 1 v.i f t.l In i.
,t had dr p.fd ! 5 1 7 The ni.t
ni.'y of tVe t-.rie from K.iro
i'ean R js. :...iet'.ta tior.'". ti.e
h v.c : '.and:, have very l:;t han. e
t i e-rer the ia-.ks o:' the c;er'i
r .ie
Pe.a;.e Sv..'! S !:o! v.
t":n io;'.;r th..t eveiv s;utrr:
e pii .d I TJt! t ! r he
befc..n a o:e v. s'.iefv. ;s :e
y,.'.'y ;n ' a tvnvder.iYe number
oi cerw:, a:rd vrr,; ,...tera;e arwf
fcvrair.t. w :h ;cr..c .
a:;J pe'.d.t , ;e:'.l.t :fi H
:eo ami t.t.e. ' -o-c j-.c 'n
me p- m. -r'.t ;!'a.?i ' "Ti
';m f"o.i:a;
m a.ine :re att.tuie ot h.n;o:
on TSev t h : t L" m m e
W are re. earv to the ..tate,
s. l ! V .i;e i tnt i.-e b.,--err.
' T1 ' . . . o r r s. n a ' e d
re tt.'ecl t e
-e S v e; J
ear rs;
sv:r: a; i e- ..
Kae .:.r1 h r t-e .-
a yv.At erf 1 tea. rr' ard
a '--;k ."t adr."j..a:e er.. .tit! '"
t'-:i e t I e re ,rr:,i! oi' t.'.i
: nn L"e la'v aw e
" -,e 'f' ! i S-rn .'jke
T i" rV-f ; --e-a .t;ree,e'-i
ei : t" Ir v t a"a.-
'..ar i , e-; t d v h rr-t
r ts. t r vt er
v. t " ea vt'i v a-' at
. : -r-e vi Vrr-i.-a v e-
.i f :r. "',! , ',y.:.'" J-
v c- l-'T t .ed . ai.-;
Tt : - j.i-
: ere l."''.,ivi ;r;.:tf ir.
' v- x-t tv revra.-c'-er 's
a vi' i! di f n a .e- v ; .
. .,f: rv si v,-.t :
j . r V v- r. m-e V.e" .Ml
av h" J yr ier: we- be-t-evr
a: .nd r1)- t4 l r-e-?,e
-i " vear e rf Tfc,e
e c. . e W- r ad T
t i' .-e y :e-
r-a a eJ '..-.j. v v i:
' iof ;f :. r-'p'fv
v . v v rr, i K i
y r a-tverti tf pe-v-fi
5 0. N -rr .a? a -'.. r -i
Washiojtoo Cormpondfiil
Npatpaprr KntfrpriM An.
Trpnrtant laws and congrcwnal
authorizations cspirini; in ISM tli
give the next Concress a lieavy
uork load on tup of any new pro
prams President Kennedy may
Presidential authority tn call
Lie ready reserves to a c t i v e
dj.y expires Keb. 28.
The authorization granted by
Conmcss last October ill have
jo be extended if the present
loush posture against iotential
threats to world peace is to be
A jthonty to draft men into the
armed services, tile doctor and
dentists draft, suspension of re
strictions on armed forces, person
nel sirenqth and the Military De
pendents' Assistance Act oi l!i(l
aiso evpire July 1 Also, special
enlistment programs under the
Armed Forces Heserve Act end
Aug 1 unless renewed
Congressional approval of the
L S purchase of up to S100 mil
lion in bonds to finance continued
United Nations peace-keepinc ac
tivities was only a first round bat
tie Before Jan. 31, Secretary of
Slate Dean Rusk must report In
Congress on long term I' V fi
nanc.ng plans approved by the
Mu? General Assembly This
may start another, hard fight over
continuing the American role of
I'.ill support for the L'nited Na
tions. In March the President and the
Secretaries of lbt.r and Health.
Education and Welfare must re
port lo Congress on progress
under the manpower training act
! li2 This was an experimental
program to cut dov n technological
unemployment as well as to train
workers for needed new skills
Whether Congres expands this
program will dewnd on success of
first year results.
Existing emerguncy C 5 ex
cise and corporate tax rates ex
pire June 'Mi Their extension
or moaincation w ill tie considered
as part of ceneral tax retorm
legislation. This is really tne big
l:ci business with the hichest
priority next session
T: billion national debt
Ma c han9es ending In
( anlankeious Clarence Cannon.
rnuei-f.il chairman of U Houe
A ; :opr;at,or,5 Cnmrrittee. h.i
thn n a mnt.kcv wrench into
White Hrtij.se plans to repack the
House K.i!e Committee
Twn veaii ao. t anrtun reluc
tant.)' went i.onz wr.h his len
t.me Inend. peakft Sam n
burn. and cast hn vote to inerea-e
tne committee (mm 12 to 15 mem
bers. The vote of Carsnnn and
ot!wr modera'.e Democrats cav e
trie '1m.r.;tr.it:n a ta;nr tf.n.
tivf.vn i;!ot
W.th the death of Mr Sam.
Cannon no ior.er fet ar re
penih:!.t tn Adn::nitrat;an td
et - He hnAe with t.lie rre;drrt
en V Ie"-tmeii of I'rt-an f
lairs. reif.a! h'Mi:rc. a'td tne
X.'rr.ir..! ration rotrpfeien..v f
r.j !-": tax rev in -r. He nrei
r--d to Wn te H-i'.e bu"et
re-;.:e,. He teu ied erer.'.v :i
Ac-l:r. T.C.'rmak. the re Speak
er, ard hi a de
vt the se.ion ? r!nw. Cannon
5a!nr. in an a:.ak u;m
!v"orrrk and Iarr;v LeVr
( a ! A'vr. ' I rv.por the o!::e
jwy ho'-.i hi.t I rTiit en
d'Tv t"e c.a ity leadership I
rave ier '.0 Sneaer
rever have I eeri uch biaei ard
tr.ff !et,1,ri..,
t"jnr'-n ... n'V rt said whi.h
w.iv he '.!; -;e whn the d
r st-a:.on t: e to rera t'v
n.. C.rrm.;ee Jin He r. i
n ' "Tfen hie. er I vr
;;'.ed m Rav-arrt I ci. fe;
V. nre or !.y',J'.
I -mfl rat. VS h-..! Jr
kni n to K v e n s n :". er
h Ca-rr en t'e .i ve'r Ho
r '.. -'f t e rri-e-iTtwrri
- rr rrf -e
l.-ve r vote ef t-y ea' i
n o t e f "er'; :tv 'at
'. v to v'-.arv "i v
' t a. 1 f -"v rc-
ve.-re! a tt & ?f H .e
--;-e Krv-e Crr :"ee ' r-
V.7An.5trrfci h; u;:"".rr.'e t . t
."-..-C we- V fv, i.e V
rr m-: te r. k 6?- e t-
Jl .e H.e -vr-ft
l " . " " .t .:
r i I f r '.tt 're -;rr V
t " a fr-.-a tri
m I He i th-;ih! ' e v
ti revr."e e iv;i rv
a;j .?-n r. rr, t.'v.
c.'a h. -
Kerj1 . ai Tf ; k a
ifrM j- -4 t :.vj e-. ri
i4 rrni xj y fi.v, 1
limitation expires March 31. If
not extended it vil! revert to
JoOO billion through June 30. It
is probable that an increased
debt authorization will be asked
for. particularly i! there is any
tax reduction.
"Wall Street'' again is likely to
be made a ixvngi essional issue
with the mandatory April 3 filing
of a Securities and Exchange
Commission report on the ade
quacy of existing market regula
tions. Authorization for aid to fed
erally alfected schools expires
June 30. Its renewal will be only
one part of the broad aid to edu
cation the administration again
will ak for.
Expiration of Export - Import
lending authority on June 30 prob
ably will bring requests for in
creased lending power as part of
sweeping revisions in all foreign
aid programs
Federal unemployment ;ax rates
will drop Dec. 31. Ia fiom 3S
to 3 I per cent on the first J3.0OO
of wage paymenis unless Con
gress decides that jobless rates
are si. 11 tuo high at that time.
of maximum interest to farm
states. Aug 31 is final date for
proclamation of wheat marketing
quotas and acreage allotments.
The Mexican farm labor program
authority ends Bee. 31. 13R3. un
less Congress renews it. which
now seems likely
Some of the expiring legislation
is highly controversial and anv.
renewal is likely to be accom-v
panied by considerable public as
well as congressional wrangling.
Billboard control along feder
ally aided highways ends June
10 The Cm! Rights Commission
files its firnil report bv Sept. 30.
It will go out of business Nov.
30 unless Congress sives a new
lease on life (I er southern oppo
sition. 5
The Franvtm D. Roosevelt Me
morial Commission must report to
Congress by June 30 on an y
changes it may want to make on
tne proposed desian of huge me
morial slabs in Potomac Park.
Authority to build a .National
Cultural Center in Washington ex
pires Sept 1 if sufficient private
funds have not been raised by
hat time
REPORT . . .
Rules Makeup
they poit out that many Demo
fr.iL up for re-eiectKm are polit
ical freaks, elected in the dta
trou 'for the (iOP' year of li'oR.
( ne lVmKrat ure to zo u
Ohio s acid-toniued Steve Vojnj,
who ark John Brisker in the m.t-
'r upet of I'.3 ot.rs may n-t
h- t.'ier to eek re-e!ect:on This
will not prevent Bob Tart .Ir . jtirt
elected Conressman-at - La:$e.
from takir.i h; Senate seat
Republicans hpe to knock o:'f
i.i:ar.a rce Hartke al the
ame t.me State Sen Rusel! Bn
t:a;or : a poMb.!:ty for Lte
rviminatinn So is Cor.crevmai
I-n.i.d Bnjce. recently elected to
h er!.?d te-rn
M.nne5nta' Ku:ene MC trthy
w!l be ch.Vlered Who will N
tne GOP nominee is uncertain al
Walter ,hd :s r:r;
T c;d in cer.vri cxc'.c Jii
h.- fa-f tor H-vuse re-ec!:n
al'rr d-at :c cerrxrrardenrs of
h Cf-r;-pii'" a! ..'. :u t
rA Sors Ralph arhvrm::'i
fa-,e troijhie on to fronts Ar.ti-
arborrih iVmoerats. who are
trie more mrica't members cf
the party, exoect to orr-e him
:n the-r p'irrary Cne rv-sih e
raV'a"e Cnr:-e-rr.an J;m
W":hr. wrv-i wr..d expe.-t fe
ta :t -.;po-t of Lv-Jvn .ichnsn
aid Jor.rt Cor.nal'x Rejbjcan
w'l! cmfa:n al! o.:t for Yar.
Nn; r-i hrre to g;
.'o'-ji Tow rr fmrr.r r-nr,; v in
H ' l mrd Pre. 1(ilrrnalKl
1ic.iv n TV.ir--'v IVc r:.
"'.t da; of !; -.,;h j,w h t'e'.-
1-e rr-K- i' ar-sj."...-; :i
T-e nvy-.r; i-e r..i
TV e.- s;.;s j.r J.-
Tif N'H ;.". ,iv .;,-;,v
iv Krr. i b--.-. : cvrr.-t
Fi.lf-..: x
'" t.. c . ! ..:-r
t.-..- r. .t v-.t s
' e -.Ji.i re- (.-: kj
.- ir.r,-'d .--o a --ee-.t
y': it ,v.i a-, w,;.
.T.-.r; a ' t.-? :.ir S".ies
' .'.js ri 1
' VU-.- H: tf .'.-;-.!
e r-r :.-a'f t-e ..-v ai
e.--ed le - b .,
'" ''.. Jr?-?r a - -,r'
Va- a is t.v Th.
I tV.,;- it b! Seen 4 j:H
an ron f.:v