Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 27, 1962, Page 5, Image 5

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Cancer Symptom
Bv W. 0
Ult.VVliST DT. M.D. i! t ad a na:i head Rmu 1
Wriiirn lor jaelnerd a lubv that had ater
Newspaper Knterpriie Assn. u:i :ne bram. Ii did not live
If I have been lasinj chiro-j There is no record of abnormal
practu- treatments lor my ncrw births in my family or my hus
and eer sirne I started this treat-ba:id s. It 1 become pregnant
ment I have been 1o.mii? w eight. I;acain what are the chances that
lust 15 pounds in tV last three jl mil hjve a normal child''
months and 1 was not overueidu Vuhontics who have stud
io start with- What shou.d 1 do hod thi problem say that 4 a
A AllhoMth ciuroprjctors have couple have two nuiiormed chil-
been known to heip persons mthjnren me third may be normal but
certain ailmenis. t:iey are n.:'tht chance that it wili also be
skilled in tne recognition and niahormed are greater than for
treatment of ail diseases. Hec.nise lb.' average married couple
rapid loss ol weight is one ol tne Wneihcr you should tak-
warning signs ol cancer. o.i
should have a thorough examina
tion by a physician to determine
the reason for this loss. In tlie.
case of cancer and many other
conditions, effective treatment can
be given only if an early diagnosis
is made and the most appropriate
treatment applied
Q About to years a::o my
first baby was stillborn because
a -
. . . i "
l t - i
tiwOi' i ni-itn" 1 -i -
Zone Hearings Slated
In Hew Hearing Room
State Notes
Up 56,451
PORTLAND - L P!' - The pepu
lation of Orocnn was 1.823 1.13 on
July 1. I'.m-j. the Oregon State
Board nf Con-iu aid tixln
The f i cure represents an in
crease of 36.4.) 1. r 3 2 per cent
over thr April 1. !? jetloral ton
his co;nt
The Willamr'te WtV.cy wwi
8n increase of 7 5 Mr tent ami
Lane Coiinty jum; by in y poi
cent, the board said
Jel'fervn County, uih con.-tmc-tion
linger wav ,,t Round Butte
Dam increased ."W 5 per cent m
population, the hidic-t rate in the
taie. tolbued In Sherman Coun
ty, also with a construction h-mm.
at Ifi 1 ;er cent, the hwd ;i.d
Incre-ise of 7 prr cent or rrwrr
occurred tn Be.'iton Jaik-'-n. Mar
in. Polk ahin;t n and Yam
hill comrtie
Twenty counties m.ie.t-e 1 in
population, and 1 dvrt(e1
The laret (i:p as m C'.at"p
ihance is not an easy matter to
dcade. H is- a peronil matter
and is up to you and your hus
band. Ii you decKie not to take
tiie chance, you miht roister
with a ropuubie adoption agency,
one ret-omrr-emied by your doctor
or your church.
What is the cause of bur
sitis h there any cure for it"
A A hufisa is a sac tilled with
!!uid and attached ti a laiie ten
don near a major joint to minimue
!nction. Bursitis, or inflammation
of the bursa may result from pro
longed strenuous use of the adja
cent joint and. if the bursitis be
comes chronic, the pain is accra
aled by the depoition of cal
cium Kemmal of the bursal fluid
throuph a needle and injections of
hydrocortisone into the bura may
allord relief, lltrasound has
helped some perswns. In pcr.eral.
X-ray treatment and open opera
lion are not adwved Ken though
the region is paint ul. movrment of
the juint through the full ranje
sexeral time daily t essential to
prevent stuienin.
! had an attack of hins
on the right dt' of my chest five
years ao Kvcr Mru-e. I hae had
.t pain in my nvht arm eiy se
eie at times. My d.nt.ir has piv
en me ACTH. cortisone, salicy
lates. itamin ii -12. procaine, and
other dnis in tal)let.s arki in shots
but 1 still hae the pain U
there any other treatment1
A Tne few person w'to have
vrsistent pasn after an at'a.k of
s!iini;!e usually have a iiard time
tu zct rehef ien bio-kmc the
painful ne'-vom innnilses with pto-
.ihm' and the other forms of
J. Murtaugh
!n Program
Ca-t Jvthn K. Muitauch ha
1-vci) nismed one ol the lirt serv
icemen !rom kmi.sley Kield to at
tend the Air Force s OjHuation
Roouap an eiiucational pro
gram w Inch makes n piibie
for a er iceman to receive a
evi'-eo tniucalion.
Captain Muitaiuh. a radar in
terce, t ofiKcr trom W icon:n
Rap;c.s. Wis . was cho.en for tin
program hivau.se he had amassed
enough college creifits in after
duty hours to quality lor the
Kinsley eiucation nr. i am
When a student neeils only a lit
tle m-tre college work to net a
decree, he m.iv qual : tor d;vr
alion H.Mtstr.ip.
T: e ;r Kuive w.ll srnd Cjptjji
Murtaiuh to tne ln:rrsi:y ol
fimiahj early net month where
j!ie will complete li.s c Uccc chi-
i-atinii and finale wun a rnnne
ktr o! science decree
C.ipt.i n MuiiaJh ami wde.
Kdilh. have two children, Su. m
Marv and .Itlin Stuart
m which tlx pub-j clerk'? o:;ue t st.li occupied by
its v;es betoreja r'rtJon oi Uut detartmem. The
Countv tourl on; room has ben tv.trt:t;oiiei into
.w o a: isas. w nh lhe Aouth pr
tion mm tKvupuxi by the deputy
axiniy clerk and an assistant and
the mrLh jvrt now farnun; the
new hearing nxMit.
The irtiliomni: ami othtr wurk
was completed at a cwst to the
county of and was yr-
formed under the directum ot
W ar: cn Parr. cintractoi , w !oe
empk'yes laid floor tile in a part
of tin room, const pact ei plat
forms and painted the walls.
County CommisioiK'r K r a n k
lianon s,nd the heai in;; cootn is
not tor the cciuie ue of the
county o.'iiil
Oilier oriianiattons na retnicst
its u se by a pp I y n in ad v n n t e
to the cninty tvurt, the vmmts
Moner aid
iur hearm,
: will epre
the Klamath
whether ;on..i.; iKulJ be extend
ed to the suburban arva of Klam
ath Kails wi!! be held m a new
hearing nxm adjacent to the of
fices of the curt in tW ecmnty
courthouse during the lirt lou-
Aodmd.fys m January.
The dates of the hearings are
Jan 2. 9. 16 and 2J. according
to the iounty planning tvns-altant.
Ken Blacknun. Times will be an
nounced later
Tiie addition to the quarters of
the county court wa toi nierly
part ol the county clerk's otUee
but was vacated when that of
fice moved to it present 1. -cation
in the new addition to the
courthouse, last July.
Part ot the rwm which for
mer! v hoti.-evi tin1 entire count v
eve t
lirR.LD AND Nt'ns. Klunalh Falls. Orr.
o.mtv w 'iere a li cf
i ent rtcc'ji n-d I..;K"'n T 1
Com. Currv am ttmla
ties !viwed Io-m1-
Tt'.e lai set tta! p-jHi'al :-n a.n
f'lr the year ending Ju!v I. tJ
of any single city wa rei.iterei
at Conalhs which earned .1
mostly by annevation
l-ike Oswego and M.lwaukte en
tered tbi over lOtmt cmrny
w.th Mtlwaukie bremme the Uih
ranked city tn fren Hcbur;:
tiwik ovn Krh i!.n r
FBI Agents
Stymie Bank
Robbery Try
M er jtieatnvnt fail, a Miren i sme
.imotik j'.mes (.il'e-i in to cut the involve)
tn;r ' p 1111 une-s r. m iiHij i
tu.n HM-fuk m irrf.-fk- W-.lm: S MtWWM W 1 I I
the olfcndinc nerve and wverina "ung man who attempted to rob
it completely
riesp send your qnentionn and
comments to Ir Wayne G. Brand.
I;k1i. MI), m rare of this pa
per While Ir Rrandtadt cannot
iinwrr individual letters, he tll
answer iettef of cnera! interest
m f;itwe tolumn
Loyalty Prime Trait
Of Better Employes
v imi'sib to int;o-
my mot tier the
m m thr ";ep
-i i.t. v a k a:rt-it
r. ,.r ('.ndrrella So
her I w I
rr mdrt; This lomii t aot
nur mrtthrr. SH It twr lather'
i(r Intrnrfwe hrr m r la
ther' i(r. Thru xlil hf tirt
,.-d it uttei
:.n l-.mic:s M- h.. d.ar hrr
h-mi a br.r-.t. ha'd k.i.. 1 -t U sin k
y-,.r; man w:iu : w.,r,y an.-i; !ni-vl:r; '
-a-us r ; de-rv.Ar. rr.e !
jgSk U-T.:.ed t.,;vn Lv
Hr f 'I u rd t..t. .,v ir.'.t
til aiirnil iJ .h a I. -mi
. ,. . , , , I"-.!' Am L:.C'
- r,; fr.r. rr
I: ha tarn im jr.w.r. " ' ''
rr. :.tnt d.M. ;" .-.! .r !
rr,...T).lTvt.,'v'.r.v ,m fv .'rtc:
lltiiM Ti irt.t '-- k
t T.jk' ) t'c.r nT "
riuvn!(n hji.k todav was ar-
n-!til liv !uo FIJI iUi-nls iio
haiicno1 tn te in 0t bjnk a! the
ume. the hlil rrjirtt
Frank Vriet. aionl-miharcc
hrrp. identified tn u(et
Hnl-.jrd Utvin H:un. 37. or.j.na!
Iv frori Watertimn. M.. ixi
mo't rerni! (rum Hunn'.un
l'.i:k. a.il
Vent M .nle II i. in the
Hiiwrnu H.nk it ,l r.r arxl Mar
ket M at U) a m on I HI
:ien he nutiti! M''!'an
lie :irv"'e' rH-:i.t'l a i i.nia
jtree t'r eeral ni.ruiU. IK
arii.i:',ii t:;e i' fi'
Sino-indian Peace Plan
Seen Slanted For Reds
Ltdakh once was part of Tilvt,
now incoipivrattH, into Krd China
Chinese (xinquest of Ladakh would
give them tle Va l a I'as whetr
an all-weather load lead stiaight
into India
By 11111. KV4SOM
I VI Korriitn Nr Aoatykt
In hot and te;uny Colomiw.
ley km. representative ot i
Mro-Asum ciMintiK's were seeking
a ewotig Milution to tne uio
Indian btider war
At lite dose of the .r tiinr day
nut'ting eai !y tins mutitti ttiey
s'.! a remarkable slahment
huh could only lend wmtorl to
Uie tuHi L Junee
KepreMJiUii at Uu meeting; ol
if apmted (e.vmakers eie
yion. Canitod.a. tUuma. In
d'WMa. Itiiaiia ami tiie tinted
Arab Kcputmc
Nowlieie in the . losing Mate
ment was tneie a mention ol
Coiutiuinist aggression Kathei .
Ilie calliM upin tne disputants
to settle their fanci ami tnus
presrt ve lh' HHce and not)
dinmetit ot Asia and Atrua
l.ariakh Inr i hma
T irv v.jg.std in Yot atiotis U-
uncT taken on a basis w hu h Ti an-i"" 1 Minis ti
Aouid le.stuie temtitty to India I jvi tt-d the lull to
n the imrtheast but winch wmiltl Undidav tiavelrts diuv
e'l'Jiie Imlia to aree v a ne
militanrtl buffer "nr in tlie
est Siuh. un 1:1 cement would
leave the Chinese in vntual inn
tiol of the Uidakh iin-a of KaMi
;mir. Indian i'nnie Minister Nell
run reaction wi undeiMamiabJj
Red China i massive atia k
against hotdrr aiea traditionally
t iamiet by Indi Mirrrd feat
thimilKtut "Smttieast Ai and
tne Matrrnrnt isvd, by Vr st;
1 iciiet twin of tfial b at 1
gup of
'ts d.l
Death Chills
Yule Spirit
UAIXA I IT-N.arini
tol:s dampened t hr;s!rs
today as Hntain atwf thr
tmeni wete 1k k.-d in tiie
a hitler coi. wave
More than yon h's(,t
vi'dint deaths on the ro.nl-, riv
eri and lakes, as h1I as m f-res
and weather cnnnei ttii ata!.t;rs
inetv-vv'ii died by 4 p n to
day in Hntain wlu-ie th- l bust
mas hnlidav U lmii Kr dav T);e
id it ev
diatc'v as
hnnu- to
Krartce led tfw contiorniit! tnl!
with 411 d-d. n ,lurtK atln
butrH to thr treemc wratlwr
i Uaimn f f 1 c i a I it rriorttHt
j:it (ie.Mliis, Thr NeU)iin.U r
((.rrmsny 9, Sjyun. Switm land
and Sweden 3 rah.
Tliree d";en avalanibrA Mttisk
tmt1 arras in four Hay
o-i'v i-e man tc;ortr4
auft and he wa fiff out i!;e
nr t4 fiw worst hohd.t a. 1 ;d-n-hai'trifil
ri r m r ( b.i'r.' imt'.i
Kor if Ind a c.ld m.t He'end i , r wi.)lf. lMJifc mowr,(
ms,I: then b.w "u!d she hrlp'(jl.vn w f.a (-.V-tnafu
'hers' :r ,, ur ff(lr
II pr.-.aS p .t f-.afd bv ,vv1 , t,,.,Vv lti, iin., , w,n .4.
",f six ra.itrals wr;e n-t an irvi fi.., y ) , ,.()M)(,
Top Airman
A 2 C r'ullip A IK-Uvit. air
oivration socialist of the Knd
F'.litei' liuerceplor Squadron
Kmcsley field, has icn dwxsen
Viinun oi the Month for Noem-
I'nl Kdwin .1 A itcnburger.
commaiidiin olticer of the air
Held, has piesentiM Airman Del
(nil with a certificate and a Sw.1!
cliecik lVIhvrt will also rex'eive
10 gallons of (ias from Sam's
Corner in Klamath Kalis, articles
of clothing from local merchants,
and be uest of honor at a Hi
warns Club luncheon.
iVllx'ii. a n.ihve of Rayonw,
J . joiruH. the Air Force in lyoti
and came to Kinijslev Kivld from
Iiyarbakir Air Hase. Tut key, this
year He " i umari uxi and ltve at
tlie air bae.
Stayton School
Gets Principal
us I'aiiii'tH'!!. a lavully nwniiier
at Cen1r.il alhuiic lliih S-hi)
in I'oitland nw IW. h.u l-en
naltii'd pi iiu ip.il of the ih'rt He(Ii
Huh .vIiikiI lieie
1!ie m IuwiI is tuiiler ennvti tu linn
nl i mIhiIhIii! Io en nri
Thimdar, leermber TI. 19M
Nina II Compltes Voyage;
Slower Than Columbus Trip
I Fl Ttv Nim 11. re(lir4 vl Uie
niallri.t slttp wmnI tn Chi itivfvhr
t.-oiunibus"s diiwcrv of tlie Sen
pletcd a Mtnilar Ntna.e 17 das
;!t1er 5ailmR from Talu-s. Spain.
Columbus Ik1 il Ix-tler. Ili tJups.
ttif Nina. Piutj and Santa Maria,
Irailuxt S.H1 Salvador lit 70 da.
27 davs faster than tlie Nine U
Columbus sailetl from Talos on
Au( 3, U. ht!o the Nina II
sailed from the .same port la-l
Sept 19.
Tin- Nina II iiossl the Vtlanur
ately. despite fear it haf foun
dered, bivome lost in a huriH iae
or .sunk, and the crew planned to
e-ciiact later ttxlav CuIiiiiiIhis's
andinj; on this Hahamun Island fi
aimost fie rentwies aria.
The vessel, a iy. miml hot
wined sqiiaie-npsi'r uhu-li is a
replti-a of CUmitus's smallest
ship, anchored off San Saha.iar
late Tuesday ntsht.
Tlie ciew came ashnte and was
creeted hv an impnatitu Itahatll
lan celebration, including a brass
band and dancmi: on the beach
Naunator Robert Maiks the
only American aboard, said the
ship did not overshoot Sail .Sal
vador as originally imlicated.
He said the 40 foot sailing ship
camo along the southern tip ol
the island on Chnslnias Ke. But
liecause it . oiler dark the
crew plamuM to ikh-k tor ine ni,m
nil the t-iHiiniunilv ol Cockhurn on
the lower west shore
Tins wus done liecause landing
ceremonies were sot lor Christmas
Hut. since Die crew as iinsWr
tn attract attentnw from shore bv
staung Wits. 1h vessel was
driven west by strong fast
iliey did not lutie charts for
tlie wateis Ifl tite west, Marks
Mid. so they decided to ask b-f
a tmi wIh-ii an Interisliuid airliner
sighted the Nina II alut 16 miles
west ol San Salvador
In rrstnse to their signal, the
I S Skw sint a 2ft loot launch
Ito low 111 the Nine II
'571 S TAK G AXK IC ,
-h,n i n '
, :ied
(i.jr,!cr i
.e K..i s, a
.,-ts : J a 1
I V.
t. T .
r. a-vi
m i
i. av..:
at ,iny pi it r.
least i-iose to it
l'ivi'l:it K-nndv
l:.-l i h.iu a
.-..l!r-t fiM.lt tn '
. v..,. . 1 a'i ( -n
Ratline Period
r: '-i t:.e nr t! . s
ii I ! a: I::
MI !1
:..n I..!;
in I'nwti.n w
,it:i;e i1rn(i:f
liet e
to :
' 'l: i
at n
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AitrdlM0 f th it'!
To ffewelop mvnq tor J ndnv,
rr'xi wrl cir(rM"'(l" to iHmtt'V
I n, tl " I. It--, it
J s t
"lis Msirwy
.'! ' J-ev
.! 1,4,
Alt.. .
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VV40I "
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io?i n vm
tl4AVM 74s J
'1 !
rl n. af lw.rrn-.
i f.iv ' .re a -r.
-Ii-r n ri r v is a
lot ("If
l-a :i
I'aJ .. II
nas ir, Ri
! .jmmel,.'
Help Ul Help Othcrt
Shop . . .
4k 4 tflwixtk
vlxi was a liad
vends '..ne rrv !
!a k
- V-
io. raises evrn fi wn".
sav i- Uj I vr :r ed !
r ir. t.-.al r- c r. ' h-
e-a- I rr.av a
va c a-, v ...
lear ilr is ha' KhVrl
HuMvaH ka t ttv suW
terl. Clip rl mil lr vr kc
r.nd 11 Bin chantr an(
"Oa lovaltv II " l a
Bias. t aira wi" vr
el W him ami sJaivd tiv the
bxtKutmi be t-prrsrats.
"If must fttt1. fmirma
aal elrrnallv liM laull rrsira
-mir tiositKHi and hra n arr
a the vild. lama U r
Vart t i-MitriM P H t k
sn are a part lh !
m erodrnva M Ibe first
kitk ii1 em" '""
Ua aav aiMl vm ill a
er ka" "
:o prr-rr. rrv s.'lc
: :-.e ha:.i arer rr
Oviav or,, 'v ner, I c-t tn
in '.he :si"e S-vd I dfr. :
tt I ime'..nr fr;e'.
I put t:e kevt t'-e base-
v.-s. and e-.rn "-e k Is.
i a'...r B.t t.we is a
r. .ana', wjn
II i n f-n 1'-e ttviiii'rr
,,- - .. it YV.l .''-r:
' ' H 'vr vii -s n f-ti'
e in .l--f or -. ti d
t'e rrr
I C:-el a pe'-rf-r
i rm"!or.a.,v
l; o n name
tie tun ;-.e;e.
: :.at I p-.t
V a rr.vyv;
c, ir i'a'-ja'r
(: nar:.-r.rvrr
a-d Ta-
ari ard
e rr "-rv a rd
V t.--r-i r
. o 4 r.p :.e -4
ai FV a.r
! rriT.ri aj a
II - tar a. '.,.
tfV n". S.l- K
f Hi
fk.'e II read '1 '
tie Itr-ls
'. c,( latdakll rr
.nv i r.u tire or a
IfOkTfllM S Rt SM S sf
-r I
1- :.,A
!' ewfay
. '.-'di.iJd
I '!
-. a
:'l '.a:tsp'i sa -1
l.a fyis'inrie'l a
Ur fdlSl.a , tf
No w ri'r
-.r m s r-rrid
-rr" e
v rrar. .
rve e'er :
d V
Two-Alarm Fire
Damages Home
-rr l"d.7l.M v V, -
ie a"ii --r (ajsrd an r;.rra:ed
iir it vi dam.-r to a JrftT.e at sr.
i)-:SK In -rr,"..r. ta re 7 u ! d a
;fi- J u
V. !a
i:a;' -.at Id
:e: n "iat I
,. v .. a t'-r.:"- io v.? tK
. . r,,-,r I.v RSI I,:fTK
llrar Si. Tkaakt far tHiX
a aate mr simpatav
--t a i.' rl-i "-'.- r '
i srf,.'r'-v T'r F'-'i: ' .a '
B-rfau .'a;- a de.'.-.f
t a ,sd t e H.a. e
V- f.i ).' .
Ifil" Tr. .)
t "r :,-- t -r-
a"i e ae a.
b. '-.r-d
a -
e rr
rs"e O
; .v. t.-vs ,. .
. v -.n I j-wr
:Tr he L--.
erv. r
en:j J
T -ri r em '
a sua : i v '
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V. -j.SrKi sj'
r fjr-is !
. is rr.a:- ! '
! am a-
a- a r-j
Vri lavfsie-
e:l aV;reed
he t d t
t.. i v..- a year f -rrrii
tT.y- siend 'rl! to hre i eft l ten
-. r rvv.-.T e . irarr.ped
ir- 1 s.: ':.-essd ervre
m . , a a.
I Uast to iocii
. ua tau a a A a
1 He Pirrti
atain'. iisv-Vfc
January Sale
Prices on
Quality Furniture
Htirfv,' So.e'
StH Grrcri S)ampi. Too
Ok l4mr T.B 04
12th t Main
Res- 10.95, icofi S folding
Metal Tables
Reg. 49 95 coir oluminum
Reg. 29 95 oir aluminum
Reg. 64.95 cost iron
Reg. 99c each onorlcd
Entire Itock, rubber or plottic
Garden Hose
V3 Off
Reg. 39.95 Zenith
Table Model
Reg. 16.95 Zenith
Table Model
Req. 49.95 Zenith
Clock Radio
Reg. 19.95 Rower
$12.00 I
Your Choice
6 Sets eniy
Vi Off
Including Blaie,
talking horte,
3 different model to choo from, your choice
Refrigerators $75.00
Moy109 Aufomatit
Used Washer $30.00
Noij. Automatic
Used Washer $65.00
Matched Poir Weitinghouia
Vasher, Dryer $95.00
Your choice delui. Norge or Wettinghouia
Used Washer $85.00
Reg. 189.95 new Watte King
Dishwasher $149,95
Save! $50 Trad Allowance lor your otd
Rong on a Nw
Norge Electric Range
On Any Gold Video
Tuner Model
On Any Other
734 So. 6tK
Pf.TU .Mm
'(:, J '
f :t -