Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, December 27, 1962, Page 4, Image 4

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'1 J
ThurwUy, Dtnilr 7, IW
IIKRAI.D AND NEWS. Kluiuth Fll. Orr.
Union Plans
For Fireman
Stock List
Heeds Asked
'. It there nrf othfr tiyk JJv
J.itinns you wmri aiWH to this
J:st. pirate write to the Herald
nd News, Slock l.M. If enouRh
request nrt receive) lor
certain itock, every effort w'U
be made to otitain quotation!
in it.
II r I. Dlted I'rrti lalematlonal
were firm today.
VunKi.ton Mnt jlipped m-ar
!y a point in a mixed leoI mm
lion. K"1ik added clos to 1 mi
an erratic ilicmit-al Knmp,
auto were narrowly mui-d
IBM and Hfikman pt'hrrwd
Aell in It clelronict and Amer
ada lacked on nearly I'j in the
oil. Bendix advanrrd nearly a
point in tlx- aircraft!
Some mi-taW and rail v;firned
A Southern Pacific Railroad
lo omotive lircman, who prevent
ed a erious acoient when he
look over a uxomotivc in now-
urwiiP'ow fccrvu e norn a tinmen en
gineer, win oe nunurwi nere rn-
d.iy viith Iiia union'i international
safety awaid
lennit A. l-p'jy, 35. Ava
Ion Street, a 10-year ve'ern m
(Jim-man on the Southern Paci'ic,
will receive tlie November Safe-
Allied Chemical
Alum Co. Am
American Air Lines
American Can
American Motor
A T 4 T
American Tobacco
-Anaconda Copcr
jinta Fe
Hcndiir. Corp
Ki ihlehem St-1
' Hoeing Air
Caterpillar Corp
rhryler Corp
CiK a Cola
Columbia Gas
Continental Can
Cronn Zcllerbach
Crucible Steel
Curtu WrlRhl
. Dow Chemical
IJu I'ont
; Rnstr.an Kodak
''dVneral Moton
' Ci"iri;ia 1'aeilic
' (irevlwund
Gulf Oil
kial Power
1 B M.
lnt l'aier
John Manville
Kennrmlt C"pier
liorktwd Aircraft
Montana Poim
1 MonlKomery Ward
'.Natl ItiK-uit
;New Yoik Central
;rtortbern Pacific
;JV Ca Klec
- Jvnney. J C.
jlVnn till
JVrma Cement
' Phillip.
I'rocior Gamble
It .-.dm Coriratam
1 15
7.1 S
44 (
' 4.".
42 'i
' sin
by a few More firmed. Vermont!'' ""r" " nroinernooo oi
Mminv Norfolk t. W!ern and ; lx orrw.Hi, e I- iretm-n and Krijine
Ceneral Villi weakenM but lied'""'" W' uick acl.jfl In (ak
Owl Store. Wirkin and Xerox '"I "v HK-omotive ironi ni
riac alxnit 1 or tetter.
PORTI-AM) U'l'l' 'L SUA -
UvesfK-k :
CattJi? K); few hi$tvi.tr
ef(od tlouyhlrr fwifer 22 24; li
tannrr und tirilcr w 11-14
Colvpi 10; few $ji utvi t-tioir
fwleri lb 27. Mrfhiim heifers
HH 75. rrKfcly I m 2 Vi
2rt lb barrow ami gilU IH TVt'J
.Shwp 50. no early salrv
CHICAGO aIM -(iruin raiip
llljth U low
Mar 2.1 Pa 2 10' 2 l-,
My 2 0H 2W 2 0HUS
Jul I 1 M'. I iS-'i
Sep I0I 1 1 1'Jl'i
!Mr 74'4 ,T:il4 .71V74
! Hay .701! .frt' .70' j
i Jut ,fi7'i .Wi4 7H
Srp .H'4 .67S ''4
Mar I 12 J 1l3 I 32 Vi
May lJ4 l.M I2fl'j-S
Jul 124U I r't
i-niiterr, wlio (aLally jitnek
on. urfvcn.j itu rrKJvemerH of
the loromMive o.rr tra'k
rup;el by oliier trains.
71w uvkarH - Mwnninj; r.u!rrvWT
Mill fn l;iixi-d at a lunrb-
iiloii'i rn'i.iy. imc zb, ;t nmm
I S. (.'. I'h.llijo, CU'vrl.ifjd. a.i-
hUtUirK prcsKlrnt o( (he .WK
im-ir.!T rail binliwi IkkJ, will jirt1
M'fK tfie awai'l whK'h ronsinU of
a !i'iH atxl U'V), U 'II b f j 1 rwi
A(.cr'linc to a brotKrlKifxi
Ki.i!rm'iit, ik.i(i'ty a-Adids are pre
MwitM monthly lu drerv uiji Uk-o-fivtivc
hrrm-n wrko. Ihrouyh kill.
rilrrt iwiix arid tU l km to luf y .
(tifvrrit or tmn.inuf tdit ari
In i'fhlion, a yearly ajtrd
ik given one of the 12 monthly
recipient.' m-hi t-I by a t-uminit
te of hiiftiiM'Sh, public awl labui 1
The ftl.KiK hafity awanh
Itave wmii the nolKe of (tie Na
I1011.1I Safety t ouni il Die nalin
at fuifety or K.uu.ili'in v"iJ1
tintfeiliiMii a Certificate of Mer
it for otiMawlmf; work in pro
motniji rail ahiy. Kmir IU.K4K
avard unmet have at receive!
( arm-ie MeLiU Kor lleroim
Tle men lent wlinh brought I
nty the Nmi-rnrM-r. y-2, award
otxurrwl Nov 25. 11. in rued
mHintain trrntory. I (hj) wa the
tiirfiun nn a k-onv'tivi- in mmjw-
tilo mtv he erumeer w,
' I, m .X;..,.J
ri - t'i 'ii?h' 1 yKZZLX --.---'
---- t3nL w milMil I1 Hi H III I h Ml '
DANGEROUS GASOLINE LEAK Fir. Chief Gno Gheller jhow. Herald and Newt
reporter George Alotrico the ijaioline itorage tank at the Shell Oil Company bulk
plant on Soring Street that loat abojt 20,000 gallon Wedneiday morning. A pipe
undar the boardwalk, in background, apparently rotted. The leak has been stopped
and two men will stand by with hoses Thursday while firemen attempt to find the
faulty pioe. The immediate danger that existed Wednesday has been minimized as
most of the leak'ng gas has bfen flushed away.
Indian Mum Abouf Gold Hospitdl Plan
Despite Jail Sentence Chief Slates
Klamath Trip
Central Figure In Death Triangle
Tells Story Of Mitchell's Threats
Kosalie Mitchell-centra! fiiure Uousht from the itnci her "lay
in a triangle that brought deathman's opinion" as to the gentfii!
to Dmnre Dan YerkoMch last i mental condition of the accused
Sept. summoned to the I Mrs. Mitchell appraised. "I
,,r,it .irt of .lurife Daviri ft. ould say he is sane," as did
Vandenberg Wednesday afternoon ; three other witnesses
when she related a story of jea!
ersde Street, sister-in-law oi liiciia5t summer.
triangle. Herbert defendant, and Mr. and Mrs. Cle- Rosaije, who had the Hle
rmnt Stevens, loiu i-ieasam .w f lhe atT,Jsed (or 16 ears ad
oue. who admitted to having as- ,s ,he molner o( ,w0 chlidren as
sociated with Mitchell socially for,he resu of um lM
ousy and threats to the jury which
will decide the fate of the other
man in that
Floyd Mitchell
Mrs. Mitchell tesuiieo tor near
ly two hours m the lust degree
murder trial of her former hus
band, remarking lir. on three
conversations she hafl wun tne
defendant in which the accused
vowed to slay Yerkovkh. and
iater commenting on the incidents
that occurred at the lime of the
She began her testimony about
2 pm and answered questions!
asked of her by deputy district
attorney Sam McKeen with con
fidence, except lor an occasional
wavering of her voice.
To queries from McKecn, Mrs.
Mitchell disclosed the substance
of threats Mitchell allegedly made
to her against Yerkovich on vari
ous occasions. In addition, tne
deputy district attorney also
w ho f o 1-
oed her to the stand, including
Mr-. Shirlev Mitchell. 1U39 Kiv-
crcd part of marriage" and is
p'ivileaed. regardless of whether
or not that information was
made public at a divorce hearing.
McKecn then diverted his at
tention to the subject of the
threats Mitchell allegedly made
ainst the life of Yerkovich late
three such instances.
The first threat was made about
Aug. 15. following her return from
a month's vacation in Tennessee,
she testif.ed.
.McKecn asked: What was
the past 12 or 14 years
The efforts by McKeen to es-tabli.-h
Mitchell's mental condi
tion was an attempt ta weaken
the cjse of t ie delense. which
seeks to prove that .Mitchell was
nut responsible lor me aneSeu,,H , lh, ....
slaving by reason of insanity I .... . . '
tarly in the proceedings. Mc-;Dal) verkovich" Rosalie rooKerf
N.n trieo 10 eucis .ro.. .. s. ..Wc te UJ hj
MitcheU the rean she filed for, .. VcKeel) ked a
divorce from the defendant dur-, . He 5a,d .,., (() m
,ng the summer of last year, but .Yerkovich.' " she answered dehb-
the attempt was met with an oo-crat(,y
jecnon from the defense attorney. I Kosale (cslfleJ
who argued that such informa-same day yhlMl relIfrated
V" ?? 'rrcl'vant t?!htat irei" V"
Judge Vandenberg upheld the ob- er
jection. ruling that the relation
ship of a married couple is "a sa
M.llt yt Kltyt K. XM. 'I.TI lliid the gold. I.JhO unls of it
l.e Suao. a S.mla Clara Indian in !ind ing.its. on the Santa
wtio puMimahiy knows where ( lar Itesf-rvalioil in norttietn
v..'i mo in gold bullfn is hidden
oil his reMv.ition. was in jail to
ilay became he won t t II where
A man who said he is a grand
vnn ol Mi..Muri's notorious harKiit
Jeve .l.il.lfS claim (kit .Limes
Prim 11.111 It . m VST tnd. l"" Mrs Me rnnicr.
Bid Aokrd " N'er Iliry wcie pie
7 (AJ ianng to enlrt' kHlm wlsrre
4 71 ttwy wrie to pkiwf in) lKpuy
13 12 M,t calling siLiutt to (he ei gi
11 ?4 n' - whuh (iie edklHMvr uwild
not mh ii. n tu i.oc oi me can
Ihe lixtwiolivr pavl oer a
Ailih alfl lrpu traiir.1 the
UtHrfiiF ttn iiiiiraftilig in
Htl uttier tlian flowing fkiwn
g f ISTi aice oi ilaiMW,. nr iim;n n
15 hm rea.lilv we miwr a.Ml g in
Affiliated Kunil
Atomic Fund
Hliw ItHlga
t'henucal ('und
t'omw Inv
Diver Growth
r. k II M.k
Kldellly Capllal
Fidelity Tiend
IT Fin Inv. Fund
4 i'l
12 211
12 on
10 21
i:, ..
12 M
7 57
14 70
II U 1
10 til
W, '
;i; k: ;
Kl hheld Oil ' h oumVeri F und i M
Safeway Fumtamenlal 9 l
Sears , Uroup .sc lorn II yl
Shell Oil M't (lr See Avia Fl 70
S.k-ny Mobil Oil Hamilton II II A. 4 wi
Soillhem Co. 51S Hamilton I'l 4 79
.Vmiliern Pacific Intrp Inv.
Funeral Set
For Donelson
I'uncial rrui". for Mi-iwin
M.ll.fl linrison. .i Wig time itni-i-tit
of Mamath t'oitntv. ill he
l ld Frkiay. Iec 2;l. at J p m
l.oin Wards Klamath Funeral
Home Final rites with military
h.,n.i.s and inletnwnt will lie in
ttetnal IMls MciiKinal tia.dcns.
He was a native of tHicsne.
1'enn . I'in March 21. I'7
Mr IhineU-n d.ed at tlie fam
ily home. I.'iiii S.ir'enl vrnue
1K 7.V lie h.id hr-n ill only a
(ew d. lrdth tiitioed a heart
ll.i, k
He tame to (Mrg'm Inim I'enn
Siwrry Hand
SuMaid California
aoodard Indiana
Standard N J.
Sun Mirtei
' -Va t'o
Ifrvaa Gulf Sulfur
: T. s Tac lnd Trust
Tiana Amerua
Tiana World Air
Til Continental
I'nion I'arhide
I'lsioa I'anlie
I'nilM Allitaft
l'nilel Air l.lnet
VS I'l, Dint
l: S Itul.Vr
. I' S Strrl
; Mr.l Hank Cwp
; Vetmi;!ioiis
l"'U A
9 U
laretlar'a (iraup Fyad
SI,- k.
I Keystiw S t
Kes none S 1
KrtMnn S 4
M i T.
41 iM I T (iiowth
l"8 I Sat I Inv
5Val Sec His
l Nlal liniwth
iHSrem Mill ll:Msss. I'ST Inrfas U rnl ( nnMienui
Sal I See Mo. k
I'iKiiain Fun.!
ISltluim Gntwtll
4'' Nele. led Vnier
K't IV Fnl
it'niteil icum
t nited I ana.U
);.tU of Amerka
M'l Pac Mil
n FteigN
CHci Minr
Fiuilah)e S a L
1st Nat 1 Hank
NIohim'H Kmden
Vn.t Kennels
W. Naliwal Cia
. O r.-. Metallulfx
: Pi il.
;S. Nat l Pank
iXjil.trd III!
;r,i Coast Trl
... r: haruvrr
t'nileit ltH-smw
l'n;tcti S letve
Value 1 iiN-s
S t.1
17 IM
m n
ii no
j in
1 1 i
I I 7
It 17
7 17
10 at
n ni
17 o
11 27
4 4
n m
iti.rflt hi srt to i!ie-.k on h ins
.02 lrl) (.mm! the .-ngmrrr hl'"l:,v1,nij m .JIi with his nxrtlier
lOW"rr 1'ir i'Hili,'!s wlh l!e hi
1104 motive Minnie i.l He mime
TVS dule!) h.it oil the eii.nr llmX
(Ir aci.'ini Hie hiak.- aii.f lo'TI
5 21 the tu n
I ini'l.-si-s work.lig on I'm- miw
10 v. 1 rf un.iw.i;e ol tlvr d.nrr
,-r tin (liana ottumiig iii.mSi-
d r. ll" .t' l-alif lN .w wid he
I j lelt he lud iii !" wh.it am
IH 47 "hef lirrlli.nl would hair been
lo m al'le to itu He kimI he was nM
a, ',t leal lul trust rl!.',' on Hie snow
2i, Ol I'liivs mm1 h ut i! the plow
14 11 rrHrie.1 (f e ma nl.ne atxi br alive
a insoUril m a i,.llni I
HK7 Oi'i'uv nas Ini n itfi-.rr,l l-s nr ( K
01 lST4f4-t IMMI S lrriK-r.il 1 .1 IF. .1IH r
II l on.nvttee 0.1 Ihe N.il?vrn I'a. 1
jlk a, iiirilii'ij to V II. V. Siihivrv
i.il San Flarwi.iv grori.il 1 liail
i m.4H M. S.thm-v w -.ll rne a
u,alni.c!er at liie lun. luvo
New Mexico alter the (nil War
.If-rse I., .lamrv M.imtou. Colo..
s.iid his grandfather gave him the
gold before he died, and told him
how to find it The gold was not
lo"t fnin rohlene. the graniKor.
said, but was collecUI by James
to help finance a hoped-for sec
ond reliellion in the South
James convinced I' S DMnct
-luls Waldo lingers at Aihu
iiieri)ue that if the gold cut it
11 leg.illy his
.lanw-H said in h.s suit that on
Man h 10. I'J, he and Su,i;o k-
atnl the g-'td on a mountain on
Ihe S.inta C lara Heorvation. fol
lowing his grarfilatluTS due.'
Hut .l.imcs s,i.d lie wa ill.
theie wa diip snow on the
mountain, and he dcA-i.ird not to
Irv to lairv trie heavy iniMs
iiway ininwMliatelv
Ilui belore he couid come baik
lor tlvr gnid. James said. SuafO
rnovnl il lo another hiding place
ami rettiM-d lo tell where it av
until Ihe "spirits" told him lo do
Christmas Store Goods
'Sold Out1 In Three Days
irtn m Ilh- Miil.vH Pilfnt Me
as rm tii m Kutm-.th Y aM
. IkI tttni a'lilidil Mi'.h the
Ki.im.ith K!U !VI tXlur in m?
At IV limr if .s rrliirmnrt m
V4 he a sa iletk
srnnl iirrM'i in Kri.mT
wild Vte I nit ixl V.irs Viniy tiir
irij; Wi'l V.r I aih1 at tiie t!or
tHH jmr 11 mmrptr o( liw Anion-j
ran l-ivum VrUian of Kr i
r vn Mim Hr rfturnril n
h.s p.(itn in t.V W) jt't oi ,
1 .. illrr t' A ii:4 ht x.
II K tmo m
Harr' V. Palmer, d. rector of
hopitdl planning and eontni ti in
(or the ()nt;Mn State Board of
Hraltn. uas to ha arnviti in
Kiamath KalL from Portland
i.r'Hit 2 30 pm,, Thursday, lo dis
iui the proved r-tahlLshment
if a ho-fxtal here with members
i the Intert'ommunity HopitaI
Palmer w.II meet with the fi-
iuim e and htiildins committee o(
ihe board to explain the reuula
tmns cveniin? the allocation ot
ihii-Biirtnn Kunds arxt al-o hov
orw'amation may apply f r them
The director will return to Port
end aliout 4 pm Friday, follow -n:
a buy two-day schedule dur-
inR which !m? will inspect the site
o. the propped hMpital. tour the
HiiUide and Klamath Valley tv
pitaK. with armu trw.p
irf the Inter-Cnmmunrtv HoMHtal
Committee, ami ivnclmle his stay
with a prew t-oriference
In addition, he will n'u!t with
tiie achnt!l lw are preiwinni;
plan for the proJO!xi buiUlini
and 1 to meet with the Board
of Tt tiMeei i mi tlie AtK ivr
Bn.ird 7K pm. nmrxd.4. in
the K.(t Prelter;an Chutih
Shelves and racks of the Christ
mas Store were swept cleat Dec.
21. after thre das of opera
tion. A total of 915 children of
needy families in the community
receded new clothing and new
toys from donations and funds
provided the Inter-Agency Council
which sponsors the annual Christ
mas Bureau and Store.
Nearly 300 families received let
ters enclosing point? fot each
t .,n i rim
t l.te
Nif tvi-rs r
.litdce iWer oidered Suao tn
ur f ender t lie it ld to J..mev
withHit waiting lor tV piii:'
.iNM-nt Hi.! tlie IMian, ho live
.it t!w S.tnl.i Urn Pu l'io 2
m.V n-iith ot Mntj I'l. d.d t'
4n lv IT. Itnc ordered i
Suao to ap,-e.ir in o)irt atnf et
(.lain wh he hjif n t ccn ii'
the koM Suao did not ne up
I'S m.irinU. on Houer' rtr j si S. 0
ht. arre-tro ua;o at ric .ania y,,.,,n jn, Pi, a;;
.'.oa IV.o Wr.)neMi.n a nd j,;'", 0v s,u!n"i
,ji'r-1 him in ,uM'''V', Hr i
he.d wt(iHit h-'H-l tint
Girls Sail
For Pacific
Police Told
Of Vandalism
Three ics of vandalism in
volving over J7t damase were
rejwited to Klamath Kails polic;
in the pa-l two d,is
A lar;e plate sla-s window at
the Ijnz Bell Lumher Co. at
Mam and Spring streets was bro
en earlv Wedneylay irv.rnins I'o-
hce (mind a heavy ca-oline cap
just inside the building near the
window The damage was en
mated at M
glas w imiow- in the door
.it the Spring Street entrance a',
the Klamath Aud torium appar
ent' w.i broken h salals the
anie moi"n.nj o damage eti
m.tr were maile
I arry Johnson. V.t o r t li
Tweltth Street, reported tnat a
i.n,i.iw m his auto wa hr
liriween 7 to pm Tuedav
child, invitins parents to come
to the Christmas Store in the
Klamath County Health Depart
ment and select gifts for the
family Christmas.
Volunteers on duty at the store
assisted the families to select from
stock whii'h included underwear,
pajamas, jeans, shirts, sweaters,
infant clothes, dresses and slioes.
I'sing funds donated by individu
als aiid organizations of the com
munity, volunteer hoppors found
Klamath Falls merchants cooper
ative in offering discounts up lo
jo per cent, and generous in dona
tions of new inercru.ndi.-c to tne
All local volunteer and UN-
supported agencies ot the com
munity cooperate on the annual
project. A phone, sen ice is in
stalled to enable donors and re
cipients to be matched up and the
The witness remarked that be
fore the shooting Mitchell followed
her whenever she was in the
company of Verkovich whether it
be to work, a motion picutre. or.
"it really didn't matter where."
she said.
The final threat aeainst Verko
vich was made about two weeks
before the slaying. She and Ver
kovich had gone to a local theater
and were followed by Mitchell,
who sal several rows behind
them. After the movie. M r s
Mitchell said she was confronted
by the defendant and was aked
to talk with him privately at her
Rosalie said she agreed and a
short time later the ioup!e had a
conversation at her home
' What was the nature of that
conversation'' McKecn queried
"I was told not to . him
Verkovich' ammoie If I con-
.timied to see him. Herb said he
?aid it didn't matter where we
were or who we were with, he'd
kill him." Rosalie said in a wav
ering tone.
Approximately one hour before
aving. Mrs. Mitchell said
W-j t
tin- 40 !o I a
n o a irmr
t :i
Ullman Studies
Mn June (lonelm
!;! one li.iV. I lionrl-
.u. SrvHt. me , a n.lrl Mi
IVter S:laio. a t-i mix-l-. tl,.ir'r
linu-;.i t'-is i '. . a.-o four
i .in.! tiil.li ro
Train Brushes
Man Off Bridge
,in.n lM:r
ptt'T'it I- iTCuSfV. t
Hut X njt
I I'l - Krp
i u ' rt A t('r
!fid i-'Pt.iliie
nVr el tV
Club Commends
Scout Troops
a m
Mi Was t'.-nm-.t
it k rM
!'ie S
k. Irarn t-
if im
i tr-at
t h.-
rir1 mar iner hireif tne c.r!
bea..e txc t.Vv nwke bet
iU-r i ;e mcmU :
j Thvy re nio.e ds-; and want
jtn ; irae on. thev t.ve order
Lm! t'-i- den t i,.,e liouh e at
i x'.i ! ve Mne men "
I y s nn s i-ri-w in, ;udt- tiiei'e
Vavrf. Sin r'rtii wo. .Is, kir
;M '.iff :4. .va .a an a rime
"rewardo Niai P:nl 20. an
i.iari1 (.1.,! jSt f 'T mitK
'or ai t- K.ir-l H k i
f I I'l -IeT V) am Uelned.y while thr
Lsil -rew wtlehule wa. parkel in front of hi
a, it i- :,ia hme JonNon -aid he d.dn t
'it Neiin'ixte lkniw who vould ha hmVen I
Mm k jHe frAed ouid aV-ut $'.o
'to rep a. e
numiuir miui i n n; in f.iir.; n O'istTVCd Mitchell Walking Up
The ChrMmas Bureau alo mtvcs the aii-Ie m the balcony ol th-
to i-oordmate activities of proups Kquire Theater. a she. her -
providing food baskets. Matmnery ear-old dauchtcr. and Yerkouih
anu stamp- are (ne oniy acminiv were watehm? the motion
trative co-t of the community mire. "Music Ma '
project, inu enahnng donateti Sometime later. 0 alleced
threats made by MilYhc!l aatnM
Vcrko uh apparently tame to
Mr Mit'helJ wa Mated net
tn ekoIh in Lie haYo'n w:ien
'riere rnciiried at k.it three n
l.er i. a; ;t ar.d an in
er U-tame a- are of
Yerkoikh .!urrpod aa:n her.
S:ie i.,i rot ee M.tt rie.i d i -i
na: h. fun into the fcniri of
e:h',viih Tle tl'T.i'.er lights
:i.iv'ed oti (, on: u-it'ij wa ram-
turni lo tie ued tor dirs:t as
iistane to Hie thiidren Mrs Bet
ty tote, county librarian. MTed
a chairman of the r-rojevt.
Ms Virginia livn. pteidrr.t
of the Inter- Vent v Cnuru il t'r
: rprevMd the apprn latie-n ixr!
( the organization to 2roui a-vi 'sr
:ndiidi.al cortributir.c. oW.r.-
4Pnter who worked, and all afc'en
and!"' parti' ijutinc
Porker Found
By State Police
' Embassy Denies
! Death Story
.l Ive woul reav h m l.na.
i-cim uo'.l titter bearv 'r
w d bv If o'lvm lire
V-r iVi'O'n IViuMAl d lv
:'ii t'H trt.nv ive-fr'ti
s f.ir IfMif 'r n-mni !!rr
'-td tt f, ' ;' e."' -W' ,M--e o-
ant :y i ;ib
'wn i s'M"n:'. W b'
iiiit tr(,Jtn' - ri' r
IV k bvrj Tt-e N
the 1 jfik i! . r.,ri;vrd t:r
.4 .t e
V, bt.t
s '--tl
! .I1C l
-pi (ve
d l
v ..;i
e i'bntma
ti-it J f.
Wiwiur!.!! Kvb- Wrd ew'viv
.VmH ii'I-fCathmi b tlv w'e ft
fimner duiatT Mai. iV ri
J-nvwi thai he .nj W ev, it
H If I I . vvnt ni -'m r
' jt; ti h tr
Potatoes I 1ie ettiS -r-i a
roKTt.WP - r'lato mml It mt't
ntkH a-'d w:!N,.t !-vi'(i tb.t
Mefv; Ot Run 1'N No t lYtei Jmer'i -4 t re";.
? 15 3 Kl few 1 7M (. 1 nrk iM b tts-.'.o LV ri
f re qi,al Z 9$. 1 W prfd Vrnej'' there l rv (V.:h
4 VM T. few 4 00, baker 5 XV 4 10 .1env '
Judging Stalled
! if'.:'-.
t-e o. e. i v. a"d Walt
.i 'in n of te Vta
. i-.. r ;tv' for t1
-r-t a.'i'tis'-at! U
k m i' I ptib c I -y
e if p n-e !-'.. ear a
i.k' l:r
M h m
4 '
fi e
ar.vi'vl te
m iv.v lo t V t a
w a rirk a t a;"t
e'ic.rr "d hi r !;
r T- n rr I. er 1
I I'y e-i r
ianJ t
i tv .;ir
! t :..
i I'm U
krr v- iH; J
e s I'jvk n1 -r-v r a
,'r',r itr j'.-o T? a Mn'
IV' ke e . 1 a,.f . f.-!k .r;r i
j Vcy we-e anw; 71 a. Kan!'
anwetnf y.i.nn a-erti.-e j
ji'nifnt lot an a '' iri rrew I
J.'Vr ai Vi'"" u.tit that hi w.fe
a v tr Mary V -n. ve-trd that h
t fwirett br;r anr vrvr ; t: to e
nir a h.iii ' rn h va.r He
; a Ve ' r'11, ,n H.ia .
b it be arxi s.'ie ili take orr a ' t
'w bv the mafe vn i"f i ; '-"e r n
J-.i. k e! t rvH her inJif t. IV ,;:h
v rax.!
t.-e tra.pj V Nt.''e a rd o.. tns
'4 ir, the nvuvr' uiNvr a
e-e a fe I Kah of tbe .r'. mi: Kei
ii i te w-t of t d t r tv
,,tv ;orri i : a-l virrd tAtene-. re
i 'rr -e r'j i,. .nr. ; om i .iK t
rvm ra re t e-t oj iy;
.ard teii.Tl tr '. r ar.v irr fru r.
Id mi V e a ; ; on te
H.:ia a'.t t.o a-d one
'a'.f m ,e wet o: Ken-i Wr-ir-
, ' I! o ou tan pr -r..: re
i.r i"vk i h p and ba
Loe, b ciwaxt-n; tv 'ae p !.
! TV Mate rii fovind a larie
,?; :;h a broken ba. k on th
s.ubwa and had lo hnnt tt The ther
'oriHiht il to a .siaihfer-innwitrf ra.e
an1 'liad it dre-ei (Kit to mc twn.h ar.i
! niea' h.iee" U, vear tf
TV parts that V t p.i car
r'airn t-V meat by ra":r,i; Mate
Po h.ftjijurter m Klam
a-.h Ka.i
Piper Sworn In
By Vandenberg
j .I.de Doraid W P.:n-r a.
ion n by t ircj:, ourt .bj.r
!la d K andenber; to vfre
fa si ear term a K".irr.th t -mri-jty
Circuit lourt luc'e ri.jrirj a
1 brief cerfnw -n. t!.e ".n'U--
tf.arrVr. aut J !3 ; m Wei
! I d.i
i .'i.-J;e FVprr .n a: n
K pnt !. (, i
Ha:!:r J ;n ,j : : v wr
ithe ca-e 'rt.'d b"i jrre t
'or ene ; fJe ?o htr: e !-
:'ne!.ti f omt di.r:r rrn
t.V jiirit a ..r-'r-r-i tr.
M. Kirn q , fiiorwd
rfT.'rr-er it a
c corn .ei
S:-.:r e !,:i .v.!.
e r-
M t
a:ed a lav on
t of trstim-Tv ;r
V: MiUhf '.!
t.-er , vt.ded t!'.i'
the !air.i Ve-
i'ie av
I d fK '.tl l
tre i'ir.''.r .
a f.fttfd t-i
N,b(h i Flo-tr Pair.
KN TTwk I'wM Hil Tr,k Ti'
Orrfri 1 II 17
ltiani. It II
roi l r.Roni n rnn l.i
Ikcttvuri BMdmlr
Mwkri MNr
IM Ik rk ltima
I S N. I V-r !. ! ! M ? u
-4 to II 1 - l-lw t M
Kakn- II M. ml M
llaM I IV rk t4l -rtilMl ! m
I S N. I limllr I W-f. I W
Sri ft U frtmm M ivtlat Wlk rli
I S S. U-l -.-l I M
I S V t-.M-l W
roMniM D nsn. ikki imoim
Oiriw II
i.)m tl A
Or o 1
Tt l All Otbn UI -
t .4 1 (v,vi"
n : m'i r a! .1 i
Not Same Man
V .
If .1
TU 4tO)
ii u n rin
J-S Cf Urnmp
MX 5J".Tl' iMi
7)0 Mm Si
k :V iWit ! t
! 1
9h & n. TU 4-31H
On repuUr 21" Tubti
January Sale
Prices on
Quality Furniture
Hurrv' Sa' Gel
S1H Gr S'imci Too
Cn Tn M
04 T.k.
T4 !
TriR4l Tkm(iM
tin-t TV
kt taW
Get Complete Details at Our
Model Home 5828 Estate Dr.
(At South Ini el Madison Strt)
2 Bedroom Home
trm tk fri
tT-k't WN tr4'
3 Bedroom Horr,e
Wit kv
IntpKt t'rr inch innd and out. You'll lot
th doient of rmrkobl troturot not tipttd
at iiKh lo pnc. S thm no!
TU 4 524
TU 2 0434
k M...
I Il'l