School Reorganization By Top State Official .'i i;,vc ouniy Ajg! dislnt ii in th dut-;b-jf ton l-iU'X.hie whoo! ivilcm in uhkhW wiAUuctionjil mat' mU. ' in- ;bo!h fturienu and trarhtrt could i MnirtKrul malriaU are expen '.' he moved to make lha h-nt ue of ive," Turnntil) Mid. "Thew ma' I elac k -vi-aco and to alleviate over- T croud. cor.dMioru," Jam-M Turn' bull. dyuly Hale fcufonnlmdent of public jr.v.nx'.ion, Mid la it welt in an excluiive interview it HrraM and New. T'jTibiil) was in th city Un vetk to rtw-t with the county s:hfKl board H alw altendi the Joint rr.fMinfi of the Klam ath Kail Citiena' CommJtti and the three county arhool boards. The depu'y iufrnntenHmt told the Herald and Ncu he ha been interested n reorganization Jor a k.rg lime as a poauble aolutwn to rrn;ir:i.K problem that plague the f""h'ol admmiitratnrf. "TVre t aUaya 0 poMibili iy or dnp;iration when thera are .' ;rve:a! c)vm diMrwU In a coun ty." Turn' nil emphamed "Popu htioni hift leaving empty rlna- rooms in one ctutrict while they overtax the ar It anrther rimtru t." he Mid. On. of the bene fii of a amIe county diN'rif-t I more equitable d:!;iiiutu.n of the tax load, the HraM arid New wan lild. 'Tax ri'Mctrcrs in jrvral are con Mved when the etiliie county wU up a n',I' m riool plan and work toward it." luintHill Nd "Krom an educational aUrnd-, the mnle diMrlot answer wm to count let. posMhili- ties." Turibull Milled Mudentfc cjuld tnyiy a ri eater diveriity of irii-irurtoit and teiichinR methods. Sw-rn ii( h as te-um (cat htiy; ni'ht be employed. A ajwiiaiifel 'in fcien e, pnuubly could give the benefit of Ida killt to cliil it:m in the entire cminty instead of )M tiHiVnU tn one achnril. Tiaa ;-uht. vlh a team of ai.Mant. muld move 'Irom . honl to tM hool on a planned arijedule thereby (JivInK a great er number ol wiem-a Indent! the t-enefl of his knowledge. New innovation uch a the I, of claionwni trlrwKin could be taken vtv..nlaL:e of in th " hnKf diktncu "New methoda ot ' umtnictain h h at TV are ev " l-rii-iv.-' Turnbiill em plumed ' unly tlw let-r duhtrtct could make tu Ik a )itt-rn et umiut al 1re rimia iiiiidirn m ttte tikaUUl !a;i(T the t la tn u terialt tmid be moved from whool to tcbffil on a frrhfiMjed ban 1 1 if the Mhw-ls are under one district rule." he sA. Ma teriali that wfuld be too ex- penuve for one M-hool to buy aione couid be pun-ham! by the district and shared by all the county school a. In a tpcrial bulletin publhed by t Aftncuit'iraJ M penmen Station o the L'niverMty of coiuin trie follow uix lummary ap peared concerning a study be;nK made on reorganized n hool di tricl in WiMonin "The vi dence in Wiwonmn favoring achonj diatrut reruanlzatKJn irwlurled higher arithmetic acore. greatr total achievement, more special teachera avaiibe better inHrui material! on hand, better reading comprehension am! great or achievement in Mience " PAf.K JA IO.RAI D AND VKUS. hl-rrth yl. Ore. riScientists :l!See Order 1 1n Particles 4- V ' 1 ' - v y t "'-. .it ''.-'hi1 r " j ! An earthquake of Entertainment! Walt Disney rrn IiiIf Verne's eastaivas i ti CHEVALIER unit MILLS Factor Cash Given Party WA.MIINf". IdN il H' - J'ihif, HmlxT' Ktilnr. vmini ill i;anK!and kirin.ipinK in I'm. nnd hit wife npirintly i-re hi pAillkiin in llwir nmlrlhullom In Ihc I ''I iri'niilrnliiil (IiiiiiiiIi;ii. Vr coinlr u-ip li'liil 1 HIUKiO to th Cllirnii lur hi-miKly Oruanialinn, wcnnlinic to ircurd ol ( tfinpuiKn rsi-nliltin-s A ftiiokrknirfii fur Kui-tnr. Iio a KranlM 1i hritUiia panlon hv l'iri.!u Kfiiixvly n a mail (rniKl iiHivmum. inrfictl.M in U Antrim llul t " Uir alxi mnliihutrd la Utt llcnblican Miily Tin- R'tmMii'an Nalional Cum inHtrv Mid r atlor iu mil i"i it litl ol m.ij'ir (tiniiihiloi. but a (.ol' krman did n" rul wit lh poMihllily lint Fadnr micht havf rnnlribntrd $10 r J1S In th I'Jrti ramp.l:n Vw nkjrfir Clikai;ii' Amrrl- tan kid MrtlnMly llial rfjxutAland I dun t dunk liUd ilh t'on(iir a(lT Ilia 1'.mi , 01lt OLD RELIC Thit old mtdal cam to light racantly whan it was diicovarad nanqinq to tha back of a couth ownad by Mr, and Mrs. Dan Lords. A ion Howard, right, tradad it to Mika Lawit, who values old objects, for an agate. The medal was issued to members of the Pioneer Association, marked with the year of arrival. Tha words Klamath Pioneer are on the bar and the inscription "We B'aied the Way" encircled a loq cabin. The date was 1886. It is believed to have been owned by George Biehn who received it from his father, Ludwig 8ehn, who came here in 188?. Angry Young Man Quits Australia For America . SAN FKANClsrO 'l'PI - VS.i! ter ,10. an itnry youny rruiii, arrived in If I nilrd ilnU- Wedii.'Mt.iv fnun Atmtr.iliii where he lived three rai .ind tuid ivome trisc advne for Amcr l crttn ' Ion t iin there " f'aiiirll s.mi lie u us luicd to Australia Hi the winter i lH'ifl by uhrft he ulNd ttM Autrjlian jjovi'rnmeiit "entlm-i.tic taT'k" boul bi, i!iin.ile .tnd Autrili n in fc't-rirril. radii I in id lw fouiwl the Wfaither unber,ble "fcum mer lou windy and wintrii hdid er Ih.m Irnver, v;th no ccnlral he t(iiti " I'.Hlrll in 15 mn'h in Adelaide he made oniy twn "Autraliatu are' on!) while twer fnun .TucmUiv thrtuili Thursday, .tnd I'd ut.iy in tx-d the w'hole thire d.iys vi I wouldn't burn all my enrry." P.idcII s.iid "I never n -ilirxj how liu ky I din to he an Ameiirdfi ' (ne reason fcr this statement, he comeded. is that the Ameri- Hti Kover nrricnt lent turn the rrvniey Ui reuni Ixune "1 think I I! go btii k to penvrr iiwi Co intn busiiirsii even thiuch 1 have no mme)." Phii-11 wldrd friends Inendlv nut ftrnn 1 WHITE elect ion "dinU'M'd Uiot rai lor orte ( the Ui(i' V Tvitul itntitnlniliHB to Ue Kennedy cam Minn wilh fcin (' tutlut chetk of refdket by the i lerk of the Hmtie of Rep leMMttatlvei ihnwed thai John 1 1R. Iviima I.irvla IV . IVverly Mills, t alif . and Hrlla, Ka1or. MM loma Linda I r , I ivevrrly lill. cun(nbutel s m rath t Uie Kennedy wania tion Tie pt'kenin fr FacW .d he "contxibtiled to h ih parties htil I do not re. all how much" Pe i"'ketnn K actor hail a rid ami ia iwH lakmf te- pne calls h;melf ltie prenientijl lardmi nuthlied leimtaihn onK'e1iti( atfattist Ka' Uw, on ttve lis convic t thMi. started by ttve 1' s lnimitta I Ka.tor wi)d he w.ii ktdt.4Led in i fu to by K"ner ne len;blr' T-mhy, wiw seived eai fori ttt ii nir atvt s,ti sht to de h. in W 'U iU a atler li.s i e T l.tie Knieia! JwUe V Bai ne tin i uiet tM t a. Ur had ; UkM t-te k duapiM); but Ih was overruled bv art co.ul Hrfi If ti IB months, but lecrtved unrmnloytwnt pamenta ol fmr Kinds a week, toof whnh went lor rent "Id h-ive nothing t" eat at '.' Deaths Soar In Europe (,i1Mxi I I't - Ifolid.iv deaths in It y Kuro,e xaied to d.y into the buntliC'l t K .!( : jv vn. wne krow n silk e ieit weekerd at:d iciMr l ti om n,ai v nat'on weie itknmp'ile at'-i in.''lu I! t.'il )uni,vd Uoliw-lav Hi kilt M ( rtt M juMMHi wne k; !e.t in a n-n Ivtwecn a sjetf ft'ie and a t.nd iti ni.f In; l.nni W . :'" i hinfd dv.r :ns a s:v rtc.m Nllie pd' ls tit iikc'.nul u '.-1 thi'h M st i'hi i -ni. Minf t'-e turn o( t:e icniuiv Yor Uind n with temper at. irrs io n to 2 At rres it w m fie r.!Vt ulc Red Chinese Talk Peace TOKYO 'I PI - (omniums hma tiKlay nude Inendly move-. fn lis bin iferi with Pakistan. 1;. dirt antl Outer Mongolia In New China New Agency re intrts nunitoi rd here, tt an noim.ed ' uuiiplrtc agreement :n pi nit ; pie ' m its IroiUiei . w tth I'.iki-t.m . h.idrd its ne-.v Inn tier wilh uter Mondu. the .i i viet vilrilite in lenti.ii Am.i. iiyl rejHi; u-d new (m'; w iih diw.iU alond the bonier "I!e .iecMierit with annotin.-rd luvt bctoie l!e t tif ta'kt bel wnf n PA il an and Ifldia on She Kashmir diiute Its eireet wa immedt.ite n In l a:: nturre al Ihe nenti.t'ions m I(aa p;n'.i r,'teii1 regret nvcr !'-e .i.'-r. rr. ut .tnd i-d;,a'ed i! tiu.'o the t.i'.ks !lte :Sr Sm,W t.xed bv t a-vf Paki vtalt m, iix'i . t:ie pait ot K.ivfrr;; o ntm; rd hv Pak r in STANKOKP I PI -yj- en'rsi. who know namei and inumfx'rs tf p'ders t,n the team i'f ri nt part:f!c (TdV oon be ab.e ;o fiure?.ut w.t jo-itioni tney piay. In fad. they may fcw ab to predict who ij! be com in 2 out tor the darn Lniverity of rrt;iforma vciei- ItiMs Ir tvf don H (.i-fhow arH JlDr. Arthur H IWiiitld toid the Amei ic.jn Physical Society con ference u,ts that recent di.x ov er ,-s suyt'it lh ryj-fibijly of a sort of ihait for these panicles in u set up for rnemical clf nvenU in tiie last century Presently 'here .ire 7f)-oid nu clt ar partu v tliat have been dis covered but not dasMficd. If the new theory worki nut. it" couid orin, orrJor out of tne ch.vm that has l.een created by the discovery of tb?se tit les in incrcaMn numbers in m ent vear Wher. the "periodic chart of the elements " was discovered last century, it led to identification and preflirlKm of the elements by relating loi'ji .il! the onis a! read) found a The new tJieorv for nui!ear par ticks, if verified, might do the iaime sort -if thine The new- discoveries appear to rVar out a tiieory proposed mde pendrnlly about a ' year ai;o by Ir Murray (icll Martn of the Ca! ifninia Institute of Technology and Ivraeii Army (ol Y. Ne'Kman. The new theory for nuclear par-! tides is u system of arrangement' called the "..ightfold way." This term is used because more of the j particles fall into proupincs of! eight than any other There are four group of ef;ht particles, one kinglet and one collection of 10 Kssentially. Ihe same partirleh recur at higher energy states, their characteristics being tiie tame as at lower states hut with a higher &ptn so that they have a greater mass. With such a system it n pos sible to predict new and undis covered particles if they exist Experimental work at the Law rence Radiation Laboratory dur ing recent months seems to con firm the "eightfold way " The physicists jye meeting in a Ihree-day J ir:'. ;.sin with the' American (ieophysieal L'nion in a conclave which wiU bring more than 1.2H0 scientists and engineer. lo the campus tn hear more than 0 papers read on tcientitic ub- KeU. t L Strike Starts HI KNuS AIKKS an -Trai:-jmitatii'ii woiker here walked out al midnight, starting a 21 hour 'geneiaJ .strike ' drsined'tn top esei y thing moves bv Ati. xa o air TV vt; jt- w.i exjiecttnl tn ; .nai.'e I e natunai.jeti tint ils tit tiveness in field was espected lo be I Portlanders Visit Tulelake jtsu' t.e fctwM h fcW rs' rmt w C M ; Eiai Tt li IAKK - Mr and Mm i-T iv:or V K NhwrKf-r h.1 :d.. - m-j ;n .aw M ad W-s .1 T t , , Msvriion "d tS u iw ''.ser-' w'-i.-e f; t'.iV n-1 s1 -i W of P'tLi-d j tVkVt -n a-1 '.. -er in ia. V' a"' Kw.m'iJ Ils ,1 V : 'jet .-t v. V. ami Mis ?r to t t M t , n Se M al Ji K.'i'.l.' I a Kf. ' -US. irTt eti-wsstav fev , fs la U v . niiitl i la .k 'e; arii ' .n , Mi a !. Ut . H-san W v-e i t;iMIAi wm'is tO1 r extended f ha a-ras i't !-d N;1 n a 'ui I' we-e cut M tii m t:.- 'e-i l'-e tia'!ic t..: w;'1- V 1 ir a .to t : a! e Kn1 I f i . I' J 1 v,.,. ,( i'Mlwi I r feet . - c -d a -.1 Grange Slates Mistletoe Hop T'tere w,l: t a rr !'.ie hc-p f-T Kgh st N"i and co'ge "ktdent rtav n ght. I at the V.d n..'t a:xf dia!i:e H.i! Is-a:esi at tf-e t'-eoi'er ot t've J.x Wi.gM Pi'v J.mi t'e .!i'it a-'.i t.'e M.v. Ved a:Ml Ftoad p4t KL1 V: V"i;rj e . . V e in t:.f : ctve son,ei.k. r to do : ''-a: r..fc-t linu V 2 I witS vrnt laiu r'g .! V ;-va) H : H! -e . k to ni. ....'. TV s e:M.T!t. e i r". in t t ; al i,t:v, e c--r, i: ; -A ".V: t : ;- '.' S '! lr-f , xef ti : e evecrg if! KlaT." e rv.-n A j S PV' .Ll :'v: e1 M t January Sale . Pricei on Qualify Furniture NOW! Hum! Save! Gel S4H Green Stompi. Too 0m f"4mr T.ll 00 Ufh 1 Main tea..' T i 1 s w V NOW PLAYING! Jew 71 ITl' I i ll I in ii i OM EV ar jl asar. " a M ' a- ti tM4 "40 jel" 1 '-' tvlKI '1 Ik'lt I I N i u ea 1 ifsikaA ti.avjJ : trvijttri'v Save! Bogatay's Half Yearly SHOE SALE Johansens a. ioiki Netufoliiart t Lite S"ndi Rq to 18.95 190 J B L and B "V 90 Sse on Men i Women i, Cnildren 1 lvl SHOES 41 T Mem Srrct Flats, Casuals, Dress Shoes V.I, to 14 9i '5 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! 0k Midi I X"" I I -' I I I COLOR WHEEL jS8 4-CANDLE $49 15.-LITE INDOOR $13o with bulb. rg7 CENTERPIECE LIGHT SET ")S I i 1 1 1 1 i ROTATING TREE jjqq SANTA FACES rn By ROYAL PINE joqr STAND with mut-e n 4 or DEERKEAO .OU METAL TREE -SO LIGHTS CANDLES 73 t'lKTrw : 1 1 Cjiix U-t St .. J45 $2 a I0-Ca'yil Tir (Boi ol J) t bi 1 .IS C ' -i r) J .75 M J .M MKiu-tKLm U.vM 2H 125 i:-Iiwt ;6ci f 3) JS 6r .11 12' Tjp :5 m .13 M .ive M I ! Set . : 1.50 y u, Tim JS .11 STYR0F0AM U 225 15' Brit4 Vfti x Ti9rt . .25 ra- a :Mm. 1.49 Cear aei !!.' 1 .n I: Ji ( 41 ... . Stro'M-i U'n 1 : i5 12 Ccfrt $p-'i"it Ca ! JO .15 Mli'irf "f- 4:i 213 V'. fcws 0"i-ru ... 11911. iO ,,, ir Carert Stv Cet.B . :5 .13 , u t .i-i i-l -c ir I .a i:5it 2.13 K iv .s -ii ... 12 Wi.i i 4i Ci"4 1 IKer .50 Syjion 0-rrl 153 JO r-wii-ii-it.oiK.c.- 4;.t 2.13 wa. ipr liMlriHfotw JHirt 191 Wiui 150 .75 "ie-MV-tit 1 61 J5 Vim; I Cut s.' . 7)5 il 3.1 Ut'tti xitcn li 1 25 .S3 .-(. :ar.M y-!4-. fr-x-t-t ? JO 'i"):ti ! Ml . IJi .50 MISCELLANEOUS ......j.a .-. 1:3 iS !' M" C C-:- ... SI JO M'l.iti, KJte. JO u .., . , ,3 3."t Wt-!,1 M .49 S.-e.feJ.-'ar. SVtr --.-,-t . AS i4 n!-n sis 2M l sv-M cv-i--r . .. n .50 !! T m S-l-4 "I 3 75 $.! l-ini 5r H'ar. , , C 5-. -.tHS.H 1U" n $v- ....M ..... M .50 :,,s !,.fi(S.r, I't'luStrCin '. SI St JO I l ,- C. ,1 HI 45 , ; "fM :' fi , Svf.f Mil. .43 C Ctf I : .40 Hji'kIM :.n 100 Wi ;. St.-tai ; jj ; Cvitcu C Ji Hit. Jfl h, f iM. ;vii IX Cw-i"..! S'ffi ... Ill .95 Cv,-,:,1 ha-..., ;x 100 .'T'J-.,.,.. ,., ,.. l!i.Vi: I!?. .50 ... . " .... i lulri j cn 1 u-r C.h -if lili J5 i5ta) flij .45 Sti-s-M- Cj-n .... :! 149 V i err nt nocin lied, inu io ttnt uso iu's:rcfoi tp;m i-evs cuttk. $(itt. leaves etc. O ta- FULLER PAINTS W.P. Fullers Co. 2899 South 6th Phon TU 4-6377 a. . .n i Aal c.mi-,n al .a r i j u c.T aa"s,"1 sH I X-'t M.t-M ill ailiHaoi K