Ml mrm I BASIN MU. AND MRS. CARKOl.lJ CONVERSE of rireMirsl ipenl a few days wilh Mr. and Mrs. Art Slruve and family. MRS. BUD LEE has returned home aflcr a week in Mcdford with her mother, Mrs. G D. Haw. kins, who had eye surgery. MR. AXD MRS. I.Ol'!S MON ROE of Cave Junction will spend Christina with their daughter, Mrs, Iteg Thomas, and family. MR. AND MRS. DAVtD B-1B INSO.V are spending the holiday. in &an Francisco with Robinsoo'sl' mother and other relatives. MR. AND MKS. JERRY' BRIGCS of Sprague River are, new arrival h,i an older brother spending a f?w days at Andcr land sister ant! has been named Mn with his parents. FAY ROBERTS, a mudcnl at Portland Business College, is home on vacation. MRS. MAE GALE left Dec. 24 for Reno to spend Christmas w ith Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peatross. She will go from there to San Diego and Phoenix to spend the winter. MR. AND MRS. RONNIU LEE and small daughter are spending the holidays id Los Angeles with Mr. and Mrs. Kb Lee : jVIR. AND Mm. VERNON BA1RD and two children ar rivpif from Texas to spend hi leave with her parents, Mr. ar.l Mis. Howard Kelleson, Bonanza, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K L. Baird, Klamath Kalis. MR. AND MRS. BOB GIVAN and family of Santa Barbara are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ern Givan of Bonanza and Mr. and Mrs. Hcrry King of Klamath Falls. Gordon Givan of Eugene and Pat Givan of Corvallis arc also nomc. Mis. Lola Driscoll and son, Pete Drisrall. Klamath Falls, joinoH them for Christmas dinner. Mrs Driscoll will stay for a weoW wW. Pete oes to the fcast-V. ;:.! g.-'.'ic in San Francisco. ;ty JACK CLAKK arrivuj Df-c. 2.1 to visit his mo'her. Mis. Ixonc Morine, sister, Mrs. Jack Rodd ers, and grandrrathcr. Mrs. Kli.i beth Bell. He is a radar teclini cian and has recently been ir. Norway. Sweden, ana I'rn::i.',v he will visit his sister, Mis. Tom House, and lanv'y isl hacramcn to heloro Ittvbfl here. Mil. '.Mi MilS. (,', E 0 U (i K t.KOU.MS ol Portland are njcnd ' ing the holidays' wilh their ton and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrf. Dud Short. MR. AND MRS. DON III (illKS r.f Tulelakc spent Dec. 21 2,'i Willi and Mrs. Nelson Wood and Teddy. Joining them fur Christ niiM dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Werner, Karen ami IMdiy oi Klamath Falls and Robert Rut of lM'-y. I Vlt.'l. TOMMY MOHRIsl and son nae pone lo inrfi lo vim! Mrs. Mnrf !.' Iiilwtwi ;w: t.ltulnfl Milh llip Nay tltctP MR. Al MHS, JOHN TO I'KI.I., K.urn flttri Brnny Ktr rr (urnrrl Immp from I'rrU. i nio , rp lltrv iitct, lU ir't'rf Aim x.n m !h Mt nmf t: t t-Hnv Wki!t rw! .irui .-n IMl Mi l, r"l I ' for ( I t ,.m, in hr u jtn-t h. r h-r.- v-, . nr. I ,-rr M Ml MPS ! r i i i h .i p.s i 1'.- I' j Vk ir tNTER;A!N!SG thrive r?tj. n u ; EDITORIAL PAGI: BRIEFS Sprague River. David Robinson of Bonanza and Jit. and Mrs. Ken nelh Kennedy and family of Dairy. MR. AND MB S. PORTER VU. US and childn n are spending a weV a'. Boone' iilt wilh his par ents and ilhe relatives and iriends. FORT 1 X A MATH MR. AND ; IRS. WILLIAM Zl'MBRLN aie visiting relatives ir f-orlerviVe, C alii'., for the holi days. MRS. ELIZA IETH M. LOOS- - EV has rcce. ed news of the birth of her tr id grandchild, a son !;orn Dec 16 to the George Looslcys of Pa owan, UUn. The .'idward Kennctl for his paternal Rrandfalher, 11 4 late E. K. Loos ley of Fort J.Camalh PETER MYRi! left last week to enjti the holds ys with his sister anr) family, Mr. and Mrs. Hiibv, at Astoiia. MRi. RAYMOND E. VAN WDR.MER was able to resume; yM su MRS. BOB H .HI K her duties Dec 24 at I he U.S. and (arrlly were g.i. .l -i National Bank in Chilotiuin after!, ,, Mr and Un John a week's abscme beiause of nivss. MRS. JOA.VN,. TAYLOR is in Lakevie for th! and New Years holi lay season. She is the guest of ihe Dan Doodys and Mr. and Mm. Jack Murphy MR. AND P IRS. EDWIN SfOTT, Ponna, Vayne and Ken nt th v.'cm soulh for the holidays, hey arc "laying at Surprise Val ley with her p irents, Mr. and Mrs, Erie Danic's. MRS. CE03WI H'OODLEY has returned to he." home in Crater Lake National .''ark fiom Mcd ford where she u derwent surgery !. at Regie Valley Memo rial Hospii.ii. Sin; is rcpos-tedly do ing well. MEit.tILL MRS. JERKY GROENKVM.D is recovcr,:'g ai her home irom recenc surgery i her leg. ohe is expected to return to her teach ing ac' iviiics s ,irtly after the Chi is'.rtias holid its. K'ERRil.L S IVDENTS home for the holidays are Tom Iltaslv. Mnurice O'Keel ,', Sandy and (ilo- i in Calan and David and Ruth AimYioii, all a '.ending Ihe tin; versHy of hv m. From Oregon State Umversii j are Steve ar.d Sharon Htibsoi , Raymond An- ilrieu, L.UTy CI ini e. Di me West and F.d Parnc I. Saif. Vest i home from S;in 'ose M.Jc Cc'lege MRS. JOE C II.I.INS and chil dren are t; ) i R wuh her par ents. Mr. and J rs. Everett lliee den. uriil she i able to join her husk mi in Je iranv. mr. wn iiii.i. i.iihn haf had b;r a rnu. Mr aid Mis Pi id K..i!h 11 of M.-.lf..r.l. . mrnl incu 1 ,w KotiMts ),.o u.ilrl arm' pr a1.?ii. i-tcr nl Mtv P J I ' T l II V MH. Mi l I U 1) Mil ft - I It .1 t i i ; r 1 ,T f iri(K.,'f H1" r i. Ki. , f, n r- lv I INK lX"l 1 T VI ! Kll . M M 111 in i STRICTLY FEFSONAl If S)i'ti I. H; 7 s UCHT-PIOVCXiSI. ii a his parents, Mr. and Mrs Hurh Schullz. while on leave frori the Navy. He will return to Hawaii before the first of the yea:. OitEGON STATE student ion for the holidays are Susan Bra ;tain, Jeff Clark and fcd ivcy; frori the University of Oregon, Sht rrv Schultz and l I e n (1 a Braach; and from Sou'liem Ore gon College, James Stuart. SI'MMER LAKE Z1LLA ELDER recently accom- nar. ed the Guy Fosters to Bend and remained lor a ie iov visi: with Nina Elliott of Powell But and Mr. and Mis. l-ra.ik Gr:vcs. Bend. She relurnea nome with Mr. and Mrs. S I). Ham Mil. AM) MRS. HID PER- NOi.L were in Lujene IMx. I to lick up their daughter. Alia Lee, and Richard Mi Milium. lw aie here from tlie J mwr-iiy i: Ore;on for the Iwlidavs. 7. l.I.A ELDER and Ihe Hud Per mils had an kih-sI. Iwi Combs. Dean Hams and w,fi. Keiih. Hcnd. and Mr. and Mis. Jesi Roberts. Uiketiru. Mil. AND MRS. Bill. Mlllll laic spending the h..l;U in vtti l-sor Idaho, with relators. ill-ir.ini.ur while in klm'ii ! . on tusiness. ML. AND MRS. . D IMKKH are enjoving iit liwn r rlaugiter. Mrs Jt-'in ri. family of Simkane THE BILL M IIMII'I 1 .1 . guests for a fi-w d. and 1'ent Schmidt ? - ANA IllVHt W IMI. I' "' ed a Christmas j.'m i ' ;mnuil prosram TiutMi( e ling, Dec. 20. iH . ence in tne uft Th iintertaiiitnil '' by Eva Ahcreil rA hail wilh innsi.el -.-t.. I'at.iy Carlin MR. AND 'IKS rum I l Paisley, awl Kn t a' - ' PdrtlanH .-civntly MRS. MAY HI IHIV -,d , tci Lcla WoikI-. it ' d.ty f.-om Boise In . i D?l Hands until Vi. ".- v.rtnt on to Mci i !', i-. ' - Lloyd and Jaik I l . . c Clristmsis. MR, AND MIIV lllll 1 1 . KTI' and fami'v Vt ' ' lem Monday lo days wilh his nv.'Ur, V . v. i Clagfott. MR AND MILS. Kill EY have gtuw lo la VUmna to join the Ixmiis RiimiweTwe ,., sun, C lenn, for Chn-!m. I- . . lies. j THE DICK ;t ShH , M -ixlay to visit wuh U: - in Meiford until alter t t "I '.be year. Cash Raised For Release Of Prisoners IINCTON U n . . v ' ' BlHTt KoniH-.K ;,,-., ( -" " ' !. Cby ll (,,,vr rl quii-klM ri-j-l,r, t- ; " '"m flim-li ihr .1. , ' ' .ivp of the 1. in , ' 'Mn-,. lloparlin.-iii ;v k... 1 Iiim-iI tml;,y n,;,t 1 ,. ' ciii-ral m.uU. ono lrV ' ' '-'M hii,K,i , j, , . Tir rrnuiml,.,. w,ls r l , 1 "ir rmoiiu v im, ,: u. ' '" t'lav. "'i'v all ,n lu.,H hv Ms Ko. ' ';,,,-Mnaii s,,l H,al ,,,r ,. . " -laces noi;,.!,,,!,,,,,. . ,.-,.r '''-''I i'.imi,, ,l,.:v . , 1,1 ili'ln.inrl lor .. " ,MIS i 111 ad,l;l!. ' '! million 111 , ,, ; ""'"'InvaMaiM.lln ,.., , ; fim piivaton,m..,:,.. 'V 1'iislro m,l,. a ,1, " 1 ""Kin Kan,ii.v ,,,, , ' v "! 'ii- ..,, s,,,.: ' i"lMHM-;v i . ,.ilv t ;V'"'' i Ap,l, .,; , ,, ' I',""' .-. '' "n'liiMi pn,-P iv ,i, l.iniK I; 1. who iKV'M-ialiil ii-:,-.!.,. 1.11.. P"vinoi ( I,, ,,. .. ,r '"'"'"llolho ,,.,, I10v ,,: ' 'vm.:,,i 11,,,, r,,M1, , ,, ivn,.i i, ,.,, IU ,; "in, mn iviim SIM ' ' "'"r.lli'llo,! In 1 tviirr n re ' " ' !- i.n ""iMtiui 1 it A ' -OI I- M,,t ...... 1 , ' n u mft!;, in , ""-i 111 ,n:,i " ""limn in ., W WW. All 111 l SW . l.l ,l ".ion i,. od t r ' " wi;ar,l hi.h .-. ,l,ni;., m . ('.HI Ifirwt ini,l. ,i """"'ion oiiKHvnf ,il(,m. " 1 m . I0 '"--s"'"4 'nlrv ,rrwm.::m I i a', 1 1 c UnoM, and rfvMrch PAGE -B HERALD AND I icknames ACROSS M Thoroushf irs ITnti lithe 55!;!v?. gl4te. .IS Consolidate 41 Worm ii Mttsoun i nickname 0 Virginia 42 MonKrel 44 Mine entrance 45 Dried Krapei nickname ii S'ate' .,., S5f.andlenat tree 12fiaelie 13 Nimbus 14 Ijd 15 Penetrated anew 17 Eternity 18 Ray 19 Retembline female deer 21 bargain event 2jrnjm Yuvoaiavii 24 Arltir rtt lort 27 Warlilrd H,er holder ; K"l.air.d M Airplane nlung,s M Collar, mill fi7 Dueling eapoa SK Dawn ' poet l m?;df.rt';rUb') MJ h-kulonT IHtW'V 1 Indian weights 2 ArauHii lourmy 8 Sailing 4 1aaei SPr.nioun I Ii 3 4 i 6 17 IF" 1 h 10 111 T2 is T TS itT IT !8 "19 iit ' ii u" rrn 1 ' i i ' mL L 12 jj 34jj ia "jFivi 4l 1 r; tr 1 l 4' 44 XI 'A si x i T i .3 ARMED FORCES HEWS ' Vt N N i" if H N.i'r'f t Imj W -m-'4f1 ,! -( . tA..i Ii -.. i I - f I. mt mttl I i ' t i '; I' -. V -I Vai'ittte t ! " Ml . ' ( ..s,., Work Day Held V l - ';:, V . T'C W.I mliP .1- ,. I" ;ii'-,-i ni , lnr i..rn tv I" llllll-v J ,!,1 I,, -l.,i!i!;n: tntirrh h oil! Ihe' nitv ih of Vnrnvvi ,,-,1 A n I., n(.s, (or lhf,r ,.,,. nw,;,. NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Aniwtr to Privioui Puzzle i-IAWsl 7 Bread spread 8 7'eutonic god 9 HomaKe 31 Imprevi 33 Locality 35 Shifted 40 More facile 43 Ceremonies 45 Decorates 4S Storm 47 Among 48 City in California 50 Shakespearen stream 51 Withered SJ Theow ',5 Ccf..He C"'l f foree llj Petered 20 Rody areas 22 Bull 24 I.ixtea 2S Prayer ending 26 Orchestra performer! 28 Stared a-tounded!f Ji-Jt t ' I i V' V.i r a.) f 1 X r eo l iCNts i v i L l WHUM D SCMUIDMEISZ Washington : Talks Terms : , , t ''"-1 Dance Slated 1A UIO.EI A.UIAl IATMJTTE AiTeUAn 4JB2S,i3rE: EARBP l lFl 11 ' dh- -UTncxpnp'grig'g ? 1 ILiT4El e;WilNi i;l.iv Md w ha.uxl Cmiima?jhcai,y damaged a potato ware- i'.t lv d f-r'm 10 I'mv. jhoux'' rwar hcrt far'y tocly m at t '.o Mitosfj IVpulsr a.-i Hhtp rrp no fauso of thp blap s undetfr- r1 m ; :rti..;i' In U (i.'l"h M.fay. IN ;1. w 1 1 hjt 0, a hrt.i':.t-i ; the v'"t ot 7, t-rnts ppr P!HP thkiM $i cuh, :T! -on hr .'Ma.n-d t m niorrtfi's tS- lr. Thursday, December 27, 1P62 Blacklist Plan Urged By Senator WASHINGTON L PI i Clinton P. Anderson. D-N.M. Sen has suggested that the Pentagon blacklist any contractor whose ad vertising divulges vital nuclear iouer information. Anderson made the proposal last spring at a meeting of the House - Senate Atomic Energy Committee. The censored record ol the hearing was made public Tuesday. Anderson produced an adver tisement which he said contained "technical information which liould not be released." The names of the company and the publication involved were taken uut of the hearing record. "1 think one of tlie ellective way ol dealing with it would be lor the Department of Defense lo camel any contract they may !ue and put them on the black list for at U'usl fue years." An Uci son said. "That is tlie onl) ay sou can ecr bring them to comply " Chairman I 'bet Hullllcld. I) -(Vif , auid tlie advertisement js a serious matter. I think i' i giving aid and comfort lo la- eucni) " V. l. -u a-id Vice Ailm H n an ILtkovcr. Iiead of tlie Navy's, njtUar proiulsmn ptoram, also ei;.fcaM-d alarm over petmittini; utt-. rw i MutUM lU t m44e ton - of IV Put War pldllts J ii'.'fttit HIftrl ftllTniil - j ; ft u I'm !,;(.-( e to ur tmr :' hi !fjf fit 'juItKMl pitfMfc f ,i ! i that M rukl H .tJurm!i. ' llnimrr jtj -it jSv '!!.! ft'Kjf tn.'irf t is.'., ttul -o un lH .t ' tt in I tnVrKf Is Ifuii (of J tt I'M 4t i t ! i f ;oit a- r1 t--t i.'tts t it .j.f. f i- 'rn,j' ijf , Mn krj r i trt t'r fm ' l i'tt m . If jl , f is x m !. a f r ; 1 t- "rl 'f It mr mi v t m i r tvl ( jt ur-f r! rV eve Red Policy Draws Fire -1': - . I'i'f ti V - h ; 'c f- I r 4 : ' . ' .r o, w-. Sn ' N 'n 'a H'T.i"-. Nrv ur;r.' : rtt "H- tT rr.min; r rr"f- :n t"p itvtv t''-r mi!" ,v i i- i'r-t N'M,f i h.i: .t ucrr r-tv rr:;i.irt -"mha 5. piTf of w '-om ap- j ' .r r-t Missing Driver Hunt Resumed III VJUt, x'ci tjwhr ,t t w.f i1iMoftvi in thf ; H.-n-.o i.nd.t I i ir l.',nn (. Dili's S io; 5 n (here Mid (he sc.urh Martod Mon-j - Ians to drai lhi r:cr "Nxau-rimmod arnl a da mace fM.matp Knipppl lat m-ph IVo M lt a urdav hp uas rp'ri; trd mis:ns hy his a,:p. and (! npt day Knipi'fl's auio was found yav tia'Iy luhmc rsoi in the rixcr LEGAL NOTICE NOTIce 0? 0.iu SALE. Seld proposals will tt received by the Common Council of the C"y o 1 alh Fells. Oregon, tor the purchase of sewer Improvement bonds. Serie Uo. 27, egQregetlng, Forty-two tnousand five hundred thirty-seven end 35-100 tollers (142,537.35) duly authorlied bf ordinance of the said City of Kltmath Falls, for the construction and laying of swer lines in Sewer Unit No. 30, of said City serv ing, the north-we it portion of Buena V's ta Addition. Buena Vista first Addition and a part ot Shipping) on Addition, ex tending bach from the shore line of Up per Klamath Lake toward Klamath Lake) Admnon, ail in said City. Proposals to purchase said bonds wit) be received by the undersigned up to and including the 7th day ot January 1943. at Ihe hour of 7: o'clock P.M. of said day and opened at a regular meeting of the Common Council Immediately there- c-ier; seio oonas snail b dated Feb. 1. 1963, and snail he in amounts of WOO 00 each, except bond No. 1, of said series, which shall be tor the fractional part of said sum, and all shall be due ten years after the date of issue; pay ment of the entire bonds OOttonat with said City at ny coupon paying date on ana aner one yeir irom The date thei Ml Said bonds will bear inierest n the rate oi noi io exceed S' per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on February 1st aid August 1st of each year, principal and Interest payable at the office ot the Treasurer of m City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Ail proposals must be unconditional and accompanied jy a certified checK for live per cent of the proposal. The Com mon Council reserves the right to reject any and all b'ds. The successful bidder tor 1 lid ootids will be turnishad with an opinion n to the legality thereof by iiit law firm o. Shuler, Sayre, Wmtree ft Rankin, Port, land Trust Building. Porland 4, Oregon. Thu notice is autrtonied by ordinance of the Common Council of the City ot Kiemath Fells, Oregon, dated Novemberi ?, Ite2- ry,,e Ktiier ! Bore, City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. No. til. Nov 21. , JO, Dec. 2, 3, , 5 . 10, It, 12, 13. Ii, It 17, 'I. tt. M. 21, J3, 7. 25. 2. 27. 31. 30, 3i, l2, Jan. 1, HJ NO P80BATE TO CBfcDITQBS lJ THE ClBCUIT COURT OF " THE ST A I F OF 03E00N FOR K U A VAT H COUNTV I ne V"f ef ii itaie of KNUTf JORCfeNSON HERWUNSTAO, l vtH ftoxe is he-toy gen that 1 have ex'','d t 'Ku'o' o trte Estate ot nvte jtyg-tM Hermunstad, dKeas3 Ail o ko- nig agamvt s.d me. .itn p,wr .ovhtfi, at ine Oft.ce t G"" 4 t"n federal Bvlrl- mois trv Oimt tHI. It e w fi'ti pwtiict.n of s no- Ch H Vlt,re. C-KUtor tt Ot 1 W T To Place Your WANT ad; Phone TU 4-8111 ( tALD K MWS ri'.','i tr5 rviPTivsr, THONE TU 4-8111 i io ir: ( Minimum CharQC 1.50 50: DISCOUNT t r 4 - 4 M U" f t- v M I r- vair t w a 1 t Wwl WANT ACS Mf V'I'tW PHONE TU 4-8111 On The Record 1VTI4 L1. OVS v -4 ;s a n- a" -a . 7 ; v. 3- -3 D I rr J a twv 0"',0 - tj ; I. B,- t ,.- 1 V' V-S 1 PI V- -il V -h V y Mi-!,, ' Det 7i a g-i ' a o t u'-'- its IHJ ItJMM AR Y Fire Damages ! iSpud Warehouse PRINKVILLK ITI - P.rf was not ni.tdp The uarphou-.p. owned hy W A Martin and R P. Sinclair oi Prinv;;;e. was about two third full ith S'"i trs of poJtoe !' tnnk thTe Nnirs lo halt the tire LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate ot EO'TH SPfiNCER, Deceased. NO' . E IS HEREBY GIVEN that I am the duly appointed, qualified and acting Adml istralor of the estate of EDITH SPENCER. Deceased. AH persons having claims against said -Estate are hereby notified to present the samt, with vouch ers attached in the manner tvovided tv law, lo me at the office of J. R. Thomas. Klamath County Courthouse. Klamath Falls, Oregon, within s months from December 1, 1962, the date ot tne tlrsl publication at this notice. J. R. THOMA'j, Ad.nin'iirator of the Estate of Edith Scrncer, Deceased. J. R. Thomas Klamath County Courthouse Klamath Falls, Oregon No. 149, Dec. 13, 20, 27, Jan. 3. MEETING NOTICES 1 SPECIAL COMMUNICATION, CRATER LAKF LODGE No. 21 1, AF & AM, Thursdoy, GV V'ork in FC Degree. All Mosons invited. Clarence Humhle W M. FUNERAL HOMES LOST 1 FOUND LObT BLUE-POINT Si j-hc:. ot, lemaie.; Pcws'd! 19T? Erirle, TU 4-""!7 j GENERAL NOTICES From oH of us ... to oil of you' kl Our Most Sincere SEASON'S GREETINGS VALLEY RENTAL I0C3 E. Mam TU 4 -6612 BEGINNERS' ALA JON. friendly help for tamiiiet of atcotKiics. TU 1-1740, TU 4 ;it GRAHAM'i Ittertirt horie tor the aged, room, 6, W4m care, specai diet, personal interest assured. TU 2 J'eS. ' NICELV furnihed ? beorcom apartment, KLAV ATH Aiannn for counseling and tjj Lmcoln TU 4-S492 meetings. TU Jit, TU 4 l04 nyt-me. ' : APARtWENT near Weyerhaeuser tur VACANCV tor lady or gentleman need-;n. shed,, iteam heat, 40 4-jl3 .fig nursing ano-or Convalescent tm't - - - Vfxin'amv.ew hursmg Home, iM Park, CO V OR J A BL E furnished bachelor apt., Aihiend, O'e Pn 4Ji-lj)4 ,cioe In, pa-dl 12 N. 3rd. KLAVATH Aroho'ics Anonymous, HI 4 SERVICES Ot VODt- L ING ard rtiiK'i. kinds. references, tu J Ufll . . TRl ft tBtpng. pruning, insured treeitance. Adults only, 10, IU 4?U oemmg. L4esnor Nursery, i u 41 CUSTOM BUTCHt RING t yKr pi fl.ivr to processing plnt t -. at your pae. Ai Soil. IU 44W., LCtNA 4 DOLL hOSPttAU I4 Lkevi TU 4i Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 Coin Op Laundry Tae'od r A m w io yvs' T A ( smoppi lt, ci NTft Gma's Tailor Shop A i wo gj'id Bvon r-e V-l Ar )f Vni DENTAL PLATES t-r M - y.i i W Vt F-rvi Vrv f f! n it mt pi stubs iftvttr :i w iu t j;t4 CARBIDE SAWS TOOLS local tMAtiPtmsa, a'.rcy tpaimo pt rsonnfl i FRANK'S v Afklp 4 G'ND'NG Sf'VlCr I TREE SERVICE 4 MICE, BUGS. TERMITES Ml P' '0 F ' WUS'Sf : iMlLf WANTIO. ftMAl.1 U G- tr 54 tvi r-M tt!d (f-t -Je-M A- 0 "4. 'VVANTEO"": GOOD WAGES j V r - I p SINGER Htl WANHD. MALE 1ft TJ 4:-. vaceirt r-n-t -: k.o rt--t o ae' -e' 1 fr"'v w rr i te-e t-e d W.- fe P- 4: ! MONTGOMERY WARD Ho Opening For Dcrormenr MANAGER S3 000 S9 COO TfR YE. A fe t f f LLFST pENfc,- iCvANCf VEST pPPBTUNiTif SfM AfJC'v . . . SEND RESUME AFPLY l PERSON TO KENNETH MOCF; ! MONTGOMERY!;' WARD 9tH and Pme WANT ADS Sell thing fast! TU 4-8111 .1 BODY man. mut be experienced aid able to paint. Steady, year (round wok. Apply Lou Sperce, D-rk 8 Miller Co. BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the Heiald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circula.'ion Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HELP WANTED . 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted sus published In th Herald L News are eccepted in good faith that the jobs of fired are as stated In the advertising cory. We are not re- n sponsiote tor tr :r.iegrlty of our adver .V tisers, but we make every effort to dis 923 cover and reject all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted (ad and finding it to be nv;i?ading is ased to report It to the Classified Ad- vertising Department of thtt Herald L New, - TUATIONS WANTED ) LICENSED CHILD CAPE by hour, dav. week Mond,,y through Friday, a a m. to 4 p.m. ' JB tarison Drive, TU 2-IU4 lanmur. . -T Hand crocheted afgnans TU i-UU. IRONING, txrwienced, pickup. deliver. 0OMS FOR RENT .21 CLL AN, comfortable rooms. J plncH 'trom Vin, SS 8 up. TU 4-423. ii tv nea'ed, quiet, sleeping roo-ns. 310 So. 5th - TU 2-02H. GENTLEMAN, clean room. mo"th, 1S30 Crescent. - " " 1 PA R T M ENTS fOP RENT 14 SMALL furnished, prl"jt bath, couola preiered, clo-e in, TU 4-7340. moit mooern. furnished. JH llth. TU 2-1042. 'ot. PARTLY furn'Shed 4 room, walki ONE and two bedroom apts , furnished . ..' ,774 e., " S V un iMtt room Turnishttj, hot and cold water, tjf Wall, TU 4-4414. IFURNISHLD 3 room apartment, Ul One rtvim, 140 All Utilities Included. Shared titn. aow'ti onty. 4i No. 10tn. lURNISMf0 arartments, utilities tur i n-.'.ei. rormi, revonaDe. G.f Ar'J I i& Va n, TU 4 441 i F uR N i SMf n I pei'oom apa'tment7ga- .ram. TU 4 Mil Nlft l twrnrsxd hfwlroom apt. wftl rugi. drares. ai utiM-ei paid to certn r-'.,"(. T U 4- l'7 FURMSMfD acartmeiis, 142 Bweriiie, 'tj 7 ! VOr.-t.RN 3 ro-'n i1 hth. 43 a"d P, '.'j'OjCtlON wSflre's v.!C0rr-e' N. . s)H Mt, "iirrMtM. TV 'lAf i r'f rM nn Write', T U J " i- irnrt "d Cln l-'Ou-'e 144 l'i r iC,L n di,p:.. turn ,hed, eb3 pvn. iKu'vl'y, 0'3, SC'. TU 4 XI r.i;p r .f. . o",,e-t Hft -i '-id wa'-r-'ffl tat'iities. Adyiti, r u 4 TAO befrvT p-v '.-"'rd art. NMr Kofr-."9 ce' lis r4 no ic NIC t '" tlrr.M actrtment. c'twe TU 3 Jill. TU 4 44 7 ft0O0' unut n,eg ara'trffr't, ISO TU 4 CAIADF AP4BT Vt T.MOF L" N-C1 tu' J IV I rrvfl apartment) tmf e rrxri 'u'" svM ar-a '' 1. Jt Mf L r--t for re". Uj-v J jC'4. . 1 us. Qk''--, natu'el 7U 7S4. TU $36 to S58.50 ro'rriTLf l.tyiNa at 10 ftM! 'II arf"" ari , fv-d ar " 4 P- ft- - 'V4I44) Mewtair "ev F"aar SHASTA VIEW '177 Mm8'jn way TU T r " fr,'S I m, p RiCKFALLS APARTMENTS O-vl WQTEL 1 2660 Shasta Wov Tf5 Etd'ryyn cpm. $69 50 to $89.53 TU 2-5577 : K LAV ATH FALLS F I N EST J 1-V'--Iaid 1 Ai 0-te e1 mfnt a" wvtm reet er t -v a- t.i ia'm HOUSES FOR RENT 2ft "t-n. T u r ' -5 4 h'-rym rrjr', n K q'b0- Can Tu 4-53 , d r- ue-e- jfA -u 7 : - et 0. -d N'te'y Nee -d cei 2 P '-"-i " ST! liQf'l Aia-ni. 5-4 -- "fltiii i'ee'c- 'u"c r- Cfo c'-.i-f-, j'3, tu 2 ?4'? :4 .- -c-" n4. q :ed v-3. il5. TU 4-0J e'r r L E N 1 n-d-f i EXCEPT ICS l iV'.n, (.-a. te et. Mu.ttj. ONF bec-oci fjr'ied ryjser(ail""7U ! ' PF'.'COf LED 3 Otd-X." duCifir. i-TpAfTivE 1 tW-Si-OO-fy--,,,-I V. TU 4;' :'"t 3t- r,E t3'tf" s-d hoj e y HELP WANTED, MALE .an '.t te--.-o" ke e. M5. 'I I S-iir v.i. Tj ISSM