TWwiir. Dumber r. ml PAGE 7 p HERALD AND VFWV Klajnalh Fllt. Or. Par-T-Pck, Nehi, Upper 10 POP Reg. 7?c 4-Pack Blue Bell Potato Chips Gold Medal FLOUR 25-lb. ,f67 Bag I Delrich v I Margarine xjTTT ii L - $100 I I; Upper lOc'.c'l Best For Dips a I" Sample Fri. and Sat. 10-6 INTERNATIONAL DISH Taka a trip t0 en old Vlenne bom raitaurant with Thai famoul Vitnntt rtciptl, Wirsr Schoittal madt with viil, ooppy ed noodlet and aka-llka breed cHtd Kuaelhupf for deiiert. Foreign Flavor To Veal Dishes VI. a popular meat nvr.; European.. i often overlooked in our meal counter. Ret lute of the rlclica'.e flavor ni the yiunj. ten der meat, vea! ran he tanelull combined ith many wawninsi The Italians u tnmatnev t h e Hur,;anan choose paprika, ami rtu.siar favor dill puke. Thr Vj.tnan Wiener Schnitrr! otter rr.anv variations The add.tion o'. inredried Swim cheese te a nui-like flavor to the brraflinj I W'ven the tiitlrtu are pounflffl very thin they i!t teriuiie or,! hail an hour to become colder j brown and tender Veal i at it. He: when voui elert the brand famous for q' ity fan for one-ti.ird pound per erir;; of veal when ou pur ihje the rutlei. 1! ou select veal ieak. bone .n. you tan plan en 'i pound per servinj Proper storage of veal i ni pt; tar.t for rr'amins r);ialttv Worn removed from ;l"-e (tah colored butcher pa;er and iooe ly wrapped In waved paper, ire vea1 will keep lor tour davs in tf-e refr-rjer.vo'- Veal ao freerc. well Wrap in heavy duty loum foil or freeins pa"er ami freeze at lero decree or lower The (roren veal .hould be uKd within thre to fonr rrtoolrv Ull.l.M' HH.NI.R MHMTllL VleM: aenlnt J pounds vra! nil .eta S ess 3 (aoievp.ior.i water 1 cup craiker i:l 'i cup ihtedHed Sim che-'e I trapeon a!t teap"on peprr 't irk ''' cup1 h'lt'er ee mriarine lmon i.ue Touod vea! cut ur.' ' ve: v th.n. Peat ej;i v::h wa'er Com h-e craiker mea'. S: theee (, arid pepper. Dip vea'. rjt'e' ir.'.o ttt ir.:xtu-. fen :io erica er nieai m;vt-.ire Met butter ;r !ir; tkCti. 'Two sk.l'e'v rra;. he necesiary i Sai.te cutie'.i .on ly m butter urns! JoMen hrois o-v rw-'ri -de aoo ,1 v n. or until fork-trr;der (r";i v -h VHM, fl TLTT5 WITH RISS1AV DUX MUt Yield: lenmi J loundti vea! rutieti Sal 't mck cup Ivjt'.er oi marjarme pound mu-hroomv. lired 3 tahieiwon bu"er or mar- Eai :ne 1 iah.erMon Hour 'j teapoon vat 2 ev i" dairy wvnwd nem I medium tomato, peeled ind (nop;ved rup c flopped d.l! pirkle T'-und veal cutlet unt.l very th.n .eaon witn alt Melt 'i -Uik butter m lirse Mllel -Two ki.'ets may h ne-erv Sa,i 'e r.;iie: vlcwlv in butter until 'l-ien b own on Imvi ;dev. aiv-ui ai m nutrt or until fotk-lennei Mi.-nl, le v.i'.e .i(-rd riM"i MK-rrv in two iinler u- b,:t.e.'.!! l.;l,'l btoaofd Stir tn four and tra;vvon Halt ind cx-k for thire mm-.itev. dtirrtrg ton v.artly t'e oui cream, to and dill pmle St.r until hlrnoed and wa'm Servt au. c nver ttvr vrl oirtleu TOPS IN QUALITY! LOW IK PRICE "V've avei up Mifslcnary for beta kffir. Cr fenvrrtfd uf te CONVAN) MEAL ecOAM N5ESVg CCLLS.' I MOIAl; Kp loads of 't-i hr '. They're q- .k m.j; ; . . . :'.h :hi: fr.Vff, R"-mi Mru oi hff, tve, b'an inj Ene-j-)j ng. Viti.T.i.n fertitJ. Good preteji eatir s. Lork fc: GLADIATOR 1 ?,.,ri MAKK on the facivijt. Sokb HOL5UM I Your Lot Ink (Mil mi AHAHiiV mm Friiik Good Through Monday Cloved Sunday and Tutidoy! Storlcc Instant lakery a. I Dry Milk v St 3 perry's Reg. 1.55 f'""7 Pancake Mix " 9' LIPTON'S NABISCO ) f I li C n l al Ayr JOUD MIXeS i i JiiatR uatncia :; too nice Delicious With Crater Lake '! I LsT Fresh Dips !; I RJ i'. BIG Ys Own Country SAUSAGE or Morrell', Mb. Your Choice PORK ROAST 4 Picnic Stlc Chets Sousage Rolls Holiday H (iced Bacon eef Cutlets iiarp Cheese i R-S Csr-.-.!;i,ly Bontlfta Kody ro Eat No Voito Frozen Dinners Booth's Breaded, Round Frozen Shrimp Flo-R.Poc Froien Lemonade 16-ot. 12-ei. Tm iR9- 3.98 Donish f Canned Hams 3 s-2.98 H 8 10:89' Wisconiiw WLU Vib.i Smoked Turkey 89 Half or Wholt WOW YOUR CHOICE Delicious Instant Cocoa fc. HkW aQsv Swiss Miss HLiV ; Campbell's 28-oi. i; Pork and Beans p f j ; i Barbecue Beans R Powder Room TOILET TISSUE 4 po" 57c Cereal Bowls Coffee Mugs Memo Books Screws, Tube Cabinet Hardware Decorated Tumblers Zippers Drr I or ikirt u t 10" Bell Pen Fillers, 2 for Bell Pens Boll Pen Desk Holder Cc lored Pidstic Tape, 2 tor Name Key Chains Personalized Stick-On Initials Straight Pins, pkg. Jergen's Soap Ittiari.Milef, lar Sweat Shirts & Pants Combo 88 Girls, 7.93 Value Complete Set Large, Tender R9 Sveet Potatoes 5)fb APPLES '""""K" JO"' i Radishes or Gr. Onions 5s Dry Onions Y'"" 5 Sunkist Lemons 15 Avocados 2?25c CHECK THESE BIG Y MONEY SAVERS DRAPERY HOOKS A"""lu 49c jig SAW PUZZLES 19c 39c RADIANT HliATER T7X"',""' 7.88 MIRRORS '' ""' Y.,CKti,. 1.88 WOOLITE ... ... 49c KNEEL PAD """" , ,.29c DUSTPAN 29c WASTE BASKET 69c MIXING BOWL SET " ' 88c ORALMICRIN 69c RUBBERMAID 2.93 Values Drain Tray & Basket 16x20 Extra Heavy Drain Tray 16x20 Quality Bath Mat r Your Choice Use First National Bank Money Orders. Up to $300.00 20c 3 Right Reserved To Li -nit Closed Sum joys 4710 So. 6th i. ni vrvrrz