Cranberries Bogs To Banquets PAGE -B (Continued lum 1-Kt bog U flooded 1ft prolwt th plant Irom cold, drying winds. Bo hivM and bi;d hou arc Vpottcd her and there about cranberry bog. Much of lh credit (or a successful crop mtirt go in tha winded workers. The bees spread pollen; II- birds dive down on any marauding bimi-u. Although lea debris accumulat ed 20.000 years ago lorms the rower layers o( the cranberry bog. erowers wl have been in the many year say It now cods (mm $3.i0 to .ono an acre to bring a crop into pro duction. Wild land is selected for a new bog, terrain covered with swamp maple, (ema and heath like planu. These bog-Men mul more more be skinned off and the ground made a level at pouible M that it can lie flooded evenly In the winter mnnthi. After all this hat bn done, tlie grower mul wail (our to in yean until a profitable crop can be taken. In Colonial da i cranberries had to be picked oneby-one. Then some Ingenious Yankee inven'ed the cranberry scoop with which a stesdy workman could pwk 3.V) to pounds a nay. Tins was tough job lor along with swing big the scoop the picker had to make his way arms the (leld on his luiees. A few scuopa are slill being used, but each year more and more are rclrg.ited in tique shops to be used as muga line racks and quauV rath calls MOUKHN MKTIIOIW There are several kinds of me chanlcal Dickers now In ue. Most of them wotk on the same prirwi Golden Midnight Cake Greets 1963 To greet the New Year, make th party buffet. Front It gaily with "Auld Lang Syne" on the lines of a munlcal staff. .()!, DKN MIDNK.IIT CAKK 1 tVoiinra package U cup ' semlsweel chocolate mor seU 3 cufw itftrd (lour j 3'k teaspoons baking powder I 1 la?aKioa Mtt I 3 -ounce pig c r m cup shortening 1 cup wiRr 1 1 teaspoon rr4 food coloring1 1 cup milk 1 trpnon vanilla Mrh ftraiuwrat chnroUt mnr- eli over hut iwt boiling' Irr. Sift tDgrler flour, baking pnvuWr and Mil. fllwd togrthrr cream che and hortrnlng Gradually bral In msr. Add rfLjt. one at a lime Mir In melt ed mm tela and red fond coloring Add (lour mature alternately with milk and vanilla. Turn tnlo grftrd and Owrrd VU9S Inch pan. Bake In a moderate even, J Wreetl M lo 40 minutes Cn. Frost fth Ooldeti (ilow. Yield One txlVtnch rake OOl.hKN GUW HUeTTIN(i 1 f-ounc parkaii U vupt butler xHch morieli I S cup milk I t-ihlrspnon butter o( mar garina teaspoon Salt 3 nip lifted cnnfei tionert sufar miwwt chonlata lrc ell Melt butterrth morsels exet hot 'no boiling) water Hrrtwve (nim water, add milk, butler aM alt. Stir until smooth i.rwlunltv add ovifetttorfft' auicar unit) d ayrvading nrwMemy , Knl cooled cake Melt aenuawvet i hor olato morwl over h4 nnt U lng) water. Forve Uvuuh rake deotvatfir or per cone to eut bn linra of staff, t clef iif and Hrme "auld lang ne' YH line 9lVimh rake. ;le at Uie w.vp. A& miht re eXfierted. ivy are murh mon- rfdeient than Lie hand acoup for a i POMihle to catrwT up to 6uno j-nndi a day with a ma chine. Not only it thit much eaw er on the ttonn, bit when cran berries can b rwrveMed in one Utith of the time, there is le danger of lot due to hard freez ing as Uie ds turn coldvr. im cranberry Mavm fclart about libor luy with the first Karly Blai ks and other early va helirs romtng from Mamou hu- feUs and Sew Jersey. Then, arxxit the middle of September. Wiwon sin bogs turn rod with berrir- and the ripening prorenws until tlie cranberry wawm comes to an end in ttathington and Oregon in late October. From the bogi cranbrrnes are taken to storage plants tn h ,V pound boxe. Onte picked and rold-storaged Utey are handled a little as pohMhl until their time comes lo go through the winnow ing machine and separator. Tlic winnowing machine blown away leaves and bits of twigs, but the M-panitor makrs Use of a unique cliararterirstic of cranlerne (HKid cranlerries bounce like lit tle ping pong h.ills, but bad om jtist fkip. Kach terry Rrts sevftt rhances lo houme vrr a lnjr inch bamer and get m tlte (hor ns line The lary twrries go mlol the (Jistatd, of courMV VKKMTII.K. MlfllTIOt R 'ranle,TieH bt iliten up almost any nunu, hreakfarit, lunch and dinner. Both their brilliant red color and tjiny-kwoct flavor are; anpef'fing IHey re convenient.1 m.K VJ.D AND V HS, Klamath FalU. Ore. Thurda, Dewnber 71. Iltt t'x for fresh cranlerrie jackaled t'jday, , ate readv to drop into the saucepan. Whei tiwy've hvati.-d to the (Pippin; point they're done. The frh cranberry seavjn i lengthening a bit each year, due to mdrn cold storage method Not only that, but any hornemak er with a food frrezi-r (an tuck away a doen packages of frehh cranlierrifs to perk up mid-winter mals or even tlie Kahter ham Tlie entire package can r-e frot en. jut it imci V. m U.c prwluce counter, ur cr:nberrK.s nefin't be tranfcfcrre. t ; special containers or prwww.i l;i way. It's been known for gcnnration (hat cranberries rc a gvd sirce or viLimtn C and contain apfre ciable amounts of other vitamins and minerals. Hiat's why. in clip- pT ship day, barrels of freh cranberrc-s were taken on hoard Tbry were "excellent aaint tlve Scurvy" which, as every student of nut ill ion krweWA, was simply severe shortage of vitamin (' Here are Mme cranlerry relish recipes. ftlMCKlI MtKMI ntASHKHRY ItKt.lMI 1 -tund '4 cups- fresh cran berries 2 cu(s suar 'i cup water 'i cup diced fretJi oranges ' tehfn salt Uusnjn ground cloves ' teasfKn giound ginger Ask about doily "Buiinesi Card" SPOT ADS TU 4-0111 '? teaspoon ground cinnam4i! 'i teaspofin ground alUptce Wash cranrjerrs arid plate in a saucepan with su?ar and waUrr Oner, bring to boiling point and cook only until skins burrf. alxut icilit to 10 minutes. Add oranges. salt and spices. Co-k one mmute Oxi and serve with meat or pMjtry. If desired. ojihle t recipe, ladle ofir-luif the mixture into hot. strnlued jan and sea air-tiht to use when cianlrrK-s are not in season. Y ield Four cupi KOUDAV KKKMf CRANBKH KV hLAU 3 cups fre&h cranberries Pi cups water I 13 cupA wjir 3 envelopes unflavored ela A tahlespfjons cold water 'i cup halved grapes, seeds removed l'i cups diced oranges 1'7 cups diced celery 1-3 cup chopfwd nuls flxnaine k-nt I avwado, diced Wanh crantecrries and cwk in water in a covered wucepan eight minutes or until skint pop. Hut through a sieve. Add iugar. Soft en gelatine in cold water and add ( lull until the mixture has slight' iy thickened. Pour cup in the bottom of an ciled P quart ring mold Arrange grapes oier the top. Chill Ko'd diced orangev celery, and nuts into remaining ran(Krry mixture. I'our over1 grapes into ring mold. C'iiill un til firm aivJ ready to serve, tn mold onUi serving plat Line cen ter of mold with romairie leaves Kill with diced avocado. Serve Aith mayonnaise. Yield. 12 servwgs. FRIJill CRANBKRRY AM) AI'PI K DKKP-DWI PIK 2 cups ' pound' freh raw cranberries S cups '5 mediumi sliced apples 1' -ufs sugar 'j teasvx;n salt 2'i tablespoons quick - cooking 1 teaspoon pure vanilla ex tract 2 tablespoons butter or mar garine Pastry, uung one cup Hour Wash cranberries and mu with apples, sugar, salt, tapioca and vanilla extract. Turn into !0KU2-inch baking dish I.M with butter or margarine. Cover with f istry rol!ed to Vinch tlmkiiess or it desired, cut pty into inch strips and place oer the top tn crihS-croAS fashion. Trim turn under and flute eige. Cut two or three ga.-hes in top of pastry if solid crust is used. Bake in a preheated hot oven '425 degrees K. 15 minutes. Reduce heat to moderate J30 degrees F. 1 nd continue baking until crust i bro'-n and apples are tender. alwut 30 minutes. Serve warm cold Yield. 6 to 8 GUARANTEED REPAtX SERVICE AT WARDS Mi-0 pvyM). r",rj. TV. cpiinc Vr4 tKihnictait t pfteyi cll CJy Vou ll lfk tn ":) . . . rd lh pricti Cll 'gdif MONTOOMftY WARD Slavic I DieARTWSNT TU 4 JIM tth A Pint j i m a ka (va - m mm, AMmf a nine XA S- . X uorgc sue. TTonaerrui ym jf. myr- m W S3 RADISHES or MM! 1 UimCCiy VniVIMJ C3 XI m CARROTS BANANAS CELERY 'A Xirf( Fresh. Criso and SnooDV Delicious Golden Ripe Siioddv Green Stalks I ? rJH t Hands V)E( P F(RJC HOC Toilet Tissue 3 SILK Assorted Colors 4 Pack 4-Roll Packs I.IKK TO WNK? A vinr-rhmr sa x Is Wal it dunking ittl M rn. stall (isiil (urtns or sauMrs Make or hut your (atnrilo rW m and hknd in talidmiia Sautrrna or oOht whllf dinner ln to tatr Ktwjt saikT IsH oer a rati.1lf warmer or in a snull thslmt; ENERGY - White or Blue Detergent Giant Size - m A V...1JIV.U Uwl I I m .-.nalW ..i t..ina in . ...H a coupon nn foi " - . , star nan mar' ma'll . .....M coupon w r;:.;.... ..v a V" l V 4tf I Try Crescent av . h Nuts t i i C'n t K '' fit. ara SKl l f S.I 'T M ! riM K N S-l, IS CW1I ' U ! lt' ISH'H) CKM .1 fr"f l H r Kit Niy (VrMlii a CRESCENT ; if Ml I00 SPECIALS Apricots Nou'in, 451.00 Pork & Beans NV0"v-8Tt; 451.00 Cut YamsNo; 6?1.00 C: L Blue Sky Q 1 nA JplliaUl No. 303 tins OU.W Chunk Tuna rv5 : : : ..551.00 Clam Chowder SS 651.00 Asparagus Nocw3ooro?,n, 451.00 Tomato Sauce ITL 1351.00 Tomatoes 451.00 Turnip Greens or Muitord, Ro-Tcl 851.00 Dog Food ZTVL, 1551.00 Peaches r2V;"tin, 551.00 SNO-PEAK FROZEN VEGETABLES 10c Assorted 8-oz. pkg. SNO-PEAK FROZEN French Fries 25c M.C.P. Frozen 12-ox. Tins Orange Juice Pure-Sun Frozen 6-oz. Tins Orange Juice Royal, All Florort. Giont Silt GELATIN 4;49c 1 Thcro's lust as much nourishment In a pound of Armour Star Franks as thcro h in a pound of steak! Reg. 3.95 & 4.95 NOW ONLY . . . Me,rs SHIRTS Ladies1 BLOUSES Bath Mat & Seat Covers Throw Rugs Coffee Mugs & Matching Bowls 10c R9. 4.98 & S.9S NOW ONLY... Re;. 5.95 NOW ONLY . Non-Skid Sack $98 $298 $398 77c Ho tan this bat RaaJ on. Tha m.jMy Armour Star Franiurta it mad. ol tandar tuts ot trash bast ad porn Aid niW!y taasonad Cacausa It It fnadt th Such pur.iy good makings, tha Armour Star Frank It all good ttxd lood a body can uaa W th ai th. gaod I ood nounshmant you tmd in tha bast hash masts yru can buy 8a assurad. that mast that tattat this good to chndran It good for tham, too. ni thcuht you d Ilka to knew. If You're Not Shopping Here You're Spending Too Much! We Reserve The Right To Limit 4480 South 6th 1315 Ortgoa Am. A.aJon and Shoito Wer " at nt) rs r.v" . , WW V ytesm F-fKet tttfia Through Monday Niaht Quantrtrtt Lost . Srora Houn 9 00 A M. 9 00 T.M.