r? jfrrSX e z . . p y: 5 Turkeys Swirt't Premium Canned Ham 5 - $398 Willow Brand Stick Bologna Willow Brand Sliced Salami - 49 Boneless Ham Sigmon'i No Woste lb. Sliced Bacon Swift's Sweet Rosher 1 lb. Willow Brand Liver Sausage - 35 Choice , Cheese Mild Cheddar or Jock lb. l SlPt i - ft r All Price Good Through Monday While Stocks Lost .T" ' I LARGE E6S ss 47' Folger.s H j i.rlcAlNUl iyiioi - j v .13) j I WHS .BE VERMES 5s9c Campbe,rs I FVOAIDWOfyC p-w- Oc Tomato fc J 1 ills UvlMlr Ii4llilj w--" Pk9 5oup y) , , , ,uii. ,, ,, II r each I Pi 'f- T- - " TS ' ...................... . .- . -..-..., Awr Lad I g;' rr Willow Brand, Smoked Tenderized 1 ' 10'j-01-fi" r N w cr c BUTT P-9 SJ 7 I 1 f J UA C ., ,. . Ell "..'; shank rvu '""M L Esquire or Form Choice tms 32. 9Vi-oi. Toasted Peanuts Tomato Sauce - 512 Smoked Oysters Er -I Chef-Boy-Ardee. am Pizza - 49 5$F 25' 39c $$100 I Wyandotte Select Ripe Pitted 7 Low Cost PRODUCE F.SP (Flov-R-Poc) 303 tin V Pie Cherries -r I Little fruKies im Cat Food - 4V Each Bo Has Movie Ticket For Warner Broi. Gay Purr-ce! ! L. : Honolulu Locy No. 2 tin JArt PINEAPPLE JUICE 4o9 Ariiono White 8 39e lb. WatSinqton fti cy Medium Yrllow APPLES DRY ONIONS 29c 3,h, 19c Nun', !; : Cookie Mix and 6 oi. I1 Morsels j! Br.h. 39c Olives T-N-T Pop Corn Del Monte Tiny Midget Sweet Pickles Pon Pocific Tuna Medo-Bel Meliorine Mb, White or Yellow ' j Tins 0 R Assorted Flavors V2 Gal. SKIPPY DOG FOOD Tall Tins 7: IC Carrots 2-19 Cabbage c,'z 7 , j f Lou-Z-Anno COVE OYSTERS Jergen's Jereno Beauty Bar Soap Pkg. For Automatic Dithwother I'll I rr Rf0. Pka. I! I I II f -".VTk. J.TTJ filial T.Tn 'ALL' 3710 So. 6th St. ight Reserved To Limit 'rices Good Through Mondoy