.". ere Kvk the mid-lfHh Cen-iued at between $4fl to M m.l tu! of (rial and enor ha not only diMwereii Ihe ?est ways of loum the berr.es, but we now have around a hirfcirod named varieties. I Five stales ptoduce cranberries: commercsallv . The Cape Cod! While the cranberry vfna can iv i Rrow in our warm states it tury traced the story. "Tune wav :ien the cranberry was not val ued more than (lie common bar-; lvrr Km peop'e hae hveni to1 d.cover its ece'!eiu qualities.) and Miwe tt is mi h.iihly ippre-1 ciatrti tor its culinary purposes.! there are tlxe who ave wilh.nj; to pay an a!mot (ahulous price1 ior ;lje berry. It has Kwme in1 main families a neevsjry lux ury, live wealthy would as soon p;v.-t with the apple as the cran tvrn, aiul it i the ra.ee amoni; the r eh, aixi even tlhe who arc nol i-o io'.J.;;r..tte , . A few vears Liter a chronicle m Knc Sand l ells of Queen Wlot ia end m a ivya! hamlet with " pooil tart ol ei .intvrries " Thriving: lndulry Meanwhile cranberries h a v e it own horn a haplut.i:d harveM lion The i';tl xMtlers fotioil w-.ld eranlwru "i Mhh ahundaiu-e that here was no iHe.vity to cultivate them until the eatlv l;th Century. Hy tlvn t!te xHilatioii must, at the same time, be shel tered from hard freein. That's the reason cranberry bo$;s seem always to be almost entirely sur rounded by iow-Krowing for?Mi. In the amuls of Cap Cod. mere is an intrium? tale of how i-ranhotrio once cooled the wrath of a knij;. Tlx year was It" T!h? k:: was Charles II of Vv.z iand His ancr va brought on by t.V d;eve:y that the ever roounoiu! colo!ii:. Urt ArrwT u.Hti do-it-vjurM,!ipr, had been nuking the ir own "pine live rull- cranberries, aixi so tt' settlers dev;dod in make a peacv oner :ns with llieir prvuweM product Off wont a iarj;e h:pni'-nt o: eranheri'ies to UirKion H-tory loor.'t sivm to rewid His Majet"$ eJluial re,'tion w hen the led utuut e am ed but there is ample evidence tlwi erantviTic.s had a wonderful et !vt. No one a enl to the tOvks ami ' pine tree hii!m" i-ontiniul on, t".iy '.hey are worth a thouand times t!K".r o:i j;;na! a'ue o! '22 eents. Dep;te this early micv -es it .h no! iinul ne.ii ly two tviuttt e had Uvonw o mimeiouv itut the nahiral supply could not equal llw demand The fmoM wiM berne. Cax Codders nvtteti. seemed aiwavs to prow snuccUni oVwti into an1 which recent winds from the At lantic had drtttexi over the me Kelt red few-captam Henry Hall was one of the drsi to ninkc ue area of Massachusetts semi to market alvut 52 per cent of the 'These serve as wind-breaks. annual erp. Vicon.m (oHoua with JO kc cent. New Jersey picks eicht per cent aini Washington and Orecon pive us si pT cent ami tour per cent in that order. A C.UeUI AvMst TIh' eranlwry vine i a very A cranberry bog is generally no welter than any other field, but narrow canals do run the length of the bog. When an early frost threatens, enough water Is run Into Ihe canals to form a blanket of steam. In winter the entire (Contimml On 4-H of this observation. He trans planted wild vines to a s.tndy site near Dennis Seven! ears later tlw Kval pit;vr v. hiaimi; th;it Henry H..11 was averami; 21'40 pouiuis of cranlwrnes per acre 'fotiav .iver.tiie vieid per acre u aimot thuv time th.tt wsnickety Utile plant. Aeons a to The Mt nation was rwartns a to;, a! explosion w her. one Cap it tound a home m the-tacial (ill ol Cav Ci, llie peaty, pebbly and and debris depositei w!hih Ihe iiie.it ctintmeiital tee heet meltixl. When tr.inspiaiue) to the other trow me areas of the coun try, cranlvi t les have succtHideti only in similar clactal soil. v odder i ememborevi hearuii that Cj-arles was a km x:am an People Read SPOT ADS you are now. avid patron of the canary arts -not only an ej.-n.uie. hut a cook h.m.-e!l. It was autumn, when atei thai uanbornes he-. ;tnie ihe heaehe were siurlet with ;!dlaoi ite outside of New h upland to wii.it n tixli an mdutry a!-fii.:i0U pmmi per acre. A e Cranberries Boas To Banquets , Xpecialties ; ! Vy ly RUTH KING W jy HERALD AND VKWS, KUnulh Kail. Orr. Thursti. Dfecmbrr 19 PAGE I B rices effective Thursday Through Monday, Dec. 31st : :. if . -.-- I 8 - I I H rvrj nuvfu m' w. v k. m m k m m ik.. m m -i -- M.wfcvv . ..w . ww. irtwv.vw.vw.AA ' ' Fresh Creamed I Cottage Cheese PINT EATP BANQUET BEEF 8-ox. TURKEY CHICKEN each TT,,t?-t ADAMSDALE GOURMET QUALITY fSSTia CREAM Half Gal. New Flavors 79' Juice CaifP00" Borbccu ' 3 con JwCANADA DRY GOOD ALL YEAR Although moit cooks think of cranberries as tradition! for tha holidays, this tart fruit from th bogs of America makes delicious ralishas and salads and pleasing gifts too. Their history in this country daes back to early colonial days. Blanc Mange Makes Comeback The Victorians lived corntarrh)m top rrf d'uble boiler: praHually rxiddmc Thev molded it in fancv mix in milk until smooth. Have shapes sf it off on clamorous hich-standinu dishes, slwwed it in color plates in their cookbooks, called it blanc nianie and gob bled it up Our mothers and cranVmothers enough hotline watrr m bottom part of double boiler to leave droplets on upper part when it is inserted and ratsrd. Place mix ture over the boiling water and c"k. stirrinc mnstantlv. until made hianc mance at the drop of inirk about 1ft minutes. over a kitchen spoon and it molded and continue cook in? 10 minutes beautifully. Lately, h o w e v e r.j'.maer. stirring occasionally Do rooks have tnid sad tales not remove from hen! Stir abrnit evm thouch prepared accordmc ! cup of the bM mixture into the to t.rr.e-tested recipes, their corn- beaten eiK. At once pour bark starch puddings won't Hand up;into rrmiiinins hot mixture over suecesi-fnlly boilme water Cok 2 minute After vtfie failures, beht dim longer, stirrins co-itantlv, Re mered Could a conking irtensiUmoxe from heal, sr.r in vanilla often uvd nowadvs. account for. Mold a cording to fol!fwing diret ourrrat troi-hl with the old-fash-; tion To unmo-d slip knife ivcd favorite Tle prtV-lrm as hndrd to a taSi'-.'trtty kiUTen and extensive re-C''' .h cwfirmed t.'e hunch v. firdrr ' t reach and maintain tie Onr-quart ! rt lUVd''ce temrvraturF'lCfitlv ith nr-e-'M for corrpletinc the .-tsreh. jHicfnins ceirtt.niation tr.at rr.ices MUs-Uurr Vi ,-n.n iactorv mold in j hianr mn prepared in a e a reei- 1 a-ound sidt's of ptjelding to admit .nr. place serving dwi over top of m'i'd. invert Makes )l sen Crumb Macaroons I'se those leftover crumb fram holiday breads to make these delightful Crumb Macaroons. For three dozen cookies, combine 1 cup fine dry enriched bread crumbs. I cup sugar. toa'poon ait and I cup chopped nut Stir 1 teaspoon van;!a cvtrait into 2 beaten dd erj mixture to crumb mixture a'vt m x well Drop by tea.pvnfuis onto weli- greaed hnking sneet Pke ir. rrwVrate oven ViO degree F ',2 to S minutes or until hghtiv row nod Kemove fnm liking .f,et to cioling rat k at orne ot! Prir ir 1 m rmm tempera Ir KTricr; tr 4 t- hrw;-s twore urnvidi'is Indi- d. N"-ir v idu.d nxiid I'inc mids in te than thdt.wffr. lam I'o.ir in ponding mrrvirr s.iinlr ci'l at rtm trmtrrrfture 30 mm CTWiMng feri or enamel double boder t p ute fefneerate 2 to 3 hour to nov f.rviard r ipes hav r j.ur unnvldirg tn'tit-y rr fact into con Oration j Wfn I sing .U- lv.;;ble Ril rH.rjng labor afrv test, also, it r' ncreae se orvi rorv.irg c was ff.-nd that both the prepara n"d to I rnmulr If a'srr n ton o' the m'd and th length of .tirt cf"k:ng pe-Kl wer in b.t t,me :;f rniddvnc u . h.lled make t.-m of douh'e brulrr has fvar a d'rfe'rrK-e ir l. , man;e s ar- '1'r c--Hier'v . aid '7 rj r"r,-i. when it is t-irmd out ('.. i''.g w,i:rr T'-e to;,owirg hatc re :;w t.ikc a.i t'".ce pc;r.t into ror.irtera'i'-n MOLDKD Ct MVRII BIANf MAM.H V. fir ri'nvrra''ie rrrm tr to ,t!.- v:r;p rm,ld curl'e. beat in ptn h o. b-ik ,ig sfitia I r NOW OPEN! Shirley's CoinomotiC Loundromot Hil,.f 4 iK.m.fit Of. Vf) January Sale Prices on Quality Furniture NOW! Hurry! Sort! Ott S4H Green Sfompi, Too 0m f.(.T T,H 00 12fh I Main XiiricinX OPENING SOON ! ! Claude Rodger's Kitchen Center tIt Major Line Kitchen Cobinets Country Kitchen, MoaVnt I f ro'inciai Dctigm Installations Kelvinator Appliances it Custom Designing SEE OUR DISPLAY AT CALHOUN'S FLOOR COVERING 357 1st Mo.n TU 2-4229 GRADE 'AA" MEDIUM GRAPEFRUIT "SPARKLING WATER" GINGER ALE SOUR LARGE 28-oi. Plui Sc Dcpotit or Eichonge 14-01. MEAT PRICES Vi V -5 without lowering on QUALITY! 49 USDA "Good" Chuck Roasts Fresh Ground Beef ib Scott's Pur-Pok Bologna Ends and Pieces Bacon Leon Beef Shanks By the piece 39 .IV lb mw m 35 39 ib ib FISHER'S LARGE 40-oi. Pkg. Biskit - Mix 29' LUXURY LARGE 22-oi. Freth Todoy Locol Bread 259' LUCKY LAGER or OLYMPIA Beer 6 PACK LNo. FLAT TINS FAMOUS S'W CATSUP FRESH BRAND SLICED PINEAPPLE ll-oi. BOTTltS NO DEPOSIT RUFFLES POTATO CHIPS 69c it LARGt CHIFFON - ASST. COLORS Facial Tissue POWER PACKED DETERGENT Salvo large Site Reg. 48c bo, 33 DISHWASHER DETERGENT Vel-O-Matk ft. 3 3' FINER PLASTIC JUG Bleach Half Gallon 29' M.D. Tissue4'Vi37C KAISER 18-Inch Wide FOIL 2S FOOT ROLL 57' FEED GRAIN -SALT PREST-O-LOGS Solod Time Calavos Medford Newtown Apples Crisp, Solid CABBAGE T 1 v dJa R Mtm dr 4-!b. E" C BAG frjf For Dip pcjCiou nLi'RuFwiTII THESE BARGAINS! 3 BEES - LIGHT Honey - 96c Seedless iiiy Navels , ' CKoie & Sanborn, Standby COFFEE ib. CAMPBELL'S 10! 2-01. CANS Tomato Soup tin urs' 10Jj o. I POPS RITE WITH FREE SEASONING Popcorn 3: BUY TOJfi) ;fliini3''? S3cJ J mo