Weather Stymies Bicycle Testing The bicycle riding safety pro gram sponsored by the Klamath Falls Police Department has been Tom rjcrrg BATTER postponed until spring because of inclement weather, patrolman Jack Kedfield, program chair man, reported. About 585 elementary school stu dents were tested before the fog and wet weather caused the can cellation. Most of the youths com pleted the tests satisfactorily and will receive licenses after the Christmas vacation. The police department has re ceived many compliments from school officials, clubs and civic leaders concerning the fine pro gram sponsored bv the depart ment. 1 "Most of the youngsters want to follow the safety rules to the letter and if violations occur it's mostly due to lack of knowledge! of the ordinance." nedheld said. BOSH FURNITURE STOREWIDE l STARTS WEDNElll MUST REDUCE OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY BEFORE JAN.' 1 EVERY ITEM IN STORE (Except A Few Fair-Traded Items) EVERYTHING MUST GO! MANY ONE-OF-A-KIND ITEMS REDUCED MORE THAN HALF LOOK AT THESE EXAMPLES! Throw Rugs Discontinued Your Choice 50 i l-Only Slightly Soiled King Size Mattress And ox springs Reg. 239.95 " Clearance Sale Price Large 3-Piece Curved Sectional Heavy duty nylon cover, 5-year guarantee. Also converts to large double bed. Terrific value! Reg. 349.95 Deluxe 6-Piece edroom Set COMPLETE WITH MATTRESS AND BOX SPRINGS Large triple dreiser with beveled, tilting mirror Bookcat h tod board with footboard 2 Deluxe night stands Deluxe inncrspnng mottress, 510 year guarantee Deluxe motching box springs, guorantee Reg. 299.95 10 .., . ten i Wrdnesdiy, December , 1962 PAGE -A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Fill. OrffOB "DENNIS THE MENACE' Em 1MIIIN I CI Thieves Get Away Vith $300 In Merchandise Thieves got away with nearly Km worth of merchandise in four thefts that occurred Thursday and Friday nights, city police report ed. A $125 eight-inch television set was reported taken from the dis play window at Bowden Music Company, 830 Main Street, be tween 6 and 9 p.m. Thursday. The set was shoplifted when the sales personnel were busy taking care of customers, police s u r mized. The Base Exchange at King- D1SCLOSES CASUALTIES PORT SAID, I'A n. a'PV President Gamal Abdel Nasser said Sunday night that 136 U.A.R. officers and men have been killed fighting on the republican side in Yemen. "The shoes of each one of them are more precious than the crown of King Saud or the crown of King Hussein." he told a "vic tory day" rally. Saud, of Saudi Arabia, and Hussein, or Jordan, support the deposed Yemen mon arch. Imam El Badr. sley Field was broken into be- tween 8 p.m. Thursday and 7 a.m. Friday and a $60 camera and a $20 electric can opener were taken. City police have Jio suspects in the case. The Air Police are also investigating the breakin. Casey Perez and Harold Brown, 325 Commercial Street, were vic tims of a burglary at the apart ment tnal occurred between 9 and 11 p.m. Friday, city police reported. Stolen from an unlocked wash room were an electric heater val ued at $14 and a $38 coin changer with about $10 of change in it. The victims lold police they didn't Know wno could have taken the articles. "t&JP2ZL4. WL SONiWX THAT 03NT eutfrtt V W W WAU5J" Recreation Schedule Set The Klamath Auditorium activi ties scheduled from Dec. 26 to 31 has been released by the Klamath Falls Parks and Rec reation Department. Wednesday, free play 10 a.m.; Golden Age Club, 12:30 p.m.,; free play, 1 p.m.; Kingsley Field Volleyball practice, 3:30 p.m.; Thursday, free play, 10 a.m. tind 1 p.m.; Kingsley Field Volleyball practice, 3:30 p.m.; commercial rental, 8 p.m.; Friday, free play 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.: Kingsley Field Volleyball practice, 3:30 p.m. For the week of Dec. 31 the schedule will run as follow s: Mon day, free play, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.; commercial. rental, 8 p.m.; Tuesday, closed; Wednesday through Friday, building closed for sealing gym floor. NEXT DANCE AT RED BARN WILL BE NEW YEAR'S EVE Mori., Dec. 3 lit Music By PEE WEE STIDHAM And The Butte Valley Rangers PLAN NOW TO ATTEND!! A generator was taken from alleave his car overnight car owned by Vern Fahlgren, 4143 'I Summers Lane, after 11 p.m. Friday, after Fahlgren got stuck on Alamrda Avenue and had to I NOTHING NEW ATHENS. Greece (L'PD MrV than 2.000 vears aco when Dip original Olympic Games were staged tna ancients argued about whether competitors wore really amateurs or state-supported hire lings, just ts modern nations are doing today. TRY IT AT THI LUCCA CAFE World Famous-Delicious BROASTED CHICKEN PIZZA TIE Reel Italian Style Order to Go, Too LUCCA CAFE PHONE TU 4-3276 2354 S. 6th Make Reservations . Now! No increase in p r i c e t. Plan right now to enjpy a big evening of fun at the Willard. THE ART KAYE COM EDAIRES will be here all evening with the finest in music ond entertain ment. Call your friends and plan a party. Phone TU 4-4161. FEATURING: Dining and dancing from 9 till 2. We'll be featur ing our famous char broiled steaks and roast prime Rib of Beef! WILLARD HOTEL Phone TU 4-4161 low! daniel't V2 Yearly Shoe Sale offers you the best values in Town COMPARE! 527 Main MURIEL'S AFTER-CHRISTMAS ' SALE THIS IS A STORE-WIDE SALE EVERYTHING (EXCEPT MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS) REDUCED! SU ITS-DRESSES-SKI RTS-CAPRIS-BLOUSES SWEATERS-UMBRELLAS COSTUME JEWELRY INCLUDING AUSTRIAN CRYSTAL HAND-BEADED INDIAN MOCCASINS AND BAGS, SQUAW BOOTS, SQUARE DANCE SLIPPERS. USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN Buy at This Sale Where Your Christmas Money Will Go Further MURIEL'S FINE GIFTS 1023 Main St. Phone 4-6576 In Of Mir Super Deluxe 5-Pc. DAYSTROM inette Set One of the finest teti made! Ex tra large extension table with 2 leaves, no-mar top. 4 matching chairs, foam padded, vinyl cov. ered! Reg. 139.95 m95 NO MONEY DOWN - NO PAYMENT TILL FEB. 15 60-DAY CREDIT WITHOUT CHARGE BUSH FURNITURE "Where Quality It Not Expensive" 221 Moin Next to Willard Hotel Ph. TU 2-4688 SALE STARTS THURSDAY SAVE opto 5m n CHILDREN'S WEAR LADIES WEAR MEN'S WE AR HOUSEHOLD ITEM , LOOK FOR THE SALE TAGS! 2l'AS LOW. LOW PRICES PLUS REENSTAMPS, QUANTITIES LIMITED! ALL SALES FINAL! NO REFUNDS ... NO EXCHANGES W VALUES EVERYWHERE BE HERE EARLY! Mie Eon Bazaar WW GRSTAMPsj 4480 South 6fh Next to Oregon Food SALE STARTS at 9: a.m. Sharp Thursday Morning 1