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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1962)
PAGE 4-A 1ILRALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Oregon Tuesday, Drrembrr IS. 1KX GUARANTEED REPAIR SERVICE AT WARDS fft-fi phono, radio. TV. appliaor. . . a Wards technician la ;utt a ohone call away! You'll lUa ttM ervira . . . and Uic prlca! Call " MONTGOMERY WARD UVILI DEPABTMENT IV 1 11"! aik A Pima Happy Holiday NEW YORK 1LPI1 - Too. be ovcr-eaficr, says A. C. Gilbert. I Jr., president ol the A. C. Gil bert Co. of New Haven, Conn. Let Junior discover for himself how those mechanical toys work. One purpose of a toy is to stimulate a child's curiosity and self expression through use of his im agination. If you deny your younester the privilege of exploring and discov ering his new toy, you cut down on the pleasure and educational value it contains. Most children open up the new toy on Christ mas morning look it over and think to themselves, "How does it work?" Unless they ask for help, let them have the fun of figuring it out themselves, says Gilbert. ACROSS 33 View 1 ChrittmU5'"cUBt iir.p.Mr, Confederal. 6W.ToL States America was sood to you ., and your fanuly " J'1'0' ., 11 This season j? J?',",",' " . our spirits J?'"1 do3ke 13 Continued story J 11 Christmas has liSPi ' to Xiri,i K7 "Ch-cterirtie. 16 0nul porsy UL, mcuido'i note f;5!!';i'" 20 Children lov. KLMilKrm to play id DOWN 22 Tiny 1 Flesh foods 23 Negative prefix 2 Biblical nam 24 Sweet secretion 3 Spoliation 26 Raver 4 Route lab.) 29 Above fpoet.) 8 Period of time 3 Drone bee ft Selection tab.) 32 Born 7 Brazilian many fathers choose toys they want themselves and spoil Christmas for the youngster, ac- Year End Stock Reduction and cordinc to a leading maker. Furthermore. Dads should rot ID I W.EsrlORA APPRECIATION aTia t eIa t p UiLSI PENNEY'S o. IS N O R TEPEE Ff.'i5"E"FTs1 fey ME Nl Si pen 9:30 5:30 Doily macaw 8 Kind of religion! creed 0 Clothier It) Asiatic river 12 Killed 13 Disseminates 18 Aerial (comb. form) 21 Male bee 'Ifi Kuual 34 Confirm .15 Feudatory 36 Auricle 38 Dinner course 39 Island In New York bay 40 Vehicles 42 Steals 44 Cubic meter 47 A p pear 40 ANNIVERSARY Open Friday Night till 9 c 50 Pronoun 27ChriJtmis song 51 Greek leUer Vern Owens says: "We've had a good year, but we need to reduce our stock before inventory. So, to show our appreciation, we've really reduced the prices on our remaining Frigidaires, while they last. Now is the time to save on brand new, 1962 model 28 Monday n jt-ouisii WFausfrs shepptold fc1 VaajTarTi Eager Dads Spoil Toys Answer to Prsvious Punle J 5 A nI't a iDON.ogl RA TiTILEI I.'OtElS IA L EMI: IE i T---JV- I l s in in i l Z 3 rn 67 8 9 10 1 h frn itH -'' worsted j' ! suit . ': I SPECIAL . A yk Pennty's Town Clads . . . one of Amtrioa'l finest suTr values. Compare 'em with suits costino much more! Wool worsteds In ploids, fancy wcoves, diagonals, more! All 3-button styles with smort plain or pleated trousers! Sizes 36-44, short, regular, longs, No down payment! You can CHARGE your suit I at Penney's DANCE and SHOW featuring. IN PERSON BOBBY "Blue" win JOE SCOTT and his 9 piece ORCHESTRA AL "T.N.T." BRAGGS THE BLAND DOLLS Dolores Johnson VrrfrVNr AUDITORIUM THURS. DEC. 27 DANCING 9 - T $2.50 Per Person 16 r"ji7 18 19 ' 24 " I25 27 '128 ' 29 30 HI 31 32 33 "T "b j3' 38 139 Ro" r' 41 4 j 43 44 45 46 47 jJ48 45 50 51 "52 53 !56 57 Our entire stock is reduced for clearance before the first of the year! Vern Owens' Cascade m 412 Main merurm OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT strings Ph. 4-8365 9rh & Pine Phone TU 4-3188 STORE HOURS 9:30 TO 5:30 DAILY Old Santa Is Stranger To Eskimos I ST. La WHENCE ISLAND, Alas ka iUPH Santa Claus is i stranger to many Eskimo chil drcn who Jive practically beneath the shadow of Ihc North Pole in the land of the midnight sun. Bui each year the dark-eyed children in many Eskimo vil lages in Alaska get a little bit UJ Sjy v.'. if tvm rm R ..i atKaataaaiaj j w'm"" ii Willi i.rfr""--'-hJ matr 1434 Main St. - Klamath Foils Ph. 4-s iuJ A WARM ENGINE on a cold morning means less engine wear and more driving comfort. ENGINE HEATERS for TRUCKS or PASSENGER CARS. SPECIALIZED SERVICE CO. 1434 Main Ph. 4-5103 rr ihiiii in . t.i. mi my in I nil m Mill I llii rJ'H'mi.' W IIUW IJMyWM W"W t -IfHWllH'W " uaaiiHa-lliiTlBiwaaillPHI-jllWIilW ll'.W Clearance fe-ggiveniory I SHOP EVERY COUNTER FOR TERRIFIC CLEARANCE VALUES Throw Rugs & Runners LAMPS TOYS Christmas Trims. & Decorations KITCHENWARES DISHES Plus Many Other Items "CHARGE IT" CANNON BLANKETS 'ASPEN". Blend of 94 Royon, Acrilan Acrylic. Mothproof. Assorttcd Colors. Reg. $4.49, NOW .... Woshablc, $2 taa-'JtWllM.M'.iaLl.'lg'tAWglBTM more acquainted with the man in (he red suit with the long, white beard. "Kuweanotwok Kusamassic" i the Eskimo version of Merry Christmas), they squeal to the jolly fat man, who is the friend of all children. For several years the men of the Alaskan Air Command at El mendorf Air Force Base near Anchorage have been sending Santa Claus to the remote vil lages across the state. Each year the men volunteer to gather, repair, wrap and pack toys and gilts for air shipment to the remote radar installations and nearby Eskimo villages for distribution to the children. More Special Sanla's visit to St. Lawrence Island this Christmas season was more special than usual. Maj William L. Dow, commander of j the Northeast Cape Air Force Sta tion here, said a number of Eski- mos are still living in a tcmpo I rary summer camp because of a hepatitis epidemic in their home village of Savoonga, 100 miles norlh. With a poor hunting season, the temporary villagers have been living on wild ducks, seagulls and some small game. So an added treat to supplies brought by i Wicn Alaska Airlines was the vis 'it of Santa Claus loaded down I with toys and gifts for the chil ! drcn from the men of the Alas- 4.. kan Air Command. In this case, Santa was Lt. Col. Jay Thomas, a veterinarian sta tioned at Elmendorf AFB. Travels By Plane Transportation wasn't quite the same as a reindeer driven sleigh, but an Air Force C123 transport plane from the 504lh Air Trans port Squadron at Elmendorf flew Sanla Claus to the island with a regular supply mission. From the Northeast Cape sta tion. Sanla chose a more conven tional method lo make his way to the village a dogslcd. An Air Force spokesman said by the time "Operation Santa Claus l!W2" is completed, gifts will have been distributed to about I,2,"i0 children living in the vicinity of the 14 radar stations scaltered across the stale. M Li4 x 12' RUGS with four V i. i m MONTGOMERY WARD SB"??? If 1 .-ntn. sort? r $1.00- v tl j Candy Stripe, 100o Rayon i 'i Foam Backing. Bound on all v mm .xm i in iTlrTTP1 Mni ' innmWiliH.ilrn- - -i-,, ilr -'"(i . WhiSe Sheets 141 Count, Bottom Fitted Ci?enfl!e Bed Spreads Full Size. Assorted Colors. Reg. $3.98 .... Double Bed Size Single Bed Size 99' 9th & Pine TU 4-3188 AIRLINE. PICTURE TUBE SALE On Popular 21" Tubes 09 Pin Vo . via ium Traift-ln Installed by Factory Trained Technicians Iniir iKirp TV picfuraa iti Iwaar llumimiad ptctura tuaa . . . mmit tar W,,t V Ulrfinf twbt .in. taclarir. Cwa.anla.a lit axt Tar. COMPARE AIRLINE QUALITY AND LOW PRICES ON ALL OTHER SIZE TUBES PlMlir Mini .awj X V mxf new utteo corners I v I L- Voih and wall-Hia frleh uV 'i. "' ramahui 4it la fllwavi sarfact. : f r-ZZ.'m!h .. t-f tt en ond tak. off- NXUJ Pllfr; Tl X nd IvBjalj, lifting, turing. .jf im r---tainiirjri mm FITTED PERCALE SHEETS, NEW STRETCH CORNERS $89 U Reg. 2.19 72x108" fitted twin 2,39 fitted bofton 81x108" 2.19 Sturdy V-shaped elastic power net in all corners eliminates tugging or lifting when making bed; assures wrinkle-free comfort. 1 86-count white percale for long wear, Sanforized against shrinkage. Reg. 2.19 flat twin, 72x108" 1-89 Reg. 2.39 dot double, 81x108" ....2.19 Reg. 1.19 pillowcase, 42x38'2" 2 for 1.04 SAVE ON MUSLIN SHEETS! $158 U ,72x108" twin 133-eount balanced weave muslin, bleached snowy white. Sanforized, neat ly hemmed. Reg. 1.98 flat double 81x108" ....1.78 Reg. 1 79 fitted bottom, twin 1.58 Reg. 1.98 fitted bottom, double ....1.78 Reg. 98c pillow case. 42x36" 2 for 84e ml 1 1 ViA lljp SAVE '3 ON WARM SHEET BLANKET! Regularly 2.49. Closely woven bleached white cotton; 70x90"; sheet in winter, oian- 6& ket in summer. I WHITE FIBERCLAS WASH, DRIP-DRY! Luxury-weight draperies without a core! Won't shrink, stretch, discolor. 48x48' pair; C99 white only. a9 T M. Ofni-Cornirt REG. 4.98 SPREAD IN BRIGHT COLORS Rayon pile with cotton backing in chenille like pattern. Fringed edges, full or )99 twin. Save nowl w 4Sc OFF! 3 FAST DRYING TOWELS! Cotton kitchen towels; 1 6x28"; assorted print ed patterns and colors; littlelint;reg. 49c each. 3'..99e