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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1962)
! r CLAY R. Your Ooi According fll i- 8-28 35 55-60-87 86 I . tAUtUS lo develop menage -or Wednesday, read wcrdi corresponding ro numbers Of your Zodiac birth sign. K.nd And -.end VI 9-1J-S7.46 'iu.0'.. JH(t. j65-73-8-90 5Pn, ;'5ba(tt0tk simwi s:" 3o.d spuAvx 8Nd jjvsou.n & 5 JUKE3: '':'-f 36A.t,r,.,ve - n 3- 4-19-33 i s.ncf,. 4ia.. A'O-59-70 I3m,. CANCfl !-' 4: T - fjfft IULV Jl lo t ! Holiday 4e P 10.13.20-29 'ij'X W.18.57.82 89 iF,om 4, ad , AUG 23 Ji O ,36-44-54 63 75-7677 ie't i4 0' Cortifji.fYienrj V:ioui 26 A.od ?7WK,ch b7And 28 O-it 6 Can 30Tt,p ,0n I VIIGO Kfsi. SWT !2 tJA 5-11-25-32 133-61 80 85 OflCood AJvcrv f Cute Kid In Curlers Has Father Worried By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann: 1 am a worried fa- ther who is appealing to you for help. We have only one child, a son 10 years of age. My wife insists on putting hair curlers on this boy at night. I think she also puts a bleach in his shampoo wa ter because his hair be getting lighter. When the boy was younger she dressed him in fussy clothes and put lipstick and nail polish on him. She thought it looked cute. She kept his hair in long curls un til he was 5. I insisted on a hair cut before he started to school. Now I am seriously concerned because he likes to dress up in his mother's clothes and he'd rather play with girls than boys. Also he likes dolls and pays no attention to trains, trucks or boy games. Please tell me what to do be fore we have a real problem on our hands. DAD Dear Dad: You have a real problem now. Children who are treated as if they were members of the oppo.sit sex often grow up to he homosexuals. Both your wife and your son need profes sional help. The doctor may suggest adopt ing a little girl or taking a foster child into your home. Then perhaps your wife would slop trying lo make a girl nut of her son. In the meantime you ran fake him fishing, to ball games and out hiking. Introduce him to the male world and encourage him to be a part of It. Dear Ann Landers: We are hard-working, middle income pco ople. Our five children are grown and married. All of them get along well except our youngest son. Hal never was able to manage on his income. Five years ago he borrowed a few thousand dol lars from his brother to buy a house. Two years later he sold the house, bought a new car and rented an apartment. He never paid his brother back, nor has he ever mentioned the debt. Last year Hal was evicted for non-payment of rent so we let him live, rent-free in a home which we own. We even paid his utility bills, but that wasn't enough. Now he is trying to bor row from us again. The whole family is disgusted with him and I'm so upset 1 don't know what to do. Do par ents have the right to say no to a son who can't seem to make it -CONSCIOUS STRICKEN' Dear Stricken: Parents not only have the right to say no they have an obligation. You are in trouble now because you didn't; say no long ago. The rent-free hit (plus utilities yet) was no fa vor, it only delayed the day of reckoning. When Hal finds no one is going to be there with a safety net he'll stop jumping. Dear Ann Landers: Our daugh ter. 21. is graduating from college .June. She and two girl friends are the only ones in their croup uhn aim nnt pnn.-u'pfl or married, ,. ... , it .j ,1-1, 1(1 III infill itim vim u umii they were ready or the Old Folks Home. Collcge to them is the H;ippv Hunting Ground. Failing there, they feel they are doomed to .spin Merhood. THE BETTER HALF seems to 1 A VRV hmeRRV POLLEN- AcWy Guide to thm Start UUA OCT' 23 yjyf R6-42.47-52w' 69-72-78 V 61 Out OZ L-0":r 03 PQftnt XT 24 Qiij 6-17-21-30 ng M Vu II fe5Gom 60 iomtKVT o7 Y-yj 70 IncJ.COlH 71 In 72 Pa-mership 73 Peep'. 74 Need 75 May 76 Arr.vt 77 Soon 73 Knananj 79 80 Tr-ork-voo 81 .ropefoti P2 Remo n 5j lyrmeihing 6 . 5 Cords 86 Today iT Your 81 lO.'Ot 90 Respornv 136 51-67 SACITTAitUl s 6 43.5P! 79-83 V riicow DEC 18- 39-43- 5P4 1 i2-64-79-83 CAiHKOtN DtC 22-34 49-50 it bo-71-74 I- 7-15 23-l 01-45-81 86 MSCIS rts, !0l. 6-14 24-371 l7C: Ml-5668 ll's awful lo see these girls sn panicky. I'm afraid lliev might settle for anything in trousers be tween now and June just to prove they can get a man. Do you have any thoughts on this SAN JOSE Dear Jose: The herd instinct is powerful. It takes maturity lo keep, from settling for a second rater when you smell the orange blossoms all around you. There is statistical evidence jthat the girl who waits until she is at least 22 stands a far bet ter chance of enjoying a lasting marriage. Are you going steady? Making marriage plans? If so. send for Ann Landers booklet, "Befor You Marry Is It Love Or Sex?", en- clossing with your request 20 cents in coin and a long, self-addressed.. tamped envelope. j Ann Landers will be glad to;s help you with your problems Send them to her in care of this newspaper enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope. California Briefs HAPPY CAMP FRANCIS DAVIS SR., Ti Bar was honored guest at a surprise birthday party, Dec! 15, given by his daughter, Mrs. Shirley Con rad, at her home in Happy Camp, BERT HIGGLE is cooking al the Oak Bottom Forest Service sta. tion ond his wife. Flora Higgle, is cooking for the Sciad Valley For est Service crew. MR. AND MRS. JAMES BROWN and family, Hoopa, vis ited here Dec. 16 at the home of Mrs. Brown's sister, Mrs, Sadie McAuly. GHEENVIEW MR. AND MRS. RANDY MAR TIN, San Jose, arrived Dec. 20 to spend the holidays with Mar tin's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin. QUARTZ VALLEY 4-H Cl.l'B met at the schoolliouse Dec. 14 and went caroling. Later they held their Christmas party. The club members made and sold Christmas cookies their treasury. to augment MOUNT SHASTA MR. AM) MRS. ROIIKRT SIM MKRS will spend Christmas week at Bend where they will visit Mrs. Simmers' father. Alex Mc Lennan, and her brother. Edward. Mrs. Simmers is a local arlist and correspondent for several newspapers. VIRGINIA BIRMISA. Mount : Shasla High School student and crack skier, left Friday for Vail, Colo., to attend a tryout camp for the Olympic junior skiing team at the invitation of the Olympic Games Committee. She is 17 years old, on the school's honor roll, and a member of the California Scholarship Federation. JUNK HILOKIHt.WDK, gradu ate of the 1!M7 Mount Shasta High School class, has uon honors in New York's art world. She will jcxhihit wood cuts, drawings, and nasleis from .Ian. 4-24 in Asnerts , - . 1 1 v... v .1. r',-4. ci udlifij' in .yvv i ui i itijf. out ; ir one of 15 artists whose works i are being shown there. Miss Hilde- .hrandc was an honor student and a member of the California Schol arship Federation while in high school. By Bob Barnes - MAKRierS'tsllLfY teas LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Settled proposals will oe received by the Common Council ot the City of Klam ath Fails. Oregon, tor the pyrenaie cf sewer improvement bonOs, Series No 127. aggregating. Forty-two thousand tive nunoreo imr.y-seven n0 js-iw aonrt , ' " ' X . , ' , " , . ' the construction and laying of sewer hnet in Sewer umt No. X, o sa'd City er ing, the north-west portion o Buea Vis la Addition, Buena Vista first Addition And a pari ot Shipplrtgton Addition, ex tending back from the shore line of Up per Klamath Lake toward Klamath Lake Addition, all in said C'ty. Proposals to purchase SAid bonds will be received by the undersigned up to and! at the hour of 7 30 o'clock P.M. of said'Wrile P.O. Box 974, City day and nnened at a regular meeting ot the Common Council immediately there b'ter; tald bonds shall be dated Feb. 1, 1 963. and shall be in amounts of I $500 00 each, except bond No. l, of said I series, which shall be tor the fractional I (part of said sum. and all shall be due ten years after the date ot issue; pay - ot I he entire bonds optional with: said City at any coupon paying date on and after one year from the date thereoU I Said bonds will bear interest at the ratal ot not to eceed six per cent per annum, payaoie semi-annuairy on t-ebruary isiucio WAMTEn uai I and August 1st ot each year, principal1 nc'r ' cu'mMLt and Interest payable at the office ot the . Treasurer ol the City 01 Klomtth Falls. Oregon. All proposals must be unconditional and accompanied bv a certified check tor live per cent ol the proDosal. The Com- anv anV a hid, " ' """' The successful bidder for said bonds will be furnished with an opinion as to J the legality thereof by the law firm of, Shuler, Say re, Wintree & Rankin, Port land Trust Building, Portland 4, Oregon. i his nonce is autnorned by ordinance of the Common Council ot the City of Kiamath Falls, Oregon, dated November 16, 1962. Rosle Keller Recorder, Gly of Klamath Falls, Oreaon. No. B23, Nov. 28, 29, 30, Dec. 2, 3, 4, S, 6. 7, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, II. 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30. 31, 1962, Jan. 1, 1963. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-81 1 1 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays 8 a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words per fine. Ads under 3 lines count same as 2 lines. 3 6. 10 1 Times Times Times Month ! J2.50 $4.00 J5.00 $ 9 00 1 3.25 5.00 6 50 1 1 .50 1 4.00 6 00 8.00 14 00 4.75 7.00 9.50 16.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement, If paid In advance. Above rates are for consecutive inser tions, without change of copy, for pri vate individuals. Advertising must ba clear and understandable to be produc tive. All words must be spelled out. Autos offered for sale by private Indl- duals cash with copy, DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and Mjnday, CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTIONS On same schedule, except on Monday : lese are taken tu ?:jo a.m. Please read first Insertion ot your ad. The Herald & News will give ona extra run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, $35 per month with 13.50 discount for payment on or before the 10th. Vi Inch, $19 with $1.50 discount for payment on or betore the 10th, Based on one copy cnange per montn. BOX SERVICE 50 cents per ad. C.RD OF THANKS, and IN MEMORIAL $2.50 PHONE TU 4-811 1 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES FUNERAL HOMES ...a WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. 9!5 High Street, phone TU ;-4t04. MEETING NOTICES ALOHA CHAPTER No. 61, O.E.S nnt hove n mpetina Tuesday, Dec. 25 on account of . holidays. MERRY-rqOMS CHRIb I MAb and HAP- Leona Selhv, W M, Sonforrl SHbv, W P. LOST & FOUND LOST black purse. Finder leave at BIS Walnut Reward TU 4-71 S3 GENERAL NOTICES From oil of us to all of you Our Most Sincere SEASON'S GREETINGS VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E. Mom TU 4-6812 personals begTnners- alanon famines of alcoholics. GRAHAM'S licensed home tor Ihe aqfd, private rooms or warn care, special diet, personal interest assured, TU 2-3165. MERRY Christm. Year to ell my Jack Pr-flrson. and Happy New iends and customers SERVICES 19 KLAMATH Alanon for c meetings, TU 4-3591, TU junsellnq and -6704 anytime. VACANCY for lady or gentleman need- ing nijrjirtg nrj, nrv !est(J"t CS'S Mountamview Nursina Home, 596 Park, Ashland, rv. pn, 482-131 6. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonvmous,TU 4-3591, TU 4-8704. Friendly help anytime. TREE topping, pruning, insured trc grooming. Lakeshce Nursery, TU 4-6955. REMODELING and repa kinds, reasonable, references, IU 3-5388 CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing piunt . or leave at your place. Al Stoll, TU 4 6126. LORNA'S DOLL HOSPITAL 1434 Lakevie - TU i-6992 kV CARBIDE v; ' SAWS TOOLS LOCAL SHARPENING By FACTORY TRAINED PERSONNEL V FRANK'S TACKLE 1 GRINDING SERVICE ?r E VAIN TU 7-n DENTAL PLATES Pipai-ed wne you wan. N Plfl't"! ttie From Your OM PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE I 1033 Vam TU i-V1 I MICE BUGST TERMITES B'LL'S BUG "F." business I Insu-M. C'ty .n-j y'e Lic'"i'1 W l Bill" Ottwn. tne Hug "E " Vn TU jtj So 7'h St. ! Coin Op Laundry Tnpioat W',ifM Also 21 ih. stVasne-t TB.C SHOPPING CENTER I Bh nd U S Bank ! Gino's Toilnr Shop I Children AH work , b e DT'CS Gee I M(ns WHr guaranteed. ffMwvv 10 me- CO Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PR0VANCE TREE SERVICE . If..ri n,B(-,.ior,.l wrvlce "fee torrea or removea PHONE TU 4-6B PaTnTINgV" inferior or eiterior, sheet- HCLP WANTED, HMA'i 14 SINGLE woman 21 to 5. nonsmoker. To do simple typing, my home, weekend eve nings. Good pay, 3-4 hours weekly. Per manent. Handicapped gladly considered. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY GOOD WAGES AddIv to Mr. Ramv. Mqr., , . c wpa - 1 " SINGER ccikir- rckirD 3tWllN(j tiN I c. 633 Moin TU 2-"513 im 1 POSITIONS available In radio and tele- sion In Southern Oreqon. Wrilt to Bo ,25C Htrald trid Ntv.t with rejumt work eperitnce MARRIED man. nctt tppearlna. to pick 0 orders tnd deliver. $100 per week, plus expenses, If yoj qualify Write Box 3C, carfl of Herald News BOYS! sceol EARN Vacation Money by ' selling the He: aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact He'ald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 MONTGOMERY, WARD Has Opening For Department MANAGER $8,000-59,000 PER YEAR EXCELLENT BENEFITS ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Only Those With Ability and Experience to r-uny Manage Furniture Department Need Apply . . . SEND RESUME OR APPLY IN PERSON TO KENNETH MOORE MONTGOMERY WARD 9th and Pine HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published In Herald & News are aceepted. In qood faith that the jobs ottered are as stated in tne advertising copy. We are not re sponsible for the Integrity of our adver tisers, put we maKa every effort to d s- cover and reect all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted aa ano tinning ir ro be misleading is asked fo report It to the Classified Ad- ertislng Department of the Herald & News .1UATIONS WANTED 18 LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m, 1328 Carlson Drive, TU 2-1844 IRONING, WASHING - Pickup, Deliver. Hand crocheted alghans TU 4-9434. CHILD cere anytime, your mine. TU 2-177B, rTU 2-2711. RON ING. experienced, pickup, deliver, mcc, phone TU 4-334B. FOR RENT GENTLEMAN. an room, $20 per month, 1S30 Crescent MEN. 134 N. 3rd. close In, housekeeping, reasonable, parklno, TU 4-9287. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 2 blocki Irom Main, S5 & up, TU 4-42S9. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 I NICELY furnished 2 bedroom apartment, 825 Lincoln. TU 4-5692. APARTMENT near Weyerhaeuser fur nished. Utilities, steam heal, J40. 4-8313. SMALL furnished, private bath. Couple pretcrrea, close in, iu 4340. EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. So. 11th. TU 2-1062. PARTLY furnished 4 room, walking dis tance. Adults only, $40, TU 4-6796. ONE and two bedroom apts., furnished or unfurnished. Children welcome. 2-1326 or see at 1779 Fargo. THREE room furnished duple, hot and cold water, 533, 1729 Wall, TU 4-4484 VILLA MARQUISE APARTMENTS, 1334 Oak, TU 2-6588. FURNISHED 3 room apartment, 155 One room, 940. All utilities included, shared bam, adults only. 419 no. luih. FURNISHED apartments, utilities fur nished, rooms, reasonable, Greer Aptr, 710 Main, TU 4-4678. FURNISHED 1 bedroom apartment, g raye, TU 4-5488. NICELY furnished bedroom apt. wool rugs, drapes, all utilities paid to certa amount, TU 4-3762. THREE room furnished apartment. 2061 Wtrte. CLEAN furnished, close to Main, by nth. FURNISHED apartment for rent. dry (acuities. TU 2-6034. PARK APTS. 130 up. Bachelor, natural hot water, TU 4-9 754, TU 4-3854. $36 to $58.50 CO'OR T ABLE LIVING AT LOW COSTt 1-5-3 tydroom apts., furnished or un'ur rushed. Prmanent maintenance included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMFNTS 1427 -VASHBURN WAY TU Office hours 8 a.m. to 5 p m. RICKFALLS . APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One ond Two Bedroom apu. Furnished and Unfurnished $69 SO to $39.50 Doily, WHy Motel Rates TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 7544 Uton I nwlrQnm unfirn!"M 7 BM'Mn uM-Tfiiiheej 5rc-9ui festetu'ly Decorated 'Van to Wan Carp?i: Swimming Pol rtt:iiir eM serviCM .rni ir.hone and eiectncify DO'O'riM heien TU ,SERV,5 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 CLOSE In duple i, furn'shed, one ha- room, lawndrv, aaraae. fteO. TU 4-15 MCE clean turnished apertment, in, TU 3-2531. TU clotc ? BEDROOM TU 4-S4W. CASCADE APARTMENT -HOT EL luxHii'ni J a Twin innminn HOUSES FOR RENT BEDROOM house near VYevernaeusei 'n i shed or unfurnished. TU 2-dUS. fui DANDY t bedroom cabin. Gas heat, gas hot water, gas cooking Nicely furnished Ntce nd clean 2 blocks from Mam near 5th $25. Inquire Mrs. Adams. SI4 High. TWO bedroom unfurnished except oil heater, south suburbs, large fenced vara swj, tu mi &o eves. UNFURNISHED newly painted two bed room house, fireplace, floor furnace, ac cept two, three children, $70, TU 2-2 10 EXCELLENT one bedroomrtuTnlihTdTg rage, fenced yard, S8S, TU 4-1052 after 5. Inrjuire 4055 Shasta Way. ONE bedroom furnished, oil heat, north Side, TU 2 4789. UNFUR NISH E D2 bed roo fflhou s .g a rage, paved street, inquire 1544 Etna. 1 CLEAN 1 bedroom duplex, Isned nice neignoomooa, iu I bedroom, close EXCEPTIONAL UNFURNISHED one bedroom duplex Mills, garage, electric best, adults, $6 TU 2-47SJ. REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, fur nished. $65, Inquire 111 Pine. ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom furnished, 150, Mills, TU 4-6319. TWO bedroom houses unfurnished. $45' 165. Children, pets ok. References re quired. TU 2-6590. FURNISHED t bedroom, all electric, gi rage, South Suburbs, adults, TU 4-5938. ONE bedroom furnished house. New. decorated. TU 4-3243. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, like new, $65. 1813 Siskiyou, TU 4-7534. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, ga rage, adults, 3011 Boardman. TU 2-0990. NICE 2 bedroom unfurnished house. In quire 2232 Union. UNFURNISHED two bedroom triplex. Full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, electric beat, $60. TU 2-3444, ext. 44, before 5 p.m. TU 4-8267 after 5. UNFURNISHED two bedroom. Garage Washer dryer hookup. Water oaid 1640 Patterson, near Moylna Heights, 9-1812 NICE - newly painted - unfurnished 2 bedroom duplex. Only 3 years old. well insulated. Range and refrigerator. $85 per month. TU 2-4664, eves. TU 4-5544. FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM HOME. TU 2-0J4B SMALL furnished house. Close In, TU 2-1470. ONE bedroom furnished. Near air base. TU 4-6465. AVAILABLE soon In Henley. Unfurnished 2 bedroom plus i story, 2 children, $55. Reference required, tu 4-6Y4. TWO bedroom partly furnished, 4332 Shasta Way, TU 4-3269, TU TWO bedroom fumbled house, $65, 320 ith. Tnree bedroom furnished, $95. 939 Eldorado, TU 4-9117. NEARLY new three bedroom home, un- 1 1 shed, south suburbs, Peterson School district. TU 2-4646 or TU 2-5935 itter 5:30. ONE bedroom unfurnished home, J50, Roosevelt School. TU ?-056? evenings. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 DOWNTOWN office spaces. Good loca. tlons. Inquire Gun Store, TU 4-3663. STORE building for rent, well heat, cold and hoi 2-24B3, TU 4-BOJ3. REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 WE are BUYING small EQUITIES IF you want to SELL, SEE PAUL McATEE 339 EAST MAIN STREET TU 2-4646 tor an APPOINTMENT REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 29 I am a "TRADER" ARE YOU? why tell when you can trd. Cak DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Club Licensed Ore. Cal. Ida. Wash. I0J7 Main St. TU 4-41J7 REAL ESTATE fOR SALE ..301 BEAUTIFUL panoram'c ocean vl tract, 414 ft. frontage on Hwy. 101. acres seeded to grass with water main available, also a very desirable ocean- v tract, 205 ft. Hwy. 101 frontage and 244 tt. deep, water main available. Both tracts have excellent surroundings and are good investment properties. Must sell at once, III health. Fry. Box 455. Waldport, Ore. Ph, 563-4588. 75 ACRE ranch fully equipped, 5 miles from Klamath Falls, available immedi ately. TU 4-4539. MERRY CHRISTMAS from the staff of CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors Since 1909 Klamath Foils Insurance Agency WISHING YOU A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON LEONARD. REALTY fr JOE LEONARD r JOE PERRY AUDREY KEERINS MOVING? DEANE SACHER RiALTOR Member International Traders Club Licensed-Ore Cal. Ida Wasn MLS Multiple Luting Service EQUITY For Sale or Trade 12,600 equity in 3-bedroom suburban nch type home This piece is modern de sign with 1', haths, circulating fireplace, hardwood floors, single garage, lencel back yard. Located on dtd end street, 'j mile beyond Town ft, Country Shopping Center A nice place to live, but owner has been trsns'erred. So-ft-o-o-o, It needs a new owner Assume payments 5108 9( , . tot m price 114,900. What have you to trade' Mills Addition Move n-jht in for Christmas! Three bfl rnnm 2 bath horns. The recently painted "oms ceafe dreamy atmosphere throughout Deep cupboards nd many r.isH drbght any homemaker. Compact intchen enl utility porch save many steps Corner lot with lenced yard and, sprinkler system enhance privacy. Has j rnen appraised at 115,X1, owner will sal tor IU.500 Taes en type financing. CAL PEYTON KLAVATM TRADERS CLUB I3S Market TU 4-51491 ...... ,"n"" Hurnll U Rush TU-41HALE j Al Mouse T U 4-7011 REAL ESTATE FOR SAIE .30) FOUH epartments. close in, TU 2-:s31. investment I TU 4-eM. 3 BEDROOM suburban, 1 ecre. pasture. carport, girage. it Oi'O TU J-3H0 eves lioht. water, seotlc tank, TU 2-W out nl;mMr 0e Newly painted, lacheo double garage, near e'ementary 26shop, trees, shrubs, flowers, 'i basement. oil furnace, paved street. FHA appraisal. TU 4-3J. 15 ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau tiful building se. Henley School District, $4 500. TU 4-7814. SUPERB building lot in Hof Springs area. Call TU 4-8971 evenings. r paving town" Brick 3 bedroom onced for quick sale! I'i baths, double garage, i carpeted, drapes, built-in oven and range 1 rnrnir Int with nrinktr svitem. 47151 Onyx, TU 2-H32. SEASON'S GREETINGS BRUCE OWENS REALTOR & STAFF DREAM HOME Exclusive residential district. Best of con struction. Beautiful view. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, birch kitchen, patio, ceramic tile bath. $15,500. TU 2-2410. MERRY CHRISTMAS from STROUT REALTY 54?J So. 6lh For excellent opportunities in HOMES, FARMS, BUSINESSES Phone or See Bob ond Stello Dehlinqer. Rep. TU 4-5281; Eves. TU 2-5601 Honk Holmr.n. Slsmn. TU 2-5048 STILWELL & CO. REALTORS WISHES YOU A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON JIM STILWELL JUNE JONES HARRY VAN BRUCE BINKLEY RON VAN ORMAN ULTRA-MODERN DREAM HOUSE Clerestory windows In llvlncjrnom. Brick wall with circulating fireplace. 3 bed rooms, V baths, family room, built In appliances and lots ol slornge. A steal St 116,000. NICE HOME NEAR KLAMATH LAKE Living room, kl'iciien, 2 bedrooms, utility and family room. Gas Moor lurnace, dou ble carport, nico lawn and shrubbery. Full price, 19,950. A 160 ACRE SPRAGUE RIVER RANCH 90 Acres permanent pasture. Gravity Ir rigation. All fenced. Priced right at 125,000. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 SO, 9th St. Phone TU 2-4740 Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 TU 4-5695 TU 2-5667 Iris Madole Lois Macy Hank Hansen TU 2-3101 The entire staff ot the Midland Empire Realty and Insurance wish to extend their thanks and Appre ciation to all you wonderful people of this Midland Empire who have made It possible for 196 to ba such a successful year. MERRY CHRI5TMA5 AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main Jim O'Oonahue TU 2-3471 TU 4-9693 OUR WISH FOR ALL IS A MOST BLESSED HOLIDAY SEASON AND JOY AND PROSPERITY IN THE YEAR AHEAD Sch'roeder Realty Co. REALTORS Polly Schrooder Florence McConnell TU 4-9254 TU 2-0168 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 33 NOTICE TO PUBLIC I Please investigate thoroughly any Invest ment of moneys In merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore Investing your capnei. me neraia and News makes every effort to reecl all fraudulent or misleading, advertising, however, we ere not responsible for the intearitv of the firms or individuals 1 place advertising In our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to h fraudulent or misleading should be reported to the Classified Ac- ver'ning Department of the Herald and Nvs FINANCIAL . LOANS WIND UP 1962 .. . and START OUT 1963 . . . with a budoet (hot points to a bright fu ture! Coll us soon for quick, courteous, confidential cash loon service. You'll enioy the holldoys much more if you do! FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Can Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Poy Private Auto Soles Financed Locally Owned for 33 Yean Motor Investment Co. e i'i oth TU 4-77H3 BUILDING RfrMOUiLINS 36 I for nualitv 1 C AfllNr f, M. i cahlnets, call OU At IT Y J : HOUSEHOLD GOODS J7 ir. Stor.wid. DECEMBER llNITUr A,de DECEVB: -, oomo. on et LUCAS fURNI TURE, 19 E HERALD AND NEWS. Klumuth HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 i VAAMFC HPVPD Rir guarantfed Bendi. Easy, Prig. la.nre. G i . Kenmore, Maytaq. No ge. Phiico, Westinghousa, Whirlpool. Uhdg t Electric. 1026 Main, TU 4-5512. GUAR ANT F E 0US ED VaNGPS RtF-RIGF-RATORS WASHERS DRYERS - WATER HEAT fc RS Cascade Home Furn. 412 Main TU 4-0365 WESTINGHOUSE PnrfnKI Roll Ahout I ID I J -.,,,., A rurn i L-i:nvvnjnLr i Thl ' 0 emonstrotor. Sold new for $269 95. Save now. i n is p ATI? I f k 'C IXlrrrrl flf J Eat Side Applionces 1 132 So 7th TU 4-8886 NEW! NEW! NEW! HIDE-A-BEDS $134.95 The RESALE HOUSE antiques drop In and see our new depart ment, antique glass, china, furniture. The RESALE HOUSE FUEL . HEATING .38 FUEL Oil, Western Oil Furnaces, Heaters & Burner, TU 4-3873 lodqepole pine and pine body -any lengths, TU 2-370S, CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs & Heating Oils Metered Propane Sales S & H Green Stamps Open 24 hours 2560 South Sixth TU 4-3681 end TU 2-9260 PREPARE FOR WINTER STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" Fronkford Fuel Co. lo. fllohn St. TU 2-4444 WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS GOOD THINGS TO CAT 39 HONEY for Christmas-local, comb or strained, TU 4-8716, 1750 Wlard. BEEF, PORK, wholesale, custom butch ering, cutting, curing, ShamrocK Meats. 4 i7v snaM way, ru ; 4::s, ri; 2-0678. Boats . Pet - Sport Habbitt 40! BONNIE PUPPY FOOD Beef Chicken - Liver -Kidney - At Alt Stores. CHRISTMAS puppies, toy Pekingese, isl colors- TU 2-2030. AKC registered Golden femala and 4 half-breed pups, reasonable, TU 2-1322. MALE sable collie pups $50 each, regis tered, tinost Breeding, iu -ivyi. GET your AKC registered collie puppies Christmas. 125 and up. Phone TU 2-3121 Wed., Thun., or weekends, 4517 Winter. AKC miniature poodle puppy, terms, TU 4-4446, MOT Carlson Drive. NEW hlqh standard .22 pistol, 30.30 Savage ride, sell both for 180. Phone TU 4-3751. FOR sale Winchester 22 automatic; WANTED IWO 670 X 15 TITOS. TU 4-B5B6. TWO 6 mo. old Chihuahua puppies. 2-49)3. TU 'A aimav cnriit urtA c . for your pets. Dog & cat boarding, nest professional care. Heated sanitary kennels with outside runs, 24 nr. service, pickup 81 delivery. Special rates tor ilea ay or mommy poaraers, special aiien- tlon lo females in season. Visitors wel come. Shasta Cascade Kennels, ust past Mnrr ill-Lake view Junction, off Merrill Highway on Booth Road. Rte. 2, Box 504E, TU 4-5078. GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies, 4 mos. old, AKC reg., host blood lines. Excel lent Christmas Gift for the hunter. Rte. Box 504E. Shasla Cascade Kennels, TU 4-5078, ICE SKATES NEW ANO USED Trade In your skates JOE'S SPORTING GOODS M a I n TU 4-8778 1 RADIO - TV . MUSIC 41 MERRY CHRISTMAS KLAMATH MUSIC CENTER. 515 E. Moin TU 4-3360 e USED ORGAN e TRADE-INS BALDWIN THOMAS LOWREY - ESTEY EASY TERMS - SAVE UP TO $450 BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Main TU 2-4883 Television Service 4r House calls A JC Now only USED TV SETS From $39.50 up. All worronted. DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Years on 7th St." ) 26 No 7th TU 4-5121 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Co., Inc. Midland Road Because the holidays fall on Tuesday there will tie NO SALES Chrhtmas Doy, Dec. 25 New Year's Doy, Jan. I NEXT SALE -JAN. 8 Thanks to all who have made the past slcs so 5iic-;rs-,tij! Mora people consign 34,10 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S, proving Ihll Merry Christmas ft Happy New Yerr Office TU 4-9667 KLAMATH Cattle Sales, Inc. We wish to express our sincere thanks to oil our many friends and patrons for mak ing our Monday sales so successful through out 1962, And to everyone our best wishes for o VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! : "Woody" Gucck, Owner-Mgr. KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. Falls, Orfgon Tuesday, Drrfmber 25, 1962 HAD'O . TV . MUSIC WE pay cash for used p ano: Derby's Music. TU 4-5'2l LIVESTOCK 4 POULTRY 42 KLAMATH PROVED 5IRF SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-1HS, TU 4-4551, TU 2-4102 BONANZA Artificial Insemination $t" let. 545-2311 or TU 2-071. BABY ca't-es for sale. 845 Gary, phone TU 2-588. BBY clves ,,r ' or trade. TU 4-3607, 731? Au'umn MISCOR SALJl . 81 DOLL CLOTHES for Christmas, any slit. easonaoie prices, tu 4-avjl. BOY'S renewed 26 In. 3-speed bicycle, 120. TU 2-2460. 6 FT. Beer box, Inquire Andy's Merket, Weyerhaeuser junction. FINEST alfalfa hay. Inside storage. Den nli ranch, near town. H per bale, US per ton. Ph TU 4-4578 or TU 4-H9t. CASH ter farm equipment you went te sell comes tasf when you use low cost -M Ads Dial TU 4-1111. FOR sal I m m. Kodak movie camera with two new color films end light meter, i u GIRL'S full iln bicycle, good condl tion. 125, TU 4-8S60. TOPSOIL, concrete aggregate driveway i material, gram rock. j. M. Barnes, tu 4-7659, MASON sand, fill dirt, sandy fill. Cin ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4-4387. USED CLOTHING NEW METHCO CLEANERS WEATHER GUARD WATER REPELLENT FOR Shoes Canvas Clothing Camp Equip ment - Hats Gloves Boots Reg. $2.29 SPECIAL $1.99 PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 JOYOUS HOLIDAY SEASON THE MERCHANDISE MART Cofer's Exchange UNREDEEMED LOAN PLliOGES Guitars-Radloi-Tools-Camera'.Sliavtrl Sawing Machlnes-Watchei OUT OF PAWN Diamond Rlngi-Wedding Sets ALL NEW MOUNTINGS '1,001' Bargains Small-Short Term-Pawnbroker Loans 625 Klam. TU 4-7160 TRAILERS 51 TRAILER house tor rent, also trailer space, TU 2-6034. FOR sale equity 50 x 10 New Moon, 2425 Summers Lane, sp. 17. FACTORY traced Coleman L Internal'! mobile furnace service, parts, TU 4-8436. HOUSE trailer repair, trv Carr, Winter Ave. TU 2-1163. 1959 REX Trailer 8x45, 2 bedroom, sell or trade equity for smaller trailer. TU 4-6631 or see at Travels Sequester court. AUTO MISCELLANEOUS S3 Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul or Valve Grind Tune Up Is a Specialty I ai5V !t?!Pn.1 imont Call TU 4-9023 OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Lee Automotive Service Engine Tune-up e. Overhauling Autemallc Trans. Service LEROY HOOVER 2747 Bllbee .. TU 7 0340 COMPLETE RADIATOR t SERVICE CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE USED CARS ANO TRUCKS ... Si FOR sale 1950 GMC panel, good condition TU 4-9167. 1315 Summers Lane. DRIVE MORE MOTORS Will pay cash for cars. TU 4-3579. NINE peiienaer country sedan, 1956 mod el, 1 owner, mechanically sound, S650. TU 4-9315 evenln.i. FOR sale 195s CMC LWB Flfetslde pick up, V-8 motor, 4-speed, a wheels and tires, excellent condition, TU J-338. WANTED WE NEED USED CARS 1957 MODELS AND OLDER GET OUR BID LAST Central Auto Sales Betwaen S. oth t S. 7m on willow TU 2-1130 or TU 1-3204 TOP BUYS!!!! 'SI corvalr Mania, R H, Std. SUM. 'el Falcon Ranchero Pickup, R l H 3-speed SIStS, '41 Pontiec starcMef 4 Dr. Sdn. RtH 7S9S. '40 Bulck La Sabre 1 Dr. Hdlp. . . S709S. '59 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 Or. Sdn. $1395. DEAL RITE MOTORS J3I7 So. th TU 4-9445 Erv Dowdy TU 4-9730 Merry Christmas TOM TIMMONS Auto Sales So. 7th & Plum YULETIDE GREETINGS JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial SEASON'S GREETINGS from the staff and BOB and JUCK JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. PACE 11-A UStD CARS AND TRUCKS J5 iisi FIAT M0, 4 dr. station-Wagon, or wil' treat tor pickup, TU 4-3003. 19s. DesOTO 4-door, radio, heater, runs. Sell lor us. TU 2-005. SPECIALS '53 lnt-1 34 Ton Pickup .... $550 V Willys Jeep Pickup .... $450 7 'j KW. Portable Generator $450 J. C. Equipment Co. So. 6th & Hilyord TU 4-9230 May the CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Bring You Joy in Many Ways! DICK B. MILLER CO. Five Smoll Words, Each One True, Merry Christmas, Folks, To You! DALE ond "SHINE'' DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 So. 6th 'was the night before Christmas, and hearts were all heavy, 'cause dear old dad did not buy a CHEVY! George & Bob NOW You can take YOUR CHOICE 389: 54 Bulck Special 2-Dr. Standard transmission. 53 Bulck 2-Dr. Hardtop ; Sharp, sharp, sharp! ; '53 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan Completely loaded. '53 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Dr. Extra clean throughout. '51 Willys Jeep Station Woaon V-8 with overdrive. Wilson WILEY BU1CK 1330 Main - TU 4-3141; 429 So. 7th - TU 4-9203: JOE FISHER'S Christmas BONUS Specials 62 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 4-Dr. Sedan. White with red leather interior. Fully equipped Including air conditioning, power windows ond pewer seat, automatic speed control. One owner, low mileage. 5'd new just, one year ago for S7289. KjQ7 Christmas special 'J ' '62 FORD THUNDERBIRD !. One owner, low mileage. Truly In excellent condition. Christmas $"5007 special 07 SALESMEN - Dale Sechrist TU 2-5720 Roy Rinehort TU 4-9541 o Padgett TU 2-0637 Jim Ehreth Tl.l 2-0149 Martin Arnold TU 4-571 1 Elnalhan Davis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-8104 ECCLES MOTOR CO. e Next Summer's PRICES Right Now! 62 Tempest Coupe $2097 62 Mercury Monterey 6- Pass. Station Wooon $2697 '62 Pontiac Grand Prix Sport Coupe $3797 62 Mercury Monterey Custom 4-Door Sedan $2797 '61 Rambler Custom 4-Dr. $2097 '60 Pontloe Cotolino 4-Door ' Stotlon Wogon $2147 60 Plym. Fury Convert $1647 '59 Mercury Monterey 4- Dr. Sedon $1397 '59 Rombltr Super V-8 4-Or $1247 58 Cadillac '62' Sedan DeVllle $1997 '58 Pontloe Chieftain Sport Coupe $1297 '57 Bulck Century Riviera $ 997 '57 Bulck Spec. Riviera Coupe $ 597 '57 Ford '&' Ronch Wan. $ 497 :'55 Pontioc Starchlef Hardtop Coupe $ 397 55 Pontiac '870' Hardtop Coupe $ 447 '55 Rombler Custom Cros Country Stn. Won $ 397 '55 Ford Frln. 4-Or. Sdn. $ 397 '54 Ford Custemllnt J.Door ' Sedon $..297 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th TU 4-8124 ftrrn