U.Or 03E.LIBRA8T MSISPAPE8 SECTIO OBW.RBf.AIIB DOCUMENTS BIV. C01P. fcUG EMS, OSES. Best Wishes From ' Herald and News Personnel PUBLISHER William B. Sweetland EDITORIAL George Alotrico Helen Bechen Richard Brings Wesley Guderian Frank Jenkins June Johnson Donald Kettler Kuth King Donna Kyzck Jerry Waggoner Floyd Wynne CORRESPONDENTS Veslon Casey, Beatty Jo Deely, Lakeview Jo Dillavou, Bly Betty Dow, Montague Irvin Farris, New Pine Cr.. Teresa Foster, Summer Lake Barbara Jobe, Alturas Ray Kite, McCloud Cora Leavitt, Bonanza J. 0. McKinney, Mt. Shasta Emma Morclock, Malin Mrs. B. E. Murphy, Paisley Thelma Owens, Greenview Helen Parks, Fort Rock Claire M. Potter, Etna Flora-lee Reeves, Dorris Illys Reeves. Merrill Peggy Walsh, Dunsmuir Myrtle Wimer, Fort Klamath Darlene Wolff, Chiloquin ADVERTISING A. D. Addison James A. Allen Bculah E. Cotter Anna Marie Eck Jeanctte Hayden Elizabeth Hollis Jack R. Judd Edna Killmeyer J. A. McDonald Jack D. Pearson William H. Totten David Vctkos OFFICE Lou Hoselton Inez Ivcrscn Jack C. Morgan ENGRAVING Ernest G. Hcdlund Douglas Napier COMPOSING Lome Allen Dorothy Ankeny Lynn Arnold Dorothy Audiss Robert Bedal Jack Charlton Mavis Dick Dale Gallagher George Harper Lcota Harris Daniel Henry Leo Hulse Walter Johnson Chris Lampropulos Reynolds Morgan Howard Muff Ruth Spetz Andrew Valdez Wanda Whitney Donald Williams Paul Worthen Charles Zumwalt Gary Zumwalt PRESS AND STEREO Elmer Bramlett Thomas H. Burk Rav DcLonge William Foltz Clarence Glawc Charles Jackson Gary M. Jones PLANT SERVICE Mrs. N. F. Book Edward Johnson (iconic D. Williams CIRCULATION Forrest H. Alter E. J. Carpenter David Green Robert Hanev Fred Miller Larrv Nelson Marie Schlotfeldt Lloyd Taggart Harold Thompkin Ronald Williams If IljtliSil RICHARD 8.WIU.1S, 185a cat! 1. It came up on the mid night clear, That glo - rious song of old, 2. Still thro' the cl6 - ven skies they come, With peaceful vringsun'- furl'd; ,3.0 ye, be r.eath life's crush-ingload, Whose forms are bend-ing low, 4. For lol the days are has-t'ning on, By proph-ets seen o old, rm m 1 . 1 s 3S From an - gels bend-ing near the earth, To touch their harps of gold: And still their heav'n-ly mu sic floats O'er all the wca - ry world Who toil a - long the climb-ing way Withpain-ful stepsand, slowt When with the ev - er - cir-cling years, Shall come the time fore - told. Hi Peace on the earth, good-will to men, From heav'n'sall-gra-cious King; A - bove its sad and low - ly plains They bend on hov'ring wing, . Look now, for glad and gold en hours Come swift ly on the wing: When the new heav'n and earth shall own The Prince of Peace their King, r The world in sol - emn still -ness lay To hear the an gels sing. And ev - er o'er its Ba - bel sounds The bless -ed an - gels sing. O rest be - side the wea ry road, And hear the an gels sing. And the whole world send back the song Which now the an - gels sing. m eg A BLIZZARD WAS GONE. A starry beam fell upon glazed snow outside. Looking out that December night in 1849 at the wonderfully beautiful scene, the Rev. Edmund H. Scars re flected that peace could come to all the earth, ending the most violent of strifes, when the heavenly angels' message, "Good will to men,". was heeded. Inspired, Dr. Sears wrote verses that were set to music first by a fellow American, Richard Willis, who had studied music with Mendelssohn. Later,' Sir Arthur Sullivan, too, was moved to compose a musical setting for the ringing lyrics that have been translated into numerous languages for Christmas. y Kin; I calurci SjnJiulc, Inc. 1962 VVV -S i v tH l A TO, 1 . I.': -M J